Welcome to Age of Empires II HD: The African Kingdoms; the second new official expansion for the Age of Empires II universe in over 16 years. Challenge friends with four additional civilizations, new units, ships and technologies. Fight your way through the African continent with four campaigns and obliterate your opponents with a fresh batch of units under your command!
Name : Age of Empires II HD The African Kingdoms-CODEX
Genre: Strategy
Developer: SkyBox Labs, Hidden Path Entertainment, Ensemble Studios
Release Date: 5 Nov, 2015
Release Name : Age of Empires II HD The African Kingdoms-CODEX
Size : 1.9 GB
The game keeps crashing for different reasons like assigning gathering points , saving, building new const in certain missions etc….. any way to resolve the crashes
cant play standard game,HELP
game is broking after starting standard game
same problem with standard game..
Thank you anyway for the game!
Play standard “crash” :(
It crashes!!! Can’t play :(
Its broken.. crashed three time within 5 min of gameplay.
The game automatically closes when we try to build a building :(
game is crashing when i clicked set gather point
The game keeps crashing for different reasons like assigning gathering points , saving, building new const in certain missions etc….. any way to resolve the crashes
is this site real?
i love this game and i want to play this game
btw, the codex song is rly cool !! i like it
game is crashing when i set gather point
game is crashing and noone shows interest on it
yes you idiot
Doesn’t work. no standard no custom campaign both not working you f*cktards. i had to install many fixes too for it to work waste of time
u fix the problem or not yet ?
age of empires