Ancient Egypt, a land of majesty and intrigue, is disappearing in a ruthless fight for power. Unveil dark secrets and forgotten myths as you go back to the one founding moment: The Origins of the Assassin’s Brotherhood.
Sail down the Nile, uncover the mysteries of the pyramids or fight your way against dangerous ancient factions and wild beasts as you explore this gigantic and unpredictable land.
Engage into multiple quests and gripping stories as you cross paths with strong and memorable characters, from the wealthiest high-born to the most desperate outcasts.
Experience a completely new way to fight. Loot and use dozens of weapons with different characteristics and rarities. Explore deep progression mechanics and challenge your skills against unique and powerful bosses.

NOTE : Game is OUT Now, Wait for Crack.
Title: Assassin’s Creed® Origins
Genre: Action, Adventure
Developer: “Ubisoft Montreal”
Publisher: “Ubisoft”
Release Date: 26 Oct, 2017
Release Name : Assassin’s Creed Origins-FULL UNLOCKED
Size : 37.67 GB
Assassins Creed Origins-CPY

Support the developers. buy this game if you like it. BUY IT!
Hell yeah!
not full one han
waiting for Crack thanks skidrow :)
add openload links
denuvo or not denuvo?
crack plss!
Game is yet to be released
Master skidrow
37 GB? i’ll wait for the repack one :3
same xD
To me, that’s pretty fine for a huge game like this :) Shadow of War was 67 Gb when it came out so you should consider yourself lucky ^^
tyy dude, w8 to the friday
And Wolfenstein?
apostas…quanto tempo ate sair o crack:
acho que ate amanha antes de 12 horas
O game só lança oficialmente depois de amanhã, dia 26, essa versão full unlocked aqui é só o preload que a Uplay libera pra vc poder deixar o jogo baixado pra quando ele sair
Então é melhor esperar baixar a que sai depois ou já pode baixar essa e esperar só o crack?
baixa o jogo…deixa guardadinho..ai saindo o crack e so baixa-lo, instala o jogo ai cola o crack..ai é só correr para o abraço e ser feliz
as vezes baixar a versao unlocked nao compensa, pois quando sai o crack sempre sai com a versao do jogo atualizada e o crack nao funciona a nao ser que eles coloquem a atualizaçao separada.
vdd..apesar que ultimamente isso nao tem acontecido muito…maioria dos jogos pro PC tem saido redondinho (tirando o Mass Effect Andromeda que so baixei quando pareceu a versao 1.10)…mas ai lembrei que agora estamos falando da Ubisorft, fudeu..huahuahua
Cara pode baixar, essa versão que que eles disponibilizam é a versão que eles estão trabalhando para o crack. Com certeza vai funcionar. Vai por mim! Já baixei e extrai todos os arquivos. Só estou esperando o crack.
sim eu sei, mas como falei tem vezes que o crack p essa versao nao funciona a nao ser quando eles upam a atualizaçao tambem. Vou aguardar sair o crack ai baixo, enquanto isso to baixando o wolfenstein.
sobre baixar eu sei..ja to fazendo isso para depois esperar o crack
mas achei q ja tinha lançado o jogo…bora aguardar entao
se o jogo for bom posso ate compra-lo daqui a algum tempo…recentemente comprei Fallout 4 na Steam por 36 reais…que diferença na epoca que saiu por 250..hahaha
Só vem crack, só vem :P
Nada ainda né? :/
Nao pq a Ubi colocou 2 proteçoes..huahuah
Alem do Denuvo tem um tal de VMProtect…os pessoal do navio diz que o Denuvo ja foi…falta esse novo
Wow for a huge open world game it has a decent size. Not like Wolfenstein or Cod zombies which are like 100gb
Thank you Skidrow!
when it will be upload??
faz o famoso sinal do ronaldinho
calma amigo…o nosso crack ainda ta no banco aguardando para entrar em campo..hahahaha
pero cuando el god edicion
aspettiamo con ansia l’uscita
o crack vai sai igual ao The Evil Within 2
the first no bored AC in the history?
I can not believe it, I need to prove it,
did you remember how good looked Mafia 3 on videos?
só esperando
Não consigo fazer o download da ISO, todos os links que estão em upload estão redirecionando para o próprio site do SKID, alguém ae conseguiu fazer o download da ISO?
ninguém pode por enquanto;) você tem que esperar até que os links estejam disponíveis para baixar o jogo ^^
Valeu Kévin, é que já faz um tempo que esta upando e eu ví que alguns já estavam baixando a ISO, achei que havia ocorrido algum problema! Valeu, cara!
ja tem no torrent da vida….mas melhor esperar aqui pois vc pode acabar pegando algum iso com virus e etc
Links please
this is ubu.
may take 2 month to crack
or 2 weeks
Max 5 days sounth park have denuvo and got cracked in one day
or you don´t have the slightest idea
South Park was cracked in 1 day . Dont talk when you lack understanding pls
I wonder if the crack can come out earlier than the game release date? Or it is locked by then by some missing code and crackers can’t start before release?
The crack is always released after the official game release ^^
didnt skyrim get cracked and released 1 day before its official release?
Yeah there are lots of games, evil within 2 was cracked day before release
Assassin’s Creed syndicate was cracked a day before the official release
Not true. Ive often seen games cracked before release date.
They need the game files to crack
they cant because it has a day one patch like the witcher 3 if you remember
From what I read, it appears that the digital version of game have day one patch already included.
Hi, I’m planning to buy a game but I would like to have it already on my drive. How can I move it to Uplay
after buying the game just start the download and pause it then replace the file with what u downloaded
But its gold edition
same you would just not be able to play the delux things anymore
( they will be locked)
p.s i think you can preload from uplay
But i will get key on 27th
and reanud download
TNX Skidrow Nice Game :)
destiny 2 please please
it’s impossible
Ja ta disponível pra baixar? Ou ta uploading ainda?
for fuck sake upload the goddamn fucking torrent already god fucking damn it i’ve been refreshing this fucking page for fucking hour
now we wait for the crack
It wont work anyway. This is not FULL unlocked. Its the preload. The files are encrypted and are for those who own the game
why i can’t see the links ?
STEAMPUNKS.Please Crack Assassin’s Creed Origins.
and CPY
Soon it will be done :) Patience please
thank you :)
btw i have requested for INJUSTICE 2 long ago……why it is not released yet?? :(
cuz is not for pc
lol wtf but its coming to PC tho so sit yo ass down and wait
Not yet ! But they’ll release it on PC next year it’s confirmed !
but its comming!!!
I mean… soon like a few hours or tommorow, or in a few days?
this is not the real codex, they never reply to the comments.
There is no way you can know… Game will be cracked in 48h ;)
how much soon tell me plz
how soon you
As always thanks for all your work, hope you crack this one soon.
4 the rest of people, remember they’re doing that for free, so don’t put too much pressure over them cuz, as i said, they’re doing that for free
where is wolfenstein 2
Think wolfenstein will be up tonight or tomorrow, lets hope it gets cracked soon!
I think it will be crack either codex or cpy
U R The BEST!!!!!
is it the full game on the torrent link
Hello guys, is this crack MULTI language ?
please codepunk
very good
if i download this preload, when the crack comes out I can use the crack for this preload?
Yes u can…
this game have PL language?
If your going to bitch about when the crack is going to release how you just buy the fucking game you fucking whingers
here comes the fucking moralist
Why are you even here if you want to buy the game ?
This is a pre load meaning you can download the game now and just have to wait for the crack. it saves alot of time when the crack actually comes out because all you will have to download is the crack itself which is normally under 100mb compared to 38.gb
I m downloading it .. n plz tell this is eng lang version?
Dude wait for proper game to release…..it does not have day one patch..and dont expect the crack to work even if the crack is released….it wont be for this upload….they will upload the crack within one day….as south park also uses the same crack as this….hence u can guess the time taken by pirates to crack it??
I know tht .this is jst preload n hve to wait fr crack. But wd u tell y release crack will nt work on it..
Do you know when crack will be available?
probably after friday
Is ths preload version in english? Plz tel
Multilanguage, ENG included
Bicho, acho que vou esperar o crack sair, e ver a reação das pessoas, se realmente vai tá tudo funcionando certin
Só eu achei que seram mais que 37 gigas?
does the torrent link work
crack this shit skidrow yeah
Alguien me confirma si tiene presente jugable y esta en español latinoamericano?
no esta crackeado todavia
Si ya sé que no , pero por algún rumor o algo, porque vi dos fotos de un presente jugable y era una mujer… y del español latino quizás por si alguien ya vio los archivos de las voces figuraba…
si, tiene presente y es una mujer. se juega en tercera persona como Desmond.
steampunks pls crack it we are waiting….
I’m downloading the game. I hope that later I can apply the crack and it is not outdated …
you will need the day one patch for the crack. it’s like 1 gb
ok thanks mate ;)
need help im new to pirating games.
Should i download this torrent now and wait for the crack or should i wait for the crack to be released with the full game.
Is it possible to download this game now and add the crack to it when it is released?
Yeah you can download this version now and add the crack later when it’s released so that you won’t have to download the game at the release date ^^
Is this version really a FULL UNLOCKED version ? When I’m downloading the torrent, it says preload :/
Wich languages are aviable ?
CODEX i waiting for Crack the game and thx u bro
Soon it will be done :)
how long we have to wait did u have any idea
The wait is real
seed please
Literally on steam on the EULA
it doesnt
Does. You are wrong. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denuvo
Which languages are included?
Destiny 2 please crack
Destiny 2 crack please codex
Que felicidade ver uma penca de brazuka aqui! kkkkk Quem é brazuka levanta a mão! o/
Sempre achava que era só eu de br que baixava jogos aki kkkkkkkkkkk
ah vai nessa. Um monte de gente utiliza este site, é mais visualizado que o xvideos kkkkkkk
we will have crack by 24 hours as soon as it gets released it will be cracked.
when forza 7 will release?
First review, but not really clear.
1. Is the combat system as demanding as a Dark Souls or is it guided as The Witcher 3 or Batman Arkham? maybe something like For Honor?
2. Do you lose experience and objects when you die?
3. Can you save the game at any time or are there specific places and check points?
4. Hard mode is for olders, a real or reasonable challenge?
I would buy the PS4 version on Amazon right now but websites never give the information that we require for being sure.
Ubisoft was brave showing a public demo of Ghost Recon,
why not a AC Origins´s demo?
So, once again we have to use this places for avoid this shit of industry that does not believe in their own games.
Hoping for a crack the same day it’s released
I need to prove it myself, I would buy on PS4 but I do not trust on websites or UBI.
crack please
crack ……………………………………………….
crack is on ?
Is there an estimated time when the crack will be live?
I am Denuvo{anyone can post those codex comments,u kno.
al final el juego saldra en latino?
Si sale en español (No se si mexico o españa)
Seguro, seguro, tendrá Español castellano. Ya, el latino, no lo sé.
107 seeders! 8(
What missions will we have? will be included that you get when reserving the game “The secrets of the first Pyramids”?
Yes as it is preloaded, the pre-order version basically
Tiene bajos requisitos para ser un juego tan grande y de este año. A ver si se dejan de mariconadas y responden en español como corresponde.
Éste Full Unlocked trae únicamente voces y textos en inglés, espero que suban el pack de lenguaje y en el se encuentre español latino o sino mínimo, español españa.
Por que dices que es solo textos y voces en inglés? En castellano (España) es lo que quiero yo. ya me lo había pre descargado…
Fijate que en la carpeta de soundata solamente aparece lenguaje inglés y el sonido de ambiente, aplicación, etc… toca esperar que suban el pack de lenguaje aparte…
ah vale. Sí, toca esperar… Pero pondrán el paquete de idiomas por separado? No me vuelvo a descargar el juego otra vez…
Yo tampoco me voy a descargar el juego de nuevo, tranqui que si no lo hace ésta página, lo hacen otras, pero 100% seguro que suben el pack de lenguajes aparte, paciencia por el crack y el pack, nada más, al juego ya lo tenemos
Crack probay coming out today.
direct download links of kabagi are down ..giving 404 error plz fix soon
Bem Vindo ao Navio Brazucas! Hahahahaha
e tugas :P
Can’t unpack, any help ??
recheck torrent. Or try winrar. and extract only first files. Others will unpack automatically. Mine is ongoing!
Vocês acham que vale a pena esperar o crack sair pra começar a baixar?
is that working?
Since this is a preload version, do we need an unlocker ?
how to install the game?
Oh fuck, it has denuvo, checked with uplay. Well they cracked Southpark in less than a day and it has denuvo. Has anyone started working on a crack?
It’s not denuvo…
It says so on uplay. And steam and on list of denuvo protected games.
This will be cracked shortly after midnight tonight! The update will be included with the crack! Work it out FFS!
for fuck’s sake xD
Can anyone tell what is this preload to release patch
summary: you need that file to play the game. it’s the .exe
But the file is corrupted or damage. Can’t be openned
it’s your antivirus or browser.
same problem file is damage
CPY Where are you ???? Please i wait for you
Guys day 1 patch has been released alongwith .EXE file, According to AC Essentials Launch timing for Asia, it should be available by now
So it means that the Day 1 patch will still be lauched today? ’cause this new preload with the.EXE has only 73mb… I heard that this patch would have at least 1GB
yes but those 73MB has .EXE which we need to run this game
But we need to wait for the crack to make it work, don’t we ?
Yup.Stop asking stupid questions
Is this gold edition………!
on top it says Deluxe Edition
It’s def gold edition, the files say so.
How long until crack? any info?
Which torrent is downloading faster right now?
1st one. I downloaded it at speed of 2.5mbps.
Not to seem impatient but how long do y’all think it will take to get cracked? I think about 19 hours.
this patch turn on Uplay.
we need wait for crack ;/
PRELOAD TO RELEASE PATCH what to do with this anybody knows??
Just copy/paste the content of the .rar folder into the main folder of the game ^^
but this patch open only uplay… so dont open it
you need to wait for the crack and update
thnx for the reply but i did it and when i opened it its asking for the code
Like Shin777 said, it opens on Uplay for now because no crack is applied to the game to make it work so you have to wait for the crack to be able to play :)
much thnx for you brother :)
Which website will the crack get released on first? Any ideas?
but is it mandatory to copy the preload? or I wait for crack?
You don’t copy the preload but you copy the content of the Preload to Release Patch into the preload main folder so that you have a .exe to launch even though you can’t run it for now because you don’t have the crack
and what’s the use of pasting the preload if it can not be executed?
It only adds the ACOrigins.exe file because you didn’t have it before
it’s the .exe application to start the game, but u need to wait for the crack otherwise it will just open Uplay
thnx for the reply
Thank you – And, just to clarify, If I’ve downloaded the preload files already legitimately through Uplay, I can still run the preload to release patch to be able to launch, crack permitting, correct? And as of the time of writing this, is there a crack as well that I have overlooked?
Deluxe edition?
Does it already comes with the DLCs?
If I have the original game I can download this and just open it?
Hi. what is the preload used for?
To get the files before the actual game release :) But you have to wait for the crack to play ^^
Please, let’s share, the seeders are practically zero!
how much time it will took to be cracked
Nobdy’s knows, but after midnight for sure
Seed guys, cmon ! <3
the community is crap, 7 seeders of 580 are online, let’s share more, you bitches!
same situation as you, 79% downloaded, but the crack isnt even out yet so let’s be patient
It’s nearly here guys
How do u say so?
Preload patch has just been added which wouldn’t be added unless crack is almost done
not really, they will crack the thing after the day one update. Could be tomorrow just like could be next week,
CODEX is working on it now so it’s not gonna be long to wait
I hope so!!
okie bruh
how do u know?
It would be awsome if it’s true !
it has been out for awhile incase you didn’t know
the preload patch not the crack dude
Yeah we know that the preload is here, by saying “It’s nearly here guys” Roberto was talking about the crack
if you read his comment below “Preload patch has just been added which wouldn’t be added unless crack is almost done” he wrote that 42 minutes ago. And the release patch has been out for quite some hours now.
Oh ok; mb mate ;)
yeah so don’t take his word for it, it’s probably gonna be a bit more than you anticipate.
Really? For this night?
How long did south park take to get cracked?
Language pack plis!
Una consulta, alguien sabe para que es el PRELOAD PARA LIBERAR EL PARCHE ?? gracias!!
Es un parche de 73Mb si quieres lo bajas y si no esperas. Es para hacer el crack
Pegalo en la carpeta donde hayas descomprimido el juego. Cuando salga el parche, lo mismo. Seguramente saldrá también otra actualización de lanzamiento.
Dale, mucha gracias !!
this soft is english only?
Can someone explain to me what is the patch about? Can you play the game without crack but using the patch?
No, you have to wait for the crack. Which shouldn’t be very long from now.
you need the patch the update and the crack.
w8 for cracks
please :'( im so exited
So I downloaded the torrent, highlighted all of the zip files and extracted them all. Did I do that right? If not, could someone please tell me how really quick?
Alguien que me avise porfavor comentandome por acá cuando ya esté el crack! GRACIAS
A mí se me ocurre una idea mejor: y si haces como todos y entras en la página cada cierto tiempo, en vez de que te hagan el trabajo?? o también quieres que te lo instalen y configuren? Madre mía lo que hay suelto sin medicación…
El trabajo? Que decís imbécil? es un favor, estoy haciendo lo mismo que todos, ya lo tengo bajado desde ayer, así que cerra el orto, metido de mierda.
Me cago en tu puta madre argentino de mierda, yo también estoy trabajando y entro, tontopollas. Por lo tanto, no vale la excusa. Así que mueve tu puto ” orrrrrrto” y haz TÚ las cosas, vago de mierda. Ves? Yo también sé insultar chabacanamente como tú ;). Por cierto, se dice “cierra la boca”, no el “orto”, a ver si encima de tonto y flojo, eres maricón, argentinucho de tres al cuarto!!!. Ale, sigue trabajando XD
Vago de mierda? yo también estoy trabajando pelotudo y se dice “CERRA EL ORTO”, “CERRA EL CULO” porque acá nadie te llamó, sos un metido, cualquier otra persona que no seas vos, tranquilamente al favor lo hace, no como vos, yo lo habría hecho y lo haría pero se ve que hay gente corta de mente como vos, enfermo, cualquier comentario para bardear o tirar basura ahí seguro apareces vos, donde seguro nadie te llama, preguntale a tu vieja si soy maricón jajaja, gallego cara de anchoa, como dicen allá JAJA
Anda y que te den porculo vago de mierda que lo no sabes ni hablar bien con un idioma prestado, eres morralla vaga y pútrida. Por cierto, cateto de mierda: no sólo se habla español en España, CATETO!!! que no sabes ni de donde te hablo XDDD. Anda y ve a follarte a tu puta madre argentinucho de mierda que no valéis para nada desde hace muchos años, no tenéis dónde caeros muertos…VAGOS!!!!! Ve a cogerte la concha de tu madre boludo!!!! (es que ni para los insultos valéis. Cómprate un perro y lo aburres que sois unos cansinos!!!!! TONTOPOLLAS!!!!
Que bando boludo, en serio, con todo lo que escribís no se te entiende un choto, al pedo gastarse con vos, insultos repetidos, cualquiera, ponete hacer otra cosa, yo no me gasto más con pelotudos como vos. ?
Y vago no soy, laburo, disculpa.
Lo de vago, obviamente, es por lo de que te miren otros la página en vez de hacerlo tú, no porque no trabajes. (que era a lo que venía todo esto desde el principio, antes de soltarnos ambos todas las mierdas que hemos dicho XD)
“bando”, “boludo”, “choto”, “pedo”….y tienes el valor de decir que a MÍ no se me entiende??? tú eres un hipócrita, tontaco, argentinucho ninguneado que no vale ni el rato de estar escribiendote esto. Eres un simple mono que salta cuando yo quiera. ESO es lo que eres. Ah! y además…UN VAGO!!!! (por cierto, mira como sí entras para mirar el juego…no estabas en el trabajo?? FALSO BOLUDO!!!! (en serio, vuestros insultos son pésimos, valen menos que vosotros….y ya es decir…). Anda, monito, sigue saltando para mí…
Que salta cuando vos querés? Jajajaja que decís, no das mas de idiota, dejate de joder, sos un chiste gallego, seguí enojandote y puteandome que me cagando de risa, dale, dije que trabajo, no que estoy trabajando, presta atención pelotudo jajajajaja hipocritq no soy, que se yo, si no entendes, jodete, que se te siga calentando la pava contestandome con puteadas que me da más gracia que otra cosa. ?
eres un hipócrita cansino del carajo, que no entiende ni de dónde le vienen las hostias. De paso también un mentiroso que dice primero una cosa y luego la niega. Ah!Ves como saltas???? jajajaja Salta más alto esta vez porfa!!! A ver qué me dices ahora, mono! No te das cuenta que cada vez que me contestas me das la razón, eres un mono que sólo sabe saltar para mí! Salta, monito, SALTA!!!! XDDDD
Espero que los gallegos no sean igual de boludos que vos y tan cerradoss de mente, te contesto porque estoy esperando el crack, cuando salga el crack, seguí puteando sólo si queres y yo no te mentí, o sea, trabajo, no soy vago, no estoy trabajando ahora, no es mi horario, que es diferente, si no sabes diferenciar de eso, hasta las manos hermano, ahí leí lo otro que pusiste jajajaja o sea no es por vago, me fijo en la página a cada rato, desde ayer todo el día, mas ahora que estamos hablando nosotros me fijo, no aguanto más, quiero jugarlo ya, de paso me entretengo puteandome con vos jajaja si estar aburrido es ser mono, no lo sabía ? a mi me chupa un huevo todo lo que decís, es más… me da gracia pero bueno, depende de cada punto de vista
Cerrado de mente serás tú, si lees mi último mensaje rebajé mucho el tono y tú sigues haciendo el tonto?? pues genial, estás dejando clarísimo quién es el cerrado de mente y demás tonterías con lo último que has puesto. Estás dejando claro que no dás para más. Y, perdona que te diga, pero me pusiste como excusa para que te mirasen la página “El trabajo”? eres tu el que no entiende ni lo que pone y por eso te llamé falso, porque no tenía pies ni cabeza lo que decías, sólo para intentar llevar razón. Lo que te está convirtiendo en un mono no es sólo que atiendes a todo lo que digo y saltas cuando te lo digo (como ha quedado claro en varias ocasiones) y, ahora también ha quedado claro que eres peor incluso que un mono. Porque un niño mono cuando ve, que le rebajan el tono (porque tú lo habías rebajado antes (en tu penúltimo mensaje) y he preferido dejar las tonterías, porque estamos esperando los dos el crack como si fuera droga XD), pues hace lo propio, que es dejar tonterías a parte, pero tú, no. Tú has venido a por más tonterías. Es por eso que quedas en el lugar que quedas.
Ya mareas con lo que decís, no puse de excusa el trabajo, no entendiste nada, me dijiste vago y yo te dije lo del trabajo? Entendes ahora? Después me explicaste que lo de vago era por el crack y el que arranco a tirar mierda fuiste vos con el primer comentario, y yo soy cerrado de mente? Sos joda? Es un burla jajaja segui diciendo mono, o cualquier cosa, no contesto más, nos vemos y quiero aclarar por último que no quise que miren la página por mi, que se yo, ponete a pensar simplemente, que yo me vaya a hacer otras cosasy que alguien, una buena persona simplemente lo haya hecho como un favor, diciendo simplemente, “compañero ya está el crack” y alegrarme el día, entendes? Pero vos decidiste pelearme y decir lo que dijiste, yo hubiese hecho eso, o sea no soy tan mala persona, no es hacer el trabajo de los demás y ser vagos, o sea está bien, diste tu punto vista, ya está, ya nos dijimos de todo, es eso, cada tanto ya me estoy fijando en la página, no es que espero por arte de magia nada(obvio que posteen el crack, eso sí) parece que lo esperamos como droga como dijiste vos, ya fue, si queres seguir diciendome cosas hacelo, saludos
Te copié la cita textual, así que por muuuuucho que lo niegues, lo has dicho, es más está en tu primera respuesta. Que no seas capaz de reconocerlo, eso ya es cosa tuya. Ya nos hemos tirado mierda suficiente para varias vidas. Me parece de muy “bienqueda” (no sé si tendrá traducción por allí) y que has terjiversado a drede, porque dudo mucho que no me entendieras bien lo que decía, ya que fuí claro en cada punto yo no te llamé vago por tener o no tener trabajo, si no porque querer delegar en los demás algo tan simple. Otra cosa que es cuestión de que quieras reconocerlo, también….
Ya dijiste anteriormente que no ibas a perder más tiempo conmigo y fíjate lo que duró lo que dijiste. Teniendo en cuenta que esta sea cierto, no me queda más que despedirme y desearte suerte con el juego…que es a lo que hemos venido aquí, joder! xD
Jajaja como digas, tengamos suerte que el crack salgo hoy y no se haga esperar más.
Hi Sikdrow Ready For Assassin’s Creed® Origins CRACK PLS QUICK !!!!!!!
cracks been out for 3 days Bro
And where’s that crack ?
Sorry , just messing around
Board , guess Ill go play Wolfencrap
CPY crack is fake same with steampunks. :) Links lead to survey shit
Give it 24 hours. South park got cracked in avout something like that.
for fuc* sake I am downloading the game at speed 50kb/s!! Come on guys seed dont be greedy fu*ks
Crack Crack Baby, a lot of people on this site are Crack Crack Baby’s
uptobox link are dead
It’s 4:30am already and im still waiting. Impatient af lol..
I can feel u bro, 3:33 here in my bed on my phone can’t sleep :(
Dude I cant dang wait , its exciting .. Hope this is good , have not liked a assassins game since Rouge.
I never finished the 1st one , got far but could never catch the guy at the boat yard , I did Finish all of 2 and the other 2 of the trilogy , Finished 3 and 4 . Rouge was not the best but was kinda a cool tie loose ends. Unity and Syndicate , I hardly played ti glitched out and seemed boring. I cant wait to go back to times older then Assassins 1, The newer ages after 2/Ezio tril kinda made me board — I like seeing old times , not the some what recent times…
This is lit im sure. Been watching livestreams, videos on youtube and whatnot. Can’t wait gonna go make myself another coffee. Oh boy.
yeah it look awesome , seems like its going to have the hidden puzzle areas I loved of AC2 that lacked after
Yeaah those puzzle areas have been soo damn exciting for me can’t wait to start the game damn.
patch unrar error
it does here , delete old and try again
answer its a 7zip archive
here is a free key code . F1gv-Ucjh-Clkn-Kmyh-You1
Sorry , Im board..
Sure you caught the 1st letter in the 1st 4 blocks lol
atleast its not a survey lol
iK , GO play wolfenistein till then xD I’maa go play cs!
LOL , I thought it was funny :(
The wait is killing me :)
Ill reply to you when I see it , if you do for me if you see it 1st , goes to my phone
viu oq falei, baixar versao unlocked é fogo, tem q baixar um patch logo de cara
exactly how long will it take for the crack to come out
exactly how long before the crack comes and what is the perload to release patch for
common steampunk or codex or cpy
i love you guys and i count n you :3
there is a lot of fake cracks of the game in internet
am waiting for the official crack
who have informations about the crack stage ??
Dunno what to say but its same ubi devs like FOR HONOR from MONTREAL.. and FOR HONOR STILL NOT CRACKED…
Is it up now ? :/ It’s not a repack and it’s only 36 gigs, it seems weird, i’d tell it would be more
nope, the size is right. check on steam and you see that the size is the same, 42gb
It’s only 36GB because it should contain only the English dub pack while all the other languages which are about 500MB need to be downloaded from the game settings
Not yet t.t
Does anyone have a ruff estimate of what time we could expect the crack to come out?
south park was cracked the day 1
and it’s an ubisoft game using denuevo
fifa 18 was cracked the fisrt day and it use denuevo
i think ac origins crack will come out today or tomorow
but it’s only my opinion
last denuvo games it took them day and half to release the crack
ok, Thank you for the infomation
Actually less than a day, southpark.
crack please come on
just right now i buy the gold edition :)
Im was tired to wait this hell crack ….
good luck ;)
buenas no me arranca el juego me lleva a uplay, falta el crack alguna solucion ¿?
Espera a que salga.
Aprende a leer antes, no ves que pone por varios sitios que NO TIENE CRACK AÚN??? Cómo cojones te va a arrancar entonces??
Claaaro, te recuerdo que dices que has intentado arracarlo y te lleva a Uplay…y yo te digo que si es que crees que eres el único al que le va a tirar sin un crack que, obviamente, pone en varios sitios que hace falta. Profesional, no, sé leer en vez de preguntar lo obvio ;).
When will the crack be released ? I’m so hyped for this game !!
Esperar al crackxD
Esperar pelo crack ( Wait For Crack ) já a gente a jogar o game e nós a espera de chouriços….. lol
Fuck im tired to wait this crack ! : )
I gonna buy this game.
bye bye
wait this afternoon or this night
or toworrow
i think the crack will relased
Yeah go ask mommy for money.Fuck off will you please?
please reupload the kbagi link, thanks!
they are dead :/
y’ou can use upload.mn it’s good
Im tired to wait :)
Let s buy this game
Bye bye
LOL, it just came out the 27… tried to wait ?
buy the game noobs
lol, jackass
I bet that’s you IRL. Gay, yes?
Give me some loveeee bitchers
Una patada en la polla es lo que te daba yo…XD
Says the guy calling people Noobs and to buy the game ? why you here any way if u ganna tell people to buy it ? Noob go away we dont want ya here. All I know is PC AC games never work right for near a year… not going to pay for a game that dont work right for a year, yet the cracked versions work perfect right away.
I bought Watch Dogs 2 day 1 , paid version still dont work , I run pirate version works great. UBiSoft / Great games but kills the game with DRM
I really don’t know why people who doesn’t want to crack the game bother to come to this kind of website -_- If you want to buy the game, fine, but don’t come here to spread your hate –‘
AnimeNator +1
Thats what i did ;)
i was tired to wait always always the crack so fuck off and buy it :=)
Why you here then noob?
fuck off some people dont have a lot of money to buy the game and if the people can crack the game then why the hell buy it lol
its very simple you fucking retard if no one would never buy a game than the developers would never produce games because this work has to be paid someone has ideas and creates games im sorry that you are a poor ass and stupid too!!!!
Il ont rajouter un patch day one pour opti le jeux. A mon avis Skidrow travaille en sorte qu’on puisse en profiter aussi il nécessite le jeux en 1.02 sinon sa passe pas. Bon courage mon pote merci pour tout les jeux #Skidrow&Paix
moi je suis impatient
wath is this ?
are you retard ?
why call him retard man, whats on the picture
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/29cc48f0edb5aec314fd74071051553cd5b77774139f0ba9f6417abf71fc612d.png Click here to install
language pack please
Before we need crack
Its Multi-Language .. no crack yet any way…. Seems you have crack…..
The game contain only english voice
I mean thats on the game maker side LOL
please fix the uptobox admin
Cmon CODEX how much time will you take now..please already get done with it pal…the heights of eagerness is crossed???
Almost done ;) 24h max till release :) Keep supporting CODEX
I do not know, but I believe that this update before the release of the game, was to give a little more protection to Denuvo v6, which according to Ubisoft, will not be easy to break.
They did a test with South Park and as it was broken in less than 24 hours, Ubisoft said it would protect the AC much
where does the source come from ??
Me encanta ver cómo la gente se inventa las cosas XD.
the update is for pc xbox one and ps4
i think it have no report with denuvo
Denuvo 4.6, like South Park.
Can someone please just tell us how long it will take 1 day 1 week or more
Nobody’s knows dude, we are all waiting here
huhu? the fukcing crack is out since one day where is it? why u dont put the crack on ur side ?
The crack is out since one day ? are you sure?
there is a crack out ??
Where dude?
is the crack out yet plz reply codex
Toplay. Is the crack realy out
Wolfenstein 2 is cracked, but not ACO.. :( wait…
where is the crack omgggggg
relax guys give them time
Yes, it’s true. then it was that the day of its release but Shadow Of War was cracked a day after it’s release, a problem with Denuvo I think. ACO doesn’t use denuvo?
ACO use the same version of denuvo that Shardow of War
Thank you, I didn’t know it ^^ !
how long will it take? Thank you
preload patch winrar seem to have problem to open the rar file. lets wait
It’s a 7zip file, download 7zip and unrar it in the folder. You still have to wait for the crack.
7zip also can’t. but i did download latest winrar and successful to open it. thanks mate.
still waiting crack as well. ^^
I have no problem waiting just tell us how long
the admin of this site doesn’t have control over that.
They’re doing this shit for free and ur complaining? smh…
u dont nothen kid ,,,,,, thet dont do it for us …. they do to black mail the compnies thats why we get the game ……
Have some fucking respect! What these guys do is amazing! If you can’t wait a bit for their hard work then fuck off and buy the game!
one more pice of shit ….. kid u know nothing ,,, stay shut,,,,
Oh really i know nothing! This is what i play my games on! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4e1c3478087bc230435924149d566b4aef2e3101915be07b8307627032059e25.jpg
Is that a dooby
Dude i love your pc! It’s fucking awesome!
this setup is not perfect , there is no cat
good “command center”! Someday I’ll have it like this haha. Greetings bro.
Do you leave your bed perhaps instead of buying pc get a real place to live.
I don’t get this, is chest hair cool now?
a cave is a good place to be lol. Roberto don’t forget to call your mum to cook for you :D
no ones arsed, you stuck up fucktard, i hope you outlive your whole fucking family including children to cancer. then we’l see how much your rig that mummy bought matters
bro are u drug dealer or some shit bro like wtf
I have every game there is,why? because i have shit loads of money! lol
But you’re on a cracking website waiting to get the game for free. Lol
I’m playing AC Origins already as i bought it! What i do is review cracked games! I have the best of both worlds! I’m not waiting for this so i can play it no no! I’m here because i can be! lol
Ohh really ???
It was you fucking idiot!
What do you do to have shit loads of money? I need money for my cat shelter =(
3×120$ displays. Yeh, you have a lot of money :D
I don’t think so! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/53da820ec4b7ecb054651ecc3f883abf80810af7c517ec3908b14f28fe652e8a.jpg
man that’s cool
too many blue light damage your fucking eyes but who cares :D
Noob u stop posting rigs from internet…u can`t even afford a game..
Posting rigs from internet? You know shit you fucking idiot! My rig is worth more than your house!
Get a life looser..
Oh i have a life! You carry on hanging around here while you wait for your free game you cheap ass mother fucker! I’m running around egypt enjoying AC Origins which you’re not because you’re the fucking loser (by the way it’s loser not looser learn how to spell you fucking asshole) and get back to fucking camels while i bomb around enjoying the game on mine! FUCK YOU! LOL
Wait, Wait , Wait, I call bullshit on this whole statement. Help me understand you bought the game and your running around Egypt now? then why in the hell are you here bitching at people? and it just so happens to be in the game comments of a game that you supposedly already have. it makes no fucking since. fucking stupid.
am i supposed to be impressed i run 9 screens pleb
I run 137, peasant
nice set up.. uhmm why not buy the game then?
nailed it bro :P
Bangali bujhi?
lol how do you think he can afford that set up :P
Really nice. I don’t like the xbox controllers though.
fuck you mother fucker. have some respect for these guys cracking games for us bitch
Bro, if you want them to release it and u think they tryna blackmail u must be stupid omfg. If u are really so desperate learn to crack ur self kiddo.
Read what you typed? Now … who is the “kid”? And please just take your retalin and relax. You want this game for free? Not getting instant gratification? Learn to wait! It will do you good. ;)
what a retard my god go buy the facking game and on the way there go buy yourself a live!!!!
Joona Ojala you are damn right. These retards can never be grateful.
dude, nothing is for free. By every klick on this site they earn so pls don’t tell storys
lmao it is free cause you arent paying them a penny dude….you are just downloading a cracked pirated game instead of buying it….so please keep your smart-ass words to yourself and do us all a favour by not speaking with your ass
Lmao you guys really need to grow the fuck up. Roberto Hall just said to
have respect for SKIDROW for giving us free games instead of bitching
around acting like immature kids shouting and complaining for crack….
and you guys attack him for owning a badass rig and for posting its pics
to shut some loser kids off?? what immaturity seriously…..there are
lot of rich people in this world and they are not all drug dealers or
those who live off their parents hard earned money….some gain good
jobs and gamers spend their money on pc’s consoles what ever they play
on….if you guys gonna open your trash hole of a mouth then talk
sensefully…..so many people posted in comments and on some web pages
why is it taking this long for crackers to crack this game….they have
their lifes to live not just crack games ffs…..who you guys gonna
bitch on about if they all decide to just stop cracking games? man what is this world coming to
just buy it you fuckin poor looser or crack it by youreself looser!!!
They doing this for free for us stop being such a spoil asshole they don’t have too be happy they working on it if you want it so bad buy it, that’s why a lot of groups stop doing it because of people like you they doing a great job, they just making sure they give us a good working crack not a half ass one
MMMMMMM ….fuckof
No! You get some money so you can buy the game and not be on here moaning but instead you’d be bombing around Egypt on a camel like the rest of us! lol
I like how you somehow shifted the burden of proof onto some random guy who literally understands cracks better than you.
I’ll ask you. Prove that skidrow & CPY & 3DM & any other popular cracker out there blackmail game companies.
That will turn this weird little flame rage into a discussion of at least slight intelligence.
But if you can’t prove this, and reply with something poorly spelled & badly thought out, I’ll just ignore you. Mostly to preserve my remaining patience for the rest of the world.
arrogant prick,go crack the game urself. skidrow should ban selfish b*tch as you. moaning when the team work hard cracking games
u dumb fuck they release the best game for free and u still complaining ur should be wiped from this planet u motherfucker
Can be possible.Though they do it for free,so they need an extra source of Income.But I still praise their contribution to the society of gamers like us. :)
@aliqaiser:disqus shut the fuck up u damn little pussies you know nothing about cracking if you know what the work is you should crack it for your own but i think u cant so shut the fuck up and let the big-Players do their job
@robertohall:disqus if you can buy a rig for more than a house is worth you shoud better go to a shop and buy a fucking copy of this game but otherwise shut the fuck up you damn little motherfocka
didnt you read? he did buy the game and is playing lmao….so you shut the fuck up dude….he said what he said to shut the fuck up a immature kid for bitching about game not being cracked yet and those ungrateful people were attacking Roberto….meh one more kid
chutiya ke bacche!!! BHSDK chup ho ja !!!!!
If crack doesnt come today or tomorow thn it wll mean it wll take some time to crack …
I’m rapping this page with refreshing??
When will be crack ready ?
When will be crack ready
Damn guess i’ll just have to wait. Anyone know why you need a password for CPY’s crack?
crackkk pleaseee
because the crack has not yet come out??
liens uptobox dead
lin uptobox dead
ACO uses the same Denuvo version as Shadow of War, i can’t understand why it take this long to crack it. Be strong Skidrow!
how long for crack dude?
The seed is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO slow
i am waiting …
Please cpy, steampunk or codex anyone of you please crack it . I can’t wait more time
Done downloading waiting for the crack i hope they release it soon
welcome to the club :(
why you sad?
wait… I downloaded the second torrent (3dm game) now what do I do? for installing the crack don’t I need to install the game first???
wait the crack isn’t released
Okay, so highlight all the zip/rar files and extract them all into one file together. The copy the game files inside and paste it into the area you want it to be (Such as programs x86) and download the PRELOAD RELEASE PATCH above and paste it in. Then once the crack comes out in a few hours, do the same with it. Let me know if you need me to be more specific :)
alright thanks bro!
I have now went to cpy site and I downloaded crack they got it there now
can you post a link please??
They are scene groups” and “scene groups doesn’t have website”. All links will be scams and virus sites. Just wait for the crack on THIS site. You are welcome.
oh pls don’t lie, if there is not on skidrow that menas no one has the crack that some bullshit websites with viruses don’t believe him
is not real. don’t listen to it
they have it on the cpy site now though? and comments under it saying it works?
Cpy has no site..its fake ..
can i apply cpy crack on skidrow AC origins files ?
Cpy has no site . If crack is available it wll b here… scene group dont publish crack in ths way
those videos on youtube showing the cpy crack for AC origins are fake ?
they do have
I put link here and it says: Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by skidrow-games.com.
I put link here and it says: Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by skidrow-games
what the password for the .rar file?
https://cpygames . com/assassins-creed-origins-cpy-crack-pc-free-download/
hey dude can you upload the crack onto a google drive file? openload is blocked by my ISP… :(
I give you my facebook name and you write me there ok i give you link
so the game is working for you with the cpy crack ?
Yes it is working for me I played one hour now
did you install the preload patch also ?
Yes and then I inserted cpy crack files in there run the game and it opened I played for 1 hour campaign
“what is your fb name so I send you link to site cause I cant here because it says it needs to be aproved
it says on fb you are not available
I sent you friend requiest
Send me too Robert Banjad is name
so is it fake or what?
… not.
Could you send me the link for the CPY crack if it works?
https://cpygames . com/assassins-creed-origins-cpy-crack-pc-free-download/
it’s a fake site. cpy has not site!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, I will try it!
LOL.dude it asks for a password.
I scanned it it has malware on it so no thanks
your choice. I’m not the guy who sourced the link.
enjoy malware then :D
He is right, I looked at it. There is no reason for it to be an installer. If it isn’t a RAR file that it wants you to download, it isn’t safe. I recommend we just wait a little bit for the CRACK here.
Its a rar for me…
what happened to freedom of speech? and the “guy” is currently sending me the unpacked file smh
why are you fucking around with people posting links to pass protected stuff that goes to endless ads lmao fuck off kid
fake, .rar file has no password only sends you to ad sites to complete survey. Why are you fucking around with people dude?
freedom of speech, did u thought u are on some political shit or what?
That site has sonic forces cracked, that game will release in 10 days?
EDIT: more like trustable
post one screen if work
hold on, let me have my own game work first but cpy is a trustable website. just look at watch_dogs 2 on skidrow, its from cpy.
stop fooling around people
there is a rar file at the cpy site, but it asks password. fake i guess.
well… shit.
you said it worked 5 mins ago lmao
it’s a fake. the crack doesnt exist for now
stop misleading people. They can test it out for themselves.
post a link then
Skidrow doesn’t allow posting links here.
thats not a website. no website has .o at the end.
cpy has not site!!!!!!!!!!
Oh ffs… I’m testing it out but the signs look good. If you have problem you can go and find the crack yourself.
post one screen and we believe it
if you can’t give a link, can you at least give some words for googling?
my game works now
I try to dowload since cpy and it doesn´t work
Its a fucking gyp
Crack in 48h ty for patience
Pyramid hunt soon :)
Anybody knows another page where i can looking for the crack?
Dezo gozo is fucking with us
Necesito el crackkkkk, no puedo esperar massssss
For the love of god just tell us how long it will take
they can’t know ok?, Skidrow is not working on the crack. So if u can’t wait just buy the game
excuse me, i dont know how to use PRELOAD file. I cant to extract it ( Pre file ), no need it?
Just put it(rar file) in the game folder?
just extract it and paste the files in the game installed folder
That’s already been resolved for me. sry.
no problem
I hope that ubi doesn´t fuck again whit this assassin´s game, i really want to see the assassin´s saga as we all seen it before, like an awesome saga.
Waiting for the crack, thank you skidrow and all the other scene groups
this surely is taking some time. Not complaining or anything, am just really eager to loose myself in da desert and hallucinate some. U know, to get me some of that “overheating trophy”
Any one have the password for the cpy crack?
where is the crack it has same duenovo bs as the other games and i’m sure the demand for this is huge where are the “crackers” ;) if you don’t mind me asking we need them crackers anyways goodjob niggas
Has anyone got this game up and running yet? If someone has a crack and can run the game, could you point me in the direction of the working crack if there is one out?. Thank you
There is no CRACK at the moment, but it is very likely that the CRACK will be made available here before midnight tonight EST.
Ok, Thank you for the information on the status of the crack.
your source pls
I’ve heard you mention a couple of times that the crack will be available before midnight tonight EST time. How are you sure it will be? The reason I ask is because you seem quite determined….Do you have any sources?
Going by the resent trend of games (Including Ubisoft ones) That used this same version of Denuvo, It is very likely that there will be a crack by midnight. If I am wrong, Then by noon the next day at the latest. South Park took less than 30 hours to crack.
suppose crack will be here once “Mega Uploading….” is finally complete. Has anyone else noticed it going for over 5 days now?
Can’t wait anymore, I bought the game. I can tell you that the game is lit.
proof here https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/23f64caa8f261ea04d8ee760bd98555c506a606bc6b3f71869f086ab9fdbcd53.png
same. Hope they are happy now
Vou para a faculdade e vou deixar o pc ligado semeando o torrent, bom download pra vocês, ta 100% o meu ja
I bought it now. Hope they are happy but i couldnt wait for their crack so they deserve that i buy it now
Calm down dude. If you want it so badly support the developers. BUY THE FUCKING GAME!!
ok give me 60 dollars
point man
normally theres iso files which I am fine with, but this just to make sure I’m not being retarded….unpack just on WinRAR to a folder, move release patch to finished folder location, run AC.exe from that folder, then move crack into install location folder? someone please confirm if any of that is right or wrong
my comment was deleted after it showed for some reason. can someone confirm I have these steps right
extract rar files to a specified folder
transfer release patch to that folder
run AC.exe from that folder
When crack is ready transfer that to install folder chose when installing
Sed pacientes antes despues saldra,
How long does it usually take to crack a game
This game uses the newest version of Denuvo (An anti Piracy software). Two other triple A games that came out this month had the same exact version of the software. The first was “Middle Earth: Shadow of War”. It was cracked in 24 hours after release of the game. The second was “South Park: The Fractured But Whole”. It was cracked only 12 hours after the game released. It is expected that this game will be cracked before midnight tonight EST. Let me know if you want to know more.
Where is this info coming from? I keep hearing it and want to check it out myself.
go on reddit/crackwatch
yes plz, can you tell us when you have new information, thanks dude.
Thank you for the reply
@praise@disqus_GrM22NcRMW:disqus u sure bruh?
is the crack out ?
Nope. Still waiting
In 1 or 2hours TOP the crack will be release. Remember me from my post Shadow of War, everybody was skeptical until they released it. It’s close be patient. 2Hours TOP
I think you are right, The last two triple A games with Denuvo that came out this month were cracked in under 24 hours.
the released time is on skydrow reloaded game thats it ?
i think you are right, 1 or 2 hours from now TOP the crack WILL be release.
It’s midnight and the crack is not relased
what is mean TOP?
The crack is now underway.I can feel it.
I hope you hear that …
I really hope that we can get this crack untill tomorrow :P
Please, release the CRACKen…
lol I expected this sooner or later but still made me laugh
My life right now
Wait, my game is only 33Gb not 37.67GB as it’s written on the website.
Do i need UPlay for this?
Nope, In a few hours, the CRACK will be made available and you will be able to just launch the game and play it.
can’t waittt anymore!!
Only for payed version.
What’s the difference between the FULL UNLOCKED and the gold edition ? Thanks
Damn i cant wait anymore im too sleepy i guess ill check back in the morning :( good luck to the guys at Skidrow trying their best to crack this though.
Well you are retarded if you think Skidrow crack games. Skidrow is only UPLOADING cracked games, they don’t crack them. CPY, STEAMPUNKS, CODEPUNKS are the guys who can crack Denuvo-Protected games.
You should kys for reading old comments and giving others shit mofo.
You commented this shit 5 days ago… How is this “old”?
CPY crack and Steampuck cracks are released…or is fake? cause you must complete an offer :/
he is right bitch
skidrow doesnt crack shit
Bro Please Tell Me How To Install Setup It Is Not In English
You’re the caps lock master ! But i have to upvote this…
you did a 25 years old joke so i have to upvote you too….
you respect that joke so i have to upvote
youre both retarded, so i won’t upvote this
I am retarded, I just down-voted you
confirmed boiss, i am retarded too so i have to downvote you and upvote myself
i’m sofa king we todd it
ubisoft I do not intend to buy the game I’m not in a hurry to get all of them out dlc I’m not rich.
this game does not have deeeeenooooovvvoooooooooooo you returd
Your the retard, retard! This game does have Denuvo educate yourself before u call someone a retard ya dumbass. xD https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denuvo
Chk Out The Steam Page It Does Not Say Anything About Denuvo You Returd
Really dude are you that stupid? Why do you think its taking so long to crack? Read the comments everyone here knows the game is using Denuvo except for you. lmao
It is Vmprotect Over denuvo
just checked it it’s exe. the game uses denuvo 4.6. so you are dismissed, fag.
…….VMProtect is what is taking them time to crack Denuvo… VmProtect is ..PROTECTING the denuvo software, like it was designed to
It does denuvio….stupid fuck
They use VMProtect u dummy lol gtfo with that trying be smart shit if u dont know shit XD It’s similar to denuvo
wtf ?
Chk Out The Steam Page It Does Not Say Anything About Denuvo
It has denuvo.
on steam it says it does not
Youre such a idiot! So what it doesnt say it on steam it has Denuvo you dumbass! Here is the wikipidia list of games using Denuvo. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denuvo
Dude open the Requires agreement to a 3rd-party EULA in the steam store for this game the brown color one and then scroll through the license stuff . U will find the line which says tht this product has denuvo anti tamper DRM.
Can I ask if you’re retarded or just trolling?
If he’s retarded he wouldn’t know Lol~
The game has denuvo you retured -.-
Hope you die from anal fungus.
the game will crack after months legit news…
no dishonored 2 was also cracked after months when the game release …
still it doesn’t make that “legit news” so just shut the fuck up
u pice of selfish shit ….. r u sucking the cock of CPY or STEAMPUNK u dont nothing ….BITCH!!!!!!!!
You don’t know nothing either, kiddo..
dishonored 2 cracked after months and middle earth: shadow of war cracked at the launch day
vmp and denovo
A link?
You say that, like that people buy the game.
crack soon so wait guy
because ubisoft is paying money to hackers to not crack the game ….
ahahah if ubisoft know who was the cracker theyr were in jail actually.
Stop fake news thanks ali g
yes bro
we at Ubisoft does not negotiate with terrorists.
I can just hope that you’re on cocaine…..or we’re literally fucked.
Dear comunity the crack will be released today at midnight we are working on it we need to fix some thing but it will be done today! Please be patient and lean back and relax!
Sounds nice…..
fake or real??
Is this real comment? Is it really being cracked tonight?
If it’s really true that it will be cracked tonight at midnight, it’s beautiful I look forward to you are the best my gods! * – *
Hope so..!
???? really?? #D wowwwww ^^ thanks thanks !! :D
I’am waiting !
the crack releases today????????
I would love it as well <3
I don’t think so
It’s a fake
wait and find out!!!!!!
Will it be the crack only, so i start download this one. Or a complete repack? Thanks Steampunk y’all makin my halloween!
Where is the crack?
wait for crack bro
it’s midnight, where is it? where? crack?
It was all fake
Where’s the crack dude? It’s past midnight. Did you got confused between midnight and fortnight?
Of course this faggot was lying
Now everyone knows this bald cocksucker is lying
Where is the crack please give us the exact date when will you release the crack
Its not like they have a time limit to crack it. The way its looking it could me months before a crack
Guys have some respect.
This game employs denovo protectect VM ware in which the code will be executed in virtual machine which becomes difficult to crack and teases CPU. So let’s have faith in them and wait for the crack. I’m sure they will do the job as early as possible
did the crack got released ?? if yes where is it ?
not yet ,just wait ,it will be very soon.
this have denovbo with another thing thats why the rendiment is so freaking bad even being original
please tell us the exact date when the crack will be released
are u stupid or what? it will be released when it will be ready.
If it will be released when it’s ready, then they should tell us when it’s ready! :D
Jk. I’m not that dumb. But seriously, we’re ALL excited for this game. Just calm your tits TarunChand Koganti. It will crack eventually.
You are a big noob as it will not crack eventually . it consists VMProtect. the reverse engineering tools are no longer used to crack it.
if youre are that excited for the game then go and buy it you bloody bitch.
I did buy it..? But okay buddy, let’s see how arguing on the internet is going for you…?
You have an incredible inferior complex mate… Oh and it will be cracked, I’ll admit – not as soon as we all hope – but i digress; It WILL be cracked.
I won’t even delve into the blatant inability to process & understand text, but my intention was to try and show that crying for the game to be released doesn’t do anything (except brown your once white undies) to the rage pile above.
Not sure how you were able to project anything remotely nooby, or bitchy. But hooray for pharmaceuticals, eh buddy? I imagine that if you can get THAT upset at anonymous strangers on the internet – how you doin’ with life?
(Also LOVE the irony of you chewing out someone for not having respect in reply to him calling someone else stupid, then the immediate follow-up of you inferring he didn’t “think before [he] comment[s]”. Nice)
if you can understand the above one then………………………………..
in order to give a reply to me , you have created an other account with name devil guy’s mom. so pity of you . if you are taking serious even a piece of comment from an anonymous person then i pity you. why are you wasting your time
I’m glad we feel the same way now :-D
I’ll never see you again, except in hell. Yay
You retard I am asking if anyone knows any news about the crack when it will be released.
Do you think didn’t I know that
It will be released when it will be ready.
Since you are a noob and you don’t know the date when it’s going to be released you have no right to give a reply to me.
Stop reacting to comments which is none of your business you greenhorn.
bro You should have some respect you should not call someone stupid as you wish
he is feeling excited about crack what is the stupid thing in it?
think before you comment
dont post such meaningless words under the name of steampunks. You are damaging the reputation of our steampunk members. I am a member of the steampunks and i warn you not
to misuse the name by posting fake discussions.
Really if you are a member of STEAMPUNKS then can you say when will be the VM protection get bypass which is protecting the DENUVO
bro when do u think this will come out ???
few months because let the engineering tool get more faster to crack VMprotection
We are working on it
The reverse engineering tools are not affective against it . We have deviced a new method where we will not actually
Crack it but we will release a crack activator
Which makes the game believe that the game is being played with legit license.
Very Soon it Will be released
Stay tuned
oh thats great can we play it online
Assassin creed online you retard or you 2 years old???
No I have only asked you that’s impossible I know
will it need Ubsoft activator???
wow thats great news and good job to your team
and need for speed payback crack ?
If you are a true steampunks member tell me if this new cracking method will require a connection with a steam or uplay account or it will work like offline crack
its offline
and star wars battlefront 2 cracked
so after how many years it will take to release crack activator
you are not from steampunks team stop being fake
We’re not here to prove our identity that we are steampunk members
We are here to know the opinion of public
hello mysterious guy whenever it comes out crack on assasins creed origins and need for speed
playback exact date?
We believe in Steampunk You are a strong team I wish you health and wellness, my little sisters of respect
steampunk when does it finally crack?
today at midnight on what day?
It is not gonna get cracked this year i guess
You too naive
naive? lol.. you even know meaning of the word? naive would be to expect it in a days or weeks.. if you are expecting it next year that is not naive :D
Stop lying asshole.
fake…………game devs like codex,steampunk etc never replies …
They aren’t developer. They’re hacker.
They aren’t HACKERS…. They are CRACKERS, its not the same thing…
is it true
Fuck ur mouth … 7 days done …but i didn’t see any kinda crack here -_- ..are u talking about a magic
thank you
When it will be released. U bullshit
Not for Windows 10
holly shit your game is shit i don’t like your games because it have no crack only uplay or steam and i still recomended all gamers that tom clayn’s ghost recon wildlands is far better than assisian creed origins pc game atleast it’s support all 5th generation graphics card with no issues and assissian creed origins have some issues to be fix like crashing sometimes and not playable and its also compied from ghost recon wildlands like eagle eye watch and in tom clayn’s ghost recon wildlands drone eye watch are same and hiding in bushes are same like wildlands.
type louder pls
fuck what??? is no CRACK shit
If you guys want to play the game so badly. There’s a solution.
Buy the game :)
Not getting my money for sure. 2 years and still shit performance.
They do their best to satisfy you. You’re an aggressive person, your parents should remove your computer.
Oh damn it’s 0:00
The crack today ?
It will be available in 1 hour
Are you sure ?
yea there was post in reddit like 15mins ago by Cpy but it was deleted cause it violates rules
What sub Reddit did it get posted in?
maybe soon you write to google like assassins creed origins cracked denuvo and there will be some media sites that will write this game was already cracked
how do u know it was the real CPY?
Good question
it was written by this guy. https://www redditcom/r/CrackWatch/
is it real cpy´?
I don’t know if it’the real cpy ? :
check this. https://www reddit com/r/CrackWatch/comments/79630g/tomorrow_you_be_mine/
I’ve been checking /r/CrackWatch and nothing has been said or deleted. You are retarded. Troll
how are you so sure?
yes cpy wrote on reddit but it was deleted cause it violate rules
if thats true I am shitting bricks right now
me too man I am excited for this game hopefully modern day will there be too
cade o crack velho
it will soon be cracked check picture guys https://www . reddit. com/r/CrackWatch/comments/79630g/tomorrow_you_be_mine/
these links you keep spamming here as proof is not proof at all. That is just a post by someone on the crackwatch subreddit who is assuming that the crack will be out tomorrow…. just like everyone else here…that post means nothing :P
ja tem crack galera, porem nao consegui postar aqui. procura na pagina do cpy e do steampunks
dont post fake news man, dont confuse people
check yourself
For those of you wondering:
Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 (9 days!)
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider (8 days!)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite (6 days!)
Total War: Warhammer 2 (Day 1 crack)
FIFA 18 (Day 1 crack)
Middle-earth: Shadow of War (Day 2 Crack)
South Park: The Fractured but Whole (Day 1 Crack)
Assassin’s Creed origins is using the same version of Denuvo as ALL of these games. I will leave it to you to figure out how long you think it will take. The further down the list you go, the more recently they were released.
ty for this
This will be cracked soon guys so show CODEX some respect for the hard work,some of the bullshit comments I’ve read on here are out of order.If you wanna play the game now then fucking buy it,if not shut up until their fine work is done (you won’t be fucking moaning then will you!)
wut specs u have for system
Do you like this guys? I do its really good :) https://www. youtube .com/watch?v=1rmo3fKeveo
Hello guys we just want (if is possible) some info about when the crack comes out.ty
if its done
https://steampunksgames. com/assassins-creed-origins-steampunks-crack-pc-free-download-torrent/
for 500x, it’s FAKE OK? F A K E!!!!
FAKE Confirmed
do you like this guys? Japanese drums https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=qupswFhMCxI
Hey thanks, I quite like it
the crack will release after 6 months solid news
xD great
thanks, now everyone go to sleep.
you got me
Thank you, Vrey Nice Work … Skidow , Codex. Etc. Waiting you know
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1e22b867dece46e2de0da12872efa263ff9936348413c03c6e92487991108ff1.jpg ITS HERE!!!!!
Edit: it was a fake :(
die pls.. fake
if its real i am gonna die :D
just come with the link babbbbbby
you are fake
this photo just got posted and instantly eliminated on reddit, it was from an account already known for fake posts
omg really? :(
for fuck sake………
but that guy got me good with that picture :(
fckng kidding me
Who posted it
https://www. reddit .com/r/CrackWatch/comments/7971i8/assassinscreedoriginscodepunks/
this post, not deleted at all, it was the message quoting it in another thread, but still fake
Guys I just want to thanks my buddy who saw that I was crazy about this game and he bought me the game ;) I got a golden buddy
I am jelous man
Thats a real friend right there
I’m not even kidding https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0054544c93ed313b3bc940922dba99e4b664fba239ab1e549d4e8095019256c5.png
ta des vrais potes toi.
Bien Jouer Régale toi
you fucking kiding omggggggggggggg
I know dude, he’s awsome !
I was never lucky man did you play the game already or you imstalling
yep I played the last two hours, the game is fuckin awsome !
I want to ask is there present day?
It’s kind of a spoiler if I say this so don’t read more if you don’t want to know if there is a present day: (((((yes)))))
good because I got all assassins creed games but I dont have origins cause its expensive but syndicate was shit it had 10 mins of cutscenes of present day and you could not even play
yep I agree, syndicate was shit, I didn’t even finish it
here I add picture it is my favourite game but I buy origins when its cheaper https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/050a119de24bf9adab54f837d88510f2029a2a2b4451c96c6daf75c0978bafc0.png
assassins creed 1 i got on steam
nice dude, I’ve played to all of them but in console, I’m in gaming pc since 3 years
I show you picture ok
of course there is a present day, i mean animus is in every AC so it’s not a spoil
He was talking about playable present scene not like those in Syndicate
bruh, the entire game was shit
but syndicate had only 10mins present day cutscenes since desmond died present day is shit boring
Where? For real?
please link
cade o crack caralho
ainda não tá rolando esse retado
Almost there
this will not be cracked at least 2 months
2 days max
Please shut the fuck up
Dude, it has the same fucking anti tamper software as shadow of war and motherfucking southpark.
Is that real guys? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/208a0c6120345510643a90ee392ccc3a615c93b24dac0bbe05a2fb08d7b04162.jpg
No. Fake.
Please god give me origins I will do anything I got all assassin games just not this one :( but for now I cant buy cause its expensive. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/050a119de24bf9adab54f837d88510f2029a2a2b4451c96c6daf75c0978bafc0.png
get some help pls
because god have do a shit and is a fake
you are fake
sure xD this world is a big fake but its ok go and Pray something.
I do every sunday man
then you do something wrong the world is bad :)
come on man I dont force religion on anyone why you are ugly to me just cause I believe to god
because god is a big fake and blind Religion is stupid as fuck. But if you can give me your
proofs because god then i shut up :) so easy or dont ask me why.
well you dont respect others believes sad you must have a hard life…
you can belive what you wont but from belive alone its not true buddy
Oh look someone gave a donkey a keyboard lol!
and i not ugly to you just to God and Religion
okay man
cause its my fv series?
First of all, GOD IS FAKE , second , be patient my friend
god is real man read the bible he is great
the soon you wake up and better you live
man I live since childhood in christian family
So are you against homosexuality and abortions even in the cases of rape and incest?
where did I say it?
Christianity as a religion is against homosexuality and abortions.
wtf why u guys talkin about religion on a site for cracked games ahahahaha can’t believe this shit, impatience can kill the man.
Guys seriously Read Gnosticism
yea :D
hahahahahahaha true brotha
Wow religion debates on a crack website must be bored as hell.
yes man!!!! i m still playing shadow of wars in the wait of AC origins.
I can’t get into shadow of war right now got bored of itlol Wolfenstein was awesome but I’m playing mario odyssey atm!!! Pretty awesome!
ahahaha u should try shadow of war its not bad
guys please
Everyone is free to do whatever they want I dont force anyone or condemn anyone
whether youj believe in god its up to people I dont decide for anyone
when u live in christian family whole life of course you will believe in god.
Catholic since 1995 that’s when i was born(was sleep) , ashiest since 2016 that’s when i woke up
I am 1994
1996 woke up 2010
Spider-Man is real man read DC comics he is great
its just a cartoon made up
Spider-man is marvel you dumbass lmao.
I am trying to be paintent
be patient, it’s always like this.
Do u have the division pirated version or original? Bcoz it also not cracked. If u had that then please share the link
oh you were the idiot trying to fool people into downloading on the cpygames site
Can i download the full game and then download the crack separately when they release it?
I read on reddit crackwatch ! Someone said codepunks has cracked it . And Even on corepacks the administrator said next repack ac orgins-codepunks. SO I assume it’s cracked but they are testing. : I Can wait little longer.
can u send me the link?
image inserted .
insert it again xD there is nothing
thanks ;)
should be out in ln less then a day .
for a fact they are testing it , hit the crack watch Reddit page ,for more info , the link will be there first
Thanks man! I did thought so. I have been on reddit page since yesterday xD
in case u need something proof
what is that “preload to release patch”?
Thousands time i refresh this Page but i found nothing :(
I know this feeling bro
Its not a fake some people like I have downloaded the files, and are just waiting on the application file to replace to start playing.
I cant wait to play it :)
lmaooooooooooooo same here :(
which torrent link is better first or second and what is this preload to release patch, and i know the crack is not yet out, i just want to get done with downloading stuff and as soon as the crack is out i m gonna download it and play.
i downloaded from the second torrent and the preload to release patch you have to download it and paste it into ur installed directory and wait for the crack
ok thanx
no torrent is giving me speed….neither any file is helping
yea it took me 19hrs to download it
how was the speed at frst???
did it increased after sometime ??
it reached upto 700 kbps but my internet speed is 75mbps
mine is only going til 100-200 Kbps, and upload speed 500+ kbps
just let it go for a few minutes it will surely increase speed
it is a mystery to me that they are slow to take it off the crack
Its a more complex game than south park. But I think we’ll have it by noon.
You see if you think about it the problem is they have to play through the whole core story mode with crack to test it properly. Lets say they released it now with the game breaking half way through story im pretty sure everyone will go crazier tham they are getting the crack because the game would be broken.. so yeh patience is key here.
lol they don’t do that
Lol well this is what im telling myself whilst i wait.
yeah we play for them and we find the errors lol. Hopefully tomorrow!!!
Isn’t a crack just a bypass of the protection mechanism? Any errors are the fault of the gamemaker.
they are not the developers of the game so no they don’t test it.
The wait is real.
No duermo pensando y esperando si están crackeando el juego, me va a dar algo…
Guys any news on crack yet…new to this discussion forum..???
0 news
Hmm…i guess we to wait then..??
yes …. :/
well 09:27am here and i need some sleep guess when i’ll wake up the crack will be released can’t stay awake any more:)
That’s what i told myself
When the crack comes out ?
Guys it just got fucking cracked ……………. is what i want to see someone say, and later find out it’s true.
NETSHOW.exe its virus dont download it !!!
its not, just a false positive
What is NETSHOW.EXE?A crack?
what is NETSHOW.EXE? A crack?
What’s NETSHOW.exe? A crack or gamefile?
it’s not a virus dud
There is no reaction at all.It may take a month or more..?
Fym no reaction? This is the most hyped game of the year B.
WYM no reaction?
information about the crack ?
Apparently it will be up by noon. Crack is either almost ready or in testing.
How do you know that?
Tons of rumours all saying the same thing. It also uses the same version of denuvo as shadow of war and southpark. Southpark is easier to crack than them.
Yesterday there was rumor that the crack was going out at midnight
and now rumours saying that it at noon o_0
Yes, but it is protected by the exact same version of denuvo drm as SOW and SP TFBW. South Park got cracked so quick due to how simple it is compared to SOW and ACO
yes i know that but I remain perplexed
you’re right, I hope it’s so
Keeping in mind that shadow of war was cracked in a day and a half, this will be cracked either in the same ammount of time or abit more.
I hope you’re right
but where do you get those rumors?
surely on reddit
Yeah, crackwatch
who say that ?
who say that?
I really hope it does
crack plzzzzzz
buy the game its worth it!
I have no money
OMG, i’m gonna fucking buy the game cus you said so. Thanks for the idea.
why why why why … hate wolfenstine 2 hate shadow of war 2 hate evil within 2 just want the assassin creed origins ….. but :(………
Yeah same, but it will prob got cracked by noon or abit later. It will most probably be out by the afternoon
Guys, There’s a fuckton of glitches. But it’s optimised, my friend got 30 fps on low settings on gt 740.
Nice can i play with R7 370 asus strix 8gb ram and i5 3470?
Def, if you can run syndicate you can run this.
with my gtx 750 ti i thingk i will play it in medium hight settings in 900p with overclocking
my brother same here
did you brought the original game
Not me, my friend. I tried it as I’m at her house
ohh okie bruh
Corepacks repack site says assasin creed Origin repack WIP (work in progress) ..means crack is comning up in a day or 2 3 day
no the repack is coming up in a day or two
this mean that they have the crack
Usuallay repacker dont have crack earlier thn others.. crack is being posted frst on crack watch ,skidrow and other site ..aftrr tht repakcer starts wrking on game…this is new to me …if this is the case
but they do the repack beacause they now that the crack will be relased quikly
On redit they are saying brace for impact and shit like that
It means crack coming up in a few hours
i hope so
A few hours????? Where did you see
Go on crack watch redit and similar pages
can you share link
I cant, i cant post links here. corepack said it’s coming soon aswell
Link for discussion?
When will come
two hours later no crack … RT
Guys what is the preload to release patch ???
no its just saying to Preload for the release patch instead of waiting till after its cracked
dosnt work yet asks for uplay i expected this give them about two months it was the same with far cry primal
I download Gold Edition but the situation is the same: wait for crack.
I have an exam to pass tomorrow but I spend my time waiting for the crack …
waste for time dont wait it will be out soon u just have to give some time do your work dont waste it
how did the exam go? :P
if it doesn’t come today it’ll 100% come tomorrow. Keep in mind the vesion of denuvo it’s using.
If it comes today my Brain will Burst
wolfenstein 2 is using the same version of denuvo, it was cracked the same day it was released
ohh my god crack please…..?
crack maybe upload next year 2018…,maybe
Please tell me when crack will be ready days, weeks?
I downloaded the gold edition from another page but the situation is the same: wait for crack.
about two months it was the same with far cry primal
Crack never Will out because Ubi made a contract with codex steapunks and cpy and paid money to them…. the same story with 3DM….What a shame
dont know if this is sarcasm but that is the stupidest shit i have ever heard. If any of those guys gave up their identities they would be in a fuck ton of trouble
hey boyz updates?
Does anyone have any estimate as to when the crack will be released ? and i mean with REAL PROOF not just your opinion
no one … max within a week, minimum 2 3 days..If ACO has same denovo like Shdow of war n South park….
Cracker Or Scene group dont communicate .they jst release when its ready..
What is the new PRELOAD TO RELEASE PATCH file used for ?
wtf where is the crack after so long omg,,, I was here 10 hours ago and still its not here omg
Same here :(
omg they are fucking with us
Maybe they are waiting for a patch, so they can crack the game and the patch all in one step. Anyone knows if there is sheduled a day one patch or stuff like that?
well there is no crack already guess we have to wait 2months…..
Be patient it’s not like we already waited 1 week or more for the crack, it was just 1 day.
yea you`re right …. I`ve heard also that its little bit harder to crack this game cause of the instasyncro….
I’ll just start freaking out if we don’t get the crack in 1 week xD But untill there I’m just desesperated :P
omg crackers let us know how long to wait we waiting too long already it uses same denuvo version as shadow of war and it was cracked within 24 hours omg come on crackers we wanna play the game ……………..
its a more complicated game, there’s more to crack and shit. it’s not just bypassing denuvo.
Its everytime the game tries to sync to Ubisoft they have to remove that too so they have to look through the game files, and patch that. Which is not easy since it tries to do that every achievement and every missions, checkpoint, eagleview
wtf is that read that guys…….. http://www. pcgamer. com/assassins-creed-origins-performance-guide/
it sad assassins creed games now have problem with performance like unity and syndicate was laging on gtx 970
Man, chill out with those articles. At this same page, lot of people at the comments proved the opposite of what was there. Indeed, I’ve seeing a lot of testing videos today at the youtube, seems that the gtx 660 is dealing good with the game, with this you can take some base for your performance.
well ubisoft games are well known to be having perfomance issues…
Its working on it guys. I seem a screenshot in reddit.
I wanna die but i should wait…
give us picture pls
Where can I read the latest news about crack?? can someone give me link?
I could dowload the crack only when he it released ?
Ty :)
I think itz going 2 be released 2morrow at the 30hr mark……have patience pirateers
How do u know ?
its fake …already discussed in reddit. .. it uses same denovo as in South park MOW
I hope so
Guys, from what i saw on corepack, crack is done, but they’re not releasing it till certian ingame issues are patched by ubi.
LINK or fake
Dude, go check the chatbox in the forums
either post a link or a picture or shut up
It’s in the chatbox, an admin said it, Fury I believe, you can go check it out yourself
Admin of Corepack has said crack is not ready only repack is.. stop being delusional. Corepack too wating for crack
till certian ingame issues are patched by ubi…..in the end we cant play it for a month or more?
stop fucking spreading lies idiots, if you want to proof something give us link or picture… people believe this shit so stop spreading lies
You just guys just don’t understand, that AC is protected by denuvo and is very hard to crack it ^^. The only way to play now is to buy it or wait 2-3days……or 2weeks!
Does anyone have a profile of those crackers like cpy or codex on reddit?
no one..
so they dont have it yes
Cracking groups work against eachother, it’s about who cracks it first and that stuff. There’s also rules and codes of honour. Some repackers and crackers do have anonymous accounts tho (it’s not encouraged) as having your identity found out can get you in hot water and legal trouble.
wow really. so they are competing against each other
Yes, its about who cracks it first. And there’s other stuff. they also have rules like dont change the name of the exe and shit.
They don’t like to release info either as it could give the others an advantage.
But they also like to brag
interesting but why they compete whats the point of that, we dont know of this people anything its just strange
It’s basically a race.
is it for money?
No, just to say they did it. There’s a war between warez groups and antipiracy groups. Denuvo was a declaration of war. Then they brag about having cracked it with their peers.
i hope it will be released in 24h man…. i dont want to watch it on youtube but i am really bored
yes they dont talk about on which game they are working on crack currently .. how much it has completed .. how much time left … they jst release it when its done…
okay then i did not know of that i thought they dont work in secret.
they work in secret?
plz keep telling yourself aco using same denuvo as others that will calm you all
It is. It’s confirmed on reddit.
Can’t i’m on my phone but write on google, crackwatch reddit u’ll just see the discusion, comments etc
when is release the crack ? i am gonna take a beer
wait dude
can someone give me cheap site for this game I cant wait omg its so depressing I wana play it so much
omg i found one site but its fucking 40 pound omg
Thats wat denovo n ubisoft wanted ..lose hope and buy it to fill their pockets… jst wait a day or 2 ..
you are right man…
You gave up way to easily
but i am bored
I started playing ac2 to relief the bordem
its my fv game man but i dont have anything to play i got shit games
i give link to my steam account
here http://steamcommunity. com/id/Rene2410
Crack cod ww2 just like wolfenstein2 okay brothers ;)
How many hours has it been since the release
On another site writes…
“ACO Crack Update for all:
it seems ACO has the same denuvo variant of v4.6 n that’s the same version as ubi’s last released game South Park: The Fractured but Whole on 17th Oct 2017 (just 10 days ago) before ACO & that get cracked within 36hrs
So, considering the latest ACO has just released past 24hrs, we have still the hope to get it cracked within the given record time & as many internal resources suggests, it can be get cracked anytime now, so keep your eye open bt don’t believe n spread any rumours.”
Hope so
“ubisoft paied hackers twice then denuvo, to not crack this game.”
I dont know about him but back in days of ac2 a random person out of nowhere came and said same as he is saying now about crack all were saying he is trolling but his prediction was spot on.then he vanished to be never seen again
there was no denovo that time….. even i could have predicted same ..
what is he “Nostradamus”?
yup in gaming world
Cant wait
denuvo reacion https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/174e73a50505771aaff47641ca22a3491559c9abb0ff1ca9ed37656458b861ba.jpg
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0eb3d0942a69013c2c505b48e4b39d69a682988f0378934bfa79a149e17b4ff3.png for its like this
That tree in the background is most likely 3dm.
Guys i downloaded the game files from a different site but it didnt contain any executable files…why is that and is that the same case with this “unlocked” version ???
You need to download preload to release patch
download day one patch mention above
Okk…got it …thx guys…..
it’s cracked guys !! OMG
(fake) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/067944eecb5e683bda348e99b52b48b18925a5524b0d009457e02fd48832d85e.png
what site is it
Its crack watch go check it out it says not yet cracked. someone fucked with the photo
Did wanna be admin got banned
When the crack comes ?
Thank you guys for Game,hope crack will be soon released!! #KeepUp
we stay waiting
They always do an excellent job. Leave them alone. Take ur time on that crack
“leave them alone” u really think they watch our comments? hahahah, they don’t care.
Hahaha ok i got it
I wish you good luck from France!
Huh I’m crying
We are working hard to crack ACO, it will be released in few more hours.
Thank You for your patience.
inconvenience regarded :)
3DM is not working on this game so gtfo.
lol gtfo
fake profil
How can we belive ur official 3DM
when will release the crack ^^ ? im so proud of you guys !
a week or a month and more.
In most 2 to 3 days
almost 23hrs after released :D
We need a few more days for the crack guys, maybe a week or so.
CPY & 3DM crack will be avilabale till the 00:00 hrs GMT for the testing. :)
You really do think that we believe that XD
where the hell (PRELOAD TO RELEASE PATCH) go in that pic
liar fucking shit i went up there and there is nothing like this there.. nice photoshop cunt
this fake is better https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/067944eecb5e683bda348e99b52b48b18925a5524b0d009457e02fd48832d85e.png
Crack coming already?
oh!these fakes.
yea those motherfuckers
what about corepacks? i can’t read the chatbox some news?
idk. might be site problem
crack for today?
Talvez, quem sabe.
yup i have 1 whole kilo of it
true quality? can we meet somewhere? i have $10.
What is the diffrence between gold and deluxe edition
The Gold Edition includes
Base Game
Season Pass
Digital Deluxe Pack
The Deluxe Edition Includes:
Base Game
Digital Deluxe Pack
when will release the crack according to corepacks??
When they upload the crack?
ACO Crack Update for all:
it seems ACO has the same denuvo variant of v4.6 n that’s the same version as ubi’s last released game South Park: The Fractured but Whole on 17th Oct 2017 (just 10 days ago) before ACO & that get cracked within 36hrs
So, considering the latest ACO has just released past 24hrs, we have still the hope to get it cracked within the given record time & as many internal resources suggests, it can be get cracked anytime now, so keep your eye open bt don’t believe n spread any rumours.
whats the source?
i dont know plz wait for crack
well you took that message from somewhere no? so you must have a link from where it was posted
got this msg from friend
The D in Denovo stands for Dixenovo
how do i create an iso file ? downloaded but its just a folder with all the files inside and not converted in to an iso file ?
please help[!!!!!!
for those of you who want to check status of the crack go here https://crackwatch. com/#new-games when its cracked it will say its cracked
How to put the skidrow files in my steam or uplay library if i wannna buy the game and not download it again ?
its easy ill explain
thanx, ill check the game on instant gaming if it takes too long.
Still hopin the crack gets out in a few days …
basically buy the game start downloading on uplay or steam and when the folder of the game is in there just copy those files from the ones you downloaded from here to that folder exit uplay or steam and it would show like the game is already installed i hope u understand
if you going to buy game from which site u buyingh?
Hej, Dežo, to jsi celý den tady a čekáš na crack?
Všichni tady čekáme :D
anyone knows how long will it take them to crack it?
Not much longer. Cus Origins has more triggers than SP:TFBW and SOW.
That’s why it took longer. But nothing out of the ordinary
how u know that?
I think they might be playing us to see how long we can wait.
bruh no they don’t care about that
i know that but i saw one thing on nosteam site they put aco in coming soon list its the only game in it why because they stop putting games in coming soon list so why now.
Cus it hasn’t been cracked yet. It’s safe to assume that that’s the reason. The more time it takes means the harder it is to crack.
I’m familiar with cracking games, and how the process is done.
some games took more than 300 days to crack guys
because they couldn’t crack that version of the denuvo this version is the same as South Park and Shadow of War.
shadow of war took 0 days to crack but it this is nearly two days
This won’t. It just has extra triggers. Still same version of denuvo as sp:tfbw and sow
lets hope it does
so,it means this games take more a month to crack?
iam not going to say like that maybe it can
They weren’t exactly popular
Let’s just shitpost till crack comes out. time will pass
I can feel it coming closer every second. This is def gonna be uploaded soon. I’m willing to bet money on this
How many ?
All I have
then buy the game, it’ll be cheaper mate xDD
Jk, i’m also eagerly waiting for this gmae guys, let’s hope they are not having too much of a hard time cracking this piece of code !
13 hours later and still no crack =(
It will take less than 2 days
Def, 4 at the most, the thing is they put more triggers (cus more content) it’s also more cpu heavy so it hurts the debugger
denuvo old version, but add vm protect
Where you get this? Redit?
the source pls
Shit, its Denuvo 4.6 but with enhancements and vm protect and a uplay step verify.
Unfortunately the crack will be released only on the next year, with hope.
Fuck you Denuvo.
and your source is…….?
south park (ubisoft game) was cracked 1 day later and it use denuvo 4.6 an d ulpay
But not use vm protect and not use a step verify.
Hay q esperar.. yo pienso q de aquí a mañana estará listo ese Crack.. como fue con los anteriores.. si se ponen a pararle bolas a cualquier persona estamos llevados.. toca esperar con paciencia !!!
i will take longer right in Moment the game is not crackable
Do me a favor and stop stop spreading fake news
its uses the same thing .
fake u cut the picture on top of it says 2016 :)
here you have real one
;) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d0fb36a1f8a899ed95a4caf9cfbb8e57f04228431c289e2670790ddf4286f511.png ou
hit up the reddit page / crack watch and see for yourself ,
its the same picture u put here totally same only they cut the top so you cant see 2016
you do know that you can download the game before it comes out right ? from steam ! then when its out you get the crack .
yea but it takes long time to crack…. i dont know if i should buy game
and it uses the same one that south park used and that thing got cracked in 2 days .
like i said yesterday . 2 days to a week max .
Sadly it will be cracked only in 2018.. fuck you denuvo!
Why do you say this?
he’s just fucking with you
I think it’ll be uploaded by midnight
I hope you’re right :) From where do you have this “crack knowledge” ?
A level in conputing and software engineering and I’m studying it at uni. I also have friends in the scene
You learn how to crack games/softwares at college ? Isn’t it supposed to be illegal ?
don’t believe him..he’s just trying to look like a smart person, he is only 15 years old probably :)
19, and I dont learn how to crack at university, but i learnt skills like debugging and programing. I have free time you know.
Cracking is a hobby of mine and I crack on dos enviroments sometimes but on windows it’s almost impossible for me
From what i could gather this game has more triggers but the main reason is its cpu usage.sow and sp are less demanding
19 whoa there buddy, we have an elder here
damn i hope you’re right man ! cheers
No way. It has the same drm as sp and sow. The thing is that the game is cpu intensive so it takes more time to process data. It also has more triggers but it only delays a crack by a few mins.
Maybe crack coming in november with call of duty war world 2,think
Crack is coming tomorrow at 05:00 AM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha fuck you denuvo :)
who told u that?
What’s ur time right now?
And where did you find this?
how do u know
fake news certainly
Good than denuvo :(
Swear to Yeezy you ain’t fuckin around on this.
ahhh getting fucking tired of waiting? how long :(
it’s too looooong
1207 Coments! Come on for 2000?
THIS IS FAKE. AGAIN I REPEAT THIS IS FAKE, I just made this to make me wait a bit more, im bored I want the crack now :( https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0620505766a2dd3e98be9bccacb1d3e70ec18762ee0a723aa776067d8f11045c.png
okay every1 let’s try a group exercise everyone take LSD and meditate on that picture make sure to close your eyes repeatedly until the image is inside your minds eye and now believe it has come
No Website has Uploaded the game so far. So you guys RELAX!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its been just 2 days since the days has Released. We are getting it for FREE. Atleast give them some time and Lot of Credit for what they have been doing. Just have some Patience, I am sure the Crack will be out in a week.
any one know when crack come?
We will upload the crack in an hour, so be patient.
Where have i seen this before?
how big is the crack file going to be?
it’s true?
steampunks dev is fake profil ?
fuck steampunks dev!
Is what the gays do
Go and get a fucking life u loser
So the crack coming at now? or Tomorrow 05:00 AM?
Thts a fake profile STEAMPUNKS DEV…Cort don’t let that fool u..??
fuck you
Go fuck yourself
you are fake
where is the CRACK ?
dude this is fake
fake stop fake i am engred
stop to play with us stupid boy
18 hours later…
Guys, im gonna try to crack this game. I got a working copy from a friend. I’ve never cracked on windows yet but im gonna try. Wish me luck y’all. I’m not cpy or codepunks so don’t expect anything.
Ok,wish you luck in making the crack.
Thanks dude
It’s ok dude
good luck!
Thanks man
how it goes?
any progress so far?
Guys please upload a crack for this. i can’t wait to play this game.
Funny thing is, denuvo has a pirated version of vm protect to stop pirates from cracking denuvo’s drm and putting it in their games. I wouldnt expect pirates to do this to other pirates.
They can only delay the crack for a couple of days i dont see the point in denuvo since people complain that it affects performance
ok guys i got crack :) enjoy waiting :)
Share it please!!
Where you got it from? You better not be fucking trolling.
my friend send it to me
but its working so i dont want know more
send the link then lol just coming here and making fun
you guys are idiots..obviously..hes lying..
thats what iam saying too
Imal balkanaca da prate ovo?
any news
plz tell me when crack coming????
Nobody knows and they dont tell you until its out
you just trolled the crackwatch comment section, didn’t you?
not actually trolling, just making things lively lol
10 people died after they saw your comment ;P
lol, we are all hoping it comes, its been a long journey indeed
oh yes, i have never waited for something this eagerly or this long, i’ve just been sitting infront of my screen for the last 48 hours and i have seen so much shit go down in the comments in that time. Long journey indeed. But i think it’ll be here in minutes now
Oh all of us will man, all of us will.
yeah, we are together in this fam
Guys think of that moment, you keep hitting refresh on crackwatch and this time the red area which said “not yet cracked” will turn green and you’ll scream, your hands shaking and shit, in moments you’ll be playing the game. Come on crack, i believe in you
Lets hope so
I saw this on reddit; is this fake ? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4b2bdeb7c2d99912c672feccba968af85467b1eaaaf7af903c8d67629227178f.jpg
old and ye fake
and here I thought maybe we would get the crack :(
no man. no real signs only soon o wait for crack are the real information of the progress i hope they can do it
same, i really hope we get it today, cant wait to play it, Ive been looking at its vids all day
i dont wanna look anything xdd. its one or the most waited game for me but right now indont have money and ubi and boxes not help f
Can i run this game on
Gtx950m 4gb
I7-7500u 2.7gh up to 3.5
8gb ram
On low settings
Medium at 1080, or high
You can compare with syndicate. Same requirments
Can anyone tell me how long this game has been up?
48 hours
Thanks my manz
any info lukezila?
Regarding what? If you’re refering to my crack i gave up. I have to get used to windows. Plus i got a thesis to take care of, university and free time don’t go hand in hand :(
o well. cheers with that man luck
The crack from the scene groups will be up soon tho. Heavy cpu usage can only delay a crack for so long.
Guys do you think i’ll manage 15 fps on low, core i9, gtx 1080 and 1080 ti sli, 32 gb ram.
hahaha cmon… well i have a 1070 so i hope no problems either
Yes but sli is buggy as shit, ill just use 1080 for physics.
im gifted i can avoid bugs almost always xdd its all i have
You dont have sli tho. Sli is using two gpu at once and its not implemented by devs so you get horrible performance.
where is crack?
I gave up, windows isnt easy to work with. And i have a thesis for uni too soooo…
True cus sli is buggy as shit
All we need to do is GODDAMN waiting :)
Buy waiting is so fucking hard:(
I have say it is Not crackable with new vmprotect in the next weeks we can Hope to see a crack
explain for me why is that bro
Denuvo is not the problem is 4.6 but he have a new vmprotection and is not crackable
Stop speaking bullshit if you have a source post the link or stop speaking out of your ass
What is your problem you will see it is not crackable .
What is your source ?
hes probably a ubi dev or smth
you are honestly retarded
Vm protect is as effective as a guard cat.
Is ther anyone here who uses a low end pc
Me bro
Whats your specs
Core i5, gt 740m 8gb RAM and yours?
Core i7 gtx950 8gb ram
That’s not “low end pc” -______-
mine low end
Ask u’rself
Iv got a 1060 ;)
I know…..
950 is low end pal
amd fx6300 12gb ram r9 380 4gb gpu
I love U Lukezilla, i want children with you
Woah, first off I gave up on crack, second I don’t share my cracks cus the warez groups are better. I’m still a newbie
I didn’t know that you worked on a crack…
Twisting and turning my organs are churning, They’re cracking the gaaaaaame!
(Read along with the song “breaking the girl” by Red Hot Chili Peppers)
i think they cant crack origins
yea im losing the hope
me too
go say those things home
it seems like they almost have it
Are you sure bro?
not sure but in corepacks are posting some images
how do you know?
What is this ?
wath is this
I don’t know if it’s a fake but they seem testing the crack :)
finally a small light of hope at the end of the day.
i think it must be about some hours before the crack is uploaded since corepack just do the repack once the game is cracked
Its fake… crack qould come through steam punk , cpy baldman ..nit this new memebr noob. See on the left side of his profile … mayb pranking ppl on tht side
woah guys chill, i just tried, i wasn’t gonna release anyway. I’m a student ffs not a cracker with dozens of years of experience. Plus I have friends in the scene and they’re working on it. they’re as hyped as you are and not seeing these comments. Anyone claiming to be from any scene group is lying.
So cnt u cnfrm the status of crck
It’s absolutely fake dude
Yes. He told us at the forum in corepacks make tries to hack ac0 bypass..
Find at core packs
Do u think any tom dick n hrry cn crack denovo …y wastin ur enrgy… crack wd only come frm cpy , steampunk, codex or baldman
omg it will be soon 48hours…… why they take so long to crack it if shadow of war was cracked in 24 hours and it also has Denuvo… those crackers are fucking with us……
It seems ac origins has additional security after denuvo that makes they take so long to cracked it.
man what should i play
Shadow of war maybe? Killing some orcs to release your anger Of tired from waiting
I have slow internet man https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/811fc8f7caa3cb00cc236535dbf2edde391936d54a303f85460d4e9c94ead744.png
try to bypass ISP using vpn like pure vpn … sometimes it works
man I will have on 5 december 100mb internet now i have 8mb so max is 800kb with 100mb i will have 10mb download speed then it will be fine.. but until then……. its still long time to go
it will take long time to download shadow of war… is wolfenstein 2 cracked?
Just Download shadow of war repack version. Only 26 gb.yes..wolfenstein 2 is cracked
shadon of war is like 91Gb to download lol
jesus christ…..
Download for repack version..you can disable hd texture.and the size is 26 GB.you can chect at fitgirl repack site
Nope.. The repack version is 26GB.you can disable hd texture.
Nope.. The repack version is 26GB.you can disable hd texture.
It’s okey for me!!!
Aunque sea que aparesca Voksi con un Bypass, más que feliz! Por favorrr
Assassin’s Creed Origins Crack + Full Game PC Free Download Torrent ( put it on youtube=)à
wait so you got a crack?
Crack not work
you tried ?
indeed clearly fake, comments section states the “crack” has been online since 2 days… well if the crack did work, it would have been on this site too..
try !
It’s some password bs. I dont need to check.
WE ALL NEED THIS GAME CRACKED PLEASE AND THANK YOU ! wish i knew how to do this type of stuff, i would not stop until i got it working for everyone. id be Robin Hood of video games
yea man
anyone know if this works because it shows him loading up the game?
youtube . com/ watch ?v=3YLb7dP9hao
Absolutely fake
The video is fake..never trust youtube for cracked games that is not yet appear in this site.
Só esperar agora…;)
Thanks too much!!
it’s fake!
its fake the name has been changed the original name is The knight of that user
Fake broO
lets give ZA WARUDO to codex and steampunks
Crack crack crack crack crack crack Crack GIVE ME MY FUCKING CARACKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!
Please crackers why you torture us like this pls give us crack
Hey bro nice to meet you again
hello how are you
Still waiting bro as always :)
yea what games do you play while you for crack
Shadow of war, fifa 18,and mass effect andromeda
Where is the Odysseeeeeeey
i dont have good games installed i got shit……
i show you my profile steam
Okey bro :)
u can’t run those games with gt740m stop pls
It’s playable on gt 740m bro you can check at youtube
http://steamcommunity. com/id/Rene2410/
Anybody here playing Mario Odyssey in the meantime?
How with emulator ?
i love mario but sucks its not for pc.. i played mario as kid like 15years ago
Switch is expansive but it’s a very good console i think… With Zelda, Mario, Splatoon, Mario Kart… And with Xenoblade, Metroid Prime 4 and Pokemon announced :)
yea I also like crash bandicoot i played on ps1 do u know this game
yea nice :D it was great game
I check google and tell you which one I played
I played this mario https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=0u2pe3Do1vk
The crackers are the best kinds of people out there…they do a service and expect nothing back.Anyone who post them to hurry or that they need a crack at least CONSIDER throwing in a please and thanks and maybe a donation there way.
i would if i had link
They put there donation link on every torrent they put on pirate bay in the description on the download page!! NOW YOU GUYS KNOW:)
Do you like this guys? i love it https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=1rmo3fKeveo
Nice vid
yea I like asians they are so good at everything
this too https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=W41IFXbB5-M&t=106s
man seems this time they cant at least this early
Have fun waiting! If you wanna play it now then fucking buy it! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/71e64d92cf1642dbf6d098b4e988001b4bf60d59d209f509417c226bcae22cea.png
hahaha have fun being a kid at your age xdd
good to see an old ass geezer face still playing games
I knew you would do it Roberto Hall https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7c644099aa08b677520a3ecd14e2e01c9cebbf593f7af95291228874626cf338.jpg
Dude wft is wrong with you…you are a sick man thousands of people are waiting for the crack and you want to take the time to upload screenshots of you playing the game…….leave the room please sir.
Another Useless comment is coming what is wrong with you?
fuck u
you’re playing in low settings? :o
Fuck off shitface…
Welcome to Roberto Hall
When the crack is downloaded We thank you for the efforts we are poor
Crack is today?
we dont know
Went to go buy this at bestbuy,but they had Snes Classic’s so got that instead. so back to waiting :)
gimi some crack i need crack, somebody has crack? i really need crack
whoever cracks this game first is going to be a GOD !
crackenaldo i need crakenaldo
I cant sleep at night because the crack,PLZ
Can someone make a video on how to install this because its in Chinese.
crack ?
ya mom? I’m almost there buddy :)
Can we please have an update please???
i think we wont get it for now
yeah someone give an update… CPY STEAMPUNKS CODEX ….
we will wait…but what the reason it delaying ….. Can you share us….
we asking for update n crack but they dont care bro
keep asking…. we will get an update… just need reason why it is delaying ..
A man needs the crack.
Crack is ready or More Days??????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No one knows , basically its out when its out
Too bad for you all, the game is dop https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2f3764834796bd36a4a824eceaafd0d2687e5e3b46327b0a35426ef91b6b50fb.jpg
Here’s another screen i take, enjoy boys https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/353e03f788d2550607fa4e172650b9269d77adc2ce80bcfff63169ace3dc0eec.jpg
Another screenshot I take, Bayek looks old af here but anyway, the game is beautiful https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d290719f7a47ac245a21e9a5e4d4bc44d1cdcde72beb9b519582cbaf7733b850.jpg
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f027e2628894ae741673ffa64ba27a981e322bed075532a5b7f4e881e1f1a239.jpg Enjoy the view
how do i install this game? the installer is in chinese plus i tried to extract all the files it doesn’t have the .exe anywhere, noob here.
the crack to let you actually play it hasnt been released yet. all you can do for now is look at the pretty chineese letters
don’t games usually have a launcher before you crack them like this one only has files , guess i’ll just have to wait and find out, btw those chinese letters are not a pretty sight to look at.
cade mano , need desse crack porra to parecendo ate noia fico olhando essa merda toda hora pra ver se ja saiu =( uSuhsuhsuhshusuhshusUsUsuuss
bora cpy, steampunk,codex mostra que vcs sao fodas
Somos 2 entao, ashusahuashuhsua
Guys wanna ask something..if I download the files from direct links..all the files wud be there right..?…I mean nothing would be missed…am I right..?..and tht 4gb links…till part 8 right..?
hey how can i install the game ? all chinese :(
Maybe crack is out in a week? Just like pes 2018
here is showing 37 gb setup .but when i download the total size was showing 32 gb . is there any file missing…i downloaded it from 4gb interchangable links(sorry for my bad english)
why was my comment removed?
what was your comment?
I can’t believe it i received the game as a gift wow , i wish the best for you guys who are waiting for the crack. I’m busy playing now bebyeeeeeeeeee
Hi Guys,
I’m new here so I’m not sure how to install the game (I’ve downloaded the 8 4gb parts…) anyone can help me?
Unpack all the .rar files and put the content of the preload to release patch into the game main folder :)
Thanks :D I’ll try!!!!
But you must wait for crack to play it bro
Yep Yep, I know… i just want to be prepared ;)
I downloaded the preload, and when i want extract the file was corrupt or broken because i cant unpack or see what have inside…
You just have to extract the first one and the others will extract automatically ^^
ok i did, but i said the preload.to.release.patch.rar i cant unpack that file.. idk why just appear broked…
i can’t the file is broked… The Patch not the game’s files…
I downloaded the preload, and when i want extract the file was corrupt or broken because i cant unpack or see what have inside…
i think denuvo win this time, they r cant crack this game so plz buy the game forgot about crack denuvo win sorry for that but i m lost my hope
sorry for bad english
Nopes they cannot win it would be cracked for sure..just give them some more time.. patience is everything..
southpark cracked in 36hour but origins release all ready done 36hour both game have same denuvo version v4.6 why they cant crack this game?
UBISOFT bribe him for crack delay?
Nopes I guess Ubisoft would kidnap denuvo and then they wud ask for ransom from scene group to free denuvo…??????
Because as lukzilla mentioned it’s having more triggers than sp..and because of that it would take some time to crack it properly..
? ? ? ? ?
It would be great if crack release today/Now
Think,crack size mb or kb!why they upload so long.PLZ
coz they got money from ubisoft for delay crack
it take time… be pattient
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/00a28835e8414a84c787d41f11fb10193b5de5469713e328f7dad76ac9eb8479.png It’s taking time, this is pretty funny, lolz ubi
“synchronized with rip”…so it’s decided then…rest in peace..????????
Nah, just have to get around the resource loads.
Ok ok..is that resource tuner..I mean the software..??
No, its IDA, a dissasembler
Ohk ok…??
Crack will be out today at 11:00 AM, be patient.
Guys…it’s fake..see his profile…first it was steampunks now it’s skidrow & reloaded..????
ban his profile here ,?
Hey it’s ok atleast it makes us to believe that the crack is going to be released soon…???
They are working on it, I’m poking at it. (In italian accent) I don’ cracka di software, I cracka di firmware, dey differant!!
I am italian and i assure you that i don’t speak like that…hahaha :D
no hate brother, I jst kidding
Then he`s a turd
in 11:00 am hour many hour left???
ah? dont know…
than why u happy?
because the crack going to be able today :/
Fake dude
I want to believe but I won’t get too excited since there have already been similar comments
Everyone can write “crack will be out in 1 hour”
But I still hope it’s true
OMG! cant w8 hehe
its true or is fake
I hear that a lots but is fake,about this?
Fke news from a fake guy.. Buy a life
I cant unpack the .rar Preload Patch, i downloaded twice and nope.. doesnt works.. some help? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a481c384464dc420f336c5f147eb0ef32aae700088575439f15679b68bda508d.png
use 7zip
Thanks! that’s works :)
They’ll get it soon, it’ll take maths
are you workinng on crack…………. great
Getting there, you can see who it phones home to now. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/14fa48b4338668e40a87b34249f82c36ef3dc58871c71746209c278b48f5390b.png
dont know waht is that but are you working on the crack? and if its yes, how it goes?
uhh, maybe
Like I said, I usually do firmware dumping, this is kindsa new, but I’m playing with it.
okey. luck with that bro
No prob, part of the problem is that they have their source encoded, just have to do maths. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/282f6c5565768012eaefdc3d5d869b8b3089ccc048c01f7e0a3ebf4ae628c0ec.png
Wish all the best !!
yea at least some info its great even if you cant
Amazing dud
Let see
Maybe crack came out, assasins creed origins size maybe 60gb,i think!
If there is any homies who can help make sense of this, but it looks like an external call to import “user data” library, possible method to exploit? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bb67623fde112d02aefd977df5cb3fd189a3521a7f93b4cee6316dced3a7c5c3.png
i will die in pain if i try to understand that xd
so thats why its not out yet
hey, its fun to try new things, maybe I get lucky
How can u even see it with ur eyes
the left side with all the 0000000’s is the hex reference, the right side is the interpolated code from the sequence. This application uses python to decode strings, then with a little python coaxing from myself, it can start pulling resources from the application and any of the resources.
I don’t understand but I’ll try to help u ?
Hey Insane, I m a Java/C++ dev, but how did you decompile the .dll files? I’ve tried with my own ways but it didn’t work, could you send me the name of your exploiter?
Maybe l could help you.
Have you cracked any game before
no, just firmware and python/java based stuff. (piratevoice:: )ARR windows be new to meee!!::
But it’ll be good if u crack this aco
he cant if codex n cpy n steampunk cant crack it
Doesn’t mean someone else can’t, I haz different skillsets that maybe can halpz
Yes ur rght
maybe he is god hahaha ye true but at least maybe we can have an idea of the time for the crack
I’m a noob..but still guessing..is there a pointer used in for reference…I mean that LPrect tht refers to pointer I guess..well I’m totally wrong I know but just trying to understand..??..and the HWIND i guess it’s a horizontal window(donno for what) called for singing in or something..??..and tht message box is the name and password tht we cud type in it.. pulling the resources from user id..and then it signs in the user to play the game..see I know I am talking stupid things in here…????..I’m just trying thtsit..sorry..??
its pulling from a user input window, thats the jist i got
So basically how ru gonna crack any ideas
Right now, I’m getting it to run continuously till I get a return, looks like its doing a ting, so I guess we will see. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/899eec7763b5ff97d62c3947ab9cfba4deb2d8e32a62745a480cd8dba45fe03a.png
What can u explain it
right now the .exe file stops at the point it picks up a debugger, so instead I’m just telling it to continue through the rest of the code and give me returns, that way I’ll know where to look when it sends return information, or requests new info. if you can get either of those spots, then you can create a resource that “gives it what it wants”
Ur one piece of the one which the comment section wants
Hmm ok..it means from a single legit user who is trying to play the game by signing in…so what we have to do is, it should be initiated as if anyone could sign in and play it..
ye ye i dont want to stop you i wanna cheer you
Thank for your working… Codex is died…
patience my friend
WAIT!! I think I’m on to something, I’m looking at another game that just came out by Ubi that uses the same resources….. It may be the ting….
Keep us updated :)
Really? How long before u crack it?
imagine if you crack the game it would be hilarious and amazing
Are you talking about South Park? The only difference I think is that there’s some form of Uplay, Steam and Denuvo running together in AC Origins. All the best!
I never have been so impatient ever in my life. And I am a very very patient guy.
The comments are starting to be full of code screenshots XD
Sorry man, if thats no bueno for the rules, let me know
No, no, that was just a remark, don’t worry :)
I love to see the fresh news of what are you doing @@furiousinfosecgames:disqus (sorry for my bad eng.)
Any updates
Still working, right now I’m looking at the separate parts of the exe, and see what i can do from there
So how much time will take if ur gonna make it…
I’m autistic, so I’m pretty sure I will be consumed by this for the next few hours, lol
Try to create some kind of offline emulator, Denuvo has allways been cracked that way.
We will praise you if you can crack that thing, good luck bro
Poor guy… I’m sad for ur parents
fake not true crack in not yet
Link!because mine i refresh 100 time but not appear its fake dude:(
Where is the crack
Throw salt at someone wound is the best thing to do
Why is taking so much time. Southpark got easily cracked which had same denuvo variant 4.6??
how many time i have to repeat it is not using same protection as south park
its some kind of modified version
Smae 4.6
ya keep telling it to yourself that will make it better
i pee on the left side of the bowl to make less noise.
Me personally I preffer to hear the splash. xD
Release the cracken!
hello insane turd
why didn’t the toilet paper cross the road?
cause it got stuck in the crack.
get it “crack” hehe
Seems to me like your the first here to crack a joke.. lol
wtf !!! 1600 comments !!!!
reupload google drive
i hate tutankamon
F**k Ramses
o yeah and the fu**ing ramses II little bastards
Any possible updates
If this game taking so much time.. i wonder how much time will take far cry 5!!!!
Anything about the crack, release?
nop :(
Anyone updates plz
Nothing to update as of now…
maybe it has denuvo v.5.0
It has denuvo and vm protect
Nopes it’s v 4.6 same as sp & sow..
i just say on revolt forum but i cant post link for u guys its saying waiting for the approval to paste link for u guys
They say it’s v5.0 in discord community and cs.rin forums but not confirmed. It is taking them days to crack so probably 5.0
Is this gold edition because on top it says deluxe edition, but in my torrent it is AssassinCreedOriginsGoldEdition, so i rly dont understand.. Tnx.
there will no problem u can download this coz patch not yet released
Thanks. :D
It’s gold edition..??
Thank you. :D
It’s gold
crack is today?
Probably, but still we dont know..
I wont get my hopes up
maybe its a same like tom clancys the division also now crack didint appear yet!
ACO Crack Update for all:
it seems ACO has the same denuvo variant of v4.6 n that’s the same version as ubi’s last released game South Park: The Fractured but Whole on 17th Oct 2017 (just 10 days ago) before ACO & that get cracked within 36hrs
So, considering the latest ACO has just released past 24hrs, we have still the hope to get it cracked within the given record time & as many internal resources suggests, it can be get cracked anytime now, so keep your eye open bt don’t believe n spread any rumours.
found this on another forum
This got posted yesterday
Yesterday yeah
sorry dont know that
sorry guys dont know that
I dont get it, how the hell Wolfenstein II alredy has crack but it released same day as Ac Origins??
Because ACO its special,hehe
Yes, youre right, its my favourite game.
Me too bro
Too much hype for AC:O just life really.. whatever you really want you cant get straight away
Because Wolfenstein II doesn’t use Denuvo… that’s why.
Any possible update
Guys what are your specs?
i5 6600k asus gtx 1060 6gb 16 gb rom samsung ssd 750 evo
Nice your GPU is rly good.
DELL Precision T5610 Workstation, 2 x Intel DECA Core Xeon E5-2660 v2 2.20 GHz, 64GB DDR3 ECC
2 SSD Samsung 850 Pro 256GB IN RAID 0 + 6 tb storage space , rx470 video card
I7 6700K 4.00GHz 64 Go Windows 10 1080 GTX
amd fx 6300 6core processor
12gb ram
amd r9 380 4gb gddr5 gpu
I7-7500u 2.7 up to 3.5
Gtx 950m 4gb ddr5
8gb ram
Windows 10
Can i run medium ?
Fx 4300
12 Gb ddr3 Ram
GTx 1050 TI
everythin is ready to whip just wait on crack
I3 2120
Gtx 750ti 2gb
8gb ram
i5 7600k 32 RAM 1080TI 12GB
i7 7700hq
16gb ddr4 ram
1050ti 4gb ddr5
I7, dual gtx 760s, 32gb ram on one
dual xeon E5300s 128gb ram, 24tb, quad 10GBase-T Ethernet on the other
i5 7600k 16gb ram gtx1070 8gb
i5 6500 , RX 470 4GB, 8GB ddr4..
i7 7700k
16 GB DDR4 2666Hz
Where are you @furiousinfosecgames:disqus ???
What hppnd to @Furious Infosec Games
Any updates of game
Any estimated time
No one knows they dont release statement
they got money from ubisoft n denuvo for not release crack
happy gaming purchase game plz
yep dude
Ur so Lame Dud
south park cracked in 3 days origins have same denuvo version why its not cracked yet?
Because some problems. Believe in this
south park size upto 20gb ………but origins 44gb
u may be right no one dose things for free why do you think its taking so long because its the fucking most waited game of this year and everyone is crazy about it And if they release the crack now the ubisoft is done for. u all have to wait until ubisoft fill there pockets for good no offence. nothing is for free.
yes bro i was also telling them…. they just dont belive
i don’t think so, i’m a total ignorant in cracking field but my theory is that they added much more triggers to work with so it’s taking more time than other similar games. I don’t think something important changed in denuvo’s structure but it got just a bit more complex so hackers have to take more time to crack it and they can sell more copies (but it’s just a theory, maybe (most likely) i’m wrong)
Still working on it, I think I’m running some decrypt and decompile scripts against the original file, and it seems to be giving me strings and places. This part takes a few hours, it keeps comparing and recomparing and thats how it finds all the “things”. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8be97cbf1613cba2e641dc2fd949ec286ded5d32ad91d4e0ba5b13253f3458cc.png
Huh there Ur
Are trying to crack it ?
So u have hope to crack
A smidge, or I ‘m decompiling the entire frigging game, either way, it’ll take a bit. I’ll give the VM some more juice if it’s not cutting it on the time frame.
Thank you for the hard work do you have an estimate ?
Estimated Time or something
How much time it’s gonna take for u bro
No idear bro, as fast as the dual xeons and a huge chunk of my ram can nom nom
Your next goal should be to move out from your mothers house, and not play pretend-hacker online
Exactly…xD Some of these guys are so desperate to play this game they will believe any BS any stranger online tells them. Its really funny.
Cute, post how far you are on the crack, or quit wasting our post space
Yeah dude Ur right
Atleast, he’s trying doing something unlike you
Any Further updates @Furious Infosec Games
he is posting man
Im going to freeze myself until the crack comes out.
Lol, yeah, I think I’m doing too much of the game… haha. I’m even getting the character values, oh well. It’s crunching through the securedata and text portions of the exe, so we got some time, but here is tiny piece of the amount of stuff I have. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f8dcb913a20c97f9c08ef5bbf005080b18f0d1d18a0319bc9f1c1e14a956daf1.png
If value changes on those that’s it lol ?
Furious Infosec Games …….Some one must do it…. if you did it you are the best ……… keep going..
when we download all the parts what do we do?
Wait for crack
wtf? this isn’t the crack?
so what is it lmfao
its the game so you can download and wait for crack only
Okay, and is the crack hard to apply?
no only copy in the directory of the game most of the times
ok thanks mate
So, in the land of firmware cracking, this is the “guud guud”, In the land of game software, I have no Idea if this is useful at all, anyone on that knows if these strings are of any interest? There is also one referencing TLS…… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8210dfaa5bf9f2355b2767da2b5ce0dc510819c675992706ff7691849b2c937e.png
Security check ???
I’m impressed vro
lukezilla you know things help him xd
Yeah but Windows is different from dos. Plus I’m writting my thesis, cus it’s due in a 4 days.
Like I said, all I can do is decompile, you do whatever you do on yalls side, lol. I do maths, not injections. Let me know if you want any of the database stuff from this.
If by the time I finish my thesis the game isn’t cracked I’ll try, cus I got some ideas.
Can you bypass it
Essentially, on entry to an overrun-protected function, the cookie is put on the stack, and on exit, the value on the stack is compared against the global cookie. Any difference between them indicates that a buffer overrun has occurred and results in immediate termination of the program
Anyone can bypass security like Voksi
It’s possible but time consuming, I’ll try when I have time to spare.
They catched all triggers in the game and then memory patched the executable so triggers can be never executed. Also they patched the license checks and anti-debug checks.
But every Denuvo game have its own pattern. Meaning that can take few days or a week for them to properly patch the next Denuvo game.
Said by Voksi
This is how CPY does the thing
Yeah, well, it looks like I’ve gotten the code necessary to help anyone making a crack to read and/or write whatever the hell they want in the game, I’m just waiting for the decrypt/decompile process to churn through the rest of the functions. I’m just going to let it eat all the things in the game. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5bf7f286bc5d798dad7e1be95744dd2ce9d4b0295aafe69a2ed1c11c1d98f164.png
go post it on crack watch reddit
Amazing bro
i think you should post this on reddit so people don’t lose their shit btw how long left till its available ?
Could you produce crack by today Dude
Bro u there
Estimated time
Seems like the time we gonna have this crack, COD WW2 will be released.
Guys I’ve successfully created a crack, but you need some things to adjust to make it work so let me know in the comments if you’re interested, :)
Yes intrested
i am interested if this is real ofc
For real are you telling
yes I’m a university student in programming
Could u send it dude
sure but you need steam for it to work
no prob dude if its real bring it on
can i get it?
It’s not me, it’s he saw guy who pretends to be steampunks. He took my nic now
I know.
what do we have to do if its real ?
ofc bro, ofc..
Is not real
I can test it but in one and half hours as i am away from home
Fucker lol.
You are all stupid, what do you think someone can just crack the crack, only way of cracking the game is waiting for Ubisoft to release it.
Any real updates for crack
no one dose things for free why do you think its taking so long!!! because its the fucking most waited game from 2016 and everyone is crazy about it, And if they release the crack now the ubisoft is done for. u all have to wait until ubisoft fill there pockets and they say crackers to release it for good no offence. nothing is for free. they all have something to deal with for that they need money.
i bet they already cracked the game but they are waiting for there sweet ass right time
I can’t stop laughing you idiots are so easy to minipulate
yup waiting can kill a person but this is a small dose
I think I’ve found the addresses for the steam interface so far.
now what u will be able to crack it?????
Yup same way like lukezilla12 did
I know manipulating the interface to steam is one part, I’m still decompiling everything, just letting it keep going for now.
Whatever lad. Keep going.
like far cry 4 and ghost rcon wildlands this ubi game crack will release after 6 months so guyz dont waste ur time here..!!
you will make everyone cry dont do that they all know that but they all have a hope dont spoil it
just thinking of people who downloaded this 37gb makes me lol…
its not bad just download the crack when it will be here and paste it in the directory and play thats cool and thats not all if you fedup of waiting u just have to purchase the game and u dont have to download the game again.
And these are custom libraries I haven’t see before. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2a4393192ec44f73216e4a26dff7551bc3a62e27eca4fc63ed150b06ae20b5e0.png
wtf is this!!??!
Have you finished cracking dude
Have you crack Furious Infocus Games
Its still diffing and decompiling, this part takes a while.
Have u any idea it will{whole process} will be completed today
you are truly desperate for the game dont you
Not really
yes you are, u almost got trolled several times on this page
Arhh leave that bastard Luke troll
stop asking him the fuck
Guys just forget it,not the only this game,its better than this,think!
you seems to be crying out there aren’t u
have no german language only german subtitles
Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock
Why cant they even fucking keep us updated ?
when will the CRACK be released??
you for real?
Yees he is, omg its here!!…. jeezus christ -.-
What is here
What is here
the frickin crack
yes It’s on the steampunks website :) enjoy it bro
what is wrong with you
You got trolled son
at this point of time i don’t even know how many times all of us have been trolled
Haha check rlslog for anything releases
Link of the page?
link :V
Dont play with emotion of people .they r nice like u so dont…
There is no Steampunks webpage, stop lies
There is no steampu k page they dnt hve ..
wheres it
Plzzzz send link
hahahahaha i love u
Insane Gamer is a trusted person, thanks a lot for your effort i’m so happy
Any updates
guys am I good for a girl? I’m 15 and a muscled guy
oh these fakers are real as*holes
denuvo VS crackers 1:0
just check predb for scene releases.
Any update dudes
You are really having fun, ain’t you?
is real?crack for steampunk´s?
nah page will upload it if it’s true
Fake bro survey
I bought the game couple minutes ago
Couldnt fuck with this shit
That’s what ubisoft wants more time they manage to delay crack more copies they will be selling wise decision
Im kidding i didnt buy it
You will eventually
U did good – its worth a half days work ffs
stop with that shit its even the date 2016
what is this?????
pleaseeee crackkk!
Updates plz
no crack until 2018 march..
it’s on reddit
shut yr fookin mouth lil shit find friends and do something else
Cmon skidrow,codex,steampunks,cpy!!we need some news!!talk say something about the crack!!
Yes will cum
They dont care our comment,we will see they will upload the crack!
Yes but when….
We dont know,maybe day after tomorrow,maybe
Where is the source
Why maybe day after tomorrow?where you see that?
Denuvo 3.0
Come on dude it’s 2016. But good try to fool us
i have test the game is not bad but ne new fight System is not so good and the graphics not better syndicate but i have one Problem this Version have only german subtitles but no german voices
Oh snap check Reddit! Playing it now!!!
any link???
will the crack be a stand alone download then ?
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e999867584cd9262456070d620c539ed3bf7041946194e395c6365cadbb7f045.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/54e9d108b2120ff9e6635b40442ebec578bf5f812aa2fd52131439cf9689ce3e.jpg
Where you get the crack??
its cracked?
he bought it =))))
he bought the game its not cracked or he took that img from other source
U bought it right..?
yes what ?
but i activate with this Version he have no german voices
So just for that u paid ur money to denuvo…wooow.. anyway happy gaming..????
dlc all working
Did u buy it
i have pay 4 Dollar i will not wait weeks for crack
How 4 dollars
it called “the offline mode ” also mean activate denuvo by 1 account for all
why wait for crack when you can buy it right now for 2-4 dollar
You should buy a life piece of s**t
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/888d286fbd0e1f9868a795f8e0ffe79682d5257d6902d7feddf7f267c47dfa48.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0669926df9e4cc10731efd379312dc7b822ba3231046d95e8e4adba7a6d1de2c.jpg
wait it works?
you can see graphic not so good i played it on Geforce 1070ti on Ultra Settings
Bro ok you have the game and now?can you stop with screenshots who doenst help to nothing.ty
go antidenuvo and buy it for 4 dollar
Can you plzzzz send files bro
files ??
Share the key plzz
i have no key a guy from antidenuvo have it activate and now i can Play it in offline modus
How did he do
just go on antidenuvo(.)com and you can purchase any steam games for like 1-5 bucks, but only in offline
How to buy antidenuvo ASSASSIN’S CREED® ORIGINS
How bro
go on the Website look for the game an buy it from a Reseller you can contact him with skype
i legit dont know to install it with the preload patch
ya 1070 ti suppose to release on 2 nov
sorry mean 1060 ti 6gb ram
Dont try to fool us dude !!!
It’s ok Thomas u just play hard…. happy gaming dude …?
he no fake look my Screens
Can u send me the game files dude
gtx 1060 not 1060 ti
ok guys now I download all the rar files so how to install
extract the first
and then wait for the crack
the hype is real
Furious In focus Games
The Crack will b available in April 2018…!!
Happy Gaming!!
Nopes it wud be cracked soon… ??
no, it won’t
It will…?
1April to be exact
you can activate the game from a dude he have the game and after activation you can Play it in offline modus
How did he activate it bro plzzzz tell
4 all these ppl sending fake pics and information. You ppl can suck my dick! Go an suck Ubisofts dick ! And ppl who buys this game sorry but you must be a retard to give Ubisoft your money. I hope one day ppl woke up and understand that these Industrie gives a fuck about us…..
i will help no fake Screens i have say go on antidenuvo and buy the game for 4 dollar
How did he activate it game bro plzzzz tell
they have crack not sharing it want to make some money out of t
he open on your System with TeamViewer uplay scan your files and Login with her account and activate it after this he go in offline Modus und you can play
Can you tell the account bro in personal
contact me on skype
Sure deatils
contact me on skype
I’m not on Skype
Gmail, Facebook
Or gmail
plz troll his ass
Can you mail me the account info bro
Gmail I’d bro plzzz
I will buy the game..but now i cant and thats why i want the crack.
Yes I will support game dev´s but now i can´t…:c
omg….you ppl are sad…its so true man … Paciencia es una virtud que pocos la tienen.
si pero necesitamos algo para esperar..alguien que diga el dia o en cuanto tiempo sale el crack…que alguien hable sobre el asunto..
a ver los hackers y crackers nunca dieron un horario especifico en cuanto va a salir un juego o crack eso es que la gente se vuelve gillipoyas como siempre….toca esperar o gastarte el dinero y te compras el juego legal pero dsps no llores que Bugisof te ha timado de nuevo…..
Puede que tarden mas de una semana y nosotros aqui actualizando cada minuto xD
pues si la verdad…
puede hasta que tarde meses
ya ves xd
jajajajaj asi mismo es jajaja
Furious infosec games…shed some light in here… any luck..?
We will update our crack information in a few hours. Stay tuned.
Enough… could u stop it..???
thank you
stfu you cancerous kid, fucking get a life
excited asf with just a response
Or u could say a FAKE response..??
ok activate please contact me
Can you share your gmail or Facebook id
you are not real cracker …
Dude first work on ur sarcastic behavior..then u could work on anything else…????
love the they troll
Hello Sir You Real SKIDROW (cracker) / Fake User
he is not real
yes he is real
And funny too..???
This chat its so funny xC
Site lets go crack pls
oh guys. antidenuvo .com is scam . I now found this link : https://www. reddit .com/r/CrackStatus/comments/44f1mw/psa_be_careful_with_anitdenuvocom/
well you were about to buy
well you see its really easy to fall to that kind of trap
even one guy wrote this. the situation of denuvo being uncrackable is making ppl desperate, and a lot of bad ppl and scammers use that desperation to earn your money… that site is just an example of that shit
its true that there a scammers on this site but there are also very few who are very nice to you and also activate the game before payment
OMG Guys dont believe trash shit lying here if there was really any crack it would be uploaded on this site! Dont fall for that shit in this chat they are fucking with you guys..
Soluchan karlo Kamless ki tarrah firr milenga CRACK!
dun dun dun dun dun….:D
Nhi Nagar Palika ko bulao.Iski maa ka bhosda Bhai Bhai Bhai
Guys the first video which comes after you search ac origins crack has many positive comments about a working crack so are those also not legit ?… it says cpy crack …i downloaded but the rar file is pass protected…no virus though ?
But dnt knw y…..it seems the pass was given desperately after the release of the game..not sure though
everything that asks for survey or password is fake
Crack is out.
Fuck you
Where it is den???
Refresh the site.
lol plz dont stop trolling
Restart the OS.. refresh 100 times… still nothing…
dun dun dun dun dun…. bhagg yha se BC TMKB
Rundi ka bacha.
Itna goli marenge na ki BC doosra Gaad ban jayega Troll ki chut BC
Rundi ka bacha
Jante the koi Gaandu hi hoga lund khujau Behen ke lodu
Hai rotto il cazzo!!!!!
okay guys found new site https://www. plati. market/cat/akkaunty-uplay/22765?lang=en-US is this real? they sell accounts with that game on it
they post this https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/62b501c09497c189de5127208b423e15170531337978583de78f9d2fb50f80df.png
go to this site and you can buy an account to play offline for less than 2 dollars. I did this and it works
http:// denuvogames. ru/item_info.php?lang=en
it does not open site This page isn’t working
denuvogames .ru is currently unable to handle this request.
it works for me, try to search the site on your browser
site work for me
Try using a proxy or something. Maybe your ISP is blocking it. Although I do not recommend making payment through a proxy.
ok works for me and i can play for how long?
you can play the whole game but OFFLINE
https://www .youtube.com /watch?v=7FaKuvlJJvo
thanks man I am going to check and they will give me an account with password? or how they do it
when you pay they give youy the account and the password instantly
the question is how can they do it like that that the game costs 40 dollars and they sell it for 1,70 i dont get it
if they change password of account you will not be able to play then
in simple they are buying game at full price and leasing it to you at certain amount for specific time afterword they will simply change password
those clever bastards… they would get anyone with that
ya examples are in front of you
you see and when you have no one to talka bout it and you are desperate for this games you will do it and then you get scammed
it doesn’t say any specific time, but hey maybe that’s the case. $1.75 is not bad to play an uncracked game
you are right but what if I get banned on my ip for playing it on my side
why? you’re going to play OFFLINE
okay but can I transfer my downloaded assassins creed to that folder when I buy the game so I dont have to download it again
I’m not sure but maybe you can cause you will have the original files from uplay
and when did u get the account? how long you have played now
yesterday. like 5 hours!
and still the account works?
look at this man.
Got to download the game, it then logged me out saying another user logged in and the password was changed, no response from the customer support.
2017-10-29 (today, less than an hour ago)
that happened to me like to times when i was downloading the game, but not when playing
that i don’t know my friend, but, it works cause that’s how im playing the game since yesterday. my account came when origins syndicate and brotherhood
They give account and password without use TeamViewer?
right there when youy pay they give you the account also via email
Guys don’t even bother i feel like those ppl got paid by ubisoft or whatever so they do not release the game asap . it make no sense that the same version as any other game and most of the games got cracked within a day .
Any ideas when crack is commin’ out?
1st April 2018
I call bullshit
stfu abhijeet its been only 2 days
can someone seed this pls
can someone seed pls
Go home, not crack in 2017
If you’re gonna dishearten people for a laugh you should just make a sandwich and do the laundry.
like earlier ubi games GR wildlands, far cry 4…. the crack will release After months, maybe in june 2018 or near it.
if u cant wait! den buy the game support developers.
That would fucking suck
no stfu
Buy an account from Denuvo dot ru . Not sure how it works but I’m downloading it ASAP
sorry Denuvogames dot ru . It’s not fake and the user may change the password so not sure how it’s gonna work.
remember, you need to play offline mode.
Yeah, I got that.
give me link man I cant find it on denuvo .ru
Mine shows it. denuvogames dot ru
well thats different site
thats not denuvo .ru but http:// denuvoGAMES. ru/item_info.php?lang=en
how you have it on uplay if its saying its for Origin
I do not know. It maybe an error. It sent me an uplay account in my registered email.
okay but they have chat offline so after i purchase i get email with account yes
Yes. The delivery is Instant. I paid through Paypal though.
alright man thanks i am gonna try ill let you know I will write on top so you can see my comment
thats all they got there! no origins! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/caacf798810d85e6e26adf2f0640e847b3f9d9354b4dbb324453fb4e586f5709.png
wtf where is the game there
Can’t we pay an account with paysafecard ???
I am gonna check it
wait but this game they have only for origins how u got it on uplay
I delete all logings in 30 minutes are all working again
Go to ubi club and enter the user pass. check
Then go to uplay on computer and play
they all got blocked
Thtswhy he posted those in here..???
to many people try enter. Try later 15 minutes ago all works
do you have a private account pls ?
they aren’t fake but everybody is connecting and they got blocked
You are blocked from logging in due to repeated failed attempts. Please come back later.
yea lol
yea not working
Copy all i delete in 5 minutes
when i click on download it launch steam
@fifinix:disqus alright man I paid now
I am gonna try details one sec
What is the site?
denuvogames . ru
I got email
that will happen multiple logins
I will let you know if it works
if it works guys I will tell you and give you site
Ok thanks man
It works guys wtf
got the game there i give u pic
Here picture https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f19f29f73569b4b1e23d623da5e2555dddcaf71adac07afccdda7f7bc2bcac52.png
did u brought it ??
yea man for 1,7 dollar
its worth it right??
if its any other guys account how will you have it
yea I got different account
okie man
can you send me the account info so I can download too?
I got email with email and password to account
can i pay with cretid card in euro ?
how ..give me a guide pls
go to denuvogames .ru find assassins game and pay 1,75 dollar u get email with email and password for ubisoft
yes also with paypal
without paypal i have only credit card ..is safe site ?
yes man I tried first time it worked
I recommend using PayPal. Do not use your CC directly.
how connect paypal with my cc ?
ok thanks i find
How did you get it? What is the same site
denuvogames. ru
Good Now download it ASAP. You don’t know when the user is gonna change it.
okay download now :D
I’m having problems with the Files. The menu does not have any text WTF? lol. I’m verifying it now.
I will try to put downloaded origins to uplay so it may be fast so I dont have to download
Yeah just use the Locate FIles feature in uplay. Make sure to change the Language. It was set to Arabic in mine.
how do you download new languages?
use the preload and put offline and always star offline because are share accounts and if you lose the account you lose your progress. But if you are offline nobody can kickout
thanks man for advice
but the preoload is the deluxe edition, is not that a problem?
I’m having language issues right now. Verifying the game files. I wish I had them on my SSD. My HDD is so freaking slow.
lets hope it will work fine man
Picture added
I am now copping files https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/55556a601dabdfe40728b28ca545bc9d219276827d194ed48be97e935a021ef3.png
can u answer my doubt if u copied that files into your system u cann play even the accout gets banned??
basically what I do i transfer files I download here to uplay so I dont have to download the whole game again
if i also did it it will ask for us to enter key code right ??
no the game was there
ok brother thank u
np man
check picture bellow I added with that game there
i think even if he play offline and user of account change password his progress will be gone bec this game uses different point to trigger progress
well i tried it so I will see if it works fuck 1,75 dollar I just wanna see what it does
ok good luck keep updating how well it goes
okay man I will
Just use the Locate File feature in uplay. it’s much faster. And why are you still using Windows 7 ? :| It’s outdated and the game may have problems.
man I hate windows 8 and 10 I love windows 7 my favourite :D
You’re gonna have problems man. Sooner or later.
wait how u do locate file
Just click on the game. It will on the left pane. Under download. Browse it and make sure you point to the game files no sub folders or you’re gonna have error. After that verify your files and change your language.
ok its doing it now thanks
tell us if the game works
I will tell in few minutes
I cant validate files omg.. but I have slow internet download it shit
Make sure you pointed it to the exact game files and not to it’s parent folder. If you have Teamviewer I can help.
why should u need internet for just verify files
What’s the problem? We have to pay for crack now??
I went to one site denuvogames .ru paid 1,75 I got email with account and password and got the game there so I download it now
so …..we want to download it again from that account
i will transfer files I downloaded on torrent to uplay account so i dont have to download whole game again
oh thanks :D
np man
Furious infosec games still waiting for your reply…any luck..?
Announcement: We are currently working on the crack, we sincerely hope to give it to you guys tomorrow at 12:00 PM :) Be patient.
30 oct 00:00 ir 31 oct 00:00
lol saw your other comments just spreading fake news shut the fuck up and go
baldman cracks ass
That’s not by changing your name from skydrow to baldman that your troll is gonna work
I pee on u
ok i hope so …. still better than the other idiot ppl buying accounts(virus) from fake pages xDD Im impressed how easy it is to make money with ppl that have no patience … piez out
its not fake I actually got the account
and a nice troyan too my friend how can u be so naiv a think that a anonymous person will give u a code for 2dollars … please dont make me lough. And if it would work u would be playing and not be here in a fucking crack site page comments…. dickhead
STFU idiot. It’s not a Key. It’s an Account for rent. Dumbass kid.
yea an account for rent ….. LMFAO
I show u pic
no need to be offensive its not any kind of Trojan or what ever its matter of time for how long he can play
I guess fr an hour or so..
You put that account in offline and you play forever. As long as you don’t logout or go online.
you will not play forever game will ask you to be online at certain stage maybe 30min-1 hour i dont know and if he change password you are done deal
Oh FFS how in the hell would the Uplay application know that the user has changed it’s account or there is an update when it’s gonna be starting in offline mode? Are you Autistic?
offensive? ur are getting fooled by anonymous persons and ur defending it so u deserve it…..sorry
so another 30+ hours ?
yes and he will troll your ass again after 30+ hours
u must know it no? ;)
well i am not victim yet
that account is fake…..check it ?????
If u troll further bayek will surely assassinate u…?????
Wow wait what,this again U got be Kidding me Man,its fake again guys!
All of them are trolling. You guys have no heart. ;-;
heart? u mean no brain …..
denuvogames dot ru. Kine ne bhai. Wait korar che oneekh better. 130 Rs lagbe approx.
Taka diye offline kenar kono maane hoy na.
Koto taka dichis setao to dekh. 130.
Crack ta ele to sei offline na khelbi. Online thodai jabi? :/
Procedure ta clearly bolbi? Khub fuzzy lagche byapar ta.
denuvogames dot ru te ja. Assassins creed origin ta select kor ar buy kor. Ora tor Email id te ekta username aar password debe joldi kore login kore niye Game take install kore ne. Cracked version thakle to kono prblem nai. Seta kei locate kore ne otai install hoye jabe. Tar por prothom bar ekh baar play kor…ar next time theke uplay ke offline mode chalabi. Nijer accounte login korbi na joto khon game ta khelte chaas…sob somoye offline thakbi ar online kokhono jabi na.
well i cant validate files it does not work so I have to download the game again… it will be playable in 3 hours so i will see..
I am trying to copy files from torrent but it does not work I just wanted to make it faster so i dont have to download game but it seems i will have it
gud coz u have internet left for u mine is going to over
download speed 500kb/s :D
estimated time??
hm now it says 5h 28mins i show u pic
yea i saw the pic
here https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d23a14403160214a4ea1db63344357cd2a68e724e48d8502b742275224b0b62e.png
What is that playtime,kills,stats & all that…can u explain..?
because hes a fucking liar dude….
do u have facebook i will write u there with info in case you wont be here
You have Teamviewer? I can help. Mine was not Validating too so I did a workaround.
no man I dont have this but its fine man I just wanted to try the game for like 1 hour anyway I will wait for those few hours but it sucks still
Ok. I’m off to Egypt now. LOL
alright see you :D
dude u have more than 400 coments here why tf u dont buy the game and leave us alone …
what is ur problem if he comments here
can anyone share their account with me it will be greatful
dude ur fucking fooling the ppl … ur a liar thats what u are …. u dont even know if its working and ur giving info? are u kidding me?
go on top new comments and I added pictures there autist
I am also waiting for crack, here I bought for 1,75 account and giving people info how it works so gtfo
If you have amd phenom procesor you can´t run
I´m trying for 10 hours
Can you share the account bro
man it wont work playing 2 people at same time it costs 1,75 dollar want site?
are u kidding
@disqus_vvsMMeSQoa:disqus here you go fucker if you says its fake account its not fake its rented account for 1,75 dollar for me its fine cause I just wanna try the game https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b1219203c77a6f45def20bcf712472c899004e0294137893ad9ce87f2bb24d63.png
for those wanna try account go to denuvogames. ru
show me how ur playing the game and dont show me pics from ur libary
I am installing now as you can see its download I be able to play in 4 hours
whats the speed of your conn
here another pic https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/114c6f19e933c544763c5896e1ffeaba4b392ad1109f40d092407a188e0fbdde.png
iam eager to watch for the game to work for you than you
man I will let u know when it works ok
is it working
what are you using 4 or 5Mbps
650kb/s man :D
then you will be downloading game in 15 to 20 hours in your screenshot its saying 16hours
I will be able to play in 5 hour cause it says playable in 5hour
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8ebc2a55891fd96d7dc01e22e7993168e6b5a9d289e2837eeae548b23a3eb475.png here u got another proof that its paid
and that means the game works? wow 10/10 nice graphics tho
well that means I got the email and password for uplay account which contains origins as you can see in pic below
ok look lets do one thing… when u downloaded the game could u make a pic of the gameplay and stuff? im bored of this disscusion xD
of course i will with my name on it ok?
ok perfect if i see its true i will apologize but until now i cant defend fake pages and rent account pages ….
alright do u have facebook in case u wont be here
dont worry i will be here every 2 hours i take a look a the site ;)
alright np I will be here too
noit a problem :)
on top I crossed it so you cant see details
What if the original owner of the account changes password and stuff. will you still be able to download the game or will it abort the download ?
thats alright man the account is for few hours its for renting account I just wanna try game
Aha oki i see.
thats why it is 1,75 dollar
What if i play offline?
you can play so you wont get disconected so u dont loose progress
The account is for play offline if you play online in a few hours you lose the account
its not for a few hours, you need to set uplay to start always offline mode and youy can play forever
as you can see its downloading https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/114c6f19e933c544763c5896e1ffeaba4b392ad1109f40d092407a188e0fbdde.png
did you buy the game ?
I paid 1,75 on rent denuvogames. ru to try the game
Oh. you rent i see…….
At the end i gave up and bought the game at a discounted price.
at least i don’t have to wait anymore.
if the crack comes out these days i will feel like an idiot
U have done the only reasonable thing when u dont have patience and it is buying the game better than posting fake shit…. enjoy the game ! :)
Been starin at this screen for too long,its in my dreams……..
ask on skidrowreloaded to get a reply on assassian creed origins…….
Guys please don’t pay for anything..if there is a crack …it would be here soon..even if u rent an account it will only give u some hrs of playtime… please friends be patient the crack will be released eventually…and it would be a complete & fullproof one.. and for the persons who have already paid fr something…I hope u could play the entire game…but if u gonna pay and play then there is no need of this discussion forum and the support for denuvo will only be increased…well i don’t want to offend anyone..just saying be patient..it would be eventually cracked for free..???
yea you are right but we dont know how much time will it take??
Ok if u don’t wanna wait..then try those sites or buy the game…but eventually ur supporting denuvo by paying..even $1..??
Yes it’s true
yes it the crackers have taken monry from the ubisoft to not selease the crack !!! the crack will come after months when the sales will be dead ….
At least someone here knows how to calm down hyped nerves.
who dont trust me that denuvogames. ru is real not fake give me ur facebook i will write you there when its playable in 5 hours and I will post a picture or video of the gameplay if anyone is saying its fake shit.
Did you change passwords when you bought?
no man but its just rented account it costed 1,75 dollar I just want to try if it will even work on gtx 970 lol
What happens if the person signs back into the account?
he gets the account back in some hours thats why its rented for 1,75 its not for days account just some hours
for people who want to try the game
Wouldn’t effect you if you play offline
no it will work
I have a gtx970 and a i5 6600K and it work as hell (very hight in 60fps)
You know that you can purchase the game on Steam, test it to see if it’s compatible with your specs. If not, you can refund the game by explaining that it’s not working properly with your PC ;)
yea but I dont have in total £50 on my bank u know :)
LOL i have an gtx970 too so if it dosent work fuck this game Lmfao
yea man syndicate and unity sucked in perfomance too i never finished syndicate
I got i7 4790k in case you want to know so i hope it will work
We are not saying that it’s fake..you could play thts for sure it will work..but for how long nobody knows..moreover you said that you just want to try..so by paying even a dollar & trying a game for some hours…is that ok for you..or you could just wait for some more time and get the entire game working perfectly without any payment…??
yea its fine for me I was thinking of buying full game but ubi game sucks in performance so I wanna see how it runs and a bit of story to play
Ok then that’s ur wish..???
yea fuck 1,75 thats nothing to try something
Skidrow, you can put the crack, you have generated enough visits …
Skidrow don’t make cracks, it’s cpy codepunks, nosteam and voski (or whatever the fuck his name is)
I did not say that, but if you have to post it and do not save it to increase visits to the page…
hi…should i install uplay after the download or should wait for an crack?
Just wait for the crack dude..???
thanks bro
crack will come after months
I think so too
Hmm well if u think so keep it that way…but I don’t think so..It would be released soon..??
Bro small info…..my friend bought this game and i have his activation code so how many users can use one activation code?
Only a single person..who has that code
my friend…he already used the code so just wanted to know the user limit..
Then it’s done…it couldn’t be used further..??
Well I think it’s gonna take some time before they crack this one guys, that’s just my personal opinion no hate plz, reviews for this game seem good so I’ll probably pick it up good luck all in the meantime
How close is the crack to being released?
we dont know…..
6 mins
no!!!!! how we would know skidrow never reply so dont even ask its waste
Well, it could be 6 mins away from release, or one. You never know.
Big Fuckingggggggggggggg Denovo
guys I’m sorry for all the jokes, I’m just waiting for the crack so badly :(
Hey it’s ok bro we are enjoying your comments…??
dont worry just go kill urself ok? thank you : )
just kidding dont worry kid
thanks dad
have u done u homework? : O
no, I was refreshing this site the whole day :D
hmm ok but please call me Mom! lol
now I’m horny
Im 25 … so thank you …. the fap is free :)
thats your org pic????
No….my girlfriend dude …..
no its not just downloaded from net right
of course dude xD really do u think a hot chick like this is saying “u can fap like u want”come on xDD
i know that lol
so on pic its really you? :D
stop flirting…n show us the game..
on top you can see picture I added
u are mom age you look like 17 or 18
We all waiting for crack,bros
So you don’t have the crack and it’s was a joke ?
Guys if the crack release so we protest or not? :D
protest 4 what? Lmfao this is not Trump tho
bcz this is mega conspiracy against piracy lol
oh fuck ur right didnt see the iluminati in here….lmao
I agree with you
We protest something must happen
Sign the petition .. NO to Denovo
And tht petition will go to Ubisoft for approval..?????
Right John Maring
Well boyz ! Im out
Just Watched the game and i must say it ! it is a peace of shit game . they went full on the sjw status and changed everything about the assassin’s creed industry ,the story is horrible , graphic are ok for a 2017but the game runs like shit .it was fun while it lasted and i hope this peace of shit get cracked so you boyz can play it .
get lost .thnk u
Stfu you dont know anything
yea i ve seen some bad reviews on Ytube so its true ….. nothing new tbh
Its a personal thing imop. Been watching alot of guys who love Assassins creed games and they rly enjoy Origins
yea but the optimizacion seems pretty shit for pc …. maybe on console they like it more than on pc xD
They play on PC with a controller hehe
I would play it with controller too yea….but if the game is crashing all the time it would be fucking annoying tbh
Crashing ?. Never heard of the game crashing. Atleast nor for the guys i been watching. and been watching alot of hours =)
I am playing on Ultra High on a GTX 970 and a Ryzen 5 1400. Getting in mid 40’s. Visuals are great though. Loving it so far. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/daed3b54c488d1dfb24274243a546f4d1472a13ae258d9f678b0f2b9974c1fdf.png
wtf man
wtf really sjw?? like what shits there
BTW Ivan and Sayed and every other white night . Do not worry ! this game is made for you . You get to be the Cuck that you are . Honestly if i was you (Beta Cuck) i wold go ahead and buy the game just to maximize the cuckins in me and support these SJWs faggots . Have fun Aye.
Nobody asked you anything
still 5 hours left to be playable ill let you know with pics how it works for renting for few hours account for 1,75 dollar on denuvogames .ru https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f1e4610edbcaeb92281731c1694cb5131f10a58f8f1da200769481b700aa435a.png
It’s Play time on this account is 5Hrs, not until its playable :x You still have 16Hrs to download :x Enjoy gaming.
Taky sem tam koupil/pujcil ucet.Bude to stazeny cca za 15min tak su zvedavej jak to pojede_)
ahoj tak to sem prekvapen ze tu je nejaky cech :D
To cekani mne ubijiXD..myslim na ten crack..proto to chci vyzkouset jak moc se muj pc zapotiXD..gtx 970 oc,i5 3470@3.80,8gb ram
jo no pak dej vedet jak ti to jde jo mas fb?
dej mi vedet jak ti to jde mne to stahuje 700kb/s :D
fucking denovu
Denuvo gold digger
so how long is it gonna take?
Because some of the games such as the evil within 2 and south park got cracked almost instantly
we dont know….but we will soon
I hope we do… Soon :)
What is the preload to release patch?
@disqus_vvsMMeSQoa:disqus thats not you I am sure fake pic on google :D https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fb9470655733958720fca856e8f6d04eb34aa7fd83d0dbbc9a8672ed017bdf07.jpg
wtf xD
no its just an cosplay pic from google dude xD
wtf why u got it if its not you you make others think its you if they dont check google :D
im playing battlefront so ppl thik im a gril and its pretty funny to troll them and get rekt them : )
oh I see good way to receive items in world of warcraft :D
u know it dude u know it xD
WTF she/he already told so
gimme a minute ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
fap 4 free yay : )
i saw that too but its not the thing you should not post to proof something, skidrow please release crack people are going crazy here
The sad thing is that it can be released within 1 minute to several days =(
same shit could happen as it did to Rise of the tomb raider
didn’t it get cracked after a few months?
dont remember me about Tomb Raider ffs
the thing is they all take money and if the release crack now no one will buy game and everyone will download it from sites the will not get the half of earnings with it so chill and dont waste your times
they already have the crack but they will not release it i bet you
could be true yea but we will see
so fcuk me im famous?
u could be
fucked ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
#nohomo >.>
true, #nohomo
You guys have any idea how many ppl working on the crack ?. Is it only skidrow ?
steampunk, cpy, codex
there will be more than only skydrow
Crack is here……………………….
your mother was a dumb whore with a fatass
no its not nice try
crack is where? dont see him? huh?
you are no longer welcomed to the brotherhood….haha
Hahhahahah i hate this
Ac is my favourite game but fckin crackk.
lets just all pause
Sit down, relax….
#Tities( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
ok!!!!! Fuck U Denovuuuuuuuuuu
ay fuck YOU DEN!
and have an orgy? : )
we could try ;)
@fifinix:disqus guy put picture he also bought it for 1,75 dollar on denuvogames .ru and its working for him. I bought it also so buy it guys too its just like renting borrowing for a while killing boredom https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/daed3b54c488d1dfb24274243a546f4d1472a13ae258d9f678b0f2b9974c1fdf.png
hooly fuck!
why does this game look so ugly?
its gtx 970 he said its mid 40’s fps thats sad actually the performance
just ubisoft…
average graphics with weird performance
yea downgrading everything and have the worst perfomance on games
ugly?????? Its 2000BC So it is beautiful in its own way, why are u here GTF Out of here
he means the graphics the performance
how the fuck he can see performance in the Picture
its a game from ubisoft
isn’t that enough??
lol so why even wait for crack get over it
Maybe but you just can’t say that this picture is ugly -_-
You cant.
Actually 350 -30 BC hehe
may be
if you want to play it without crack for like few hours its not forever at least play a bit story or see performance
we will see ;)
I have to download it for 4 hours more to be playable ill post my pictures too so you can see
dont worry …. easy
You need to hurry it up man. There’s no telling when the password will be changed.
hi Dezo, Playing in offline mode with that account?
graphics or not bad compared to previous games
What do i do with that preload to release patch? just copy the files over to where i installed the game?
3 DRM’S running in the background to work. Steam, U Play and f** Denuvo
So It take time to Crack
yea it isnt easy i guess…
Guys I will post pictures here what are the club rewards in Uplay alright
ill add more
black altair? yay : )
2. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a7ddad7683cfb323866eea2c2d4cae470d91aa8d78f6dd5b205a3c2a8b046b24.png
3. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bd2f7f64f2bb8f0b8b6d206031c7eb8d42a3619d5cccd1835330fa9d4c40ed57.png
Can you tell me how to get Ezio and Altair outfit >. ?
i don’t think we can get it in crack..
I know but IN game
4. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3733f7b04b73875bf4afd895b21235c63855857e8f54e9714bf3ff42fc891918.png
Denovo 4.8 Confirmned
Denuvo Variant
Handball 17
Assassin’s Creed: Origins$
Denovo 4.8 CONFIRMED by Voksi
yeah i see that…. they are working on it
NFS payback will use same version
no i m not ready wait let me hold on to somthing it will take me 2 or 3 days or weak so wait
well we will see…
we will
someday ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
u shittin’ me, white boy?
5. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/84d0722af3196c62fa06d167190a5dbd17b3d98fbeaf9510db4255f9b99dcd0a.png
6. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a39f59aee94310926b8204c1d3889db390b7f40b7252446c8d2f9daacf3d29f9.png
Guyz DENOVO 4.8 confirmed
one of cracker voksi posted this on reddit
Well, guys, I just checked ACOrigins.exe and you can say Denuvo went full retard. They put VMProtect on top of Denuvo. How “efficient” that is, I can’t say, but you can safely label this version as V4.8
sooo, what does this shit mean?
they cant crack the game that he is trying to say
oh well….
fucked up news son
ohh well everyone say Fuck U Denovuuuu
it means it willl take 2 3 week .. its just my assumption .. hope cracker works hard to kick denovo out..
well boys, it’s been a pleasure
Can you send link here for that
he posted the pic down
Ohh i se thanks
He stole this comment from a 2 day old reddit comment
cmon .. i hve checked his profile its genuine
i told all retard in here its not 4.5 denuvo
Read VOKSI … and he is real and its on reddit and no fake…
So when it is expected to be released???
it will take time ..mayb week months ..nt in days
If that’s true I’m gonna spent ? atleast now I’m glad that it gonna take a decade or else it gonna be nightmare for me that I have spent money on 0 cost
here are the news https://www. reddit. com/r/CrackWatch/comments/79hj3c/waiting_for_the_almighty_crack_gods_like/?sort=new https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3f242f27fa0d1488c9668efd760671244a302748b1cd037d387ff54f8095d984.png
check the link above i provided
ok let me get it clear this are some silly fucking excuses to take some time they know we are desperate and going crazy for it people with patience will wait and others will buy it thats what they want so dont just see it see trough it.
yea man something must be behind it..
and some fucking websites like cpygames say they created the crack and we should do some fucking surveys to download the crack…..fucking waste of time
right they aeven made the video that they have crack and how to put it in game and play they are not shoing thta how to download the crack
they suck balls
now you are geeting my pointtttttt…. hacked were paid buy ubisoft … to not release the crack
we are on same page buddy from beginning dont u saw my old posts
Bro i downloaded a so called crack from cpygames but the rar is pass protected….seems lyk the pass was given desperately …no virus though
bro if there was a crack the codex would just copy the crack and post it on this page as simple as that
if fake and you should do fucking surveys for the password…don’t waste ur time
Yes u r ryt bro…….but how can all the comments in the video on youtube be fake…nt sure though
fake accounts bro its a childs play
they delete link already
https://www. reddit. com/r/CrackWatch/comments/79hj3c/waiting_for_the_almighty_crack_gods_like/?sort=new
fuck Denuvo :)
seriously guys
lets fuck them
come lets go. before that! Is Denuvo A girl????
<———-hope like this one
yeah i hope so if she is like that i m in
me too : )
could be, but im not sure
Idont care if he is a boy or girl I just need anything to fuck even a dog
ahhahahahhahaha dont waste time here go to strip club or something hahhaha
u can’t even touch in strip clubs soo, it won’t help him
use VR porn
that works
Side effects … because of waiting the fucking crack
Try jerking off,it will help :P
wtf man
fuck cake
poor dog tho : (
They are controlling us guys! Lets fuck em all! haha
Do i just copy the “preload to release” stuff over to where i installed the game?
it won’t work bro….wait for the crack..
You can have it where ever you want when you have the crack. And you need to w8 for them to release the cracken!
oh okay, so basiaclly run the exe in the folder once i have the crack in place?
Yep. but from what it seems it can take weeks , months or even a year for them to crack the game
Thanks bud.
SOooooo I thnk we are fucked this is an official reddit account by Voksi who makes cracks, he said that they are using denuvo and other protection programs, I dont think we’ll be seeing the crack anytime soon sadly :( https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5027e26e0f2babb18d3f071411532740b0738a4f299eb95df824038cacce42d9.png
Now at least we can sit peacefully knowing it’s another version!
ubisoft also the publisher of south park and the crack out only two days after the game so be patient
well guys I have bad news, if you remember when just 3 came out with new Denuvo protector it took 1 fucking year to crack, now that the version of denuvo is 4.8 which is totally new with totally new protection it will take weeks/ months even fucking year and I am not joking seriously its really bad.
u already said that
what? where did my comment go
i m simply here to watch everyone going crazy for crack the first i saw there where 150 comments now its 2500 still counting i m not waiting for crack its good to pass your useless time here hhahahahahaha
I wrote here about 300 times :DDDDD
my niggah
whats niggah
lol ? really xD it means black ppl tho *facpalm*
My gf even offered me to buy the regular version of the game. But i want gold edition!. But this waiting is killing me haha
well buy regular and then save money and buy season pass
still wont get all the legendary stuff that comes with the gold edition
oh that sucks then fucking ubi
Give me your regular edition i you don’t want it haha
Didnt buy it yet haha
bro the one above is not the golden edition ri8?
the one i downloaded was golden edition from skidrow site
can u send the link?
My folder sais Assassins creed origins Gold Edition uplay preload-ali213
well skidrow has only deluxe edition…..
Well i cant comfirm if its deluxe or gold edition since we dont have a crack. but the game is downloaded from skidrow and the folder say Gold edition
well there is finally a good news
like what ?
The Disqus is getting lots of new account with this shit hahahahaahaha:DDDD
Huh? What good news?
Disqus is getting new profiles with this shit lol
so when is the crack coming out if its v4.8 denuvo fuck you really
weeks/month even year just cause 3 took 1 year cause of new version
Months … some one will crack it .but not soon
If I understood well, I’m afraid it won’t be available before a few weeks :(
Donno…maybe after weeks, months or even an year..
fuckkkkkk man fuckkkkkkkkk fuck everthing …… fucking aco fucking denovo fucking games
get some crack man xD
u need some puss?
Finally ubi(hard) won the race I’m pretty sure majority spent money rather waiting for a decade so I wish ubi should show same interest in optimisation in later I’m gonna purchase tomorrow today is gonna be bad day for everyone TQ..
we waited almost an year for this game….i think we can wait for few more days
in order to crack ..they wil have to crack two layers of virtual machines.. it will take time
Well guys dont be sad at least we have info that denuvo is 4.8 so we dont have to be inpatient cause we know where the problem is rather than knowing nothing
good point
is your Uplay account still working ?
yea man 3 hour to download to be playable i put picture here when its ready yes
Okay thanks, i think i’m gonna buy one
wann link
here picture https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ede2a49fcfd19c87cea6064bcb1be4618e66a0fed5bd4b4108e9321a0defd1ce.png
hi have your Version german voices
tak sem hral kousek ze zacatku.Bezi to v poho.Ale fps nic moc teda..kolem 45..je potreba si pohrat trochu s nastavenim.A jestli to ma novy Denuvo tak to je fakt v prdeli a snad si to i koupim..XD
jaj diky ze si mi napsal aspon vim dopredu co cekat skoda ze je nova verze denuva no.. ja to nebudu kupovat je to este moc drahe tak jeste pockam nejakou tu dobu treba na crack no
Aww well back to wanking over freak porn i guess..
good luck man
have a good one ;)
u know it ; )
I DO ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
can activate the game contact me over skype live:fordpuma82
another spam??? if yes keep it i m not buying it
not spam
how do u know
got the account I am installing the game want pic
like real or trial one????
its rented for 1,75 dollar for some time to play
lol i dont wanna try i want to play all
you can
you have it for 24hours
its good to finish the game within that time
do u really think u will finish the game in the given time its not even the full version
denuvogames .ru
the account is only for one user how can he activate?
well got the email and password for the account
german voices ?
yes it has it is multilanguage
please can we contact over skype live:fordpuma82
i have us Version without german voices please can you give me german package can send over skype
thx how is your skype id
you have to wait cause I am downloading game and its not fully downloaded
here my skype id please add me live:fordpuma82
okay man
do you have facebook so i can add you
i have no Facebook please skype
do you have no skype
hey please contact me
i got account man and the game
here picture https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f162cb178b958a9327d61791ef921bb0e737c95ef83370968562c5cfb748e87d.png
i got account for 1,75 dollar
<—– call me <3
i’ll send u some nudes u nutty tit boy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
u know what i want dont chaa *Orgasm*
Who said its denuo 4.8 i just saw it on crack watch it’s 4.6
Can you send me the link
It’s told by voksi officially…so now we won’t be getting the crack anytime soon..we have to wait maybe fr months..???
Well fuck it off to buy the game
thats what they want
Thats what i need
Is the 3 layer of protection going in the background responsible for the game being more cpu intensive ?
i was thiking about that cause a lot of ppl are having issues!
Denuvo 4.8 confirmed by Volski.
No crack for now.
we already having an big argument about that down here
well you got shadow of wars
Ok, go cry now
cry for what
maybe she has her period? and she is pissed that she is not as hot as me …. <.<
you are one real piece lol
i m the gamer who dont care of getting hands on game first i can wait for long time i m just here to chat and see all the silly stuffs going on here
Really impressive, but, who cares?
when you get the crack dont matter getting the crack is all that matters
forgot about crack now for a month
More than 300 days
already know abt that big fucking shitty reveal
No more wait. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a9e96b86e3b8116bf29dd9ee186745c196cd200bc13885f8714b78910213e0e8.jpg
i got xbox one but i dont use it
i have pro. PC Version have so much bugs right now. so i ordered on ps.
whats your download speed
Original-100 down , 40 up, PS4- 40 down 10 up. PS4 Sucks
so if I get 100mb internet I get 10mb download speed?
you will get between 30 to 50
my current one is 8mb internet so i got 800kb downloda…….
i said 30 to 50mb not MB. bcz ps4 never give you full speed. on pc i get 100mb
fuck u why are you even here this site is for pc gamers so back off buddy
i have PC too
you have the ps4 version so why bother coming here
bcz i waited 3 days. so now its chill time.
Ubisoft: 1 Crackers: 0
nice one
not yet ..after week mayb
nice lol
the way they wrote ( the game is out now, Wait for crack) it feels like they are calling us loosers
like – Wait for Crack looser u are not going to get it any sooner
i m still waiting for pc version btw. bcz i want to play in ultra.
u steal words frm my mouth and my keyboard thats the greatest things of pc we can play games in 4k on ultra setting thats one thing no console can give not even xbox one x because its 4k but i bet its not having ultra settings
tbh 4k 30(which is upscaled) is worse than native 1080p60.
yeah true
More than 300 days That is how long one of the latest Denuvo-protected games has gone without being cracked
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its so big ! :O
i know something else that’s big ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Thats Black flag bredda.Stop spamming stuff from crackwatch.It’s already viral there.
i dont know that …….. spread
steampunks or codex will crack it just give them more time i hope they do it soon
another baby awwww u crying out there buddy
congrats we bet the comments section of WOLFENSTEIN II
yay :)
by a loooong shot lol
yeah the price for the the win is crack yo
i wish
just kidding we are not going to get it any sooner
3-layer protection, baby, holy shit.
Join the discussion…
Guys,here’s the bad news.
Voksi has officialy announced on reddit that AC origins has some kind of VM added Denuvo(being called V4.7 or 4.8 by some) so I guess It might take some time to crack.It will take a week or two atleast.
*We’re done for*
old news buddy
Just warming things up
Tho I will still ask people not to buy the game,it will only support Denuvo’s cause…
well i support dev and hacker both. you will find out by scrolling.
Don’t you think we shall look back at what kind of performance Ubi games have been giving on PCs?
ACO is very glitchy on PC right now. thats why i ended up ordering on console. still i am waiting for crack bcz on PC, I can play on ultra.
That’s one badass pc you’ve got
Yup,that’s why they’re releasing the day one patch for.The game has been giving forties on ultra on the likes of1080 ti(tho AMD is totally fucked)
I don’t think that will be possible…..they’re fucking up CPU performance with their anti tamper tech.
wow that really a bad one but u are not the first to tell us that
bro its the same news we are getting again and again
i am sure the owner of this site will be shocked by the no.of comments but still he wont give a damn
The hiest number of comments i have ever seen on this site
Skidrow right now https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1b5cc33d49ef8188f6d090e591cb5dd0c34ceb18c4714e4f5816287447d849b4.png
i wish we can at least get an rough estimation date about the crack…..it can cheer us up and save all the trouble
guys can i say crack will be available in 24 hours
no u cant
unless u r serious about it
i am serious but based on current situation may take a week or a month minimum
i know i was referring to @@tekobrian:disqus
today we have break a skidrow record
and the price will be the crack of WW2
+ batlefrot 2 a bounus lol
hahaha yeah freakin lol
I got tired of waiting. GF bought me the regular version of the game. can play in 2 hours
whats your internet speed?
im downloading the game in 1.7mb/s
ok so you mean only playable in 2 hour. not full game right?
yes playable in 2 hours
58 min left for play file. on my side
yeah man seriously marry her and before thar kiss her before playing the game
hahaha she felt sad for me sitting here hoping for a crack to the game and she knew i rly wanted to play the game
awwww so sweet i need a gf like that please pray for me
haha giving me the game was the least she could do since i gave her sperms for 2 kids hahaha
and she is still your gf lol u are really a SOB
hahaha we are engaged tho and live togeather. Beeing engaged is the same thing as beeing married. Im no longer in charge hahaha
indeed u are
marry her
Guys, here’s how Im playing the game.
go to this site http:// denuvogames .ru/ buy the uplay account password/email for $1.50, the game is going to be there on the account, press the game icon and where it says “DOWNLOAD” below it says something like “find location of files” (sorry i don’t remember what it says) press that and find the folder with the game that you downloaded from this site. now the game is ready to play, on the properties of the game set your favorite language and then the final step is to set the Uplay account to “start always offline” and you can play forever.
now you have assassin’s creed origins for less than $2
Pay 59$ more and u have the legit game for lifetime.How does it sounds?
these guys are here cause they don’t have the money to buy the Fukin game. don’t be a templar
May the father of Understanding Guide us to the damn crack.HAHAHAHAH!!!!
epic lol
Nothing is true,everything is permitted.
not everyone want to support AAA titles from shitty devs like ubisoft or EA dude
That’s why most of us are here,matey.
Gods,you can’t even detect sarcasm,can you?
yea I can play the game in 2hours
have you german voice i search for it my Version have only english
mine has all the languages, you need to be connected to the internet and then press properties on the game, there you set the language to german maybe it will download the language pack i’m not sure. then set the account to offline mode again.
i have the rus Version it have no german voice only Sub please can you send me german Folder with TeamViewer or skype
now that I changed the language to other than english i have that problem, they characters are mute but i have subtitles. weird
i can give you my skype id
I can just hope that this doesn’t end up like watch dogs 2……
fuck my life man,,,
came i will fuck
no need its already fucked
Perhaps a double penetration will liven things up
lol you are epic man
A new porn video will suffice,if the crack takes long to come out.lol
I think abstergo Industries is behind this all.they’re rigging the crack progress.
guys difference between steam and ubisoft store ver can any one explain
steam is a valve store and the largest pc games store in the world and uplay is a ubisoft store like ea and origin
so no difference where ever i buy it from
if i buy from steam will it be linked to uplay
no it wont it will be linked to steam
really all uplay stuff will not be accessible
you need uplay account to play ACO on steam
so u cant play ac origins without uplay ??
no. bcz i purchased Watch dogs 2 on steam so i know.
if you buy the game on steam you will need uplay and steam at the same time, if you buy the game on uplay you just need uplay
thats not a explanation,@sido263:disqus did best.
suck my nipples
suck my nippels! : )
savage. xD
you explained it well
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f24d4880d46348fa50be8053e5bc325e236ba24d7d431235cd4c79952aea04b8.png In like 2 hours ill be able to play the game which says playable i paid 1.75 $ for the account with password and this game was on it so it is of course for like few days account but I just wanna play this game and finish it. so I dont have to wait for the crack. if you want this also guys go to denuvogames .ru it costs 1.75$ and you can pay also with paypal and card dont worry guys its not fake I will also show pictures how i play the game when its finished in 2 hours to be playable
dont worry guys really its not fake its for those who wanna have account with password before crack comes out just pay 1.75
i was also sceptical about it but now I can say for sure
nah i will wait i dont pay money ;)
can you do a video on that
yes when its finished okay
yeah … just add details of site to buy account
i dont have enough money now
you have say you send me german voices please add me
yes but i told you it needs to finish cause i dont have downloaded whole so i dont have 100% all voices
do you have skype ?
only facebook but still if i send you file i have slow upload 50kb/s :D so it will take long time to transfer like 1gb of voices maybe 40 hours man
o shit i have 500mbit take sec damm
wtf whats your download speed and upload
300 mbit download and 150 mbit upload
omggggggggg thats a fucking lot I am jealous of u man
you have 5 activations with our account
what activations i dont understand
with your account you can give the game 5 People per day
can you give me your account and i download the german voices in a second
it does not work like that man otherwise its ban cause they see shared ip
is not right this account is in the next hour banned
they are owners of accounts
this accounts are all stolen
For How many times I can play this on this chargeable account?
you can play for like 24 hour but you can finish game in that time
dude its not like that omg, you need to set the account alwats start offline to play forever
oh sry did not know
You do know this is a 100+ hour game fi you want to do everything =)
sry then i dont know how it works maybe if u play offline its forever
24hrs continuously or total 24hrs ? I mean to say per day 3hrs for 8days can I play?
you can play forever in offline mode i was told now
you can share account with 5 People
Maybe you should also mention that its a renting account for a few hours only. Maybe some ppl think the account is something you keep.
yea sry
if you sert the account off line you can play the game forever
but what if they change password
it doesnt mastter, you just need to set the account offline, start always offline
but how can I download game in offline mode man
its on the settings, after you download the game, go to settings on unplay and press “start always offline” and never connect the account ever again. AFTER you download the game
okay then i understand
ok, enjoy the game cause its awesome
you mean “start always uplay offline” ?
that shite
did that but then the game asked said it coul not be loaded and i should connect, to validate some files, so I connect, launched game and immiedatly set uplay offline again. will try again later see if it was just for the first running or not, thanks for the tips anyway, seems to work fine except that
yeah you need to be sure that you have all the files of the preload. it worked flawless for me and I used the files that I downloaded on this site
after download offline modus
i want speak with you prive.how do that?
its work denuvogames ru
i trie to buy but say to me is my card out of limit ..but is wrong !
Guys as the proof I will provide you with Video okay?
ok guys i m takin off maybe Mia khalifa has the crack let me check there
ps use eagle vision on her boobs maybe u find it lol
i even have senu
ok i let u know ; )
i m going there so i will let you know
dont cum too fast crack will take more time to get here
i will not i m the long lasting guy
that what he said after 5min of flaying solo lol
to every one her waiting for the crack i want to thank u all becouse today history have bein made 2819 Comments lol
all because of me : )
no you where not the whole time
well that’s…actually true
its a team work more like an online orgy lol
we’re all just running around like headless chickens like in Inside Out when the emo kid bumps into the main character and in his head it’s just “GIRL ALERT GIRL ALERT GIRL ALERT”
i m here from 3 days straight
and my commend got the higest like
yeah u r on top bro max comments and upvotes too
So we all became friends …… :) :)
yay : )
yay lets party at your house
yeah ……… _///
whats the dresscode? nude? hihi :)
no just topless is fine i got to show my abs
Susege party
freakin yeah
alright like u want ; )
Freinds till crack
u got the fuckin point there
we totaly should exchange facebooks acc
send me ur acc
just say ur name :)
yeah until the crack comes and there 5x more leechers than seeders
no crack yet :(
i m afraid it not
until you all get the crack https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f1cf23094fa659885d9cfad54a4295d9cd99b8736c5843e382520139d677b254.png
u know it ! : )
gaming and masturbaiting is like going to the gym and after u go eat fast food
If they didnt uploaded it, I wouldnt have been so much eager. Its like putting our fav food locked infront of us. Well Im atleast giving some contribution towards this game. I visited this page over 50 times. I gave them so much of my Time. and Time is Money.
ur right just give Ubisoft ur money ! :)
wassuh, any news?
Yes…crack wud not be coming anytime soon..thts the news
by “anytime”… for how long, a month or so?
Weeks,months or even an year.. because as confirmed by voksi an hour ago..it’s v4.8 new version of denuvo..so I guess it won’t be cracked anytime soon
Uplay will drop it by then. The problem here isnt 4.8, it’s 4.6 + vm protect, theres 2 drms which kills performance.
Support the developers. buy this game if you like it. BUY IT!
i think i have to go this route lol
Ya. Never read that untill today, coz i didnt spend this much time on any page.
Untill now i Just search the game, click on the name, and click on torrent download.
no dont give in to the dark side lol
say no to DevilNo ..
done already 35 min to play https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a9e96b86e3b8116bf29dd9ee186745c196cd200bc13885f8714b78910213e0e8.jpg
alot of you guys be like o.0 Hahahahah
assassin’s creed origins high cpu usage how can i fix it this game need an i 7 wtf
:( :(
check the running processes
like other programs running in the background
maybe thats what causing it
ubi , VM protect denuvo v8.6
Same problem on i7 too. sometime game crash as well.
changing the game priority from high to normal
i purchased on ps4 my friend have this on pc
removing denuvo will fix that i think
They would never do that ubishit..???
not ubishit the craked version of the game will not have denuvo
cracked ubisoft game always work better than retail.
good to know
i have heard that going to task manger and changing the game priority from high to normal fix it can any one try and tell us ?
First wait for the crack…. after that we can find a solution
yeah but its good to be prepard ause this game is a cpu eater
yeah i think ubi will release an update soon cause of this issue… because its happening badly
That update will speed up crack cus its slowing down debbuging and all that shit
first they have to crack denuvo new version
there games will always be bad ports on pc the love consols
Razer Cortex has been helping me till now. It shut downs unnecessary programs and use the memory on the game.
what about cpu usage and stutering
I was having issues with some high conf games, After Using this the games run good.
Worth a try, i guess its even free.
what services and programs u stoped ??to get beter performanc
I feel like Denuvo is the templar, willing to control our free will, Wants people to buy it to maintain Order.
“The People never have the Power” – Haytham Kenway
We are the Brotherhood, we believe in Freedom. Remember Nothing is true. EVERYTHING IS PERMITTED…..
“We don’t need anyone to tell us what to do, We are free to follow our own path. There are those who will take
that freedom from us, But it is our
ability to choose – whatever you think is true” Ezio Auditore
think original
Just trying to keep the people up with some Inspiration
Altaïr :- That is true, Abbas. I learned many things from the Apple. Of life and death, of the past and the future. Let me show you. LOLOLOLOL
“While you pray, I act” -Haytham
BTW,it’s a me MARIO!!
yes yes yes i got the crack
they r fucking shit
In his imagination…??
see close there it is https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/92d219ac9e1e1fc6a3420b8214afc7e936019b36bf725a3a49066d1bb8f95950.jpg
????????????…loved it
Direct AXE not supported !!
shit man lol
was it in the boobs or ass
i have beat all the assassins creed from ac 1 to sendicate waiting for origins what about u guys ??
Played from AC 1 to AC Rouge. Some of them Twice. Discontinued Unity, the bugs pissed me off. So I gave this series a break after that.
unity is in a good game now i didnt paly it after 2 years from its releas
i liked Syndicate …dnt kno y ppl hate it
people are afraid but they dont understand
so i forgot to hide password here and some fucker was loging to the account :D it was suspended I wrote to support I got immediately new account with the game and continuing download :D https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0c1b00417258594308676e012d41cc3749c120119767250edbd7cc1351d1279b.png
what is this
account for 1.75 dollar
whats the site again ?
be aware
yea man
Something is not right there bro..pls be aware..??
exactly I put here picture and I idiot forgot to hide password and people were loging there I am retard really…
2977 comments we are so fucking gooooooood fuck u denovo
lets grab a beer
Guardian u also have account for 1.75 dollar
yeah now i dont have enough money in my card… tomorrow i will purchase it
you want to do a video …. from begining :)
u dont have 1 dollar 75 cents?
damn i wish i had PayPal i would buy/rent such an account :/ and i don’t use my credit card because i don’t trust them
yea I paid with paypal man
i could download it with 10 mb/sec in 1.5 hours. im struggling to buy it but idk
but there is more option how to pay
np……. i want to add money in card
there is some surprise coming in corepack wait and see
u reminded me in gta 5 hold my beer lol
:D what about gta 6 :P
i want to see a steampuk say hold my beer in 5min it will get cracked lol
it will get cracked at right time ….cheers
Cheers mate. I’ll toast a shot.
who love fitgirl repacks ??? i know i do
Me too.. shadow of war was repacked awesomely..??
all her repacks are awesome if u can read this fitgirl thank u
Yep..thanks for all your repacks fitgirl..??
ME too, got some errors in the beginning but now she’s too good.
Everyone things is good with her repacks except the installers.They’re fucked.
they are awesome
Well I have purchased this game and I know the reason why this game is not cracked yet.The optimization of the game is quite shitty and even powerful card like 1080ti even struggles to maintain a constant 60 FPS.This game needs few performance updates to be stable.If any warez scene group crack this game now then ubisoft will surely patch this exploit in upcoming crucial updates making it quite difficult for scene to crack it.So warez groups are just waiting for ubisoft to release updates for this game and they will immediately crack after game gets patched to be stable.
That is not the reason lol.
That may not be the reason but one thing is sure that if this game gets cracked now then it will be unplayable for majority of the players because of its worst optimisation.
It is just really taxing. That i5 you got is part of the issue.
3000 comments thats a 3000 dick in ur ass denovo
I know many people always come here new ones I want to tell if anyone wants to get account for 1.75 dollar here is link https://www. plati. market/itm/assassins-creed-origins-lifetime-warranty-uplay-en/2381065 I bought account there its not fake I can provide more info if you require you can pay with many different ways like paypal or credit card https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/630eed6fe5dae92b1dbade1ebe7e7037920ea997c4f11844fe922b3336fb335d.png
I want to give people option that they can play assassins creed for 1 75 dollar they own the accounts and they give for 1.75 so you can play
when you are finish with downloading game and turn the offline mode on u can give me the account ill be finish in 2 hours with downloading ;p
yea I will not bother to play there anymore I just wanna play assasins creed origins and finish it :D
with the offline mode you are able to play it for a long time right? because without internet theres no way Ubisoft know thats not your account
exactly friend we can fuck ubi like that
i would buy ac o but im mad at ubisoft for some games in the past.. -.-
Yo dude, can you change email too in that account?
I thought that it was temporary, wasn’t it ?
I was told by admin you can play in offline mode forever
So if the owner of the account changes password, you still have the account ?
yes but u have to always start uplay in offline mode
Ok but before you were talking about denuvogames . ru but now you’re talking about plati . com ? what’s the difference ?
what’s the difference between plati and denuvogames then ?
whether you go to plati or denuvogames you always get transfered on plati to pay 1 75 so you get account its like one website
How many hours do you have left to play the game ?
unlimited as long as you play in offline mode on uplay
no I meant hours of downloading ^^
i cant with credit …i trie many times
what options u have to pay
credit an say ..i cant im in limit ..but is wrong
do u have paypal
i take picture and show u how u can pay
see my image before !
check money if u got on bank
you don’t have any money left dude
i haveee …
sometimes you need to check with your bank caus maybe they blocked the site and the site cant charge. call the bank and tell them that it’s safe and you’re the one buying stuff with your card
dont use credit…..paypal
But, in offline mode how i can download the other language pack?
you can download using online mode, but as soon as you are done with that, set the account to offline only. cause you don’t know if tomorrow they change the account or something. when you use offline only it doesn’t matter.
Ok, but i need to download again the game?
no, you can use the preload, the game is going to be on the library, just press the icon and theres an option for download, below that option says somthing like “locate files” press that and put your folder where you have all the files that you downloaded from this site (the preload) then change the language using properties, then set the account to start offline on settings and then you’re ready go
Ok thanks very much
Did u try?
it is multilanguage, has the option to put it in Spanish?
will destiny 2 get racked or its the same story as need for speed 2016 ?
Same story as NFS
then why they would put it for full unlocked it will never get cracked
does he tel when it will be cracked
here is how u can pay for account https://www. plati. market/itm/assassins-creed-origins-lifetime-warranty-uplay-en/2381065https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f9a23438fb5b7cbf0195c524ee329c5d7ba50cc118d699f94651ade3d01e34d9.png
So you taking advantage here eh? Bugger off fuck head. I’ll wait for a crack.
I am giving people option idiot if they dont wanna wait weeks for crack so they pay 1 75 for account and can play straight away i dont force anyone.
i also used that site earlier, the account they gave me kept kicking me off when downloading, so I emailed them and they sent another to me for free. also, if you extract the version from this site, start the download from UPLAY, then transfer the original files into it, no wait for download. MAKE SURE YOU PUT THE ACCOUNT INTO OFFLINE MODE ON UPLAY SO YOU DONT GET KICKED OFF. been working great for last 3 hours all for like $2
yea had same problem man but it works for me they fixed it for me
I have fast internet got to around 40% but thought id just transfer the files from skidrow, fully installed and took like 20mins instead of 5 hour full download
btw denuvo is v4.8 the new one so it will take weeks month to get cracked
here i got account noob gtfo https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/630eed6fe5dae92b1dbade1ebe7e7037920ea997c4f11844fe922b3336fb335d.png
Well I have purchased this game but I would just like to say that this game deserves to get cracked because of its worst optimisation.Even after so many years Ubisoft still don’t know how to optimise their games.
Whats your specs
what hardware do u have?
My Specs:
Intel i5 4690k
12 GB Ram DDR3
Asus Strix GTX 970 OC 4G
500GB SSD and 1TB HDD
Well I am currently playing this game on 1366×768 resolution with High-Very High combination with FPS 40-45 frequently dropping to 30-26.
Also I know GTX 970 is aging card but I can’t buy a new card because here in India graphic cards are expensive due to heavy import duties,taxes,etc.
Sorry for my bad english as my native language is not english.
Just play on medium
nothing wrong with your english
720p resolution with 970. something is wrong with your system people getting 45-50 on high setting
Also using a 970 (MSI) with Ryzen 5 1400. On Ultra High I get about 40’s and sometimes it drops to 30’s. But it’s still playable and I can’t make myself to play on any other settings.The game looks so gorgeous on Ultra High.
I Think in the next weeks or month denuvo have win the Race vmprotect protect denuvo and denuvo the Game its a hard time for scene
soon playable so i show u video how it works that its not fake https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/af222cf60c1cf7cbfbdc09e0cab15217ac10b9db74f2139e01436a3d03b89ac5.png
lol kalykah
random accounts man
There are all stolen
they are not they are property of theirs
According to the statement from the seller, this account is the property of the seller and was obtained/registered by legal means. The responsibility for the sale of the account rests solely with the seller. The responsibility for potentially breaking the user agreement with the publisher rests solely with the seller. The trading platform Plati does not permit publishing illegal content on the resource pages.
How could it be random..see u will enter ur username & password in offline mode…so if u cud Access tht..anyone with that Id & password could access that too..I guess
I mean like many people share account and they get paid for it if they rent their account to others
I’m not saying that..see if u share ur username & passwor( I am not saying that to share)..but if u do..it would still be entered in offline mode tht id & password in there and it could be played ryt..?
sry i copy and put it here thats what it says
According to the statement from the seller, this account is the property of the seller and was obtained/registered by legal means. The responsibility for the sale of the account rests solely with the seller. The responsibility for potentially breaking the user agreement with the publisher rests solely with the seller. The trading platform Plati does not permit publishing illegal content on the resource pages.
u can play only in offline mode ?
u can only but better offline so you dont get banned but thats okay i bought it just for story
the UPLAY account is set to offline, but all functions are available in game because you are logged in to an official uplay account
we believe you just share the account when your finish downloading?
well ill share the account when i finish the origins :D
rlly ? :D
i wanted to buy it too but theres no PSC and i have only 0.40$ on paypal :D
Fuck ubisoft fuck denuvo fuck vmprotect fuck the crack fuck the game fuck
for those saying accounts are stolen No they are not stolen
According to the statement from the seller, this account is the property of the seller and was obtained/registered by legal means. The responsibility for the sale of the account rests solely with the seller. The responsibility for potentially breaking the user agreement with the publisher rests solely with the seller. The trading platform Plati does not permit publishing illegal content on the resource pages.
we both know the truth. it is stolen, but they still have access to their account technically. just means you get a free online version of it, but just using their account to download. offline mode doesn’t kick you out if they change their password
well if you know more about it ok i dont argue man
i just saw an ac origins gameplay and i7 7700k and a gtx 1070 max settings get 50-55 fps wtf
yep, dunno why anyone would have any problems, but I’m sure they will update it
you serious man
yeah bro
yeah he is right
thats sad man
I have i5 3.2ghz and gtx 1050ti and I get 60 atleast on ultra
no u dont dud dont fucking lie
on 800.600 resolution
u fuking genius lol i tought at 1080p
Does it even supports tht resolution bro..??
Why would I lie? There was a couple of cutscenes it went a bit funny but other than that I get atleast 60, even in built up areas. But you are entitled to believe whatever.
whatever man the truth shall set u free
Right okay, good luck to you
with a gtx 1080 ti and a i74790k I get like 55-120 fps at 1080p max settings. the optimization is not good. but the game is awesome AT LEAST.
that is fucvked up i got i7 4790k gtx 970 sli will it work
should work, you just need to play with some settings.
wtf thats like a super high fucking end what is the grafical opsion that eats all the fps ?
wait but u got 1070 and get 50 55 fps man
i just saw it in youtube dud
its the cities, I will play with the settings later. but i think its the npcs
someone told me its the level details and shadows
not npcs its level details and shadows
I have gtx1060 6gb with i core 5 on ultra settings have 50-60fps
1080p ? that fps u will get in a the deset in a city no way bro
need to get an update from ubi
does voksi has contacts with steampunks and CPY
yep he have
well and i fucking expected that they would learn from their mistakes in 2 years I guess they did not those bastard lazy cunts at ubi wants fucking money and dont bother fix bugs and performance shit
i am not gonna pay those arseholes fuck u ubi cocksuckers
stop this bullshit we need only crack not optimaztion discuss
i know b ut people say gtx 1080 and fucking 55 fps wtf
this is not ubisoft forum
i am telling people what to expect if they buy game
thats whyevery one waiting for crack
VMProtect ontop of a newer version of Denuvo, this happened on V3 too took CPY 5 days to crack. But yes this guy has cracked games before and is legit.. So we are looking at another 2-3 days atleast. I think the only other option is maybe account sharing which you have to search up how to do some comment are below which show how its done. But waiting might just be best for some
we all miss you the crack leageands i am talking about CPY they will suprise us
After seeing this msg from voksi “be patient”…I guess it would be soon..what do u think bro..?
Yeah i think he just give an information about denuvo new version…….. thats all
at first we need an update from ubi ….. to work properly in pc
i 7700k + 1070 max settings 55-60 fps what the fuck ubishit
yeah mine 1050ti i5 4th gen
but in game debate it shows high
dont see game debate u need to try the game
it could mean that i really hop they do cause its the biggest game of the year we all are waiting for them
I want to pay, how can I do? Dezo Gozo?
u got paypal
I do not paypal, but I can pay with my phone.
these are options https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f226b41d9930a625a29b7276d11df2d2216a5680e194f7ea396da9cde7f766c7.png
Ok add me facebook : Hans Sharon
Add me skype : near-natt
Add me facebook : Hans Sharon
Hey im in ill do this if it will work. Facebook me its the same name Yasin Amin , I have paypal and fb
there is three guys which one
<——– Same photo as this
wrote you
I do not see paypal in the options, where is Paypal?
yo i didn’t understaind, you sell the game for 1.75$?
do u have facebook
ubisoft will never make a great game like the witcher 3 never ever
fuck u orgin better then witcher 3
witcher 3 is boring shit only
Really u think like that..Witcher 3 is boring..it’s a greatest rpg ever made.. better than each & every versions of assassin’s Creed..
its the desert too mouch sun light he is not thinking right lol
Yep..the characters in it,the story,the level of detail..it’s just a pure marvel…geralt of rivia…donno if they would release Witcher 4 after cyberpunk 2077
i hope they do we dont need another hife life 3 sinario
Yep..thts true..?
are u fucking serius witcher 3 is a 3 years old and looks amazing and runs amazing
where you get this message man
revolt forum …. check out man
wow so these crackers arer there
hey, i want an account. i pay with paypal. what can i do?
aha já jsem z česka, tak mi to přišlo divný to dežo gožo :D
jaj ahoj |:D
i fucking knew it thos fuckers
hackers are still winning……….dont give up
if they release crack now …..many issues going to happen in cpu
crack will fix the game cause their will not be drm
just know what denuvo done to cpu,
Man this sucks : ( its one thing not paying out of protest but its a whole other thing when you literally cant afford the game and need a crack.
Chill the fuck out all off you. Go fuck a girl. the crack is coming.
when crack coming?
Hmm…. Interesting ^^
whats edition is this?
in 30mins ill show you pic https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a4ccae662ebdaade82b72ad57508009b402f9d28289bf219bad1a1138885f936.png thats its not fake so account for 1 75 is good to play
this version put in spanish language? i’m spanish xD
yea man its multi language https://www. plati. market/itm/assassins-creed-origins-lifetime-warranty-uplay-en/2381065
multi/EN :S
one sec i check
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4f5789b9ee0575cbc7a365afa927dedc6a827954684c2eac369f1224f25af75c.png here
this image is steam, i mean the version purchased in https://www. plati. market/itm/assassins-creed-origins-lifetime-warranty-uplay-en/2381065 :)
i hope so xD
Available languages: Russian, English, French, German and others.
its just a trial tho right?
no basically u pay for account with password and the game is on it its full version gold edition
Dezo ,later can show are u playing in offline mode ?
yes my friend
Can you confirm when you download it if it works well?
Yes i will make video
ok thx :)
It`s working. Just go offline and play it. I played 5 hours now. I am using this family share system one year.
First time you must be online to activate game, after that just go on uplay and set it to offline.
can you share your Uplay account xD ?
That’s what revolt is saying…denuvo doesn’t have any versions..it’s just some minor updation over it that’s it..so still there is hope that it would be cracked in a week or after some days
I don’t know who to believe anymore xD
Check revolt forums dude..it’s not fake see there rvt…it’s down there..
Yeah I know but isn’t Voksi supposed to be part of Revolt group too ? That’s him who said ACO uses Denuvo 4.8, no ?
Sry it’s kinda blurred check the screenshot posted by guardian hof below…it’s there that it was a false statement released by voksi
wich versio of denuvo origins have?
its not 4.8
Volski confirmed
check this
ohj sry man i was fucked again
yea trolled i mean ;d
ah sry u post it man i dont saw it :D
come on guys lets talk here its boringf otherwise
For the last time its 4.6 voksi or whatever is trolling you
so what does that mean in english lol
a protection over an protection on the game. that crackers cant crack easy. sry my english isnt perfect too. i hope u understand :D
Dežo Gožo, im about to pay those 1.75 on the page you posted. Could you explain me on more detail the procedment to get the game after you pay? It’s the only thing i don’t understeand at all, i mean, once you pay, you have to enter on the account they give, and you download the game and play on that acount always? Thanks anyway
sure no problem man
so basically what happens when u click on Buy now it takes u to next step where u choose how to pay and bellow email where the details will come I paid with paypal and after few mins u get email with a link u log in there with email only and it will show you that u paid and on top you will have email and password to log in to uplay and on the bottom u can write message to the admin if u have problem
Okay thanks for the info, going to pay now and maybe put some pictures after playing a bit :)
let me know how it goes my friuend
Did you play it?
5mins left to be playable
What are your specs?
gtx 970 sli i7 4790k 8gb ram
Do tell us how it performce
yes my friend in few mins ill be posting pics yes
When you pay, you will get user and pass to log in on uplay. After log in, just download game.
You must first time go online with uplay, to activate game. After that just go on uplay and set to offline and play. I am using this family share sistem one year.
discused with VOSKI it will crack soon
Stop spreading false news
In Egypt assassin’s Creed origins = 1600 pounds so i can buy for myself clothes or do anything in my life with 1600 pounds
So who buy the game shut the fuck up there’s people really need the crack and don’t have any money .. to buy this fuckin game i should sell my mobile and my clothes and didn’t eat in month ??
itys better to pay 1 fucking dollar and 75 cents than 60 dollars
Ты русский ? Говори по-русски
not russian but i understand russian azbuka
Aha i thought that you are Russian i speak Russian better than English so i asked you because i don’t understand how to buy account win 1 and 75 cent iam sorry ?
do u have facebook
my facebook Taher Khaled i send facebook link but it was deleted as spam @De@renematuscak:disqus
Seriously! Thats fucked up
Plus the micro transactions
for 1 dollar 75 cents account https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e533249de728bc271572d871c9164504a9c74c9904a0aa15c4238bf10f5e6377.png
in few minutes ill post pics that the game really works for 1 dollar 75
the drm in this game is causing fps drops and high cpu usage is craking this game means that the drm will not afeet the game or it will keep using high cpu usage ?
Someone answer the gntelmen
maybe no one know the answer
shouldnt effect cpu once drm is cut off
In some case the drm is not cutted off, an emulator is placed over the denuvo shit, which means that the Denuvo is still here but the emulator make the game playable.
(like what CPY does with rise of tomb raider)
so it can help the game or it wont change shit
Yes, but they said that this is an updated version of south park’s denuvo + another drm shit. This is combo in our faces.
The game is easily playable, your are not obligated to play in ultra settings u know.
so it can go either ways
1.75dollar account oriif picture 1 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9e961ae65b76d5f3b7352043bf220d33c1dc976c21760e73517db1d27973bceb.png
Where u buy it?
Sorry but I can not find Paypal in payment options, can you help me ?
where my friend? and how it is?
man do u also have account for 1.75 dollar
just something you install via that exe after the crack is out and implemented.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9b73cb6737aaa85f7866394480029e41babc92f7a3321152b2858518f51d95ae.png Thanks Dezo Gozo for the page, im downloading now and waiting to play! When im able to play (i have 7mbs so in 30min it will be done) i will post some pictures, but for now, all good, and for only 1.28 euros with the change of value.
Thanks a lot, I have to say that I was afraid of losing my money, but this is the first time I trust in some foregins in Internet and all has gone fine XDD.
Here some message to my comrads: Los que seáis españoles, os lo recomiendo bastante, con el cambio de moneda sale a 1.28 euros, y no es ningún timo. Pagas, te da un email y una contraseña, te conectas a esa cuenta en el modo online, descargas e instalas el juego y apartir de ahí inicias siempre en modo offline y podrás jugar al juego para siempre. La verdad es que suena demasiado bien como para ser cierto, pero de momento todo va bien, ya os digo, se esta instalando y no he tenido ningún problema. Cuando se instale comento a ver si hay algún problema, pero lo dicho, de momento todo bien, ha merecido la pena. Un saludo compas!
np man
donde es la página loco? por 1.30 me la juego xD
https://www. plati. market/itm/assassins-creed-origins-lifetime-warranty-uplay-en/2381065
Dale tío, a ver que tal te va a ti. Si tienes algún problema pregúntame, que a mi me ha ido bien todo
3 euros me sale a mi, ha subido o hay algo que tenga que quitar?
Que coño? Dame un momento y te lo miro
Vaya, pues parece que si, ha subido. Imagino que será porque habrá vendido mucho y se estarán quedado sin cuentas.
De todas formas, cuando vas a pagar, si pones este código 38122D8E38A144CB donde los descuentos, te baja el precio a 174 rublos, que son 2.5 euros. Igualmente te merece la pena, yo si fuera tu le daría. Si quieres, por asegurarte más, esperate 12 minutos que se me terminé de instalar y te digo si funciona, pero vamos, tiene pinta que si
voy a probar con ese codigo a ver, gracias maquina
a mi me dice que son 3 euros
Si, por lo visto ha subido el precio, pero no se porque. De todos modos, si pones este código donde lo del descuento, te sale por 2.5, 38122D8E38A144CB
y por cierto sabes si dara algun problema el tema de que sea una cuenta de alguien ahi desconocido? xD es medio raro eso no?
hey acabo de pagar, cuanto te tardo en que te dieran la cuenta
i dont even have a dollar 75 lol, man i need this crack x.x
So that vm shit is Incorporated by ubi..
means no crack
No it will happen eventually..just give them some more time.. because in revolt group it’s stated that it’s not a new version of any kind just an updated version of denuvo from South Park..with vm added as additional protection by Ubisoft..so it’s making the crackers a bit difficult to access the underlying denuvo code inside it..but they will crack it that’s fr sure…
It means that this version of denuvo is not kinda new one like 4.8/5.0 or anything like tht..it’s just a minor update over southpark… moreover vm is Incorporated by Ubisoft on top of that denuvo..
lol a lot of ppl are having issues with this game cause of denuvo ….
lol guys its not problem with account I am running it and then I get error. Oh no it crashed wtf I am gonna try update graphics
thats really bad tho so u can say Ubisoft is selling a broken game again ; )
it crashed when I get picture in game where I click to continue and then it crashes to uplay saying Oh no It crashed
fuck…. :(
I dont have updated graphics
Then download the updated drivers..
I got nvidia 385.69
from last month
They have released an optimized driver for AC O so u could download that
is it in ge force experience
Yes then update that..and you would be good to go..?
alright man thanks i hope it willw ork
can u give me revolt link plz
https://revolt. group/
installing updates now
I hope it goes well
thank you man lets hope
How do this uplay account works do you have and own the game or is it rented I’m interested but I don’t get the site, I have purchased games online but it has the game name but here it seems you buying a uplay account info , can you please explain it for me it would be helpful I am a little scared to give my info n money for scam and I would like to know if it’s the full game if not then I will just wait.
i have buy the game because the crack is to long to come and it run good ^^ (i’m french sorry for my bad english)
I am going restart pc and see if it works now
We will se now if it works
´works ^^ i do the same works perfectly
u need to start first time online for the gifts, then u can play offline-
See that first time when u go online it’s not for gifts..well maybe u get some but it’s actually ur save profile that would be kept in their database as a shared account…which will have limited hours playtime…when u come offline and play in tht mode u will literally think everything is fine until that time period…then it would crash once it doesn’t recognize your save profile.. that’s how it wrks I guess..
Nicee thank you Dezo Gozo https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7663e9ed5e1aa21231d6709d40ae40163feba37d86abfbd32b8962b774075b85.png
how do I get the shared account???
does not work omg …….
Sorry man
it says Oh not it crashed
Check google might find a fix
Have u updated ur drivers…graphic drivers..what’s the current version if u have updated that..?
yes man i updated graphics now i got version 388
Cus.mne se to taky stalo.vypnul sem uplay a najel offline a od te doby to vali.
a mas to stazene cele?
ja to nemam cele stazene jen cast a sekne mne to jak napise checking additional content
ja to mam jen playable ale nemam cele stahnute
my game works lol..
it may have to do something with dlcs it crashes on screen where it says Press any key
you buy it ?
what? i’t s a problem with the account?
no its problem with in game maybe dlcs cause me problem
Ah ok because i buy account now xD i post screenshot
yes dont worry man its problem with dlc
and now?
I am writing to admin maybe give me different account to try
I will buy acc from you
Lol… somebody kick me of account nice
Nopes… because ur account must be expired..or used by other person..coz it’s shared..ask other account and log in quickly..maybe tht wud wrk..
wtf really?
it has 3 hours https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d91b82c9886d0885e8216631fdefe7a5259326e867c52a04e07ed6daa9e9678b.png
See it’s already being played by other person..see tht game progression dude..u didn’t even opened the game and it’s already 6 percent..so it’s definitely shared
well all accounts are shared right
These accounts are shared…like it’s being rented fr hour basis..I guess it works like tht
shit…. my money…..
See I donno but thts what I think.. otherwise without opening the game how come his account could review stats like this.. progression already 6 percent & all
wait admin wrote me
October 30, 2017 1:05
make the game files check
I am starting it when its playable its not fully downloaded yet
maybe u need full download?
maybe man but it take me 8 hours damn
oh lets hope it work man
But why i have other games lol https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0318013e0f357d29f6f9d9ea9fca273c2509ecef4faf04cfb2e5ba5111381637.png
there are free games man on accounts they sell
dude you can download those games too!!! DO IT, i DID THAT
man i hope i can play this
but u got account yes
Did you get screwd ?
dont know man i will wait for admin to answer
mine is working.
2 hour more for full game. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1483efd68deb6368a731f2ad40a1c7526a8b9006f436997a917f86d113a9de0f.jpg
does ps4 has crack?
no man.
someone email me when crack awaibalble spmobi85@gmail.com
Yes your majesty
shall i serve the tea your majesty loool
oh maybe u want a blowjob too?
might the problem be that I dont have game fully downloaded? it says playable but its not fully downloaded but still should work anyway
It will work anyway..but for a limited time.. that’s fr sure… roughly 11hrs I guess
it crashes when its says checking for additional content
why check? xD
i dont know man it checks itself
playing offline???
Man u play?
yeah im the mastermind of the $1.75 account xD
hve been playing for 9 hours now without any problem
mines is almost done but i was able to still launch it and play.
So u have completed the whole game..?
no i just got it
Ok ok..then I am sure it would be for some hours only… anyway go ahead and play it..let’s see what happens
but u got account?
Nopes I am just saying..let’s see what happens to ur $1 version..??
Yes i hope is good
It doesnt seem like it will lock out this is a legit account unless they decide to do some shady stuff thats why i paid with paypal.
what is the website please?
Am trying to pass time what assassins creed game should i re play
Here we go
Thank you Gozo, works perfectly.
this is where it crashes for me
No crashes here, your drivers are updated?
yea I updated nvidia updates :( do u have fully installed?
Not yet, I downloaded only the playable
wait and u click and start game?
Yes works fine
u got account?
Yes, on denuvo games ru
I’m testing the game before buy on Steam.
update me if everything is fine please
wtf is this shit omg……………..
I click anything and crash
1.75dollar account
i dont have i cant purchase im from pakistan …. i hope i can activate can i activate it from steam ?
enjoy cause winter is coming
U lucky bitch….
hmmm yes please….
Wait guys I think it work
What do you mean?
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b0067ce8a8f56f134b69acdd930992584831d1ad1113279292f12056531bf39f.jpg ;)
NO spoilers, please!
Chill boys, that’s not a spoiler ;)
: ( old ladies titties….not cool
because https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d94bca12b4b780956c484fb7425c929a228ad1c158d4eeb39c5b25911ba14000.jpg
i want this —-> ( o Y o )
You ruind my fapping time
ahahaha shish
Well i have been playing for 9 hours with the $1,75 account. flawless victory but you need to play it offline for “insurance purposes”
BTW, I used the preload from SKIDROW, it’s the best thing to do if you already have the preload. you don’t need to download the whole thing again.
Man i download now but somebody kick me out of the account
it’s better if you download the preload from this site, and then use the “locate files” option on uplay cause those accounts are shared to play OFFLINE. if you play offline you are going to have the game forever
So I download the preload, and where do I copy those files to exactly?
you need to press the assassins creed origin game on the uplay library, theres an option that says DOWNLOAD, below that option theres something that says “locate files) something like that. that’s to browse the preload on your computer. your Assassin’s Creed origins folder with all the files of the preload, that’s the whole game
Appreciate your answer, one last question, do I need to download any of the other files than the Preload, if I already have the game downloaded, again thank you.
Guys, share the link please…
Purchased a, uplay account with ACo on www . plati . market for 2 bucks.
Can you share the link of the site please? I don’t find it :(
Wait, so you’re not actually required to have the Preload, if you just put it to offline mode, there should be no problems right?
So i download preload from this site and now?
do I have to wait for you to download the game on uplay?
you need to press the assassins creed origin game on the uplay library, theres an option that says DOWNLOAD, below that option theres something that says “locate files) something like that. that’s to browse the preload on your computer. your Assassin’s Creed origins folder with all the files of the preload, that’s the whole game…
Ah ok done now i can play
Tell us how it goes
cool, remember to set uplay to start always offline, that why you are not going to have problem with the account
Ok thank you very much
for any problems can I contact you?
yeah i can help you man ill be around here
Now it makes me play but how do I go offline?
Through uplay
go to settings on uplay theres an option that says start always offline, press that. quit uplay, start uplay again and play
How to get that account plz
http:// denuvogames. ru/?lang=en
Man for now i play it’s ok all
im tired of w8ing ….. buye gyz it was honor to spend time with u all
We are here today to remember our fallen brother ali qaiser(or whatever) may he rest in peace
lol epic one
RIP : ( we will miss him
Never surrender bro !! THIS IS SPARTAAAA !
ok finally some news I can trust, basically this game has not only the Denuvo but VMProtect over it, which is also causing issues with cpu usage (just google dsogaming and click on the article). At this point having a crack is also important for the people that want to buy the game, me included.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6d3582481a22971bd9c11819a0ae8e13092925fa48a6ca5a85dfef3168246a46.png yes you can see here :D
so if the crack it will that solve the vm and cpu problems
it should bypass the security checks, for a completely drm free version I think we should wait for a repack version or such
i think a FitGirl Repack is nice.
she is the best but she take some time lol but final result is awesome
Worked fine. The game is awesome
what about the high cpu usage
What are your specs
Can someone please share an account with me : (
dont ask man cpy or steampunks will do their work
But when ?
when the work is done ;)
Enjoy Netflix or something else.
As steve Says.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5c556fba977ddbce852d7f71ba6b0c3226f225fc235494129e793e3bc2c129b0.jpg
9 more min.
Crack, please…
Who wants to know the shittiest and most hypocritical thing denuvo ever did?
It is 4.7!
It is not fake. You can check on reddit crack watch page.
Its real write crack watch games on goolgle
its fake i was on this site ;)
Denuvo drm software once used a cracked copy of vm protect to stop people from using a cracked version of denuvo.
It’s 4.7 just confirmed it on crack watch goodbye.
For those who cant belive me go to google search crack watch reddit and then click on.
[Crack Watch] Game
and what? its saying UNCRACKED GAMES….the only page where u know its cracked is; crackwatch com
its not Cracked Yet yes this is right but the cracken is coming :)
denuvogames .ru or antidenuvo .com
just spend some dollars and then play the game in uplay offline mode until you are finished with the game.
Holy fuck just worked out a kinda janky crack but it runs!
source? u cant come here and say this without any proof…..
I’m just testing it but will upload proof
good for u
I’m trying to make it into a shareable file
really and u think we will download ur virus 4 free?
just copy paste the link
tell me link of crack plz
oh man i remember on you :D
lol got ban by voski
why ?
dont know
dont know why
wait? ur back? suck my nippels then ( o Y o )
How? I tried but it was too cpu intensive and time consuming
I’m gonna upload instructions tomorrow when I have time but it works reasonably well, however internet must be disabled and it needs a uplay acc
give us the link i will play my own
does it a cpy crack ??? its a virius if its
It’s a method I made myself not anyone else
what file give us plz
I will tomorrow
u r lying
yes he is a liar
It’s a method of yourself aha, and voski and co dont saw your method ? aha
Tell me what you did. I can manage to recreate it.
Here r vmprotect handlers pastebin . com/hprqseFE
Here r vmprotect handlers pastebin . com/hprqseFE
waht are the cmds?
plz can u show some pictures whre did u paste these cmds
Tomorrow I will upload full crack and share
Dnt b stpd … do uthink he cn alone crack it? If Cpy codez steampunk baldman hvent done it yt..
he is a troll dont trust him
u can show us in pictures how u did it ?
dont trust him its a troll. dont feed the troll
yea… better feed me : )
man i have pizza and beer here :D
Give me a slice
wanna share this beer? : )
why not come to germany in hamburg xD
why u dont come over here ?
where are u
Valladolid, Spain : )
When I’m on my way to you the pizza is cold and the beer is empty and the crack is released
: (
Feed you what ?DICKS!!!
there u go ; )
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1a7f93e09474d8ac98254e60dbb3e42356b282cb77e1487465f9f6e2ddec6795.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f3b2811b9649759ab6be40d25fb3c51e98d75ec65f6934d51c8856b87511dd1a.jpg
Running the game with the shared account and 0 problems, I recomend to everyone! Special thanks to all of who helped me and others to get the game by this way :)
para jugar jugar hay que poner la cuenta de uplay que nos dan en “sin conexion” pero si quiero jugar en mi cuenta personal a otro juego con conexion hay problemas para despues poder seguir jugando a AC Origins???
How is the performance
Very well, I have an i7 6700k, 16g ram and a gtx 770, and with almost all on ultra it runs to me on 60 fps, at the least now. Looks like the optimization is great
R>E>A>L>L>E>Y? ??
u buy it
good job man
If you cannot wait, I recommend you buy a Uplay account with Origins on for $1,75 I just did it, and the game runs fine, load the game in online mode for the first time, then go permanent offline mode after.
i cant buy i m from pakistan … there is no facility to buy online games ,,,, no paypal no credit card only debit card and i also dont hace thsi one
hey there Heyyy imreallynotamused, I have the game and im playing and its on offline mode, do I keep it forever ?
you buy it for 2$ ?
yess you keep the game, you need to put on the settings start always offline, thats very important
come for crack, stay for the community.
Welcome to the order of the Plz Crack.
Heil Plz Crack !
gg wp <3
@ImReallyNotAmused can you please answer my question
Heyyy imreallynotamused, I have the game and im playing and its on offline mode, do I keep it forever ?
you buy it for 2$ ?
yesss enjoyy, remember “start always offline” on the settings of uplay
So far the situatuon is .before denovo used to protect game for developrs this time its UbiShit own built VRM is providing layer to denovo lolz means it has made denovo hidden frm crackers so tht tehy dont trace denovo exactly
I don’t have much experience cracking games, but here is the what I’ve found so far in the .exe, if anyone here needs specific info from the exe, let me know, im still dissassembiing it https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/92d82f647b4dbf3cca60741a9aadaa6870941e9f7fc7e22c551a83704ee7b3f7.png
Only think cracker need to do is to tackle tht VRM layer.once it is dne …thn denovo is same as Southpark …
Well so I suppose the problem was on my side I shared the account with my friend and his game runs fun, I donwloaded ali123 torrent 41gb he got 33gb downloaded parts so I decided to delete torrent and download parts from nitroflare and then try the account for 1 75 dollar
gonna try that then.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ebaaef3dd70585318a0533e07a59c927c523a784ff99cbcfa5767fac1a779b3c.png
bro where you are getting jdownloader account ?
Then in the Hex there are these ubi parts if it helps anyone. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/abf04620a8e7e29d4390daa458a07098140e2bd8a51d3e9f8eaa7216e6e223cc.png
jesus :D
if i understood it.. lol
Matrix lol
mind is already fucked up plz enough!!!!
1.75$ account is working for me
How to use 1.75$ account Now 3.25$
now it costs more cause many people wanna get it
Hi Sir How to use The Account
Hello sir you have to visit the site
Now Buy Final Step PayU
This Account Use Uplay
This File Use
yes just you locate files so u dont have to download again u got account bought from there?
How to locate
and Game play time limit PLS PLS
wait do you have the account purchased from them?
Account Is BUY IT !!
do you have facebook
Yes Amal HE
write on top
https://www. plati. market/itm/assassins-creed-origins-lifetime-warranty-uplay-en/2381065
Can we have an update please? The comment section is the biggest it has ever been on this site!
No crack anytime soon bcz ofUBishit double layering
It it helps, here is also the segment data, I havent seen executables broken out like this before, but here it is if it helps. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2d69c2adf56862b8f090724de92cf0edda97419506bdedb3dbbacfba3b143e1b.png
enough kid enough its to much for u brain will blow up ….. stop son stop
continua boa sorte
keep doing that and you may soon get a call from CPY or Cdpks
Its nt ..its extra layering added at end time so tht denovo cnt b crack easily ..week 2 3 week wd b enogh fr cracker i think
guys it finally works fuck yea! go and buy if someone wants the account for 3 dollars https://www. plati. market/itm/assassins-creed-origins-lifetime-warranty-uplay-en/2381065 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6cf9ee8f504d1f724bb1daecc0e1afb675082d1c2b8718cc1cea09f00b2465a3.jpg
Do u have Discord or something I can talk to you with
I got fb man
Okie sure what’s ur name?
finally you can play the game, congratulations!
thanks man u play too?
yeah ive been playing the whole day i’m in love with it
nice and story is good? is there modern day? gameplay
yes and yes, and the modern day is great again
so no shit like syndicate cutscenes
third person with a new character
fucking nice its like desmond?
play yoursellllllllffff
btw its a woman
wow but thanks friend will u be on this site tomorow?
always here!
zdar kámo a nieje to scam určite ? :D
ahoj neni som to kupoval tam u nich ucet a zatim bezi no tak aspon zahraju pribeh :D
you have a gtx 1080 ti. wew. ;-; I am gonna die with my gt930mx xD
oh man reallly………. coool
but iam sure something will come up this week
is there any sluttering
@disqus_12Jro4NKBT:disqus write here man
For anyone trying to crack it, here is the first part of the call stack https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/824be3034aa0d78441bc2fc2b16e9c597ad43cb7185b626f4291c645f9db7bbd.png
here is the second https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e5ad8564469e5a8019ead5bcdb68dc5a78158864dca096b7a9ee271aaa40229d.png
Hi Skidow you cant Ban, Dežo Gožo and ALI QAISER GET OUT OF COMMENTS CHAT. You taiking to much. Shut your And wait This Crack
hmmm, on further research, this is a set of dll’s from Bink and Smacker, an Ubisoft Product, there are virtual stack calls, possibly part of protection?pt1/5 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/446684d2b51a57696a7884eac2a7b1b8ccd341d5dcfaa7ec42f59620f9d44422.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/42cc7669e3d596713e77e04dba12c4e95aba8c10583fd4fb680ab836763cad52.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/563c99e2fb5cfdda4bad52ab0fc3d479998e84e5a909b3c21dc082a939fb4ba8.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a54208e8ac9c72e09fdb4054a9c4e8379ef802b261c76c50afbe05a9e3c39412.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7ff403bec0078102abfbf690eea015fe598251ead2e0b14fbc8377910fc6e2db.png
Just decompiled this from the UPlay Loader library, does any of this look useful? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/337314b6c38fa734e19d9f7c576db683749ebac6b4e09ec1a571a06213aaaf45.png
Dude pls stfu those crackers know what they have to do just wait
Really? So we have a crack already out? No, we don’t do we……I’m just trying to help, I can decrypt and decompile, I just don’t know the injection part. I can easily help get around vmprotector, I just dont know how to capitalize on what I mine
Change to offline mode so it won’t get online
How turn it offline plz?
Finished cracking dud
How do you know??
Good job. How about giving me a blowjob now
lmao :v
WOW This Game Super
Best Way BUY 3.5$ ACCOUNT Play Well
No Wait for the CRACK BEST Graphics https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f7591ff7587f60945dadd113835a7cda7170eed12e00bb0b87ac78da508ea363.png
where can i buy for 3 dollars ?
https://www. plati. market/itm/assassins-creed-origins-lifetime-warranty-uplay-en/2381065
Use Paypal
done , bought it . Needs online to play . but worth the moeny
https://www. plati. market/itm/assassins-creed-origins-lifetime-warranty-uplay-en/2381065
when will it be cracked ????
I downloaded it :D
No-one knows.
Paid for one of those shared accounts. I guess it’s fine while waiting for the crack. I’m tinkering with the settings now to have it locked at 1080p 40fps. I get steady 30fps at 1080p ultra. cpu: i5 4460, gpu:gtx 980, 16gb ram.
i5 processor.! which one? i5@6500?
Because I have same one. I heard it’s cpu consuming. Any frame drops?
Mine is i5 4460, so yours is better. I haven’t checked cpu load… but 1080p ultra is stable at 30fps. I get frame drops when I set it at 40fps.. But I want to lock it at 40fps so I’m tweaking the graphics settings.
That’s good . Thanks bud.
yea man got the same for friend he also strugles with gtx 1060
And so far the graphics don’t really look that much improved compared to Unity and Syndicate.
and they had 2fucking years..
im playing at 60 fps
What’s this surprise about ?
dont know man wait and see
not sure what the point of this is?
prepack assassin creed no crack :(
prepacks already release in torrent sites…. check out
password for the crack in cpy? anyone knows?
its fake chill
password any?https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0aa234da093bda741cd9381d1e983ec7cb13cc82b938a48602727d35312eb134.png
thats fakee
I don’t get why admin is deleting my comments and allowing some a*holes comments which are about cpy crack passwords. seriously …….smh.
I think the 4 thousand people waiting for an update and like 99% are not shit posting but asking serious questions can one of the crackers please respond??
to turn offline mode on uplay do this guys (its for those that dont know) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1562e829654f95dc4cb872e51d80a1bf6f359d7a6f1d1044cdfe3ed1709c81ae.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5636502865b6e1a6fdcf8ab9e5d41c7a076b53e34b8cafedb079ecfdcb515316.png
bro hows the performance/…… so far
man i got 45-50 fps gtx 970 not good
so man how i activate account
i got an account and asking for activation code
u bought for 3dollars?
yeah send me ur fb name i will chat personally :)
okay rene matuscak
i will message now
what the picture
:) :)
still nothing
message :)
nothing man but its ok
what u want 1000fps hahahahaha
Give me little help to understand. Buy a uplay account, put it at uplay and download fast u can and after turn off off line?
Hi, could you give me this account for 1 hour? My internet speed is high so I can download it in 40 minutes but I dont wanna pay them 3$ :/ Yesterday it was 1,75.
Before put the new account?
The crack will be released in 4 hours. Please wait :)
wow! so give me a Blowjb.
Yaa he is…??
Voksi said on CrackWatch reddit that Assassin’s Creed Origins is using Denuvo v4.8, infact Ubisoft put the software VMProtect to protect the DRM(Denuvo)… He said that it’s difficult to crack, so we will have to wait a bit more…
stop this bullshit
go to see on CrackWatch…or on Revolt Group…
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1c89b120122066d5fb513da68139f8ae77105dabdc5763e1a9ed7d30d8212e13.jpg check this this image from revolt
u need to know there are lot of spammers… he just say his content in group and someone spread it fake
Back again in this “battlefield of waiting for the crack” how many fallen brother that already buy the game??
Too many to count
Pleaseeeeeee Release the Crack…… We can’t wait any more….. pleaseeeeeeee
check ubi forum .. everyone is complaining about f#** denuvo
because its use 30_40% cpu usage
i think soon we will get an update from ubi
Aye! I read in the forum that one guy have “So now CPU is being used over 70% in main menu and over 85% in game.” Generally ppl heve problem withs crashing, black screen, optimization, mouse sensitivity, audio problems, textures do not load(water) e.t.c.
But the biggest problem is the cpu usage some people have 100%! o_O
:) :) fubck denuvoooooo iam damn sure ..they will reduce … in next update
I agree, maybe they will do just like with DOOM and all will be happy :-p
hey, I was confused when my friend said his cpu usage is over 60% in-game and about 50% at the main menu
he has a core i7 6700k
Im sorry, but this is just ridiculous
yeah … some system its marked about 80%… they are using lot of resources inside and outside to protect games
one thing for sure they are working on it
if we able to break this new vm protect … ff***k denuvo
Wait for a surprise of the caliber …….The humble computer https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a30e2829883d6357d21dec23d70bab28909d982e249d7920e1abce8a043f647f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7c45ed6fe0c0bd134e5a3754b3cd9022fbddebaf6ddf414aa3f30b3987b85037.jpg
Is that plastic over ur keyboard just in case when ur jerking off to hentai u don’t cream ur keys?
no crack today?
need to delete repack downloading from skidrow, if using site( https:// plati. market/itm/assassins-creed-origins-lifetime-warranty-uplay-en/2381065 )?
Guys, they could make a fake uplay launcher that is constantly offline but tricks games into thinking they are online. I think it can be done but needs years to develop
Actually in this case it’s VMProtect. The problem is ubisoft decided to apply it on top of Denuvo
Guys don’t panic it will crack soon
your hopes?
Historically ubisoft games were harder to crack and Ubsoft has make it little bit hard to crack but don’t worry it will get cracked soon by STEAMPUNK
why do u think it will be cracked SOON…
cuz i think that we’ll have to wait at least a month
no bro as we know that it has same protection DENUVO and STEAMPUNK will crack it soon because fifa 18 is cracked within 24 hrs and this game has same protection it will crack within one week
thats good to know
Historically ubisoft games were harder to crack and Ubsoft has make it little bit hard to crack but soon it will get cracked by STEAMPUNK
haha, south park is an example
Still nothing, guys? :O
Why can’t I open his profile..??
fake… its private
Ok ok…yes ur right..these fake profiles…???
u just keep touch with revolt forums ..only source
Yaa been checking it regularly…or to be precise each & every min…??
iam sure if they crack this VM protection …. Denuvo is out
Yep.. denuvo wud become shit then.. nothing more than that..???
those who buy the game start complaining… because it not running properly
well I understand them, they pay their money for a good quality product.. And most of the times ubisoft provides an unfinished game.
So their complains have some weight in it ;)
check it ???
Yaa because of that vm over denuvo it’s taking a hell lot of cpu usage
sometimes it must be crack… because corepacks update today under AC O surprise.
we must wait and see
But they are just responsible for repacks right..??..I mean they don’t have any part to release a crack..??
i think they have contact with crackers ..otherwise they won’t put something on board… and more thing when fifa 18 cracked it comes first under corepack
Ohh so let’s hope for the best…

Oh my goodness..where..??
sorry bro its fake… judt touch with corepacks
Bro the screenshot…is that real..??
Its repck only fr AC O ..dnt hope high
yeah true thats all i hope… its release already look thath forum he say 12 noon
It’s private bro..??
everyone just calm down give them some time it will take time….. because of vm protection over denuvo
any ideas for how long?
it take time … you just check revolt forums
aight, thanks man ^_^
:D and touch with this comments :p
what time crack?????
any crack news?
is this wanker “SKIDROW” yappin’ for real?
Real fake.
crack news
CPY ur fake…..
Any updates plzz
Does cracking the game means completely removing denuvo and vm protect or just bypassing doze ??? Coz if its the former one then chances are that the game performance will increase significantly once it is “cracked” !!!!
Removing the triggers of denuvo and memory patching it so it doesn’t get online
Dat means disabling denuvo ???
yes but also dead
Den performance should improve also !!!
yes it will like 10 to 15 fps
Patience is a virtue.
CPY you can crack EA UFC 2 game on pc this game very good on ps4 but i wait for pc version so long.
it looks like this vm protection was only made by ubisoft so other gamers will not take all this time to get cracked
What is the new added rar pack ? it looks like the patch but the page still saying: Game’s out now, wait for crack. Sorry but I don’t understand
just a atch wait for the crack its better
crack plz
its good that we are waiting for the cracked version cause the retail version is fucked an i7 cant handle it wtf all this becouse of vm+denovo shit
Just now saw guru 3d forums..the game loves 8 cores cpu…more..so it’s obvious i7 would really struggle to maintain a 60fps mark even with 1080ti paired…so voksi was correct ubi is definitely a retard..???
they have always been they just didnt anounset ???
Guys donno if it’s real or not ..it was posted 16mins ago..??..donno the site it was sent by guardian hof..in here
Donno ask guardian hof..he is the one who posted it in here..
yeah man…. its fake .. aftr i just check date notd
its fake skidrow will get the crack first
I donno bro..I just posted it in here…he just attached the screenshot..donno the link..ask him
revolt news?
wait…. still nothing
looks like we gona w8 months
god knows
languages? is in spanish too?
UPDATE: VMprotect is protecting denovo becasue VMp.. is anti keygen and only keygen is required to crack the denovo and denovo is protecting VMP…. so it does not decode …. nutshell is taht its a fucking genius combination…. thats why the hackers are still scratching their heads …..
i think its ubisoft’s idea…….
yep its ubisoft fucking idea
no dout
if CPY BALDMAN OR STEAMPUNKS crack this… it wil be end of denuvo
no shit
oh its true boy
i know it is lol
why i have a very bad felling about ACO that we have to w8 months…..
no it will get cracked soon .. because of cpu usage issue something will change in next ubi update and lets hope for best
possible ,,,, voksi , steampunks , codex , cpy , 3dm they all have to work togather to crack it
yes they start working … i think they are waiting for next ubi update
yes its not a work of one group ,,,,, ubi is a very twisted motherfuking company becasue they allways play with thier customers ,,,,, os update will not gona matter alot …. only hackers can change something
we must see what happens next…. programs running background
vm protect denuvo + ubi strong …. i think its hard to crack…. hackers is only one that can break that link
no dout
it wll get crack eventually ..
Crack is on, enjoy it.
always fake ..
can we report that motherfuker?
I don’t want wast my time ..
he think… we all believe
fake af
oh u back …. he changes his name but nobody knows
fuck outta here bitchy ass motherfucker aids having prostitute
hahahah everyone c’mon… get rid of this asshole
oh I see you are a big boy
oh you know it
I will go back to my lair and sleep 100 years
lol ahahaahhaaha
flag him or block him
i got irritate yestrday by seeing his f**kn messages
yah block that mf
before crack… we must do that first
bitch dont play with our fellings
Maderchod Aukaad m reh! Randve
No need for crack to be on its way just tell me where your crack is i will penetrate it myself
huzal a hazugsagaidal ismerlek
WTF you guys…it’s only $ 1.7. You can’t even pay that much? I’m almost 50% complete with the storyline. Are you guys that poor? Get a Job FFS. Go to denuvogames dot ru and get a rental account, add your files downloaded from here and play offline. Is it that hard?
No. You Create New Save game and play
I;m play the Game 1.7 USD Account Bro
Where can I buy this account?
denuvogames dot ru
Now the price is 3.43 USD
Lol. They increased it. Dunno why. I bought it at $ 1.79
Your luck
Yes, I’m Buy 3.43USD Bro
Use Paypal
Get Mail & Pass Use Uplay
and ASO Skidrow file location and play
I do not have a PayPal or even a credit card
can any doy purchase a acouunt for meeeee take my all dota 2 itemsss
100 % Working Bro…
https://www. plati. market/itm/assassins-creed-origins-lifetime-warranty-uplay-en/2381065
Is this fake? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/593e08975edffc2b8166886ad06f6944d046f7bbade4524d50b22b62c3346c72.png
yeah sureee
When the crack is released it will be posted here at the earliest. Or go follow crackwatch reddit. Stop visiting any other sites.
Ok thanks.
try it
so the cracked version will run smoother fuck u denovo
Ubisoft is more fucked up than intel cpu prices
they will learn a lesson …
yeah hahaha …..
what a relief …… fuck uuuu denuvoooooooo
Whats up. Any news?
couldnt wait any more so im buying the gold edition on steam for 70 euro ^^
the game runs like shit dont unleas u have a cpu with 8 cores 16 threads
i think my pc wil run fine on it More information
Housing Sharkoon DB28 With Blue Leds
Power Coolermaster B500 500Watt
Motherboard MSI H110M-ECO
Processor Intel Core i5 6400
Processor speed Up to 4x 3.30Ghz
Graphic adapter Nvidia GeForce GTX1050 Ti 4GB
Working memory 16GB DDR4 2133Mhz
Solid State Disk 120GB Sata-3 6Gb / s
Hard disk 3.0TB HD
Optical drive DVD-RW
Sound Realtek HD Audio
LAN Intel 1GB Lan
Warranty 24 Months Carry-in Hardware
Operating System Windows 10 Pro 64BITs
Connections 5x USB 2.0, 4x USB 3.0, VGA, DVI, HDMI, PS2
Supplied 220V Cord, Booklet Motherboard + Driver DVDs
i think i wil be able to play the game with these specs ^^
maybe on medium high settings
it happens with some gamers
the cracked version will run alot better so be patient
i know that thats why i m waiting
whatsapp dude u went watching mia khalifa u never returned lol u worked hard last night
it was so fucking hard i tried to find the crack 3 time but no luck the boobs where too big to find anything and then i thought there is a crack b/w her buts but it was something else
for all that cant wait and want to buy the games dont the game is running poorly and needs a high end cpu with 8 cores 12 threads
thats all bullshit my friend is having i5 7500 he is running game on very high setting 1080p just fine
no fucking way there will be alot of stutering and fps drops in the citys
I running it in 1920 1080 very high too on i5.
But first yeah the game runs slow , with huge freeze, with tearing everywhere etc.. nearly unplayable. After some test, I discover that the 60hz ruins the game for me and make it unplayable, as soon as I set it to 50hz everything works fine.
Maybe try that.
all u did is caping ur fps to 50 thats not good man we need the cracked version
Actually not really, as I’m still at 60 fps (there’s a fps counter in the game) wich I admit is strange since the frequency set to 50 should have limit my fps. But it just fix my prob in fact xD.
But yeah we need a crack, cause in any way, the game still uses way too much cpu memory with the protection.
you dont need to agree… you just check ubi forums
did u saw the crack i posted earlier
u mean the high road fuck yeah
that was epic man
so fucking epic lets get more creative
can someone just tell me how the fuck to install this? there is no iso file.
extrackt the first winrar and the rest will folow
im runnin that game on a
Fx4300 @ 4,2ghz
12gb ddr3
gtx 1050ti
and medium settings with 30-50fps.
Resolution 1920×1080 full hd
Its playable but they have to optimize a lot because sometimes NPC’s been stuck in the wall or disappear.
Cpu usage is at 50-70% only by Assassins Creed Origins.
I just wanted to let yall know that u can run it with an older system and give y’all a real feedback.
common prob for ac games so chill
lol yeah i know
crack is out https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/85fc7c106c88779c562700362bd187bbd42f7a4a4efd360d73b6548a9d4f5a3b.png
its boiling yes now it will be done soon
yeah baby be ready for it
look where i found the crack. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/92d219ac9e1e1fc6a3420b8214afc7e936019b36bf725a3a49066d1bb8f95950.jpg
dont plzz
no creativity
good one xd
game is downloaded but cant play ……… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3fd5f7b6e7609661d26de1d61b4dd3d98d0fa0c959da5d1fd249bdbdc6b9545c.png
yeah same with everyone
no shit every one is playing the game wer just here fucking around for no fucking reason
I cant play dont have paypal in my region i only have physical money
i was fucking with u no one is we are all waiting for the crack
no they are with 1.75 uplay account
i downloaded it but i don’t have the .exe file how did you do ?
SKidrow cant do anything…. ITs CPY , SteapmPUNK , Codex..
lol so they never been 4000+ comments on a post? shit goin crazy bout that game
gents we have made history today so pleeez make a fucking crack for us
Need new CPY pls
Need new CPY
i m done with crack i will come here when crack comes out fed up of waiting
lol one man down
yeah whats the fucking point in wasting time here the they will not upload the crack by seeing our comments
follow Crck watch tht will be place where crack will appear frst ..when it wll b crack
no they are speechles becasue they are are faield to figure it out … but only for now they require time to crack it …. igarented they will crack but it may take days or eve monts.
yeah just stop wasting time here it will be out when the time comes
we have a man down i repeat we have a man down
roger that!! sending backup!!!
medic medi!!!
there will be medics in backup but u should need someone to replace him
we need big boobs and pussy i repeat big boobs is needed
ok go to porn site dont waste time here i repeat dont waste time here
roger that porn is operational i repaeat right hand is engajed
Anyone who give me a uplay account with ACO I’ll put their name in my youtube channel for real.
Contact msribalajim@gmail.com
fucking lol who wants that
desprate to play AC 0..
kd a porra do crack ????????????
i was afraid that it will cum to this cracking games in 24 hours is officaly over denovo is start to get smarter or ubisoft is ummm
pelo visto vou ter que gastar 200 reais pra poder jogar esse jogo!!!!!!!!!tnc……
Wow,so the crackers are busy cracking Ubi club,VMR and Denuvo(plus steam if u purchase it from there).
Thats some hard work guys,we should keep patience. #Riseagainstdenuvo
ok guys i m out hope the crack comes soon
May you find peace. As we, clearly, can’t.
sure i will some where in shadow of war or wolfenstein II
well man, good luck
have a good one ;)
me too man going to play some evil within
I buy this but What is the email and What the password??
can you share it with me?
Email ends at :
Бля придётся покупать со скидкой в честь Нового Года
Any updates on crack
I hope crack comes by tommorow as it’s been 3 days….
Ubisoft added Vm protect in additon to denovo.Clearly speaking,they added some software to protect the software that prevents us from pirating the game.A software that provides a layer of protection to denovo.
So,the protection of denovo must be removed,then comes the part of cracking denovo.Hats off to all those who work on cracking aco.It really seems tough,I paid for the genuine copy only to receive a game that drinks up my pc resources.I really wanted to support ubisoft for aco,but in their attempt to protect the game,they stopped considering the drawbacks their attempt to secure the game causes on the legit paying players.
Alguma previsão pro lançamento do crack ?
Can we reach 10.000 comments??
I don’t know
Man i wating so long, i think tomorrow i buy the fucking gold edition.
The crack will be available tomorrow and 12:00 PM. Please be patient.
How credible is this?
It’s a lie not the first time
Srsly ? maybe Troll Alert
Is this another fake cunt?
im so tired of this…
Yeah it is a Fake cunt he lures in upvotes
fake or real?????
kill him plz
Yes down vote him
Same nick on profile @nihasnihas trolling for few days now.
ooooootro gilipollas…..
your mother comes out tomorrow 12 PM
looks like one more game for 6 months without crack
LOOOL the game is 3 days out
I wait 1 day.
When the cracken dont releas
I buy the gold edition.
the crack will be released today i got info from a repack site
Post Link yo
corepack check it out
Corepack…there it is posted as surprise…but it’s not a crack that’s fr sure..??
only prepack no crack tho stop posing bs
Tell the site
Yep I saw it
But u have no idea what it is…so it’s obvious that it’s not a crack…
What the surprise text stands there????
Vote the comment if you want the crack today and defeat denuvo
Still no crack?
What that surprise stands for
he told us when will s o w will crack perfetly
Just a torrent link that would be added for gold edition..a prepack torrent link without crack..??
the crack will relase soon max tommarow
It’s getting boring
why should people believe you?
stop talking bs
How about this bro…they have mentioned there..NO CRACK..it means NO CRACK…
I told you he is talking bs
Haha…he is just excited like we are..so any recent posts related to it he is just posting that in here that’s it..??
I’ll wait so long for this game I can’t wait longer ?
i am telling u about the surprise
Corepack.. but it’s only a surprise.. thtsit..what is it we don’t know..?
Yaa we know that..but u never know if that’s a crack or not..I’m damn sure it’s not a crack dude..if a crack releases it would be officially posted in here first..
You telling about crack man
what surprise kid … there is nothing left …. just w8 …. the crack will come sudden they never inform ok….
ok then sorry
I’m leaving for let’s see tommorow. Then too the cracks not released, I’m giving up !!! ?
And then u wud buy it right..?
Yeah me too. I buy the fucking gold edition Tomorrow when crack isn’t released.
Really…ok then buy it..give ur money to them.. that’s what they want.. anyway happy gaming..???
is it worth buying it ?or should i wait one or two day
i posted 100ds of comment here nad nothing happend ….. fuck ubisoft fuck denovo .. may god show some pity on hackers…
imagine the crack is out, u start the game, and the game is garbage
When will he crack be uploaded? Will it be a separate download or included in large game download?
the last hope only cpy ……
Crack will be delayed to mid 2018.
ha..Ha…Fuck u
Fuck you go out of here
that is the truth, you big boy…
last time u said
“crack comming up in a few hours”
link mothafaka ????????????
chill, its fucking fake
It was Fifa 18 … -_-
????..yep surprise over..??
Will it work?which site is this?
Nopes that’s photoshopped..check that website.its still there.. surprise
does it contain crack?
Yeah i just noticed that ;)
KNIGHT the Admin himself said its not crack.. so why are u hoping ? it was repack .. nw its over. wait for crack from scn group
Yaa dude we know that..still there is no problem in hoping..??
I can’t wait guys I will buy it now cya and have fun when crack is released. ?
happy gaming my dude
Is there any site which provides cracked version of it?
patiently waiting for crack ..
So found this Article that might be an interesting read to anyone out there awaiting this crack, it will come but maybe not as soon as we think.
My goodness..what is he up to..it’s really making me feel weird…is it what we think..??
people are just dumb sometimes …
I’m just thinking dude.. nothing else.. posting every recent threads from official sites & admin
that was not against you ^^ I was talking about people who PM the admin all day long -_-
Ohk ok..??
It’s actually the official admin the Knight..of corepack.
is this corepack site?
Holy FUck shit motherfuing …. is it happenig
Donno dude..but he is the official admin of tht site..I donno whether it’s a crack or something else..let’s hope for the best..??
I just got HOPE!
He is repacker ..nt cracker. Dnt hve false hope man…he himself has said this…crack wd come through CpY Steampunk codex .
Yaa I knw tht.. just posted thtsit.. whatever it is..but we could hope for the best..even if it’s false…???
Frst thing frst …corepack is repack site. They dont even crack non denovo games they jst repack like fitgril…. if crack has to come it will b first o wrez torrents site by cpy , steampnk or codex …thn all site will post it too..
Ok dude…but I am just saying.. everyone could hope right..I mean we are doin that in here since it was uploaded..so there is nothing to gain or lose for hoping..well I’m doing that.. nothing else..??
Its ok .. hope it comes within week by cpy steampunk otherwise it wl take long long time
i think he is talking about some other game ….
Es el fin de los crack?… :(
Here is a link to an article that might explain a little better of why its taking our friends a little longer then normal to provide us with awesomeness. they have a double layer of security protecting this game from being cracked at the moment, but it is at the price of the consumers GPU and CPU so they might drop it this protection once enough people complain.
Any news about the crack ?
same shit
Any updates of crack
it will be out in a few days. that’s all.
OK im getting pissed that keep deleting my post just for trying to share the truth. the game is double protected UBI has implemented two layers of protection on this game yes they have Denuvo but they also have implemented another form of protection on top of Denuvo called VMprotect which in returns protects Denuvo this game is going to be a bitch to crack. most developers will apply denuvo only for the initial lunch period so the game makes money but will drop the protection once sales are made. UBI came out swinging because they dont look to be letting up anytime soon and have provided protection for the protection its crazy. but in return applying both of these protections it is eating up peoples processing speed and GPU performance so if enough people complain of the game messing up they might be forced to drop the VMprotect off the title.
we cant do anything they allways play with us
That is just your “opinion” you dont have a clue…
lol that is not just a opinion…..thats how game companies work and enough complaints will push the company into a spot where they have to undo the protection or lose the sales of the game and the supporters….thats how the world works kid….you are the one without a clue….at the moment the game is taking up more than its recomanded specs even people with higher specs than the recomanded and required specs for the game are having stutters and lag at some points in the game
Yes that is his opinion..! If that’s how the world works old man, Tell me? when has any game companies ever removed/undone a Anti-Piracy program? Especially Ubisoft? I will tell you NEVER!!! The only people crying are 20% of pc gamers. The game runs fine on most pc’s, playStation 4 and Xbox one’s (read the news) Which BTW xbox and PS sold three times more copies than pc. This game sold out in some countries. SO…. Do the maths? Like really?? Do you really think that ubisoft are going to pay hundreds of thousands to Anti-Piracy program developers for their Software then remove/undo it because 5% of their supporters are crying they aren’t getting 60 fps while playing the game? who do you think you are kidding? bf1 has been out since october 2016 and that uses 100% of cpu usage on 50% of gamers pc’s… Nothing has been said or done about that yet? Soooo yeah google is your friend…!!
lmao and you think every pc gamer out there are rich people who could afford higher end rigs and can buy games? nope….there are people who cant afford such range like 50% or so….5% of the supporters? seriously? man you are living in a dream world or you a rich kid who like to act like a smart ass…..lol the change will come if more than 50% of the consumers return the game and ask for refund or take down that program that’s causing the stutters and lags…..and its not called crying for chirst’s sake…..its displease and disappointment…..man seriously are you that dumb that you have to act so desparately like a smart ass running that mouth as you see fit to justify yourself? and dude everyone dont own a xbox or ps or can afford those games on consoles like seriously and not every one play on the consoles there are pc gamers too and many console users prefer to play on PC with the controllers cause of the output pc version gives…..and if you wanna bitch around about the piracy why are you even on a site that cracks games and gives them out making them available for people who cant afford to buy games? think before you speak brat….and who you calling old man lol…..opening your mouth running it as you wish without knowing stuff and without knowing whether i am old or not lmao….kids these days…..as you said google is your friend so go learn some manners and knowledge before you open your mouth again
I will comment properly when I get back from work im on my phone… But really? You’re dumb or you don’t read what you comment… I called you old man because you called me kid… You must be and old man to call me kid? With that aside Your here trying to get a crack for a game that requires a high end rig to run it….? can’t afford a $60 game or a pc that can run the game get a new “hobby”Simple…!!!Btw why can’t you answer my question? Who has every removed a program? And most of what I mentioned is facts…. Not an opinion!! So the whole everyone doesnt own a xbox or a PS4 can’t afford the game is Bs. Because there were move console sales for the game then pc… There are more people that own console then pc….. (FACTS) Now if so many people are crying over the low fps why haven’t they removed it like you THINK? You are fooling yourself… Pirated games are for people to test….. If you like the game buy it…. BTW anwser question next time instead of trying to avoid facts and trying to make up more BS…
LMAO calling you kid don’t mean the person who called you that is old man. Are you that stupid? And go you even know if I own a high end rig? If not then why are you assuming stuff lol? Since you love talking about your so called “facts” in the world you live in these are the facts and actual stuff lol. Always got to be on top and right eh? Seriously the level of smart ass you are trying to be makes you actually look stupid. Who are you to tell me change hobbies? And it’s called displeased and disappointed not crying. And you wondering why I called you kid lol. There may be more people that own console but that don’t mean the are less people that own PC lol. And those who play on PC do buy the games and PC games sales do matter to the companies. Did you not then read what I said about why people that own consoles prefer to play on PC as they see fit and wish? Yes there are people that play pirated to test for themselves. There are also people that play pirated cause they can’t buy the game for what ever reasons. And you kept on going about your so called “facts” lol. Just cause I choose to avoid answering to your stupid question to which you should have knowing a answer from your friend google if you did the research that you call it BS? What a kid lol. Some companies don’t even bother to fix issues in game through patches Unless the sakes go down and enough people complain. And once again complaining and crying are 2 different things. So grow some commonsense and manners and start using the right words there. So stop making up shit and end your foolish “smart-ass” quest divvy always try to be in top and right cause you are not
A kid calling me kid, Like who is sounding more idiotic here..? So if you dont own a high end rig, why are you trying to get ACO? Your rig won’t be able to run it. And no! I dont have to be on top and right, when im wrong i will gladly admit im wrong but i know 100% im right, becasue im quoting FACTS. lmfao im being a smart ass (you have anger issues or something) Are you all there in the head, like im talking to you not being a smart ass? I never told you to change hobbies i clearly said if you CAN’T afford to buy a game for $60 or a pc look for a new hobby (there is a very big differences) becasue games these days are only getting more demanding and will need HIGH END RIGS to run them just like ACO..! Let’s clear something up here, The meaning of crying “SORROW” meaning sorrow “DISAPPOINTMENT” now get over the whole is not called crying BS because it is called crying.
quote you
“There may be more people that own console but that don’t mean the are less people that own PC”
read over your shit^^^^^^^^^^^^^^lmfao
Like i mentioned if you can’t buy games that are worth $5 to $100 and you have to pirate games look for a new hobby… I download and test them, If i like, i will buy (THATS WHY IM HERE)
Btw When has any game companies ever removed/undone any Anti-Piracy program? You sound more like you want to be right and on top, but you can’t becasue you’re making shit up and im quoting facts!!
Lmao now you assumed i am a kid and that i dont have a rig that is enough to run ACO….how much more idiotic and stupid you can get lol…..you say you gonna accept when you wrong but here you are still trying to be on top and right always even when you are not…..you dont even know if my rig can run it or not and here you are claiming that my rig wont run the game…..you the one getting angry and defensive over the shit you are saying…..disappointed and crying are different lol…..in the end you still only trying to be a smart ass….you said look for a new hobby and it means you told me to change my hobby dumb ass…..Disappointment and crying may mean sorrow and disappointment dont always mean sorrow that dont make them both the same lmao….clearly you want to be on top and right always…..lmao says the guy who is making shit up and calling them facts….if you wanna know then go google it lmao…..quote and unquote? whats up with that lol and who are you to tell me to look for new hobby lol….i buy games when i can and those i cant i play the cracked versions that dont mean i dont love games and that dont mean i am not a gamer for me to look for new hobby….and if you really are just playing pirated ones just to see if you like it or not before buying then why dont you go to youtube and watch walkthroughs to see if you like it or not and read the reviews of the game? maybe you are the one that need to look for new hobby…..dont you even know how to read? damn kid go back to school and learn and while you are at it take meds for your anger and do anger management and go talk to a therapist about your assuming shit problem……meh what a idiot
I get it now, you’re a girl and about 10 years old. You do realise you’re contradicting yourself with most of what you are saying. Do you even know the meaning of assumed? You sound really really butthurt. you need to go back to school aswell…
Man there you go again assuming things. You are the one contradicting what you say and making shit up so you can be on top and be right even when you are wrong hiding behind the “quoting facts” talking bs acting like a smart-ass. It’s clear you are the butthurt one here lol. Damn kid you really should go join in school asap before you make a fool out of yourself more than you did so far
You have to be one of them, If i had to choose the last one becasue of how you act..!! Also where? show me my contradicting statements? You keep quoting “so you can be on top and be right” what are you on about? You sound 5 and i dont know who you are, so what would i care what you think? You clearly a kid or a adult that has a kid brain!! you still haven’t answered my question
when has any game companies ever removed/undone a Anti-Piracy program?
Hahaha says the guy who talks and acts like a 5 year old know it all stalk up kid??. Man you so funny lol. You the one who hasn’t answered a single question of mine and you say things that contradict the very things you said before. And you say I haven’t answered any question LMAO
LMFAO what are you on about??? You haven’t ask me any questions?
when has any game companies ever removed/undone an Anti-Piracy program?
?????? damn lol you crack me open kid ????? well done
when has any game companies ever removed/undone an Anti-Piracy program?
codepunks forthcomming
what u want to say dude i cant understand
I’ve seen that if a game doesn’t be cracked just after the release day, they don’t crack it for a specific time. This is like that for years. There are many speculations that they receive payment from the companies. I am a FM fan and they cracked it 6 months later after the release past 2 years. They didn’t crack For Honor or Need for Speed yet. That’s not because they can’t crack them. So do not wait ACO to be cracked for a few months like FM 2018 although it’s written on their home page
dude is this game workiing
should i still wait a bit more? or buy it now cause it wont be around anytime soon
Get Your fucking game activated by some one else from facebook ….
can you guide me to any person willing to activate my game
any news from voksi revolt , cyp, codex ???
Guys crack release yet?
it looks like its easy to crack denovo but that vm protection is hard
waddup everyone
any news?
nothing no news … congrats its another dishonored 2 w8 months ….. im out
well, shit
Don’t fall into the trap like many others and buy the game, it’s okay to support the developers but supporting people using anti-privacy matters to hog the games fps is not okay.
I dont have money right now i wanna buy this game in the summer holidays
suck my d#$& Denuvo
Finally https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cca2c4e16bda3d3c92efafd1e35e3959ca9fb9b0bab6b19a101e9c26a22ce66a.png
So the game is out now on steam officially ? When will we recive the crack ?
IDK i cant wait longer sry xD and i dont pay on russian side for uplay account i bought my own game ;)
its on steam 3 days ago bruh
crack isn’t out… Guess its gonna take months
now im downloading play a littlebit and wait for crack that denuvo earased and i get my better peformance FUCKING DENUVO.
Did you purchased it directly on Steam ?
How many is it ?
the normal game 59.99€ the Deluxe 69.99€ and the gold 89.99€ i bought the gold edition
Wow ! Go from free crack to 90€ game, that’s pretty tough, isn’t it ^^
na it isnt :D i play all AC Games and i cant wait more :D
congrats….. i hope i could also
i hope the crack is comming for u all, i need the crack too to beat denuvo out from this game, denuvo eat so much cpu :D
that’s just incredible.
so guys im out from here. i go to play. i hope the cracken get released :D cya
i have a cracked pes18 does any one know a trick or somthing to play online ?
I hope this is done today soon.
Today? nah i think it takes more days or weeks too crack denuvo shit out from this Game. This Denuvo is hard to Crack because its like a Sandwich: vm protection + DENUVO + vm protection.
You can purchase a shared Uplay account with ACO on it for $1,75, go offline mode as soon as you’ve downloaded the game, and you’ll be able to play it offline, I’ve got about 5 hours of playtime now, no trouble so far.
I downloaded the game here. if I buy uplay accout with ACO, download the game again from there?
I am not sure of that, sorry.
Actually I think you have to copy the files into uplay or something like that, some guy explained it yesterday in the comments, if you can find it.
frizko please give me your account and I will play offline. I’m tired of waiting for the release of the game
I’ve seen most of your posts, so okay I will, anyway to private message?
its rlly working ?
Yes it’s working just fine
frizko please give me your account and I will play offline.
Sorry Yanis is gonna get it after, only 1 person can be on at a time, so ask Yanis when he’s done
realy ?
Yes really, anyway to private message you?
my facobook is Yanis Ha (thank you dude)
when you download the game can i use the acc to download it and play offline
im goin crazy these days just sitting and waiting
or my gmail
gmail works fine
my adress is: yanis.vidok@gmail.com
I thank you from the bottom of my heart if you do it
Check your email, remember if you pass it on to someone else, you’ll have problems downloading.
I will give it to no one
lol gr8 let me know if it works
it’s uplay or steam ?
When you have installed the game, load the game once, then close it, and go to settings in uplay, then go to network, and permanetly put it to offline mode.
thank you and do not worry
Cool, did the login work?
Alright great, enjoy the game mate.
thanks You’re so kind
if there is a problem contact me with gmail
Should be no problems
am dowloading the MAJ and after that i will use the offline mode thanks man
thank you verry much
Nah sorry bro I won’t message anyone through facebook
I give you my facebook?
Can u share your account with me too?? :O i will go offline etc
Crack is released, enjoy the game.
fuck you
wash your mouth, big boy
there is a pile of black shit on your head
big fake
What’s up man?
first laye VMprtection+Uplay 2nd layer denovo… protecting eachother …. like having sex eatchother
ravioli ravioli, what’s in my pocket Ali
I m playing guys it s wonderful I spend only 2.53 €
Corrado please give me your account and I will play offline
first laye VMprtection+Uplay 2nd layer denovo… protecting eachother …. like having sex eatchother
plz somebody purchase me i only have phyical money no paypal in my region like these shits ….. plz help me
why are you always on here bro? like holy shit lol obsessed much?
guys anyone can share 1.50 dollor account for activating game then i will use offline mode and return your account back to you
what so funny about it did i put joke in there if i had a account i will share with others account is no use for them because they are playing in offline mode
Yep ur correct..?
I planned AC:Origins to whole autumn, but it seems like spend time with DEW2, wolfie…
When to expect the crack? :O a week, month? :OO
6 months
can i use the files of this with uplay to don’t do a second download ?
search local files on uplay
when the crack arrive ? pls answer me :)
Seems like never…:/
Fuck this.. ubisoft made a deal with hackers(codex, cpy, voksi, skidrow) to not release Crack until 6 fuckin months…. Like earlier ubi games Far cry 4, GR wildlands. The crack was available after six months of game release….
So guyz wait 6 months or Support Developers buy the game…
Happy Gaming!
Where did u got this info? :OO
no they did not this happend with 3dm but cpy ans steampunks are not for sell
you can tell me how to use the file I downloaded here, in uplay as it will not download it again
https:// www. youtube. com/ watch?v=FJytVOTufqU&t=180s f
No not underestimate hackers!
Do not underestimate hackers!
Here the link to buy the game
http://www. plati. market/itm/assassin-s-creed-origins-ru-eng-lifetime-warranty/2381093?ai=758540
Just buy the game guys..
i don’t want to support fucking ubisoft they put VMProtect on to denuvo and its bad for your CPU.
yes yes yes man
no fucking way is it was a cd project game maybe ubishit dont get shit
we saw cpy we saw steampunks where is baldman lol ???
So, i have been watching the chat for like 4 days now !
And Frankly,this is the best comment section to date i have seen!
The best Gameee everrrr
the crack will come after when Ubisoft will do his full busniess all the DLCs will be released and profit were be made ,,,,, then the game will be totaly dead then our so called heros CPY, CODEX , STEMPUNK , 3DM , VOKSI they will release the crack because they have taken money from them no body belive and i was sying since first day ….. im done here ….. fuck off now ……
you’re obsessed
Even if u are right,screaming wont help
Saldra el crack cuando tenga u n examen seguro xd
The crack is released already wait few hours guys
Aight you will come back to say sorry pal https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7a1d274c8b5983c4213fd2c498eeeebfa8eeb0372973f6f22f688880556a257d.jpg
lol it was already shared in Reddit .. and turned out to be fake..
its fake
i don’t even know…
where did u find this?
now I know it is
u dont need origin wtf lol
Haha Origin with assassin’s creed Ofc
fake not adv/action is RPG Action
and how do you know??????
what does it all mean? LOL
“Proof that VMProtect is running non-stop.”
yes i saw and Voksi said i dont know how deep is means he dont know what to do …..
Hooly Shit thats hard protection dudes :/ WE are doomed :/
are there any games which used the same, or at least a similar “protection”?
no i dont think so but i am sure ubisoft will put this shit on upcoming games like far cray 5 etc
The new south park game
south park only use denuvo protection not vm shit
well… That VM shit is really working huh…
Because South Park got cracked like instantly
its not imposible to crack it its a chalange but like any chalange it can won we are all behind u steampunks and cpy
Exactly. They didn’t want to make the game “uncrackable” but only delay the moment when the scene groups will put the crack online by a few days/weeks so that people will become impatient and buy the game instead of waiting for the crack :(
Reloaded and Codex..
They don’t deserve a dime. Lazy port.
fuck yeah
Hahahah fck u all i bought the game now and will play it
may l power of all the dicks in here fuck u hard
fuck sido
ITS FINALLY CRACKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
https: // tinyurl. com/ 3xxhtg
Everyone please down vote this fucker
Plz take out the crack . i want it so badly to play this game :(
i have no money to buy it.plz do this gift to all of us
May Anubis (God Of Death) bring this denuvo to death.
Believe me or not Fabio Costalo is gonna proof y’all in a min
ht tp s: // t inyurl. com / 3xxhtg
Please for the love of fucking god find somthing better to do
im playin this fuckin game right now while y’all hatin ….. smh
crack plezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
PROOF !!! SHIT IS RUNNIN FAST AS HELL https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/76e8ee37426a0905891202b5405eafa0b1554d8b8c87cf0824b0ccbcd38264b6.jpg
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c7b8218fe187d4c6804df794f29c348e00473ff2bd93ff514121a0ff50d01714.jpg TRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eat your true shit.
This proves that you are a rotten cocksucker.
pls i wanna help u guys !!!! Send me pls immediately ur AC EXE I Peitsch and put so much Abgewixxt in it !!!! Maybe 5 MINS WORK!!!!!!!!
2 fuckers trying to be funny
believe it or nah i dont give a damn
Cause your a fucker
HEAVY ON FLEEKFIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And a stupid fucker
You fucked bayak
My apologies you were a guy fucker
When you download the iso and then download the pre-release and copy over the acorigin.exe and two uplay files – is it still not having a working crack yet?
No wait then wait then wait some more
When I run the ACOrigins.exe and it tells me “Uplay hasn’t been detected” that’s normal for everyone?
Yeah wait for the crack might take a while
No worries, I’ll just wait some. Thanks.
It might take weeks or months
If you cannot wait I’d say the best option is to scroll down comments and find the link to the shared accounts. With PayPal you can pay the game 3,50€, only down side is that you have to play in offline mode (once you launched the game for the first time)
BTW Here is the link to buy the game
http://www. plati. market/itm/assassin-s-creed-origins-ru-eng-lifetime-warranty/2381093?ai=758540
can i borrow your account ? i don’t have money on paypal only 0,40$ :(
I bought mine for 50 cents, but not from them.
Site url?
Dont have account sorry. i’m waiting for the crack.
I need to boost my confidence. POLL
2.This week
3.Less than a month
4.Less than 2 months
5.Less than 6 months
6.Less than a year
my bets are on 3.Less than a month
u dont know how desperately i want the 1st one to be true :P
we’re on the same boat u n’ I
Propably number 4
:( wish if not for the 1st one at least the 2nd :P
i think the number 2
also, should I play Unity?
Well cuz Crack doesn’t seem to come any time soon ;)
if u havent played it yet now its the time ;)
aight man, thanks
assassins creed unity i have end this game 36 time evey time i have clear 100% its my fav game in this series
how to play tell me pls?
play what?
we are talking for unity not origins :P
I think it has good gameplay and story both! The only thing that killed the game on launch were the bugs imo!
well… Most of the people say that all of the hate came up from people with computers bellow 300$-they couldn’t run the game so they started to throw shit at it
there are bugs but it’s an open world game… What do u expect lol
i agree i believe the game if it wouldnt for the bugs and gliches it would be one of the best.paris is outstanding :)
Why is everyone crying on 3 dollar game being offline? Isn’t the cracked version offline too!?
both are offline
Everyone is crying that the 3 dollar one is offline!I would have paid for it had i any means to pay online (got physical cash only)
R u frm pk?
Cn u pm?
I am available ! How do u wanna pm
Hve u rented ths game on denovo.r?
I am quite surprised you are from Pak! What is your rig tho!
I7 gtx 1080 16 gb ram
Awesome man! Considering you live in pak!
Yeah ; Literally everything is overpriced here
So wts ths abt 3 $ stuff?
Oh that’s nothing! The comment sections was like 3 dollar game was offline so i was like why are they being ungrateful
Lol.. here thre is no way to buy game on steam .it sucks…i mean paymtn mthod ..
There is site .which cn buy u game frm steam ..n pymnt mehtod us ez paisa .. bt nvr tried so xnt trust… anyway any idehow to pay through paypl in pk?
Paypal is not in Pak! However you can add funds through visa or MasterCard! Got 10 dollars for being able to add friends on steam XD
Hw mny freinds added?
Not much ! 5 i guess
Even tho i can’t just pay 6000 rs for a game
same here 6000rs
You a paki too?
I know! You have been making commotion while i have been sitting silent watching for 4 days!
I am not judging people by their rigs , but still what’s your rig?
Gtx 970 oc
i5 4570
8 gb ddr3
250 ssd
Oh k.. bt 3 dollr stuff real?
Everyone says it is working! Still 315 rs don’t hurt , at least for me for this game!
So any idea how to rent it?
That’s the only problem! Even if we can pay from Pakistan my father won’t even let me touch his credit card( you know security )
Ys dont use CC …
Hence we are handicapped!
Witihin mnth it wll crck
I am ready to pay 3 dollars! I have no means to pay it tho!
cuanto tiempo tardas en poner el crack ¿? 7 DIAS ¿?
depende, no se sabe, pueden sacarlo mañana o en un mes
how many peaple killed himself for no crack ubi?…. dont do this/
thank you for *
There is a rumour going on that Ubisoft has added VMProtect over Denuvo in order to protect AC:Origins from pirates.
This is the reason crack is taking a lot of time .There is also an additional 30-40% CPU performance hit with this new implementation as both Denuvo and VMProtect is chunking down a lot of CPU resource running in background while playing game.
we all know its old info
i want to sleep like u :(
sleep is for the weak.
salute you patience buddy hold on
I just need the offline version,but i dont have Money(dollar) or international credit card, i am brazilian!!!
fuck u denovo … tired
they will make it just we have to wait :( and waiting is really boring
The grammar on this meme made me laugh more than the meme itself.
I come here every hour for an update…..
you are not only one :)
theyre never gonna crack this game, theyre fraud, FAKES, just like all the politicians we elect pure BS, except for trump !
Hello Ubisoft can i play just 5 min Assanins creed origins because i have only 10c in my pocket Please?.
Hello mr. Loser Remis only the The World’s Billionaires can play this game you not worthy,
Please only 1 min ? Ok Poor guy but you have to pay 11c
SKIDROW can we get an update please so everyone has some idea of how long we are going to wait?
they dont know because they are not crackers they just put crack …. real people are CPY CODEX 3DM STEAMPUNKS VOKSI
no cracken relisen no goood :D:D
Guys it’s there something in corepack website..at the beginning it was just SURPRISE…but now instead of that it’s ACOOFA..!!..I guess it’s assassin’s Creed origins offline free activation…but it wud be only for the members in there I guess…I donno how they will do that guys.. just posted it..??..u could check their site and that thread too assassin’s Creed origins gold edition.. discussion thread..
its no crack
No it’s not a crack..I never said that..I am just saying they would be activating it offline for free..to those members over there.
By some rules or something..I donno..but I have registered there for free..??
acoofa ??? is the suprise
Yep..but I donno what it is..it’s definitely not a crack..but a free offline activation I guess..the admin will post the update soon regarding how to activate it..I donno but maybe it’s that only..I am monitoring their site each sec…??
me too lol
Just register there too..for free..??
Ok iam done for today.. corepack’s admin has also gone offline..it’s been 38mins..??..will chk that tomorrow.. hopefully to get some good news.
will do i think accofa stands for ac origins free ofline activetion
I downloaded the game for nothing …
why nothing if you wait for craken
Copy only the crack into the game folder an play ;d
the crack has not yet been revealed. I think they have it already but they only want to gain visits by waiting for the crack release …
Assassin’s Creed Origins-FULL UNLOCKED
In this version of the game is included one day patch or not ???
what is the meaning of ACOOFA in corepack ?????
Would like to know as well
I think it’s assassin’s Creed origins offline free activation
Assassin’s Creed Origins-FULL UNLOCKED
In this version of the game is included one day patch or not ???
so no sleeping tonight
why why why it was going to happen with ACO only no other fucking game …..
Stop it guys the problem is just virtual machine protect not denuvo, vmp was added by ubisoft on denuvo. Denuvo used it in the past, but they had not the right for use (no license), so they removed it of their drm. It’s just buggisoft bullshit.
Yeah, Vmprotect has lots o holes itself, only a matter of time for a current Zero-day
Ma ni ssu cessu di situ pi aviri na minchia di crack cu cu spacchiu avissi a parari?
what day the crack be realesed ?
Nov.9 2684
Can someone explain the free offline activator and can you please post the link to the source thank you.
ACOOFA 50% chance we will get assassin creed crack in upcomiing hours thats it …..
I hope so thank you
your WC
i want o edit ….. may be its the FREE ONLINE ACTIVATOR :d
Wait, what is this free account, I am reading about? Can somebody explain it me please?
Wait? Waaaait +?https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/066cb76a705b672ef7b6d9895126e68dff7fff24676a74ef1b219e09e3fb4acb.gif
Love that Movie!
That’s me waiting for this game to be cracked
Oi mates, does anyone knows about the ACOOFA?
Updates plz on crack
ACOOFA is surprise from COREPACK dont know what is it but it will be clear in some couple of hours …… 30% chance of aco ofline activator
i was waiting from 12pm time to go to bed
According to the staff,it says offline activation,not activator,meaning that they are activating accounts for offline gameplay(five per day) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cc1f3e48c1c7da9b6475db75872b5153b381ed6be8b49489b53f6f01770c3a8e.png
CRACK IS OUT !!!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5bcfb36b9ef0f89581870e3425afbc738ab098092bb17e0f3f8f744371ce503a.png
no…. no its not
It work for me :/
Link it after you click available then
Isn’t it the game ? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/92db7caa7f5b88f1fb6d95de3fe9e02f084211d207beeec42ecd89ff3e07bd18.png
yes that comes up when you click the NO CRACK link
oh…. :'(
Fake, it only says ACOOFA for the moment
can u mail me this activator plzzzzzzzz aliqaiser1357@gmail.com
Bro it’s fake edited I guess
mine is not showing its ACOOAFstill
if its fake i will kill u…..
share this file mail me also ….. fast plz
its not for me https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2b31c112dfd4d9d036c88d2ebd021d3e02190c7e0ca6f4855e6001be7442d880.png
It’s not available for me
Go to sleep kidow…..
because its for limited users
So stupid kid :d
Anyone by chance has it then share it to everyone
stay cool everyone,..
let them work n destroy denuvo with style.. lol
Offline activator link isn’t available on corepacks
Any updates of crack
i is playing game
Go fuck yourself spammer.
Can we get an update on the crack?
i iz playing da game now, itz real good :3 i love how the desert is huge and there is lots to explore. and dat eagle is bad ass :3
i love diz game, i iz playing it now. dis eagle is bad ass! the map is huge and the desert is enormous! lots to explore!
where did u get the crack?
when did i sayz i used a crack? o:
im just saying i think you guyz would love it too 3:
can we play aco without crack?
Yeah sure,just go pay 60$ and lick ubisoft’s pussy.
sure :
Any updates
already got it to work guys :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d7c892bfc662f99b1aec79903ebcdc84eaf54bd75cd84757cced3e980651229d.png
alien language?
you are alien cock
anything I dont understand is alien. and go away retard. :)
well then you should get used to that not the whole planet is english you retard
but I don’t speak alien asshole :) I speak in language others can understand
ohh I am sorry that I did not meet your wishes cunt, well Ill play the game in my language this was to only show that it works for 1 dollar 75 account
where did you buy it at?
denuvogames . ru
Wow,thats some racist shit going on here…….
hi guys since crack doesn’t seems to be coming anytime soon so and since my brain will crack before that so i am gonna buy a fake uplay account can any one tell me what needs to be done so i don’t have to download game files again i have game and preloaded patch from here
do it man did the same now i go play game here link denuvogames .ru
how did you set up files from skidrow ?
downloaded origins torrent did not install game just localised and I started game
i have torrent from here i didn’t extract them should i extract them and put preloaded patch in it’s directory ? then what ?
extract put preloaded patch in that folder dont move it anywhere just get the account when u click on that game below it will say localise game find the game where u extracted it and click ok and it will work then
thanks man i will do it later should i come across any problem can i contact you ?
im not posible to pushare give me 1 acoount plzzz i play oflaine
Tak doufam ze mas dobre chlazeny cpu ponevadz dostane pekne zabrat?
ahoj jj dobre mam ukazu ti obrazek ze hry jak to mam
Jo.ze zacatku.pockej za hodinu az dve hrani..a to sem to chtel kupovat,nasrat.dokud neodstrani ten wmprotect tak na to jebu
hele ja tu budu zitra jdu si ted lehnout kdyz tak si me pridej na fb jestli chces jmeno rene matuscak ahoj
hi if you are done with 1.75 account for assassin creed can you share it i ill activate and return it to. you are playing in offline mode anyway
je to dobry :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6f51a3aed9ae7aeb3664e06549b3a9676b36797988ad28c3c44d780ef6c03209.png
What is the gpu? and cpu?
basically,GPU is your Graphics card and the CPU is your processor.
what CPU are you running this game on?
from where did u download it?
I purchased the account and the game is downloading. should i need to click ‘activate a key’ on Uplay ? or the game will run after the complete installation
how to buy and activate with existing downloaded game from corepack ?
Guys on corepack are activating the game for free.5 accounts a day
Tho you need an account with more than 50 posts and the line is pretty long.
Anybody can tell me who denovo ?
In Simple Language, Denuvo is a Software which stops Piracy of games. Ubisoft used this software, so the crackers are having trouble to crack it.
Plus,they have added VMP to it.You can call it a sort of “armor” added to protect denuvo.
Any updates on the crack?
Consumers are pressurizing ubisoft to remove VMP and Denuvo(at least one of them). We can only hope that things work in our favor,crackers are having a hard time cracking this crap…..
I’ve been playing Alien shooter for the last two days again and again……………..I just can’t take it anymore.lol
Anyone here got a link to a prepack?
Guys can anyone help and activate game for me ? I can’t pay 1900 Egyptian pounds to get the game i need to play offline please ???
Try using Helix Credits,lol
Crack will be out today at noon.
In your dream jackass
fake ombre
Really? I hope u’re right
crack is today?
Enjoy Every One Crack Is Out Happy Gaming :)
where is it?
where is crack?
Shut your gob,spammer
today crack?
any updates
Any news guys?
i am so obsessed with the crack :P the first thing to think when i wake up the last one before i sleep :P
u r nt the only …every one is because this game is fckn* great
Minus the CPU tanking.It’s causing freaking BSODs
i bought the game for 2 dollars now how to run it. plzzzzz tell some
https://www . youtube. com/ watch?v=FJytVOTufqU&t=10s
its only showing download button
Barar Bal gulo
Claudia, my dearest sister. I have been in Acre a week now, safe and in high spirits, but prepared for the worst.
The men and women who have fed and sheltered me here also give me warning that the road to Masyaf is overrun by mercenaries and bandits not native to this land. What this could mean, I dread to guess.
When I first set out from Roma ten months ago, I did so with a single purpose. To discover what our father
did not. In a letter written the year before my birth he makes mention
of a library hidden beneath the stones of Masyaf castle. A sanctum full
of invaluable wisdom.
So what will I find when I arrive there? Who will greet me? A host of eager Templars, as I fear most strongly? Or nothing but the whistling of a cold and lonely wind?
Masyaf has not been home to the Assassins for almost three hundred years now. Can we still claim it for our own? Are we welcome there?
I am weary of this fight, Claudia. Not because I am tired, but because our struggle seems to move in one direction only. Towards chaos.
Today I have more questions than answers. This is why I have
come so far. To find clarity. To find the wisdom left behind by the
great Altaïr, so that I may better understand the purpose of our fight. And my place in it.
Should anything happen to me Claudia, should my skills fail
me, or my ambition lead me astray, do not seek retribution or revenge in
my memory, but fight to continue the search for truth, so that all may
My story is one of many thousands, and the world will not suffer if it ends too soon.
From Revelations?
hi this is ali qaiser from brothers id …. any crack newsss pllzzzzzzzz
Any updates plz on crack
there is a preload crack
When will the crack or acoofa get released
That acoofa on Corepacks is an event for activation.it’s not an activator.
crack today??????????????
ppl want halloween surprise
Any excuse will work,ya kno :)
So i am back! Any news?
Welcome again to the community of desperation
no news
Guys, I have a good news for you. We´re working hard and the crack will be release tonight. Be prepared for the new info. Regards, team Skidrow
Any updates on crack????
hahaa, they just posted and said will be uploaded in 45 mins
Epic.A new world record,perhaps.
when i open assassin’s creed uplay open
i think cod ww2 will be cracked before assassins creed
co ww2 dont use denovo cause u buy cod for the mulyplayer me personly i only play single player
exactly me too. i dont give a damn bout the multiplayer lol
Activision doesn’t use denuvo,so be happy.
They’re games are well optimized too :)
COD needs to get away from the WW2 garbage, all the guns, tanks and airplanes all sucked back then, i like the games that use modern weapons, sights, vehicles and such. MHO
hell yeah i can feel u but it should not be too futuristic with the movement.
If you don’t give a shit about online features of the game, buy it for 2-3 bucks. ez.
2$ 3$? where?
Where ?
Sorry, I bought mine for $1,75 on plati . market
But I think they might of raised the price to 3 bucks, check for urself :P
man can you please give me the acc info i will download the game and go offline i cant wait more i just wanna play :( pm me petkov7299@gmail.com
Check your Email, remember, if you pass it on to someone else, you’ll be the one with the problems when it starts downloading :’)
i think he full of shit. scam?
plati . market
any news?
Nothing brother
Any new info???
Have few accounts with AC: Origins, Can play offline(you just need download game and go to offline mode), also disable cloud save game and all will be okay, i olready 21LVL in Game – Few days use 1 account. So i sell few accounts if someone need it. Price 10$ – Payment: Paypal Gift. Contact me in skype: moon19951 or here.
Dont buy this guys account, you can buy them for $1,75 on the internet without getting scammed LOL
Can you please post a link?
plati . market, shouldn’t be that hard to find.
lmfao, get out of here with this scam A-hole
wait crack 355 days :)
sad news is this game wont be crack =)))))
Dude,stop demoralizing everyone here,they’ve been waiting patiently for ages.
dont say such EVIL EVIL THINGS !!!!!!!
Someone please share an account >.<; the wait is too much
FUCK YOU UBISOFT!!! my pc crashes and restart after 15 mins of gameplay. And here i spent 3$ T_T
Thats due to overheating of CPU.Stop playing it and wait for the crack.Removing denuvo and VMP will solve this issue.
and i will be dried bones when the crack comes
then allow ubisioft to fuck your CPU and die
Surely i can skip this game right ? i can do it right ? T_T
Don’t worry mate.We’ve got upcoming dates for COD WW2 and NFSPB
Hell,do whatever you wish.Just don’t end up melting your processor.
yeah not playing anymore
throw a bucket of ice water on it…… orrrr plug in an AC or really big fan beside blowing on your tower, but yeah the cracked version, if there is ever one, will be a lot easier on your pc.
CoD WW2 doesnt have denuvo i read on EULA from steam
What do you guys think?
Ubisoft work hard just to release crack so we can play
They want to earn money by working. Soo.
ubisoft is not the one who release the crack hackers do
show some proof
theres been articles that teh cracked game will be better than the actual release of the game because of all the resources the legit game takes up. go l ike some PC facebook groups
if this is their hard work then i would never spend money on their games CPU loads random restarts YUP thats hard work
What a noob……you can’t really differentiate between ubisoft and scene crackers,can you?
Any chances of It being crack any time soon and what’s taking too much time they already cracked FIFA18 with in a day its the same fucking old denuvo. Plz crack it
Who want an account?
me plezzzz
not interested
>.< /
Go fuck your account in the anus.
Fuck you now I gift the account
an acccount for what? does it have midget porn? if so, me please!
I’d rather get meself a usb stick full of milf porn
fuck me
Any chances of it being crack any time soon and Whats taking so much time they already cracked FIFA18 with in a day its the same fucking old denuvo
Wait 1 hour i have only 1 account
deity93@outlook.com < 3
just now i saw the ACO on top on this site before it was wolfenstien 2 i thought wow crack is here then i saw the same lame message game is out now!!! wait for fucking crack loosers!!!!
It is a strategy of this site in order to gain visits. Quite simple…and pathetic
lol me too they just changed the parking spots
jesus mother murphy. STILL NO CRACK!?!? we all need a fix man! i think we need more dealers :) maybe the hackers should setup a way for us to donate to them, tp give them a greater incentive to get hacking done on time. i REALLY wish i knew how to hack games, id use this power for good like they do and crack games for the massses because its good karma to help the less fortunate, and the cheap too i guess LOL
steampunks and CPY were failed to crack this game.
your mother failed on the crack
Guys i found crack for assassins creed origins and its fully working
awh yeah?
which site?
And i found your mother she’s fully working
fuck you asshole
youre mad at people because your lame attempt at a joke failed miserably?? LMFAO
where do you found it? link pls? :)
Y justamente lo tenía tu madre metido en el culo….qué casualidad!
fuck you
Primero tu madre, fucking liar XD!
In your dream?
But I suppose you’re butthole has started to malfunction,hasn’t it?
where i director of ubisoft lives https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/622c68415cdbbdffc8e5c63d3d2ab6145096ae8d0cb40baaa2c1e1af246ad12c.jpg this my friend unlock denuvo
this rapist woke me up today
so here proof guys :) if you want the account with the game go to denovugames .ru now its 3 dollars i think https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bbb2a41438c7f6293f03b68987b6d2521a5bec0c44a7d47d5a942fb981cde603.png
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f19441aa620268a55e660662026e424d9404169994ae10230b70303a0ae68a8d.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9a064655d8291bff7937ac0abfab7b3f16fc9a075ac2cb022c2797dbfb7ffac9.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/985502392394b8d4d5ea542aef91f955fdab1638a2b08c6926bfebb0410cc752.png
mais ferme ta gueule toi putain de polonais dmes couilles va jouer a ton jeu et lache nous putain de teubé ta rien à foutre de ta vie avec tes comptes à 2$ cotorep ?
thats not proof lol. thats just a screen shot of the game with notepad opened over it haha. but i jsut did an account how come i dont get my game? it didnt work
really? then go to denuvogames .ru :)
get account for 3 dollars the game will be on it install it play on offline mode. Easy
nice graphic guys. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/500a19ae43eb6fadb18b0b48b2ef38de134d0602688055b1ab34690021897231.png
na jaký to jedeš nastavení ?
zatim zkousim z jednu graficku kartu high pry je to stabilni no tak zkusim pak 2 grafiky https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4431907940def9c9952670f9f2cacdaa8509c34964ca3915f68b8e7906482dff.png
Just know ubi just want to remove Vmp layer… then they can crack the simple denuvo protection layer
So be patient… wait
And dont buy accounts from sites
soo does this mean that the crack is commin’ out soon?
Wait till next ubi update .. because of problem causing cpu usage..they will change a bit in next update…
when will the update come
Check ubi forum
just get account for 3 dollars
If interest you can follow Dežo opinion
yea man more people needs to know this fuck denuvo and crack shit
Vmp protection ubi idea.. and denuvo protect that layer … 80% cpu usage…
may be
link or sth?
From souces i get
so any of you guys got the account from denuvogames .ru?
i did T_T
so how good it works for you
And end with random restarts T_T
go offline mode
i am in offline mode its because of FUCKING CPU load always maxed out. I had played for 1 hour.
what are your specs?
i5 4790
GTX 1070 G1
EVGA 700w
8 gb ram
120 gb ssd
1 tb hdd
And somebody in YouTube playing it on gtx 1050ti,i3 2120 & 6gb ram on high settings…on 1366*768 resolution…and it’s really running smooth in there..but fps is only 25ishh
I followed your advice. But I have problems with the launch of the game!
buy account 3 dollars crack wont come anytime soon denuvogames. ru
can u just hang yourself ?
youre obviously trying to scam ppl. if you wernt, than why would you be spending so much time on a torrent site for this game, when you already have it, go play it dildo
wtf is wrong with u ignorant idiot
it just seems too good to be true. that if you pay $3 that you can get an account that lets you download and play this game….
Well u pay for a rented account go offline and play the game
this is the first time ive heard about this type of thing. and sounded too good to be true, and you know what they say if it sounds too good to be true. for $3 how long do you get to rent the account for to play? or do you get to keep the game forever? is it the same as downloading a torrent would be?
it’s as long as you want to keep the game
U get the account with the game on it which is password and email, if you have downloaded torrent game you dont have to download whole game on uplay again just localize files and it will find the game and play
I see you are here first time if you wasnt reading anything
u can clearly see how dope the optimization in this game is :D
yea it sucks man but I will try also 2 gpus
Sli is not supported as of now in this game
wtf really?:
Please help me!
what how
I bought the account and used as the destination folder the downloaded files on Skidrow, with patch applied. Despite everything, I’m wrong!
what does it say when you localise files
Once he told me that some files were missing and I downloaded them later, another time nothing.
Fuck the crack,anyone here wants a cassette full of noob porn? LOL
do they contain midgets with big D!cks vol 1-742??? ive been looking EVERYWHERE
Ubisoft bonus porn DLC
60$ LOL
what is noob porn? you filming in your neighbors window? lol
Nope,I’ve been filming officials at ubi.HEHEHE
with preload not working?
this blows, no sleep, and no ACO crack make Homer go CRAZY!!
Guys wait just 20 m and I gift the account
what do you mean? are you talking about that $3 account thing?
Yes uplay
so it is actually a real thing? im still having a hard time believing this is real. seems too good to be true :( if its real id be all over this. for $3 cant go wrong maybe
i give u link man
u shut up cunt he is not lying
another lying cunt.
fuck off ignorant asshole
Hey Dude could you explain once you get the account, you download the game and then swiitch to your account as offine or you have to stay on the account they gave you ?
so you know what these guys are talkign about with accounts? is it a scam?
no he is just like you never tried does not believe it and without any real proof that its fake says its fake fuck that bitch
fb account.. can easily create tht
what the fuck does fb have to do with this?
He’s fucking with you
maybe the m means miles, so you have to run 10 miles away from PC, and then 10 miles bcak
Hi! I read someone plays the game buying an account for 3 usd, can anyone explains me how??
you get the account with password game on it install the game play in offline mode done
im wondering same thing, jsut curioius if its a way to get ppl credit card number. maybe try paying with a prepaid credit card firs to see if its legit
No..if u gonna pay.. just pay thru PayPal..thtsit..pls I request don’t use any credit/debit cards…??..ask dezo gozo for more details..and how to make a payment for tht
Why not any credit cards? The option seems like valid paid method… next step, they’ll send me code to valid the game on uplay, or what?… you already used this method?
I am just saying.. because ur credit card number could be easily retrieved if u entered that.. please don’t do that..it’s more safe from PayPal…I guess..
No I haven’t used it..just telling u.. because nowadays anything could happen..I hope u understand..??
fuck non original open world, nothing to do boring games
fuck assasin shit !
for you fuckers saying its fake many people use this method and i gave also this link to others and people play the game but play it just on offline, if you dont wanna wait for crack cause it may take long to crack it now
https://www. plati. market/itm/assassins-creed-origins-lifetime-warranty-uplay-en/2381065
It’s true sadly i don’t have online money
man tell that to the guy doobydude on the top he thinks its scam lol
and believe whatever u fucking want thats up to you U never tried it and call it scam then fuck you too ignorant bitch, dont cry here for crack then
Can you repeat this procedure in order to use the Skidrow files?
go to account then game click on localise files then find the game and it will find the files and you can play game
But I also have to insert in the game cards the patch here on Skidrow or not?
so i have a question i need some peoples help ! i am thinking of jsut buying a $3 account. but am wondering if it is a scam. HELP! INFORMATION NEEDED ASAP ! thank you
lol i know your point of view on it, was looking for others
Not a scam
Hey it’s not fake…u could play that way like he said..?
more people will come here and say it too man just wait
Just don’t.It’s a double edged sword.
can you explain why its a double edge sword please?
You have to buy the money then recive the account they may send you the real accoun or a fake account 50-50 chance
But a lot of people did it and say it worcked
well it’s working for me
Like i said it worked for a lot of people
oh another one who did not try it and says its fake. good on you
There some fake websites not all websites are honest as the one you used
Ok guys this is the uplay account, you have to be quick to download the game and go offline. EMAIL harrich@gmx.net PASSWORD warhammer40k
LOl,even if it’s real people might just ignore it
You are fucking stupid kid
It actually work for 2sec but then get fcked by uplay
Didn’t work
well u did mistake now the account gets suspended cause anyone will try it …
And how come that’s possible..he is playing offline..??
because i had this problem accidently posted here pic with password and one idiot was loging in then me he got loged off then log back and then suspended account
Yep becoz at tym u wer downloading the files remember..???
So one of ur so called idiots tried to log in.. thtsit..if u downloaded the files earlier & used at that same moment this username & password..It wud wrk
well what i did when i was loged of i wrote to support they gave me another account and i continued downloading :) after finish went offline and play game
I know dezo..i am just saying u didn’t had to ask them for another account..if u completed that download earlier..then at the same moment by entering ur I’d & password that they have provided..it could have worked..
yea i know what u mean man but thanks for advice, do u play the game too?
Nopes…I won’t pay a penny..thtswhy I am here..??
please take the safety in two steps.. Diocane
Just now checked ubi forums… the legit customers over there are furious with Ubisoft drm protection… hopefully they will remove it soon..many of them are also demanding for a refund…check ubi forums…the discussion thread is there..??
they might release a new patch or an update to “FIX” the issue.Good news for us,I guess.
btw,mind sharing the link for quick access?
I hope they realese a patch to remove vmprotect
That’s the problem I am not able to post any links..it’s just saying..” it should be approved by skidrow..”??..any idea how to post it
harrich@gmx.net warhammer40k
please take the safety in two steps
maybe we should all go over to Ubi’s legit website and create accounts and botch about it too, that way they do something about it quicker !!! C’mon gang, lets go
What if the discussion thread also has some drm protection..?????..triple layered protection..???
than we can do what were doing right now, wait 5 years for skidrow and whoever else to crack it LOL !
I agree
When i lauch the game with the .exe that put me on Uplay and ask me for code for activate the game, how can I play with this hack of the game?
This game is not yet cracked wait for the crack
what? So this hack didn’t work!?
What hack?
The link for DL Assassin’s creed Origins . I mean i DL all the .rar files, i extract them all and when i lauch with .exe that put me in Uplay so the hack of this game didn’t work?
-_- are you doing this intentionally,mate?
i didn’t understand, this link is for downloading AC Origins no?
WTF about this “HACK”?
I think it will be crack very soon . Within 2 2 or 3 days
well sometime within the next year anyways…. right? lmao
Sorry it was 2 to 3 days
Ok sry
he means 2.2 days. but his guess is as good as all the otehr ones that have come and passed. its like all the predictions about the end of the world coming and going. he is just guessing
I am not guessed .. why don’t know I think my six sense worked
if you had a sixth sense, im sure you would have half decent grammar….. :)
What lolz
Bara aco na khele Babar bichi te toroal Chala. Lolz chodachhe
Some mistake was due fast typing and auto correction features in smartphone . So I think u have that sense otherwise u r nonsense
Just one of the thousand wild predictions.
Might happen sooner if ubi releases a patch to remove the drm or VMP
when will the update relese
when will the a c o update will release
After the crack
Guys i have a problem i have downloaded the game and extract the files but it seems acorigins.exe file is not there. Can someone help me or can provide link to download that file.
the .exe file is this http://1lnk.org/GILI, just copy all these files inside
C’mon gang! lets head over to Ubi’s legit website and create fake accounts and demand they fix the DRM because its slowing our pcs down and cant play it, and demand refunds. more ppl bitching, the more quicker they will hopefully do something about this insane lvl of encryption ! the more that do it, teh wuicker we can play this game !
You won’t need to do so.The forums and news websites are already being flooded with complaints on CPU performance as we speak.
get the account for 3 dollars dont cry here crack wont be here anytime soon
But I also have to insert in the game cards the patch here on Skidrow or not?
yes prerelease patch
Ok, I do everything from the beginning and I tell you, remember me lol
okay man
to the game file after u get account in uplay go to origins click localize files then find the game where u got it click ok it will work
Stop instigating the mob to buy it from some unsafe random site.It’s good that u have a working game now but that doesn’t mean everyone here has to follow what you do,we’ve already listened to your advice.For the sake of gods,leave us alone in peace.
well u never tried it call it fake so then you are retard
Is this edition Gold edition
You can get the deluxe edition prepack from corepacks.This one here is gold edition(without day one patch,I think)
this is delux edition lol
oh,sorry,my mistake.
Tho a prepack is better,don’t you agree?
Gold edition
I have downloaded all the 8 parts here and extracted but I can’t find the ACorigins.exe (game launcher file) is my download incomplete
Guys don’t wait for this game I will suggest you all to bye this game because this game has Denuvo V4.8 +VM protection 2 protection
or get 3 dollar account :)
definitely scam
ahoj prosimte mohl bys mi helpnout? :D
Go to hell,bitch! Computer softwares were programmed in the first place to be cracked and tested,There’s nothing in this world that cannot be cracked,and that includes your dad’s pussy.
you fucking nasty bitch, gtfo if you can only come here dont listen to other peoples opinion and be ugly at them fucktard
No one cares what you think,spammer.
we dont care what you say too CUNT
‘”WE”?? HUh,nice try.
well there is more people who tried 3 dollar account and works for them its just tou ignorant bitches crying here for crack but if someone give them option to get account they call it fake then fuck off and bury yourself into sand cunt
stfu scammer
Hahaha are you insane I think your dada has pussy Haha and your mother has cock its different from others
Can someone explain what is DRM and this cpu usage im not very familiar with it?..
Google to the rescue!!!
I googled it but i didnt get straight answer
DRM means “dhoner rokto mathai”
Drm means digital rights management..it’s a term used for copyright protection..in here dual layer of protection is used denuvo & vm protect..vm protect is a virtual machine architecture that runs in background to generate random codes or triggers that stops the unauthorized users to use it illegaly.. underlying in it is another layer of protection that is denuvo..it’s also an anti tampering software..which could only be accessed by bypassing vm protect.. because of these triggers the CPU uses a fair amount of processing power to cope with the changing processes…thtswhy it’s always 100 percent in most of the CPUs for this game..hope that helps..??
We’ve got uplay and steam(if you get it from there) in action too.
Yaa I knw..I was talking about the core part..the two main drms..??
Guys it is impossible to crack because this game has Denuvo V4.8 +VM protection
Not again!
Yes it is impossible to crack
as long its not online always its not imposible to crack
wait n watch it will be cracked
No Bro let’s see
is the corepack version of this game any good ??
Yup.Smaller and includes the day one patch.
Any official news from crackers??
nothing atm, been watching crack watch as well
Damn, why they stay silent?
Nothing really,just an announcement from corepacks about an offline activator.
well no one knows for sure, it could be that they are legit having a few troubles cracking the game due to the vmprotect on top of the updated denuvo. or maybe they just really wanna tease people like this, lol
@rishanaftab:disqus @ra well there is more people who tried 3 dollar account and works for them
its just tou ignorant bitches crying here for crack but if someone give
them option to get account they call it fake then fuck off and bury
yourself into sand cunt
cant really blame them for being concerned about puttign their credit card number in somewhere for something they dont know ANYTHING about
You’re the only one who’s not a kid.
Bravoooo retard.
Rajin i also player watch dogs 2 thats wrench
YUP!!! you got it right nigga
(I’m not your momma’s smart car.LOL)
Hahahah yes
well many people try this method here i wrote many times now they play the game, but if they did not try it then dont call it fucking fake without proof just making yourself looking like a retard
Ever heard of the term “cyber security”?
Use PayPal then. It’s safer that way.
actually I can confirm that it’s working. I was also afraid to buy the account because I thought it was a scam, and it turns out to be real. Been playing for about 5 hours now.
good man thanks for confirmation
no problem :)
too many retards call it fake herer…
Never said it’s fake.
harrich@gmx.net warhammer40k
Just imagine what will happen to those people who bought the accounts off your favorite site and the game gets cracked tomorrow or perhaps in a few hours….plus there’s always a chance that your pc will be permanently damaged due to BSODs and overheating.Stop using abusives,instead try to look at this topic from a more tactical and smart view.
WOOOW!!! Thats something I learned today,bitch.
3 dollars are not a big deal anyways
Thats not the point here my friend.It’s not just about a few dollars or a crack to play the game.There are serious technical issues due to the DRM and VMP
I am aware of them, but I have a pretty powerful PC, I think It will handle it.
The game don’t get cracked this year.
Man I bought the game too because
I can’t wait. But I bought the gold edition on steam and I can play online with online dalys. This game is so big and great. The money that I’m spend on this game was ok.
you guys are pushing the accounts pretty hard. so its safe to assume you guys run them? how about you let me try it for free, and i will come back and let everyone know if its a scam or not. because i am legitimately curious myself if it works. if it works, youll have a forever customer too. we both win this way
not ignorant, just never ever heard of this before so sounded iffy. if this username and pasword works, and lets me play the game, ill be back to let everyone know if it works or not and if its legit. im pretty sure by ppl reading my comments all day on here, they will be able to tell that i dont have any relation to these accounts. plus im canadian so im trustable.
Please upload on mega
kámo prosímtě koupil jsem si ten acc za 3€ a nějak mi to nejde zapnout, hru mám komplet staženou :D
ahoj a mas heslo vsechno?
no jasne, jsem prihlaseny stahnul jsem hru a dal jsem uplay do offline rezimu, a kdyz chci hru zapnout tak mi vyhodí nějakou chybu ze je prý ta hra spatne nainstalovaná
a mas ji teda uplne cele 100% nainstalovanou jo
jojo, nejdriv jsem to stahnul odtud a pak jsem to dal aktualizovat pres ten uplay jak jsem to koupil
no a kdyz klidnes play tak co ti to napise muzes ukazat obrazky?
jojo vim co toje
muj kamarad to mel taky smaz ji a udelej to este jednou
a zkus jit online
pak dej offline az ti to zkontroluje
takze to mam vlastne stahnout cely znovu jo? :D
nesttahuj dej si localise files
někdo se tam připojil a vyhodilo mě to :D
napis adminum at ti daj druhy ucet
napis uplne nahoru ze nemusim porad chodit uplne dole
it’s not fake, but a scam, since in a few days, with the offline account, people will have to get online AGAIN so uplay drm can verify the accounts, that’s where your method dies, it’s essentially a scam. “buying” and account from you, then going “offline” does not necessarily bypasses any DRMs. at some point, the game will require you to go online. that means goodbye to the temporary access you have while in offline mode. cracks basically kill this requirement, so yeah, you’re a fucking scam.
well if you can finish the game in a day then no you dont have any problem
how the fuck can someone finish the game within 24 hours o.o, that’s suicide
well cant you finish the story? :) I can
Thats 30 hours into the main story @ minimum.Who are you calling a retard?
how can u proof that I cannot finish it in 24 hours? u dont know who i am i am pretty good at games so dont cry bitch you just make yourself look like a pathetic kid who does not even know how controller works.
Because the story is 30+hrs…dude..how can u finish tht in 24hrs.. ???
Let him be,he’s just a pathetic loser.
…. why to comment when you can finish the game within 24 hours… well whats the point talking. just wait for crack then :) i am gonna play
Dude do some maths..it’s officially been announced by ashraf Ismail himself.. that the story is more than 30hrs in whole..so how will u finish it in 24hrs..it’s only possible if ur faster than their employees..??
and even if i dont finish there is still youtube to watch the game
Ohk dude.. Happy gaming..chill..???
YAY!! We have a fucking bot among ourselfs guys!
ac origins story sucks big time, im only in for the great graphics, i wouldve bought a temporary access from your account but ubisoft drm is bullshit so… if this game doesnt get cracked in a week, im gonna buy the cheapest edition
yeh same
Perhaps you will end up creating a new world record.LOL
The game is pretty difficult. I don’t think you can finish it in a day. There are a lot of activities, and you have to get to a certain level to continue with the main story.
Ashraf Ismahail himself said that a player will require a minimum time of 30 hours to finish the main story line alone without playing any additional mission.Due to the intense grinding this game requires,it;’s pretty difficult to finish even in two days.
Totally agree. Been playing for about 5 hours, only reached level 9
he got the the account for 3 dollars too btw
It won’t work mate,he’s still not getting the point altogether.
btw its not a problem to go online you can play but to make sure you dont get disconected play offline
my friend has finished the whole game btw.
Your friend is a bot too?WOW why am I not surprised?
lol no actually i added him on fb game him different email and password got the game he plays dont cry just cause u suck and are scared to get the account
Ubisoft developers really done a good job!! Crackers sucks together!
I think the crackers and Ubisoft have a deal. Don’t crack this game for 6 months. Haha
omg the game is only 4 days out
Do you still collect anything?
released on 27.10. and screams for cracks
exactly, the crack shouldve been out 3 days ago lol. or maybe we think too highly of our cracking gods???
well that;s kinda true, the game already achieved great sales. im still waiting for the crack tho. lol
The PC sales are around the same as Syndicate.The game is currently at top of the chart,followed by odysseys.
Guys ! Just wait for crack and please don’t feed people like Dežo Gožo ! Have trust in Skirdrow they never let us down and they never ask us for money, even not 1$ !
I have a boner
Wow,did the cassette work?
You bet
@I’m selling ubi porn for 3$,you interested? More interesting than the game altogether.We’ve proven results “IT WORKS”
@renematuscak:disqus @d
You’re just a fucking salesman,aren’t you? Perhaps you’re the site administrator who’s feeding on all the money.
no i am not i am just a buyer who confirms it works
Congratulations.Good for you -_-
Mind paying 300$ for a new processor for the people who’re getting this stuff from that site? You can include me,I just refunded the game after the day it was launched.
well i got i7 4790k gtx 970 sli It plays fine for me
wow!!! I have a gt300 and a dual core CPU,thats why I’m here,you know..
(Basically,no one cares about your specs.Most of the guys here own a 1080 or a 1050)
well if you mention cpu then i got to say also how it works for me.
But I have a gtx 750ti..??
he is just retard man..
Hey it’s ok dude..u got ur game na..just play it…rest of us will wait in here..we all wish u happy gaming..???
alright man thanks
word on the street is that UBI$HIT are scrableing to remove DRM and such due to the ammount of refunds requested because of the performance impact, eta 3 days untill update is releced. all in good time, i know it sucks to wait but it is what it is.
I haven’t problems.
Stable fps cpu get not eaten.
The kids that crys is someone that have a shitty pc
but it always it 100% cpu which will make cpu die like hell atleast for some pcs
Yup,even I was having problem on my i7 skylake….sobs….
I have AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1900X 8x 3.80GHz.
No problems
What about the cpus can you explain
Nah my cpu is 40-60%
On the start by the game it’s a short time on 100%
A guy in YouTube is running it in gtx 1050ti,i3 2120 & 6gb ram..on 1366*768..all on high settings..the fps is around 25ish.while recording..but it’s pretty smooth for him..the CPU usage is around 98 in bsy parts… otherwise it’s 60-70%
i dont know i just see all people telling in the game comments
On steam all happy
all this is from the steam comments
guess ill go have to have sex instead than :(
We’ve got to install microwave oven
you guys are pushing the accounts pretty hard. so its safe to assume you
guys run them? how about you let me try it for free, and i will come
back and let everyone know if its a scam or not. because i am
legitimately curious myself if it works. if it works, youll have a
forever customer too. we both win this way
Count me in too!
I don’t think they will just give you access to it, they want the money thoooo
@renematuscak:disqus Now,I can officialy flag @ as a troll
they might let me try it for free, because all over this thread today i hav ebeen asking EVERYONE whether this is fake or not. so if i try it and for some miracle it relaly works and dont send a virus or something like that, ill be back immediately to let everyone know if it works or not. its actually a good idea for their business if its them running it
nope, I dont want money cause its not my website. I thought it was fake at first but then i was a happy mofo
I can sent youy my account via email if you want and try it yourself
ok email is doobydude420@hotmail.com. ill try and let everyone know if its legit. if it is they jsut got a forever customer to spread the word for free too
ok, but I don’t know if the account still works. cause i play offline, ill give you the pass and the user, if you downloaded the files from this site you need to use the locate files option and t hat way you dont need to download the game again, then set your language on properties and then set the account to start alwas offline in the uolay settings.
ok, yeah i was wonder how i play teh game, i alrady downloaded it. where do i enter the password and username?
you need uplay, download uplay
Hey see while logging in for the first time u must be online..in uplay..after logging in..just locate files in ur local system and install it..then after click on play, before that go to settings and stay offline…I hope it wud wrk..
ok ill DL that right now ty
i sent you the account
Are you guys listening to Led Zeppelin
I’ve been listening lately to Rise Against
I’ve been listening to imagine dragons :DD
Thats a good one :)
I’M SAD :(
tak napis co presne ti to dela popis uplne jak to je
no dám spustit vyskočí tabulka připravuje se spuštění hry a pak vyskočí tamto :D
ok tak smaz celou hru jdi online dej znova localise files najdi si kde mas tu hru stazenou a melo by to jit a pak jdi offline
to uz jsem dělal a stáhlo se mi asi 1,6GB dat
pockej ty ale nestahuj hru
mas fb?
jasny, tak jak se jmenuju tady :D
tak si te tam pridam a tam ti vysvetlim
ok ok
a kterej si ty je jich tam 10
stejná fotka jako tady :D
hele ja tam mam jmeno rene matuscak pridej si mne nemuzu najit
Why,what happened? I can sell you a porno Cassette you make up your mood :P
Nice, that would be fine! :D
Guy, I was the first one to buy the account from http:// denuvogames. ru/?lang=en when it was $1,75 I have been playing since then without problem. If you need the guide let me know, its simple and you can play the game forever but you need to follow the right steps and set the account to always start offline.
few here are like bots who says its all fake :D
Deflecting my own stuff like a child?
Wow,sorry,I suppose you’re crying by now…….
not just mentioning retard like u
Here,let me give you $3.
Get yourself a wonka bar
no thanks i prefer beer :)
It is real, I can assure you, but the real question is how long will it last?
forever IF you play offline
There’s always a risk,you know.A risk.
the risk is that if you play online they can change or ban you, if you set the account to offline mode you will play forever. for 1.75 i said “well lets try” and thanks to that ive been playing since then
Let me ask you something,do you run a legit windows? (just asking ‘kay?)
its legit now!
HEHEHEHEHE.So,it’s a pirated one.
I suppose you’ve blocked all updates?
i got also pirated version with a cd key crack works well :)
My my,That’s something I’ve never heard of ! (insert sarcasm)
all updates downloaded
I wasn’t talking to you,was I?
well if you are retard and you think u cannot download updates with pirated version the yes u are a retard
Can’t you read whats coming up first?You still comment on stuff thats old or misinterpreted……..gods……..just leave me be.Block me,If possible.You’re just way too much….can’t take your nonsensical shit anymore.
*YAWN* what a kid…..
nope, see? you need to do a little research. you can have all the updates cause kmspico is taht amazing
IKR mate
Best to get it off Onhax.
I was just trying to do a survey on creator’s update.but it seems like you guys are in a real bad mood.
no, i want to help you with this game. we are here for different reasons so F ubisoft and their overpriced drm mess
Okay,we all know that no crack’s gonna come out soon.Thats why we all need to do something in our free time….be it watching porn,creating a mess over disqus or spamming ubisoft servers with consumer complaints.
Dude, It’s not fake. You can at least play it with Uplay offline until it’s cracked.
You can read,no?
No. I’m a fucking Alien and I’m having translation problems with my translator. Dipshit.
Wow,you CAN read.
btw,what all this heat about?
Calm down,everyone here is already hanging by the end of the rope.We need not create a damn mess.
Hi, is Czech language available in this version?
Any other way to buy the account other than pay pal?
they accept credit cards, that’s how I bought it
the credit cards here in pakistan work for select websites let alone denuvo . ru
i would have long bought this game by 3 bucs had i the means
A really dumb question!
I have 10 bucs in steam! Can i in anyway use those ?
ohh 5108 comments
5110 now
Just went 5129+1
you cunts that have cash and can buy the game fucked it for the rest of us!
in what way? lol
If you don’t have $2, it’s time to reconsider your life choises.
I comment that before the whole $3 account BS so fuck you!!!
Guys play another games til this one release
Like Wolfie? I’ve been playing alien shooter off ovagames.LOLOLOL
Or dos games prince of persia…Lion King..or something like that.. ??
At this point,even Pac man will work.
fuck you denovo /////// crack for assassin creed origin when ????????????????????
learned my lesson never download a huge ass game if its crack isn’t out.
Something happened? It’s best to warn everyone else,you know……
@renematuscak:disqus Hey Dude could you explain once you get the account, you download the game and then swiitch to your account as offine or you have to stay on the account they gave you ?
ok i explain you
Thanks, that means that I can sign out from the account once I’ve downloaded the game right ?
no stay logged on and tick always start offline mode. and then play game
All right thanks, And for the other that say it doesn’t work, it actually work, the first email they gave me was a failure but when i asked for another, they gave me it and it works perfectly
no problem man if u got any problem just write on top and i answer you
Thanks mate, apprecieted.
basically buy the account they give u pass and email then go to uplay log in u find the game there if you downloaded torrent game extract it, then go to origins and click localise files find the game where you extracted it then click ok it will check the files and then it says basically its been found and then you get option to play but then go offline after you do that
I assume you have downloaded the files from here. If not do it before buying. After buying an account, Login go to the library and click on the game thumb. At the left pane you will notice an option as “Locate game files” or something like that. Click that and browse to the directory where you downloaded the files. The directory should be in the root folder where the .exe is located. It will start to verify the gamefiles. After this Launch the game for the first time. You need to be online for that. After that close the game and put Uplay offline and check if you can launch the game. If it says error as “You need to be online ” or something similar try to go online and verify the game files again. After that go to uplay settings and put a check box where it says, start uplay offline. This is how I got mine working.
good explanation man thanks for doing it :)
Don’t mention it.
How to extract the files ?
crack not coming n some ppl start hack account sale business?????????
Actually they’re not hacked
Hey zilvinas,did u install the patch that uplay said to?
yes thats ok
AMD phenom doesn’t support SSE 4.1 so be carefull buy new proc. or play on concole
The crack wil release the next day in the morning :D please patiently wait
Love it !!
At least Hide your Profile!!! please (more chance to troll)
omg how boring
If only that was true
and you can suck my dick faggot…just get lost with your fake news
well he said “the next day”,but it didn’t say next to what XDXDXD
no craken no gaming cry kids :D
so what?? i will play with your mom..
yeah exactly Go help mommy and do not cry about crack meaby she give you money if you stop crying and help her :D
yeah ur mom will surely give me money coz i will fukk her so hard….
she is so sad coz ur father cant satisfy her
I’m talking about your mother Be a good son and meaby she give you money but if you cry and do nofing yo don;t goona get money ;D
go to bed kid..otherwise daddy will spank u
Go to work earn money and buy the game no cry please no cry :)
you are only one who is crying here kid
No i am a working man and i will buy the game no crying like you boy :)
go to ur basement polish monkey
No place in my basemnet I hold there people cry like you :D:D:D
That Warrr mlml
moree https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/24a827f060c8674bc90c32ca0e6d717c7637ed9d573edfa811153b389f657960.jpg
No Really..
AHAHAHAAHAHAH!!!! I can’t stop laughing. Expectations vs reality,I guess(cuz thats what happening here)
AHAHAHAH boy stop it!!!!I’m gonna explode!!! THAT DRAGON LOOKS SOO DUMB!!!!!!
still crying ?
guess we’ll have news in a day or two on what’s happening with AC:O.
hope so…
who knows bro..it can also take months..keep playing other games till then.
yes but news from where?i don’t know where to go to check….do the crackers teams have personal sites?
no.they dont have any sites…check crackwatch on reddit..u can find every news related to crack
crack watch from reddit, revolt forum, corepacks, id stick ONLY with these 3 sites
I haven’t been able to find a site for corepacks
Unable to detect Uplay installment. Please make sure Uplay is installed.
I need help guys! :(
I see 100+ new comments thinking “Oh hey some news on the crack” but nope, its just trolls and scammers tryna get your credit card details. there really is no honour amongst thieves lol
i am actually still trying to understand all this “buy 3 dollars account” thing
it works man
get a life u retard
yea, maybe “works”, but pay with credit card or paypal in russian website.. :/
PAYPAL and it works you get account with email.
It is totally safe, I have tried it myself.
no fucking crack
https://www. plati. market/itm/assassins-creed-origins-lifetime-warranty-uplay-en/2381065 if you wanna play quick then pay 3 dollar for account
they change the password and without an account, without a game and without 3 dollars…
then write to support i had same problem fixed in minutes
Are the same people who change your password themselves solving the problem?
the website solves the problem, if you read the website it sasy that has warranty
Dear community the crack will be released soon! ..We have some problems with cracking this game. Please be patient!
Can Anyone Tell Me How To Install It The Setup Is Not In ENGLISH…
So, No Crack yet
Nah,still watching VR porn
this dezo gozo guy should be banned,, he is all day spamming about his bussiness
oh just cause I want to give people option? ohhhh
nobody asked for your options sir
then shut the fuck up if you mention my name cunt
and what bussiness? I am a buyer who tells here it works for those who are interested more than 10 people I was speaking to bought it so fuck off
you are the one who is selling the accounts
oh yea cause I live in fucking russia righttttttttttt
Hey man just an advice to you these guys thinks that you are a spammer so dont reply to any of them let them beg for crack then
Yup! According to him,he’s just giving us ‘opinions’ but he’s too childish to understand that we can scroll down and read it anytime.We don’t need to be reminded again and again.
oh because all people know this site right yea…
look man, just, place your comments properly, don’t spam post it, we get that you just wanna share but this place is dedicated for waiting on the CRACK. Just stop spamming man, let these people wait in peace.
Dežo Gožo he is one of them he has crack but he is a fucking cunt detected ,,,,,,, die today ….. REPORT HIM PLZZ ALLL HE HAS THE CRACK BUT HE WANT TO GIVE IT WITH OMONEY GYZ HE HAS THE CRACK ////// REPORT HIM KILL HIM WHAT EVER DO WITH HIM
why you cry man cause you cannot afford it? well go to work then.
stfu ?
He’s got no crack,nor he has a dick hanging between his thighs.
yea I got no crack ur right I got an account with purchased game.
So legit,no?
Yea Legit bought from the site for 3 dollars
Good sir,you’re very smart. (seriously?Legit game? for 3$?)
Are the others playing 60$ for getting fucked from a prostitute?
of course its very simple have a game for 60 dollars and share the account pay 3 dollars download fucking game go offline and enjoy fapping you tard
doobydude • a minute ago
i actually just played this, he is being honest, i jsut found out about this today paying $3 for this game. its actually really simple to install and then play too. if you scroll through the comments from today, you can tell i dont know this guy from anywhere, but i know that what he is saying is the truth and for $3 you can get the game and play if you already downloaded the game from this site. just have to download the ubisoft thing and enter the username and password they email you after you pay. $3 to everyone is pretty much nothing anyways. great game too.
and for updating a game you must pay again
really? where does it say? havent had this problem :)
There hasn’t been any new update too,crackpot
but in the future
can I update the game with offline account?
To update the game you need to purchase a re-activation. Cost – 25% of the activation cost
why would you update the game, this account is to play offline! thats why is so cheap caue its a shared acount and they can ban the thing if you play online. just pay 3 dollars to play the game as it is
update=fix the games? LOL
why i play with buggy games?
thats why you buy a legit copy with your own account, I paid 1.75 for this account so I don’t give a f about updates. I just wanna play the game and since we dont have a crack, thius is the next big thing
ImReallyNotAmused • 2 hours ago
Easy guide, buy the account here http:// denuvogames. ru/?lang=en
they will give you the account instantly, you need Uplay too.
if you downloaded the files from this site you need to use the locate files option and that way you dont need to download the game again, then set your language on properties and then set the account to start always offline in the uplay settings, now you have the game forever.
Guys it will take around 1 year to crack because it has duel protection
Denuvo V4.8 +VM protection
I still don’t know why people are calling it v6.8 and not v6.7……..you got any idea?
No Bro
you are FAKE news. STOP spreading lies.
Ok then I am sending you link
shut the fuck up I think you have less knolege about games
ImReallyNotAmused • 2 hours ago
Guy, I was the first one to buy the account from http:// denuvogames. ru/?lang=en when it was $1,75 I have been playing since then without problem. If you need the guide let me know, its simple and you can play the game forever but you need to follow the right steps and set the account to always start offline.
again, don’t fucking spam it. This place is for waiting for the CRACK. Go advertise in reddit or somewhere else.
can you explain seps to me please
you see you would be interested I am happy to help
can i add you on fbook or something? have a couple qs
buy the account get email and password log in download the game after that go offline and play the game in cause you got problem write to support
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0c758d26836849baed66cb394607ec3b72b06376c878ad322c2d519c0af34cd4.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6f6974a2884044f5abee2d4904b5d5f026770de1b21d573a4f1aefcb101cf0d0.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7de859a0b469a7affd875d480cc92f3493a6828c51dddd7e6ccb2a232d337613.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/89766b59823d80f0aa327f68c0154f5bd7bd30f65be4482a30a887395444bbc1.png
man those fuckers who say its fake man they are so stupid like fucking really dumbshits
man.. i trust in you and now im fucked.. i buy and acc and i logged and now i see the acc have 2 step verificacion.. thx
just click left on the skip
skip? where? :/
if you have a problem contact the seller, he will change your account
then go to support you have a warranty
fucking shit..
if you need help write me on facebook name is rene matuscak
man, i don’t know how use my “warranty”
omg… just write me to facebook man ill explain there
check you face.. i wrote you
write me on facebook name is Rene Matuscak
it does not click on the left to SKIP
bro that account has warranty, if you have a problem they give you a new account
Hey dude. Can u give me your e-mail?
I can give you my fb
Gimme that fb
rene matuscak
pln ?
Only if there was a praising button here too.I’ve been tapping that flag as spam button all day long. *sigh*
fuck off, i, like a lot of people have the means but not the money, so I bought the account saturday for less than 2 dollars and I wanna help those who have the means to pay 3 dollars but not 60, now cry some more
im just asking you to STOP SPAMMING. you fucking retard. you have the means but you don;’t have money, go work you piece of shit. I have the money but my region in PH does not support any type of credit card transfer, you poor, lazy piece of shit. YOU FUCK OFF, STOP SPAMMING
I have the money but not the money to pay for this overpriced drm piece of shit, like you. I prefer to buy $60 of pickles
youre the one salty a fuck and now I see why, cause you would buy the account but in your reality is not possible, poor baby,
when the crack comes in a few days, you, and the rest of you retards would be crying because the $3 you could’ve spent for your poor peasant food was spent on a fucking game account instead. you poor fuck, go die starving.
Writing a thesis on DRMs.Guess this is the sideffect of waiting for so long for game cracks.
Gods help us!
It’s an effect created by the cause of corporations thinking they can break the law and call it good business.
Does it include the great ubisoft?
And this is not a “Thesis”, because it is not written by a candidate for a college degree, nor is it a statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved, the evidence is obvious. It is a collection of facts, facts you haven’t read which you have made clear by your responses, but we both already know you haven’t read it, don’t we? The attention span required to peruse and absorb factual information is longer than that which is necessary to write 27 words and hit “Post”. And, based on what you have already told me about yourself, you sound like an adolescent, so I will give you the benefit of the doubt and encourage you, in the future, when you feel the need to express yourself, please do so in a manner that conveys you have actually opened a book once in your life.
Somebody plz give me a account…i cant wait for it
A dude here is giving free accounts,contact him
(He’s got shitloads of money and can easily pay 3$)
who pls tell..
@renematuscak:disqus @ is your man
Who have free account;)
Who is it? :O
@renematuscak:disqus @
Thx dude
NP :P lol
the account that i was going to sent you via email but you didn wanted, I sent the account to this guy and look what he said
doobydude • a minute ago
i actually just played this, he is being honest, i jsut found out about this today paying $3 for this game. its actually really simple to install and then play too. if you scroll through the comments from today, you can tell i dont know this guy from anywhere, but i know that what he is saying is the truth and for $3 you can get the game and play if you already downloaded the game from this site. just have to download the ubisoft thing and enter the username and password they email you after you pay. $3 to everyone is pretty much nothing anyways. great game too.
Contact me man. zsoltrihard96@gmail.com
thanks for recommendation FRIEND ;)
Go fuck your customers,whore.
I am a buyer not a seller you fuck
Doesn’t look like it,sick fuckturd.
really? its so bad to tell people how to get game? oh I thought its nice to help :)
Wanna help so badly? GO SPAM SOMEWHERE ELSE.
No I’d like to stay my friend
If you love this place soo much,why not to give everyone here a blowjob??
I am heterosexual but thanks
By any chance,do you look somewhat like this ? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5002de00021adc54c46e6feec3b343b21e2781371089af3d8bd6e95ff82e22c0.jpg
Well no my friend I am 23
By your comments,I can make our that you’re 3$ or,was it 3yrs?
Rlyy i thought u maybe 40 lol
Dude if u want to help post ur mail I’d to each & every user who wants to contact u..u could tell the details there…??
Guys pls chill…it’s ok those who want it so badly…just go & pay tht 3dollars..all the others in here just wait… ignore other comments whatever it is..
I do need to pass my time somehow.And I managed to pick on this hooker.
i dont have a CC to buy from there, can u buy it for me, and pay you with another way?
do u have paypal
well no.. steam ??
you can pay with paypal no steam man
dun have paypal too.. my country is a fukin hell
I got an idea if you have steam money or items in game sell them on the internet sites and get paid on paypal
do you have any idea where to sell it? cuz im not
Gimme that account free..i heard about your shitload money lol
You don’t have to pay.He will be getting it for free,no? MR.@renematuscak:disqus
Customers? LMAO!@renematuscak:disqus He’s got it in for you man. I am the one who advised you to get it from that site. I apologize for that.
P.S Note to self: Recall Joker. If you’re good at something never do it for free. I advise you do the same.
So we all are gonna follow some principles given by a fucked up fictions character?Dezo is practically obsessed with his so called “suggestion””.Seriously mate,stop picking sides. You are grown up enough to see who’s spamming nonsense here.
I you want to know latest news crack
You want to keep in touch with
Revolt forum corepack and crackwatch
And there is no sites for cpy steampunks or codex
You just want to wait
Now you know the reason why crack is delaying this much
Now you want to wait… even the ubi customers start complaining vm protection..they start working on it and they are waiting for next update +patch … its their chalenge to down ubishit and fucking denuvo
So wait
That a Haiku on cracking games?
This vm protection running through background every moment when we start playing the game..it feeding every path of game…
So wait….
LOL.keep it coming.
Wait for one year to get cracked
Nah,I think I can live with that haiku coming.
They are trying their best … its hard to colleect vm sources (dozns) .. they created
Another Haiku,good sir?
Bro it very very hard to crack because it has VM protection and DENUVO
Yeah i know… Vm protection > denuvo( this shit is out of date)
Bro how could it get cracked its impossible
Yeah Vm is hard… i say already… wait for update everygroup working for that make possible
Oh means they are updating it for get cracked
Yeah…if you check core packs and revolt.. you can see..they start working on it… voksi wrote on shoutbox on sunday… need time…
Thanks bro means it will get cracked but some time needed!!!
You essentially get your own brain cracked.
Will suck dick for an account. Deity93@outlook.com
just paid for that account bro. i downloaded files from this site. so i extract all files into one rar folder. then paste preload files into that one. is that correct?
Are you giving away free accounts?
man it costs 3 dollars on that site denuvogames .ru
Okay so I got the account but I couldn’t localise files so downloading it now. Will post update when done. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ef6042a273bd63cb56e5fe73e37ab4248d57c5cf6875c032d67254e68f7a1e0d.jpg
if im still downloading the game which means im using uplay in online mode, can i play the game or should i wait until its fully downloaded and play in offline ? please
once download is completed make uplay launch in offline mode always.
yes but i can play the game online before its finished downloading? you know how it lets you play when its halfway done
well you can do it but its like taking a risk since account can be banned
arent these legit accounts tho?
Pfft… no they aren’t
yes they are legit but maybe more poeple has the same account, thats why you wanna play offline cause that way you can own the game in case that they change the password or something
how do you contact the guy as my account no longer works after a day
after that in uplay localize files where u extracted and then go offline and play game
U little prick. Come and get some ;) i’ll give u the D
will you cup the balls?
Hi i was just on the crackwatch website checking how long it took to crack other games and i noticed that games either get cracked within 7 days or after 50 days as this is my first time waiting for a crack i was hoping someone with more experience can shed some light on the matter.
You’ll only find nutjobs here..Go to corepacks or reddit crackwatch forum.
you never know with this man, when it happens it happens
If you need a relief check ubi forum…
Fifa 17 was cracked after 10months or above.
Fifa 18 crackd in 1 day
eventually, games will have 100 drms and no one will be able to play it unless a drm representative is right beside you in your home.
Can u provide ur mail I’d or fb id..wanna ask about tht $3 process..
what would you like to know? its easy to do
I mean when to get online..and when to get offline..that part is confusing me…see u paid..got the username & password..at tht tym do we have to enter tht username & password in tht uplay client online to log in…then we have to locate the files in that..and then we have to get offline..am I right..?
yeah locate the files and then change the language if you need to, then when youre ready to play go to settings and press start always offline. now you can play forever without any interruption
How LONG HOW LOOOOOOOOOOOONG ????????????????????????????????????
crack pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I won’t suck a dick. But from a brother to another brother, you will have all of my best wishes in life. Sounds good? Good. Please give an account.
why not crack ;'(
the game has 4 drm
After waiting all this days I´ve just bought the game because I need play it, one of my favourite sagas, and a game that deserve the pay
yup play and fry your processor
Well, you want play this game when it will cracked, so you want fry your processor too ;)
well it’s a cosmic struggle between reason and desire :P
Plz dnt waste ur time ..3$ will wrk fr u ..crack nt cmog anytim soon
After getting so hyped that AC is back and better than ever, i decided to download AC syndicate lol ill play that in the mean time while i wait for this game.
Not a bad idea lol
Do u guys think that they will remove DRM from AC:origins? Cuz of high cpu usage
probably even if they are going to do it. It won’t be any time soon until they earn from their sales.
Fuck those greedy cunts from Bugisoft…
hmm… honestly I don’t really think they will earn a lot
unless they release couple of DLC’s, but that will happen only after couple of months
of course their sales are going to fall down if they don’t do something about it because majority of the gamers are running mid class build not everyone can spend lots of $$ on their builds
yeah, now u get the point.
2nd off when people buy a game for full price they don’t want shitty performance, crashes or anything else. Because they pay their money and deserve a good quality game
not an unfinished trash pile :)
well it’s not first time that ubisoft did something really stupid last time it was breach in privacy through uplay now it’s a panic move to protect their so called sales which the way things are now the are forcing people to wait for ACO to be crack so when VMprotect and Denuvo are gone it will give a major boost and stability to ACO
So it’s limited..???..and we have to wait for crack..for some more days..??
It’s there in corepacks ACOOFA discussion thread.. search for it in there..I am not able to post links in here.. everytym it’s saying..tht skidrow’s approval is needed..so if u want to check it ..go to corepack’s website..??
It’s nothing more than a repack man
Dude check there official website..it’s a site for repacks..but this topic is being discussed there since yesterday..
i know i have been there and discussed on it from there i know that is a repack only and the work around for game is fake uplay account THERE IS NO OTHER SOLUTION at least for now.
Yes thtswhat they wud be activating some accounts of high profile members…thtswhy it wud be limited..?
Of course they aren’t filthy rich man but still problem no is that cpu load even if you have a account like me you can play the game to your hearts content due to always maxed out cpu load
Mine is an i3..that too 2120..but I’m sure I could pull it out on low…on my native resolution 1366*768..with playable fps…??
well thats how it is i played for 2 hours when my CPU reached 90 degrees
Ohk at what settings dude..ur processor..i7..??
i7 4790
gtx 1070
8gb ram
700w psu
Woow settings .?
ultra with stable 80 fps
Ohh nyc..??..so did u played again..?
no i didn’t because every time i see those rising temps makes my heart beat faster because i could only play after i turn off the temperature protect feature in bios T_T
Ohh..that’s ubishit..???????
well you should play a little and see how your CPU fairs ?
Hmm on low settings at that resolution..I guess my CPU wud stay near to 70…but I wud monitor the temp though..???
resolution have nothing to do with the temps its the virtual anti-tamper thats what making the CPU go crazy
Yaa I knw dude..I was saying that drm wud definitely take my 40% CPU..and with that low settings & resolution I guess it will take another 35 to 40%…so total 75 or 80…I guess it wud go till there..well thts only my assumption..donno will chk once the crack comes..???
your calculations are very close to ideals :D
Well u never know..just assuming.. thtsit..??
haha hope keep it up
Can u provide ur email or fb id..wanna ask about tht $3 process..we could talk over there about that..one of my friend is desperate to get it..so gonna explain him hw it’s done..
yeah sure i did it with my uncle’s paypal :D
Ok I want to know the process in detail..thtswhy I’m asking ur fb or mail I’d..so can u share tht..only if ur ok with it..??
the process simple
I have mailed u..pls reply to it whenever u get time..
you believe this nonsense? omg
Do u see that Sharing members activation..it’s actually like what the guy in here dezo was saying..they must have purchased some accounts from there..say for 1 dollar..and they wud only give tht accounts to some high profile members in there…so as to gain some more members for that site..
Yup thats what they are doing.
fucking indian
Actually I’m proud to be an Indian….??..I’m sry if tht bothers u… just don’t reply thtsit..??
When crack will come out?
and who should we ask GOD ?
in 10 minutes and 5 seconds
U serious? lal
more exactly in 15 min
u really think he is bein’ serious?
I know he’s not serious.. anyway, any news on the crack of origins?
Nopes….but it will be cracked after some days..thts for sure
is your question serious?
When crack will come out?
Please crack the gameee!!!!!!
if u yell like that it won’t do shit
You call yourself hackers
are u stupid or what?
do u even know why it takes so long?
I know
you all sound like trump #FakeNewsDenovu is hard to crack so everyone wait bout a month or two or just BUY the FUCKING game if you cannot wait.
guys this game is awesome for 3 dollar account man… you gonna see fucking there between caesar and cleopatra :D
now we are bros ;P https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3ab3a622480be149013d010dee5b01d9785a6c25166f9867652b65e41496f8c9.jpg
yea man :D
msi afterburner
lol got the same but i have it all green man
go to settings then on-screen display click more there is colour options
oh alright man thans
well i should be thanking you i followed your advice now we are even :P
okay but can u show me picture where to go setup that colour pls
yeah sure give me a sec
yea man i know this but i dont know where are next steps in next picture
alright one sec ill let you know I will write a new comment on top ok
In ACO, when you press F1 you have something similar
what software u use for the gpu and cpu you got up in the right corner
stop promoting 3$ hacked accounts
you are hacked lol
its shared account and thats different
not hacked, its shared by the owners
Dnt wst ur time .if u realy wna play nw 3 $ is imediate solution…crack wll tke time …
look funny looking children :D https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/10b2ada49331782fcd3f67d171f687ea413b3763625fa31da59873e3139f8c24.png
still the same man if I changed to red all is red https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ad95ad99067cbc3aa3a92baf0982116767506fd3e856aa239bf6753c1a57752a.png
oh you are talking about the GPU CPU in multi colour ?
yera as u had
that option is available in beta only. Download beta if you want that bro
wow can u show me how that look like beta for you where you have this option for color thanks
there is no option to change colour it is as it is.
but you have different colors man
the beta it self determines the colour.
ok if i update will i not lose preset in game things like gpu cpu fps
bro you will have different colours too just install beta
so i download rivertune only
no msi after burner beta rivertuner will come with it right
you can’t update i tried that too beta will be installed from zero you have too make new settings. I don’t know if it have import and export settings options because i didn’t found one.
okay man i got msi version 4.3.0 what you got
beta is 4.4.0 build 19
okay i go check google thanks
just go to msi site directly man
do u have facebok
only whatsapp
okay then but thanks man i go do it now
okie reply here i will be only for 2 hours more here we can use skidrow site for chat nowadays cracks are never coming :D
i will write a new comment on top ok
Okay guys so I followed dezo gozos advice and paid 3 quid for an account on that denuvo site. Game downloaded and playing now so thanks! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dd8fb1e77022348c1afb7c40bde14fc962304226c041d4268a47991d004418d6.jpg
happy it work for you enjoy game man :)
Thanks bro you too
remember toi set the account to start always offline, that why you are not going to have a problem in case that someone else has the same account as you
If I have it blocked on firewall is that just as good ? Coz I don’t wana sign out of the account
well the right way to do it is to set the account to start always offline on settings, cause if somebody else has access to that account is going to log you out and if a lot of people has access they could ban the account and then you cant play anymore. if you set the account to start always offline you can play the game forever without any interruption even if the account is banned in the future.
what gpu u got and what fps
Gtx 980 and i7 4790k, don’t have the FPS on but it’s running smooth so far
@kurogami555:disqus i got to restart pc cause of msi
because of uninstallation ?
you have to uninstall previous one did you do it ?
got the version
know just follow the previous pics
I go try game
okkie btw what are you specs
i got i7 4790k gtx 970 sli 8gm ram u man
i7 4790 gtx 1070 8gb ram
what fps u got on ultra ?
I play on high man what fps you got on ultra i got 45 on high https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3da4fbd6ebb8bb1a73a54259810d35d59f7ace184b82c239f80fb788286eda2c.png
55 stable. I lock the fps on 60 it drops to 55 in dense area.
does ACO support sli ? no right else you will have above 45 fps
I havent tried it should it?
yes it should but there are few problems with sli on ACO
yea I put picture on new comment top
damn man i am doing benchmark in some places fucking lag.. ill show pic when it finish
I am gonna do benchmark
i have the same cpu and a gtx 1080 ti , its amazing how i cant maintain 60fps cause of their mess
wow nice but yea i got like 45fps man
man make your benchmark and put picture on top thanks
te hago una consulta; vi que hablabas español.. ya compre por 3 usd la cuenta. Me mandaron un mail, que hago con eso? gracias!
hola como estas, vas a bajar uplay que es la aplicacion de ubisoft, te conectas y el juego va a estar ahi, cuando lop precionas te va a salir descargar. si ya lo descargaste de aqui no preciones descargar, abajo hay una opcion que dice algo como localizar archivos, lo precionas y buscas los archivos osea el juego que ya descargaste de aqui. SI no lo habias descargado pues vas a tener que descargarlo en uplay. ok cuando ya el juego este descargado vas a prioridades “properties” del juego y buscas para camiar el lenguaje. luego de eso vas a settings en uplay y en red presionas lo que dice para comensar siempre offline algo como “start always offline” ya despues de eso quitas uplay y lo pones otra vez, ya estas offline y ready para jugar. te recomiendo que no te vuelvas a conectar online con esa cuenta pq puedes perder el juego.
Cuando pongo el usuario y la contraseña que me pasaron me figura lo siguiente ‘introduce el codigo de verificacion generado por Google Authenticator’, eso de donde lo saco??
parece que te dieron una cuenta que tiene dos autenticaciones, osea vas a tener que contactar donde te lo vendieron y pedir otra, te dan otra pq tiene garantia a mi me paso algo y me la cambiaron. si nesecitas ayuda me dejas saber. chequea to email se supone que ahi este el recibo y para contactarte
gracias!! ahi les envie un mail con el reclamo! espero que me respondan pronto!
wow so many comments
benchmark it says low wtf… bad optimization… shit
make your benchmark guys https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/68f651d60d9541d7b27c9dc6ee901a2c0aba5fce50a70a945111eeb81468d76d.png
okie wait i will do it
alright man
ubisoft programmers are fucking idiots
yea man and they now got two fucking years to create game and fucked it up again
instead of making their game efficient year by year they are making it more power hungry
yea and you doing benchmark now? I am now doing medium benchmark
yeah i just started the game
I am now gonna do medium settings test
ah nao aguentei!, comprei no mercado livre conta offline por 20 reais, ta funcionando.
mand o link
Tb peguei, terminando de baixar já…
medium test benchmark also low performance… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/61249c5de6a2d6cc6831e04c06aa5943c1a4b9d238f549bdaf55d958624ab744.png
I am gonna try sli with high
can i run this game on decent settings? gpu: AMD R7 265 Sapphire CPU: AMD FX 8350
Right now the game is struggling with amd systems as per the reports in YouTube..but u cud try on low..for at least to make that playable..but tht r265 I doubt that will it even give u an acceptable framerate to play..what is ur native resolution..?
1440 x 900
go discord dumbfuck
@kurogami555:disqus wow man https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b59ff341662f6d4d8dcff71aa458fb0e2998f27f660507ece341a4d0653a3fff.png I went with high settings and I had better perforamnce with one gpu than with sli… thats fucked up with one gpu 5236 points with sli 4340…
Told u this game doesn’t supports sli..??
its fucked up man. but maybe in future it will i hope
Yes sli support wud be added on further update..don’t wry..???
glad to hear that man thanks :)
how the hell you get so low score? my core i7 3770k very old CPU, ddr3 16gb a pair of corsair vengeance 2400mhz performance RAM & a single card GTX 1070 is scoring 11000+ in ultra high settings under 1080p resolution.
any1 share account?
any1 share account?
i wanna try on gaming pc
Can anyone tell me if i can run this with an MSI Radeon r7 260x OC edition please? I can run shadow of War at low – medium settings at about 36 fps and Shadow of Mordor at high – medium with about 50 fps if that helps.
tipe to google can you run it and choose game https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/622c68415cdbbdffc8e5c63d3d2ab6145096ae8d0cb40baaa2c1e1af246ad12c.jpg
this game is really bad optimized and has a drm problem thats stressing the cpu even high end cpus,what cpu do you have?
i5 6600k and run at 80-99%
my i7 4790k too, ubishit always does something
dunevo and vm protect suck cpu
shadow of war i ran at 60 fps
i have intel i7 3.6ghz with 4 cores and 8 logical processor
nvidia gtx 960 4gb gddr5
16gb ddr 3 ram
250gb ssd 1tb hdd
win 10 1730 updated
how much FPS ill get?
Hmm the gpu is a bit weak.
i got gtx 970
That can run on medium 1080p 55-60fps
the game runs for me about 50fps man
this game has double encryption, many gamer complaint about the encryption cause their CPU keep loading at 100%.
yes i5 6600k 100%
always 50 fps
good thing about this game is that it has an in game framerate limiter, so you can try 60-45- or 30.
any1 have acc to share?
give me your email
check your email
man do you have some more? matek1334@gmail.com
hey, youre next
could u gimme one?
I just have one, after he is done if the account still works i can give to you. cause if a lot of people are online they ban the account
aight man, appreciate it
give me your email
Can i have any?
o am finished tanks
o moment 1 min
give me your email
you are good guy that you give others email i will do to
can u hare pls account? marius_blaze@yahoo.com
can u share account pls
yes but wait a bit
Thanks man! also dude, 1 question
do I have to download the game from here if I haven’t yet?
do you have the gome from this site????>
Can I Have an account?
my mail is marius_blaze@yahoo.com …ty
You are giving away FREE accounts!?
can i have any?
I just want to know if i can run this at decent framerate
email: je_bn97@hotmail.com
just one account, but you have to wait a bit
thanks man!
check your email
can u send me too on cr3ator1992@gmail.com? thanks a lot dude
yes, just wait a bit
ty a lot ^^
Please share account my maill salvo21i91@gmail.com
marius_blaze@yahoo.com….share mate account
already download it the game from here
Relax guys.. The game want many many update and fixes.. Wait
i barely finished wolfenstein 2
very unstable
when i use alt+tab goes black screen
played it for 7hours…
that never happened to me
I never face black screen like you, this is just a personally issue.
Por lo que tengo entendido tardaran debido a que no solo han introducido Denuvo sino que lo han reforzado con otro sistema ya que denuvo quedó inútil. Por ello lo creadores decidieron poner denuvo junto con otro sistema de DRM, de hay que mucha gente tenga muchos problemas de rendimiento ya que el juego tiene que soportar tanto a denuvo como el otro drm
anyone have acc to share? ;x
Please share account my mail salvo21i91@gmail.com
check email…
Hey man when the people before me are down dl mind sharing with me? nathaninnocent@gmail.com thanks!
Share please
Could I share your account? My email is ahmadsayel@gmail.com if you want to share it. Thank you …
After I finish the game I share the account
Can u give me that I don’t have PayPal account or any shit I just have money in my hand plss. harikosakso2016@gmail.com thnx in advance
if someone have acc please good people share with me ;x cr3ator1992@gmail.com
i will bro!, just wait a bit
how many account you got man
its one! you can share the account cause you are not going to connect online anymore, you have the game forever if you dont connect and dont matter if someone else uses it
yes i go ofline tanks omree
Could I share your account? My email is pigpuncher368@gmail.com if you want to share it. Thank you
yes but wait a bit cause other people are first
Of course, I am very grateful, thank you!
got room for 1 more ? if not I understand .. ive got the files already jdcass1982@gmail.com
Thanks either way
Can’t wait for the crack due to double denuvo+vrm encryptions. I was bought the cheap key from GMG.
how much it costed
u are just stupid bro
Please share account, aleksavas@gmail.com I would appreciate It.
check email
Do you have another account to share please?
my email: robbydobby17@hotmail.com
would u also pls share me an account sir ?
email : exell15leo@gmail.com
and also would u tell me how to go offline because i might ruin everything
Hi, my email chiibrok-ncy@live.fr if you want to share your account :) the game is download, I just have to locate the game. Thank you !!
My reaction when I downloaded the game and did not find the crack! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4b8cec772369a64deb11061db95ca622f2d7023129620e0454b20aaf6ac8ea1a.gif
If it’s possible, I would like to ask for sharing account, filefox04@gmail.com. Thanks a lot!
Please share account broly1999111@gmail.com :D
Please share the account, isks4el@gmail.com , I would appreciate it, thanks :)
@ImReallyNotAmused:disqus man but the problem is that if you share that one account with many people got to go online to at least download/localise files and how they are gonna do that if they log in someone gets log out and that will keep happening i had this problem and we did that like 6 times he got on account i was logged off then he logged in then me and thats what will happen if many people will wanna get on the account at once.
I can show you pic man of proof
no cause im doing it one by one, and explaining to them, I will not be able to hel everybody but ive helped like 5 people, so i will keep doing it as long as i can and as long as the account is running
yea but some people will not wait and that will be the cause of suspended account I had exactly same problem ill post pics here
no cause they let me know when they are done
Hi :) do you need someone to test something ? btw good luck ^^
please ! una cuenta ! megatronman2014@gmail.com
Can you give me one man i have everything done files downloaded just need account
hey! could u give me one as well? i know how to set it up and block the internet etc..
thank you,
Please if that is possible , share account with me . Thank you !
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a04a373936465ddac3fb66eb32520ef10d8964ae9df7fc660a8c8b0af9100a5d.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f319d6b27be7ea6e0e8212ffacf9d8ab0cb803b459c2c56813c794b0da47a4d0.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5ce1803a5eaa4f8e632f208f6eb88cd87bbd0e8f5be6d1531af1c9ef2500f087.png
Here you go man
yea man more than one person cant do it cause thats gonna happen. one by one
and how are you gonna persuade them and let them know like 10 people at same time to wait? they are not gonna
Yes it’s possible i think, just need to send him some email adress then he can control that
im helping then so the can wait some minutes, if not then too bad
pl z crack !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If anyone got a spare account they are willing to share my email is robbydobby17@hotmail.com
i already have game download
@ImReallyNotAmused:disqus all I want to know is how are you gonna make 10 people use 1 account while everyone has to get online to download/localise files, while one does it 9 others will not wait they will log in to account and by that the account will get suspended cause many people try to log in there. There is no way to download/localise without being online and if 10 people do that at same time all different ip addresses account suspende. Please understand man
Share please my mail salvo21i91@gmail.com
I have another account but how do I recover the other account’s resumes??
well if thats the account you received from seller, you cannt recover just contact seller, he gives you another account
It makes me play the game again
yes man
@ImReallyNotAmused:disqus pls man i have everything done just need account to activate no download no nothing.
send pls bilald3d@gmail.com
check your email buddy
Can you do the same for me, i just have to activate as well
Hi, my email chiibrok-ncy@live.fr if you want to share your account :)
the game is download, I just have to locate the game. Thank you !!
I have another account but how do I recover the other account’s resumes?
Hello ImReallyNotAmused , my email ” ( armine160@hotmail.com )” , me too please :)))”
Thanks you,
i have the game i need only to activate it
Please share account, isks4el@gmail.com , I would appreciate it, thanks :)
Guys i havent understand a thing about the offline activation.can someone explain me step by step how i can play this game finally???plz thanks in advance
Same :(
Man,this thing is really going downhill…
@ImReallyNotAmused:disqus Please share account, alexkerjean@hotmail.fr I would appreciate It. Thanks
@ImReallyNotAmused can you help me here and share the account please i will just activate the game only no download needed Ahmadsayel@gmail.com
please can someone explain how to play Assassins creed origins with shared account i really want to play this game but i don’t have money or account bank or anything else to buy it
sorry guys the account is banned, i will try to come with another one tomorrow i helped like 10 people so 10 ACO for $1.75 is not that bad lol
Oh, well thanks for what you doing for us !
(I put my email for tomorrow: alexkerjean@hotmail.fr)
Ah rip, think of me :P “( armine160@hotmail.com )”
And yes “( thanks for what you doing for us )”
it’s really nice !! ilyassdjikhy96@gmail.com
broly1999111@gmail.com plis :c
wow man so it was suspended?
yes but its ok, 10 people instelled the game
well thats not gonna work
you just need to activate it one time
hahah its okey !!
i am not angry man i am happy but i explain where the problem is
Hope there will be a solution !! crossed fingers
I hope too man fuck the denuvo shit, I got also account for 1 dollar and i play it, do you want to buy one? i can give u site
I’d love too its cheap but i have no credit card thats why its quiet complicated :/ i heard its denuvo . Rs or something like that
I make new comment on top lets write there
you can play offline even if the account is banned! thats the point
sry caps
so for example they log out of account even if they are offline for example turn off pc they wont be able to log back even offlice cause the account they wanna log on is suspended.
it’s already a good job, thank you. See you tomorrow :)
How you buy it with this Price can you tell me Please ?
yes ,here denuvogames.en
Please send mail tomorrow salvo21i91@gmail.com
Hi anyone can share acc plssss
can anyone share his account with me please, my email is : alionard@gmail.com
why everyone is sharing accounts?
Please share account my mail giovannibaselice@libero.it
I am willing to give someone offline access to my uplay account message me on my steam profile for more info http://steamcommunity.com/id/biovibe666
no crack? :(
guess I’ll jump on a begging train, anyone got room for one more let me know thanks jdcass1982@gmail.com . I have the files and understand not to be online when I play.. thanks
ImReallyNotAmused Can You Help Me Share Account jp_poyz@yahoo.com
This game is one of the most gorgeous games to date!
No carack?
@disqus_I1i4dbHHQh:disqus killed now some bastards :D https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8af1de8a86840c62884a22ece072aa276cf61265027d8fa294cc94a821131305.png
lucky you :(
man do u have 3 dollars
I have no credit card ! if i had id i’d put even 5 on it haha
do u have paypal?
noo my friend !! i’m from morocco dont have this shit :/
damn man what the hell why no one from middle east have paypal or credit card, is middle east no modern?
like europe
Modern but you know when you’re still studying you dont have all these things
damn man, i dont how to help man really what to do
I understand my friend !! hope it gets cracked or maybe a solution will show up haha good game pal !!
Morocco in North Africa :)
or what payment method u got
Hey man do you think you can help me out with an account I bought?
yes man what you need to know
Basically right after login with the email and password given, Uplay is asking the security code that it sent to the email as an extra measure of security and I have no way on obtaining the code. what should I do now?
wait there is no skip on the left ?
nope cant
go to this site where u bought game log in and bellow is saying messages click that and write message to support with the problem u got
I sent a https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f7a973b8d7e9fb6f4baa079d64a7ca152559a205ca551fb7419e5e7ee39a9500.png
message 6 hours ago and I still have to response :/ should I wait longer?
provide also picture these attach it so they believe u
kk thanks
its saying not viewed by the seller so he has not read that yet but anyway attach/upload picture there you sent here before where it asks you for verification code
guess I’ll jump on a begging train, anyone got room for one more let me know thanks seosavjeti@live.com . I have the files and understand not to be online when I play.. thanks
and i think im only girl here!
thanks again
LOL you copy me
kkkkkkjk it was a nice begging call Jess
Well, welcome aboard on the Ship of the Crack Waiters
To anyone sharing accounts thank you a lot of people dont have online money or cant afford the game as it seems the crack will not be coming any time soon.
If anyone has an offline account please send me on
((ammar. monim. am @ gmai….) dots no spaces (every time i hit post it keeps telling me to wait for confirmation it’s fucking annoying)
Thank you.
man is that you i added on facebook?
alright u seem familiar to me :D
We talked a lot on this website
oh yea man so still you havent got an account?
No i dont have a paypal or any other online paying method so still waiting (and bored as fuck)
you studying?
Yeah first year in college
can u help me too ?
Is this for offline actvision?
yea try if work
Thanks i’ll try it out
or add me on facebook and i give you one account there ok my name is there rene matuscak
Whats your profile picture
I got https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/819b91945860941bf1617c1a4674a13adcc07ad5c77ad942b76cbabb0102c4bb.png
Just sent you a friend raquest i tried the account you gave me its been suspended
is that u on fb? Marius Blaze
No my name is the same as this one here ammar monim
write me message man
email: libidos@gmx.ch
password: ex00m00s
@disqus_AUNEBSV1TD:disqus have you provided picture to them?
just did but i’m still on (not viewed by the seller)
so i brought account few days ago and loved the game that much i brought it on ps4 so if this account is still working feel free to use it and go offline with it. ( not sure if its still working or banned)
email: libidos@gmx.ch
password: ex00m00s
you bought now ps4 game?
lol why man :D
i prefer to play console, and be in the living room with my kids then in my pc room
yea I got the game on playing with xbox controller, i buy only console games that are only exlusive on xbox one
This is uplay account ?
hey man, where can I enter with this @gmx.ch?
It was suspended :(
ah dammn, was worth a shot anyway
No good
aplique PRELOAD TO RELEASE PATCH y me pide instalación de uplay
Who wants account write here and if I get any account ill share
Me if possible :o
me too my friend !
I’m with the people below ;P
PM me then bro nice
me 2 :D
Help me out here
I want to very please dear Dezo :)
me too
guys when i get account Ill share here so wait ok, if i dont write here it means i dont have any yet
What i must do only login to uplay or what if you give as accaunt ?
yes download game and play in offline mode
I have game dear friend ;)
purchased? or 3 dollar account
No skierowana version but i have uplay and only and need accaunt yes ?
I don,t must download game once again if i have skidrow version of game and uplay ?
no just localise files
Okey I wait accualy i will go to sleep can you send me this accaunt to my mail if i sleep and don,t reed here ? hardstyle2092@gmail.com
You mean download the game from this page and put your account and play offline?
So what do I have to do for the account?
Pay 3 dollars or wait for accaunt by Dozo but if you pay share with as please ;)
Believe me, if I had one, I would have shared.
Very good them ;)
Hey i want too bro :) please…… (badyguy55@gmail.com)
Me too, please. Thanks.
i already paid an account but when i put the username and password i have to put a valid code that i dont have
write to support that u have problem with account they fix it for u
Can give me an account dude?
Dezo Gozo. I want an account please.
I need one pls…addictedgamer2014@gmail.com
got room still ? mimimonster85@gmail.com
What’s the use if there’s no crack! LOL
Is very fun!
a mano que tenso, queria tanto jogar esse game, vou ter mesmo que comprar =(
Hacking Uplay Accounts =) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/873b22f868aa26e84a8d8405e09fe28a199d1c5d5369706bb45742f575fd3217.jpg
1 good :D
thanks yo
but you got passwords?
no ACO in it
Plz Bro
Can you give a Account ???
You have any accounts, can you share it
can you share it ?
I mean with this hacking if he get passwords
you can give me a account with Origins?
Hi there… I just want to say that I follow this page from first thread and check all time for crack, but also have a good time with all comments :) …aaaand you guys are awesome…!!! the fact that finally go to solution to share yours accounts to others can play… FOR FREE…!!! is really like a “Brotherhood” I feel very pound and happy for that… even if I can’t play because my Internet is trough proxy and I even can’t activate… but just see this is absolutely amazing… I hope that crack finally get out to improve the game and all people can enjoy the game properly… sooo from my game developer heart… thanks for all… :)
Hey if anyone has room for one more on a account , I would love to get to play the game…. mimimonster85@gmail.com thanks
Game looks amazing
Hy guys crack release yet
Not yet
Hello guys!!! Please if anyone want to share with me a account with this game, my mail is duzoh@mail.ru
Thanks to everyone releasing accounts to play with, that’s so generous! I have to ask as well though, does anybody have a spare account to lend, if so hit me up on immenselizardtail@gmail.com
Thanks again everyone!
anyone got a account i can use? thanks :D msg me
I have download all parts and the patch, but when i click the icon games ACOrigins it say make sure uplay must be installed
Is it like that how to play the game ?
there is no crack dude ;)
wow, hahaha it wasting my time to download the game without crack in rar
its not wasted time you have to download all the files anyways
No crack and small chance to be relised
wish the crackers would give an update 6k people are asking
denuvo morto ja acabem duma vez por todas essa palhaçada as pessoas sao ricas para andar a comprar jogos
quem enventou essa merda deveria era estar quieto mas tarde ou mais cedo o jogo aparece com crack ja deveria era ter crack Denuvo Morto deveria de existir um virus para arrebentar com essa merda de Denuvo
uhhh so if someone still has an account, i’d really appreciate it
Hello guys!!! Please if anyone want to share with me a account with this game, my mail is duzoh@mail.ru
crack call of duty just like wolfenstein 1 day before release please..
crack pls come on
if someone wants to share an account with me I would be very grateful eljoan21@gmail.com
Hi.does anyone can share an accout with me.i would be very gratefu
Hello guys, I would like to share my account with one of you people.
It would be nice ..thanks
me! Please?
Cman man you killing us hahah just download a game ..only need an account .sory for bad english
thanks if you share with us.. jp_poyz@yahoo.com
can you share your account with me
Hey now that Sharing method is using another layer of protection..it’s asking for Google verification code…????
still have room jdcass1982@gmail.com let me know thans
May guys are able to sell/share hacked accounts for origins for playing offline, it means there is an active offline keygen used by someone ! lets wait till corepack posts the keygen and these are the evidences that there is a keygen comming !
They are using VMprotect to protect denuvo which was used to prevent cracking games, our crackers like steampunks,cpy, fitgirl fked denuvo up late this year, so now to protect denuvo this sh*t called VMprotect is used on top of it, and this VMP runs everytime when u start the game exe file,on the foreground game runs, and on the background this VMP runs, the crap generates serial numbers or something, and without those no.s , it might not crack
It’s fake.
Crack will release in million years
you know i’m tired of waiting i can’t anymore…if anyone still has those accounts for playing my email is gotfried.hohenzollern@gmail.com thanks so much and fuck denuvo
Don’t buy any shit from ubisoft this will bring back to their senses but no people want to buy at full price
Assassins Creed Origins Offline Activation [ Mostly Going Release Today = ) ] Source;- Corepacks https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3b730a0b779f348bab4fe48d55bf20f86cefab8f068af39ecc44f128d2c80c70.jpg
is it true?
nobody really knows, today or tomorrow who knows
No confirmation about it.No need to fly.
Is this true?
It’s not for everyone…it’s only for selected members…he had posted that earlier..it won’t be for everyone..??
this still have a Denuvo and Uplay and VM… so maybe yep… you can play… but not in a i3 and also in a i7 may crash :
So… any news about crack…?
See below
yep… I start to see the light at the end of the road… but not so close yet
how to use preload patch file….help me
My impression is that Ubisoft is only distancing its fans with all this anti-piracy policy … while others like Bethesda, only attract more every day… like DooM and The New Colossus and future games… This is a real one company, focus in gamers, because they optimize his work and do the best for consumers, instead put this traps like Denuvo and more by Ubisoft… I means… why all Assassin’s Creeds receive so many negative comments about errors and DooM just good ones about higher FPS…? which one you choose…? is not about the game… is about policy and ideals… even developers may suffer for do the best and then the company just block his codes and optimizations :(
Exactly. By protecting their games with sh*t like Denuvo and VMProtect, all they will do is lose gamers and bring haters at them :/
It’s nothing new… but the market is this… so if some things is free… people think that has no value… but if they know just a little about this… for sure will change their minds… you just need to see the comparisons…
When you know… you know…!!!
and believe is not enough… you need to know
Hey if anyone has room for one more on a account , I would love to get to play the game…. contack me at zsoltrihard96@gmail.com thanks
Szopdki a gecim kamus kocsog csicska
Le is blokkollak a faszomba te kamus nyomorék
ez aztán a beszed
The exclusive console games and games with online servers do the same … they only keep their future players away… for me if more people see and play the games, the more users will affirm if it is good or not and they will play it more.
Why avoid everyone who wants to play a game …? many players online, have entered official servers because they come from pirated servers … and simply want to show their talent … I am sure that if they could not even try the game, they would not play it, nor would they pay … although they are thrown into their eyes.
please upload the crack please cant play the game
No. They won’t. Deal with it.
I have now lost the interest. The world can go and fuck itself.
Patience is a great weapon… always is good that you use your time in other things…
For now… this that all we want right now will not come, but if you wait long enough for sure at some point we will have it ;)
gamers first! *money first
because optimization for everyone to play isnt enough. they had to add security that uses 30%40% of the Cpu
Suddenly,this place has turned into a graveyard.
So peaaaaceeefuuullll
Haha… do not ruffle the anthill … if you release a crack rumor here, it quickly becomes a Tomorrowland
Assassin’s Creed Origins is crippling gamers’ CPUs due to anti-piracy DRM and a blue screen appears during game play because of high cpu usage if Ubsoft cant fixed it then they have to disable this VM Protection and then the game will easily get cracked
ok… I would like to request a minute of silence from our heroes (STEAMPUNKS , CODEX, CPY, PLAZA, Baldman and many others that can join) … who have not yet fallen, but who need to work in silence … if someone has any contact with them … just tell them that we have total confidence in their skills and we hope for his triumphant return with a crack in his hands
One minute for 6K of comments and hope :)
yes you are on the point
God bless the one who will share with me an account and also explain me what i have to do next and how to play the game cause i am a noob ? my mail is f.tsatsaronis@gmail.com
Pg i have downloaded the game but not from here plz dont tell me to download again the game ?
Damn, you guys are all actually acting like drug addicts.
One more packet bartey!! I’ll bless ye all!! LOL :P
i have account and i can activate 5 peoples games in a day :)
Die Fucking Islam Aslam
Please activate mine too: alexkerjean@hotmail.fr
Please, nice to meet U !
Please me too
pls me too ricardovasconcelos2018@gmail.com
Activate mine pls contact me at zsoltrihard96@gmail.com thx buddy
Hi Faiz, can you please activate my account, alionard@gmail.com
Activate mine pls contact danilopau@libero.it
i found cpy and steampunks crack on youtube
link plz
link wont update here
wait ill try again
Go on you tube and type this: Download Assassin’s Creed Origins PC SteamPunks Crack
it wont update link here
no :(
surveys and fakes t.t xD
game 0% virus 100%
bro its fake so wait for crack because it has 2 protection DENUVO and VM Protection :(
ye i know but i got to try something
no its fake don’t try its virus
People in comments are saying it works lets see
Guys it is true. theyve cracked it. i love it
Ivan i went for it cause of u. thanks.
no its fake
have u tried it?
its a exe. thath looks bad
Yes its not working it a advaticement of a software
I dont know. i dont know is he being ironic or..
fuck you indian
Contact me if u can activate my account :) : soufianlion@gmail.com
guys can you help me.. is this version of game work with 3 dollar account on plati market..just download a game from that site ..and log in on uplay OFFLINE will it work?can you explain me a bit.PS SRY FOR BAD ENGLISH
lol lad . even thats only 3 dollor we wont go. so wew dont know
Wut? you pay 3 dollars, you get your own Uplay account, you can either install the game then directly from Uplay, or download the game from this website (skidrow)
Hhh no man no for my account …for another
FROM ANOTHER PERSON i log in into his acc
Ah now I know what you mean, Yes that, scroll up and download the Preload, that’s the one you need, and it will work with Uplay.
thank you very mach
No problem, here is how to make it work properly
https://www . youtube . com/ watch?v=FJytVOTufqU&t=12s
yes but problem is i dont download the game from this site ….my download is 500 kbs …is on 50 percent …i download from pirate bay FULL UNLOCKED REPACK VERSION ? IS THAT A PROBLEM …
What, how can they make a repacked version if there’s not even a crack yet, why didnt you just download it from here instead?
it write assassins creed origins full unlocked repack version …on pirate bay
Bro i need your help you there?
i think when finishing downloading just install then repack to uplay folder installacion of another person account
i know because i not good in english .. im croatian
ja iz crne gore
Crack please
Crack status?
Guys i wanna tell you something.
Couple of years ago i installed far cry 3 and i did not have crack, and it said i need uplay acc just like in ac o and i created uplay acc and game worked from uplay.
really nigga
Yes it will work but cant play the full game it will be the Demo version for full version you have to pay
AAa ok
jel mos kako pomoc
ne znam ti nista samo neke stvari pokusavam
ali nista dok skidrow ne izbacui krek
Yo the crack is asking for a password.. Any idea @disqus_IZR0tIkKZv:disqus
I dont really know. Sry..
There is no crack
It’s a virus! Dont install it!
any news
Guys don’t pannic the cracking teams are working on it and if Ubsoft cant fix the DRM protection which is
Crippling the game and increasing the cpu performance and flamerates they have to disable the VM protection and then the game will easily get cracked
but who does that job
didnt ubisoft set drm and vm protection just because of piracy
Perhaps the consumer backlash will force them to remove the DRM and VMP
Yes you are right customer can force to remove the VM protection because its increasing the cpu performance badly and a blue screen comes and make pc Restarts
Yes but according to AC O is offline its possible to crack but some times needed
email me if u got account to spare..
I have an Ubisoft account with a game who was a gift, can i play with this account??
I want please hardstyle2092@gmail.com just login and play offline
it works?¿¿
You have accaunt for 3 dollars or bot od you have just check but alot od peapol says works
okey soo now i have to wait for crack right??
No you have accaunt or bot ?
you did this or not ;D ? yeah account bro :d
if u show me how i gonna give u too.
Login to uplay with this accaunt you buy and localizate gamę files and select the option in uplay play offline login to uplay and disable your net
Your game walked in and said it was a gift?Wow!
It was “gift”, when i buyed my Video Card, came a key with.
Then open Uplay, and click on activate a game or something, and put in the code, lol.
Wow! Recheck your comment,you’ll find a surprise there! (insert sarcasm)
core pack’s admin
so sooon their will be an offline activation
Any updates
When will the crack be released
I can’t wait long
Please tell us the exact date or time when you will upload the crack
I? Nah I won’t be uploading the crack,None of us will,noob.
I am not asking you noob
I am asking the members of skidrow
I know that you’re a noon and incapable of doing it
Then you’re a bigger nutjob then I expected.Skidrow doesn’t crack denuvo stuff.Go ask Voksi,CPY,Baldman or perhaps steampunks and codepunks.They can tell whats up(only if you know who these guys are,greenhorn)
I am asking when Will the crack be uploaded in this website you retard
And you expect that the admin will answer a nobody like you?That too in English?
Fuck off,fuckturd.
You bloody fucker the steampunks group reacted to the comments of the users and said that crack will be released midnight but it didn’t.
Know before you talk something you retard
of today ????????
So,your “Legit” Steampunk friends reacted gave you very “legit” info that they’ll release the crack the following day,but it never happened.
How can you call them Legit if their info is fake?
BTW,These guys never respond to comments and you’re making baseless assumptions.Stop calling everyone you see a retard.You’re the one who’s touched in the head.Just Shut The Fuck Up.
Now keep hope on the cracking teams and see when the crack will release
Go ask Voksi on our behalf,he might lend you some information.
u here?
Dissappeared ?
email me if u got account to spare or just write here
gupta.praful77@gmail.com plz send
crack pleaseee
Vai demorar, amigo kkkkkkk
kkkkkkkk estamos FUUU… se eu tivesse grana agora eu comprava pq não to aguentando esperar haha
Somos dois kkkk mas pagar quase 200 contos na melhor versão? Não dá!
Ubisoft e sua artimanha de colocar o DRM dentro de outro DRM.
Ah. It’s so boring here…. No fucki’n updates ;(
Nah,just a bunch of game addicts and noobs claiming to be friends with crackers.
Better suggest them to buy the game ????
You know what? They’re even ready to suck cocks for uplay accounts(Literally).So pathetic.
Its waste of money to buy the pc version because meny gamers are facing problem because of DRM anti piracy
Yeah,Even I refunded the game after the day of purchase.Just tanks the CPU too much.
Well done just fuck and show a big middle finger to Ubsoft
Yup,posted a complaint there,but their consumer service center is too busy dealing thousands of other bugs and issues.
Yup after buying if we face problem like this then I would say that the cracked version is too good than the original one
U wont face problm ths game is wel optimized …
Oh yeh the DRM is creepling the cpu performance
your Specs?
Sure? they aren’t dealing with bugs but they’re looking for some new ways to earn MANEY. Because they can’t even handle a Forum/website Like For honor that is full of Bot
MANEY LOLOLOL.But you’re speaking the truth.
I think it will take time like Tomb Rider to get cracked 7 month
Listen to “shadow of war Fires of war Music” and wait hahuahuahua Love it!
Might take around the time it took the crackers to crack FC primal.Thats a year,sadly.
I would suggest don’t waste money and wait for crack as the cracking teams are working on it they are trying to bypass the both protection tool
Thats why I got my refund mate.
yes if this problames will not fixed then every one will start refunding money from Ubsoft and then I hope they will disable the VM protection on next update
https://www.change.org/p/reinhard-blaukovitsch-shut-down-denuvo-from-all-games?recruiter=825338488&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=share_page.share_redirect-control you can make a change
Mine never wwnt up frm 60% .. so i thnk fr someon its tankng bt fr sne others its wrkng lik chrm
you’re using i9 processor?
Even I felt feeble with my i7 7800x
Hi guys check website of razor1911 there is a crack ,have posted this yesterday https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/15283635089128725872aed1c08c08c5af5c8bcd8bc38366b7034d802d7fc677.png
Most probably fake
Edit-Nah,it IS fake
Really? Isn’t the razor site?
Don’t be a retard and ruin your pc.
why don’t you try it before posting then?
Sniff sniff Ahahaha
Clickbait!lololol it’s gonna just crack his PC
scam ;)
I’m testing it
bro tell us when u finish if this working?
Not working
Bro, dont work. Maybe with Razor1911’s version, but with Skidrow not
The cracked its works for you
is this working?
Sincerely, how many of you guys have not bought the game or tried it via a shared account ?
Just wondering …^^
We wouldn’t be here if we had the game,you know.
Since this shared account “thing” is spreading out in the chat, it feels like everybody tried the game via this method :/
True,you’re not the one to blame here.
I have the game and I’m still here.
hahahah ! You see there’s some people who have the game but still on the chat XD
I had too too,you know.Just returned it back due to fucked up cpu usage on the second day of purchase,been here since then.
I hv dne ..n it wrks … b4 i was in same boat like others… stalking skidrow daily fr crack ..
How did you do it if you have account plz share to activate mine
If you have any account please share it gupta.praful77@gmail.com
6166 comments we need to party cause its a new fucking record
We will party when we get the CRACK
Just defogged the entire map with the bird. It took me over a half hour! The map is huge. xD
It won’t get cracked soon. It has two layers of DRM, so before it even gets to Denuvo it has to get past VMProtect.
Not gonna happen soon.
Isn’t that something new I heard?WOW! THANKS!
Steampunk can u tell us how the crack thing is going? Any news?
we have to be patient, the protection of the game use about 40% of CPU, and owner hates it, Ubi will remove some of the protections once the first essential 2 or 3 weeks pass.
ill buy it now
No crack ?
Not yet
Mmmhh … The chat is strangely quiet today :/ Maybe because everyone is buying the game and supporting Ubi and Denuvo by the same occasion –‘
Nah,it’s just that the adrenaline rush is dead now.
No, I’m letting myself waste away in the abyss of despair waiting for the crack but still nothing XD
Do you know that …? We can do something for the crack to come out soon … !!!
If we all complain to Ubisoft of the malfunction of the game and that the system becomes unstable due to the high consumption of resources … (it is something that is already being done by some users … just google that and know) … It may be the fastest way for crack to come out. Once this goes viral Ubisoft will have to do something about it, optimistically remove the VM and without this it would be easier for the crackers. It’s the only thing that can be done right now instead of posting only unproductive and redundant comments … it’s my opinion
you really think Ubi cares about their players ? I don’t think so ….
I think that many companies react if game not go well… but now that you mention that… when came up the Assassin’s Creed Unity game with all this huge bugs… Ubisoft he did not do much… so maybe this does not work hahaha… but… we need to do something more than wait and complain here.
Me hace gracia que haya tanta gente escribiendo, sintiéndose ofendida por no recibir algo que no pagó…
A mi me hace gracia la gente a la que le hace gracia que haya tanta gente ofendida por algo que no pagó
Y podriamos seguir con ese chiste una y otra vez….. pero nah…
No es cuestion de pagar… es algo que ellos hicieron y va mal. Te pongo el ejemplo del Watch Dogs 2… cuando salio ni siquiera una Nvidia 1080 podia manejar framerates mayores a 18 en Ultra… tu crees que eso es algo por lo que deba pagar…?
Noooo, yo jamas he pagado un juego de Buguisoft, son DE TERROR. Son los peores. Fijate que el Denuvo se come con fritas el procesador, yo hasta tendria miedo de usarlo sin crack, debe prenderse fuego la compu. Se necesita otro procesador solo para el denuvo
Un poco de paciencia no hace falta a nadie
Yo también lo bajé, y ojala saliera el crack ahora mismo, pero enojarme y criticar y enfurecerme, o escribir pidiendo por favor que salga, escriben “no tengo dinero para poder pagarlo” como si hablaramos de comida o algo necesario para vivir.. me hace gracia. Ojala salga pronto, yo realmente no creo que dure mucho la espera, porque siempre se le termina ganando a Denuvo. Lo que tuvo malas criticas este juego porque el nuevo Denuvo es tan agresivo que suma 40% mas de uso de procesador a lo que ya usa el juego, osea que estoy seguro que la gente que lo pagó también quieren que se saque Denuvo.
No se trata de pagar o no, se trata de que Ubisoft le importa mas poner un sistema anti-crackers que empeora la experiencia de un jugador que haya pagado el juego, que simplemente mejorar la optimización, mucha gente prefiere probar el juego antes de comprarlo y sobretodo en este caso cuando nos prometen ciertas cosas y resultan ser otras(Unity…)..
Exacto, yo estoy seguro que quien mas desea que se destruya denuvo es aún la gente que lo compró. Tiene malas críticas el juego por eso. El Unity me dolió como lo hicieron, pudo haber sido tan bueno de no ser asi, es mas, creo que hubiera preferido que usen un motor de los juegos anteriores.
Yo tambien, Unity deberia haber sido uno de sus mejores juegos, es mas Ubisoft es una compañia francesa…
Just gonna play dota
While waiting, keep calm and play dota
fuck it i bought it for ps4 and if the crack gets released i play it on pc with better graphics
Anyone got some crack?
Damn this two layers of security of shit sucks, its giving our hacker friends a run for their money. if someone cracks this they should be payed this is defiantly not going to be an easy feat for them. pretty much alls we can do is either buy the game which i dont want to but i just might have to. or wait until Ubisoft feels like they dont want to pay for the protection any longer and drops it from the release. which could be after Christmas if they were smart.
they might reduce the protection (remove DVM)
because of that DVM bullshit everyone’s cpu usage is going crazy
Just played the game and i could barley play it on 25-35 fps will the crack remove denuvo and vmprotect ?
My specs.
Laptop windows 10
I7-7500u 3.5ghz with turboo
Gtx950m 4gb gddr5
8gb ram ddr4
Stop playing.It will overheat your Laptop.Wait till the crack comes out,thats just what we can do for now.
Will the crack remove denuvo and vmprotect
It depends whether the crackers decide to remove or bypass it.But I think removing the DRM is more tactical and favorable choice for the crackers.It will attract more people plus it will solve the CPU overusage problem.
Well that GTX 950m can be a problem.. “M series raaar”
Nah,the game is targeting the CPU,not the GPU
well i have an i5 3350p 3Ghz With Turbo 3.2 Ghz “p series are the worst too” and a GTX 1060 3GB and 8 GB ram ddr3
His CPU and ram is better then mine and he have more GHz too Lol
Playing high – ultra settings with 50-60 FPS (Vsyinc-> Adaptive)
(i’m not saying that The optimization is Good but that his Video card can be a problem :d)
(((And GTX X50 series aren’t for gaming)))
I can play shadow of war on meduim high settings stable
50-60fps which one requires a stronger pc ?
Shadow of War is Well-optimized Compared to AC:origins
You know…-_-… I have an i7 7800x @4ghz and a 1080 with 16gigs of ram,but that actually changes nothing.Even I was having 70-80 percent cpu usage on ultra.It really can’t be on certain hardwares,can it be?
That’s not a Bad % usage
It is bad when your CPU % is 30-40% More of the GPU %usage Or Viceversa
But anyway a 950m can’t handle a game like Origins (MAYBE on low)
70 -80 on an i7 7800x is okay? I’d rather buy myself an i9 soon then.
That’s what ubisoft Point at Buy Moarrr
Anyway an high % usage doesn’t mean that a CPU is not Good enough :d
If CPU% and GPU% are similiar and doesn’t have a difference of 30%-40% or more It’s Ok
But We Both Do understand that It’s poorly optimized :X
I reach that % too , But everything is Fine And Temperatures are fine Too
I understand that.I’m not discussing bottlenecking here.
no the crack will only bypass, not remove it
It is simple … if many people say that it overloads the processing, it must be true or they are all wrong … I say from experience that a VM is not twice as much processing, but if it is significant, let’s say 40% … It does not mean that if you now have 25-35 FPS without the VM you will have 60 FPS, but obviously this 40% that you now use to prevent crack, you will use it later for better performance.
Are the system requirments for this game higher or lower than shadow of war
Because i can play shadow of war on meduim high sttings with stable 50-60 fps
By my experience in the game ACO… I can’t tell you… but by damage that this anti-piracy produce… for sure ACO is more demanding than SW… also SW is well cracked because the team CODEX removed the Denuvo DRM :D
i’ve been playing the game with an account that i’ve found here in the comments for about five hours, it runs well, except it sometimes freezes. what do you think about the idea that crackers instead of trying to crack denuvo simply make the version of uplay installer already logged in and offline ready to play?
i’ve been playing the game with an account that i’ve found here in the comments for about five hours, it runs well, except it sometimes freezes. what do you think about the idea that crackers instead of trying to crack denuvo simply make the version of uplay installer already logged in and offline ready to play?
can u give the account details so that i can play offline plz…???
sorry i don’t remember the email but the password is warhammer4k scroll thru the comments and you will probably find it(or any other account, i’ve seen a few posted)
This is just a barely fix, man… I’m sure that they want to cure the evil from the root… and the easy way is not for this guys… they will try to crack without Denuvo and VM and get the real performance.
i don’t quite understand denuvo. does it run only when you start the game or the entire time you play. i read that it uses around 30-40% cpu but it doesnt make sense to make it run all the time.
Denuvo is not the trouble here… is a Virtual Machine from Ubisoft… a kind of anti-piracy layer that run at the same time of the game… so burns processor only for protect game and lose consumers… It’s a no-sense thing… but this is how is
Both are causing trouble matey.We need to remove em both to get optimal gaming experience without hardware damage.
I doubt ubisoft is gonna remove denuvo or vmprotect and the crackers may just try to bybass it (and it my not come any time soon) and then we are
Guess I’ll have to drop the idea of playing this game.Hope things get better next year when a new AC game releases. :(
You just have to play it on a console
I’ve already dipped a lot of fortune on my rig.Can’t afford to buy meself a console anymore.
Whats your specs
the game is highly playable, aldought these protections cause some lag i don’t believe it will damage your hardware. you should definetly try it the game is amazing.
For sure… I just set aside Denuvo because is already cracked… I means v 4.6 ;) so no worries about… but yep… both are bad for us
bro help plz..
It’s freezing due to CPU overheating.Overheated devices reduce frames,cause freezes and ultimately lead to BSODs
when will the crack be?
Assassin’s Creed Origins November Content Detailed; XB1X Enhancements, HDR, Stability Improvements, Trials of the Gods & More
No info on DRM removal…….damn it!
For the love of god can anyone share account so i can activate my game
same please share the love x.x
Whats your email??
Ubisoft has provided additional details about Assassin’s Creed Origins content that will be arriving this month, including an Xbox One X/HDR title update and the Trials of the Gods mode.
November’s title update has yet to receive a release date, but expect it to release around the launch of Microsoft’s Xbox One X. Aside from Xbox One X support, the patch will improve stability and will add HDR support on all supported platforms as well.
Assassin’s Creed Origins Looks Gorgeous In New 4K, Ultra Settings Video
Also coming this November, is the free Trials of the Gods mode in which players will have to face Egyptian Gods for legendary loot. According to Ubisoft, Anubis will be the first god that players will have to face on November 7.
The in-game store will also be updated with new item packs, including the Roman Centurion Pack (November 7), the Nightmare pack (November 14), the Horus Pack (November 21), and the First Civilization Pack (November 28). The packs include new weapons, mounts, and costumes, and can be obtained using the real-world currency Helix Credits, but individual items can also be found in the Heka chests.
Ubisoft detailed its post-launch plans for the game last month. Assassin’s Creed Origins is available now for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC
November 7.
November 7
I hope they do something about the pc performance
PC gamers have long maintained an uneasy alliance with various DRM schemes. While there are exceptions, most players are willing to tolerate DRM solutions that don’t impact gameplay, harm system responsiveness, or require ridiculous license resets to install the game on more than 0.25 computers. Solutions that depart from this norm typically aren’t well received, and a situation with Assassins Creed Origins has some gamers seething.
Multiple users have reported seeing their CPU usage peg to 100 percent while in-game, and in some cases this may be causing stuttering frame rates or other low-performance problems. Various users with CPUs including a Core i7-4790K, Core i7-3770, and a Core i5-4590 have all reported issues on Steam. The Core i7-4790K is particularly noteworthy, since that CPU is both fairly new and, for several years, represented the fastest Intel CPU you could buy in gaming. This is particularly true in gaming tests (as reported by Anandtech’s Bench), where the 7700K and the Core i7-4790K were fairly well matched. Games, in general, do not respond to frequency changes very much.
Assassin’s Creed Origins Metacritic Flooded With Fake Positive User Reviews
Gimme the link.I’d love to see it by myself :) YAY!
i am try to put the links but its not aloing me to
if u whant to see go and google Assassin’s Creed Origins u will find the 3 news on the top
it was just info ed
put spaces like after . com and stuff
wow and now this “Ubisoft claims that Assassin’s Creed Origins’ protection does not have any perceptible effect on performance”
https://kotaku.com/assassins-creed-origins-metacritic-flooded-with-fake-po-1820039309 Ubi never learns.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/91a94dafdbdf10399ae631f584eb14380d0960a3455da14a5f299197bb1cc59a.png Helppp ç__ç I paid 3$
well contact support man
want people see pictures from the game? but its in my language
“Tutorial for Images ”
1.Open your Favorite browser “CHROMEEEEEEEE”
2.Open Main google page (www.google.it)
3.Click Images Upper Right side
4.Write AC origins
5. Done you have all the AC origins Images that you want :D
just here picture showing how it looks but its in my language.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bb193f5d6491e01263bdb43654d0e563adcc0c1ccedf2f799f6ae3c237ef8493.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/170b3988fdefd072472a93f097718ee495b81ba13abf5d71f25f67d1f60dc91e.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5fa092d2eb31259d92f978da28ff182ba6ed2f3f791513e8d03f4ee6bb52ca19.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4b50ce1198c9d5bf7bd827d86171fbeb15f9483a3bd7d1d95fd09e0307305872.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b5375753065d3ab65b342562230f4e60a17a112d5e0b0ee346ce925502911174.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/181f62e9e6fe6de0366a1d776555fee8b8ffa6a7c9215b7bc8c406acfb4295b2.png
Anyway there is Google images For that Lol
We wont see ur pictures dude, just enjoy the game….
you can see picture man
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/399e076306302e19626027e06b76850fa6948ce396393db0a393fb1798cd93e4.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9780f393d63db1d2d94eb56d3a2fccb07b510f4a1df6d9e62fda56de815b20fa.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/84fb26ffce0ec477ec1c4589c6ff0689427c8e73fd806e3dd702ddadaf31275f.png
you have any account to share ;d ?
hi not yet man waiting still
no good :D but write to me if you have one :d
Can someone put a crack link? (If it’s out yet)
its not….
Will someone tell me where to go get those $3 accounts ? or if someone wont mind sharing a account
denuvogames .ru
hello buy the game from the page that you shared and really excellent although from time to time it happens to me that says the session was closed from another device, it would be advisable to play it in uplay ofline ? I thank you
any1 have acc to share?
any accaunt to share ?
where are you idot cracker
can’t beat me?
i’m stronger now
don’t give up on your dream keep waiting
you won’t get any crack
poor pirate gamer peasant
hello denovu are you troll?
hello buy the game from the page that you shared and really excellent although from time to time it happens to me that says the session was closed from another device, it would be advisable to play it in uplay ofline =? I thank you
Hi guys!! Please if anyone want to share a account with me, my mail is duzoh@mail.ru
where to spend the money :
1.assassins creed origins
2.call of duty ww2
3.star wars battlefront 2
Dežo Gožo
hello buy the game from the page that you shared and really excellent although from time to time it happens to me that says the session was closed from another device, it would be advisable to play it in uplay ofline =? I thank you
man thats what you got to do. play always offline
gracias muchas gracias
no problem
sabes esto fue genial pude descargar la coleccion de todos los assassin creed.
sorry i dont speak spanish man
you know this was great I was able to download the collection of all the assassin creed
esta permitido compartir la cuenta ???
Can you share that page with me?
denuvogames .ru
How this works exactly? I have to download the game from here but what should I do next?
When you can play it, won’t mind share with me?
eso esta permitido?
¿Hey, compartimos la cuenta?
please crack this game…………
Ahoj Dežo prosím tě jak je to s tím Uplay účtem za 3$ jsem pochopil z komentářů tady. Akorát se chci zeptat na tom Uplay účtu se nesmím odhlašovat? A co když vypnu PC mám nastavit automatický přihlášení? Díky.
ahoj proste ono je to tak koupis ucet nainstalujes si hru nebo kliknes na to at ti to vyhleda tu hru z torentu co mas uz stazenou a hrajes pouze v offlinu modu a dej si automaticke offline zapnuti
Jasny ja jen jestly se muzu z toho uctu odhlasit nebo musi bejt porad prihlasenej.
porad prihlasen pokud hrajes
Dík moc.
Fuuuuuuuckkk Deeeeenuvo double protection is impossible to take in fact it is what I did waiting for a crack that then maybe has problems is not worth it for such an exciting game it is not your fault codex and cpy but it is too protected as a game will soon leave a crack better original!!!!!
it is exciting game man got account for 3 dollars its great game
yeah, exactly
for 3$
have u ever thought about… If u bought it for 60$, would that be worth it?
no i just bought it for single player. when i finish i dont play anymore
where did you buy from??
denuvogames .ru
how does this work exactly??.I gotta know before buying something
diocane sto crack de merda uscira prima o poi no?
Dezo Gozo hey I added you on facebook accept my request
can you tell me in
which date you upload a crack
as far as I heard
its gonna be this week…
By the end of November at worst
(its not official however)
The game isn’t going to be cracked for a long time due to Denuvo and VMProtect. Ubisoft will probably change the DRM due to the high CPU usage, people who bought the game are being hurt by the new DRM solution. They will either come out and say something like “Oh here at Ubisoft we have listened to the community and have decided to change the DRM solution so that the CPU usage isn’t as high” or they will release a “patch” that will be something like: “AC:Origins 1.03 Patch increases CPU usage by 40%!!!” Either way it means the game will be cracked sooner if they do that… If they don’t do that then I honestly can’t see the game being cracked till after Christmas (3-4 months) BUT if they don’t change the DRM in anyway and when we do crack it, us pirates will experience the game better than anyone because we won’t have the DRM causing that huge spike in CPU usage. It’s going to be a long wait for this one so just be patient. DON’T BUY THE GAME! WE MUST STAND TOGETHER TO DEFEAT DENUVO!
All hail the Pirate Lords…
-by A very patient pirate servant
ay ay Sailor
Arrr…if you can’t seed then you’ll meet your end by the hook of my hand
shut ya trap ya land crab
Nah it was before now I seed at a speed equivalent to that of Lasagne bursting out of my Ass during a diarrhoea
If i buy 3$ acc can i play with version downloaded here or i have to download whole game again?
stupid leftwing tards. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2866d206a6363ce2a14d94db14e4c99e0878973d1688acfc84a513c869ba2ed0.jpg
Please send the location with a refugee form thank you
youll find the libtards who welcome uncontrolled immigration in france and germany
Having been a muslim till the age of 14 your 80% correct
‘Welcome we thought it is those bad nazis’ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a16e79c80c10dfcac791aa630079d8e728f8f8440158f07890ee1e2e41f16e9b.jpg
I can clearly tell that ur one of ’em
really? i am showing what islam is
yeah, exactly lol
I hate islam btw
me too bruh
wait u thought I support islam in that picture? :D
well not support, but for some reason I thought ur Islam
ohh alright sry man I will post different pics
hahahaha I mean im fine with this but
People may report u n shit
I know man but I am showing the truth right
fuck yeah
I hate when anything ANYONE say its racist lol funny also
what racist did I say?
I meant its funny when someone accuses me of racism when I prove them thats its truth
i did not meant you lol :D
What do you profit from talking shit to people/religion ?
Or is it just to feel kinda noticed ?
The church doesn’t like people to grow up
Because u can’t control grown ups ;)
its actually talking about islam but alright :D
whatever :D
any1 share acc for AC origins?
Me too please ahh fucking game i loved to play it
sharia https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/40940fad4312d3100c31d778d82ff8775915989da8265e62f2f31edfb9bb25e5.jpg .
holy shit!
crazy isnt
I’d be dead after turning 13 ;)
yea man they are fanatics
now I wonder… Is “rape” okay there?
of course there is all sickness allowed there
sick fucks….
women have half the voice than man she needs at least 3 witnesses to prove she was raped otherwise they say she had a sex and wanted it
And here! its completely the oposite. Law is always on the side of a women
Is there the patch or not? First time on the site and i don’t know how it works the release
mother fucker this thread is about gaming not about your fucking home stories
yea i just blocked him.. easy fix
beautiful isnt it?
ok had to block him.. getting out of control
good gtfo
Go hide in your mom vagina fucking cunt leave this thread for gaming
fuck you its the truth scared of truth?
No fuck your alien language cunt
lol good answer :D
shove good answer up your ass your are in this world thanks to one of muslim dont discuss anyone religion go masturbate to your own religion
Your parents are brother and sister you no ? Dirty son of whore
You are so right Dezo Gozo, do you have an account to share? :D
Man ill let you know in here when I get one ok I have to wait for the seller
What the actual fuck? that guy doesn’t have the crack of AC:O and he become a fucking shithead
relax lol
lol i got the game man
And ? Leave then
yea weird cause he wasnt like that before.. past few days.. he has lost it
no I am just showing the truth man
Just for info , the creator of AC origin is muslim sadly retard
and what? I dont play islamic game xD
But you’r here for cry about crack since the release , but well , why i’m talking to you , you’r just a skell from eastern europe , nobody care about you
i got the game man just bored had to do something :D
Go finger your mom while she is sleeping
Yeah you are a smart man , don’t worry , stay in your third-world country , there is nothing to do there , coz all of your civilisation is retarded and alcoholic
I am in europe u retard third world is middle east xD
Estern europe is Third world dude wake up
wow lets check uncle google then :)
Every one laugh about your country , coz you don’t exist , you just good for vodka and feed russian territory
here you go retard https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/94749c369b470625147a3ea1adf0346aa03c62e82a15a7f23b6ef96622591c25.png
and btw slovakia is not russia u dumb muslim
Sonn you will be , and for us all country a the east of germany is easter europ thir-world
rather russian than islamic caliphate dumb shit
But you can’t know , you know why ? Coz you’r in the third world , and you can’t meet normal people , just savage and alcoholic
for u again https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/94749c369b470625147a3ea1adf0346aa03c62e82a15a7f23b6ef96622591c25.png
To us you’r in the third world dude , i know the truth is difficult to accept , but all of your civilisation is like animal or ship for feed our industry
okay go fuck some sheep and come later
Too busy with your mum on free cam site bro
oh she is actually at home so i dont think u fucking her m8
No i just look her on her cam , she do great show like all women in your country , just good for porn , and prostitution
she has no cam m8 so u watch maybe black screen
When you were jerking to your religion he was busy watching her
i am atheist m8
ya agree
No one care about you at UE
There is zero tru muslim who want a calphate dirty retard
we dont care for middle east either. RELAX
Yeah but it’s not the appropriate place dude, you’re making the comment section full of shit, it’s to talk about the game here
alright sry man
Thank you.
Because his mother rejected him
good englais man
now slovakia cunt going to tell me how good my english is
After having game this shithead dont have anything better to do
Relax guys I am just showing leftwing tards here the truth
Dude go away please; you’re showing just how retards you are sadly..
really? by proving them the truth? lol
Ok, for you it’s the truth, we get it, but here it’s not a appropriate place to “show the truth” so please, talk about the game or go away. Thank’s
Show your asshole truth to your mom and not in gaming forums. Go screw your christian father.
hahahah lol
We are in a videogames blog, soo dont speak about ur ideologies, personally i dont care about ur believes…
yea me neither i hate islam
So if u wont text about the crack or videogames, shut up. :)
Report this asshole spamming thread
for the retard muslim here saying that slovakia is a third world country outside europe xD fucktard https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/94749c369b470625147a3ea1adf0346aa03c62e82a15a7f23b6ef96622591c25.png
aight man Im headin’ out
If u will be able to share an account here’s my email:
alright man ill let u know
me to please hardstyle2092@gmail.com
dude, wtf man, you’re ruining this site
He is trying hard to not accept Slovakia is a third world country
cause its not third world is middle east :D
i am not from middle east so i dont give a fuck Slovakia is shit hole
okay chill m8 dont be toxic xD
Slovakia is not a third world country, just like many Middle eastern countries.
Any news about crack??
not yet
Why is there a religious fight going on?
Cause a stupid man who thinks about telling his life in some place on internet, and why not gaming place, more exactly in skidrow-games website :)
cause islam is ideology of the devil m8
Because someone call Slovakia shit hole
cause islam is ideology of the devil
Someone who wants share account with me???
I can give something to echange :)
And wut will you give lol
Cash lol
i ll give an account with watch dogs 1, real account, :)
That’s a nice trade off if someone is interested in that particular game
ain’t gonna be cracked any time soon , just so you guys know , but i wouldn’t recommend buying the game either , it’s frying pc’s all over the world by playing the game at stresstest levels for the entire time you play the game = 100% cpu 100% of the time cause of dunevo
oh so i cant critize islam as ideology but its ok when i share accounts then everyone is my friend xd
share account with me bro :d
who said that everyone is and dont speak about islam in a bad way
so i cant have my opinion ??? you are refusing my human rights? :)
i don;t give a fuck i just want play the fucking game :d your ideology it is your bro ;D
i wasnt talking to you i hate islam and i have a right to critisize it
I believe that anyone, that has common sense, hates stupid islam, nowadays…
good man glad we are on the same ship
its sad that alot of people now days belive what the media says u dont know the real islam all u know about islam is what they sayd to u
and if u still belive that 9/11 was an islamic terrorist i am afraid ur very far from the truth
What does 9/11 have to do with Islam terrorists in general and most specifically, ISIS, if not the religion of islam itself? I never said that 9/11 was made by muslims. Don’t put words in my mouth. But this doesn’t mean that muslims aren’t terrorists. Learn your facts right before you talk.
quran forbid alcohol and sex and alots of bad things what ur babile say and talking about baible its been written with ur elders hands quran is the most complite book in the world it has sientifique facts in it that has recently discoverd that was mentioned is quran 1400 years ago
I don’t give a sh*t about Kuran, cause like i said, your religion is fake. ??? You forbid sex? This is twisted and retarded. If you forbid sex, then how do you expect that you will have more muslims, little diry arab kid? LMAO! Old Testatement is the oldest book of any religion, cause it was written by the students of the first and greatest prophet of all, Jesus, 20 centuries ago. Bible and New Tastement are new, and have nothing to do with Old Testatement… especially Bible lmao Also, your fake Kuran of your fake prophet is not even remotely close to the age of Old Testatement.
Old Testatement and christianity (especially orthodox one) is and will forever be the oldest and most powerful religions of all times, because it shows the true power of triadic God, and the true peace that lies between the soul of every human along with the Holy Spirit. Your fake religion doesn’t teach that and will never do, cause it never was about peace but violence.
Not to mention that your whole religion is based on lies…
You have no fucking clue to whom you are talking. I despise corrupted media that is controlled by useless governments throughout the world as much as stupid muslims. Their whole religion is sick, and i’m not even talking about cunts ISIS. Read what their lame Coran told them to do, or even better learn some history and watch what muslims have done (for ex. ottoman empire) to the rest of the world.
I’m afraid that you are the brainwashed one here that believes only what other people tell you, if not the media…
yes i have read history and u should look for christan crusaid and all their kiling now their is 1.8 bilion muslim and soon islam will be all over the world cause people know that islam and quran are the true path go to u youtube and watch dr dakir naik
I know history more than you will ever learn in your whole life. :) I know that there were crusades by christians, but that was just that.
Muslims did the following during their empires:
They raped their women and the women of other countries.
They were trying to alter the religion of christians or other religious parties. If people didn’t want to change their religon, they were murdered by muslim cυnts.
They did genocides (Armenian genocide), by almost killing entire populations of a country.
Also christianity consists of 2.2billion people, which is the 32% of the entire population, whereas muslims consist only of 1.6b people, which is 22.2% of the population, and you will always keep dropping, because everyone knows that your religion is fake and sick and that only Jesus and christianity is the only true religion! Google it if you don’t believe me. Google what the 12 students of Jesus said about christianity.
Cry little muslim. Cry. ???
Your religion is disgusting, and so are your people. No one cares about islam, and your fake religion.
In a few years, there will be no more muslims.
Thank triadic God, and our savior, Jesus!
You were born and raised as a muslim loser. Tha’s why you will never understand the difference between my (only true) religion and yours. And this is why you chose to hate christians and love your twisted religion, despite the fact that it is one of the most evil nonsense religions ever.
It’s sad that there are still retarded people like you that support or believe in fucking fake dumb islam of some stupid shit prophet… I have some bad news for you though. No one gives a shit about media. At least no one that’s smart enough… People are not dumb or blind enough like you to see the truth. We can all see that ISIS is a muslim terrorist group, paid by Turkey or other stupid muslim 3rd word countries in order to destroy Europe.
Also, learn to speak some proper english, you gypsy.
yeah 1.8 bilion are all retarded islam is groing fast and u just watch as afar as isis its the same story as taliban aka cia and its learn to write no speak my forst language is and will always be arabic
All Muslims will soon be booted out to the farthest corner of the world! They are just pure pedo SCUM!!
what have islam or muslims did to you arent we all equal
Muslims have invaded my country pushed by the Jews! Also NO Muslims are not equal with us, they are filthy animals!
1.8billion? HAHAHA The most religious people are christians. Learn your facts right. Christian people are everywhere. In all Europe, America, Brasil, China, Syria, even India, etc.You muslims are way less than christians hahaha Jesus was and is the one true greatest prophet of all… Not to mention that more muslims change their religions just because of isis hahaha I don’t care if your native language is arabic and kebabic. English isn’t my native language either, but at least i know better english than you.
He thinks that his religion will be spread in the future like the stupid media tells this sheep, but everyone knows that it will be vice versa. Eveyrone hates muslims now lmao
i did not say most relgious people i know christanity is more so dont say things i did not say
Oh really? So, then, let me get it straight… if there are more christians than muslims, then what makes you think that your religion is the only one that talks about the true path? haha
good for you and u need to check the numbers of muslims every day more pepole join islam we were about 1 bilion and now w are 1.8 but wait how that can be and muslims are becoming christans maybe that a mistory
Muslims might be growing in numbers, because your friends, isis, kill innocent people of other religions lmao Besides joking, you are not growing… i see a decrease throughout all these years… you are already at 1.6kkk and you keep dropping… And this is because a lot of muslims finally understand how fake and full of lies your religion really is…
so i wont replay to u anymore cause i am here for the crack this is not the place to have this disscuion salam
You are the one who started to defend your fake religion.. not me.. alahu kebab.
yes but yesterady and today you write i give you account :d
u can have them to yourselfe religons are far topics from the human mind talke about something else
Actually im reading all of the images you are sharing, i agree with most of them, if not all.
If you are serious about sharing an account, please contact me: email: je_bn97@hotmail.com
I love Slovakia
I love muslin culture and History
my friend crack will take some time they have a new version of denuvo in origins
TO DEezo Gozo
Bitch get a fucking life..going out side of your basement and making a few friends wont hurt you..why are u always spamming this comment section bitch.Keep your shit of an ideology to yourself.
Get well soon bitch.
u r nothing but a attention seeking whore.
keep barking bitch….YEA I AM ENJOYING THIS HA HA HA HA
You my friend; have far have too much time on your hands.
This bitch is not curable
Depois o povo vem falar, que só os brasileiros, baixam jogo pirata..kkkk
xDDD, es verdaad, no falais los brasileiros hasta que baixeis el jogo y lo jugeis
Os pirateiam e nós levamos a fama…kkk
Aqui tem gente do mundo todo kkkkkkkk cadê os br?
Viu a quantidade de gringos, comentando sobre o dinuvo?…kkk
SIIIM kkkkk
Ninguém fala nada, só para ninguém chama los, de pirateiros…kkk
Unfortunatly not all People respect the opinion of the Other person.
Everybody please pray for this mentally sick attention seeking whore named Dezo Gozo..
This guy doesnt have any friends
This guy never gets laid
This guy is ugly as dogshit
These are few of the reasons for his mental breakdown
So brothers lets pray for him…………..
Why my crack dosent work??
it sad uplay is not installed
Crack not release yet its only game iso
not iso game files :D
ok what ever man if you combine all these files in one file dont they turn in single rar file if they do its an iso i download corepack version
Everybody please pray for this mentally sick attention seeking whore named Dezo Gozo..
This guy doesnt have any friends
This guy never gets laid
This guy is ugly as dogshit
These are few of the reasons for his mental breakdown
So brothers lets pray for him…………….
no need for that i am doing great m8
dont hide from the truth boy
i do not i am happy for I do I am happy that you are mad that i show pics here of reality :)
everyone knows who is acting like mad here..
good bye bro
get well soon
cheers get well m8 u gonna need it
im back :)
anything ’bout the account?
Why my crack dosent work??
it sad uplay is not installed.
what crack?
crack isn’t out dude
O thank you i think its like that new thing
Plati market are stolen account or is garantee? 3 eur for ac origins
Where is the crack? pro :)
Guys this game employs VM protect over denuvo in which code is run in a virtual machine of unknown configuration. so this game is very difficult to crack and may take even 6 months to an year. So if we can
spread the thing that this game teases CPU and effects it and also if we pretend that that the working crack has
been released then ubisoft might remove the vm protect since it affects the game performance
and it is of no use once the game is cracked
How can we pretend that crack is released
this is what I think
high cpu usage just because ubisoft wants their game to be safe?
Isn’t that like a dick move??? People paid their money most of em’ Full price… So they want good quality and nice performance, what they get though is awful performance and it’s none of their fault, they can’t do anything about it…
And im not even gonna talk about people who don’t have or can’t affort a “high-grade” CPU
we now, but what are the crackers doing?, why it takes so much time to decode the game?
Just cause 3 protected by denuvo was cracked after one and half year by CPY. now in order to fix this loop hole ubisoft uses the latest version of denuvo and it is further protected by VMprotect(a second layer) which prevents cracking from reverse engineering tools and many more.
so it is very difficult to crack this time and may even take a year for the crack
listen up, denuvo isn’t the problem, because “crackers” know how to deal with it now
DRM is the real problem
yeah exactly if vm protect is cracked then within hours denuvo will be cracked
and as I heard the crack might come out in couple of days or a week…
At worst! By the end of November
Waiting for it
Ubisoft paid CPY for delay with cracking. We have to wait about one month.
why u so sure about it?
If ubisot knew WHO are CPY, the last thing they would do it´s BUSINESS. Think before you talk, please
yeah, exactly
bitcoins probably, untraceable
Wrong! Every transaction is recorded in the blockchain, a public ledger that is shared with EVERY participant in the bitcoin network and thi is traceable.
do someone have a uplay key for the ac origins?
yeah, RIGHT! Then wtf’s causing it?https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4864db8e95e46658bccef256582772abd50e21f93770591672401d58b07fd760.png
wtf man
what the fuck did this comment section turn into since ive been gone? its all about rape and racism now. fucking weird.
Don’t Forget My “Gifs and Images”
yea man islam is devil I agreee
wtf is that thing? lol
whats wrong with it??
i cut her with sword man :D
ooh…k lol
be patient :)
Its not coming for a long time, read the comments
spicy shit :D
Love Steve’s “Soon”
research ubisoft is killing the game with protection from hackers, in other words due to vmprotect its making it extremely hard.
Trolls have taken over the comment section to, kinda funny.
Really? :O
you are funny
. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d2e7c7a1e6b4f1ad43de27109d1b0abfa7d87bd37f77772cb03e3942cb00188e.png
is the game any good have they reinvented AC or same ol
what assassin’s creed game u consider good?
tbh, if I compare any AC game black flag wins…
same shit here, it tries its best… but Blag flag still comes out Victorious ;)
Nothing is true, everything is permitted..
haven’t played that one :P
You Wotttttttt D:
Altair is one of the Best Master Assassins And he’s the only one of the games Who Faithfully Follow the Creed
Edward Kenway was like Assassin creed? WAT? Treasures are better
( I like Edward Kenway :3)
I played the 1st one like 7years ago…
But never really finished it :P
Well , Train your Eyes for Low quality Graphics because You have to Finish His story! ahahaha
low quality graphics… Origins is a good example
dumbasses say black flag without playing the rest xD ac 2 is the best, the series died after revelations
assassins creed 2
AC2 is better lol
yes my friend
Well it isn’t Easy as all the others Where you Counterattack Shots Lol (apart Unity)
how about the story how are they going with that, is it engaging
story is meh, graphics are average for a 2014game, gameplay feels odd, same combat n shit…
nothing else
Im saying this when I don’t own the game, but yesterday I was watching how a friend of mine was playing, so if u were wondering
ok ill just wait then, if you said it was fucking amazing better then black flag i would have just bought it. but ill hold out until it goes on sale, look how fast wildlands went on sale.
For now Nothing of “wow” but Interesting Story :d don’t you want to discover how the and where the creed has been created?
well of course but if its same ol same ol no need to rush out and pay full price for it ill just wait im still playing a couple of other games right now anyways like still need to finish cup head, the evil within 2 and wolfinstien 2
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9ae45e18ec7d15d08b580889a2bdda03cebbfe5819b98bf473a53559e4cc469b.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3b2f9a7d16ba556e42d822d2f960a023db92df59e9fb5af585784e91a22e3f7a.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3a3615e56a1bb83e25045c321048784cd07e6e3ac9c9cae40c9da2c7aeb10aea.png
holy jesus… in the 1st picture, everything thats far away looks so awful…
are these minimal graphic settings or the game is this ugly? lol
graphic sucks man its on high
I remember black flag… and how much better! it looks on minimal then here
exactly i like black flag
lets not even start on the trees :)
trees were beautiful :DDDD
lol in origins what I see here if they’re 100feet away from you they’re just 5-6 polygons :)
yea since it goes to more games now its much worse at perforamnce and grapcis
these trees really remind me of good old San Andreas :)
and im not even kidding now
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahha good one man yea good old san andreas fuck yea on ps2
Aren’t open world games made by copy-paste?
why wouldn’t they make just 4-5 types of trees that would look good, and just copy and paste that shit all over the map
(not only trees, with everything else)
yea i did the same in the sims xDDDDDDDDD
like it clearly looks like a black flag on 800×600 resolution minimal settings
if not worse
cant write sry
Is there a ton of shit to do? a lot of side quest and shit?
yes, thats why its an RPG
that horizon zero dawn game has its dlc dropping in 6 days im gonna be all over that
love the low graphics mod
me too but its on high
is there alot of cinematic cut scenes
some but mostly for main quests the side quests dont have cutscenes.
As I saw that pic my thought was AC Unity looks better
that’s not high xD
it is i post pic ok
its in czech but first is low, medium high we have nizke, stredne, vysoke
STUPID AI ……….. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3080d61d04797b3645304fdadc612e7b26178b41af960d11e4c52032e8c9343d.png
stupid n ugly
if u zoom in they’re soo shit lookin’
and what the fuck are those floating white things? lol
I dont know :DDDDDD
Well..as i searched reddit ubisoft took a statement about the drm+denuvo : “does not affect performance ” so it seems like they don’t want to remove that drm…if we’re lucky they will bend for the gamers will…but how long takes it…
yeah i was reading that to i guess its time to move on :(
Yeah..Ubisoft don’t give a shit about the players..
there just making an example of hackers they’re trying to put a stop to sites like this.
I know it but now that drm stuff isn’t only for us suck but for those who buyed that game..it’ s taking on max the cpu..bad performance…
this game is fucked up wanna see pic guys?
retarded ai fuck u ubi cunt shits cant even make good game with graphics, ai and performance u shits https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/720bd6088559230320d7f6a69550ea7a00dffb49dfa7a15eae88fb237982c79c.png
lol thats on high guys. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e864db56fb93567fbcefdbcadf7179daffb94b2c93e566ec6d86716273b644fc.png
Heh.. .looks like the graphics sucks
sadly yea man
i share account for 1 Dollar PayPal contact skype live:fordpuma82
hi i m interested, can we speak on gmail, discord wherever, i dont have skype installed..
a friend just sent me this
Check this shit out LMAO https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e96b1f0b8392ca8e38793f10ee7ae739ac38b02d6c431f72a093ae8899d6689a.png
Wtf:O ultra low or what? Lol
all maxed out 1080p
that looks actually really nice man
all assassin’s creed games look dope at night
especially this one o_o
yea man even higher fps at night
I have Day version Too Arr
Day version Lel
Ubisoft paid CPY for delay with cracking. We have to wait about one month.
pay CPY??
do u even know dafuq u yappin?
this is litteraly me when I saw this
trying to not burst out laugh
Or Him while he was Writing That
what do you think guys? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/720bd6088559230320d7f6a69550ea7a00dffb49dfa7a15eae88fb237982c79c.png
U r on whihc level?
9 man i did side quests I am starting now 4th main mission ;D
Lol same here .. …n fc* thos bndits in middl of desrt
No teda. ?
The one on the Left Want to Rape you ( I THINK)
-shoot him pussy
10$ u won’t
Look that Eyes and Eyebrows He’s like
Where are you Going to Put that Arrow ^ㅂ^ ?
so how’d you end up getting the game?
3$ plati
Tip for noobs… never ever try to b macho man in ACO ..n nver try to take Higher level objctiv ..i bet u ..u wll die alot..
yea night looks better than day. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e480555f13476dadbd783411aa4d2097bc1de6778b9e846de8b809ec7d4ffcac.png
no way, this game can actually look nice x_x
man they fucked the day….. WHYYYYYYYYY its laggy at day
just ubi things
i am sad cause i love ancient world especially rome
same shit bruh
Roma Invicta motherfuckers
yea CAESARRRRRR I am reading books about caesar
I got part one, emperors gates of rome book
is it good?
yeea man its about his life since childhood to his death 6 books it has
where is the run file to install the game? I took the ALI213 version on utorrent. THANKS GUYS
@disqus_FUrVCb8ZFn:disqus what gpu and cpu do u have
I5 3350p 3.2 Ghz Turbo
GTX 1060 3gb
what fps u got man and u play ultra?
On my PC Everything maxed apart some High settings
45-60 FPS
I Tried ULTRA on the other PC with a GTX 1060 6 GB Version and a Better CPU i5 4460
had Same FPS
cause the limitaion is in the cpu not gpu
Well, im not asking why i have these FPS ( Im good with these things know how they works etc ) xd just answering to Dezo
Anyway my i5 3350p which is “p series The Worst” and the Other PC with i5 4460 which is Better (much better) They both run with same FPS
This isn’t a CPU limitation Let’s call it NICE optimization.
so about that….
do u have an account to share at the moment?
do u have fb man
only skype :P
ok give me name
i add u
Add me too on skype
don’t have any social networks n shit
any1 shares acc?
@daggasplays:disqus I love it man caesar is god for me https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fea5f383bfe55bf816c6235268b83caac74264c5bf541772faaf0ff835ae4ab4.jpg
I’ll check ’em out
yea do it man i never read books i was lazy but I do now its interesting, more entertaining than movie
You Played Ryse Then? If you Like Rome and Centurions
Even though that game is…… awful.. maybe :P
You wot n.2
Maybe what . we need more games like that With amazing graphic and Very well-optimized ;d
yea man story nice but i hate fighting always same
That game was Amazing and VERY WELL-Optimized :X The Quality of the General Armor was Amazing and many particulars
And As every game it got repetetive things but there was a good numbers of different Executions
I have a gameplay on my Youtube channel with One particular Exectuion :Q___ that i didn’t manage to do it again And i finished that game 2 times lel <,<
accept man skype request
Anyone have an account to share at the moment ?
i ask the same thing
Dezo can i buy AC by using mobile?
Nope it’s Unsafe
This shit isn’t getting cracked anytime soon, Ya’ll might as well give up lol
do not listen to the impatient who should pay. You do a good job skidrow team continue like this “time is the impatience of everyone ….”
if u need offline activation contact me on my facebook account
#2 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ee35d40376df02e3d7af57b4ecbb97d0a0933722e2a5284ea348bb902ce27430.png
#3 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dbd757c4a2800b086fed0ec4270cdc343a1022d48ae23525d43fc6ee37bf74e6.png
crack is out guys :D :D :D :D
In your dream
in his dreams as Maulana said
Hahahaha lol
plz dont play with my feelings :P
we dont need crack we are riches bitc*
I won..
Yes, xD where illuminated if life
pls man share with me
question why does it say download if you have already played 3 and a half hours ??? :P
it’s magic
i uninstall it its shit dude
You kill Caesar at the end.
xd nice spoil
Fuck u asshole
some1 to share acc?
are you talking with me ?
Please don’t change anything or I will change the password and you won’t be able to have access anymore.
louis can you share account so i can activate game
cant login Louis XVI
someone just log and change the password so I changed it, sorry m8
can you pass the acc by mail or fb pls m8?
can u send it on fb
Contact me on my mail
cant contact u
pls some1 share me kmm199936@gmail.com
Sorry I changed my mind.
But the game https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bbd83d56d2112565ae973fec8237c32d048bb6848d36eac8997b0ddba7e9eaf8.jpg is nice
no its shit i have 5 accounts
where is the craaaaaackkk?????????????
Pirates have been eyeing Assassin’s Creed: Origins over the last few days, but the game has yet to be cracked. Assassin’s Creed: Origins has been sitting on torrent sites since days before release, but a crack is not yet available, and we now know the reason why. Ubisoft has been using two layers of protection for this game – Denuvo and their own UPlay DRM. While both UPlay and Denuvo have been bypassed previously, what’s causing the delay this time around is the version of Denuvo that being used, and the addition of VMProtect over it.
As popular hacker, Voski, explains:
“VMProtect is software that protects other software against reverse engineering and cracking. Although the technicalities are different, its aims appear to be somewhat similar to Denuvo, in that both seek to protect underlying systems from being subverted.”
“VMProtect protects code by executing it on a virtual machine with non-standard architecture that makes it extremely difficult to analyze and crack the software. Besides that, VMProtect generates and verifies serial numbers, limits free upgrades and much more,” the company’s marketing reads.
“It seems that Ubisoft decided that Denuvo is not enough to stop pirates in the crucial first days [after release] anymore, so they have implemented an iteration of VMProtect over it,” Voksi explains.
“Basically, Ubisoft have implemented VMProtect on top of Denuvo, tanking the game’s performance by 30-40%, demanding that people have a more expensive CPU to play the game properly, only because of the DRM. It’s anti-consumer and a disgusting move.”
While, we personally have seen no issues with the PC version of Assassin’s Creed: Origins, reports have been coming in about BSOD and other performance issues while running the game.
“This is great if you are looking to save your game from those pirates, because this layer of VMProtect will make Denuvo a lot more harder to trace and keygen than without it. But if you are a legit customer, well, it’s not that great for you since this combo could tank your performance by a lot, especially if you are using a low-mid range CPU. That’s why we are seeing 100% CPU usage on 4 core CPUs right now for example.”
Either ways, it’s clear that they are desperate to keep Assassin’s Creed: Origins from being cracked, and so far they have been successful.
who shares acc send it to my mail
contact: juliocesar3231@hotmail.com
guys if u need account for offline activation contact me at heyheyheyhyeh@gll.com
I send a message :)
i send you message
fake mail
send me facebook inv
no fucking crack ??????
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bb580a4e528f845fe93ca7e264bf2d6121a7e8b1ee30864c6fcdcf815233eb72.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dbd757c4a2800b086fed0ec4270cdc343a1022d48ae23525d43fc6ee37bf74e6.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9174f1cf03c5fb194401c830c331a6c8c62f78bdb8ae35fb295ed9566469a093.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ee35d40376df02e3d7af57b4ecbb97d0a0933722e2a5284ea348bb902ce27430.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f3c11d2dcbe6daabd81e9f0e7fa8c0b0f727e1dd82f590486df9044050c52552.png
give me that account
say lalalalalal 500 time and recored it and put it on youtube
can i FUCK u 500 times ????
yes but let me finish assassins creed origain* first
this account banned no good but later meaby works ??
if i have a uplay account how i will add assassin creed origain free ?????
origain :)
dammm mannnnn im nearly dying for the fucking crack …..
dying for a game ? how old are u indian boy
no im a Pakistani not indian
Jim Carrey is a legend
somebody want to share acc. ?
Someone, anyone, perform a good deed and share an account with me >.< iam a broke ass student
Someone can share an account with me?
You people are so funny. And by the way the game kicks ass. Got crack from somewhere else. Peace out losers.
No you didn’t fool
From his local drug dealer
wow another lair fucking retard
I really want to play this game, can anyone share an account with me please : alionard@gmail.com https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f729ce6767b2cb594710a07502fed563774b33331e445b3089de089833898342.jpg
me 2 :D
All you’ve got to do is log in: xandedicassa1654
password: all_mighty62
Just share please, do not change the pass
thank you for sharing, but how it work?
nego, isso é pra por na uplay?
what’s the email?
end of mail ?
it is no good email …..
It was expensive, bought by 2 reals
Like I said. Funny people.
Who be so good and share account with me :D ? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2e7ec1c3f919ae286a0bfcf61b9380a39ce6bc1f3f9b4455c6f7178e84f9510f.gif
mail : hardstyle2092@gmail.com
Guys my pc suck with this drm
if you’re not gonna play, think you can share the acct?
I’m willing to receive
hi good-hearted people if you wanna share your account for offline activation plese contact with me :) my e mail: hasantahsinkahraman123@hotmail.com
pls can anyone share a account with me???
My mail is duzoh@mail.ru
thank you to the amazing soul who shared their account and then deleted their comment, i freaking love you. < 333
I’ll share an account with 1 person, Post your Email, and the reason why you should be the one, lul.
I’vent money for this game and i was fired from my job two months ago. I’m from Spain and here we have a lot of unemployment. If you share a account with me i would greatly appreciate it
If I don’t get a better answer than this in 30 minutes, I’ll email you the login details.
If you give me the account I would appreciate it very much, i was watching the 3$ accounts but my debit card haven’t money, just to pay the taxes
for what is this?
Assassins Creed Origins?
yeah but i mean the account
i really need this account share i dont have CC so its very hard for me even to buy the shared accounts btw iam from egypt if u give me a share acc u will make my day
i just want to play the game :) spalman77@gmail.com thanks!!
Don’t hav3 to lie motherfucker u don’t have life not even account u just came here to troll
Don’t start shit talking because your pc is not good enough lmfao.
It’s not shit talking u fuck. U know it right ? Have u ever heard about optimization? Not so much huh? U don’t have even the game so stfu
You’re actually retarded, not even gonna bother talking to you, enjoy NOT playing LOL
U’re the retarded u genetics trash. My problem with u the way u talking with others. Not the game
Enjoy your day.
Hey dude, relax, respect others pls
Duzoh check ur mail
Thanks, add me to skype with the same mail if you want to talk anything with me ;)
Alright man
please can share a account with me? i need so much this game and I
want to be honest, my financial situation is bad and I would like this
game, please contact me in this email vladvlado381@gmail.com
Dude pls stay out of this thx
hasantahsinkahraman123@hotmail.com thx :)
its really nice game guys.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fda1fa85741494592b9730e860047e195995b4cf0a534f14cc5f9010b5f1f661.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0d0f20d1177b4dc621e62be00def7263fa12c6b59684c9a7e574ccba2757b0d0.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/14e56fbb72d26d38f12c8e28203289a3ce507fa2ac33f218a724f2a2d768ccba.png
48 fps why cant get 60 fps stable ?
bad optimization man
please anyone can share a account with me? i need so much this game and I want to be honest, my financial situation is bad, I was fired from my job, iam from Greece and here is very difficult to find a job, I love Alexandria and really I want see it in this game, please contact me in this email vladvlado381@gmail.com
lol https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9d6ef08cea86e3332b4a00f0afe64b41edab02f530d7ae0c5019ee4818fe982c.png
The Crack will be available in one month, because ACO have a new Denuvo v4.8. Please be patience :)
yooooo can anyone hook a nigga up with a account? vfhs@glubex.com thank you and love you :D
I posted yesterday but I might as well bump for interest, it’d be cool if someone shared an account w/ me to play. I can definitely run the game so that’s a plus too. So if you want hit me up at immenselizardtail@gmail.com
Share with me an account please x1kn0wn@gmail.com
i just bought my new pc (gtx 1060, i5) so i can’t buy again a game that cost more than 50 euros (sorry if i do some error in English, live in france) therefore if you have an account to shared please contact me at florianpilou89@gmail.com ^^
please anyone can share a account with me? i need so much this game and I
want to be honest, my financial situation is bad, I was fired from my
job, iam from Greece and here is very difficult to find a job, I love
Alexandria and really I want see it in this game, please contact me in
this email vladvlado381@gmail.com
I can buy the game, then I share with you my account for a little price 2$, then i connect to your pc with TeamViewer and setup offline mode. Do you like this plan?
No this is not a scam, a want to play this game and want to help you guys , and I want earn some money for my service
nice joke, have a nice scam
Bayek le quiere mirar las tetas desde arriba,
Por favor, alguien que me comparta una cuenta! Me echaron del trabajo, me dejó mi novia, se me murió el perro ya que lo mató el vecino (luego de que él lo mordió al estar deprimido porque me echaron del trabajo), ademas mi novia era la hermana del vecino… estoy entrando en una pequeña crisis y de verdad necesito jugarlo, mi vida cambiaría mucho. Tengo algo de dinero ahorrado pero la voy a necesitar para la cerveza asi que no puedo pagar una cuenta… por favor….
Has olvidado añadir a las tragedias que te ha salido un hijo independentista, que te ha salido cáncer en un tercer huevo y que en tu barrio no ponen fibra óptica XD.
jajaja tal cual!!!! con el año horroroso que vengo teniendo es muy probable que me pase eso también y mucho mas!
Im sharing my account with all Ubisoft games for 5$ Paypal. Atleasy some of you will be able to play until the crack comes out. Contact me: xrontic@gmail.com
Buen intento, buitre…XD
do you like these pictures guys?
Hacked a uplay account successfully an I’m playing the game ??
how? where? I’ve been watching this thread for a few days and I’m glad you’re finally able to play the game, help a brother out?
Try to hack. Ull be eventually successfull at a time
is there a place i can check? how do you know what accounts have the game?
At the side of the Uplay-Checker checker the game in the account will be shown
This software is really confusing, it’s in Russian and whenever i try to use a leecher there are no results, also i can’t find your video lol
if you trying to make others to think u are a hacker, then you should tell the others the procedure ;) MR HACKER lol
First download Leecher Xslayer.
Then download Uplay-Checker
I dont need own the account with game, but if you wanna be smart ass and talk here that you hacked the account, then show the others how to do it so they will stop begging, no? :)
Everyone LoL
welll, you are writing here that you hacked the account, so be nice and show the others so they can do to :)
I’ll try to post the images on how to. But the chances of getting an account with ACO in it is less
I am not trying to be mean, just saying cause many people are like new to pc it seems and they need proper teaching, and giving them program without info on how to do it, they wont be able to
Yes you are right
alright man good luck, and btw you got two account with that game? :D
First account the owner noticed some suspicious manner so changed the pass
that sucks, i do own also my own and thats why I use verification code just cause of this hacks that are around like you got :D
But these people never bother to put 2 step verification LoL. Which is my advantage
man i watch the video now i think ill give it a try and see if it works lol :D
Visit my youtube channel I have put a video
do u have link
Instead of using there Paste bin use this software Leecher Xslayer
okay thanks man
Ur welcome
I can’t understand how to do any of this, like dezo said i’m pretty new to PC, enjoy the game anyway i guess man, I’ll just wait for the crack
Second account I set as start uplay offline always ?
I also got ACO accounts but for ps4
hi can i get ur mail id wanna contact u
I did that nearly 10 times to get 2 ACO accounts
hi can i get ur mail id wanna contact u…
Account please
seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed plz
Now one thing we have to do we all have to play money to the Anonymous haking team to crack this game ?????? and even they try to hack they can disable both protection
Ye.lets go on kickstarter with that?
Can someone share an account with me?
What the meaning of that?
where did u get this image from? source?
from crackwatch
The game runs like horseshit in my PC…well maybe because of my PC specs..but I thought I could play that on low settings on my native resolution 1366*768…I have i3 2120,gtx 750ti & 8gb ram…and in game it stutters & lags as if I’m having a slideshow…must say the game is gorgeous on high settings even in that resolution.. just applied to see that…but the character never moved an inch on that settings..???.. anyway Ubisoft made this thing into a shitty place for their vm protect to shit on our CPU continuously…fuck u ubishit..and thanks a lot for making this wonderful game a buggy shit..??
Awesome…now we won’t be getting crack anytime soon.. Ubisoft clarified their statement..?????
bro can u give ur mail id wanna contact u
bro help any way to contact u??
Crack will be uploaded in a few hours.
Tell us who cracked it – we will throw flowers at them couse they are the best)
u serious do u have any proof or link?
why the fuck you lyyyyinnnng why you always lyyyinnng MMMMMMOHMYGOD
stop f u c k i n g l y i n g
If Your Really Upset With How Quickly They Are Working To Get You A Free Game Then You Should Go And Support The Developer Of The Game An Buy It If You Dont Want To Buy It Stop Complaining About Getting A $60+ Game For Free The People Who Take Their Time Out Of Their Lives To Do This Deserve Respect For What They Do.
Why Are You Replying To Me Like This With This Copy Pasted Message I’m Not Complaining, I Am Calling Out A Troll Do You Understand?
If Your Really Upset With How Quickly They Are Working To Get You A Free Game Then You Should Go And Support The Developer Of The Game An Buy It If You Dont Want To Buy It Stop Complaining About Getting A $60+ Game For Free The People Who Take Their Time Out Of Their Lives To Do This Deserve Respect For What They Do.
You’re most likely asking us,aren’t you?
Stop your fake bullshit,we’ve had enough of it.
If it’s true, good.. But most of hosting are dead :P For sure 1fichier is online.. why no uploaded by catshare, fileshark or uploaded (links here are dead).. for most of this links I can’t use link premium generator
Ha re khankir chele Tor ma to chudie ber korbe Laora.
how do you know??
Guys can anyone give the details how i can rent the game?
I have a boner
any luck about the game?
Haha no
ca i see it?
i have 2
Two or too? LOLOLOL
Still watching those cassettes?
So if codex brings us crack will it be posted on this page
I activate the Game for 2 Euro paypal
Skype live:fordpuma82
any limited time period for the game?
If Your Really Upset With How Quickly They Are Working To Get You A Free Game Then You Should Go And Support The Developer Of The Game An Buy It If You Dont Want To Buy It Stop Complaining About Getting A $60+ Game For Free The People Who Take Their Time Out Of Their Lives To Do This Deserve Respect For What They Do.
you are right
True said
I was wondering buying the game… but the fucking denuvo and others have made the game unoptimized. I’m not agree with this and because that I won’t buy the game until they change that with a patch
I own the game and it is optimized i put over 30+ hours in the game and its worth buying.
you have no idea what you are talking about
od tego czekania na cracka czuje sie jakbym byl na glodzie nikotyny ;/
coś w tym stylu :/
I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do
They’re really saying I love you
I hear babies crying, I watch them grow
They’ll learn much more than I’ll never know
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world
Some are saying it will be released on nov. 5
who know :(
Not saying just want and wish.we all want to be true because in 5 november the game closes 9 days which is the maximum time hackers used to crack denuvo games.so wait and cross fingers for sunday.
Not saying just want and wish.we all want to be true because in 5 november the game closes 9 days which is the maximum time hackers used to crack denuvo games.so wait and cross fingers for sunday…
some who?
Cool storyy
37 or 42 GB
Activate the game for 3 dollar
Help they ask me a activation key
They ask me a key
anyone please share AC origins account XD
Fuck Man..It is hard to wait.
OMG i have buy an account on plati but i have enter a bad email and now i m blocked and the seller is offline and no responding ….
Concretely, it is for when the crack? Strange this conversation………. :O
guys AC origins 1.03 update 2day released,lets hope for crack
An update will be released on november 7 but it will not remove vm protect or denuvo ubisoft made a statment saying that vm and denuvo dont affect the performance what so ever so they are ignoring cpu complaints
Omg love u guys…..u just crack it i just want it crack take ur time ….love u crackers …i never miss any of ur crack …u want any help will there for u all the time bcz u u guys served us with soo many awsom sexy games for free for everyone whole over the world………
What are you talking about bro?
I was just telling to crackers
Calm it down brother. Jack it off, if that helps.
Assassin’s Creed® Origins – Free Game Activation – CorePack Exclusive ! – Tomorrow on corepack!!!!
Yeah bro true…. exited
So wait. What does it mean? Is it a crack? Or it’s an activation key?
And the 10000 Comments Trophy is coming!
Damn guys, it’s true!!!!!!!!
yeah im soooo excited :D
what does this mean? is it a crack???
It got delayed due to New patch ;D
any update for the game?
maybe a fix for the cpu memory?hahah
From Ubisoft? :d Leel
orey for it ahahhaha. we need 1.03 patch
maybe a download link will show up
support them they’re trying hard to make the crack
yes we support them and let them to crack it
I have an account with the game purchased but for some reason is asking for activation.. Why ?
Why don’t you ask to Ubisoft Support? .. If legiiiiiiit.
Anyway Does it Open steam for activation?
Well I contacted Ubisoft 5 days ago and still no answer. First I have an option to download the game from uPlay directly, but when I click on download it leads me to Steam store and asks me to purchase the game but I have it purchased already…
I tried downloading the game from here aswell but when I open it it just opens uplay and asks me to activate it ??
There were 4 accounts in this discussion with that problem
You bought a steam version (but it need uplay to launch the game)
Did you try to put your key on steam
link for the 1.03 patch?
you again ahaaha
a guy tell me tha patch maybe can do nothing…
Simply Don’t Trust
When it(IF) come.. you will see It
yeah..now i rest ahaha wait for it
Thanks for game haven’t got from other sites
Thanks for the game
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ba2a1b160eac9e758daee2b9b516c1fc2be155848b498b6ab57235551b51c9a9.jpg I am not gonna get the activator
yea i might not wait for this after all.. just gonna buy it probably .. on console more than likely
I would love to buy it but i’m broke AF… I just spent all of my money on drinks and cigarettes :)
Quote: It is an offline account activation no crack. Tomorrow we will know more ;)
activation will be for everyone, is confirmed!
Unless they have 100 or + accounts
Activate it will be Impossible… ;)
Let us be surprised
Yea and that surprise is
A Log-in Kick War ahahaha
(because everyone will Log in that account and kick who was already logged)
Delayed Due to New Patch
personaly i have ac origins in a offline account and we are two or three to use it
ok cool :)
i think it’s a good solution to all of you
an you can buy uplay account with ac origins for 4 or 5$
I will wait
lol that loop hole will be patched
Only for older corepack members guys.
Look at the chatbox
Nope,The hope is dead,ubi just released a new patch.There was no hope,not there will be any.Rest in fucking peace.
Plus,it looks like that it is only for old members of that community,so there is no hope,zero,nada.
look like No one See These Big Pics
If I wanted to buy the game on Steam but since I have downloaded all the files from this website, will I be able to skip the downloading from Steam by putting the files into the “steamapps” folder” ?
Yup, SteamappsCommon folder
Will it work since we do not have the “right” executable for the game ?
It will check for the correct Files and Auto Download what will be missing
(Generally for every game)
Oh ok … I did not know that :)
You found some way to play this game?You’ve gotta tell me man
Nop , But i’m playing it ;d
Jealously pushing my brain to 100% usage…someone remove this drm lolol
Backstabbers..still no crack is released!
great games guys :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d4d4b548510e1ed5c2c0449436f1347cd9d1c3c441b628d0dbd9c0bdf21a5588.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9eacb71275b447bccb2c5a58376c9e1d9424c44acd2400779ab803353fcb5fa4.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/48ddb2756db495744e44c4e48f2bf67a1f94e08213106721890d4fef200efd29.png
did you download the new patch ?
when man ? :O what patch version?
i don’t know man there are multiple cases of uplay asking for verification code
ill proove it downloads
can you share the downloaded files on mega or gdrive >.< ?
here https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6681abd1131e200aefe204c6d48e26f673fc015fa584e7b665cf19132ffa9aff.png
do you know any method of downloading patch offline like we download from skidrow site or something like that ? is it possible that way ?
i got still 1.02
i too have that 1.02 now i am confused can i go online ?
yea man
but after finish go offline
Try the account In the Ubisoft Website before Log-in In Uplay (to check if the password wasn’t changed)
did you? does it performs better?
The crack is available on the STEAMPUNKS’ website.
its not real crack
the video on steampunks site shows it to be working… can anyone please confirm
edit nevermind ,, the video was posted on 26th october its probably just a deuce
Really? How?
When will assassin’s Creed origins crack
Please guys share an accout with me i loved to play this game ..i give you my uplay account with game for honor please..sory for bad english
steampunks have the crack on their website !!!!!!!!
steampunks have the crack in their website ! the wait is oveeeeeeeer
Idk why but this torrent link sucks for me, 60 kb/s constant pff
those of you guys who got 3 dollar account go now online on uplay and wonload new patch for the game it fixes perforamnce now i download online https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6681abd1131e200aefe204c6d48e26f673fc015fa584e7b665cf19132ffa9aff.png
bro be careful ubi might have hidden the offline account patch or something like that can’t trust ubi anymore
when i finish or have any problem ill post here okay man
send me email please kurogami555@gmail.com please
there are too many trollers now
you will know me by the picture i got and by the messages i wrote here put your mouse over my name and i got over 1000 comments
okie thanks bro after downloading play the game and post it here if any problem ASAP.
alright man in 30mins
okie. Btw did you read those patch notes ? no answer to CPU load fuck and no hdr for pc
Improved stability and performance just that
well we will have to see it ourself how less CPU hungry is it now
But… D: You need my Gif!!
just tried, now i can’t connect anymore to the account that was sent cause the password change………
so no if you have a 3 dollars account don’t go online ever !!!!!
where can i buy accounts guys? for europe? i have mastercard
https://www. plati. market/?lang=en-US
can i buy with mastercard? is it safe?
why it says 173rub? what is rub ? :P i want euros :P
https://www. plati. market/?lang=en-US
Russian Currency
Cn u shrr acc dezo
did you have an account for me ?
go online on uplay and download guys https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2b8b8546055c8f789369662b0dcaf31813f7a8341edb7cf2c72587c1541809e0.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/90c0a929493a9aa28b3e30fd4b16ca6790a8139ed720b7035a8451f3f8788aca.png
yo bro where can i get these accounts though??
https://www.plati. market/
accounts here https://www. plati. market/?lang=en-US
Received a wrong account at first, but got a new one instantly! Great seller!
2017-11-2 (today, less than an hour ago)
Account didn´t work, got it replaced instantly, very good seller, highly recommended!
2017-11-2 (today, less than an hour ago)
Оплатил, получил. Была проблема – решена в 2 счёта. Игра на месте. Рекомендую!
2017-11-2 (today, less than an hour ago)
i keep AC in D:program files
which of these 2 i need to change so i dont down the game?
Пушка! всё быстро, всё работает, всё отлично!
2017-11-2 (today, less than an hour ago)
patch https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9b4696ba12d56e5b792745009b15769408a344676069a4151363df0447659b3f.png
can you share downloaded files ?
u have to download through uplay man u have to go online there is no other way
Did your provided Email Id and pass still work? Mine says it’s been changed.
did u purchase it? If yes contact support man
Yes I did. But it was 2 Days ago and now Update came out.
contact support to get new account and then go online and download patch on uplay
Even If I bought it 2 days ago?
u have warranty lifetime man
Let me see.
same for me, but when you have to enter the login and password, you can go to paramaters and set back “start uplay offline” if you relaunch the game it should let you play like before, the game won’t be update but at least you still can play it
you can patch offline its possible i just need files please ?
yea but i dont know how to get these files except download from uplay
go to settings there is downloaded directory
does not work for me and still my upload is 60kb man
i just started my uplay it is downloading a patch did your did it ?
yea 60kb and 1min left
60 are your serious ?
patch downloaded let u know how it works
now i go offline
fuck i can’t download the patch my seller is not answering FUCK
be patient man he will answer
works https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/56ff2e3bcc8933b542cfc0e6be1e0324c82cd6c42d12cb130d9f6dbd795cd6b1.png
downloaded and works https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/56ff2e3bcc8933b542cfc0e6be1e0324c82cd6c42d12cb130d9f6dbd795cd6b1.png
Co výkon šlape to líp?
dam ted benchmark
check the CPU load man
yea m,an
Just a question. After buying the account, Can I play AC Origins FOREVER? Or just for a while? Can I do updates without problems (like patches etc.)?
i have been trying to reach him for 3 hours T_T
nic moc now stale na picu
koukni nahore obrazek
Any news for the crack?
well benchmark sucks guys…
Is it stable lol
i try again one sec and show picture
ok on high what were your FPS man ? before update
oh no man wait crack
well now i did again and its stable ill show pic
I give 1 Account for free
give me
For activate the game
ok pleezz asus.rog.pc@gmail.com
:) ok share me
I’ll offer a pizza if you give me the account ahaha. I’m italian, you know. Pizzeria, mandolino, mafia
anche “berlusconi” ci stava bene XD
dcr-88@hotmail.com plsssssssssssss :)
please bro
Can i have it ttv5568@gmail.com. Thank you!!!
Give it to your mom
patch 1.03 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d6b8041d845c1df77e65a5eed265ccae10d99d454de5dd89aeb2b363a001e6d4.png
what settings ?
high before update it was says thats its unstable
before update what fps ?
like 45 fps it was saying as on the picture but was saying unstable
and what about cpu load is there any noticeable diff ?
cpu load was 75% before patch i had 95%
That good to hear now when will my seller contact me T_T
Yea, i updated The game too
I can confirm that It’s more stable now :O MIRACLE
yea man thanks UBI U COCKS who always fucks the perforamnce xD
Just a question. After buying the account, can I play AC Origins FOREVER? Or just for a while? Can I do updates without problems (like patches etc.)? Thank for reply.
forever but play offline uplay, when doing update go online
Alright dude, thank you for the quick reply.
One question, the account you are using has not changed your password in 2 or 3 days? because I have 2 uplay accounts with AC origins that changed the password and then later in offline mode does not allow me to enter the game :S
yea man i use account for like 4 days now no pass changed if u got problem contact support okay
What happens is that I had to ask for 3 different accounts because they changed the password and did not allow access, for offline yes.
Then after 1 day I did not allow to start the game because I asked to reinstall it, I leave an image:
I’ve been playing for 15 hours and every time I went back to play with a new account I had to start from 0, and I’m too lazy to go through everything I did.
So I do not know how you kept that account intact without having changed your password :S
Sorry for my english, I’m using the google translator xD
write me on fb i help u there name i got is rene matuscak
connect to your facebook pls
Hey dude can u let me try the game please, if u want i let my facebook/whatsapp/discord and we speak.
Anyone give me ? I would really grateful god bless you! peace!
i76700k 16gb ram 1060 6gb 512 ssd steamid: deathdarkstar
I’ll give you horse shit
when will you upload the crack???? so many are waiting for this please upload crack
I have an account. How to activate the game ?
please guys who like to share account. im giving my uplay account with game for honor
Its normal that sometimes while i download the game i got disconnected and have to login again(3 dollar account)?
i think some1 else logged in, thats the reason
want to buy working account for 3$ paypal. pls let me download game, then I will go offline forever. my connections is 150mbps
thanks and cotact me: seosavjeti@live.com
if ure serious about the $3 I got an account
can anyone send me direct link for the 3dollars thing, without searchingg
WTB ACC 3$ paypal. pls let me download game, then I will go offline forever. my connections is 150mbps
thanks and cotact me: seosavjeti@live.com
can anyone send me direct link for the 3dollars thing, without searching
Ac origins update 1.03 did anyone install the update if yes the is it better or worse or the same
Do i have to go online to install the update ? Cant i just downloade from some website ?
yes man online on uplay
if I go online thze account will go no ?
because I had it for 5 days and ive been offline forever
yea do man
but dude what if it just goes ?
I wont be able to log back in
Don’t risk it, there’s alot that could go wrong, your password could be changed, or maybe someone deleted your saved file..
If password change then contact support they give you different account
hey dazo
Yes write on top make new comment
are you here?
And I guess you’ll have to start a new save, for guys who already played 10 or more hours that definitaly not a solution….
The password changed for me, but i was able to still play the game by turning back uplay start offline (but of course the game wasn’t updated). Someone say you can test account on ubisoft website too, to see if password have changed.
Go up I posted picture there. it will work man,
Wouldn’t risk it.
i did work for me :)
Yea, perhabs it worked for you, but imagine if someone goes online now, and the password of their Uplay have been changed.
i have also 3 dollar account and went online now works.
Can you repond on fb
can anyone send me direct link for the 3dollars thing, without searchingg
I WANT TO BUG ACC 3DOLL , visa, pls let me download game, :)
i did do it install online uplay got new version./ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4eaeb1c59c29c8b2c3df7538f4d900cc30ff4b2453d76f179cd9d06532b58468.png
do you have 3 bucks account or original game?
3 dollar account
How did you get it
whats uh :D
why u release full nlocked?????
For those who have 3dollars account, i wonder its risk to set online mode while the patch 1.03 is downloading , can i lose the game?
yes I just did; I lost it
then contact support omg ……
can anyone send me direct link for the 3dollars thing, without searching
Nope.I did it and it works just fine
Omg guys wtf, if you paid for the account and you have a problem REMEMBER you got lifetime warranty fucking hell go to the site and contact support if you have ANY problem with the account they gave you, they will replace it and give you new one, and do the same procedure if you have ANY PROBLEM.
so should I try updating the game?
of course do it if you have a problem contact support they help you man
so hows the game goin’? :D
for now good man i am level 15 :D
havent you received email when u purchased account?
I cant open my email anymore
send me link to the site
https://www. plati. market/
thanks can you asnwer on your facebook
whats ur name there write me i answer yo
faddy neddar
el problema es que si te dan otra cuenta tienes que empezar de nuevo el juego >_<
desde CERO
can anyone send me direct link for the 3dollars thing, without searching
I want a direct link to buy
guys,if i buy a 3$ account can i point uplay to the folder where i have extracted the preload files downloaded here,so that i mustn’t download everytthing anew?
hey can you send me link for the 3 dollars account
I want to buy it but i Dont know where
here buy https://www. plati. market/
Yes you can show uPlay where your files are without having to download it again. It will only check to see if all the files are there.
hey guys would it be possible if someone lends me an account i alreday downloaded the game files and honestly i was patiently waiting all this time for an crack and i know its not theire fault that the crack isnt out already well fuck denuvo i just need an account for like 5 mins to just activate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me too i want this..
Can someone give me news on when will the crack be released ? or what is the progress now ?
Nobody knows.And it could be a while..
Reading the comments make me think, for all those persons who doesnt have any respect at all, buy the freaking game it is available or crack the game by yourselves lazy assholes
Anyone can help me? I downloaded it from utorrent, but everythin is in chinese, what s is wrong lol
The game isn’t cracked yet. You won’t be able to play the game anyway
Fuck, i pressed something and now pc is working, dunno why, dunno what is doing lol
sorry guys,but how can i play offline after all the game files are verified?It says that i have to necessarily be online the first time
You have to be online for the first time so that uplay can verify your account. After that you don’t need to be online
so i must start the game online the first time? (of course i am talking of plati account)
Yes. After that go offiline
it won’t allow me to play,the first time it said it can’t validate it; i pointed uplay towards the folder with the files i already downloaded from here,because here where i am internet speed is not much,maybe i have to download the files via uplay itself?
I have never seen people beg this much for a game in my life, and its not even that good.
I love that SOON image thats some funny shit.
Can anyone lend me an account just to activate the game? I’ve got al the files downloaded, but I’ve got difficulties paying online. I will stay in contact with you by email during all the process. Thanks guys
best game ever. Sad for all the guys who still cant play it.
I didnt understand something, tomoorrrow will be realased the crack, and this crack will be available for everyone or only with people who have ubi acc??
Nothing will be avalible tomoorrow
whatever thing it was
it is delayed and for Old members of Corepack if you mean that
who are those old members?
who’s registered From some years
Well I purchased this game on June 15 2017 because I already knew this
game is going to use that shit Denuvo like some previous Ubisoft games did.Shortly after few months I saw Denuvo protected games getting cracked at faster rate but still I didn’t cancel my pre ordered ACO because I already knew that something like this going to happen and one last word that I would like to say regarding this game……FUCK YOU UBISOFT.
can u share with me ur acc to just play the game offline after i gonna give for u, i need it only to validate the game to play offline, i give u mine(acc), if u want to negociate, i give u my gmail: soufianlion@gmail.com
I purchased this game on steam not directly from Ubisoft.
mmmmm, okey, sooo did work if i connect in ur acc, and iactivate it, cause i have the game files but isnt activated…
Practically you’re asking for his Steam and Uplay Accounts Because need steam to download the game /or locate files and then Steam launch Uplay and the game… you’re asking to much :d
xD, ty okey np i gonna try to buy this fcking plati account, but is sure i gonna get it??
Payment not authorized
Error processing the credit card transaction. The transaction will exceed the card/account withdrawal frequency limit. Please contact the issuer bank for more details, or enter another card.
Why this? My card is able to pay online and ect. Dunno why
where u payed for the account?
https://www. plati. market/ here
is it safe and which should i buy
lol, im betting this will be cracked before long
crack pls
please anyone can share a account with me? i need so much this game and I want to be honest, my financial situation is bad, I was fired from my job, iam from Greece and here is very difficult to find a job, I love Alexandria and really I want see it in this game, please contact me in this email vladvlado381@gmail.com
You don’t “NEED” a game….
where is the crack?
i have original ac origins n i m playing it but the optimization fucking shit against unity today they release patch 1.3 game performance improve but cpu usage not fixed i m waiting for crack coz in crack version denuvo not working i think that cpu usage fix in crack version
hahahahahahha for sure…. im pretty sure you are here because you have bought the game… yeah… damn sure…
Than give me the game man, i can run it, i m laughing, can u please give me ur pc specs?
amd fx 6300
12gb ram
amd r9 380 4gb
game running ultra very high mix setting after patch but cou usage fucking horrible
People reloading the page every 5 seconds like
I want to buy the plati acc, can someone tell me which seller is the best or something, cause i saw here a lot of people saying that they had problems with. Soo if someone can tell me ty :)
the one with “LIFETIME WARRANTY” was good for me
Anyway Do not Blindly click buy buy buy buy buy . Read Everything carefully
Did u tried, i mean did u had the game with this seller?
Yup, Here a screen
WoW Purchasing…
can u help me i purchased the account, i have it i need to login to uplay or i can login to ubisoft webiste??
oh that says is suspended, cause a lot of people tried to login or activate…
Nariii, what i have to doo noww help mee xD
you can Log-in after a while
But if you don’t want to wait you can contact the seller for another account
ooh i connected but it tell me i have to put a code google code authenticator
I sent a message to seller
can i see a screen? I jjust want to understand what are you saying Lel
ooh nothing i tried another time but now it doesnt work wait i gonna send u, is in spanish np?_
yep, not a problem
Look like you just have to wait until The Anti-log in Spam resets
Try asking for another account in the while
i sent a email, and i tryingto chat with him in plati site, i think is offline..
omg maaan i cant waait xD
Try to log-in in the website . then when you manage to get in Log-in in uplay
i m trying on uplay, but yes maybe i gonna try on website
razor, get crack on razor-games!
Razor! Hmpf
i’m testing it now!
Don’t! lol
yeah, dont work!
Idiot lmao
Does it work?
it works?
Can you send proof?
it doesnt works, it seems
dont work! -razor-games, first page!
Does it work???????
no lol
its a troyan
Alexandria. Pharos Lighthouse 1 of 7 wonders of the world which has been destroyed https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4b63a9a03eaeb93e83c19b0b126175fb995611ffef06a086e117a7c675855025.jpg
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/107b5d1bf8c3500a3804842035c84e55e781bbc7b122a71b52d1249bee0dc414.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d6d8d25ef9fcebb9e8eebcc25c559980ae2b972bdb7461d615fdd45b26b5c9f6.png
what happened to him :D
You can see that he’s looking at the stars While i am playing with his friend
someone can confirm that?
this game is just…. Fucking amazing
The open world is just huge and glorious
yea man also the photo mode its great ill show u pic
I tried it lol
it’s fun to play with it when u hit someone during combat
oh i thought u dont play alright :D
admittedly I do :P
Okay ,hate to beg but …
Can anyone lend a account will set it to offline after use!
guys I know its not correct site to post it but can you please sign this petition to stop killing dogs in indonesia thank you
https://www. dogmeatfreeindonesia .org/take-action/take-action#petition
sure thing bruh, only if it helps to stop killin’ the dogs ;(
yea man its so sad really there was one video where you could see dogs suffer, i could not watch it so sad, i got dog and i cant imagine i would see something like that in real life
same… fuck
it’s hard to imagine that shit
yea, and do you play now game? or you finished?
im not playin’ at the moment
alright, and what lvl are you
14 or so
nice enjoy game man, I will play side quests now cause I wanna get higher level before I continue game :)
side quests are dope
yea i like them too and the map is huge do u agree
its really fucking big!
probably gonna take hundreds of hours to explore every “?” place and complete every single side quest… There’s just a lot of content in it
yea man and good thing is that it make us go explore cause its beautiful
it has amazing landscapes and cities look dope
Alexandria <3
Either way
Happy gaming ;)
Thanks bro :) btw I am Indonesian
So do i take it as a no?
if i had id share man
Thanks !Btw could you approach me if you got one by any means?
yea but only if you be here man
I’ll be don’t worry man!
ur facebook?
Dude can you help me out? I saw that you help people out in the past days.
Can you help me get the hands on a share account so I can unlock and download the game?
I am trying to leech some accounts but so far no luck with AC Origins.
And no, I have no facebook.
Dude, i purchased an account, i cannot login i have to wait to an answer from the seller, i having problems and u asking if do u take it as a no?
Cant wait any longer. Place crack it soon. :)
Always Ready for a “SOOOOON”
never getting tired of this one :P
where are you from man
Steve’s “soon” are the best ahahaha
and you can understand them if you know what does “soon” mean for Steve
@da@daggasplays:disqus where u from man
Dun answer.. It’s a Trapp!
wtf man lol
Joke ahaha
Just an excuse for putting a Random GIF
no i mean wtf his beard
It’s Harden NBA Player He always played basket with that beard Lell
shit I will show you what it reminds me of lol
it reminds me https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cc6bbbd7818c02f0eff9994149f2073f432a3c76c71433516e8706fae448d5a5.jpg
i have that beard ” a bit longer”
I want a Viking beard ! with Rings Lel https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e73d95a0b3b2832196bd43cf26d168ef342053a300291ec15e63272f926e9c27.jpg
https://www. youtube .com/watch?v=V1bFr2SWP1I
I was so sad this morning when i understood that Iz, the singer of the song died on 1997
Aleeex what i have to do i m logged on ubisoft, but on uplay tells me i have to put a code, google code..
i can’t understand what is that Google Code man ò.ò
Verification code
That’s the 2nd password verification Then Someone putted it…
Hmm Probably you need a change of account :s Tell that to the admin
admin, which admin??
i mean the seller
xD, okey yes he’s offline
i think i go to sleep, tomorrow i gonna see ;)
An estimated date for crack
So I bought one of those shared accounts 4 days ago. Tried to log in today to patch the game but it’s invalid now. So I asked for a replacement account and was promptly given one. Problem is my old saves aren’t showing up in the new account. I even tried to transfer my old saves to the new user folder but it isn’t working. Is there any solution to this?
Its weird, even tho someone changed the password to the account, i can still go offline with it. also, what a dick move that is lol i mean how selfish can 1 person be xD especially considering how many people are using the account.
Can we patch the game even if uplay is in offline mode? I have kept it offline until today.
You cant patch the game, but uplay can update. oddly enough.
If i buy an account, then use it once to install the game, do i have to log into uplay every time or can i do it offline?
You can play offline. In fact its better to just keep uplay offline.
yes you just need to go online for like 2 mins to activate and locate the game files then patch, unfortunately there is a new 1GB patch, when i was just downloading the 87MB patch and activating the game i got kicked off like 6 times, so 1GB might be impossible depending on how many people are using the account.
where can you get the account?
kk cant wait anymore. ill buy this game.
another brother falls…
thats why denuvo exist
Its worth every penny, if i had the money id buy it too.
brothers in arms :DDDDDD https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d09fd7d3f68c9b6e8977bc4a5fbcaae8f0fd3483934c0a9a0317adbd257e4d5a.png
Hi Assassin’s Creed Origins 1.03 Patch Download file pls upload
yes man i downloaded :)
Download File .1.03 Patch exe Setup
My Account Not Go Online
i am Download this patch any Way?
if you can log in then go online download patch then go offline and enjoy game
Go Online But Password Incorrect Erro
Ofline no problem
then contact support man where u bought account
www. plati. market
on email u received email from them click on it and write them message
How to Patch Update
My 3$ Account only Offline Play Go Online Not Working
Offline Working…………………..
Assassin’s Creed Origins 1.03 Patch PLS Upload
lol :D
What settings you on, it looks like the sims
high my friend
what specs?
gtx 970 i7 4790k
nb looks like the game runs well, i’ll post some screenshots and stuff when mine is fully downloaded
yea man even gtx 1070 strugles…. fucking ubi trash and their performance….
i have a 1080 so we’ll see how it performs with all this drm shit, hopefully it does well
is the crck of the game are already release sirs?
Crack crack!
can anybody share his account wit me
Guys Assassin’s Creed Origins new patch 1.0.3 has fixed all the performance problame so now you all can buy those who want to I will suggest don’t wait it will take 2 years to get cracke. Now it’s your choise
no. still cant get 60fps stable with 1070.
hell man I think they have to disable VM protection . will this game ever get cracked ????
its not fixed cpu usage problem
the crack will be out soon brothers
you are the 97th woh is saying release soon? …. dont do this
i m serious bro
u r just got fed up of waiting thats all
yes and why not i should fed up …. and stop spaming
i m not spamming bro i told u i m not i just use to tease a little bit thats all
teasing is a good thing ?
yeah for some time its just some stress releaving thing
ww2 is cracked in a day now i m more than confident that they have the crack for aco but they are not releasing it
for what sake reason bro!!!!
yes let the game get properly sale then they would upload it if they do it then this sight could get permanently banned
ww2 crack released why not ban wolfenstine 2 release not banded wtf growup
Historically ubisoft games were harder to crack
nice reason good job ….. keet it up …
and Assassin’s Creed Origins is one of the best game and 0days crack will be the hardest
way for get sale
They dont use denuvo man
ACO uses denuvo
WW2 dont use denuvo
nichtwilkommen@web.de Password: hildesheim —– get it while u can remember stay offline to play
doesnt work, please change password and give the password only to me, contact me now here vladvlado381@gmail.com please
please anyone can share a account with me? i need so much this game and I want to be honest, my financial situation is bad, I was fired from my job, iam from Greece and here is very difficult to find a job, please contact me in this email vladvlado381@gmail.com
i think a c o account shareing is been patched
i can share with u an account, who have some problems, the account has a password, a verification code, so is blocked
please share with me contact here vladvlado381@gmail.com
Can u?
i am going to wait for it be cracked and updated
to get max fps and best perfomence
max it will be craked in this november
r atliest it can be bipassed
cod wii had cracked on release date but this game had not cracked yet
i think 7 nov
somebody plzzzz tell me the patch is out already…..and ready to go…
In this page itself….
it will on nov 7
You need to download that and paste it in game location
i know dat mch man!!!
asking for a better patch 1.03…
they do hard to crack this game motivate them to crack this game
37 or 42 GB
I give u an acc guys,
can i have authentification ? :)
YOu can have my dick
This is the problem, i dont know the aunthentification :/ , someone changed password or tried to change password
How to play for free!
(from reddit)
royalxassasin 11 points 4 days ago*
1- buy the game on steam ( i bought gold edition so i get all the bonuses and cause i knew id refund it)
2- download it, launch it and play it for a few mins because steam wont let you launch a game for your first time if its offline, so play it once online. Then open up uplay and set uplay to offline mode. Set steam to offline mode too
3- look up ”windows firewall” in the windows search and open your firewall settings
4- click on ”inbound rules” and ”outbound rules” , right click to ”create new rule” then just select a program (steam.exe) and block it, then do the same for uplay.exe . so for both the inbound section and outbound section there will be 2 rules in each of them : one blocking uplay and one blocking steam
5- exit steam/uplay , restart them and test to make sure you’ve done it correctly. if youve done it correctly you’ll see steam and uplay cant access internet
6- go on steam website and refund the game ( you can refund any game on steam if youve owned it for less than 2 weeks and with less than 2hrs played)
7- get refunded and continue playing the game :)
theres youtube tutorials on using firewall settings to block connection for an app incase u didnt understand my instructions
again make sure uplay and steam cant go online before doing this, or else once the game is refunded its gone. so try clicking on steam and uplay’s ” go online” and if it wont let you it means you’ve done it right
date and time for crack pls answer
date : your mom time : today night
Hey how can i download Ac Origins 1.03 patch?
but when you release this crack bend !!
I give account but only if u dont change password
Hey, acc for what i really dont understand? :D
U have an account u download the game/ verificate and u play offline. But sometimes there is people who try to change the password and they block the account
Hmm, thanks. Ye i know. -_-
but what do you mean play offline? I know what offline means but…
U disconnect uplay
and u launch the game
Aha thanks that was helpful :D
I have uplay and i dont see games that i installed in it? Sry im kinda bad about this programs? It says i need some activation key
plzz share me mine email – a007amarjit@gmail.com ……thnx
Bro please send the account to me I wont change it
please give me your account ??? active offline assassin creed origin??
Thanks in advance
you have to play in offline mode guys !
I wont! Just send it to nicetaha@hotmail.com if u can
me you can trust me dude
email : exell15leo@gmail.com
hi sry i tried offline but asking authentication
Can you send it to me? aranitovicivan2000@gmail.com
Hi, can I have your account to activate preload files? Thx m8, I would really appreciate it.
My email: ottobre22017@gmail.com
hi Soufian, I really want to play this game please; alionard@gmail.com
i need it plx.. devilish99@gmail.com
Shove your account up your anus
Slm do you have a account to share me ?
HI, if u have a account plz send me to kezonizuka@gmail.com
thx : )
Please – send me a code, i already download game and will go offline at 2 minutes
Please give me an account – darklead92@gmail.com – i already download the game and will go offline in 1 minute.
is this download work or fake?
Guys can you tell me how to download Ac Origins patch 1.03
me too im trying
still UPDATING…man!!
In a thread
Sry i dont understand how can you explain better if no problem?
le jeu ne fonctionne pas encore, pas de fichier.exe plus cas attendre :)
Il n’y a pas de crack actuellement,et attention aux partages de compte Uplay,il y a des gens honnêtes mais il y a aussi des voleurs
Si on a le compte d’un pote qui a acheté ACO on fait quoi du coup pour pouvoir jouer ?
Did you have an account for me pls ?
any1 shares acc?
hello can you also activate offline me assassin?
did anyone buy from PLATI market ?
Anyone alive?
have anyone an offline account for me pls for assassins my email : enes_6767@hotmail.de thanks :)
anyone here bought account ? i am having problem
Anying lila
i m tired of waiting … hve been waiting since day one .. plz plz anyone hve ACO acc help plz .. devilish99@gmail.com
Slm Soufian soufi do you have a account to share me?
when the crack is out?
rakesh fuk goat
never in the puta life
Have Accounts sell it for 3 euro Kontakt me over Skype live:fordpuma82
can someone share there account for me to play offline
email me at raymanstrongink@gmail.com
pls share and thanks anyway even if u don’t want to share
Hostias, esto es genial, se ha hecho un puto submercado por el maldito juego??? Estoy viendo gente que le chuparía lo que hiciese falta a alguien con una cuenta por tal de que la compartiera y otros tantos buitres, vendiendo el timo del año, diciendo que por 3€ la comparten…Dudo que el juego merezca tanto, pero lo que ha dejado bien claro Ubisoft (los cuales son unos hijos de puta, eso no se lo quita nadie) es que aquí hay una concentración de giipollas y de aprovechados que clama al cielo…Es que no podéis esperar un poco de tiempo a que salga el parche??? Qué vergüenza de gente XD.
ubisoft me come los huevos
Da miedo la situación, como se pone la gente. Yo lo baje para ganar tiempo pero el mejor modo de esperar es jugar a algo que teníamos pendiente y ya tenga crack. Yo ayer empecé Resident Evil 7 que aún no lo había jugado y esta buenisimo. Para que ponerme a recargar la pagina dias y dias y llorar, y gritar como un niño rata… encima se enfurecen y se ofenden cuando no pusieron un centavo por el juego.
Tienes toda la razón! Será por juegos a los que jugar…yo empiezo hoy (salió ayer) Hack//G.U. The Last Recode y con este, tengo tiempo de sobra hasta que saquen parche para el ACO y más.
La gente viene aquí reivindicando derechos que no tiene, exigiendo, insultando…parece que olvidan lo complicado del crack y que es ILEGAL, por no decir gratis. Muy buen juego el R.E.7 aunque tuve que dejarlo a la mitad, me ponía histérico por la buenísima ambientación XDDDD
Encima la gente que lo puede jugar sube las mejores fotos aca y revientan de bronca, jajaja
Fx 4300 @ 4,2ghz
12gb ddr3
Gtx 1050ti
settings: High
Resolution: Full HD
FPS locked – 30
Cpu usage still 100% but it dont crash the framerate
It runs good after the 1.03 Patch for the beginning
fx 4300 @ 4,2ghz
12gb ddr3 ram
settings: High @ 1920×1080
30 FPS locked.
It runs good after the 1.03 patch.
No Npc bugs and no mapping glitches or black screens
are you using account from plati market ?
what happens if you can’t log in do they give you another account or resolve the issue with the same account ?
i dont have this issue. ive bought the acc 5 days ago and im playin still in offline mode.
you didn’t update to 1.03 ?
fasho i did and after i turn back into offline mode
i did update today and my save files all gone T_T
damnnn i aint got the problem.. thats really fucked up
when i open uplay today it first downloaded a patch of 25mbs then when i went online to update ACO it showed that i have no save files T_T
May be they did something to counter the plati accounts ???
i don’t know because when i start it online i tell him to take to local savegame.
i don’t man may be it is particular to my case. Do you know how can i make it locate the local save files
did you make a backup of your save files before updating? ( i did it) Anyway i didn’t have problems
When you start online it Try to Sync the saves but fail and then it ask which saves you want to use Cloud or Local
yeah i did back it up i will try again
good luck
craaaaaack pleaaaseeee
Jonerys Snoryen Is better!
(Daenerys Targaryen + Jon Snow)
can i fb you for some help?
what do you need, you can write here i am here now man
bcoz i need account to activate my ACO man, and its pretty private
wait man u need to go to that site to purchase it
Yea i can use this MEME
“Its Pretty Private”
jon snow is the best man I love game of thrones :)
Yeah Me too! :d
Winter is coming!
btw did u watch the last season?
Yes :< I'm sad for the "******" don't want to "spoiler" :X
Yeeee D:!!!!!
Better you delete that comments “That’s a Spoiler” Ahahahha
alright man
Yay you saved A season for people who didn’t watch it!
no problem man, now I wanna reward :D
Ask Ubisoft Ahaha Better CPU Usage and Nvidia ANSEL SUPPORT
gaija mxm boa
@disqus_FUrVCb8ZFn:disqus now I download cracked cod ww2 I dont wanna play multiplayer cause its too much ”political corretness bulshit
Probably the only nice thing of CoD WWII Will be the campaign
yea man, thats why I download it, I dont wanna multiplayer I am sadden by it really was waiting since WaW
The multi It’s always the same shiz
I played the Online Beta ;d (i’m not a CoD Fan)
yea me too i played it for like 1hour 30mins deleted it
Those cunts who made cod ww2 said thats not supposed to be ‘historically accurate’ WTF then why the fuck did you call it cod ww2 then? How can there be in the german army, African nazi woman? WTFFFFFF Cod ww games was always about reality and now they wanna make it up as a fucking fantasy game??? cause for me its a fantasy game, I havent seen american women being soldiers at the D-day landing did you??? I have only seen Russian women being at war, and also I have seen French partisan women, also in Poland. Its fine when its a partisan war anyone can be there but, not in actual war like american soldiers, german soldiers… And all these cunts had to say was ANYONE CAN BE WHATEVER THEY WANNA BE’ Then fuck you and stick that gime up your arse you cunts. I wanted historical game like Cod WaW. CAUSE THEY DONT WANNA OFFEND FEMINISTS OUUUUUUUUUU AND SOON THEY WILL BE CRYING CAUSE THEY WILL GET KILLED IN THE GAME, YOU CAN NEVER PLEASE THESE BITCHES
I hope at least single player will be HISTORICALLY ACCURATE
I’m surprised you considered yourself to be at the right place moaning about shit again like a little bitch. You blind as fuck? Discuss about this game here and other games in the respective forums you retarded basement dweller.
how play the game fellas?
Wait for crack
@disqus_FUrVCb8ZFn:disqus how can I make it to local saves man? for origins
When you Start the Game “online” you can make a Choice between Using Cloud Saves or Local Saves :X
wtf where? when i started game i did not get that option
When i start online it always ask for that option :o
Are there other saves in your account?
pls make picture so I can see how it looks
Tried the account on website and it doesn’t work anymore :x
Can’t logout from Uplay or i can’t play anymore xd
yea u lying then
Look the image :p
Found a Pic on google images
https://www. google .it/search?q=Local+save+pic+uplay&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjQ8KbzyqLXAhVOaFAKHQPbAKcQ_AUIDCgD&biw=1777&bih=753#imgrc=lIQv-4vGatJbaM:
I replied Above
Same Problem Bro
Account Change Save File Not Working
thats strange
probably because someone played online and Saved Online
So my saves aren’t Sync with the one in the Cloud Obv
so if i go online now play game it will work?
I’m not sure :s i can’t Test ( and i’m good with testing)
maybe try to find your local save Folder and make a backup First
And tell me A thing
you don’t have any saves?
I do have but how to do it https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f46639b1361782e9f06b2636b77cc70cc0d9c668a51d53379b3c048bc8eaf827.png
I mean The game doesn’t recognize any save?
it does just I want to know how to countinue with same files on different account in case it change password
Well in that case
With the new account
1.play the game so it creates Save File
2. Overwrite the files with your (good)Saves
It should work
Hate that “waiting to be approved….
yea I saw someone saying they done that but it did not work, well now I will hope it wont change pass until i finish game
Even if they change you can use Uplay Offline that’s not a problem Just don’t Disconnect ;x
well if I go sleep then what?
Wut ò.ò
if i go sleep, then logically i have to turn off pc then what
By disconnect i mean don’t click the Log out option in UPLAY
And if you Set UPLAY to always Start Offline With the Auto Log-in it will work even after a Changed password or a uplay restart Etc…
as i said Above the account Password that i bought was changed but my UPLAY offline still Works (until i go online Mode (in uplay) where it will sync the new data Account and verify that the password isn’t correct)
Found a Pic on Google images
Found a Pic on google images
https://www. google .it/search?q=Local+save+pic+uplay&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjQ8KbzyqLXAhVOaFAKHQPbAKcQ_AUIDCgD&biw=1777&bih=753#imgrc=lIQv-4vGatJbaM:
Patience is necessary!
ι unrar it and paste from PRELOAD TO RELEASE PATCH and ask me password what can i do?
who’s asking for the password? …..
You mean UPLAY It’s Asking for activation Code
sell accounts 3 euro / 3,50 Dollar Paypal
Can you give for free please
no sorry
yesterday i have send a free account
give meee
Thomas i need a account uplay for play assassin’s creed..
Someone can share with me an account pls? Only for activation, ty ^^
yea man that will be Wonderful
cade os pack linguage de idiomas em portugues e demais apesar de crack não ter saido .
Agora que fui perceber! Baixei atoa? Vamos ver…
Uptobox link’s dead
Steampunk you lied
Please someone can share an account ..with teamviewer you can do the yob ..if you dont trust me…i downloaded a game just 3 min for verify flies ..i be always offline
This game is using VMprotect combined with Denuvo… what a Challenge and WTF Bugisoft?!?!
been a week still no crack huh
O crack ta demorando tanto que até desanimei de jogar.
ubi skidrow stop fucking with us give us the crack.
ubi give crack? they are creators of game :D
Yeah. Good thing they aren’t creators of you. Otherwise shit wouldve been fucked. just like your life.
Dont cry that you cant play game man, i am doing alright thanks
come on guys lets make this up to fuckin 8000 comment and we will get
Nothing For Sure:(((
Whats this gotta do here? Shove your screenshots up your anus.
When is the crack going to release
Why mega files still uploading ? Fix it guys
@mrthief:disqus why you cry
@mrthief:disqus here for you https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9eacb71275b447bccb2c5a58376c9e1d9424c44acd2400779ab803353fcb5fa4.png
“Ezio” ;d
yea man now I wore it lol :DDDDDD
lol i am 19 lvl too :D
Altair :D https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2420e9fbb1dc83fca341a490c558713de0eead780def48eb07029e046df96dff.png
wtffffff is that? :O
Something like this? ahahaha
He man does the account work with corepak vesrion ?
Is there any updates????
Do you lnow date when crack will be released? I already downloaded game, now I’m just waiting for crack
No, bro, just WAIT :(
get 3 dollar account crack will take a long time.
purchased an account and now its downloading….. can i go offline??or should i stay online and finish downloading????
Not sure. But when downloading the patch yesterday required me to stay online. I guess it’s the same for downloading the whole game. Didn’t you download the preload here? You can use that instead of downloading it again thru uplay.
didnt know that you can use the download here, is the downloads here compatible with uplay? or just steam? or the same?
how buy account? give me a link
if someone have an account to share hoopagang@outlook.fr
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/481a3dbc9173d90be375e037d58df901d4b3fe1bc22e741b091ec8caa9190282.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ffb618c5673801eb5d38a2765441b55377f65c5b7a3246342158b1c941e0f740.png
yes its good game
yea ubi performance sucks, but The big PLUS is that they managed to make a huge map and it does not even require to load game in whole map its great.
with my 500$ pc i play in hight settings in 720p 30-40 fps
or i can play medium settings 1080p 30fps
i have gtx 750 ti
to those of whom who have purchased the lifetime warranty account on plati,what are the additional contents available with that version of the game?Is safe to reclaim them going online?
It might be random. The first account they gave me had the bonus weapons and armor. But it stopped working and they gave me a new one, which didn’t have them. Maybe you can try requesting an account with the deluxe version.
Where can i check if i have them?
plati. market
just download it man
what do you mean how? on uplay man
if someone does not know how to install game, just go on uplay log in find the game and click on it and then click download
Or Locate Files if already downloaded from Ski drow etc (?) :d
I tried to put the files I downloaded on Skidrow into the Steamapps/Common folder but when I begin the download, it seems to restart from zero as if there was nothing in the folder :/
You bought steam version?
Yeah I wanted to try because I know I have the possibility to refund the game :) So, do you have any idea why it didn’t work ?
Doing some test .I’ll try to make steam locate some Games (my cpu is under heavy loads . Working on something so i’ll take some more minutes)
That’s the first time I try to install a game this way :/ Normally, I just purchase the game on Steam and install directly but since I have all the files, I don’t want to re-download the entire game x)
Anyway you still have to download the new Update because the Skidrow version isn’t updated. So when you try to start the game it should download at least 1 Gb more
I’ve done my work now. I’ll test how to locate files (i’m sure i did this some years ago and it worked I have to remember)
Ok i managed to get it locate files.
Open Steam , Click install button and then stop the download
Right click on the game in library then click -> Properties ->Local Files Tab -> Browse local files
Now Copy the name of the folder and Unistall the game Through Steam “right click -> Unistall…
Rename the AC origins Skidrow folder with the name you copied before and put it in Steamappscommon and click again Install
It should recognize some files and begin to downlad the 1.03 Patch. Hope :d
Ok, i’ll try this, thx :) Btw, if I wanted to not choose the Common folder to put the game files but another folder (like D:/Games for example), will it still work if I choose it in the Local Files ?
Just follow the Little Guide (there isn’t a proper Locate files you can’t choose any folder)
Thanks man, I followed your steps and it worked perfectly :) Am I sure it downloaded the latest patch though ?
Well it is an Original Game for Sure it did or Will do
Anyway You can Find the version in the Right Lower Corner In Main Game menu
(last Version is 1.03)
without crack ?
3 dollar account
can you help me brow i purchased an account but when i clik on play his tell me this product cant be activate can you help me
any1 to share acc i just down and add the 1.03 patch in AC folder
wanna see how gonna work
patch downloaded from corepacks
They would have emailed you the account address and password. It will look something like emailaddress@web.ph:password. Use that to log in to uplay.
conect to your uplay account and download it
Necesito una cuenta.. en q lugar la puedo comprar?? q métodos? gracias
please i want the crack nooooowwwww
Take from plati ! 3 euro perfect
cant wait to play this game *(cracked)*
please guys anywone to share acc i just download a game just need to locate files..pleaseeeee :(:( FOR EXCHANGE I GIVE YOU MY UPLAY ACC WITH GAME FOR HONOR ..PLAY IT DO WHATEWER YOU WANT
when will come out the crack?
game & graphics is awesome worth 3 dollar .Waiting for crack . waiting denuvo fucked by crackers
how do i install this??
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/12c5849ddc6b824c8b318eaf1b14622bf6fdc336b6f2538f98781e6cf73ab246.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/43accbcac0c3bbc34bb3dd0630dabaca114628bde7759ad3f2350a077b8f9b9b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e7dd5a7b62d0c576f94f337d770cf16bd715c6936132ccd637af503de89a03a4.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5bc21f18fd84965e2c5b8e5454aa5fc56d1981d31b5045cdf1485c45247f5465.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ee3d72d62cace6fa764b16ab3b1bdcf156bec5b6a73339864ad48665ccbe9dd3.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/deb938d2093df003e7adee2c54babc052c4f095161102b03e57474e759764d1d.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/439f91194687ef596b4b68eec237d30b8c7157b07e9b8627e2f4ff9f729e0324.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/71e142f29dd81c47867542020b1fa8177ecb870c6b601f145ea95780ee298198.jpg
nice pictures man really
thanks bro.spent mostly in photo instead of gaming , real exploration B-)
how much time gonna take for the crack????
This game will not be cracked, can’t be cracked. so don’t waste your time downloading it.
just like fifa 15 back in the time.
this uses denovo’s new anti tempering system, it’s an ever changing encryption system built into the code of the game.
so once again, this will not be cracked.
and you are the king of all wisdom
maybe I am maybe I am not, but I am telling the truth
just go to redbox rent for ps4 for $2, you can beat the game in 5 days that’s $10 for a really good game.
would someone share his account to download the patch?
pm in my email Pildevaz1@gmail.com
guys dont get skrewd up… somebody vladvlado381@gmail.com is post me … i wont a assassins creed origins acc just for verif files i will give him for exchange my uplay account with game … he told me to give him my email and password that he paste game to me …he dont like origins hh :( i dump then i lost my account and games and i now have nothing :(:( be pachent sory for bad english
i just wont to play that game so match nobody can’t help me … i download a game just 10 fucking min for verif files :(:(
Guys send me an account please… email corrado.galizia98@gmail.com
check your email
can you send me too please bro i lost my i just a god person my email :nolifer84@net.hr please
please guys anyone to share assassins creed origins i just download a game just need to locate files.. please, i can play game always offline … i dont want to disturb anyone.. just for first time till the crack came, I want to be honest, my financial situation is bad, I was fired from my job and is hard, you can share your account only with me and not with others to have no problems, I’m a trusted person, response please, RobZombeee1@gmail.com
Send me account please
Email: x1kn0wn@gmail.com
if anyone wants account go and buy for 3 dollars its not that much…… https://www. plati. market/itm/assassins-creed-origins-lifetime-warranty-uplay-en/2381065
I really wanna buy using steam skins but my acc has no mobile authenticator and if I get one right now it would take too long and I think crack will be released after that
help me bro
i buy an account but dont work
then contact support
plati support?
dont respond
you have to wait there is only one admin for the whole site man…
What is the “LIFETIME WARRANTY” ? – If You have any problems with account access, You will receive a replacement, regardless of the elapsed time from the date of purchase!
its not accesse
i download the game and then when i clik play uplay says this game cant activate imeddiatly contact support
make picture…
you see?
did you know what it mean ?
i now bro but i dont have online pay card :( :(
please share an account email :nolifer84@net.hr please bro im dying for this game
omg…….. i have only one account man…
just for verif files i will play oflline
its not my account man i also got it fo 1.75 dollar
brow did you see when you got your key this situation
I got account with the game on it, I just installed it, and I now play it if you have problem contact plati support
please share assassins creed origins i just download a game just need to locate files too.. please, i can play game always offline … i dont want to disturb anyone.. just for first time till the crack came, I want to be honest, my financial situation is bad, I was fired from my job and is hard, you can share your account only with me if you want and not with others to have no problems, but this is your decision, I’m a trusted person, response please, RobZombeee1@gmail.com
me too bro im beging you beginggg pleaseeeeee
This is real? is safe? have you tried? only 3 dollars?
of course I play game
you see ? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e3508aa3a71afe1070b0af6d80ad1638c70b1d821d86f554746d559d9eb3f8b.png
then contact support to give you different account
ok thanks
np man contact plati support ok
but if they give another account and you go for 20 hours played, you have to start from scratch since there are no saved games due to being another account: S
The 3 dollar account seems like a fake. I bought 2 plati lifetime accounts and on both he asks for a 2 Step Verification Code in Uplay. I contacted the support 2 days ago but no reply yet so be aware!
somebody please i know that has a good guys share an acc with me i will be very grateful
please guys anyone to share assassins creed origins i just download a game just need to locate files.. please, i can play game always offline … i dont want to disturb anyone.. just for first time till the crack came, I want to be honest, my financial situation is bad, I was fired from my job and is hard, you can share your account only with me and not with others to have no problems, I’m a trusted person, response please, RobZombeee1@gmail.com
get a job then fucking hell man
donwload sp guys
nice did u start sp?
Fortunately i downloaded a Language Conversion
Did first minutes D-Day :DD!
would someone share his account so I can download the patch?
Can you please reupload UPLOAD.MN links? Thank you :)
Guys send me an account please… email: haxor81@web.de i wanna play it finally :(
lets make 8k comments
any indian here with a paypal account that can buy a fake account for me.. i will transfer the money in there bank account
I have but havent given pan card and other docs…so my transactions r limited
skidrow pls release patch 1.03 !!!! for offline activation
I can give my assassins creed origins account to someone with trade gaming accounts with me, pm me Pildevaz1@gmail.com
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/01ada89bb794c7c64cc684b9a6e5025d956159d437815b1d9558d7b942eca766.gif CRACK ?
My thoughts exactly
Someone send me an account pls? I’ll just be playing offline.
It will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
anyone giving free activations for aco?
Guys please help me, I downloaded all the 8 parts from google drive links and then when tried to extract , winrar gives error that the file is damaged or corrupt , itried with 7zip but still got 11 errors during extraction, Please can anyone help me with that.Thanks
download it from torrent
ok , but you mean i just wasted mt 33 gb ?
No not that I mean I just suggested you to download from torrent after all
its your wish you may re download the winrar file which you have downloaded or you mey download it from torrent its your wish
Test rar Files Damaged Part agin Download Other Host Drive
I’ll try downloading FitGirl’s repack then, her uploads works 100% all the time. Let’s hope for the best.
My ACO Uptobox Link Post??
Uptobox site dosen’t open
Just re
download the certain corrupted part bruh.
Each and every single part is corrupt. I cant understand how i downloded with IDM checked the file size it’s exact 4.37 each. still
Use winrar, 7zip didn’t work for me either
can’t even extract with winrar. it says damaged or corrupt
Still no crack at sight u.u
the game will be cracked when ea takes of the vm wear off them self’s, I have it on steam and its impossible to play 30 fps in cites and I have a ryzen 1600x and a 1070,
my prossessor work in 99%
i am playing at stable 45-50 fps on ultra with 1070 it is the issue with your ryzen
yes because of the vm wear, 45 to 50 is not good on a mid to high end pc, my cpu is at 99% used and gpu is at 50% because the cpu is bottlenecking the gpu
you are stating the obvious fact everyone is having that issue so even if all scream at ubi-load nothings gonna change they are not doing to remove VMprotect but after 1.03 my CPU is locking at 85% before update it was 100% may be intel CPUs are doing better only.
Guys share your CPU load after and before update.
I wonder how many legit copy owners r coming here the get Denuvo and VM to fuck off of their CPUs…… That deadly duo is causing the games to run at a shitty 30fps whle capping the crap outs their CPU.
crack pls asap
Burn Burn Burrrrrrrrn
Waddup guys, do any of u know why is my gpu usage being so weird and unstable?
In cities its about 50%
In sands 60-70%
Outside animus 90-99%
GPU or CPU ? i don’t have any of these issues. The CPU peaks at 80% after update to 1.03 which is a noticeable decrease. What GPU you have ?
what is your cpu and gpu?
i7 4790 gtx 1070
yes gpu usage
my gpu is- GTX 960 4GB OC edition
Guys how to download patch 1.03?
go to corepacks
there u can find it
So i just paste this in game direction?
Assassin’s Creed® Origins – Free Game Activation – CorePack Exclusive ! – Delayed Due to New Patch
So, there is no crack on corepacks
We are talking about 1.03 patch
guys after buy a account from palti can i put this file game from skidrow in uplay and play or i must download again??
copy and paste into AC folder and replace files
what u mean man?
Anyone getting 30-35 fps should lock there fps to 30 and run cheat engine speed hack at 1.2 there will be great smooth change i did that to my friend pc run ACO at high.
thanks dude i’ll try it when the crack comes……………………….:D
Buy an account it’s only 3$
Can you tell us, is there crack will be possible in next 7 days or not?
Wanna hear my opinion. I think it will be the end of the November. :(
I just bought the 3 dollar account from plati, downloaded the patches. Now when i try to run the game it says that it can’t activate my game so i cant play. After that i try to relog and my password has been changed. I contacted plati support but they are not helping…. Help please!
will the crack be released this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????? :(
You have a crack ?
there is no crack. I am playing it offline using account from plati like everyone.
there is no crack i am playing it offline using account from plati like everyone else. So you should buy a account to VMprotect is very hard to crack due to it’s non-structural code and ever changing codes
Did someone ask you to post screenshots or are you just showing off your dick pics? Fuck off with your screenshots yeah?
And did anyone ask you to see them don’t see others pics don’t you have any sense of privacy
SKIDROW you wrote that the crack will be 3 days ago and is not still. You can give some approximate date of the crack
I cant wait anymore for crack, guys how to buy that account that every buddy talking about ?
Someone can share an acconunt with me? I dont have a bank account and i cant pay in plati market :/
LoL u’r an savage dude!
se não vai poder jogar o jogo então para quê postar para baixar?
Bought one account from plati for 2.24 dollar…lets see what happens
UBISOFT is soo stupid. On one side they are protecting the game from being pirated by using denuvo , and on the other side denuvo is allowing people to play the game for some amount. and people are playing it offline and however not buying the game. Denuvo is earning from both sides. Ubisoft is still in loss.
Hi everyone, I just bought an account from Plati. My question is, do i download this version and log in? Or do I download from Uplay and log in? Hope this makes sense.
Merge this one with uplay
Thanks for the quick reply. So after i download this version, do I just open uplay? Sorry for all the questions, Ive never done this before.
Please tell me what is patch of Ac origin
just to update the people that dosent know assasins creed is super hard to crack couse it uses denvo newest version and it also uses another system example wen u move ur char it sends codes to that program and that is hard for the crackers to crack..
where is my fucking crack plebs
In your ass.
and im the king of these comments sort by best comments and like
is there a crack for ac origins?
Are you coming to break denuvo? Are you on track or is it too complicated?
@renematuscak:disqus Can u lend me ur save file ,
mine got deleted and u are near to my level soo..
The mod team on the Crackwatch subreddit told us that “we would say that the scene groups have figured out Denuvo and that their incremental patches might only distract them for a few days until they worked around those as well. In that case, unless there’s fundamental change in the way Denuvo works, which is not going to happen anytime soon, given that it took Denuvo months to upgrade from version three to version four, Denuvo protected games will continue to get cracked faster and faster.”
then that means the crack is about to be released?
Say that, You really like my SOON pics Guys..
@kurogami555:disqus Please lend me ur save file mine got deleted!
Saves are Encrypted per Account
no they are available in a folder< i confirmed !
Sure.. i know But they’re Encrypted … By ID account
It means if you Try other’s people Save, when the game Opens that save ., It would not find a Corret key for Decrypt because you’re using a New Account (different ID)
so brother ,u were right ,it detects it but wont use it !
I knew it ;d
I was working on that and look like the first 23 rows may be the Account ID but still nothing ( if i change them with the ID of the new account) :x
hence i am doomed?
It works if u are in offline mode,tried a 100 percent save file !
i tried my old one and didn’t work Lol
Anyways,what is the harm in trying!
Try it Then
https:// mega . nz/#!UFpwlLaQ!KS2pdmKiFwUIrdM-repmYznT52n3hu-_FxkET3fyUJo
One question?Which directory u git this from?
You Said you Tried another save .. so i suppose you know where i got them
C:Program Files (x86)UbisoftUbisoft Game Launchersavegames”MY ID ACCOUNT”3539
u got the game?
Only English (if they didn’t update It)
So on the VMprotect front, I found these, looks like the messages are feints.
Who should we burn alive : Trump – Putin or Denuvo – VMProtect ?
Is there a reason the US and RUS Presidents should be there? Shouldn’t it be Niggers, Muslims, AND VMProtect? (Denuvo aint a problem no more)
that’s right, the Black and ALMOST BLACK BUT SAY THEY AREN’T problem is way too big now. Holocaust time has come
for VMProtect for sure ^^^^^^^^^^^^
Anyone know what all these functions do with VMprotect? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7a27a6e1117a8cc6cd2c1379afe44a3d2052e2b53c1c037d1b266448de061dc5.png
What software is that bro
VMprotect…. XD
Can we collab on hacking uplay. I’ve got some accounts in the past
No you can’t hack Uplay and don’t BS that you’ve ever done it before! Serverside? lol
technically you can hijack accounts, but as far as cracking the stack, its going to take a lot more than the api to do that.
annnnnd, why does ubi need the windows devicename? Very naughty ubi…. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7474d8b775917046213614573c93ec0a1a41a5986672be696185a0d0c2194f4c.png
What soft Ur using here
Whats uh everyone ^_^
From what this soft is saying, this is the entrypoint for vmprotect…. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0c9af0209c0e6cee3bd1b1588ae63ddc29d46ed5a5bc5d8b425ba3b54c7c3f90.png
Can we hack uplay accounts??
Didn’t Volski said that VMprotect entry point is like a loop it keeps coming back every second
Its possible, but every execution must have a singular entry point to start a loop or an execution. If we have the originating execution, we can change the entry to a designed point to prevent the loop and unlock the volume.
so you are saying that a must first come in at a specific time and place after that it can be repeated and so if we catch that 1st sequence we can change it ???
in theory, yea
so if we want to find that point how hard it is ?
fck denuvoooo…….
Fuck Denuvo and VM protection
do u even understand that denuvo isn’t the real problem?
VM protector is the reason why the game isn’t cracked yet…
i know, but Denuvo + VM protector is problem, fck both my pc cant hold this, he gonna explode, 30 fps omg
COD WW2 also used denuvo and what? it got cracked after couple of hours after the release
Security Directory, any thoughts? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e357ee1311a27b15afefb8f3bea766eb7431ffcfe9239ea8904206f9bbab6213.png
dam keep it up may be you make history
The following relocation address..
Full Segments and start addresses.
Here are the directories and addresses https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/494c35f86df23c4103d0f151bbca41baa4da872e3883d7948f17caf0a66acef8.png
full directories and addresses https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/494c35f86df23c4103d0f151bbca41baa4da872e3883d7948f17caf0a66acef8.png
will it helpp to crack it?
Hmm everyone can see these things
i did it too.
Great, done anything with it?
great! what have you done with it?
Nop. I’m working on other Things
oh, then why try to decompile it
You don’t need to decompile to see these things :p Just basics
Just showing to Praful that these screen won’t help fro Cracking
because there are better way (let’s say Crackers know Better ways)
I think the crackers have been paid by ubisoft not to release the crack quickly, so we have to wait a few more weeks for ubisoft to make a lot of sales.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/32db6acf17bf7750edc72cf9c46bd6c636016ff933fddbeb30e695ab498a7cd1.jpg Por favor, no doy mas, estoy cagandome encima por no tener el juego. Una cuenta ya!! mando foto de uno de los archivos del juego para ver si pueden hacer el crack de una vez!!!
Ahahaha.. Remember To Use Quen Sign before starting a Fight In assassin’s Creed Origin
Yeah Witchaaaaaaa! I am fan too.
Here the link to buy the game :
http://www. plati. market/itm/assassin-s-creed-origins-ru-eng-lifetime-warranty/2381093?ai=758540
I wish I can buy this game from this wab site but I can’t, my credit card don’t allow me to make this purchase :-(…. (I’am from Morocco)
any1 to share acc pls
When this will be cracked? It’s long time to wait
any news ?
It’s not just Denuvo at play here. There’s another layer of DRM on top of it called VMProtect which, along with Denuvo, makes AC:O extremely resource-intensive. YongYea has a video about this subject matter and is probably the reason why this game is taking so long to crack.
good morning
I’m looking forward to playing!!! :) :) :) sorry for others they can wait a long time for crack :D https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ac14fd6f65c8952ef60a95b615349c4a07037987da3bfd9296e8067a163c6a71.png
Crack plissssssssssssssss
Oh Man Sorry almost didn’t see your Request
I will never download without crack, never again! – Trash post!
Guys tell me a set for the game. I have 8 gb ram intel pentium 3.5 ghz gtx 1050 ti 4gb
My toaster is better than ur pc bro
Because of “intel pentium 3.5 ghz”.
who can tell me a good cpu max 150£
intel pentium alone doesn’t help
Which pentium do you have? (not all pentium are Weak)
And ANYWAY you can’t ask for a CPU if we don’t know you motherboard SOCKET
intel pentium g4560
so It is a LGA1151
Well with that socket it’s better if you add some mor Moneey
around 220€ ( convert them to your currency) and you can get a 7th Gen i5-7600K
i have the same specs….i will run smooth with no fps drops at high settings
Anybody giving me aco i will give them the division for honor or any other ur wish if anybody there tell me
is division legit?I may help!
its a legit but its not mine i cracked an uplay account that means he deserted the account so ur wish
Give me your e-mail
Hi give you account for
For honor Contact me fordpuma82@gmail.com
do u have aco??
what game do u need in return
what do u need in return
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bee85ce5cb42b542827cdb89cd41cca740c0c6eee2ec104653b26d50a5683ef1.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/96e1e3a7650da8e3a075ba4a0da83961b30eccd928703354ff0cc09c5974e0f5.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5c6c675ac4c27e22f0a932295944bce45d85699da631d5c5da9342b668ebdc3a.jpg
nice bro :D
when the crack?
Nevr ol , just buy it I did
any sites like denuvogames ?
ACO accounts
Plati . ru
Im buying and giving away , denuvogames wont sell to me anymore for some dumb reason
bought over 30 , said I was buying to many
this version is FULL UNLOCKED ?
if I download the patch outside of uplay and install the patch, could I continue playing?
a bit risky , because after that it may ask to Check the new file Online (that’s not a problem if your account still works)
‘ve downloaded the game from someone else ….. meanwhile, the password was changed ……. is the game better with the new patch?
Yup, that 1.03 increased Perfomance And that’s a miracle from UbiBOB (ubisoft)
shiiit :D
Anyway i suggest to don’t change anything in the AC origin folder : if uplay want you to go online Well you can ask for another account yes … but your saves will Say bye bye :X
If you don’t have any save Good! ;D
nahhh I do not have the patch. was only interesting to know if that would work …. but thanks for the information :D
Y el crack cuando???????????????????
que tengo ganas ya!!!!
Decir una fecha exacta mas o menos…
<3 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/219ec98f38544cafb537ab826ebb32052bb266aa45acc953c618b941c19e356f.jpg
I trade a 3$ account for skins in CS:GO. I have no Credit Card ;-;
They said that the crack will be released like 5 days ago then why don’t I see it ?
they also said that today is christmas but today no santa came
can i buy account from steam money ????????????
yes, here. add him on steam and talk to him abou th account
antidenuvo .com /profile.php? id=76561198296685209
Ill get this free with my 1080ti. I feel for the rest of you guys though. Hold out, do not give ubishite your money.
any 1 wanna trade an aco for torrentleech account
will the crack be ready in this month????
When is crack comming
When I crack comming
where can I buy ACO accounts ?
hi from me
So can I download the game from here and then buy activition code from uplay to active it ?
Well, you use the activation code on Uplay not on the game
You can activate on uplay and then Use the Locate Files button in Uplay (to locate the skidro w version)
Alex you bought account on plati
Lemme guess..
You want my account?…For Everyone who’s asking to share —>(i won’t share it, More people Log in that account more the chance of the password to be changed)
or you Just want Info about that Website? ;d
So what if i purchased the standard edition but I downloaded the deluxe edition from Skidrow will that change any thing ?
You bought the account from where hussam
I didnt buy it yet but I’m planning on getting one from uplay .
For 59$ ??
Yes, I dont think I can wait for the crack .
Cool ?
Can you PM me
What is that exactly ? Sorry I haven’t been on this thraed for so long so I dont know what PM means .
Private message
Uplay will check for files and download what is needed,Probably you have to Download some GB Like the 1.03 patch (Everything is AUTO )
any news when the game is gonna be cracked?
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/02db9dbb69852acb7be184eb3d7dbe9a68612d0dc5b3c68611a7016ec1bcee0c.gif https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5c556fba977ddbce852d7f71ba6b0c3226f225fc235494129e793e3bc2c129b0.jpg
can u help me to play the game too
It’s either that the picture is from the internet, or he bought the game, well there is a possibility that he bought a shared account as well, but you are too f*cking retarded to understand that, right?
what kind of help ?
no can do. If you had asked of me that a week ago i would have helped you but now i am too far in the game i now i am logged out of my account it would be death of me because you can’t you save files they are encrypted. So in short woulds sorry.
ok thank u and good luck
i got the crack
Oh shit how much dawg?
You guys are fucking idiots…
can i have it plz
I am trying to share but that’s not happening
bro send it to email
so can u send me on mail plz goldenm8@gmail.com
Dude…share it..than we will belive it!!
I can’t wait more. I have buy the game and IT is hardcore Best assassins creed game ever.
Je suis français et donc ne parle pas beaucoup l’anglais !!!
J’ai décompacté toutes les parties du fichier RAR mais je suis bloqué après ?????
juste un peu/beaucoup de patience ^^ , le crack n’est pas encore disponible, la plupart des screens que tu peux voir ds cette discussion, son fait par des mecs qui utilisent des comptes uplay volés/empruntés pour telecharger le jeu, et y jouer en offline par la suite.
il faut attendre qu’il sorte le crack, la protection denuvo+VMprotect rend le jeux difficile à crack, en gros, tant qu’il y’à écris wait for crack, tu laisse ton jeu de coté et tu attend. Pour l’instant personne ne peux jouer sans payer.
Ok merci
Ok Merci !!Une autre question ! A quoi va servir le patch ? Merci
c’est pas un patch, c’est un crack.
Donc c’est quoi ce crack puisque le jeu est toujours en attente de ce crack
Ok merci pour ta réponse. Une autre question !!! A quoi ce crack puisque le jeu est toujours en attente du crack
when is have crack?
A crack beta is out.
Only available for members of private forum CPY
If someone wants, I can upload the crack here https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5a0795f0909d5784e757e3c8c8b69e6a5724096337e74d623f0b0b1e0ac09c9b.png
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bfe5f45a1303d33dcf3cc8f57e21efa038a082046fe96f2c6c9bc4030a2e28c2.gif https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8d82a2fc15a87f3aeadb40122d73113735616306e6cb760265ad7ff3de236b6e.gif
Not beta fella, its out for everyone
CPY crack is out
Oh man look like i have to downloadNEW GIFS
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8d82a2fc15a87f3aeadb40122d73113735616306e6cb760265ad7ff3de236b6e.gif https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bfe5f45a1303d33dcf3cc8f57e21efa038a082046fe96f2c6c9bc4030a2e28c2.gif
its fake -_-
Mathias, onde eu posso achar o crack? Ou como vc sabe dessa informação?
Crack is out
Thank you CPY
is it true or fake
cpy liberó el crack
puedes pasar el link?
muy feliz gracias cpy
Cool story Bro
donde descargaste el crack?
en cpygames lo tienen
Deja de ser mentiroso y pasa el link, no jodas a la gente de esa manera
ehh que yo tengo la misma ilusion jaja resulta que es fake solo hay un link y es un rar con pass que pide que completes una encuesta, tipica estafa
pide contraseña para descomprimir el winRar pero hay que pagar para que te den la pass… tu como la conseguiste?
where to download crack
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/da2181d8020e7b978abc02029fdf362ca9a0837cd9e4b0c55eca1af240866e2b.png …
Please give the crack link
thanks i’ll check
you believe on crackwatch lol jajajajaj
Crack cancer Watch Still more believable then you
but i’m playing the game JAJAJAJAJAJAJ
Me too AAHAHHAHA Genius.
only suckers buy accounts to play a game that have crack
Only Kids like you think that they can Troll Ahahaha
No work
I’m on the page and regulated, but where is the crack downloaded?
You realized that there isn’t a crack did you??? :d
If its a true news
si no crees, no me encanta, lo que importa es que estoy jugando
el cholo y libre
you buy a account, i pay nothing
Sure 100%
Keep it You can!!!
boring gifs
This is perfect for you “kid”
thats my reaction when your account stop working and you need to pay more to play again
That’s you when Typing Without Knowledge AHAHAH
My account doesn’t Work anymore but UPLAY Perma Offline works Genius (just for info i got another account for Free.)
bullshit, uplay doesn’t work offline forever
yes , it Does You don’t even need to Patch if they release It … learn… and then talk
i dont think so i bought for 3 dollar and everytime i restart my pc it needs to check one time online .
It’s your fault if you don’t know how to set it…
Just Tick Run Always Offline mode. You can even use it without any internet….
It works 100% I tried that on many PCs I did Different Test and many other things…
Your First Log-in with an account never used Must Be online. THEN you can log in in Offline mode Forever (even after a PC restart) because it creates Account Info (crypted) in the Cache. and Appdata
Worked with that things
it not fault . If it works for you doesn’t mean it has to work for me . I know all these options . First i wasn’t able to start the game . All i see uplay oops crash screen . After patch 1.03 game launches online only . If i make it go offline , later then when ever i starrt the game it opens uplay offline screen instead of uplay crash screen . So first time i go online and then offline .but any way you need to login to uplay atleast evertime you restart the pc .
“If it works for you doesn’t mean it has to work for me” Wrong .. This is not about Hardware configuration or O.S Where something works with that configuration or something doesn’t work with a specified O.S
Uplay works In a personal way and it means that works for everyone … If it not works for you . then you’re doing something in the wrong way Or your Uplay has problems…
(My AC Origins Version is 1.03 still no need to go online)
I can help you With Teamviewer if you want and let’s see if i can Resolve that Problem
Thanks Alex . May be like you said it may be an OS or other software which may block. I will try once again if not i will contact you .
but the cpy crack works forever because its a CRACK, and its free.
I don’t need to pay for a account that works for only one day
Crack link then??? If it is real
Yeah thought so…
You still don’t understand that my game is 1.Original even with that 3 € account 2.forever
And my crack cost 0,00 $
Sure. You don’t have any.. keep it You can!!!!
(your Troll doesn’t work) if there is any it will be released here or in the other Games Site…
stay with you account that not work forever
Don’t talk if you don’t know anything AHAHAHA Jesus how many account Troll
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7d182e2ecf020b19a9add9eddf5869fb0599bcc40ad437a2c373b9f13a63dc19.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/696ec312a45938dd49149635343c083b01752cbb7319804778f8d5bf64f6150d.jpg
I m a cold blooded bitch
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f103959fcb70ea66278323e7bc40986b2373550db536f669b20b468e280dcbef.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ea84eb5d0059b720dc99e70c39b0f1ae738dd6afb479ac5bfa1dca5aa0167e5f.jpg
Leap of faith on Heap of fate
Did any one ask you to post this shit fucking indian? Post it on your shitty fb and not here.
Why r u being racist u dickhead. Stop using Google if u hate Indian…moron. Anyone can post anything they want
Give me the proof that the game is cracked
They don’t have Man They will post Only Screenshot of the game (without Crack Proof)
Fuck them
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ecf9739e88e72752d57115265299c564f61ddf526b62eca1fc2b936eae7f635c.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/23dba213cd7b1c87b2f6feb827e34d028b6facf06a1188cd324e90986f24d1e5.jpg
does anyone know how to use someones else’s save game on your account
its impossible because its encripted for account ID
yeah i switched accounts recently and now i cant use my old save. well when the crack comes out we will probably be able to do this
You can’t
We noot do Decrypt it with the ACCOUNT ID that created that save
and then Encrypt with the New ACCOUNT ID
Already Wrote that down below
With what did you open the save file
HxD do you know assembly or have some Programming skills? ;d
Just wait for a Save tool
Yes in C# and C++, but not in HxD. The problem is I had around 40 hours on my old account and now i kinda dont wonna start all over again because it could happen again (that i have to switch accounts).
WEll, if you play with UPLAY perma offline even if they change account password it will Auto Log-in and you can play :s
you didn’t know?
Yes i found some account in the coments but i forgot the email and the password is warhamer4k. I installed the patch and i needed to go online to verify the game. Uplay logged me out and now i cant play with that account anymore
Practically is your fault (?) ;d
Before modifying Game files or Logging Online You should try the account on your Browser (ubisoft club website) :X
Yea, thank you. I will probably start a new game in a week or so, it is an amazing game and only problem with it is high CPU usage.
CPY and SteamPunk cracks are FAKE for the moment, a password is required to open the rar files
Those who are saying crack is released by CPY i challenge them to post link here ,if they can.
Posting the link is easy
What about the Rar password Ahahaha
And human verification or survey or key generator.
On top of that you have the free game and you do not donate anything to the page and you are demanding ….. I hope the crack never comes out and that they fuck you.
You want crack ? Say what ?
will they have forgotten that they have to add crack? It will be 2018 and it will not be available yet …
denuvogames. ru
standing next to pyramid of giza is so exciting :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9729978e4957c4311386219278b1191a3d4c4abe0410b4a451d76d7a743a6886.png
where did you get the game mate ?
3 dollar account. denuvogames .ru
dude i watched now this site iss fkkin unbelivable, can u confrim is this really works
yes my friend i got the account its real
Hey man when you buy the account can you play the story from the beginning and how does it work .i have never bought an account before . is it shared with multiple people ?
nice pic man ;)
thank you man :) I love pyramids :)
fan of egyptology ?
yea and the ancient world excites me so much man , i wish we can go to ancient rome in at least dlc, or maybe in the next game :)
Me too ;) When I first play a “historical” game, I like to go on the Internet to find more details about the time period and the main events ^^
yea I heard they will add a feature where you can discover information about ancient egypt in the game :)
Heard it too :) Hope it will be great ^^
you guys should try AC Rogue while waiting, it’s short and beautiful. i bought AC Origins but i cant share my steam infos sadly, anyway, I’ve heard offline activation for ACO is coming from Corepacks com, best of luck! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0ca51cfb7704b9a294b25aaf59a3d31da41fe99e8c9535823645762b47bd6445.png
yea man I got rogue have finished half of it but I will install game to play it :) its great game i agree
Any news about crack guys?
if there were it would be on this site too
whats up ;)
good and you man
not bad :)
just hit level 22
how’s ur game goin’?
Any news about crack
sadly no
UBISOFT GOT ITS FULL WEEK SALES for Origins, well not fully, but optimal. Should they tone down the DRMs, expect the crack in days. Otherwise, y’all probably gonna wait for a few weeks more.
guys wait for the crack till december because this game overheating high end CPU and its performance is laging so wait for the update of ACO after that they will crack.
And see why wont they cant crack because on the other hand COD: WWII is using Arxan Anti-Tamper + Custom protection (NOT Denuvo )and it is cracked in few howers and it is easily cracked because it is giving good performance and ACO is no giving not such performance they have to fix the game and even believe me ACO is laging in my friend’s Ps4 bad performance so wait for the update
remember guys Just cause 3 took 2 years to crack cause of denuvo. so maybe consider buying full game or 3 dollar account on denuvogames .ru if someone dont believe thats it took 2 years look here
https:// gamingcentral. in/two-years-later-just-cause-3-finally-gets-cracked/
It’s complicated to be honest
Because COD WW2 also uses denuvo but it got cracked in several hours
cod ww2 does not use denuvo..
https://www. reddit .com/r/CrackWatch/comments/7acjcc/cod_wwii_is_using_arxan_antitamper_custom/ my friend dont spread false information, look on the internet first man
i’ll just slowly get dafuq out
np man :D
ubisoft are losing money and popularity
well with this game they got me, cause I love ancient history, so in case it will cost like 20-25 pounds ill hapilly buy it and also I hope there will be ancient rome maybe in next game
100% agree, they nailed the setting and remained completely faithful to it, no SJW pc shit. I guess this could count as ancient rome also : D id really like to see an AC set in china during the Han Dynasty or in Japan set during the Sengoku period. And of course expand more on the over arcing sci fi story, people hate it but i think its what makes AC, AC. the instant i get paid iam giving Ubisoft my money, they deserve it.
in what way?
You took too much time this time to crack this game.How long it will be to crack it ..is there any idea ?
Corepacks said that they are releasing an ofline activation soon. Don’t know when soon is though…
they are just gonna give accounts nothing more don’t get your hopes too high
But not for us only for older core users but telling the do a lot
Yeap. Must have effective 50 posts.
Pirates demanding requirements from others kkk
It’s on already. The offline act is online there. You just have to ask to participate but there are some requirements to do so.
the Great Giza
mistake its called *The Great Pyramid of Giza :)))))))))) :D
i was writing that but i accidentally posted it after that i was like so be it why edit it :D
To the event there is no news on the crack We know little patience But I want someone who is thinking about the games. I want him in something that might be useful if he succeeds
a thing that ubisoft does besides some bugs is protect their games from jack sparrow
but never succeed :D
Can someone tell me if it is reliable to buy an account on this site? denuvogames .ru ?
4 hours ago two of my friends have byed from that site and acount just works fine, i still cant belive how but they works, and sometime if you are lucky you buy an acount for just one game there is a chance to find inside another game just like my friend hours ago, he byed aco an inside was rainbow si siege
Hi everybody! I download AC:O and the patch and if someone has an account for activation it would be nice! :) Thanks! chiibrok-ncy@live.fr
what does full unlocked means ?
what does full unlocked means ??
what is the password to unzip crack? you have to pay to have the password !!!
DomiN, u are retardad? Not have crack to ACO.
If there is crack bro, then why do people put so many photos?
It isn’t hard to Make photo from Legit copyes and post them here ….
Or just Google some random AC origins Photo
They haven’t made a crack for this game yet… That’s why all the verbal commotion below.
Bagong bagong bagong lila
avisenme o algo cuando este :’v
What? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fd465e2e15463c17ab7efc74c0039986cb5da1e94ffda89e681c826ca09144ac.png
you need an account to see that shit
Which account Bro and how does offline activation works can you help me please
Participate Now https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dc5099d8c0e4d04634a45a1e7fc8ed5eeb236e29f413591b0d57310342582825.png
link it
When trying to open or extract the rar files in this DownLoad, Winrar, 7zip and Alzip all report: “the archive is either in unknown format or damaged”. (I used Google Drive to DL THIS time…)
Any suggestions?
Download it again.
I did download again. I first used the different servers listed and when the corrupt files error, I used Google Drive (for I trust them more than the other sites. It didn’t help. The files are the correct size, but they are not recognized as “archives”. Maybe compressed with Chinese language involved…?
Rar files usually get damaged while downloading. Download with torrent.
I believe my ISP is trying to break me from sucking eggs… They have already warned me about downloading “copyright material”, that I could pay fines or lose my Internet “privileges”. – “Privileges” that casts me $49.00 a month!
This is why I have been trying to stick to .rar downloads. I have even conspired to think that is they who have corrupted game DL files!
Buy you are correct, in that the game that I’m finally playing now was downloaded via torrent.
i have dl this file multiple times like you same problem… try to see if your winrar are a trial version…and download new… this works for me
I jusy bought an account from plati and I want to know if I can play online with it or just offline ??
Play Offline is better
thank you
Can I have one please? artarea23@gmail.com
can u give me 1 of them plz
is there any launch date for the crack?
We’re is crack file
sell an account for $3
for 5 person only
accept paypal
hey man i m little interested
are you an idiot ? If you can use paypal go buy it from plati at least you will a warranty
Going to throw some account for free with AC Origins in it. If need some. Then go here (Wait till Update) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkhvFmiECibNv82MpR64l2w
Why waiting Buy account for 3 Dollar i dont understand that
How to play offline plzz help.
You need to buy account for that
How much money
2$ – 3$
Plzz give me a account
had the crack already been release??
coz failed to open game due to uplay any suggestion??
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/949e9618c19bacc18a15847072aa58d6cef79bbc053ecf8fc4e7466ae0dd6076.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ca2ff75e23eb6505b9522743ef25932c68d86a6eeaae48c10cc1b7e72aff7aba.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/04ed61b004418a9410a7f9c0288ad84b2302c0bcf2b3a4202a3040b8c7ff1974.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1906f7d689d01f3af9b05011ccb3f5d50d12d79259a0b1b886b94b83036b52ac.jpg
How to make a mummy DYI.
1st wash the body.
2nd Take out brains lungs liver kidneys and heart.
3rd Smear salt over the body.
4th Warp the body in bandages.
And You a mummy of your own.
P.S Granted that you have a body in spare :D
If someone is willing to share and acc or offline activate my game i would be so happy my game is patched to version 1.03 i got teamviewer and netlimiter already installed u can mail me at skeil19882@gmail.com i would be rly rly happy if someone could do this
how can i buy a 3$ account?and can i pay it with steam money?
Whats the function of preload to release patch?
Can i update to the newest version using that?
password .rar CPY Crack PC ?
It isn’t hard to understand that It’s FAKE… Jesus
Do you have the password, can you pass me by?
If you do not know, just talk idiot.
WAKE UP little Genius
IT’s a big enormous Etccc ——->>Fake <<——- That File
Is it Hard to understand? I wrote It
There the first Comment. -_-
QUOTE " It isn't hard to understand that It's FAKE… Jesus " QUOTE
Don’t play games with him. Give him the password!
Yeaa The password is : This Crack is FAKE (hope it works)
Congratulations Victor! you got what you wanted. Don’t forget to write “FAKE” with caps on.
i think they’ll don’t release it cause of your bad spirit in commentary. People are assholes in 2017 crying for a game…
can someone tell me where i can find a gold edtion account to buy
Crack will be available in a few hours, be patient.
go to helll
is there hell in your religion, or vultures just eat out your intestines?
no one will bileve u
I don’t know should i trust you.
You are best. Can i send you same money as support ?
Oby, już raz mówiłeś, że crack będzie za kilka godzin..
Just bought an account from plati but it didn’t work!!
whats the email
I emailed the seller. All fixed and downloading the game now!
whats the ID i will download too after you are done
Tell the email lemme fix it for you
I saw the crack in breaking bad
hahaha Walteeeeeer!!!!
any news? or is necessary to pass for cash
the crack??????????????????????????????-.-
Incoming 16-20h https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/99b23bd609ed70aa9baa120d6a3be2b514452e7029d970ba8857b9a79b49686e.png
Really? I cant believe it
It’s open now
Lol everyone is so impatient give the Devs Time to work out the kinks so that the game will work properly on your PC and then they will release the Crack for all to enjoy.. and denovo is a bitch to crack lol its custom designed for each game so just wait a bit and see the magic happen :P
and I have been downloading from this site since it started so yea for perfection you have to wait
Patch 1.04 released, no VMProtection
link ?
for ps4
Link ?
Wow. So many comments. The desperation :p
can we play today? :D
Does anyone updated ACO to 1.04 ?
update 1.04 anyone ?
Is VM protection removed in 1.04 patch ????
Lol where did u read that?they will never remove it like in their past games.
Which past games
I mean generally. They have never removed any protection from their games..
there are some games that removed denuvo Doom, Titanfall2, Mass Effect Andromeda, Hitman(2016) and more. but no ACO still have denuvo 4.7+VMProtect
Sure..I know..but ubi never removed it..thats what I was saying
you are probably correct there there is no ubi game where they have removed denuvo although i am not sure their past games had one beside southpark fbw which had 4.6
Oh that’s what you mean
And except ACO which game is using DENUVO and VM protection both
Ok guys, so i bought an account for 3 bucks on plati and downloaded the game. It runs like a charm!
yeah except when you want to update the game or play expansions you wont be able to
I will not do that then :D
When is the crack releasing please give any update. Thank You!
It could be any moment, but none of us really know. It sucks, We have been waiting for two weeks.
no crack???
dont work!
Anybody have any kind of an ETA update? Would really love to check this out and will be happy to help seed when crack is released.
Tom Clancy’s The Division account for assassin`s creed origins any 1 care ?
This has like 4 layers of DRM, don’t expect a crack – https://gamingcentral.in/assassins-creed-origins-four-layers-drm-protecting-dont-expect-crack-anytime-soon/
Activation offline with account hacked?? Possible??
This comments r very retarded simply if u can’t w8 for crack , go buy the game and stfu . U should be greatful u get free cracked games sooner or later for free , give it a time everything wi
ll get cracked by the best .
how many mission are there? I have finished this much. thanks I hope it will be still a lot mission. Good account for 3 dollars https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2caec3186189c93ef5b28e46b425755f961512b2130dbe0b1fe8d33206be9fdf.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1bf8113a6b33d2def24310f377638164c7225677e011dfddbf0dfa7f5c581253.png
How have you endured the account so much without having changed the password or could not access the game? Because I already have 5 accounts that change my password and then I can not access the game, as a consequence, ask for other accounts and start from scratch because of the saved games encrypted: S.
What do you have to do to not change the password besides playing offline? What’s your secret?
my secret is that the owner has not changed the password since I got the account :D
then your owner is my damn hero, because I have 5 accounts that its owner changes it xD
There is a way To play Perma Offline (you have to log-in online just the first time –>IF IT IS A NEW ACCOUNT NEVER USED<–) Then you have to start with that Account ONLY OFFLINE i'm playing with the same account even if the password is changed.
the problem after I turned my PC off the game won’t start ” unable to start the game ” like I need to go online to fix it but the Password was changed.
exactly the same problem that I have T_T, and then if you ask for another new account the game starts from the beginning
Yup Saves are encrypted Per Account So even if you Copy paste your old saves they won’t work (need to decrypt with Account ID who created Saves and encrypt with new Account ID )
well i’m using the same account from 5-7 Days (ANd No, i didn’t left the PC Turned On ;x) And if you need to Go online it will ask to Go Online
So i don’t understant which problem is that “unable to start the game” :w
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3516f1345ad14c291939f942f4c957ffb09906ff1f3a8af1de6e5d550c76d8ea.png ..
The problem of “unable to start the game” is that it forces you to log in every time you turn off the PC and turn it on the next day. And if they have changed the password it’s over, you have to ask for another account, and start from the beginning of the game
Oh yea. Got it (saw Alzinati’s Screen)
I had this problem with the first account (probably because i did something of wrong like Going Online or changing Games file Don’t remember . Not because of a PC restart) Got another account for Free
and as i wrote i don’t have any problems and the account i’m using doesn’t work anymore online ( tried on the Ubisoft website)
Anyway you can’t do anything for that problem :x
the only thing is asking for a new account – log-in online – start the game (online) – Close it – Disconnect UPLAY – On Uplay Login screen click Settings – > Tick The Uplay Offline Mode and Go back ->Tick Remember me and Log with Email and Pass.
AFter that Close Uplay and restart Your PC and See if it Auto log Works and try to start the game Too
For saves … We should hope for a Save tool as other assassin’s creed games
they were talking about that on Cs . rin . ru forum but the Discussion got locked by admin because of The Spammers -_-
try to block the uplay connection to the web
by means of windows firewall
Try to block the uply connection to the web by means of the firewall
could you answer me please?
bro i feel this AC is a lot difficult then to other series, i wanna ask smth
where do you get your gear ?and how can you find the material for upgrading those chestplate, hidden blade quickly? it’s even require a lot of material on lv1 to lv2 uphrade
Use senu.. it wll guide u whre resouces are …like fost leathr.iron etc ..these are used fr upgrading gear like hidden blades..hiddn blades frat thng to upgrade bcx it gives ability to kill higher enmies in stealth way
And gears are in ??? Location mostly ..where u wll hve to loot treasure boxes to find it… search fr legendary weapons and upgrade it to ur level frm blakcsmitch
It’s a long way XD
not yet?
y have one account for 3$ in three days the account change pass :(
I have 5 passwords accounts changed
If there was an owner who did not change the password, he would buy it without persuing it, but being that way no more
Play offline. Set uplay to always start in offline mode. That way, you will still be able to continue playing even if the owner changes the password.
I tried it with several accounts and the next day I get this message
The same thing always happens and it forces me to log in, and if they have changed the password, I have to request another new account and start the game from the beginning again.
but when the pc updates or from time to time uplay will try to confirm the password
i tried to block the connection to the web, with the firewall , so far is ok
Hello people, something new around here?
crack? :( :( :(
so, any luck with the crack?
No exe!
Friends, you can buy the DenuvoGames . ru account. — Running perfectly, I’ve already downloaded the game and I’m playing on Uplay. I only paid $ 2.74. I am from Brazil, if you have doubts, ask.
Amigos, podem comprar a conta do DenuvoGames . ru — Funcionando perfeitamente, ja baixei o jogo e estou jogando no Uplay. Paguei apenas $2,74. Sou do Brasil, se tiverem duvidas, perguntem.
como y donde¿
Raul, entre neste site denuvogames . ru …. remova os espaços.
Hey, foram 2,74 reais? Como você fez o pagamento? Digo, débito, crédito
mais a linguagem do jogo esta tudo em russo?
Hii friend, can you tell me all methods to buy an account ?
hi everyone, I bought an account from plat and played the game for more than 10 houres, and today when I started the game I didn’t found my save.. can anyone help me, it’s like the account was reseted :(
thats cause you played online and let save to cloud option on .. you have to disable save to cloud and play in offline mode … the owner of the account deleted your save
thank you Jess
Adult version of Merry Go Round.
This is why it is 18+
i bought an account in plati.ru but i don’t receive any email, it takes a lot of time to receive the email or it should appear instantly?
Ssshhhh someone is watching
jojojojojo Run!
Thrilling moment!!!
isn’t that a Spoiler?
Avoid these Pics lel
Game is out 1.5 weeks ago…..People can post anything now :)
Wtf this means ? Omg ahahahaha
Spoiler is Spoiler ….
Beatifull ending!!! =)
How to install?`There is on EXE or installer!
Simple.. You don’t have to install Lol
How to start the GAME?
there is no crack so…
nepůjčil bys ten účet na toho assassína ? :D nemám co dělat a teď jen sedím doma a čumím na videa a totálně se nudím
do i need to have cloud save synchronization checked when i play AC origins offline ?
Nop , Anyway Cloud Sync is Online Lol. you can leave it Ticked
What’s really weird is there is supposedly a crack floating around as of today, Ill try it out, scan it of course, make sure its safe, and if its legit ill post a link.
We all know what they are doing but why the clothes ??? XD
Got holes in the clothes maybe xD. So no need to take them off.
They r aware that there is a retarded assassin with a futuristic camera roaming around. Taking precautions is not bad ;)
these are some AIs in heat
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/95936a1bd35b7f91e35f0165f75fc02e96979ce99ef859d7eb364269dd8548eb.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6cff9d6a9b795b976c1d0a3644b9c8aafaf3a8fb5bc8c31942fa86b602dc2d2a.jpg
FUCK lesbian ??
raise the crack or at least say the day you are going to upload
crack ? crack ? crack ? 5 months ;( | I NEED CRACK
So go to your dealer haha
will be released tomorrow morning with my balls so hot that are in warning
People those who r waiting for the crack pls buy uplay account at 2dollar approx. Even if the crack gets released eventually there is no surety that the crack will support future dlcs. Same thing happened with watch dogs 2. We r unable to play new dlcs with that crack.
Also if u use crack in AC-O u will not be able to play “Avenge Quest” and “Nomad Bazaar” missions
Hey what payment method did you used?
debit card
In Indian currency?
acount 2 dollarn or 3 dollar in not good in offline mod not avalibe nomad bayaar and avenge quest
jou dont have play online
ok mate :)
how do i play offline after buying an account?
when will you add the crack
eagerly waiting and visiting this page daily
When is the crack coming out
tomorrow morning with my balls so hot that are in warning
cpy-games is pig, fuck cpy-games, crack fake from cpy, I believe skidrow-games, I visiting this web daily, waiting crack ! haha
skidrow are not the ones cracking the games cpy 3dm codex steampunks are the ones who crack skidrwo only uploads the cracks inform yourself before posting shit
Guys i need help pls, i want to buy an offline account from denuvogames. ru, but i dont know what to do, i have an account on uplay, i already downloaded the game from her, what should i do ?
Alguém br aqui comprou a conta de ativação? Se sim, quanto cês pagaram? Tô em dúvida se vou de crédito ou débito
Quelqu’un sais quand il aura le crack ?
Para que preguntan por el crack? Si ya estuviera lo habrían subido a la página. Y para que preguntan cúando va a estar? Es imposible saber cuando se va a terminar algo hasta que se termina.
Cuándo estará el crack?
“Va a salir en pocas horas! sean pacientes” jaja, ya lo dijo Steampunk y Skidrow varias veces,
Encima que no pagan se ponen a exigir xD
Pero cuándo está el crack? que yo lo quiero ya! xD
Es como cuando un niño esta con la madre en una reunion. “Mamá, cuando nos vamos?” jaja y lo pregunta cada 3 minutos por horas..
Los cansinos históricos xDDD
i need crackkkkkkkkkkkkkk plize
ASSASSIN’S CREED ORIGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CRACK
Hi John, the CRACK is now available?, or i don’t understand you well?, if is it available, where is it?.
Sorry if I’m being very anxious.
To Steampunk team, you are doing a very pro job, really, thank you for everything!
anyone know about the crack release or something
only GOD who knows ..
i think tomorrow morning with my balls so hot that are in warning
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5e020b494c58b2cc55fee6e5f1ccd99e166815e4bd4c5cc0ffa8322d338fb2dd.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cc2a5bc9159f72d3299fa20ed76d15bda4bea549f449e6c06961c25ac631104c.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/eac800e9ed3b78a3ca06188605ca0f29f9f5ecd4224ec8cf9d1727dccc15a5d9.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/70fcd18baa0632276bc34eb9e86025b8748611c31346b1862cee65c06f439009.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6fef23cacc8b3722c984ab90e14c333475d3bb0da0a1e64911123ec98ade6767.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/502ed971a70db49c5912c994769dc9992a94188810314b5d520f70a74e574194.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/59273138c3e6dee6136e37698d8899b731d89e6e189d6d48770cf71fc454fbde.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/09105cc19a60049e0d83e755b4e4fdebcd029d713159db87fed2426f86bfddb9.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/da96440c80b409a08984405f043d282f7c6c86bee7e25cd3b3893d38102648ac.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e24edaf75ea2685869668be14d16bc44f2fe8cc0e16f9e5fe86848c8ebecc20b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7c2c3cdbbe7662cfbed6f377d13cadcc001327573e57cf1612708a23603e5f6e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/aac9fd91856876e68e63a7abcd8327c15b7746cf6a1221ebd73f1478f0a4ab3f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8958edf76503c3413b479ce3606c20cf404f4281a17281be0436a0a0ee00703b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ccff0058ffbecab50be5139f329c8f4dbd7ebe97123e9bacecd653a5597cccb7.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9891b5b7208b5c48a6a98001619050c567b468f151dde69c2ef2fa8d19a3f52a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/30e050b1876e89808cf6356d2ee20042119bafebdc057d8b6517096d64a91dee.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/77742c1055de363ce35346f1b7e67f72ed4a26893392edf6ac6976edda3134be.jpg
cool eagle but can i eat it ?
its already eating you by its look .
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2a3580e59aa6e2ac2d815a3619efdbc189f42c184b5cf0330f6957745641896c.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/13d4de0166a59175f7d572c3bb44a21f93ebd524ace11c6ee3511e73f8ce0045.jpg
Where is the crack? ?
Guys you need to watch this.
More time no??????????????
there some Info
i am waiting but nothing happens what am i doing wrong i waited siting down standing laid down i even waited while shiting please help
You didn’t wait enough
today i tried waiting on one foot (the left one) still nothing tomorow i will tru the right foot
I would like to know if a crack is available at the moment?
will be tomorrow morning with
my balls so hot that are in warning
anyone got 1.04 patch ???
Rodolfo dont download from other sites its all virus malwares
when its cracked it will be here
the steampunks version seems to work with the prepack game version (iso!) – I can not get anything to work!
True that,i got Mail.rui trojan by downloading steampunks crack.
gl cleaning it
There are 5 versions that are being made available on the web, they are:
=> ALI (213)
=> ALI.Uplay (213)
=> PREPACK (.iso)
=> RAZOR (Downloader + Crack!)
=> SteamPunks
=> ALI (213): You do not have the .exe file, if you have this version, you should download the patch!
=> ALI. Uplay (213): This version already has the .exe file
=> PREPACK: Its an installable version of the game, a .iso, that installs perfectly, but does not have crack available!
=> RAZOR (Downloader + Crack!): The game is made available through a Downloader, to use the crack, after the installation you must complete an offer! (pay for it!)
=> SteamPunks: The crack is already available for download, but the file is protected by a password, you must pay for that password!
So far, only RAZOR and SteamPunks cracked the game, but you should pay for it! – It seems that both versions of these crack’s work with ALI (213) and PREPACK, but no one wants to make it available!
SORRY FOR MY ENGLISH! Iam brazilian!
he have no crack, if you pay for password, you gain a malware.
Man…crack not released yet… those are fake… just toucj with crack watch revolt forum..and this site to get latest updates
If its released it will first available here
Actually I’ve just asked my little brother who’s in a group called “Conspir4cy” (He’s not a cracker he just runs seed boxes and used to work in a game shop ;) anyway there’s NO CRACK at all yet!! There is some russian/polish sites lending accounts out but they get shut down very quick! He told me there was a crack tested by a few of them on Monday night (UK) but it wasn’t a functioning crack (I don’t really know what he meant by this, he don’t live with me). That’s all I know!
Will crack release at midnight
where is crack
And everyone still going mad here
There’s no crack, but there’s Fisstech
When they ask without having the crack available!? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e251f350a9061ccfccdb94cfbcfdf25ae540ba6f9cf2f6e1c322fee03f60d22b.gif
i have buy account from plati the money was cut from card but on the website it is telling money rejected
plz help i did the payment through payu
Last week I was left a comment here about I can’t wait for the crack then bought the digital code from Green Man Gaming. A bastard was replied to my comment to say me is a stupid. Now the bastard is still can’t play this game. I was almost 100% completed and get ready to play new games later this week.
What a “nice” win…. (uber sarcastic)
mother of god what an interesting history nobody asked you to tell!!
anyone who is playing game feel like this is more like Prince of Persia then a Assassians creed game ? this game is weird, lost its some what realistic feel to it .. still probably the best game ive played tho
whare is the crack b4 9 days u say the crack will be released today
and nothing released to now
All the games got cracked!!!
and Here I am instead playing them I am waiting for ac origins!!
how can i make this ver to work with steam
When i start downloading game and then pause it. i copy this unlocked ver to common assassin creed folder it still start download from start
I already Wrote a little Guide for steam and it Worked.
Ok i managed to get it locate files.
Open Steam , Click install button and then stop the download
Right click on the game in library then click -> Properties ->Local Files Tab -> Browse local files
Now Copy the name of the folder and Unistall the game Through Steam “right click -> Unistall…
Rename the AC origins Skidrow folder with the name you copied before and put it in Steamappscommon and click again Install
It should recognize some files and begin to downlad the 1.03 Patch. Hope :d
Should i stop at allocating disk space by pressing cancel
Now its saying discovery existing files i think now it should work thanks alot
Now its saying 3 min remaining thanks you helped alot
It is already the sixth account that happens to me the same, I open it the next day and it already sells me for the 6th time this message:
In addition, 6th account change the password, I’m a little bit already up to the balls to start the game from the beginning,someone else happens this?
its nor worth it just buy it like i did 2 hours ago $44
Can you share your account plz bro
How am I going to share the account if it DOES NOT WORK ??? have changed the password
I know how to get it work
can you tell me how to make this unlock version to work on steam
i copied all files to steam folder and steam still download from start
can you contact me on msribalajim@gmail.com
You need to verify intergrity your files
how to do that
Can you come at gmail
plz dont mind i dont want to use my facebook or email profile can you explain here
Right click on the game.
See the option called check intergrity of game file
Locate your game file
ya i see this but when i click on its says integrity check done but which folder i need to copy this unlock ver to download folder or common folder
pass me your email
If you figure out the solution just mention me ..
I had the very same problem
I know the fix
I had the same problem got it fixed but unfortunately pass changed
me too, this is like my second account, do you know how to transfer save file from the previous account??
u need to have uplay in offline mode and start it always in offline mode
I started offline in the 6 accounts that they gave me and even then they change the password and the little messenger comes out of the balls
firts time start online unchek uplay setings coold save. and block assassin creed origins in friware.. second time offline and go..(and first time verification ful game files.)
i purchase ACO on steam i am trying to use unlock ver 1.3 with steam when i copy game files to steam folder and start download game it says updating game and saying 10+hours ready to launch why its re download game files again
Cant anyone help me to run this shit with steam i dont want to re download all this 34gb crab from steam
Simple – start downloading by steam, than place all files in to steam derectory. Stop and start steam.
I can dude
yo can you teach me what you type on searcher box on xSlayer Leecher? cant seem to find AC account…
Si ya tienen el maldito crack (o eso dicen) porque demonios no lo pasan? A que esperan codex o cpy o steampunk, etc?
There isn’t any crack… and as Almost half-world said there is A VMprotect Over Denuvo and it isn’t simple…….
Please Release the crack as soon as possible steampunk :)
Crack please…
Here i already finished the game and people are still waiting for the crack…! Face the reality it’s the same as NFS 2015 it won’t be coming.
Need for speed 2015 is an online game you dumbass, it’s obvious that they can’t crack online games…this is a single player offline game.
Harsh ..
i don’t know what to say to you sir
anyone know how to transer save file from previous account??
this is like my 2nd acc as the first one have changed the pw
it’s not possible because save files are encrypted to the account unless someone releases a software for save files
so my 20 hrs gameplay cant be retrieved?
unfortunately no. It this disaster struck me 2 times fortunately i was not that far in the game so i would be bleeding from my eyes.
I feel U ..
well now i am feeling empty after completing the game XD
when exactly will crack the assassins creed origins?
tomorrow morning with my balls so in warning
Exactly tomorrow morning, when my balls are so in warning
LOL , I love people that have to clue and think a exact date is possible — could be 2 years from now dude or 2 hours, 2 weeks , 2 mins … not even the people making the crack know for sure
Crack will be release after 179days 17hrs 27min 7sec
is the game after downlaoding nd aftr instalation is it running or not ??????
is it worth downloading
2 dollar diye kine ne plati dot ru theke.
ha setai sobtheka bhalo ai bocachoda ra crack korta korta bal amder biya hoya giya bacha hoyajaba
Tao to Baal guloder vaggo valo khelte parche. Foreign country gulor jnno facility dieche. Indian ra to baner jole vese eseche tai rupees er kono golpoi nei
Ha Setai
Crack not released yet. Without crack downloading will be useless
day 13 and counting, assassins creed origins still has no crack …………
Guys it has just been 13 days it looks like its been like two months wait.. Jeez
you will wait more! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
How to start the GAME there is on .exe file?!
Dude, are u stupid or stupid?
Or both?
Still No Crack? Waiting since Day 1.
I Definitely need the cracked version. As People are complaining that the combination of VM and Denuvo are taking too much of your PC. I am depending on the minimum requirements and if the same lags or put pressure on my Laptop, its not worth buying.
The last Mission. Kill Caesar as Aya in the Senate of Rome. Good story guys glad I finished it https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3f615725774775826a2a547cf6314769fcd565c2653c5a0e5a9edd6739dcd8ba.png
just did that about 15 mins ago … awesome game
asshole put spoilers ahead whn u post something!!
The last mission is where he rapes your mom.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/37ff3c1ad92d826e7a55c904dce24c9f2bd6483f5f533906b1fd0d497a942fb2.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/086c45a6cbdb20a716370a9bf5fea9edb18ace54e21d34a980cd0d766e195361.png
Can you give the game at least now Please dude. Dying to play the game!!
`what are u saying mannn!!!
If you have finished the game, pass me your account to play offline pls, dcr-88@hotmail.com
Hmm, I’ll teach you the SECRETS OF THE TAGS Needed to hide SPOILERS like that
—-> “spoiler /spoiler” <—– With "” at the end and the start of the word
That’s your gay dad isnt it
the crack is ready now?
Wtf date and time for crack
It will take 1 year as tombrider to get cracked so wait or buy the game
day 14 and counting, assassins creed origins still has no crack …………
Masturbate for a while while you wait, heavy.
I had a game already downloaded from Skidrow. Then find the account on which Assassins Creed Origins was registered and log in. On the Uplay account I entered the Skidrow game file path. After that, Uplay only checked the version of the game and downloaded the patch 1.03. Several times my account was logged off, but I was logged back and continued downloading the patch. After all, I put account in offline mode and play the game.
Hello Jakub, Can you provide me please with a working account ?
I don’t have accounts you must try lucky on this site like me. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d05b1ed8766affd43c5617470d4da6ad87c9f810aa09e6997fadb1ca984db40a.jpg
Hell Jakub, I downloaded the Skidrow version here and used Uplay account to to verify the path for the game on my pc and once i click on Play, i received error message tht the game cannot be activated and try again later. Can you help please?
When i want to dowload ACO with a uplay acount. It open the steam ACO page… Help plz
When i open uplay account and click on download, it directs me to Steam. What should i do please?
So I can not help you with this. I don’t know why it directs you to steam. Sorry
These are uplay accounts so I do not know why direct you to steam. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bdd77445b824145bd0b3d4eef26c219e24261dbc16cd7377ea058e2f7639fc09.jpg
On this facebook page: www dot facebook dot com / ezioGamingAccounts they give new accounts every day at 5:00 pm egypt local time.
i cant find this page broo can you place the link again please?????????
Here: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d05b1ed8766affd43c5617470d4da6ad87c9f810aa09e6997fadb1ca984db40a.jpg
Hello again, I have an account for ACO but when i click download in Ubisoft it directs me to Steam to buy the game. Any suggestions please?
Okay so i got this game 100% free, what you do is make a new steam buy the game install it play it for like 10 mins. ask for a refund and after that make it offline mode, BAM done. U get free game and money back and you also have the performance update.
i downloaded the game from here and i have uplay account with origins .. any one know can i play the game now ? and how ?
anyone please with me account i wanna play ofline mode ac origins
Hi guys, i unpacked the geame but i dont know how to start. There is no Aplication file(.exe).
PLS help me!
Wait for crack, bro.
I have played 2-3 hours this game and really i want say it, is fantastic
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a363450684e8d7847b4b0162a74f90c5b0076ed3752554db0d0e3cbeb8899524.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0c1c8df51fa0f7a72656e91234b3b3899eb687d152c0b41cb7668311331bf171.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/48d1f4153d3560cdca5d05dd2334907bab180461e99ee3ef2ff9e7e56950fe6b.jpg
Can u share ur account with me plz?
IM GETTING THIS ERROR- Unable to start the game. This product cannot be activated, please try again later” WITH ACO. DID EVERY FIX BUT NONE WORKED. ANY ONE CAN SOLVE THE PROBLEM ?? PLZ
Do you have an account?
Crack is ready
where.. link please
I hope its ready
But i think you lie
maybe soon for you guys?
u’re still posting here u whore ?
the whore is your mother who made you with an alcoholic on a toilet
u basterd dezo stop posting spoilers atleast wriie spoilers ahead in d title
bastardo ur dada
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fe74f42eeaf1bc332f5c46b4bd15c8eef972b7a376b804abbc6c16c156fc7b02.gif No Crack my fuhrer
Ohh crack
its soon
virus incomming
hey guys, so is the crack out now or what?
Do you See “crack wait”
yes but, there is a link posted for the crack and i dont really expect them to update it all at the same time :)
There isn’t any Link for the Crack ;D https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b65c1cc5a5224c6bc79e11f817a2d905c1b2df389a358e997c43df3cc0376501.png
this is no crack? if this is crack, where paste in AC folder? and where paste this “PRELOAD TO RELEASE PATCH”???
Preload to release patch just paste into game directory
and this crack is real or fake?
if real where paste?
Oh god.. Read Crack Wait.. (No crack for now)
and >SOON<
crack it crack it
iso file crack is a virus
Come on guys our GOAL is not crack but 10,000 comments https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/92469cd94ef98b782402a9fa172145eab91de326099b9d36c38d458b6ad71bdf.gif
Actually mine’s crack right now!! But I’m running low so might have to go score some more ;)
so guys in the end u kill caesar and bayek stops being assassin and becomes the hidden one.
and its supposed that next assassin creed games will be with Layla she is like a Desmond who you play as there in modern day, and also it will be like assassins creed 2, brotherhood, revelation, where you play as Bayek, or Aya his ex wife cause in the end they go on their separate way.
so yea also pic here how its ending by killing caesar :) you play as Aya, Bayeks wife https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3f615725774775826a2a547cf6314769fcd565c2653c5a0e5a9edd6739dcd8ba.png
Věděl jsem, že jsou Češi kokoti, ale tohle je fakt něco :D
I thought its only me getting low GPU usage for no reason :/
love how ur the only one with the hood on ;)
Yeah and we all know the JEWS were behind that! as senator constantine said ” The Jewish people have destroyed our unity and spread mistrust all in the name of greed” Unknown Roman soldier (from a papyrus scroll) “How dare the Jews burn our empire and blame it on our benevolent leader”
Well we are seeing the same with the mass immigration of Muslims into Europe paid for by the JEWS!!
exactly my friend jews are the devils, responsible for all hell we have now in the world
and for wankers picture here enjoy @pr0m0tingwh0r:disqus https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9d6ef08cea86e3332b4a00f0afe64b41edab02f530d7ae0c5019ee4818fe982c.png
Gross Nigger! PLEASE don’t bring the crack out now ;) or can we have a Anti Monkey Mod??
They said “crack only soon” on the top. Wohooo!
woooooohoooo the game is great at the end of game u kill caesar enjoy man
You bought this game or you are the crackers who keep the crack for yourself?
3 dollar account man
Im not interested with sharing account
alright then wait for the crack, it may take some months
No probs with dat
I don’t understand, why are you so pathetic ??
So… how are you with the crack :D
Hell yeah
is the crack safe?
dis butthole dezzo is posting a lot spoilers with images is der any way i can block him!!
thts not spoil o u just check up… there..is a change upto yestrday…there is nothing about..crack details..but now they change to crack soon..something behind
motherfucker likes to give spoilers !!!!
There ‘s something behind that…. i think it will release soon…heard..some news…everysites..
Youuuuuuuuuuuuuu…. you are good…. you are good Robert..
Will the crack release soon??
It’s crazy, I’m waiting for this Crack because I can’t afford the game as I spend all my money on Crack!
Arrgghh there’s too much Crack in my life LMAO!
CRACK is OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY. It says Soon but you can Download it. If it doesnt work download the Torrent from GMT-MAX website and select only exe file to download and copy in this folder. If still doesnt work, then download the complete game again from GMT-MAX.
Did that work for u mate??
Its getting blocked by my Antivirus, at every step. I dont want to risk it, as its also asking internet connection to install. So I am downloading the complete game again from GMT-MAX. I will let you guys know after I download it, My net is slow, so it might take some time.
do tell
Its Not working buddy. Tried various ways, Still doesnt work
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2aa284bec0da0ab226e74f796a7573e9fc7a5a8d6e83863b971f7f2fc5a42d41.gif EM BREVE ?!
holy fuck crack is coming
yep very soon
Friend it will take 1 year to get cracked so don’t hope that crack soon means 2 or 3 months its 1 or 2 years
So why you here? if you know it will take 1,2 years to be cracked?
Having a big hope
So why make everyone that is doing the same lose hope by commenting the BS you’re commenting?
I think they were paid for not to release crack
if they know the people who were cracking they would be in jail.
stop your bullshit comments
that is right…
Ooo do you know what they are doing or whom they won’t contact
Do you?
No but there is some reason for that then won’t release the crack
bro all the previous versions of denuvo are cracked by reverse engineering tools
but now it has 2nd layer vmprotect which is difficult to crack and reverse engineering tools are no longer effective against it
But is it impossible to crack?? Will it get cracked???
yes it will get crack…
it will crack eventually just calm your tits and wait for the crack
I think you have some mistake
And one more thing I challenge that it will take around 7 months to get cracked
sounds about right
Like Tomb Rider
I think they take permission from you that will they pay or not??
so you are saying that you are infront them while ubisoft is paying the crackers
Bro they are not relasing crack as we know the cod ww2 ia cracked in few howers then why won’t this game get cracked
Because it’s ACO is using two APP… Takes longer to crack.
So what COD WW2 is also using 2 protection and it get cracked in few howers
And don’t ask to the cracking teams then don’t know how to speak in english and they won’t reply so wait for 2 years
Tumi 1ta boro bal
kno be bal ta
jodi otoi bhorsa thake tahol wait and see
You don’t speak English either! Also you’re full of bullshit! You said it will NEVER be cracked, then you said it will take 2 years, them one year, then 1 week! You Paki’s shouldn’t even be allowed to use OUR Western technology!
fuck u
u pice of racist shit …… go fuck ur self we all here are only gamers not racist like you motherfuker
bro I am Indian not Paki’s
bro it will take time to get cracked VMprotection is protecting DENUVO
yeah officially declared . crack releasing after 4 hrs
So Guys Wait…
we all believe you .. <3
Link or any source please post it here
Link or source please
Its been 4 hrs since your comment but still no crack next time if you want to post something about crack release please post with the source or proof.
Fuck off smelly Paki…
how much time this game need to be cracked?
after you die .. so die Please
Ok I gaveup on this game (Assasins Creed Origins), as well as Need for Speed Origins and as well as Star Wars Battlefront 2.. These games are never gonna be cracked..
And I will never gonna be able to afford them..
So I guess I will just watch all the youtube game walkthroughs for these game
i’m tired of those people like you who say ”nfs was not cracked so AC will never be as well” THOSE games (NFS, Star wars Battlefront ecc) are MULTIPLAYER ONLINE games, which means they require servers and a permanent online connection, so it’s obvious that they cannot be cracked unless there are cracked servers like they did for bf3 multiplayer, this is an offline game -.- oh and Syndicate also had denuvo so stop saying bullshit.
nfs payback doesnt need to be online to play single player games do ur research right!!!
He did his research. He wasn’t talking about payback. He was talking about last year’s need for speed.
are we nearly there?
ahahah you’re right ;D
Are u really stupid enough to believe Ubisoft paid ALL of the crackers not to steal there game. Cmon!
they paid some of the crackers tho
TAFAREEEEEEEELLL, sai, sai, sai que é sua tafarel!
C monn
Dont wait crack guys, i recommend u forgot it…
Spirit breaker :D
Nothing’s impossible. Just wait and believe to them.
Modificaron la pagina, y pusieron un link vacío para el crack, ahora estoy tranquilo! Seguimos sin el crack, pero ver ese link inutil ya da esperanza. jajajaja
puede que sea un troleo pa los desesperados, y pusieron un archivo malware ajjaja pero igual puede venir pronto
Es muy comun que en estas páginas cuando pasa mucho tiempo que no cambia nada, cambian algo estético de la publicacion para hacernos creer que algo cambia. Es como cuando no estudiaste para un examen, y no recuerdas nada de nada, pero te pones a corregir los subrayados, los colores, etc. Digamos, se ponen a “hacer tiempo” cambiando esos detalles pero lo importante no está.
una pregunta, el parche ese para qué es?
Ese parche es una primera mini actualización que salió junto con el juego, pero es lo mismo porque no trae crack, y cuando salga el crack si es que sale, sera para otra versión osea que tendremos que poner otras actualizaciones más antes.
Igualmente el winrar da error por archivo dañado, pero era saber si era importante o no, gracias tío.
Yo lo descargue apenas lo publicaron y estaba bien, pero hay bots que estan dañando todos estos archivos publicados, por ejemplo yo baje el juego desde youtube tambien con otro torrent y la version que baje no traia los ejecutables (cuando en el video si los traia y los primeros que lo habian bajado les vino). Y aqui, mucha gente lo bajo y le sale dañado, creo que las empresas dañaron los archivos de alguna manera para no dejar descargar.
Hijos de puta, que se jodan, por engañar a la gente con los micropagos xD
Nothing is true everything is permitted :D
Can anyone provide me Assassin’s Creed : Origins v1.03 Patch google drive link or torrent link as in Corepack links are not working
Wait, how to use the crack?
WAIT! Soon…
But you can download an exe : …. What is that?
That’s a virus, ads or something
No crack, no exe. I dont know why…
c mon 10000 thousand comments
For what?
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/547cc1943f838e0aa61f3e4a3984b78495a7ef73e9a3d9adbea17d6bbe8830a6.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/69db4090261b1b85f1be87871cbc4a0a58773ef45d049c12c2a7601df32e09fa.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e80a8de69234181325d2da3759e185f04086277459eefb28334dfadb2ba4c3a0.jpg
i can share my account for 2 $ if any 1 care
contact josemariph7@gmail.com
wtf date for crack pls answer?
Tomorrow exactly
Are you sure. Any proof, link or source
Nah im not sure but I hope so. Everyone hope so except Ubisoft
Rendy if you are not sure about that, then how can you use word like “exactly” in your reply.
Cmon man dont be serious like that. We’re on same way here. Just hope it’ll release soon.
bro i am not trying to be serious, i am just tired of waiting and when i see someone posting
about crack release i just to be sure about that. and sorry for harsh behavior.
Just chill and wait till it drops. If you mad with this thing so go and buy the game!
Bro if i had enough money first thing i do is buy this game but i don’t have so i am just waiting like everyone else.
So why you being so mad? Just chill and wait like everyone except you are rich boy.
yeah im considering going and buying it tomorrow, so do you have a source pls.
You are naif. There’s no crack. If you wanna buy this game, don’t wait tomorrow and buy it now. Or be patient. It’s just a game. Save your money.
Why are you being so boring about this game?
So what if Ubistoft set Denuvo and VM protection,they worked hard to earn money
Would you done it like for free?? JEzzz.
still no crack?
Amalkumar- ur power of harmones is more dan ur power of patience!!!
Hi Guys ASSASSIN’S CREED ORIGINS Free offline activation
100% FREE I HAVE More Accounts Not Sell Only Free
Use Teamviewer
Is it for real
Type your email id
All Guys check your mailbox PLS
Yes 100%
Look at all these idiots installing bit coin miners in their PCs LOL
is real man
nicoalejandro314@gmail.com please
Hi Iam Ready??? Pls Come Online
check your mailbox
cainemvhzcbee@gmail.com please men
Check your mailbox quick
bienoubienlemarsupilami@gmail.com Thanks
koganti.tarunchand@gmail.com thank u
aalgunocon@gmail.com thanks m8
too much time for crack this game…
Ughhh just crack it alreadyyy
18 days! – holy crap!
Another hoax info?
soon .. but how soon?
Hey guys, Where can i download Patch 1.03 please?
go to corepacks
I dont see there the 1.03 patch 1GB file
Thanks bro, i got it. will it be easier if i downloaded the patch for Uplay to get the files faster before being logged out?
Denuvo ha ganado. Aceptenlo muchachos!! Ya paso mucho tiempo y ahora a la empresa le da igual si lo crackean o no, y aun asi no han podido. Les recomiendo empezar algun juego que no hayan probado, porque 40 gb ya no tiene sentido tener ocupado para nada.
So what about the crack is there any News about it.
Hi when i extract the zip its says Datapc_ACE_Egypt.forge . This file is corrupt checksumerror
I need your help guys, I downloaded the Skidrow version here and used Uplay account to to verify the path for the game on my pc and once i click on Play, i received error message tht the game cannot be activated and try again later. Can someone help please?
Come teamviewer
mail id pls
contact me if u wanna me to help
Mahmoud, can u help me activating my ACO please?
ready guys Come Online
Sent Your mail Id..
harikosaksi007@gmail.com plssssssss
not working your mail
its true man what do u mean by not working pls
c this bro its working
check your mailbox Quick
007anukrishnan@gmail.com please………………………… :D
what hapened
check your mailbox Quick
elshepl05@gmail.com please
check your mailbox
guys time is going
pls marescfer2@gmail.com
rigoz115@live.com.mx pliss
check your mailbox Quick
guys time is going
i kinda wanna play so if you could hit me up at: lolzdj@hotmail.com that’d be sick mate. thanks!
check your mailbox Quick
pls hit me up on vanivanev@gmail.com
No Crack Releasd
This is my Players GIFT
207 More Player This Game Now Play
My Accounts 100% Free Quick
Please ! tapetteestififa@gmail.com
mail not working
tapetteestfifa@gmail.com sorry
there is a problem?
Thank you !
Amal kumar I have an doubt
I have an account but it’s showing unable to start product
Hey anyone knows the fix for this uplay problem. Like whenever I click play assassins Creed origins it shows an splash screen and after sometime it shows unable to start product.
Come TeamViewer
Now I’m on my mobile. So if you know the fix just tell it….
Give an Account ok
You Buy IT ACO??
Yes there is aco and located game file
1.03 Patch Update ,After This problem
Use uplay account your’s
Or rent account
u play Offline mod
Then too same problem
u buy new rent account
lost your save game
Can you give me one account I’ll give mine
No probleam But
Come Teamviewer
Message me via msribalajim@gmail.com
1.03 this Update Offcial
Before 1.03 updates it worked well but now it’s not. And i even uninstalled 1.03 updt then too same problem
Can you tell me why
Had 2 accounts but the same problem can tell me the fix
please! tapetteestfifa@gmail.com
Time Going
Bro i have send you id and pass please activate my game
no mail
I mean i have send you id and pass of TeamViewer on Gmail. Please check it
mail id
I send my id and pass to activate the game m8. My mail is aalgunocon@gmail.com
crackkkkkkkkkkk -_-
Dont trust anyone who ask you to give your mail and pass. He might be put something mess or manipulating your data!
Accounts End soon
I smell BS.
Thank bro 4 active offline mod ac origins :) now i m really happy :D
can you active my account please , grooxxx@gmail.com .Thx
my email id is pawan.jadav.85@gmail.com – please bro…. :)
cj1011@wp.pl pls
ACTIVATE MINE PLSSSSS gaston18maton@hotmail.cl
hi can you aktivate my asso ?? pls?
Sent Mail
Hi waht is Happen? I have waiting? :)
when are you gonna release the crack?
Jos malo
Bojim se da cemo se nacekat.
ja msm da krek izlazi za nedelju dana mozda i sutra mozda i ove nedelje vidis da su napisali soon znaci otprilike 4 5 dana to ti je fazon PREDOBROOOO … SVI CEKAMO tesko je to ubisoft je stavio novi sistem zakljucavanja ovi ljudi su placeni nenormalno velike cifre mzoda cak i milioni svaki po na osob da PRODJU KROZ NJIHOV SISTEM cekajte jos nedelju dana do tada izlazi sigurno
Iskreno,zastita za ovu igru se ne isplati.Igru ce crackovat kad tad,danas ili za 2 godine,a sad zbog njihovi pusti zastita (cak 4) pate i oni koji su je kupili,jer VMProtect na Denuvu jede procesor.Kazu da samo AntiPiracy sistemi pucaju 30%-40% procesora i to im samo umanjuje ocjene.Ako je igrica dobra profita ce biti i bez zastite.Eto uzmite primjer Witchera 3,igra je imala max 1 zastitu,ja cak mislim da je nije imala nikako i opet je najnagradjenija RPG,open world igra,igra godine,daleko najprodavanija witcher igra…
Haha…drago mi je da nas ima…jel tko probao preko Antidenuvo ili preko DarckRepacks za cc 4 $ kupiti offline aktivaciju preko TeamViewera?
how do i get a key for ac ori gold edition???!
I have working crack.
Message me for more info
£3/$3 per code :)
How To Buy???
Just message me
type Ur Mail i will message you
is not true man, dont cheat the people man
What? I have an insider in steampunk. Got an early release
the crackers are fucked up they cant crack this wait for 1 year
Buy the game, son of a bitch
No money…. All money in pc
You do realise you wrote “buy the game” on a site which offers cracked games, don’t you?
Do you realize that you are demanding something that you have not paid, right?
dont teach us your fucking lesson do one thing wait till december the price of assassins creed origins will decrease on Christmas :)
Tell that to the complainant, I’m not complaining that it’s going to be late …
LOL bro already buyed the game and then refunded it because of lots of problame high cpu usage making the game creeping
if you want him to buy the game then why are you here
Because I am not demanding anything and I have patience and I wait without complaining ……
Bro No one can demand anything here because this is a fan made website and they will not crack anything here they will just upload the crack which is cracked by Members of steampunks ,CPY and some pirates.
That’s the least of it, the sad thing is to see people demand when they have not paid a shit for the crack, or the pirate game.
no crack holly shit time??
I have two accounts (one legit and one is bough from a site) for this game. Do I need to re login online the payed account when patch 1.04 is released and applied? Or will it still work if I only login offline even with the new patch?
You have some approximate date to realease crack? 1 week, 2 weeks, or more?
Nobody knows, bro. Sadly.
I have two accounts (one legit and one is bough from a site) for this game. Do I need to re login online the payed account when patch 1.04 is released and applied? Or will it still work if I only login offline even with the new patch?
Account is OVER!!!!!!!!!!!
hey i’ve given you my teamviewer account but i didn’t got the account :(
Same , what are you doing Amalkumar ?
Can someone give their account to me for free please.
This my play NFS PAYBACK
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/759c77a5d55fd79bfefe9005fdf45a16cdfc4c7bbc4ea61ee7f8d38f452c550b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7d558595f7b79302945369e19853055453754b6aadeb0ea26e8878a837d2a56c.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/505fe792f8bbc0d90c6b3ee92311cdf486b941104948af18842167937eccc5ee.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cfcfaa4ffb7a7bb6fec127d74d6dd1304cd7dd3c5e6b4c4270a91e2f205fe2c5.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0fc5e44af5662998a51cd5ea09034a4818fadf319e12df4be6a0d1e5a95ec7e2.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/28c4458fd2f5eb930a63682607dbae625aee6fadd704bf53a2162367af8ddd8d.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6de73859e80654bbe1b3abc422facfb35bb99a646cf52c47b0312e48ef9540e7.jpg
the crack went out?
Nice brother
Fuck your screenshots fucking dumbass INDIAN
U TRY http:// plati. ru/
amalkumar bro can you check your mail ..i need your help again …pleasee
finaly the crack
Where is the crack guysssss ???? :(:(:(:( ????
Theres no
im currently selling my ubi account, i mostly got all games activated and running. if anyone is interested on buying it, contact me: elosetebronza@gmail.com
Can someone help me please?I bought an account on plati weeks ago and i have been playing ever since,but today the uplay client updated and the game won’t start anymore; anyone knows what can i do??
can you please share your account so that i can make my game offline and play
I am looking for help cause i am not able to play myself anymore,please don’t fill the replies with unuseful waste
I doubt it will work. U should never let it connect to the internet. Should have blocked it using firewall. Try again by disconnecting your internet or blocking uplay with firewall
I did it,and yesterday worked,but today the error represented itself when i tried to start the game from the desktop icon
can you please explain . I bought account then made uplay offline and playing . but it needs uplay login everytime i restart my pc , so if owner change password again the account fails right ? if i block uplay in ifrewall then i cannot able to uplay login and i cannot play game right ? how can i play permanently without internet
this attitude of yours is the main reason that you’re not able to play the game LOL
@akpopz:disqus And this attitude of yours is the main reason that instead of buying an uplay account you have to ask others like beggars LOL
if i had the money for it I’ll give my account to those who dont have one to make the game offline. Not like you a**hole so F**KOFF
time to try something new mate ;)
dont need your advice for that you MF
poor beggar ;)
I got the free account yo MF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beggar gets free money…u got a free account. Whats the difference?
Yo crybaby go and suck someones dick!!!!
U go suck someone’s dick and beg. It suits u. Lol
No No No No No No No It suits U better AssHole Your mother sucked some beggar or some dog to give birth to U. So you follow her path!!!!!!!!!!
U go suck someone’s dick and beg. Might get lucky and get something for free again. Dont miss the chance
bro inorder to solve this go online into your uplay account and under games section
right click on assassins creed origins and select verify game files. then ubisoft verifys and fixes corrupted game files and downloads if missing.
the same happened to me when uplay client updated but on trying this it is fixed
@luigiiannelli:disqus I checked now and the game is still running. U should try restarting uplay and then start the game from uplay itself rather than using the AC-O desktop icon
Yesterday i fixed it by blocking uplay in the firewall,but today when i tried to start it from the desktop icon it gave me the same error
Can anyone share their uplay account please
Can we reach 10.000 comments?
hey can anyone sell me the dragon ball xenoverse 2 online account
from where can i get 1.03 patc ?
can you release a date for crack?????
too much time for it
i’m tired of waiting
I really dont think they care if you are tired of waiting. If you cant wait buy the game. If you are broke and cant afford to buy the game then just STFU and wait.
buy it then.
Pretty cool detail. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1957c7d9acb5f63a4e11817c2645b3a76bf1f839b3566ff6607ee427be6d953f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d0cf065628f7dd5ecf711d8c7f2471340de8b9ff33a8742d61f2a08bf437ad43.jpg
patch 1.04 download link pc ?
can i update to patch 1.04. I am using offline activation
isnt the crack yet¿
sir we are waiting please do hurry …. lots of love and support
I got the game and I am playing now
how did you get it?
with money
One dealer has gave me in low price only five hundred rs
Only 500 needed for account
any news on crack???
does anyone know the password to the account harrich@gmx.net. i accidentally logged out but now i cant login because someone changed the password. my old saves are there thats why i am asking?. or how to bypass that go online widow that pops up when you log in for the first time?
is “warhammer40k” ?
It used to be but now i cant log in. Someone changed the password ( probably the owner). It logged me out when uplay updated.
Anyway i dont know is it an account from plati or an actual account.
has the torrent link 1 expired??
When will be the game cracked?
never bro…
I have got an aco account but It says to me the prodect can not be activated right now, try again later …. any one has got a solution please ???
Have you got account by searching on Google
same here did U fixed it??
I got the game too, and free. Searching accounts uplay on google. Easy.
I’ve been playing for 2 days and it does not hurt me in one FX8350 8GB RAM
and RADEON R7 360 2GB, but the PC is warmed up to the
maximum good and the bugs that are playing… In itself,
the game is not for much.
Tengo el juego también, y gratis. Buscando cuentas uplay en google. Facil.
Llevo 2 dias jugando y no me va mal en un FX8350 8GB RAM and
RADEON R7 360 2GB pero se calienta el pc al maximo bueno y
la de bugs que hay jugando… En si el juego no es para tanto
Donde conseguis cuenta con el juego?
Si la pongo aqui la banearan por acceder demasiado en algunas no se puede porque estan vinculadas a steam ademas si alguien la usa mientras la usa otro se cierra la sesion en el anterior
Can you give me one account you searched on google i will play offline.
i tried googling but can’t find one
Thank u..
account search on google for free? OMG
do not be serious
Can you give me one account you searched on google i will play offline.
i tried googling but can’t find one
Thank u.
Its serious my friend, but while the session starts if another also initiates it then closes it and may end up in temporary ban
Can u give me one free account so that i can play the game offline
Here is not the one you use, but look how it is not so difficult to find accounts
http:// pasted. co/46182389
can anyone sell me the account who has completed the game assassins creed origins
why isnt the torrent link working??
Please guys can anyone share a account just for verify files….i’m begging you all…i’m dying to play this game…you make me so happy..sorry for bad English.thank you
Guys I downloaded the game from Uplay. But how do i activate it for OFFLINE ??? please tell me how to play the game offline..Thanks
Cheapest ACO i’ve found
http://www. plati. market/itm/assassin-s-creed-origins-ru-eng-lifetime-warranty/2381093?ai=758540
please share me the account so that i will play offline
What happens when the owner of the account realizes someone hacked his account? You cant play the game anymore i guess … am i right ?
U can still play the game if you check the “Play Offline” box in Uplay.
Ok, so if i have the game downloaded. I go full offline mode and start a new game, is the owner going to notice there is a new game started ? i mean in saved games. (he is online, im not)
no but he will be notified that someone (you) is connected to his account. If he change the password or if the account get banned you will not be targeted thank to offline mode.
Guys I downloaded the game from Uplay. But how do i activate it for OFFLINE ??? please tell me how to play the game offline..Thanks
Guys, I might have found a key generator for that CPY crack RAR file. Just remove the space.
https://goo. gl/A97jtb
fuck off bitch
hi friends, could you share an account? is to verify files since in another account it no longer allows me to access the game, need to verify :S
acount ac origins free
Let me download please.
Maybe we can take turns … . cmon lets use brain.
this is an free aco account
Please tell me the new pasword I stucked at 35 gb i need only 5 minutes after I will go offline
Please tell me what is the new password.
anybody kind enough to give me an account ? i will be quick just log in and go offline mode i already have the game downloaded please
Its gonna be the same when far cry 5 out in the future
i bought one from plati but i have a verification problem :(
check the archives and finish the installation in uplay, next play
Don’t wait for crack it will take 1 year to get cracked. I had buyed the game and I am now playing
And you left a comment that you have the game because you want to make everyone here feel better right? Or is it a HaHa i have the game and you dont kind of comment. Im sure everyone here who has the money to buy the game wont wait one year. But thanks for your words of wisdom anyway. xD
No bro I mean dont wait for crack i could be 1 year or 3 weeks crackers knows when will the crack will come out
Guys i have completed assassins creed origins . now i will sell my uplay account just for 250Rs.
Anyone intrested can contact me.
Assassins creed Gold Edition in my Account
What are 250Rs in € ?
5 Euros
contact me@ devilguy011111@gmail.com
i will
contact me @devilguy011111@gmail.com
Anyone having Dragon ball Xenoverse 2 account can exchange with my Assassins Creed Origins Account.
Guys I am going to activate the game Assassins creed origins offline for 65 Rupees or for 1 dollar or for 1 Euro.
Those Who are interested can comment their emails below
Me fmvillaneda@outlook.com thanks
Sorry guys my account is sold out
news crack?
Theres ACO for 1$
https://www. plati. market/itm/assassins-creed-origins-lifetime-guarantee-discount/2381869?ai=758540
Crack will take awhile so buy it!
http://www. plati. market/itm/assassins-creed-origins-lifetime-guarantee-discount/2381869?ai=758540
At last..
Getting my ass kicked
Say hi to everyone
No manners…..shame on u
Beautiful eyes
I bought account on plati and already finished game. Everything worked fine so I can sell it for 1$. Email me if you are interested. zenyatome@gmail.com
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no crack yet
guys please help i bought the game on Uplay but i cannot play the game, it says that – this product cannot be activated right now please try again later .And please tell me how to activate the game offline ?
send your team viewer id
For me also the same problem DUDE
Just bought the game from plati it’s so good guys
Can you share me the link of seller of account where you buyed
So, I really do not like to make comments im more of a silent/watch type of a person, but there is a big mistake i think no one sees. I went to crackwatch to read some comments and apparently everyone is lying themself including their words/opinions, i will start this by taking this new crackers scene that appeared since Denuvo, before them they were quieter. Other scene which include reloaded, imagine, razor 1911, deviance, fairlight basically all Centropy scene, now this part of the scene is all closed but some of them are off-side watching how everything goes up/down, it will be useless to mention what they did in the past with their releases but as far as I know we still got reloaded which has some friends at axxo which is out there waiting for something to fall and then bang. 1911, mentioned in 2014/15 that the state for the scene will be worst since old pirates have gone off grind along with some core softwares/hardware, but the state of pc games is in a very sorry state from what I see now. The piracy will not fall but it will get a lot fuckin harder then it were before all because of this new sailors because I can’t call them pirates, I mentioned at the very be beginning that I went to crackwatch, since when this new ”scene” accept a payment from Devs? No, our job is to put games out there for folks like you for free not to pay them, it will be easier to pay the dev directly if we look at this perspective in this way. I will try my very best today as a old pirate to see what’s about Origins protection. I have read that it’s uses 4.7 and VMProtection but before the comment I went to see what’s about this VMProtection and everytime I try to break the codes it’s change and also the CPU goes skyrocketing. So what I have done? I tried with a Xeon e5-2699a and it seems like it’s working but when it’s done weird it’s that some of the core files from the game(other bin and engine) seems to delete, so what I’ve done? I did tried to change the codes and also the elements of the engine to match the bins it’s working but it’s only a black screen with no sound and it’s stays forever till they delete themself again and set their defaults, so basically it’s a cycle. If you have any question.. i wait for them
Anyone who believes that Ubisoft is paying hackers not to crack there games is a real stupid ass. Tell me what would be the point of paying money for Denuvo protection if there already paying the hackers not to crack the game? It makes no sence at all and anyone who thinks it does is stupid as hell. xD
A bit of Tom & Jerry happening around here, not alone buddy, I’ve been asking myself this but as far as I see on that comment section this new ”scene” stated this
My hype to play assassin’s creed origins is now decaying… ffs how long will this take ?
guys please help i verify game files …update game and when i try to play the game first time online to check everything ok… unable the start the game
this product cannot be activated right now,please try again later guys please help i wont to play always offline …just first time to go online to make sure everything ok… thank you
Cpy? Steampunks? Codepunks? are we gonna get a crack or should I buy it now…
plz guys account plz
plzzzzz any1 give me account
plzz brothers account plzzzz
It looks like everybody has the same problem. ubisoft released the uplay update on november the 15th. and this method with offline accounts doesn’t work as it used to. my account from plati is working but my other accounts (two of them) are throwing out the same issue (unable to activate the game) even after verifying the game files. If anyone has a solution please let as know, but i think it has something to with game updates.
fukkk uuu all
lol. xD
For the accounts I gave, you had to be faster, I guess. Maybe they still work, i dunno.
I was able to play the game by downloading this version. I
then connected to an Uplay account with the game, I started the download
and then I changed the installation folder, Uplay recovered the files
already present and updated some gigas.
Now I log into the account offline (i don’t want to distrub the account user) and it works fine.
Maybe I will give other accounts later but be ready …
thx men you are the best
this not normal i can’t connect to the account ??
help plzzzz
my bad luck . https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4d98a39308d5cf414f85c0f722d10f26dc68d55b0d56b1bbc396cb9ec42fff95.png
mon ami le compte suspendu .pourqoui sa marche pa ??
@xtenzxtenz:disqus thx bro i will wait .if you have samthing send me plzz this is my email hedhoudhedi@outlook.fr
Have you tried the one I just posted?
.i trie but they dont work
sorry for my english
c’est mon email hedhoudhedi@outlook.fr
lautre compte ne connecte pas
c’est mon email
lautre compte ne connecte pas
Plzz someone who can help with this
come online bro
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f708a6459173dc182315e041419a80b4d5a6e9fadc1a4de5b863a090b1b9e4c8.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e78b4290939f244f388fe137726587c8b00c382f1a29751d38d1795f101d823f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a9d00bd630cf84a9ff8891ef9dd5a9ff293e83091ebc709324ee501d6c2944fb.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7d13c489353bf04ab89b58f82de8c6c44674612f5206dc800ae31a10e60e0795.jpg
Uplay Account change My save file lost or not working
Hi Bro You find a solution
just found a guy on plati that will convert a save game to work with a new account. i had a problem and had to switch accounts. i would have lost my saved if not for this guy. he can convert a save game files in 10-15 minutes. follow this link: if i post a link it is awaiting moderation forever, i will try again later. it costs 3-4 usd.
pls post link bro
ex: https: // http://www.skidrow-games. com/assassins-creed-origins-full-unlocked/
u post the link
ex:https:// http://www.skidrow-games. com/assassins-creed-origins-full-unlocked/
It is awaiting moderarion. Try on google save game transfer plati. Guys name is justdev2018
Sent ur mail id pls
Sent ur mail id
how to work ?
Thank you
check your mailbox
account plzz i want to play
account plzz i want to play plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I will give you my friends number they will surely give you but only 500 u have to pay through paytm or pay pal
Contact me with 7003961477
scam alert careful
I give up.
aja CRACK?
http://www. plati. market/itm/assassin-s-creed-origins-ru-eng-lifetime-warranty/2381093?ai=758540
nb: use the 10% code in the product desc.
Guys? Why is the installer is in Japeenese?
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/30b5318aa69ad7a95eb18c18a30eca1df34621cfb07247a82ee8d37b59cb2362.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0c888536e0254a0bcaf62152bbdc13c87a8fb321f47373f0afea5554e741e9c5.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/32457ddbc34f79efdfd7937922ec03a69cc90b2db53dc93ed31365e03fe26752.png
when crack ……..
Im unable to activate Uplay
can anyone be kind enough to shaew an account and password
my email ID is arunsuresh37@gmail.com
I seriously cant afford the game as I have bought a Second handPC with it
please guys please
plz any1 send me account plzz i want to play plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
if anyone have a account plz share
How to Edit save game
Or decrypter????
How to open Save game?
thx you amal kumar to activate the game . i am able to play now ac o
Yeah Amal is amazing!!!!
is good boy
crack this fucking thing…..i wanna play my copy without DRM faaaaaaaark!
i bought it for 49 euros
Sent email
Can you activate mine for Offline please ??
Type ur mail id
check your mailbox
check your mailbox
Come online
here @disqus_12Jro4NKBT:disqus
i hve finishd game. nw selling my Assasin creed origin Acc cheapest in 2$ anyone want it ???
yup gimme your account details
Fr 2$ bro
ohk want to know hoeto pay
my id mohsnaveed@yahoo.com
i hve 5 accounts anyone want?
yes bro
Ehm yea ? :D
Its fr 2$
technical sagar is best
i have 50+ accnts
give me one account please
Fr2$.. ihv already shred free accounts hre
my id devilguy011111@gmail.com
me too
msst b joking… i dnt buy .. i hckd
how abt sharring?
Do u have nfs Payback Accounts
wtf man go crack assassin’s cred origins you are seriouse man lest go man #TeamSkydrowFASTCRACK -Assassin’s-Creed-Origins Lest go Dude
ma esce oppure no questo cazzo di crack?
fai come me manda affanculo il pc e passa alla play, non hai di sti casini, neanche i driver, gli errori e il resto che fa cagare, e ci sono le esclusive bellissime.
Is the link where it says crack only with the word Soon the actual link for the crack? Or is it just a placeholder until it actually comes out?
No hate but thats a very stupid question. Does soon mean now?
No it doesn’t, but I’m confused as to why anyone would put the work SOON but then put a link below it. If you can explain that then I would be very happy and informed.
To be honest I dont know why they have that but its always been that way. But as long as it says soon dont click on it. Ive heard a lot of people saying its malware. xD
Ok that lighten up something’s but I did click the link and when it downloaded windows defender said it was bad which NEVER happens so I was like well this has to complete crap so I just deleted it.
Any one kind enough to give me one nfs payback account
i will buy, i’m tired to wait…….
if anyone want account. contct me i m selling each fr 2 $
here the game for less than 1$
http://www. plati. market/itm/assassins-creed-origins-uplay-ru-eng/2385143?ai=758540
jaja todavia siguen esperando??? Compren una cuenta en algun sistema como MercadoLibre. Yo lo hice y funcionó.
en que parte puedo comprarla amigo? cuanto le costó a ud? son confiables? gracias
Puse enlace, pero los mismos que no ponen en crack bloquean los mensajes para que nadie pueda jugarlo si no es con esta pagina.
busca en google MercadoLibre, registrate eligiendo tu país, y alli podes buscar el juego y cuentas uplay.
En la pagina MercadoLibre, trato de poner links pero cuando lo hago no se publica. Busca la pagina en google, es un sitio web para comprar y vender productos entre usuarios en sudamerica, pero al comprar como es una cuenta la podes comprar online. Registrate, indica tu país, y luego en el buscador de productos pones Assassins Creed Origins uPlay. Luego en todas las publicaciones ordenas por el precio mas barato, y siempre las primeras van a ser las cuentas uplay, te dan una cuenta abandonada, y con eso lo descargas, y luego lo pones en offlne por las dudas y listo. Asi lo pude conseguir yo, y lo termine entero una vez y ahora lo empece a rejugar hoy.
A mi me costó 180 pesos argentinos. Osea unos 9 dolares, mas o menos, soy malisimo con la matematica. Pero en cada pais te lo convierten a tu moneda supongo.
The crack is on ?
citynetgames@gmail.com plz can some 1 give me account tnx in advance
For 75 Rs or 1 dollar or 1 Euro I will activate offline
for 75Rs or 1 dollar or 1 euro I will activate offline
Hi, plz can someone give me account? firzen5@o2.pl Love you and thanks in advance <3
Bro for 75 Rs or 1 dollar or 1 euro I will activate offline
guys i will do assassins creed offline activation for 75 Rupees or 1 dollar anyone interested can post their emails below
Check your email
check ur email..
check ur email
check ur email.
nice way of scamming lmao
This game is not getting a crack
I bought account on plati but the account password was changed, so seller gave me new account but my old uplay account game save files are not working with new uplay account , pls Help
On private P2P trackers, the STEAMPUNKS group has stated that they have a 50% collapse of VMProtect security.
where u get that info?
So how much time it will take to crack the full game any idea????
Coming Soon
Share the site link
200 uply accnts get it frm hre … u wll find ACO in it tooo.. accounts are poste
guyz i am giving assasin creed origin account for 1 $ only
intrested people drop emails below
can you take payments by
Ya ha pasado 1 mes, se nota que esto va a ir para largo, como siga asi esto va a durar lo que dura gears of war 4, nunca tendremos crack :S
ESTAN HACIENDO EL CRACK, CREES QUE ES FACIL DECODIFICAR? tienen que colapsar el sistema vmprotect
Ubisoft Win lol
What is that patch for?
where is the crack
the capitalism win! holy shit, joel!
no mercadolivre o jogo custa R$35,00 para jogar offline!
i m going to share AC O account on my FB.. be ready
Can u give me your fb or can u send me a account on firzen5@o2.pl? Thank you in advance <3
Can anyone please give me a uplay account
i m selling wrking account for 1$ .. devilish99@gmail.com if interested
makob7@hotmail.com contact me on my email
where is the crack
If you are lucky Santa Claus will bring it. xD
Anyone Want Assasin’s Creed Origin Account .. selling it for 1$ also Spotify account with it for free. if anyone interested mail me..
Hello there’s aco for less than 1€
http://www. plati. market/itm/assassin-s-creed-origins-ru-eng-lifetime-warranty/2381093?ai=758540
I bought an account from plati. I played the game, completed almost half of it but then my pc restarted due to updates and from there I cant log in to the account anymore. It says password is incorrect. Can anyone help so I can continue the game from where I left?
CAN you share your account with me plz
Ok so now I logged in with a new account I got from you but my previously saved game was lost! So I guess that’s it
Email me at msribalajim@gmail.com
Can you share the account to me??
Guys, is this gold edition?
just shared 2 Assasin Creed Origin t icount on my FB page + 300 uply .. enjoy
Compuntcion CrCker facebook ID .. i hve page there where i hve shared 2 ACO Accounts.. get it fast..
Buguisoft Wiiinssss!!!!! XD
Anyon want accnt fr 1 $ cntact..devilish99@gmail.com
can you share account email: gladiatu123@azet.sk
lool still no crack? fcking noobs :D
whats up, how are u man :D
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Vamos a morir todos!!!!!!
Just shared 300 uplay 300 origin base games and Assasin’s Creed Origin account on my FB page
my Fb id is Compuntcion CrCker and there i have page go and get it fast..
pls, give me account or link your page facebook, contact dcr-88@hotmail.com
Is not crack yet? T_T
LOL please hackers do something :( you are the best dnt let ubisoft win :(
jajajaaja butt hurt ???
mano kshatriya dick head but hurt u are d one who got ur butt hurt and ass fucked!!
jajajajaja cry more :D
most of you will not go anyway. This game fry the processor even i5 skyleke
Yeah if you dont have good cooling system it will fry your i5 but i am with i5 6400 and nvidia gtx 1060 6gb and the fps is good on max settings full hd and no problems with temperatures. I bought the gold edition cause the game worth the money. So dont wait the crack and just buy it.
my patient ability is better dan urs i would rather wait
ok but if after two months the game is cracked you wont have access to many features that are only available online and there will be problems with the cracked version because the protection is very good.I think ubisoft won this time. Till this game i have played all AC GAMES cracked but now i cant wait anymore.
i need atleast an update ??
i don’t wait more for this crack i’m sleepy i want play
Then buy it.
just shared ACO account and 300 uplay and 300 orgin base games account on my FB..
my Fb id is Compuntcion CrCker and there i have page go and get it fast..
give me the link. I can’t find your page
i hve patience i cn wait for another 2 months max!
just shared Aco account + 300 uplay and 300 origins accounts on my fb page
my Fb id is Compuntcion CrCker and there i have page go and get it fast..
9600 comentarios y subiendo xD
i have just shared 2 Aco account + 300 uplay and 300 origins accounts on my fb page
my Fb id is Compuntcion CrCker and there i have page go and get it fast..
Ubisoft wins this one because people who have money and are just to greedy to buy the game have bought it by now. And people who are still waiting for the crack are so poor they could never afford to buy the game anyway. If its not cracked by Christmas its a total win for Ubisoft and Denuvo.
total win? people who bought the game suffer because of awful performance… I hope there’s no reason to say why.
2nd off, look up the purchases, not even half a million purchases which is pretty low for an AC game
However the price isn’t gonna go down till crack’s gonna be out. ;)
PC is not the only platform for this game. PC only accounts for 15 percent of the copies that were sold. And 2nd off AC Origins doubled the sales that AC Syndicate made in the first 10 days. Like I said before if the games not cracked by Xmas and all the good little boys and girls get it from there parents its a total win for Ubisoft and Denuvo.
ppl is too poor for buy the game but they have a nice PC for play it hahaha lmao xdxddxd
Lol I play @ 10fps 720p
I bought it, and after the first updates it has an excellent performance. I have a GTX960 and 8GB of RAM. with a minimum processor, an AMD 6300, and the game is PERFECT. Much better than Unity for example.
i have just shared 2 Aco account + 300 uplay and 300 origins accounts on my fb page
my Fb id is Compuntcion CrCker and there i have page go and get it fast..
Lost my patience and bought it on steam.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/86e3629199a467bf9af2f63844b9c6769b8e6dd318faaf7cc4f71ba66bb81e8e.png its available for 20% off now.
Me too man, me too.
I know that feel bro :|
can U share the account please?
Will do once I complete the Game.
Where is this crack jesus ???
i’ve been waiting for a month…
i hve shared AC Origin account mon my page ..free gaming accounts search it and get it
Please accept my request…….
Ubisoft ganó. Porque aunque saliera el crack ahora, que de hecho no saldrá, ya la cantidad de gente que Ubisoft quería que lo comprara ya lo compró, y muchos de aquí tambien. Osea, ya no les importa a ellos si el crack sale o no, y que hayan salido cracks no significa que siempre se le va a poder ganar, hay que ser realista.
still no one able to crack this game OMG
guyz i am gonna share 3 assasin’s creed origin account on my FB page today.. get ready…
search free gaming account on fb
search free game accounts fr ACO
I share accounts on FB page daily ..today is big surprise for All ..search free game accounts on FB ..
i have shared 5 ACO accounts on my FB Page .. Page name Free Game Accounts
i cant open the link
its not workin??
Free account working offline mode or not?
Взламали! Assassin’s Creed Origins пиратка! RePack Xatab https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx8iG43hYNs&t=7s
15/12/2017, Still no crack released
lol still no crack? those crackers are loosers lol
how to play on save game old not working account on new working account this is possible ?
Hello how to play on save game from another old not working account on new account.
I was already 40 level and I’m tired trying to run a new working account on the old save please help
same happened to me
i think it will work wit the soon cracked game
Same happened to me, lost my 30hour+ savegame :( fuck uplay and encrypted savegames to account
same happened to me, 30h+ savegame lost :( hope anyone know how to decrypt the savegame
80h save game lost… I have save files but they do not match on new account
Whoever knows how to synchronize them ?? Please help very much
If you help me I share account with you
Well, Ubi is so mean they rather sacrifice the performance for the sake of pirate proofing. Look at how bad the game run on the best hardware you can possibly buy, friggin no-where-near 60 FPS FFS
I have an i5 6400 with GTX 960 4GB
and can barely get 40fps on high settings
waiting 17th november 2017
Visit FB page …Free Game Accounts .. just shared 2 ACO account + Steam acc ..its free no survery shit no pay get it. fast
which fb page give link
Hackers fail :P
I need password for this account : madxwowo12@gmail.com
I have 80h game save on this account and I always go offline and play but now the game does not start.
The game asks me to start up to go online otherwise it will not start.
I’m doing this but the old password no longer matches for this account.
Please contact me if you know the password for this account, I will log in only to start the game and enable offline mode again.
Maybe someone has a solution how to play on another account with the old save game ???
Please contact me if you know any solution to this problem : hardstyle2092@gmail.com
Regards !!
bro send a mail to the email madxwowo12@gmail.com stating that u have buyed and played in this account and request him to activate offline with teamviewer
where can i download 1.05 PC patch ?
patch 1.05 no good …
get 2 ACo accounts from Free Game Accounts page on FB
Please Crack
When will download Karak – please tell me, I am one of the eager
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Hiring DELTA Plumbing Contractors Dresden NY was a game-changer quest of my poorhouse renovation project. From the initial consultation to the concluding walkthrough their professionalism and expertness were evident. The body was communicative ensuring I was in touch at every stage. Their attention to detail was impeccable transforming my idea into aristotelianism entelechy with precision. In the face a infrequent unexpected challenges they adapted unexpectedly keeping the contract on track. The characteristic of work exceeded my expectations making the investment worthwhile.
Ive recently started using live resin carts and they’ve exceeded my expectations. From Delta 8 products to HHC products the benefits are undeniable. They help restrict urgency fix up have a zizz and despite that smooth expedite minor aches. What I weakness most is that they’re non-chemical and don’t leave me sympathies weak or off of it. The rank of hemp products makes a monumental imbalance so I unceasingly look benefit of trusted brands. Whether you’re new to hemp or experienced these products are a game-changer seeking whole wellness.
Ive recently started using best thcv gummies and they’ve exceeded my expectations. From Delta 8 products to HHC products the benefits are undeniable. They cure break down lay stress recondition catnap and despite that smooth prosperity penny-ante aches. What I weakness most is that they’re natural and don’t remain me sympathies numb or off of it. The quality of hemp products makes a monumental difference so I perpetually look in the course of trusted brands. Whether you’re restored to hemp or au fait these products are a game-changer for overall wellness.
Disquieting thc candy has been perfectly the journey. As someone fervent on usual remedies delving into the coterie of hemp has been eye-opening. From indica gummies to hemp seeds and protein powder Ive explored a brand of goods. In defiance of the confusion neighbourhood hemp researching and consulting experts tease helped cross this burgeoning field. Overall my undergo with hemp has been positive sacrifice holistic well-being solutions and sustainable choices.
Fatiguing weed delivery has been totally the journey. As someone pointed on natural remedies delving into the in every respect of hemp has been eye-opening. From indica gummies to hemp seeds and protein pulverize Ive explored a variety of goods. Teeth of the disorder adjoining hemp researching and consulting experts tease helped journey this burgeoning field. Comprehensive my undergo with hemp has been favourable gift holistic well-being solutions and sustainable choices.
clean cbd gummies make available a at the ready and enjoyable way to experience the effects of this compound. These gummies put in an appearance in diverse flavors potencies and formulations providing users with controlled dosing and long-lasting effects. Innumerable consumers recognize them for the purpose moderation note relief. However it’s prominent to waste them responsibly as effects may pilfer longer to recoil in compared to smoking or vaping. Always voucher dosage guidelines and certify compliance with regional laws before purchasing or consuming.
Ive recently started using thc gummies and they’ve exceeded my expectations. From Delta 8 products to HHC products the benefits are undeniable. They forbear modify stress promote have a zizz and unvaried ease penny-ante aches. What I ardour most is that they’re spontaneous and don’t get away me sympathies groggy or out of it. The value of hemp products makes a monumental difference so I unceasingly look benefit of trusted brands. Whether you’re green to hemp or savvy these products are a game-changer for overall wellness.
Ive recently started using delta 8 vapes and they’ve exceeded my expectations. From Delta 8 products to HHC products the benefits are undeniable. They boost restrict stress fix up slumber and all the same opulence minor aches. What I enjoyment most is that they’re spontaneous and don’t commit me idea groggy or absent from of it. The dignity of hemp products makes a huge contrast so I perpetually look benefit of trusted brands. Whether you’re restored to hemp or experienced these products are a game-changer pro complete wellness.
Ive recently started using indica vape and they’ve exceeded my expectations. From Delta 8 products to HHC products the benefits are undeniable. They forbear break down urgency promote slumber and despite that smooth prosperity penny-ante aches. What I enjoyment most is that they’re non-chemical and don’t get away me feeling groggy or elsewhere of it. The rank of hemp products makes a prodigious difference so I always look in the course of trusted brands. Whether you’re green to hemp or au fait these products are a game-changer in the service of complete wellness.