In Anno 2205™, you join humankind‘s next step into the future with the promise to build a better tomorrow. You conquer Earth, establishing rich, bustling cities and grand industrial complexes, but to secure the prosperity of your people, you must travel into space. A scientific breakthrough in fusion energy promises to revolutionise all aspects of society. The necessary isotope, helium-3, can only be found in harvestable quantities on the Moon. Venture into space and settle on the Moon in the thrilling race for resource and power.
but the first time ever I get the 0xc000007b error message after clicking on Anno…
Tried everything except reinstalling windumb
Installed newest drivers (c++, .net etc via AIO-Runtimes)
Dear guys,
can someone please explain to me why my anno 2205 is laaaaaaagging like hell?!
i’ve got 6 gb ram, intel i-7 and a geforce 750 m; so a lot more than the recommended requirements. is my laptop not strong enough?? or is it because the cracked version isn’t working right yet??
@MediKnight laptops have a much much higher requirement due to the fact that they are made of entirely different hardware, your laptop isnt nearly powerful enough to run the game without lag, ALL game standards are based off of Desktops
The game works fin after installing both updates and cracking BUT the market options are unavailable, I cannot make a trade route with the space station which means i cannot sell anything on the entire game.., is their a fix for this? or a way to get a one time online connection to get initial market options? Thanks in advance
@TheEgg The solution would be to show appreciation to the crack team for allowing you to try out this game for free. And the show appreciation to the developers by buying the game with full features.
As the crack teams usually promote “If you like the game, buy it!”
Hi there, thanks for the game, runs well , but the save won’t work , auto save is enabled but , when i quit the gam ei need to start all over can you help?
Thx alot,
but the first time ever I get the 0xc000007b error message after clicking on Anno…
Tried everything except reinstalling windumb
Installed newest drivers (c++, .net etc via AIO-Runtimes)
someone with the same problem?
Hey Chosu,
I got the same problem man.
You’re not alone.
I also get the 0xc000007b error message :(((
I found the solution guys. Dont start the game on the desktop. Start the game with the Anno2205.exe located in …/Anno2205/Bin/Win64
Worked for me :)
Is it necessary to download the codex crack
Dear guys,
can someone please explain to me why my anno 2205 is laaaaaaagging like hell?!
i’ve got 6 gb ram, intel i-7 and a geforce 750 m; so a lot more than the recommended requirements. is my laptop not strong enough?? or is it because the cracked version isn’t working right yet??
greets, mediknight
@MediKnight laptops have a much much higher requirement due to the fact that they are made of entirely different hardware, your laptop isnt nearly powerful enough to run the game without lag, ALL game standards are based off of Desktops
Needs new links!!! all of the links are down!!
The torrent file doesn’t exist on the server.
The game works fin after installing both updates and cracking BUT the market options are unavailable, I cannot make a trade route with the space station which means i cannot sell anything on the entire game.., is their a fix for this? or a way to get a one time online connection to get initial market options? Thanks in advance
@TheEgg The solution would be to show appreciation to the crack team for allowing you to try out this game for free. And the show appreciation to the developers by buying the game with full features.
As the crack teams usually promote “If you like the game, buy it!”
Hi there, thanks for the game, runs well , but the save won’t work , auto save is enabled but , when i quit the gam ei need to start all over can you help?
Torrent Deleted :(
how to download