DARK SOULS™ III continues to push the boundaries with the latest, ambitious chapter in the critically-acclaimed and genre-defining series.
As fires fade and the world falls into ruin, journey into a universe filled with more colossal enemies and environments. Players will be immersed into a world of epic atmosphere and darkness through faster gameplay and amplified combat intensity. Fans and newcomers alike will get lost in the game hallmark rewarding gameplay and immersive graphics.
Now only embers remain… Prepare yourself once more and Embrace The Darkness!
@Alex : google xbox360ce, its sort of xbox 360 controller emulator, will make every joystick work
@Donat n @Matteo : try this several things :
1. if u use dedicated graphic, try switching into integrated
2. try expanding virtual memory
3. rollback graphic driver to stable version
4. did u copy folder codex content?
if these thing doesnt work, tell me what exactly the loading error
@claw : use other link.
@Frostune Don’t worry, my gpu is an ATI radeon 4670… i’ve tried to expand my virtual memory but i have no idea how to switch to integrated from dedicated. Do you think there’s some possibilites for me to play with this Gpu?
Hey, so I start up Dark Souls 3 which takes longer than expected. However, thats not the problem because it tells me that contract stuff to agree to which I cant because I assume this is offline so I click disagree. It takes me to the main menu and I’m stuck on “load game”, I can’t move the cursor to any of the other selections.
Hey, great job with the release!!! As you know, the only way to play online is with other cracked clients, can you write on the instruction for the installation to set the Connection password “RVT” on settings so we can get more cracked players on that connection channel? it would be really nice that all players use the same password and play togheter ^^
j arrive a installer l update 1.03 et 1.03.01 sans problemes mais la 1.04 et 1.05 sa verifie les checksum des data et sa met mismatch, alors que c est bien la version codex d ici je comprend pas
Hi, when I open setup.exe two setups pop up and when I click install, I get: “ISDone.dll” with a black error box. Then the setup crashes, any ideas on what I’m doing wrong?
Helloz, am having a prob with the installation,after i mount the iso and launch the setup it pops up 2 codex windows for ds3, difference is that in 1 it doesnt have the option to copy the contents of codex into directory to installdir, either way when i try to install i got a pop up window with an error and no dialog in it… on top it says ISDone.dll so am guessing its something wrong with that one , does anyone else have the same prob? is there a fix? (i downloaded the torrent 100%complete)
Note, when the error pops up the installer window crashes but the previous one is there and if I hit install on that one, I get the same error as above but the window remains for a good while with pause and cancel buttons and refuses to close (until it crashes or I terminate the exe).
I followed Ju1zZed’s instructions but they didnt help at all i still am i getting that i am using version 1.04 and it wants 1.05 to play online tried reinstaling and only updating to 1.05 and still is saying i am using 1.04. plis halp :x
Looks like this game have a trojan virus hide in the setup.exe file, my antivirus don´t let me install it, and when i disable it two windows popping up when I run setup.exe, and a dll error to. This game is not safe
lol guys i seen lot of comment about games being protected but most of you 4get about other website like ocean of game they have to games and latest game that already have cracked. and ovagame aswell..
i’ve got an error it says “the program can’t start because d3dx11_43dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.” help pls?
axel shut the fuck up you dimwit fuck, if they were going to make a virus or trojan packed installer they wouldn’t let you see it happening to you holy shit use your fucking brain you cum stain
Helloz, am having a prob with the installation,after i mount the iso and launch the setup it pops up 2 codex windows for ds3, difference is that in 1 it doesnt have the option to copy the contents of codex into directory to installdir, either way when i try to install i got a pop up window with an error and no dialog in it… on top it says ISDone.dll so am guessing its something wrong with that one , does anyone else have the same prob?
Dudes, please some help, I tried to update to v1.08 but it keeps telling me that I have a mismacht and that I need MD5, I installed all the updates from .05 to .07 and didnt had any trouble until .08 and now I cant even play the game…
The order of installing the updates that worked for me is
1- Dark Souls III Update v1.03.1
2- Dark Souls III Update v1.04
3- Dark Souls III Update v1.08
4- Dark Souls III Update v1.06
5- Dark Souls III Update v1.07
Couldn’t install the next updates but the game is up to 1.07 and working fine
Dark Souls III Update v1.05
Dark Souls III Update v1.09
hey um all i want to know is if the game is working it doesnt have to be online just working thats all i really dont want to waste time on something that doesnt work thanks.
Thanks for the work!! (way too many compliances for a cracked game you guys).
I’m having an issue with the torrent setup, is asking for the setup-1.bin to continue the installation, but when i pick the one in the game installer i get an error.
Can you help me?
hola vengo jugando el darck souls hace como 2 hora no tengo problemas de instalacon ni nada la verda perfecto pero hay un pequeño gran problema NO PUEDO EQUIPAR NADA , SERA POR LA VERCION O QUE PEUDE SER ALGUIEN SABE
@ hash – You’re a fucking idiot. This torrent is 100% clean just like all the other ones this guy uploads. Just because you’re too fucking stupid to understand what a false positive is doesn’t mean its an infected file.
fucking Skidrow, please dont download this fucking careless link uploads. please give us good service. dont waste others time, money. im not recomended this site is usefull for us.
Pls fix the crack-only link!
DAWNACE links are MULTIUPLOAD LINKS..correct pls
Whats the network fix thing for, If i download the torrent version I should be golden right?
Does the crack work with the previously published steam version?
Whats the network fix, i will can play in steam with freinds?
I have to ask,I downloaded the torrent and installed with the setup but do i have to do anything more except place the crack?
i also wanna know what does the network fix do
Guy,s Is there any way to patch the network connectivity so we can play in online mode? Is it hard to find a solution to cheat steam in anyway?
fix the fucking game
@david Problem?
Game doesn’t work, it shows loading error when i open the .exe after a white window (sorry for my english)
How to operate
Contrôler Xbox one
No work for me
Sorry bad english
@Donat I got the same problem, can anyone help ? Please
Google Drive links not working. Fix it please
everytime i hit an enemy no damage my sword goes just tough in
Which graphic card have you got @Matteo?
sehr schlechte downloadrate obwohl viele seeder vohanden sind
@Alex : google xbox360ce, its sort of xbox 360 controller emulator, will make every joystick work
@Donat n @Matteo : try this several things :
1. if u use dedicated graphic, try switching into integrated
2. try expanding virtual memory
3. rollback graphic driver to stable version
4. did u copy folder codex content?
if these thing doesnt work, tell me what exactly the loading error
@claw : use other link.
@Frostune Don’t worry, my gpu is an ATI radeon 4670… i’ve tried to expand my virtual memory but i have no idea how to switch to integrated from dedicated. Do you think there’s some possibilites for me to play with this Gpu?
It starts but stay in a black screen with music in background, please help me :_(
Hey, so I start up Dark Souls 3 which takes longer than expected. However, thats not the problem because it tells me that contract stuff to agree to which I cant because I assume this is offline so I click disagree. It takes me to the main menu and I’m stuck on “load game”, I can’t move the cursor to any of the other selections.
great contribution, Muchas gracias!!
Good game!
when I open setup.exe it says: “Runtime error 229 at 0C0F4BCF”
Hey, great job with the release!!! As you know, the only way to play online is with other cracked clients, can you write on the instruction for the installation to set the Connection password “RVT” on settings so we can get more cracked players on that connection channel? it would be really nice that all players use the same password and play togheter ^^
Can you explain to me for join a other gamer with the crack codex please …
I can’t join a other player, impossibl invocation i can’t join and i can’t invoc please help me … :(
j arrive a installer l update 1.03 et 1.03.01 sans problemes mais la 1.04 et 1.05 sa verifie les checksum des data et sa met mismatch, alors que c est bien la version codex d ici je comprend pas
Give new Torrent link .. Please ..
the links of torrents dont work
hello cant really play online, it tells me that there is update (1.6) which i cant find anywhere… anyone can help?
Hi, when I open setup.exe two setups pop up and when I click install, I get: “ISDone.dll” with a black error box. Then the setup crashes, any ideas on what I’m doing wrong?
Will you relase the update 1.06? please! :C
I downloaded the torrent, setup.exe doesn’t work, it says that i don’t have necessary authorizations. What should i do?
Helloz, am having a prob with the installation,after i mount the iso and launch the setup it pops up 2 codex windows for ds3, difference is that in 1 it doesnt have the option to copy the contents of codex into directory to installdir, either way when i try to install i got a pop up window with an error and no dialog in it… on top it says ISDone.dll so am guessing its something wrong with that one , does anyone else have the same prob? is there a fix? (i downloaded the torrent 100%complete)
Screens would be helpful as I have no idea what you are writing about
Still waiting for the newest update. For now one can only play offlne
I have the same problem when installing, 2 windows popup and when I start the installation everything crashes..
Having the same issue mentioned earlier of two windows popping up when I run setup.exe as seen here. http://puu.sh/pGBYq/a1ed3783b2.png
Following this, hitting install in either window causes an error/crash as seen here.
Note, when the error pops up the installer window crashes but the previous one is there and if I hit install on that one, I get the same error as above but the window remains for a good while with pause and cancel buttons and refuses to close (until it crashes or I terminate the exe).
Suggestions? Solutions?
Just to add, I have enough memory etc, tried on multiple drives, did a torrent re-check and disabled all security/virus software.
I followed Ju1zZed’s instructions but they didnt help at all i still am i getting that i am using version 1.04 and it wants 1.05 to play online tried reinstaling and only updating to 1.05 and still is saying i am using 1.04. plis halp :x
setup.exe have something like dropper generic9 what is this ?
Setup.exe don’t work…. Please help !
network fixes links down
Network fixes links down
crack is down
Looks like this game have a trojan virus hide in the setup.exe file, my antivirus don´t let me install it, and when i disable it two windows popping up when I run setup.exe, and a dll error to. This game is not safe
crack links down please reupload
above links are dead… pls reupload or help… urgent downloded rest all
there 2 issues
1) Generic Dropper
2) ISdone.dll
Kindly look into this and reachout to me for beta test
Dont Download the game from here, at least the one from torrent dont work
2 windows installer pop up
Por favor corregir los datos torrent el link esta roto
lol guys i seen lot of comment about games being protected but most of you 4get about other website like ocean of game they have to games and latest game that already have cracked. and ovagame aswell..
i’ve got an error it says “the program can’t start because d3dx11_43dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.” help pls?
axel shut the fuck up you dimwit fuck, if they were going to make a virus or trojan packed installer they wouldn’t let you see it happening to you holy shit use your fucking brain you cum stain
plez fix
ONLINE FIX is down please reupload I wan to play this game so badly, please
NETWORK FIX is down too :(
Links are dead, dragon’s dogma have this problem too.
Setup doesn’t works. It’s impossible to instal o to play…
Helloz, am having a prob with the installation,after i mount the iso and launch the setup it pops up 2 codex windows for ds3, difference is that in 1 it doesnt have the option to copy the contents of codex into directory to installdir, either way when i try to install i got a pop up window with an error and no dialog in it… on top it says ISDone.dll so am guessing its something wrong with that one , does anyone else have the same prob?
Can We Get Dark Souls 2 By any Chance???
For gods sake all yuo slackers, go to work earn some money and BUY THE BLOODY game instead of moaning about it, you tight ass!
torrent isnt workin
What about the online – network fix?? I can’t find any of those :( Please help!
please fix the single links!
Dudes, please some help, I tried to update to v1.08 but it keeps telling me that I have a mismacht and that I need MD5, I installed all the updates from .05 to .07 and didnt had any trouble until .08 and now I cant even play the game…
@chavo, I’m having the same issue.
win10 here.
hi das archiv is defekt lässt sich nicht mehr installieren die ISO Datei !!!!!!!!!
thank you , so much
working like always :D thanks
The order of installing the updates that worked for me is
1- Dark Souls III Update v1.03.1
2- Dark Souls III Update v1.04
3- Dark Souls III Update v1.08
4- Dark Souls III Update v1.06
5- Dark Souls III Update v1.07
Couldn’t install the next updates but the game is up to 1.07 and working fine
Dark Souls III Update v1.05
Dark Souls III Update v1.09
The torrent version doesn’t work, the setup.exe has a problem
how do i install this ?
To update the game to version 1.09 you have to download update 1.08 codex from another platform.
– Update 1.08 is in reality update 1.05 !
hey um all i want to know is if the game is working it doesnt have to be online just working thats all i really dont want to waste time on something that doesnt work thanks.
Torrent Link is filled with trojans, thanks for my 7 hour waist of time.
the links for the cracked game is broken please fix
Thanks for the work!! (way too many compliances for a cracked game you guys).
I’m having an issue with the torrent setup, is asking for the setup-1.bin to continue the installation, but when i pick the one in the game installer i get an error.
Can you help me?
isdone.dll error, how i fix?
1.10 update pleease
i need to get the next update v1.10 for ds3, plz skidrow realese it!
Is this the game? i tried to install and give me error anytime.
WTH man are they high ? making this shit, the setup is so buggy i cant even get it to run properly
are all iso links are dead? tried them all but none are working
where’s the next update 1.10?
Few Trojan virus in setup.exe detected. Sigh. Disappointed in skidrow why have virus
hola vengo jugando el darck souls hace como 2 hora no tengo problemas de instalacon ni nada la verda perfecto pero hay un pequeño gran problema NO PUEDO EQUIPAR NADA , SERA POR LA VERCION O QUE PEUDE SER ALGUIEN SABE
this game has a fucking trojan guys… the setup.exe file , really??? i wanted to play this game so bad. i ll just go find a better site than this one…
why not a single update file?? i cant update like this, some files are down..
Please update 1.10…i cant play this without pvp please common guys!!
No work anymore. Problem with torrent download. 2 setup and error. Please reupload with uptbox or new torrent.
el segundo link del torrent esta caído :C
Pleaaaaaaase 1.10-1.12 and Ringed city for pvp :D
@ hash – You’re a fucking idiot. This torrent is 100% clean just like all the other ones this guy uploads. Just because you’re too fucking stupid to understand what a false positive is doesn’t mean its an infected file.
Stop spreading your ignorance.
i am sorry but i have a erro isdone.dll you con help me
It didn’t work.
.exe is infected
downloaded from torrent, and isdone, trojan, double setups pop up….and crash….
Maybe its clean, but it have anyway some error isdone.dll
Double setup pop up and crash instantly
all torrent links are down.. fix it please.. :)
Hey guys the online patch still works ?
fucking Skidrow, please dont download this fucking careless link uploads. please give us good service. dont waste others time, money. im not recomended this site is usefull for us.
where are the online fix i cant see or download it
please fix the links skidrow… thanks a lot for the great work guys…
dark souls
I like to play and I really want dark souls 3. I am also playing lol
Both the torrent links are down :( .
Please fix it.
Torrent offline
torrent offline D=
torrent its not good :)
this game like a god of war
All down
All of the links offline
ISdone.dll error help me pleas
disable anti virus and run ccleaner
i trial but not play setup
my steam opens up wen i try to run the game