DOOM® returns as a brutally fun and challenging modern-day shooter experience.
Developed by id software, the studio that pioneered the first-person shooter genre and created multiplayer Deathmatch, DOOM returns as a brutally fun and challenging modern-day shooter experience. Relentless demons, impossibly destructive guns, and fast, fluid movement provide the foundation for intense, first-person combat – whether you’re obliterating demon hordes through the depths of Hell in the single-player campaign, or competing against your friends in numerous multiplayer modes. Expand your gameplay experience using DOOM SnapMap game editor to easily create, play, and share your content with the world.
You’ve come here for a reason. The Union Aerospace Corporation’s massive research facility on Mars is overwhelmed by fierce and powerful demons, and only one person stands between their world and ours. As the lone DOOM Marine, you’ve been activated to do one thing – kill them all.
– Game is updated to the latest version available.
– Sorry for the confusion, we\’re back with CPY tag.
FEEL THE INSANITY! This fix includes:
Title: DOOM
Genre: Action
Developer: id Software
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Release Date: 12 May, 2016
Release Name : Doom-CPY
Size : 62 GB
4GB Parts links are interchangable.
Can u please post alink for the last update so that we can use the crack on the FULL-UNLOCKED version ??????
is it real?it works for real this time?
when I put the crack in the root directory, it says steam is in offline mode. I have the older game file that was 45 gb. Do I have to download the whole game again to get the update or is there any workaround??
Make sure you have removed all the Voski files
Quit Steam
Make sure that you start the game on original exe
Can u please post alink for the last update so that we can use the crack on the FULL-UNLOCKED version ??????
Italians do it better. Cpy = God
cpy te quiero llegue a pensar que no lo jugaba y otra cosa cuando baje de precio asequible lo comprare pero gracias cpy
where can i find the authentic exe files and dll ???
(because i have the “voksi” release )
WOW Way to go CPY – Im using the Seyter repack, removed Vloski files-did the update and crack files and it freakin works. COMFIRMED
Game should work fine. But your going to probley have to redownload the game if have a older version . Which is why I never rush into fully unlocked games
the game is run
Cpy = very very thanks
will the 3DM doom repack work with this crack or i have to download it again ?
I have the Volski version and it works,i just copied the patch files into my game folder then copied the crack same place and it worked.The only problem i had was that the game was in chinese and i had to change it in CPY file.
Denuvo is a waste of money! Ha ha ha!
and with the 3dm version not working ??
by me it shows blackscreen then in 2 seconds and it closes byself
i need to download the CPY version ?
Yess, finally kick this ugly nazi country, austria= asshole of the world!
CYP WNI!!!! Kill the nazi bastards!
Forget this script.kidie loosers, CPY is da best, f—k 3DM @ f—-k Birdsister.:)
SO I just downloaded the crack and applied to the Unlocked version, but when I start the game either by clicking on DOOMx64 or vulkan, the screen goes black for a second and then back again to windows like nothing happens. Anybody have any solution to this? I would like to avoid download another 50+GB if that’s reason ! Please Help :(
very thanks cpy &cospiracy please crack just casue 3 or far cry primal please
can anybody help .. a message appears at fifa 16 (your squad file does not match demo version please reinstall from origin….)
crack far cry primal
CPY rules
Guys, you have to realize it sooner or later because Denuvo have sucessfuly did their job,and i pretty much admit the great work that CPY have done already cracking a couple of denuvo games, But those games are meant to be cracked because denuvo games are not uncrackable infact they are difficult to crack and their goal in the first place is to slow the cracking process so that they can sell enough copies of their games. There’s gonna be a lot of deunvo in the future and let’s not forget the games that has not been cracked yet believe me when i say it this is hopeless .
SOiS los putos amos!!!! funcionando a tope….. conste que tardare 3 días en pasármelo pero a vosotros os recordare toda la vida…
soo rip denuvo ?
please hitman far cry primal division deus ex crack show original
i cant wait till any more say denoooooooooooooooo fucker
for all who said the Update 3 and crack it not working it true but just for us i dont’s now exactly where is the problem but my friends have the same game like me and the update 3+crack work for him so i think the problem is in processus
“steam is currently in offline mode for the first launch go in online mode” Any solution?!!! please :'( frome now thank
FIFA 17 Sooon Please CPY we are counting on you
the torrent is awfully slow… why ?
upload at +300 kbp/s and download at 25-40kbp/s
yea… i will play it on chrismas when finish the torrent download
black screen then crashes after a second, please help
does the sept.7 latest version contain update 3???
What is the password for the .RAR ?
all the respect to CPY because they can continue to make a global open source by cracking this games. to work towards a future were everything is free for everyone. my giant thanks to CPY to give their time to crack tyranny.
cant stand this shit cannot even unpack the fucking files …
i have the full unlocked version by 3dm, i used the following crack on the game but it won’t work. the screen goes black for two seconds and returns to normal. please tell me whats the problem do i have to download the whole game again?
get this CPY version and start downloading. this will work 100%
For those with access to Usenet, This is available there.
Thanks a lot cpy :)
TUTORIAL how to download Doom 4 cracked + gameplay 100% working! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wa–ZICAlc0
I DOnt upload fake stuff! evrythins is real!
:) come and enjoy the videos! :)
CPY version (62 GB) for me works great!.
The vorski version (52GB) don’t work anymore, for me, black screen, and others shits.
Thank you CPY greetings from Colombia!
This work for sure, at the beginning maybe take some time to get to the first screen (after logos and that) but its only the first time (maybe its my machine, devil canon cpu / 970 gtx / 16 Gbs Ram) but after an hour of playing only can say THANKKKKKSS A LOTT CPY.!!!11 you are god among the crackers
SO I just downloaded the crack and applied to the Full Unlocked version, but when I start the game either by clicking on DOOMx64 or vulkan, the screen goes black for a second and then back again to windows like nothing happens. Anybody have any solution to this? I would like to avoid download another Please Help :(
no work others versions download this one!
plzzz cpy crack far cry primal plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
u guys are awesome
Next is Just Cause 3
please next crack just casue 3 – 9 month ago release game
im stuck on the download like it goin up and down and stuck on 300kgb download speed,and im on 40 mbps casualy
Whether as if work or not, thx for the effort.
Thanks for your crack CPY, Fuck you Denuvo, And fuck you 3DM.
–> Does this have Update 3 or do I need that DL (your next post) also?
Thanks for all the work posting games.
plz crack plants vs zombies : garden warfare 2 .tnx for tomb raider & doom & inside
Funciona perfectamente. Pero necesita equipo potente para moverlo bien,
SEED PLS PLS PLS. 2 days downloading at 50/100kbs D:
please help, when I was installing I kept getting errors that some files are corrupt, clicking retry doesnt help so I clicked ignore, and after installation finished the game doesnt launch. anyone know anything about this? thanks
Guys, please seed this after you finish to download. A lot of ppl close their torrent and nobody is seeding, Its the only way this work. Im stuck at 70% since yesterday cause there are only 7 seeds.. Please do it. Tnx
so many links, which one should I download?
Links on uptobox down.
what the fuck is this torrent.! its so slow
Works like a charm this time, thx cpy crew!!
Thx CPY,Nice Job!!!
its working thnx
cpy please crack far cry primal or need for speed
Uploaded links dead…..can u uploading again? :)
Working, confirmed
30kbps cmon we need seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds
So, which crack should i apply? i downloaded the one with the update but it doesn’t work… help?
Why suddenly no seed ?
CYP ftw
al instalar me da problema y no abre el juego
what happen to the links? all dead and is this the same to the previous one?
hi thank very much , how the language is changed plizz
Can you upload the repack by Kaos google drive? pls
I open the game and it black screens. Have a background process running which seems to be the cause, I get this fatal error as the last line on the separate window. Can anybody help?
FATAL ERROR: Couldn’t open vmtr page file ‘generated/pagefiles/_vmtr_v26_256_C.pages’
Im sure that’s in the Virtual Textures folder somewhere but I am unsure as to what to do about it.
I have the “DOOM Update 3 and Crack-CPY” files as well, I applied the update files then the crack files. It didn’t work at all before doing the file swap and now I just have the black screen issue, so some improvement I guess, but I’d still like to actually be able to play it.
What am I doing wrong? I install it an copy over the crack, but nothing happens when I go to open the game.
Thanks, working super.
thnx cpy working fine
thanx a lot the google drive link is also working.tnx a lot skidrow
Uptobox links dead
Maybe you need to disable your antivirus or you could try run as administrator.
Fuck off with this auto-play bullshit!
Update: Works fine
please seed
There are no seeds
No seeds
pls seed
The game doesnt load for me. It did at one point and I changed a video setting and now nothing. I’ve uninstalled it and reinstalled it and still nothing. I click to load the game no window or anything comes up
Please seeds in utorrent just 8 more hours ;(
Jeebuzz search for the game folder in your Documents, and delete that folder.
Dont select Vulkan API or the game will not work if u have a old card
Can you guys please upload the game via mega.nz?
update with crack is not work
fuck this game with steam
Gmail links not working, sort it out please.
i installed the game, it rum great but i changed the aspect ratio and my monitor dont suport
it givme black screen…and i cant change it again to default, even ireinstalled the game,
try to force run im window, but no success…
i dont find any config file i can midify…
what i can do?
any sugestions??
please help…..
I’ve searched in my documents and deleted that folder and still it will not load not a black screen or anything
jeebuzz same prblem with me, that folder is empty anyways, i send message to the CPY facebook page and send mail,no response.., reinstalled the game 2 times, even downloaded the unlocked version and same problem…
everyrhing is working fine until i modified the aspect ratio,normaly that aspect ratio works fine with other games but in this one nope, then black screen everytime i started the game,but the game not stoping..it runs normal, i ear in backgoung the game menu sound…
i rechearched in web, i found a sugestion but is only for steam versions, it keeps the config file under profile folder, but in this version that folder not exist…
any sugestions ppl?
maybe share a config file or that tree of folders?
Copy crack files and start, its work
Anybody know which RAR file(s) contains the _vmtr_q1.mega2, the installation says its corrupted, which is a needed file since its located in the virtualtextures folder. So this way I can just re-download the corrupted RAR file again.
ignore my last comment, I figured out what happen, apparently when I decompressed the RAR files somehow during the unraring, RAR 8 and 9 and 10 got corrupted, So I Just deleted the ISO that was uncompressed and Unzipped the ISO once more and made it through the installation just fine. :p
Also to the people having issues with the video settings or brightness in general
Go to your windows drive, Default is C Drive, locate and open your User Name folder, find the folder called Saved Games, and delete the folder called id Software. and relaunch DOOM, it will reset video settings and Brightness settings.
Inside the id Software folder is
id Software/DOOM/base/DOOMConfig.cfg – Configuration File
id Software/DOOM/base/DOOMConfig.local – Local Configuration File
id Software/DOOM/base/generated – Temporary Savegame Profile
id Software/DOOM/base/savegame.user – Main Profile and game bin files.
Always backup your game files.
In short it will look like this for example: C:/Users/YourName/Saved Games/id Software/DOOM/base
And last thing, anyone unfamiliar with .local’s and .cfg’s. Those open easily using Notepad, just make sure they are not ready only, check marking the read only on the file makes it write protected, to prevent the game from tampering with it upon entering and exiting the game.
One More Thing, if your game was working fine, but then you changed your API settings, and game crashes and never boots up again, you have to delete the DOOMConfig.local file then reboot DOOM and it will reset the last setting, and keep the everything that did work originally, for me it didn’t reset Ultra back to Normal, just reset my Open API.
How do you unpack the iso>, it just keep showing errors and the iso it gives is empty
hi, my failure, the folder saved games in my windows is “Jogos Guardados” (portuguese version)
it worked like a charm..
thanks RealChris for the tip..
and thanks to CPY for making this great game work for us….
Dude I works that awesome
i cant even mount the .iso :( its always error
@rexar and @Zafth What Program are you using to mount the ISO?
password for .RAR?
@hanz There shouldn’t be a password
Password for RAR please…
can someone please re-up google drive links _/\_
Chill .. beer+xanax and play …
oi sauvisauvi
secound torrent is chineese malware of some sort, couldn’t get first torrent to work
In which directory must i the crack copy ? Sry :)
is it is a crack for doom 2016
google drive and direct links down. pls reupload it :D
Works fine, thanks CPY !!!
For Chinese Language just edit the CPY.ini file, delete “tchinese” and replace with “english” maybe other language might work, i haven’t tried.
Hi, I have a problem, the game start but at the initial screen red with the 0% the game freeze you know the resolution?
would you be kind to update part 13 for UPLOAD.AF? thanks !
Seeds, please :)
Seeds, pleeeeeeeease
Seeds, please
hello,online not working for me can you try this and answer me at this time?i use update 1-5 plaza and insane fix 6
Seeds, pleaseeeeeee
seeeeeds, plx
Seeeeeeeeeds, plzzz
seeds. pleeasee
i downloaded the 6th update but now it says “REVOLT.nfo was either deleted or not put in directory. Application will terminate now” it was working perfectly before the 6th update. please help
Seeds, please, last time xD
wtf? “REVOLT.nfo was either deleted or not put in directory. Application will terminate now”
REVOLT.nfo error is caused by not having The REVOLT Forum Internet Shortcut in the same folder…just place it in your game folder along with with REVOLT.nfo and u should be good. PSA I found that some REVOLT cracks didn’t have the Internet Shortcut, so just look for one that has it.
Happy Gaming and hope to see you online!
8 days downloading it and is not ready… what an awful situation.
Game is corrupt. After 10 days downloading won’t even install.
Which is Better ? The Doom Is better than Fallout 4 and Left 4 Dead.
thank you
The game wont start.
copy the crack folder in the game folder.
I tried the update 3 but it cont start.
what can i do?
Should i copy the crack in the game folder?
Or should I take the update3 + crack directly?
Is the revolt server down for maintenance or something? And if it, is there any estimated time for it to come back online cause I want to play coop with some friends and I can’t :/.
Update 6 Insane Online Fix link doesn’t work anymore, file removed. Please reupload. Thanks.
It doesn’t work because revolt’s server is down for some reason… I just don’t know if it’s some kind of maintenance but it’s been 2 or 3 days already.
fail unzip…
Please reupload the Update 6
Please, reupload the update 6 :(. Thanks!
how to install the upadate 6 pls tell
link for upadte 6 -http://www91.zippyshare.com/d/tWqoRSzK/728026/DOOM.Update.6.INSANE.Online.Fix.V3-REVOLT.rar
grab Before it is removed
Here is the link for the update 6
woreking thanks
The update won’t work for me, I tried the default shortcut but it doesn’t do anything and the launcher thing but it just shows a blank black box for a second and then closes. I tried both of them as and as not administrator. How do I get it to work?
Sorry but “DOOM UPDATE 6 INSANE ONLINE FIX-REVOLT” link is down? i cant access it
@Mugre Thank you so much!
OKAY this is totally legit. i got a false positive on the setup.exe in the CPY iso this morning, after researching it for an hour it’s perfectly fine to use and run as admin.. some AV softwares see this as a trojan a few out there that do. and the false positive is cause it has to bypass protection i guess on idsoftware’s setup thing so it has to load something into RAM to bypass it. perfectly OK.
Just got 2 questions:
1: I don’t have steam and never have purchased any steam games. will getting the steam client now with an account actually screw over all games i have on my PC that are CPY, CODEX, RELOADED, etc. etc. releases? am i safe from steam going in my Hard drives and replacing/appending game files and rendering my pirated games useless?
2: Is Doom.update.6 a prerequisite to applying DOOM UPDATE 6 INSANE ONLINE FIX-REVOLT? nobody her in comments says anything about it but plaza only covers updates 1-5 so i’m assuming you need update 6 from whereever before you do that INSANE ONLINE fix correct?
Are the revolt servers down since the end of last month?! or are they up and running?
oh i have another question, once you apply the update 6 and insane online fix from revolt is that just to launch multiplayer? or can you play like normal campaign and multiplayer from the same launcher?
when i finish downloading and installing the game it said that it need steam and i cant play the game can anybody help me?
This Insanity Fix won’t work it spits out this message: REVOLT.nfo was either deleted or not put in directory. Application will terminate now.
REVOLT.nfo is inside the directory!
With 1.6 Insanity fix DOOM will not start i click the shortcut… it loads for about 1,5 sec then nothing happen.. it won’t even show up in task manager.. i have installed DOOM-CPY then DOOM Update 1-5 and then Insanity fix…
But it won’t start…..
Please make it 40-50 gb cuz is to big for my internet.