Dragon Age Inquisition The Trespasser DLC
Install instructions:
1. Copy "__Installer" and "Update" folder to your Dragon Age: Inquisition directory
2. Copy "ProfileOptions" file to your save directory
Note: This will enable you to unlock all DLC if you have them installed (including Red Lyrium weapons)
3. Overwrite if prompted
4. Play
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DLC can’t work; needs patch 10!!! HELP!!!
can we have patch 10 please to run it ?
Does it run without crack?
I have installed this over the “DAI.Up.1-9.Incl.DLC.and.Crack.v5-3DM”. The game will run but after the “Click to Continue” in the first screenit showed “There is a Downloadable Contect Present that requires the latest version of the game. It will not be accessible until you download the latest patch.”
But i can play the Jaws of Hakkon, Decent, including using lyrium weapons, quanari pack, avvar pack and deluxe edition items.
Bro its for the legal copy. In order to play this pain in the ass dlc latest patch is require and 3dm also have to make a new crack for the lates patch. So we have to wait again.
none of the links works. please please update them~
The download is dead. Please update your links. Thanks you so much.
Please reupload Trespasser DLC links again. Thank you!
Nothing appears on the war table :/
Hey Skidrow, would your DLC work with a legit copy of DA:I? I’ve been looking around and nobody seems to have an answer. Thanks
please check the links are not working. Thanks
Links are not working
Links are deaded.
Update links!! Please!!
Update links!!!!
Update links please i-i