Football Manager is the most realistic, in-depth and immersive football management simulation available – it’s the closest thing to doing the job for real. Taking control of any squad from more than 50 countries across the world, you decide who plays and who sits on the bench, deal with the media and solve player problems. You’re in total control of tactics, team-talks, substitutions and pitch-side instructions as you follow the match live with the acclaimed 3D match engine.
Crack For V16.2.0 Avaliable Now. Download Updated Game And Crack From Below Link.
What to do to the Grays players were not the OP
Step by step
but the crack v5 solves bugs? how is it installed? why are 2 file.exe?
ma la crack v5 risolve i bugs?come si installa? perchè sono 2 file.exe?
If You already used crack v4 then just use v5 new exe. or apply v4 first then v5.
Does anyone know how to play on MAC?
Qualcuno sa come giocare sul MAC?
none of the cracks so far worked. game crashes even before start screen
ma bisogna fare un installazione pulita prima di installare la crack?
quale exe bisogna lanciare fmold o fmnew?
risolve i bugs noti o no?
but you have to do a clean installation before installing the crack? exe which you must launch fmold or fmnew? fixes known bugs or not?
which is the crack for mac?
I get to the 30th of July ( with some errors in the names where I restart the game and everything returned to normal ) but now when I pass one day he gives again error in the names, even when I restart the game
the game isn’t ready to play
It contains to much bugs and errors
i applied v4 and then v5 .. Grey players are fixed but names are fake since the beginning
Antonio come mai ti escono i due file fmold e fmnew?
nella crack v5 ci sono 2 file fmnew ed fmold
A me non compaiono
scusa tu scarichi da questo sito?
ci devono essere per forza escono a tutti
se scarichi la crack v4 e la crack v5 ci sono allinterno 2 file exe fmold ed fmnew
Si sì risolto! Grazie Antonio! Solo che adesso non sappiamo quale file dobbiamo far partire
Nessuno dei due file fa partire il gioco
ma tu ha installato di nuovo il gioco e messo direttamente la v5 senza mettere altre patch o crack?
Si ho fatto così
prova a lanciarlo con fmold prima e vedi se i bugs sono satti risolti,mi fai sapere?
Se clicco su fmold mi compare un errore! Non mi fa partire il gioco
but you have to do a clean installation before installing the crack? exe which you must launch fmold or fmnew? fixes known bugs or not?
Stessa cosa! Ora sto facendo un’installazione pulita del gioco e provo
ok simone fammi sapere
per ski
but you have to do a clean installation before installing the crack? exe which you must launch fmold or fmnew? fixes known bugs or not?
crack doesn’t work, grey players are OP
Does anyone know how to play on MAC?
Qualcuno sa come giocare sul MAC?
Wait February or March for working crack, or buy the game.
25468 How do you know that working crack will be out in Feb or March?
He doesn’t he’s just being childish and thinks he’s funny.. Ignore kids like him :)
Hello, i’ve tried a lot of possibilities with different types of crack…but nothing works ..after one season of playing, grey players and fake names reappear.
Hope the hackers will resolve this . Thanks :)
With the new one i get the fake names again :(
this new crack crashes after games
Fix crack and game and then release them
we wait until that happen
but fix fast please
If crack doesn’t work why you continue post? Are you kidding us?
for me the only problem is the OP players. I start from fmnew fmold its the same all have OP players
alexk7, i have the same problem.
now is perfect so far
can anyone help us? i start the game with the v5 crack (fmnew,fmold) and i have OP players
Ho installato la V4 e la fmNEW, ma i giocatori grigi sono ancora fenomeni :/
i start with fm old and its perfect
how lawrence?
LAWRENCE, and the attributes grey palyers?
I start with fm old and no OP names, but after loading grey names becomes superb
lawrence… i tryed, its the same mistake… the game works until you play. when you save and leave the game… the next time you load your save it OP greyplayers will come back xD
i know because SI bought few months of no activity from cracking teams, usually fully stable and working crack comes out in February when all teams can publish their crack.
Mkdev alone can’t do much with 1000 triggers, it may take months. All these files are just test cracks to see how to fix the problem, solution is far from close.
25468 but then why last year FM15 crack was released in 2 weeks after release?I remember this time last year i was playing fully proper working FM.
crack V5 = bugs…. crashs— :(
to avoid the gray players will try to select all the countries of Europe as playable (but only see)
the atributes are normal so far
confirmed hi reboot the game and op grey players theyre back
I have installed the FM2016 and added the V5 Crack,
I started playing in the Latvian League , and after the first friendly everything seems to work perfectly.
However, I did start the game as the ”fmold” but I don’t know if it makes any difference from the ”fmnew”
Just wanted to share my experience with you all!
no DOES NOT WORK- always fake names-
when is it gonna work? this mkdev is scamming.
better find other cracks-
go google
mkdev new pack soon check it out
new file mkdev
sng,got you try it?works?
new file on mkdev site
ragazzi mkdev ci prende in giro l’ultimo pack che ha rilasciato contiene file che sono gia nella cartella del gioco basta guardare la data della modifica e l’ora che sono identiche.
solo fm.exe cambia la data ma credo che alla fine sia sempre la stessa.
boys mkdev teases us the last pack that issued contains files that are already in the game folder just look at the modification date and time that are identical. only FM.exe change date but I think the end is always the same.
im trying now new crack, and i will write here result
im reinstalling the game to check if it works or not
ok guys look your news
i tried new file on my saved game but grey players still same ronaldo and messi , and names are still FAKE
i will try it on a new game now..
the pw is mkineu?
What’s the pass ? pls
password is : mk in eu
but it only extract 1 folder named “data”
ahmet you need to install the play again
Same result.. bad news guys, i tried new files on my save game and new game but problems are still continue,
1) grey players same ronaldo and messi
2) player names FAKE
antonio i will try now uninstall and re-install game. Thank you mate!
ahmet u only got 1 folder from the pack right?
the pass is mk in eu? give error this pasword
nothing with the last file from mkdev pfff
luis tens de dar espaço na pw como puseste
going to check now
mas eu dou espaço sng e não dá…esta a descarregar mas smepr ecom erros
eu pus com os espaços e deu
sng no brother, 2 folder and 3 files;
Data – cloud (folders) , CPY.ini – fm.exe – steam_api.dll (files)
ahmet delete the folder soprt interactive from you documents
and in app data
ja esta a descarregar e agora sng??? basta copiar l apara dentro?
ahmet then install the game and report news,thanks
i cannot test it
sim e so copiares para a pasta do jogo e substituir td, vou testar
yea antonio i deleted all files and now re-installing game.
i dont need to delete nothing????
Guys i need your help, as far as am concerned, i cannot even install the game. when i click on the installation icon, nothing happens. it shows in the task manager a FM icon and after a few seconds it disappears. Any help will be highly appreciated. GRAZIE AMICOS
i uninstalled game, and deleted sports interactive files from my computer. then re-installed game and opened a new game, but NAMES STILL FAKE!
yep and grey players are not fixed too
so lets w8 for tomorrow and see if something new comes out
afff :( forget it guys, dont waste your time, the new files dont work at all, still the damn fake name sinsce the first very day xD
6 cracks and the game is still not working, :(
Guys, tried to reinstall it, deleted SI files from both locations, applied latest mkdev crack, still don’t work with my old save game, tried to create new career now, fake names again, but with no OP grey players
i just dont know why they put them if they are not working… just that
mkdev teases us to get visit his page loads unnecessary files
nikola did u exit the game and load again to check the grey players?
because i did and there are OP grey players
can u hear us MKDEV? are u kidding us? u cant fix 2 bugs with 6 cracks? what r u doing?
I follow no steam because it is serious
im following them too, but there are no news yet
lets w8 some more day we have nothing else to do …
i know but at least put something that works… i dont mind to w8, but reinstalling the game each pack its just annoying xD
sng what’s w8?
I know its a hard work, but I dont understand why they put a new crack if its not working at all –‘
crack after crack and the problems are always there….
they do it because they earn more money like that.
when you grow up you will understand
ahmet kardesim napmamız gerektigini acıkca yazarmısın crackın olması icin
bilal kardesim, bosuna ugrasma butun yollari denedik, calismiyor crack adamlar alay eder gibi hep ayni calismayan crack’i koyuyorlar siteye
Ya bu hafta içi tam olarak gelirmi yoksa daha beklicezmi?
ahmet bunların hepsi orospu cocugu yukada only crack5 cıkartmıslar bugun giri adam problemi cozulmustur yazıyo crack ıcın onu denedinmi peki
onu da denedim kardesim, v1’den 5’e kdr cikan butun crackleri denedim hepsi ayni bok. milleti oyaliyorlar pezevenkler.
Just fck you mkdev… Stop kidding us retard !!!
Fake names still but good progress, wait for a final crack/patch
Aynı crackleri version değiştirerek yolluyosunuz ibineler. uşak mı kandırıyosunuz la
already 6-7 times that is a troll scamm, go check google- mkdev info .
still have the cyborg grey players…wow, what a players!
stay with the 1st/4th crack version. the 5th just hide the skills of the grey players, so they still exist and they’re still very strong. This aint a fix at all, is more like tryna fuck with us
aq cocukları bı creck yapamadılar…tum dunyadakı fakırlerle taşşak geçıyorlar…bı creck yapılamaz mı bunca zaman.amın oğulları
v6 on mkdev site
again fake names from the start
Please give a link about v6 on mkdev site
For me doesn’t work! Players names are fake and there are a lot of bugs! what does it mean I have to reinstall the game?
Allora installate le v4 poi avviate fm e dal menu principale in basso selezionate “Personalizza” poi da in alto a destra selezionate “Personalizza” e dal menu a tendina “Dati aggiuntivi” deselezionate tutto e fate conferma poi startate una nuova partita.
Non so se i fake ricompariranno ma i grigi sono a posto
Ah quindi la partita che ho già cominciato me la piango così?
NEW FILE UP BIGGER PAK SOON old pass 57 mb in mkdev site.
anyone have tested it?
crack v5 is also not good!
Grey players after the game loads, they return
No free, i have the files but need the correct password mk in eu not working… So if anyone knows the pass tell me!!
Crack v6 Winrar Password : mk dev eu
Winrar Password v6 Crack : mk in eu
I need pass for finalMKDEV… The ones you send not working.
I’m sorry it’s working now!! Gonna test new files !
LOL, it’s even more fucked up with the finalmkdev… What are those guys doing ,?? Do they even test the game ?? Let’s figer this out and send all info to a real scene group…
Finalmkdev work?
No Vicenzo… Read the post above !!! It’s even worse …
No, it don’t work. With finalmkdev even if you start a new game you found fake names. I try to reinstall the game but nothing changes.
Have you changed the facegen files & all? it works for me.
Dopo un’installazione pulita, parto con nomi falsi e il problema dei giocatori grigi sembra APPARENTEMENTE risolto. Salvo la partita, esco dal gioco, lo riapro, carico e ancora nomi falsi e giocatori grigi di nuovo come Messi e Maradona. Quindi no, non funziona per niente!
After a clean installation, when I open game I have fake and OP players seems to be normal. So I save game, close, open, load game: still fake names and OP players’s like Messi and Maradona. It doesn’t work at all!!!
what do you mean with facegen?
Onların ben finali de sikim başınıda ibina yavşaklar.yahu arkadaşlar 3dm gameden haber yokmu???
Fake names not fox with final version!
İbnetör bunlar…kesın komisyonlarını aldılar..bir oyunun crackı nasıl yapılmaz…
can someone give some feedback about v6
Lawrence doesn’t work, fake players since the beginning e OP players appears when u load saved game.
thanks christian
Peki soruyorum neden bu oyun neden Assasin creed yada fallout 4çıktığı gün kırılıyorda toplam boyutu 4gb olan oyun kırılamıyor yada kırılmıyor.
Emre para kazanıyor adamlar o yüzden ;)
Ahmet geçen sene 3dm nosteam falan kırmıştı diye hatırlıyorum nerde bunlar usta??
will they make an online/network crack?
Emre kardeşim bu sene nedense hepsi ağırdan alıyor anlamadim bende, nosteam de frene bastı. beklicez artık, yapacak bisi yok :)
Seriously Fellas, give the guys at MKDEV a break, everyone around all groups are trying to provide a solution, it takes time, instead of slagging everyone off you should maybe try supporting them, people have lifes ya know, they dont all sit at a pc 24/7, get a grip.
How to install V6 crack?
sikimsonik crack yapıp umutlandırıyorlar …. İbneler kendileri kesin satın aldılar oynuyorlar,bizle de taşşak geçiyorlar…
grey players and player names wrong…
the game, under windows 10 don’t play, il gioco non funziona con windows 10 come mai?
Please be patient people!
If you want to play NOW, just buy the game…
Show some support to the people who are doing this for US!
ciao.. sto scarico il file TORRENT DOWNLOAD e poi quale crack scaricare??
Steff i think we already showed enough support to those people while we were downloading fake patches from V1 to V6. Each of that download is money profit for file owner. So the question is when they will stop putting fake patches like v7 v8 v15 and so on and just give working one.
Stef. Before you publish some patches/cracks/… you would expect they test it… This is a money profit team ( clickads, etc.. ) Real Scene don’t spend their time for now. They are waiting till new ingame updates are out …
Ragazzi allora abbiamo novita ?
Io ho finito una stagione , cn la prima crack…e ho notato vhe durante il calciomercato i nomi cambiano …ma quando esso e chiuso si gioca regolarmente…adesso ho portato il catania in B …solo che nel calciomercato ogni giorno ch scorro mi fa bestemmiare ho preso gakpe dal genoa e mi e comparso samuele longo….e poi gonzalez poi simunec ….e allora ho deciso di abbandonare…..cmq come vanno ste crack rilasciate di recente ?
please..what i ll have do after download the torrent file?
Na cagata…
ahahahaha..fatta..poi.. ??qualcuno che risponda seriamente?
ma final un cazzo…
e per la crack?ho scaricato crack only v6.. va bene?
still got the fake names… :(
daniel la mia risposta era riferita alla domanda di miniboyz e all tua ultima…
That retard always post the same crack, just change the name… The bugs are the same in all cracks. For sure is kidding with us…
Crack più inutile di Ciro Immobile in un college
Works perfectely… :) Play
non va una sega di niente sta v6 della minchia
Ronaldo works perfectly in your dreams!!!
Roanldo how many alcool have you drink???
Ok then. . . :)
2017 and no porblems ! Real Madrid <3
Best FM ever…
Ulan o.çocukları utanmıyor musunuz hayallerimizle oynamaya, kimimiz sınavına çalışmıyor, kimimiz projesini erteliyor, ta mkoyayım çıkaracağınız v6 crackinize de. 1grup toplanıp taşak geçiyosunuz. hergün 1 crack. iyi yere tezgah açmışssınız. KAN AKACAK KAAAN. Burda Rasim Ozana sevgiler…
still not working. Fake names :(
ty for this v6 crack
will try it
Velikavlak08 ahahaaa Hoydaaaaaaaa.Bunlar bizimle dalga geçiyor nosteam ibneleride final patchı bekleyin diyor
saygılar sana kaarşim :D
Ne demek kardeşlerim. bekle bekle finaller geldi mk bıktık usandık. feyk name dolu oyun.
sokacam yapacagınız işin amına kyim emi ……….. la amık crack kerin ya biri isim düzeltir gri oyuncular düzelmez birinden griler düzelir oyuncular patlar bune aq v6 yı denicem olursa yazarım
FM 2016 worked fine past two days but now it won’t open, I can’t skip the loading screen. A solution anyone ?
it have got fake player name what can I do for this ????
Now greys are normal but still fake names
greys aren´t normal they come back when u load the game
Crack V6 don’t works. Still fake names.
before this new crack
when i get the fake name i need to restart the game at it being real name again
but this new crack still the same after i restart
any idea?
need to play for the start or what?
la V6 non funziona, ci sono i nomi fake ancora!
ma ci pigliate per il culo?
non le prova nessuno?
dai su!
Those guys are taking the piss its the same crack with the same problem plus they are just copying it from mkdev who actually are working
file 57 mb from mkdev, anyone tried? review please
Its still not working. please try harder. i support you guys
Wroking perfect for me ! Thx :)
which day are in the game?
Ronaldo, i dont believe u, but tell me how u install it? xd
It’s working fine for me. Here’s what I did:
1) I completely uninstalled the game & deleted all files in my documents & appdata (hidden folder).
2) Installed game, and used the crack V6.
3) Installed all files from the crack V4.
4) Installed the fmnew file from crack V5.
I did it in that exact order and it works fine. If on your first go the names are broken, just restart the game and it should be fixed. I hope that helps someone.
I giocatori dopo il 22 Dicembre 2015 , cambiano improvvisamente NOME !!!!!!! my god !!!!!!!
@Leman Greys Players OP are ok ?
@Leman How far are you into the game? Names not changing after new year/end of first season?
@Leman I’ve tried your sequence but after reloading OP greys re-appear..
hmm..already delete crack v4 & 5 cannot try that method
name of v4 crack??? i have v5 and maybe v4 too…
Michell orosbusu kimbilir kaç para verdinde kırdırtmıyosun ulan senin feriştahını sikim Senin yaptığın oyunu sikim Senin karını sikim senin hayatını sikim senin o oyunu yaptığın studyoyu sikim orospunun fırlattığı kahpe piç alırsamda bu oyunu orosbu çocuğu olim!!!!!!
January 1st, first date when fake names reappeared, saved the game, exit, load again and it went fine (with OP players) till the end of the season, and on June 1st fake names came up once more and the “save/exit/load” method doesn’t help anymore, tried it numerous times… I’ve tried to figure out what ingame file triggers the “fake names” change, but no luck… We’ll all wait for a working crack, hopefully after the first update patch!
@Dany My game is end of the season. Names are good until end of the season. Then names become fake.
Be patient guys,this week proper crack by 3dm is coming :)
@jeffrey how you now it will be this week?
How do you know Jeffey ?
@jeffrey You tell me right???
I ve got sources you don t have to believe me just wait and you ll see ;)
@jeffrey We want to trust you, but we were bored ?
Ok your call…I told you just what i heard…I am also excited and can t wait as you
jeffrey is right . julian assange told me .crack’s coming soon
@rasim ozan jullian assange kim ?
coming soon when ? do you know jeffrey ?
sağlam kaynaktır google a yaz bak kahin gibi bi piç işte
Rasim Ozan bey adamsınız. Ailecek izliyoruz efem
@rasim ozan arştırdım birazda hatırladım bu herif Abd’nin belgelerini falan açıklayıp Rusya’ya gitmişti.ama anlamadığım bu adamın FM ile alakası ne?
emre harbi malsin aq
chief, it doesnt work wrong Name v4 was good
emre kardeş gülmekten osurdum amk mesajları iyi takip et
Beyler beklemekten beynimin yandığı doğrudur.ama bana da hak verin buraları takip etmekten mallaştım?
I lowered my normal game .. put the V6 crack (released yesterday by you ) but the game already starts with fake names .. how to proceed?
DSantos don t bother with that crack,wait for proper crack this week :)
don`t bother to use this v6 crack
i think i play with v5 only need to restart the game to get real name back
still the op grey players are there
crack v6 don’t work..this crack not fix names even more broke game
Crack v6 yaptım isimler hep bozuk arkadaş daha düzeltemiyomda kayıtları bile sildik of of
Kaç para ulan bi krek söyle salih baba kaç para ben bi krek bile alamayacak adammıyım salih baba
Beyler kupon yapalım yarınada oyun parası çıksın böyle olmaz
Guys you’re not improving your job at all, the latest crak is the worse!!!!!!
sure that there is no other websites other than the mkdev doing crack?
Mkdev don’t make crack please :D
i just saw my youth team losing against a shitty team of grey players for 15-0!!!
op grey players!!!!
FC. Porto 0 – Leixões 15!!! WTF???
Beyler indiriyorum oyunu nedir durumu indirenler sorunsuz kullanabiliyormu cracklarda varmı sıkıntı ?
Crackler hep sıkıntı Soner indirip de sinirlerini bozma bosuna kardeş :D
Thanks… Works plerfectly here :)
aynen indirdim. oyunun ana ekranı bile acılmıyor direk crash dumb hatası cıkıyor :D
F:N:R it works for you?? how??
v1569 might work guys.. looool
F:N:R how?
Bigger Pak MKDEV works ?
no @kelvin
maybe this krak work in mkdev v.100.0
f@ck you mkdev. dont working all crack
You ara a son a bitch..yapacağınız crackı sikeyım amınoğulları
Good thing I saved version 4 because I can Play it Fine with that one
Hani v7 crack. Bekliyoruz sabahtan beri. Ayni cracki atip v7 diceniz olm. Cok zorlamayin ya. Heyecan olacak filan hafi bekliyoruz. Salin v7yi
@jr can you post that one?
fuck you mkdev
ci prendono per il c*l*, ma tanto col caz** che me lo compro!!!
mac ?
Io propongo di comprare una chiave di attivazione fruibile su 5 pc là si trova a 36 euro circa dividerla in cinque persone e scaricarlo originale da steam. Naturalmente solo una persona può giocare on-line.
Quando c’è da scaricare le patch di aggiornamento si fa un per volta.
Se qualcuno è d’accordo mi contatti
@Antonio ci può stare bella idea
raggiungiamo 5 persone e fan… mkdev
anticipo io ci scambiamo i contatti a pagamento effettuato ognuno avrà la licenza
Se qualcuno non sa di cosa sto parlando gli spiego come avviene il tutto.
@Antonio perfetto allora attendo news
@Koli vediamo se qualcuno è interessato naturalmente dato una mail certificata io così potete stare tranquilli
Sono un Serg. dell’Aeronautica militare italiana
Koli non ti puoi fidare di tutto però.. è una cazzata paurosa.
Ma la chiave di steam non era condivisibile massimo da 4 persone? Quanto è il limite? @antonio
I’ve put a dead line in my mind at the beginning… A month is enough… After 13 dec, i’ll buy the game…
@federico se non ti fidi non giudicate almeno
La chiave è per 5 dispositivi sinceramente per 7 euro a testa non ci penso minimamente a truffare la gente…
Se non siete interessati potete attendere mkdev che comunque vi sta prendendo in giro
Mkdev team, did you get paid by SI or is it simply so hard this time?
to DAMS !
You buy the game and they win ! do something else while waiting !
instead of thanking a team who is working in getting a crack for u FOR FREE .. u just are a bitch … in theyr place for all the bad commentary i wouldnt do the crack
to the fake “Waiting for the crack !”
that’s why you dont crack the game ! It’s a passion, it’s not about what people think about you !
@Antonio sono interessato ad acquistare la licenzia per 5 dispositivi con voi come proponevi, per 7 euro a testa mi sembra una gran cosa. mi spieghi un po come funziona
Hey Guys,
I got a Mac, can someone help me please? How do I install this on Macbook?
ragazzi anche io sn per la licenza in condivisione
Allora ragazzi in pratica si compra questa chiave condivisibile in modalità off-line per 5 dispositivi.
Non posso giocare contemporaneamente più dispositivi on-line.
Creiamo un account steam uno alla volta scarica il gioco utilizzando la chiave.
Ognuno di noi appena finisce può giocarci ma deve avere la cura di impostare off-line
Quando c’è un aggiornamento disponibile uno alla volta lo si scarica.
Chi e interessato me lo dica io compro la chiave creiamo assieme un account ed uno alla volta lo si scarica.
Voi mi pagherete tramite postepay avrete le mie generalità rima di versare ed a pagamento avvenuto rilascio la copia.
Antonio, d’accordo con la tua idea delle chiavi steam da utilizzare facendo 35€ divisi in 5. fammi sapere e ci organizziamo.
Ciao Antonio…sono disponibile per l’acquisto in condivisione…fammi sapere quanti siamo e come devo procedere. Domani posso farti la ricarica postepay. Attendo tue notizie
Ciao Antonio, sono anch io disponibile per acquisto condiviso,attendo tuo contatto e disponibile a ricarica postepay.
antonio io ci sto come ci mettiamo d’accordo?
direi che siamo giusto 5, come si procede?
antonio hai avuto una gran bella idea peccato che sono arrivato tardi…. :(
Antonio ci seiii. …confermi almeno i 5 nominativi così per metterci d’accordo e confermare il tutto. ….
what’s language are they ?
Italian bastards please speak english
English shit is silence …
antonio io sono interessato
I can’t wait yet!!!!!!!
Italiano di merda SPEAK ENGLISH
Can’t waittttttt nooooo come final crack 3dm come come mkdev
3dm will release proper crack tomorrow or by end of the week.Be patient people ;)
“i just saw my youth team losing against a shitty team of grey players for 15-0!!!
op grey players!!!!
FC. Porto 0 – Leixões 15!!! WTF???”
aleluia .. I thought he was definitely losing qualities and my pre season with FC Porto was being worse than start with Gil Vicente and only play against real madrid .. even with the gil would achieve better results .. just scored a goal after 5 game (lost 5-1) the rest was 7 or 8 up … against teams of the 2nd division .. is wait for the right crak .. latter return false names and even my becomes false. . is normal or was it just me?
u need to w8 for a right crack this is fucked up
Hopefully,we have to wait for few hours or few days :)
Jeffrey, you serious? You are giving me some hope. :$
Jeffrey, how do you know that man? I hope you’re right :)
It s a rumour,but it could be true ;)
but where did you hear that?
From 3DM game page.Let s wait and see.
I hope youre right man :x Im praying xD
I hope so too.Maybe tomorrow is the day :)
Jeffrey, update us please, when you know something more :)
In my opinion mkdev wasn’t able to crack FM .. He’s been trying since weeks and he’s now desperate.. Maybe 3dm or NosTeam will step up soon to finish the job .. Let’s just wait and be positive..
Ragazzi scusate sono a lavoro…noi militari lavoriamo pure nei festivi. Appena ho 5 minuti facciamo la lista dei 5
V6 is bad, badder than all other versions
arkadaslar oyunu kurduktan sonra v6 ile crackleyin ondan sonra sırasıyla v4 ve v5 in dosyalarını football manager 2016 içine atın oyun düzgün şekilde çalışıyor.2 sene sorunsuz sonrasını benede bilmiyorum…
Stop lying!
krm35 dediklerini yaptıktan sonra hangi dosyadan giricez oyuna fm.exe fmold ,fmnew benzeri dosyalar oluyor ?
krm35 hocam dun indirdim oyunu v6 yıda indirdim crackledim tıklayınca oyuna crash dumb hatası cıkıyor oyun hc cıkmıyor sızde nasıl calısıor v4 v5 göremedim ben burada
ragazzi domani rientro a casa e possiamo concordare il tutto farò un gruppo su whatsapp
stop talking to your language everybody its annoying only english !!!
se facessimo due gruppi? io sarei anche disposto antonio, giusto per non scontentare nessuno
ma come ci scambiamo le info? qui?
ok Antonio. crea una mail e noi ti giriamo le info per il gruppo whatsapp
no poblem intantoil sito che vende è insta gaming potete verificare lì ciò che dico il prezzo al momento è 34 euro
per chi fosse interessato questa è la mia mail
invictus.sois@alice .it
I will swear speak except english…
@Jeffrey You’re the troll buddy.Good troll.Because we waited several hours!!!!
Crash -__-
Donetollo just wait and you ll se by Friday.Look above,they add link soon 100% fixed,this is sign ;) I told you
Give me the proof jeffrey! and when they give the link ?
They didn t give it yet it says soon,look above.But that means the proper crack will be out in few days.
very soon guys, maybe today … ;)
Lower price for the original game is available at
so give me the link of the information Jeffrey !
There is no link.You have to believe me…Lorenzo also knows,just be patient and you ll see.
They give me the aswer : 2 weeks . For all the outherscomments about crack fixed date, it’s just speculation.
Jeffrey, why should we believe you? You already lied us a couple of times…
@Tony then don t believe me it s your choice.And i didn t lie,i assumed,i told you what i heard.
its possible cause we havent got any news on the past 2 days, im assuming the next crack will work 100%
Tony listen to sng,he is also realistic.It is possible.
FUCK MKDEV e me la divido con 5 persone così mi costa 7 euro ed aggiornerò sempre il mio FM
why not antonio?
cdkeys is a site where she shows more offers of sites around instagaming why I have chosen is the most reliable and in a second I received the key downloaded and installed now there game
antonio ti ho mandatola mail :)
No news past 2 days, seems like they gave up. Time to buy the game i guess. SI won. gg
Be patient, good things take time
crack will be there very soon
I see that most are CRITICISM ONLY !!!
if there is good commitment they put into it, buy for yourselves !!!
“Sorry for my English”.
@LorenzoThe right really want link???
Antoniko a 7euro la voglio anche io mi contatti?
Emre there is no link.It is a logic thinking look above.
@Jeffry thanks wait….
I love this game
And I need the crack
When to end soon and get it
Antonio, allo stesso modo come io non mi fido di te, (caporale dell’esercito, ma per favore ahahahahaha) tu non puoi diffidare e infamare di mkdev allora
Miraccomando imbecilli passategli i soldi tramite postepay, il metodo più insicuro che esista, lui si piglia i soldi e voi merda.
e poi @federico come faccio a fidarmi di mkdev che ha rilasciato 6 crack una peggio dell’altra e se avete un po di conoscenza informatica vi accorgete che ha messo file che non c’entrano nulla con la crack tipo il facegene ma dai su o file originali del gioco con data di modifica identica al file originale
ancora che credete a quel coso lì
Un consiglio se proprio volete attendere la crack affidatevi a no steam
It’s not soon, it’s late!!! :(
v6 does fix the names bug however after a while the names change again… whats wrong?
parlate altrove di chiavi condivise ecc.
ogni anno ci vogliono un paio di mesi per arrivare a un crack stabile. va avanti cosi da anni, lo sapete perché vi sorprendete.
football manager è un gioco che viene comprato solo i primi due mesi appena esce poi non ha mercato. Avranno pagato anche le crew che sviluppano crack per temporeggiare, tutto qui.
tra un mesetto ci sarà come sempre il crack definitivo.
l’importante è che quando esce la crack stabile lo si sappia. se fate spam su questa pagina non si capisce nulla
nel frattempo mi arrangio
ogni tanto cambiano i nomi, riavvio il gioco e riparto.
dopo una stagione SerieA e coppa campioni vinta.
con un po di pazienza si puo giocare lo stesso
soon soon soon soon
when that soon end
i need the crack pls
upload it
Il problema non è tanto nei nomi sbagliati ma nei giocatori grigi fortissimi
Right, I’m sick of seeing these messages like ‘fuck you mkdev you’re too late’ or ‘FUCK MKDEV’ or… you get the point. These guys are working their arses off to get this game cracked (which they have done already so I dont see why you lot are still complaining even at crack v6) and fix any potential bugs such as OP grey players (which is admittedly annoying me) or fake names so you lot should really shut the fuck up and realise that you’re saving £40+ on this game which includes the few inevitable bugs and glitches as it is the cracked version. I’d advise you to be grateful that there are people that actually are willing to give a game out for free which they gain very little from.
Mkdev, thank you for providing us with this game despite the few glitches which I can live with because there are clearly some ungrateful twats that don’t realise how hard it is to get a security-evolving game, such as Football Manager, cracked fully and with almost no problems.
siktir leeennn yarraaaaammmm ;O
Çıkartın şunu artık bea Allahsızlar.fiyatıda dusmedi alak aq.
JK. Thanks MK DEV for your hard work :)
Jeffrey it’s for today or not the final crack ? -_-
You are boring.I said in few days counting today!Stop asking and be patient!
i have problem with fake name. how can i fix it?
The solution is near, i saw that if i search pogba i ll find someone that have siumilar pogba but different name…
could u helpo me?
i have crackv6
we are tired with always good news but no proofs …
And im tired with your boredom.Crack will be release very soon and it is up to you are you gonna believe me or not.Wait and you ll see!
@jeffrey, stop trolling people, we’re all too tired of your lies!
Jeffrey soon turns right on the site says 3DM game!!!
I told you :) Thanks Emre.Do you believe me now?
@Jeffrey where did you read it from buddy?
3DM game FM2016 page
give me the link :D
But ask Emre exactly where he read it on page,i couldn t find
what’s new guys ?
@Jeffrey, 3DM game FM2016 page? What’s page? And link?
Don’t trust Jimmy, he’s a troll.
the team from the leages we dont select have players with huge levels ! its almost impossible win them ! for exemple, in the champions leag group i have tio play againts one tem from eslovaquia and i cant win whit barcelona
Sergio, try to read other comments please. And u Jeffrey, stop trolling.
Guys, be patient, we all wanna play the game, and it will be cracked….we are not paying anything for the game all we need is patience…
hi guys, the new crack v6 woork good or no ???
Jimmy how many time?
people wait for a good job. Good work of all crackers
scusate ma com’è possibile che con la crack 6 ho ancora i nomi tutti sfasati…c’è anche se salvo spengo e riapro il gioco me li da comunque storpi
Jeffrey the Ubertroll… When u ask for a link, no comments… Such people are sooooooo bored and fucked up … Go outside bro… have a blast, search a job and a wife and stay away from here.
brother i need your help.. i cant start the game without steam…. even if i have it, it says for me to buy it, i tried all possible ways ( so to speak, all as i know of.) can u help me? cheers
Qandırdım sizi ezik İngilizler
ahahhah stupid fools I trick you
Hhahaha what am idiot Jeffrey is…omg…dude, get a life.
@Jeffrey aq sende türkmüşsün…anlamıştım zaten az cok..
Nemanja you stupid fuck
dont fuck each other guys…
Be calm guys! :)
We everybody wait :D
“soon”………like in 2021
The best for playing atm is the V4+V6 :D
wait & see
Shite Talker…….@ Jeffrey!
SOON. :)
De siktir Lo
jeffrey fuck you motherfucker . fuck fuck off
Hıyvın iti yimiş
Ananzaaa xD hala bekliyonuz bir de ak fakirleri gidip alın lan oyunu pis fakirler ahaha lol
stay cool guys
Jeffrey is going to release it within minutes. Stay calm. Thanks.
istihbaratıma göre cia crack gruplarını durdurma kararı almış …kesin bilgi yayalım :D
is the new crack available? I still see SOON but there is a link available.
Why is the “SOON 100% ALL FIXED” Download link clickable??? Is it ready or just another troll attempt to make money?
Atm is a clickable link useful for give more money for ADS.
We still without a worty crack!!
What’s “MKDEV APIS” on mkdev site? Anyone could try?
MKDEV APIS SOON in mkdev site
Anyone have try it?
Si, l’ho provata. Ora i nomi sono giusti, ma i giocatori in grigio sono ancora dei Palloni d’Oro
the names seems to be fine but the grey players comes OP after the load
Febo hai fatto un’installazione pulita del gioco? Ossia: hai re-installato il gioco cancellando tutte le cartelle precedenti?
And what’s the pass for “MKDEV APIS”?
Pass: mk in eu
password = mk in eu
“mk in eu” doesn’t work
work sure. try another one
And, the question is when the FINAL CRACK will be release? Final Crack without OP and fake names for players. I believe in Jimmy, but I think Jimmy, please stop laying us. We need the date! Please someone tell us the real date that the final crack is come..
FM Player,
MKDEV APIS… it means he is having a piss…. still op grey players
I have tryed MKDEV APIS whit a clean installation…i hve the saved a game and after load the grey is OP.
don’t work
for play now we must buy a game.
Also, every team is going BANKCRUPT… thats another big problem….
also BANKCRUPT it’s true
according to my sources, it will be for tonight :D
i hope so,im getting bored.
If its impossibile to crack it properly is better to say it..i prefer to spend 40€ for fm than install 89 different type of cracks…but let us know..
yeah think ill give it till sunday then Ill go buy the fucking game its only £30, these lads prob got paid by SI reason takes so long if at all.
@ jeffrey Please Stop talking Shite lol
You either wait patiently for the crack, or go and buy this game, just stop complaining every day, kids…
we complaining only for the 6 version of the crack.
is better to drop out only one version and work properly on the definitive version.
i appreciate a lot the mdkev work,is only to know if exist some chance to got a proper crack or not!
devious liars
I started the game perfectly but on 25th November 2015 the game automatically change the players names to fake ones. Does anyone know why?? Or happened to anyone?
trust me please, i’m not a liar
Jeffrey (10 Dec 2015, 10:05)
ahahhah stupid fools I trick you
Thats what Jeffrey posted this morning.
Nemanja you are very stupid man.Buy a legit game and stop expecting proper crack because you won t get it for a long time.
Jeffrey I am not in a hurry to play the game…. and you are so ignorant, and your life must be sooo empty if your only source of fun is telling lies to people on internet…
Nemanja pusti govana teraj ga u picku materinu
Hahahah i to sto kazes buraz :)
My game is working. I have not fake names ingame. Half of a season has passed…
João s
Check your teams finances…
Joao s
e os atributos dos jogadores desconhecidos?
but u have the grey op players…
Pois é… esses jogadores desconhecidos são de times muito desconhecidos, tipo os que eu joguei amistoso na pré-temporada. Então eu tou só ignorando eles.. Eles meio que não fazem parte do jogo. Não influenciam.
My team finances is ok. Arsenal starting with 300 M for buying and +- 60 M for salaries
new files in mkdev site v5 and fm1
eles vao acabar por os resultados das selecoes e das taças da liga e assim
quem joga como eu de levar um save a serio e q gosta de começa em equipas mais baixas nao da para jogar
fm 1 exe fm 2 exe ?????
@suarez wts the password for the fm 1 rar
dont have password
@João s how did u patched it..wts the password for other mkdevapis??
How do we correct the misnomer!!!!!!!!!
can you help me….
İsimler değişti bilen varsa lütfen söylesin beyler..
Ok guys, on mkdev’s site there’s so many confusion!!!
What we have to do?!
wait for the final crack…MLDEV is just posting files to get downloads and clicks now…
Is there any news when you actual crack will be released, People are waiting patiantly well some of us at least.. Just would be nice to know when you final crack will be coming out
Nemanja there’s no chance that one of those files works?
Andy +1
Christian, there is always a chance but I doubt it will work.
password: mk in eu
now normal names but still op greys
Io non riesco a far partire il gioco in nessun modo! Dice che c’è stato un errore grave e che le informazioni sono reperibili in crash dumps…per favore aiutatemi! GRAZIE
I can not start the game in any way ! He says there has been a serious error and that the information is available crash dumps … please help me ! THANK YOU
@eyyyy not working
@raul91 – working for me ;o
All I have done is just delete the STEAM archive that appears after click fm.exe
My version is nonsteam, so I installed their patch v8 as well
it´s work?
It’s working for me!!! Great work!!! Now I’m enjoying the game!!!! WooHoo!!!!!
Guys, wait, explain how to make it work!!!
@Stejoker devi installare le varie componenti directx che si trovano C:\Program Files (x86)\Football Manager 2016\_CommonRedist\DirectX\Jun2010 e cerchi il file chiamato DXSETUP.exe e lo esegui come amministratore (tasto destro mouse + selezioni “esegui” come amministratore”.
Ovviamente il percorso prima di \Football Manager 2016… dipende dal percorso dove hai installato il gioco :) Questo risolve i crash dumps!
GUYS, it’s work? That exe? 1,2 or old?
Fm1 o Fm2?
the old have the names ok but op grey players still after the load, the others dont work
A fm 1?
Con Fm 1 i nomi sono sballati
Looks like we will be waiting awhile for the crack i’ve tried everything with this game to get the real names etc etc but nothing works i guess if you get lucky it might work for some people.. But i’ve tried everything and nothing works… Just sit back and wait for the Final crack to come out … :(
fm2 works with nosteam version:Dstart the game make a save first, names will be fake restart the game and it works names and op grey …
Name apparently fixed.
grey players are Maradona, Totti, Messi yet.
*with old
All with it working, after 1st season, names change back also… i have been waiting and trting everything with names, and new dat bases etc deleting foldrers.
Still at end of a season they changed back.
Happy to wait just hope they get a working Crack soon… Or ill be buying the game!
Thanks for effort!
waiting in vain byyyyyyyyyyyyyy
@roar92 Grazie mille!!! Vedo che in molti riscontrano diversi problemi, tra cui il problema dei nomi falsi. A te dà problemi? Se sì, come hai risolto?
guys it works?
fmold.exe fix fake name problem, but no grey players.
why appear so?
it doesn’t work
how about latest crack ?
it is work?
how about latest crack v7?
it is work?
no same shit fake names an op
auto me thn v4+v6 pws leitourgei?
MKDEV, you are a legend! Keep your hard work!
good work mkdev but in my opinion is not capable to do a proper crack. Our hope is 3DM
Some unknown team reached semifinal of spanish cup and I barely won this team. No player had attributes or else!! Why is that so? that is not realistic
mkdev scandal
@makalo all the cracks mkdev released till now were broken.
nothing works
fmold crack is worked. Fake names fixed but OP player not fixed
Burdan TOLGA ZENGİNİN mkoyayım. takımın anasını sikti anasını
Şimdide bi garip hata verdi aq appId is not configured bu nedir aq..
Kace bude regularan krek da gruvamo kao nezdravi cetrespet sati besprestanka? Ziv bijo
the new crack post works?
What is It OP Player ? ( sorry, my poor english )
Mattheus ..OP means over power..the grey players from worst teams have all atributtes between 17/20
mkdev vi sta prendendo in giro e ci guadagna
the crack fails when new year arrives changes the players names
NO OP GREY PLAYERS in my game. I just started a new game and increased the database at advanced option:
For all the 5 continents, I select all players in teams witch will play a continental championship and main teams of the continent . So, there will be not problem to my Arsenal for exemple… I checked all competitions before choose Arsenal.
tens na msm os jogadores op cinzentos
@João Silas Try to restart to game and see if they appear ..
after save – load put your under 20’s players to senior squad and see the stats of players generated
Sometimes switches baclk to made up names, but i just save and reload with the fm01.exe cheers!!
Fm Old is workıng but grey players problem is going on
grey player with no stats (-)
but in my opinion i think still overpowered when you play in match
and still fake name..
What’s the name is not real????
I nomi non sono reali???
my friends v7 crack does not work for me because i think i have nostream version , what should I do? when i try to execute fm1, fm2, or fmold i have this message : ” a serious problem has occurred and the app will close ” … it’s not a directX problem because my game worked perfectly with the old cracks. help me please !!!
NO THE GAME DOES NOT WORK – fake names reappear after 1 month of game or weeks or immediatly, always fake names problems , let’s just wait the crack 100 percent fixed names- as you can see above at the top is coming soon so wait
kids and boyz stop crying on the comments.
Estarreja 15 – FC Porto 0 ???
Avintes 12 – FC Porto 0 ???
equipas não conhecidas dão goleadas a um dos melhores clubes do mundo???
continuem a tentar…
Should I rename “fmold.exe” for “fm.exe” and then copy it to my FM folder or just copy without renaming? Please help!
@Stejoker Non ho risolto, dobbiamo solamente aspettare crack finale. E’ inutile cercare soluzioni o altre cose, dato che non ci sono. Attualmente le soluzioni sono 2, aspettare o comprarsi il gioco con la cd key su instagaming (ad esempio). Già che a questa pagina è stato aggiunto il riquadro con scritto Crack 100% fixed con scritto all’interno SOON vuol dire che dovrebbero essere a buon punto.
E’ inutile insultare (non nel tuo caso) chi fa un lavoro per te senza chiederti nulla in cambio. ;)
Mkdev ha scritto qualcosa sul suo sito, dovrebbe essere una procedura
I understand they are working for free but its getting to the point now they are just making a tweak and not testing it before releasing I’d rather have no more releases until there is real progress
new file mkdev
my friends v7 crack does not work for me because i think i have nostream version , what should I do? when i try to execute fm1, fm2, or fmold i have this message : ” a serious problem has occurred and the app will close ” … it’s not a directX problem because my game worked perfectly with the old cracks. help me please !!!
install steam
new file mkdev
thank you Onur :*
the Problems are Grey Players are too strong and fake names
and the cracks actually dont fix it
what about the new file mkdev uploaded…what to do…we have to install steam and then what?
the fm01 does not open
the new files dont even open the game
new files are like oldfiles broken. wait for v8
yep fm1 does not open :s
you have to change the names of fm01 or fm02 or whatever to the same name you have in the install folder game: fm.exe
he put 01 and 02 because he can’t have two files with the same name… stupid people (facepalm)…
filipe i cant understand you the new files dont open
I am getting crash dumps with all the exe of v7 crack, even after i uninstall, delete all the files and install again. Anyone knows why?
install direct x or switch your antivirus off and play the game as an admin
Filipe u are the one who needs a facepalm, if they are both .exe u dont need to change the name…
steam installed and start the steam and Idon’t login but don’t start fm1.exe :(((
can’t start any .exe, i get a message “:No valid language found or set, cannot continue”
who is mkdev ? they still do nothing ! fucking team. why they share if it’s not fixed .
Same as Okan, nothing happens when i run fm1.exe
same as nowk . they kidding us
with new crack, fm dont start, waiting for new crack yet
don’t work
Ja ga ucitam preko fm2,ili fmold,sve oke posle par dana ponovo retardirana imena,ali ne mogu ga ga pokrenem preko fm.exe….Niste u stanju jedan mrtvi crack da uradite….Kupujem disk,pa se vi jebite sa ovim sranjima….Salim se nemam pare za Cd,daj napravite ovo da valja …hahaha…
these files are always the same. they rename them
I agree on that. I reinstalled the game and impossible to start with fm1
It does work i have been playing for the last couple of hours!!! Follow the instructions above and it will work..
I loaded the game with fm1.exe….started a new career game…. picked my team….then saved and exited….I then started the game up again with fm1.exe…….loaded my save and all was fixed!
Currently on my fourth friendly as Man Utd. Signed Gabriel Barbosa from santos what a beast!
Have u ran FM1.exe as administrator?
realcozgroveuk fm1.exe does not open the game
fm1.exe doesn’t open the game neither fm.exe
Fm 1 does not open the game!!
dont understand it then it works for me. I can also load the game with fm0X-ILEFX.exe and make a save then load with FM1.exe and that works.
need older crack vision or load fm 2016 full and use these crack.thx
My install is from NosTeam though mite that make a difference?
install nosteam patch test v4 before right ? then and use these mkdev crack.thx
Works perfectly,im on the 2nd season,still no bugs :)))
johnny give me your evidene.?
It is working for some of us. I can upload a video online to show me loading game up and playing if u want mate. No bugs for me either now
i ark you.install nosteam patch test v4 before right ? then and use these mkdev crack.thx
When I click fm1, nothing happens :( I dont get it.
Guys please help us :(
DO I need to have nonsteam version??
guys, help please :(
Where Can I download the Nosteam version of FM guys??
do we have to open steam everytime or just the first time?
Some people are just stupid to install it properly…Thats the problem..
Can someone give us the tutorial to install the new “file”, because most people when click fm1, nothing happens..
And one question, do we have to open steam everytime when play fm or just the first time?
no need to run steam, just install it.
so we install the game get the v4 of nosteam, and then we use this last crack thats it?
@fireonex and everyone else asking about fm1.exe, you’re supposed to rename it to fm and replace the one in your directory with it, and when you create a new game and a save file, close the game and restart it by using the original fm.exe (which you have to put in the directory once more).
RealCozgroveUK thanks!
sng… come on man, don´t make me insulte you… these are the instructions:
– Download API FIX from below and paste in game dictionary.
– first start the game with fm1.exe use it until it creates save file.
– second now start the game using original fm.exe and load the save files.
– play the game.
Where do you see to install v4 of nosteam??
You bastard! johnny.
does it work???
trolling lol u are nuts….first game of season now no bugs
Why fm1 in my computer doesn’t open the game? So i can’t to do step number 4 .-.
nether on mine fm1 doesnt open the game..
same here…
Same here FM1 doesn’t open the game for me to be able to save before i do the next step…
Alla maggior parte di noi fm 1 non apre il gioco. Non credo che siamo tutti stupidì a non capire le istruzioni. Ho dei dubbi riguardo coloro che sostengono che il gioco parta e vada bene
for me it’s different… it doesn’t open with fm.exe… anyone? do i have to rename fm1.exe to fm.exe?
Where is game dictionary?
Do you have to put the game in the steam directory?
Help me guys, the fm1 and original fm can’t open. What should I do now?
so,someone can explain how i can istall this fking “definitive” crack??^_^
i dont open fm 1
I don´t open fm1
Those who say that its all fixed… Check GREY players attributes and team finances after few months….
@Leman I have renamed fm1.exe to fm.exe and replace the original in my directory and the problem remains, nothing happens when i run it.
I dont´t open fm1 too why?
so even this one does not work??
For open fm1 you must download the Football Manager 2016 of up
confirmed fm1 don’t open
for me fm1 did work, but after the fm.exe doesn’t open… i watch at taks manager when i start fm.exe ii appears and after loading a little it just disappears… can´t i play with fm1.exe or do i have to replace fm.exe with a renamed fm1.exe? it is important to have steam, because i don’t and i opened fm1.exe fine and already have the saved game…
another bullshit!!
Well its official, more BULL, because that doesnt work, with or without steam installed, so frustrating, theres no way they did that and got it running, total rubbish.
same shit ever….
i think its confirmed this game seems impossible to crack i guess we just have to wait and see if this game ever gets cracked because at the moment it seems impossible…
Ok. For me all works. OP is gone and fake name also.
MKDEV, we have all been patient, and even i have defended the work you do, but now, its getting annoying, i mean, what, are you making this up as you go just to shut everyone up, coz theres no way you got fm working with those instructions dude, i will always support development but please, have some thought fo other people who are patiently waiting for a solution when you post such nonsense, i personally would rather wait another week or 2 for you to actually sort the issue and post it up here, rather than having such BULL posted up on a daily basis.
Personally i think we are all looking in the wrong direction here, i think the solution will probably arrive from 3dm or or CPY may sort it, as for mkdev, this is a dead project, time to delete this page and leave it to the pros.
I totally agree with Graeme ^^
Explain what you did? you have just done what is in the instructions? Something differente
Deffo Andy, – they should stick to cracking eggs……
fm1 didnt start
I totally agree with Graeme ^^
fm1 don’t work
I’m really frustrated that shit
I agree with Graeme . We must pass mkdev
im buying it on steam ^_^ tnks a lot mdkev ^_^ as a lot of us told before,is better to put nothing than 25v of crack and no one of this work..ridicoulus
You ungrateful bastards!Then crack it yourselves!
yo me lo compre y voy 250 temporadas y me anda al 150 por ciento pinches pobres de mierda que son mendigando por un puto crack
@ JOHNNY – You CRACKING a joke there pal, oh well, at least something on here got cracked…….
Johnny, dude, result would be the same if I cracked it….The game is not working…
And nobody is ungrateful, it’s just that posting 10 versions of crack none of which works is annoying.
Everyone here is reinstalling the game every time new crack appears….
Give us ETA and just release one working crack, rather than posting every day cracks that don’t work.
helpppp Fm 1 does not open the game
Do not work manco per il cazzo :)
@Johnny the fuckers like you should seriously shut the fuck up, you and the other fucking trolls are here every time to say fucking shit about the shitty crack, if there wasn’t these stupid trolls saying that it’s working if you do this and do that, maybe we would not be angry like that.
I just hope that you’re under 12 ;)
Btw i really think that mkdev wanted to do a proper crack because he was on the way, and then i think he saw that he could earn a lot of money uploading shitty cracks like that , so he is trolling everyone, everytime, only us see that the crack isn’t working ? No he knows that of course but he knows that we woll try his crack. Wait for an other team , courage all
@Johnny the fuckers like you should seriously shut the fuck up, you and the other fucking trolls are here every time to say fucking shit about the shitty crack, if there wasn’t these stupid trolls saying that it’s working if you do this and do that, maybe we would not be angry like that.
I just hope that you’re under 12 ;)
Btw i really think that mkdev wanted to do a proper crack because he was on the way, and then i think he saw that he could earn a lot of money uploading shitty cracks like that , so he is trolling everyone, everytime, only us see that the crack isn’t working ? No he knows that of course but he knows that we woll try his crack. Wait for an other team , courage..
helpppp Fm 1 does not open the game
no funca el crack pelotudo
fm1 cant open the game…
I think that mkdev is staff of SEGA, maybe they received order:D
maybe you are right…he made us install Steam already…next step will be to create account and than to buy the game :D
still working for me
“Here comes the daddy” you are right bro just trolling , they want to earn money
look v7!!!
I think i’m gonna install fm15 and continue playing until a crack appears…
just wait to the cucuman come for you
I have deleted 3 times, installed again 3 times….and it worked all 3 times. Copy what i do on the video and you should not have a problem.
Football Manager 2016 NosTeam version.
BETA Crack
mkdevapiv7 crack
FINALmkdev crack
Guys, where Can i download the NosTeam version and the beta crack??
Where I can find FINALmkdev ?
Dude, check GREY PLAYERS and FINANCES….that is the real problem…Grey players are op….get in a team from the league you didnt load and look at the grey players….after few months your team will start going bankcrupt…
Fake names were fixed long time ago…
They seem to have taken the link off and swapped it with new crack….i will upload and post n here
Cool, but i bet ya anything come october names go fake again, thats if ya aint bankrupt or sacked first
well i have checked conference teams and no probs… there was with previous cracks…also stupid scorelines.. So far so good 4 month in
RealCozgroveUK… You check the Gray Players and you say us if they are Fixed
maybe so but at least the people who are getting fake names can play for at least a few month until new crack
Gone on holiday for a few month see if problem start
Thanks RealCozgroveUK!
But not work
Guys it WORKS!!!
But if you do the following:
-Follow the instructions and then start steam.
-At this point leave fm.exe or fm1.exe, download the pack “Football.Manager.2016.Crack.Only.V7-MKDEV.rar” and use only the executable file fm.exe
Works 99% (I haven’t seen Gray Players)
I loaded the career (january 2016) that I had started and so far without any problems.
stop lying kid,
crack doesnt work don’t waste your time.
funny funny
had my first problem in October, players names went funny so saved and exited loaded back up and was back good again. Definately need a final crack with all bugs fixed.
man, it’s not a lie.
Try to do this way, for me is working and fix 100% names! [Windows 10, 64bit]
(grey players didn’t see yet)
Im on holiday with man utd until december 31st so will upload screenies when its done with any problems
That’s why you need to really test it before saying OMFG IT IS WORKING OMFG
No it’s not and you’re wasting your time and our time. Everyone, like all the time is saying that it doesn’t work and every time there are guys who say it’s working because they don’t check names after a while, grey players….
So please, ffs, if you say that it’s working, you check everything.
Thanks now wait stop doing the kids every crack isn’t working stop lying and wait for proper crack then you can say something here.
I have to paste the latest crack?
ok guys, I have been patient, but im tired of this. I mean… why is mkdev always realeasing a new crack if it has the same problems as the former version –‘ makes no sense -.- stop wasting time. I will wait for a final version, working.
U have to download both:
Use only fm.exe of Crack only mkdev api v7, after download steam and open it.
U don’t need fm.exe or fm1.exe of .rar pack n.1, but just from the second one
(and only fmold.exe of the second pack, nothing else)
by the way im not a fucking stupid kid u numpty…..OMFG ITS WORKING OMFG…..Who sez shit like that.
Nemanja is a little dummy :D
Why ? because they are earning much more money like that
Why do you think that there are guys who say it’s working and shit here ? Then you download it they earn money doing nothing that’s why they are not doing a final version, and they will do it when they will see that we are no more dumb, downloading these shitty cracks
I say shitty cracks because ok 1 version, 2 or 3 it’s okay, but 7 now it’s just a joke they are not testing it just earning money
and btw why do you think that there is a link here with proper crack 100% fixed where you can click and give them money for just nothing ?
But on the other i feel like hackers have a deal with SI, so now they earn money and after december they will release it, i think that because every website isn’t searching for a proper crack while they could earn a lot of money with all the people downloading it who are waiting for it.
hopefully people understand mkdev is a great troll. So why he releases not working, not tested cracks?
Because you guys download it via
i already give up im only making download from the last version and 100% working crack
@ RealCozgroveUK Man we are all saying that it’s not working and during the afternoon you were here saying it’s working it’s working for me i don’t know why for you it isn’t but for me it’s working
So yes it’s disgusting because every crack someone like you is not saying the truth and that’s a waste of time, but at least you’re not a troll and you try to help with your video for example so thx for that but please do a total test before saying it’s working fine :)
Thanks Rebus!
thats all im trying to do mate help. Done my head in FM the last few years with the cracks. To be fair i ended up going out and buying 15 and 14 and will prob buy this one in the next couple of weeks, but so desperate to play lol
I agree i’ll probably buy it myself if nothing happends anytime soon with the crack..
and 7th of january i got sacked and the grey u21 players appeared with top stats lmfao. so i accept that now.
hello guys, here’s something I’m strange, I did download the file “mkdevapis” and I’m able to play, the names are right and already have come OP of the players and everything is correct, try downloading this file, extract to the game folder, is called “fm old” open with this file and see, I’m not kidding, I love fm and am as anybody, thought not worked but works well
@RealCozgroveUK Look this rebus for example, he is saying total shit to people
I just did what he told to do, to be sure i’m not saying shit
And you know what ? Everything seems working fine, but when you reload the game grey op players appear, like always there are people who don’t even try to reload and they say it’s working, and i’m sure that if you play several weeks fake names will come back like every crack it doesn’t work that’s all
We are done with these cracks, seriously, do not try to give an advice until you’re sure it’s 100000% working please ;)
And simone will try like other people this “solution”, wasting their time..
Maybe it’s a troll too i don’t know (like johnny this idiot.. )
I do not know whether it is so or not, but also turned on the steam before opening the “fm old” folder “mkdevapis”
@ahcor save the game load again and check the grey players…
Here comes the daddy is a stupid fuck :D
my save is the demo, does
and so?
And of course these guys they speak english like a 10 years old look ahcor you don’t even understand his wonderful solution lol :)
My save is the demo, does
that’s why?
ok, I do not understand and you found out not to;)
Grey Players v7 too strong
When are you going to make real crack that will fix both fake player names and grey OP? grey OPs are showing in every crack while player names are fixed in some crack
Well explained,but fm1.exe it´s not working.
I think there will be no real crack. Just buy the game.
And fm.exe neither
LOL people trying to find a solution by having no clue what they are doing. Brilliant. Stop spamming with your stupid discoveries, these cracks are not working whatever you copy or not copy.
Mkdev also has no clue what is going on, putting out his lame test cracks is just making people even more angry. He should just admit he can’t do shit and stop bullshitting. If you can crack it, phucking test it first – if everything works then put it out in public. Or else just go phuck yourself.
io intanto ho comprato una chiave di licenza condivisa con altri 4 ragazzi pagato 7 euro ed ho il gioco originale
eh… hai fatto bene antonio, ad averlo saputo prima…
mi diresti come hai fatto a prenderlo a 36€?
instagaming è il sito
ed ora èsceso a 32 euro è affidabilissimo appena paghi ti mandano la chiave in un messaggio
fm 1 does not open, but after clicking on it, we open the fm old and the game gives in perfection!
bhe, allora seguo il consiglio di antonio… Quindi se qualcuno ha interesse a condividere con me il codice, scrivetelo e ci mettiamo d’accordo…
any of that shit works? v7 or mkdev?
Payday is tuesday xmas treat of fm16 for myself I think as ive given up on this getting cracked before xmas
boas ja esta a funcionar?
antonio ma non m hai fatto sapere più nulla? ti avevo scritto una mail…
anyone been on Mkdev team website?? there is a new updated crack but the zip file is password protected
password: mk in eu
that password for new updated crack in mkdev site
there is nothing new on mkdev site
well when i just downloaded it it says created 12th december when i click properties?
You can follow what Mkdev has to say on this discussion….beats waiting round here for it when u can ask the man questions on there
thumbs up to mkdev for his hardwork but i think now, i’d chill till a working crack is out. from him or anyone cos i cant even keep track of all this v1 v2 v4 v7 cracks again.
@realcozgroveuk – youre solution does NOT work, i tried it, followed ur instruction to the letter, and fake names back just 1 week into the season.
MKDEVS newly posted solution does NOT work, 2 weeks into season, fake names are back and OP greys are still there in teams.
CONCLUSION – regardless of what anyone on here says, these posted solutions do not work, they are either making it up or they aint posting the correct instruction, ive perservered and still not working, so no, no solution as of yet and as i said earlier, it would be quicker in the long run just to buy the damn game coz nobody on here is going to be cracking this game, dead project, time to look elsewhere or just buy it………
APİ v7 works for me Thank You your Support :)
don’t post shit here, it was verified multiple times – the f*cking cracks do not work!!!
hear hear
can anybody confirm, is 16.1.1 the final finished article that is on the actual purchased disc ???, id like to know, normally fake names appear with beta rubbish, so im just wondering if 16.1.1 is actually beta or the final release, and why has nobody uploaded a full DVD rip of the game, Untouched??, you wont find one anywhere, and that is strange.
i mean, theoretically, all you need is the actual full rip of the game and a cracked EXE of which there is plenty, so where are all the untouched disc rips?
lol get a grip….there are 3 different versions of the game to download….about 10 different cracks all with different registry files included….then everyone has different pc’s and operating systems…How do u expect everyone to get the same results with all those combos…and the game is highly protected with security traps to stop pirates like us who want something for nowt! Dont tell me something didnt work how i said it did just cos u didnt get the same results.
Plus if u read back wi was testing it on holiday till december and was a.ll fine till i got to january, then i got fired and all the OP grays came on and results started getting daft.
So my solution worked for me….but only till January
that works after 1st Jannuary?
So, conclusion, as suspected, you are are full of shit then Cozgrove…….
quote” Dont tell me something didnt work how i said it did just cos u didnt get the same results.”
Guys, Guys, Small Doubt. When you apply the above crack all the fake name problems are solved, but the countries and leagues you do not select, i.e. for example Bulgaria; it’s representative club, CSKA Sofia, is too damn hard to beat. And when I went inside the club during the match to find out any potential players, the players had ratings of 20 finishing and all. Did any of this crap happen to you guys? If it did, could you please tell me if it is just a glitch in the crack or whether my whole fucking game is corrupt?\
A little important too. :)
I can smell youre Horse Shit breath from here.
P.S. The team I manage is Valencia S.A.D of Spain.
Dafuq, mate?
@Harry, Dafuq???
My comments are for cozgrove.
Sorry, Mate? But could you answer it? Please.
you fucking nob head! I thought it was working until someone told me pointed out to me that it would eventually fuck up and it did. Cheap arse cunt, why not go buy the game instead of getting on your high horse when someone is trying to help others…..soon as i the game fucked up on me i posted it on here so why ya making out that im saying it will work.
Anyway im off to keep checking the steam underground community n fucking this page off….at least everyone posting positive stuff and not moaning like fucking kids…..tata
@ Harry007
Its simple, OP players, it cant be solved unless yo wait or buy the game, and if ya names are fixed then you are very lucky because i cant even get my game through 1 season without fake names showing up, The game is full of Grey ops making it unplayable, example – i was Preston North End, i was top of the championship and had a load of players bought from premier league clubs, fa cup i played a non league team at home called BARWELL, they beat me 11-0.
Totally ridiculous, my players couldnt get the ball, if you look at your under 21s or under 19s, and look at greyed out player stats, they all have attributes that are what youd expect from messi or ronaldo.
The game is fkd mate, and it cant be sorted until it is 100% cracked.
@ Cozgrove, Is that all ya got??
Read my post ya little fkn Noob, i have bought it, but im still spending time looking for solutions for those who dont want to or cant afford it.
Ya little fkn wrong un, go play with ya fkn barbie dolls, eat shit motherfucker.
For me doesn’t work. I followed all the instructions but the game doesn’t start fm.exe1 as well as fm.exe. I don’t believe that we are all stupid….someone can explain how can we start the game_
Thank ya, mate. P.S. During the winter window friendlies of 2016, that fucking CSKA Sofia beat my Valencia team 13-7 which had Angel Di Maria and JWP. So, I was checking whether this had happened to anyone else. :)
Cheers, mate.
THE GAME DOES NOT START BOTH fm1.exe and fm.exe.
I used nosTeam version of FM 2016. I extract the game folder and then I downloaded the patch V8 from their site… This patch has solved problems with fake names,also in the second season they didn’t appear. The only one (big) problem is the OP grey players. On their site they were posting new patch every few hours until monday…after that day, they removed patch V8 (I still have it fortunately, If someone wants, I can show it) and posted patch V4 (wtf?) that has also fake names. The forum says:Wait for final patch but like I’ve just said
They don’t release anything by monday. I’m waiting for nosTeam beacuse their way to install game and patch is very simple and organised. Even if now they aren’t apparently working on it, they have done it with order.
This game wont be playable until SI release official update and then mkdev need to crack it. Last playable crack for fm 2015 was released in may so be patient or buy the game.
Mi ripeto, chiunque non abbia più voglia di aspettare una crack che forse non arriverà mai, è ben accetto a dividere il codice di attivazione con me, come ha fatto antonio… costa 32€ e se ci si mette anche solo in 4 a dividerlo viene 8€ a testa, direi che non è male.
@crocro i said it before one month that FM 2015 was playable at March,the month when ends the real football leagues!!!!THEY JUST PAY THE GUYS WHO TRY TO CRACK THIS GAME!!!JUST SIMPLY!
i want v8 patch
where i can find ???
Exactly. I always buy FM, but imo fm15 was full of bugs and strange situations. I decided first play a little (but no fucking useless demo) and then maybe I’ll buy fm 16.
fm1.exe doesnt open. fmold not fixed fake names. please give us v8
IMO I think the crack will be available in the start of January. SI probably paid companies to not produce crack until Christmas where many many people will get the game as a gift. It’s logical, and we can understand that.
So my prediction is January, the crack will be out. Meanwhile, get FM15 and play it guys!!!
Febo, sono interessato per la condivisione, dammi una email per contattarti
Febo sono interessato. come contattarti?
Febo anche io sono interessato alla condivisione. Tanto io non gioco online quindi non ho problemi di alcun tipo. Fammi sapere
Anche io sono interessato alla condivisione del gioco
federico_bo91@hotmail . it
Ciao Febo, sono interessato a condividere l’acquisto di fm 2016 in 5 persone….a me NON interessa l’online…interessa solo finirla con questa attesa che mi sa non porterà nel breve tempo ad una crack definitiva e funzionante…facciamo una lista di chi vuole partecipare….e procediamo!!!!
Attendo notizie, fammi sapere
Ziko you can find it near your ass.
Io la penso come Mario Slash, facciamo una lista di 5 persone. Io sono il primo poi..
febo ti ho mandato la mail
mi scuso con i due ragazzi che mi hanno contattato via mail purtroppo non avendo ricevuto altre adesioni ufficiali sulla mia mail..ho provveduto con altri ragazzi.
Comunque potete andare su instagaming e comprare la chaive ad ora sta 32 Euro
A meè arrivata in un swcondo e funziona perfettamente inoltre potrete scaricare pure l’editor(non quello in gioco).
Buon Fm 16 ragazzi
P.S. altri ragazzi che conosco di persona mi sembrava giusto dare a loro la priorità
Febo ti ho scritto una mail
(neanche a me interessa l’online)
tanto l’online serve solo ad aggiornare il gioco…uno di voi sarà l’amministratore dell’account steam e vi avviserà quando fare l’aggiornamento un per volta
io consiglio di creare un gruppo su whatsapp
Ragazzi sarei interessato anche io, c’è posto?
febo ti ho scritto una mail anche io
tuttii fruttii lasagana meee keeees, klapt is engels en gin italiaaaans homo’s
Ma solo a me non funziona?
Figli di putani italiani,parlate engleso!
Johnny fammi una pompa:-)
Raga c’è qualcun’altro che vuole condividere una chiave con me?
Federico parla ti engleso?
kekko manda una mail al ragazzo che l’ha postata poco sopra; io l’ho già fatto anche se non mi ha risposto ancora.
Fai attenzione perchè l’indirizzo ha uno spazio al suo interno se fai copia\incolla
Max ma nn hanno gia raggiunto il numero massimo? Io credevo di si, ed ero disposto a comprarne una nuova da condividire con qualcuno che era rimasto fuori
Vaffanculo italiani, para engleso!
@kekko io sono interessato!
@Kekko anche io se vuoi lascia a mail :) che ci mettiamo d’accorso siamo già 3.
comunque io mi riferivo all’utente FeBo che ha lasciato la mail poco sopra:
Febo (12 Dec 2015, 11:26)
federico_bo91@hotmail . it
Anche stejoker è dei nostri!! La chiave dovrebbe acquistarla Febo oppure fai tu Max?
Kekko posso inserirmi?
Rize 2 0 Trabzon. Goller Oboabona. Deniz Kadah
Certo andrè.. siamo gia io tu e stejoker! Max sei dei nostri e organizziamo noi 4?
Kekko lascia un tuo indirizzo e-mail così ci mettiamo d’accordo! :D
@kekko @andrea94 @maxpower si può fare. Chi acquista la chiave?
Ruck italiano speak english
Posso acquistarla anche io.. Facciamo un gruppo what’s app e ci mettiamo d’accordo
la mia mail è franky.kr90@gmail. com
Ti ho scritto :D
why are all so racist, i mean we should be together to get one objective, find the crack for this fuckin game that he makes us #bestemmiare every year
keep calm and wait for crack LOL
@kekko ti ho scritto
Did the crack CRACK ONLY NEW MKDEV API PROPER FIX//crack v7 works ??
Hardly anything made by mkdev will work guys, wait for January to get the 100% working crack or buy the game.
Works for few days, and names change again. #useless
I don’t know what you guys are complaining about, I’ve been playing since morning with the new update. I wish i could have put a screenshot for u guys to see
3Peswa… how u do it?
@3Peswa I can also play but there is many bugs like bankrupt in one month or too many red cards and penalty for my opponent, It’s not playable, it’s annoying just like FM 2015 version 15.1.3
is this the full version or 3dm??
3dm ne zaman çıkartıcak bu beceriksizlerden bi bok beklemeyin artık
I just followed the above instructions. I started the game with the fmold. Crocro I noticed the financial issues too
Chi è interessato ad acquistare il gioco insieme a me e dividerselo ?
Who’s Interested Ad Buy The Game With me and share it ?
Lascio la mia e-mail : roscilli93 @
I leave my e- mail: roscilli93 @
Whatsapp: 389 4451823
Wait for v8
ahhaah v8 v9 v10- these mkdev don’t even test what they are puttin they just reupload over and over again
can i get online somehow?
wait for v15468476513
how long do you think that will be?
It’s funny because this fixed my gray players, but names still change on January 1st, and team finances are ruined.
Guys chill, the pirated version has been deliberately bugged. Just wait a while for a clean hack. Besides do what u can b4 the games goes crazy ALSO sign up your grey players to full time contracts, i sold one for 36mill in January. Yeah the names are off, but thats minor.
After closing game and restarting OP players is back. no issues with fake name what so ever
i dont have problem with fake names but op players are killin the game offfffff tho, also id rather wait coz i have pretty much finished a season be assed doin it again so fingers crossed nice1 for work so far tho :)
it will be for two long months
even if i continue my season i know three clubs from SERIA B will get promoted to SERIA A that means those clubs will have around 18 fake Ronaldo who can beat big clubs like barcelona it self
You idiots are just complaining!Buy the game then!
3DM bile kıramadıya bu oyunu yazıklar olsun
Shut the fuk up johnny i am not complaining all i m saying is its better to wait
When Christmas sale starts in Steam?
i am not paying a dime on this bullshit
Foxa you ARE complaining!Stop pretend you aren t!I know you are tired of waiting proper crack,because i can see your frustration!
Guys, a final crack is not far away, the issue that causes Grey Ops has been 99% resolved by mkdev, it is due to triggers hidden in the code, patches are being tested as we speak, theres just the fake name issue to resolve now.
Seems like mkdev fixed OP’s last night, but fake names are still there and game crashes. Shouldn’t be long until proper crack is available.
Some news? :(
Se qualcuno vuole dividersi la spesa mi contatti s.claudio85@gmail. com
Grey player are fix, fake name no
names not fixed
names not fixed
merda che ancora non funziona, fuck fuck fuck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i’m in love with the coco
in my fm name’s are fixed
i’ll destroy mkdev group
Give MKDEV time he’s fixed the op grey’s now let him work his magic and fix the real names.. i’m sure it will be out soon.
achcor stop lying
That works!
I start a save with fmold.
Load with last fm.exe (MKDEV GREY FIX V7) and player names and OP fixed!
Lorenzo you think I was losing time to come here to tell lies? lol
Ragazzi ma appena acquistato su instant-games poi passo il seriale agli altri ed il gioco è fatto? Steam non si accorge che il seriale è già stato usato? Grazie
People want a fix to where they don’t have to do this save exit bla bla they just wanna play the game normally without messing about… We just have to wait for the 100% fix..
Common guys, test it
Start a save with fmold.exe;
Load that save with the new fm.exe.
whats pass for new files please anybodyyy
passo68 pass is mk in eu
thanx very much ahcor
what finance issues are there in the game?
i did have some ridiculous offers being made for some of my players from time to time ( bid of 700k for a 30+ million player) though i did manage to sell him for normal price afterwards.
is that it?
The names change to fakes on january !
good try
thanx mkdev grey players finally sorted no more complete fa cup shockers happy days and fake names seemed to be sorted timeee ago i started game while ago wit fm old and loaded it just wit new fm an looks good so farrr……..
mkdev ty for not give up on the fm players, almost in the final version i think, keep going
the biggest & most hatred problem of op grey players fixed. thanks mkdev for u r great effort.
Fuck, before the matches, names go back but after restart it’s ok, i dont want to restart before all of the matches.
Grey fixed.
Name not fixed.
Wait for v8
wait for v90000000000 !!
You ungrateful shits,he at least fixed OP players,that was a main bug with fake names,just wait a while and names will alao be fixed soon.Idiots…
Non si possono mascherare gli attributi dei giocatori. Sia che si spunti la casella relativa o che non lo si faccia, non cambia nulla…
Fake names again after 3 days…
dio del cielo …
dio del cielo
No OP \o/ nice work
Any information about a Mac version?
fix the names now pls
ETA: on Real Name Fix?
Thanks mkdev hadi lan adamsınız.v8 ı wait wait wait :) :) :) ;)
To see , and I’m in November , everything working properly.
Thank’s mkdev, you are the best. :)
Can’t get FM16 installed on my Mac, does anyone knows how to?
ragazzi per usufruire contemporaneamente tutti e 5 della stessa chiave dovete utilizzare tutti lo stesso account steam in modalità offline e scaricare il gioco uno per volta
good was using v4 for a while but thought id give v7 a go followed the instructions and fake names appear earlier cant say the op players were bothering me or id even noticed with a large db and i dont start as a team in europe. Id prefer the finance and names sorting as i cant get into a game with the fake names the op who cares if your u21s lose or you lose a friendly
think ill buy the game on tuesday when im paid
oldu la sonunda hem gri oyuncular yok hemde isimler gercek:)):))
game created with v4 and then install v6 +v7 seems to solve everything.
if fake names show up after a couple of matches just close FM and open it again and load the save
@deathspawn if the reply was to me is Im getting sick of restarting every other day during the transfer windows which is the main time I need the real names, not bitching i know its free hence why ill buy the game next week just getting sick of the false hope of new versions making a new save then the same issues so ill buy it as ive 2 weeks off at xmas so want a proper version to use
Italiani ma vi siete tutti arresi a pagare?realisticamente quanto tempo si dovrà aspettare?
how much time do you need again? thanks
ulan sigames anamızı siktin bi oyun için şerefsizler indirimde alıcaz zaten öyle ibne koruma koyup, orjinal alanıda cezalandırıyorsun.
fix the names pls pls pls
awesome. thx mkdev
Name fix pls…. :(… In season 2 onlly fake.. Restarting game not working…
BPL is good for player names but seri-a all is fake player name please guys how can fix it
after couple days maybe 3 days the name change to fake name and i restart the game normal again after that 3 days again fake name again so always like that :(
restart and repeat
restart and repeat
this killing me :(
i was replying to my own post.
If you start a new game with V7, you will have no problems i think
Per i miei amici italiani
Salvate in fmold.exe
Avviate il gioco in fm.exe
E tutti i problemi saranno risolti!
how to solve fake player names issue
piero non ho capito.
puoi spiegare meglio?
Piero io ho messo il tutto nella cartella di fm 2016 sostituendo i vecchi file ma tutto rimane come prima appena apro il gioco i nomi falsi ritornano subito….devo fare diversamente?
V7 version works good for me, OP and fake names are fixed, no crashes, but finances is still buggy
Братаны, от души. Охеренно крутые серые игроки пропали! Осталось только именна пофиксить! НЕ на инглише, потому что я объявил ему санкции!
V7 what is the financial buggy? Can you explain it to us?
Fake name continued for me :(
For me it’s same V7, game is ok, all bugs are fixed but finance seems not ok. I’ve loss with SSC Napoli 10 million euro in 2 first two weeks of the season; in September the loss is 27 million euro. Not ok, I even not realize a transfer!!!
Yep, even Real Madrid can’t get no profit.
Andrew>>>It means that your club has loss in finances every month and eventually it goes bankrupt no matter what you do.
For me v7: game is ok
Grey player is ok
But there are Fakes Names
In 2nd season fake name always… :(
please fix the names quickly :(
Bey me…. Season start on december 2015 and first league match is on august 2016. Why?
ok so i ve same financial problem with AsRoma, DAMN!!
Thanks V7 and Christian!!
Italian bastard’s, speak ENGLISH!
FCB you’re out of time, DICKHEAD!!!
FCB Suck the italian cock stupid MOTHERFUCKERS
ciao piero un consiglio scusami ,ma devo avviare prima con fm old e dopo aver iniziato una nuova partita la salvo esco e torno a giocare lanciando fm exe?giusto
in the second season, fake name..
new file soon on mkdev site
Hi, what is the finances bug?
new file mkdev
Does anyone know the password for the new file?
there’s no fake names … it works …finally thank you mkdev
@elchupacabra what we are suppose to open, the normal fm.exe or the other one?
Hey guys I tried this way:
– first I copied the contents of mkv2apiprp.rar (the one with the two .exe fm1.exe and fm.exe) in the game directory;
– after I pasted and copied the content of the last file of mkdev (v7finalmkgrefix) in the same game directory substituing the fm.exe;
– I started steam without logging in and started the game from fm.exe.
I made a test going on holiday till 7 July 2016 and the name are still real and no OP grey players present.
I didn’t play the game yet so I don’t know about finances. Good luck everybody!
off course normal one… second season and there is no bullshit …just play,enjoy…
That’s bullshit, everyone is getting fake names and finance is broken.
wwe: there’s a new file mate.. v7.1 not v7
When will the Mac version come out?
What is wrong with finances?
Mkdev released realeased another files. Does someone knows the password???
I don’t know the password too mate
password is mkdev
but for the fake names still appear what about u guys?
What is wrong with finances guys?
Is everything fixed with 7.1?
Soo what are the news guys ???????
for me no, the fake names still appear…
fix the names quickly pls :c
mkdev removed that 7.1 version, so i guess i will have some news soon
Finances are the unique problem to me. I have real names (with 1 month advanced) and no OP Grey Players. Please fix this quickly :(
Btw, you are great by fixing the Grey Players and the Fake Names :D
finances is still bad…this is the main prob i run real madrid and i have 230m for salaries each year but the game reads it as 760m so you understand the situation
fake names re appear after in 1 september
fake names still appear
Just re-installed game. patched with v7. Old save with fake names.
my finances not match with annything.. fuck when one die one cames
in one week i pay in salaries four times more ..
7 days (2.200M€ debt in salaries) (635m€ real cost of salaryes )
not 100%
real names and not op greys anymore to me..i cant whait
i can’t wait … :(
Cerco 2 persone per condividerci la key, se interessati contattatemi s.claudio85@gmail. com
shared key (only Italian)
Ciao Claudio, io sono interessato….
ti ho scritto tramite email…fammi sapere
italiani non arrendetevi
@piero scusami ancora un consiglio scusami ,ma devo avviare prima con fm old e dopo aver iniziato una nuova partita la salvo esco e torno a giocare lanciando fm exe?giusto
speak english italian bitches
there is a new file in mkdev web site
but i don’t have the password
pass is mkdev
RVTFiX+MKDEV+Steam .rar
thank you Christian :*
How to use it??? There is not fm.exe file. Perferctly name,finance Fixed????
i think it was a mistake from mkdev, he posted on wrong side
any instructions ?
I want to be sure, because I don’t want cancel and re-install for the 100th time the game, but I think that need to be combined V7 and this new file to make it work (if that works)
Ok ragazzi, forse funziona.
Dopo un’installazione pulita del gioco ho caricato prima la V7 e poi il nuovo file sul sito di MKDEV; il gioco parte con nomi reali, senza giocatori OP e con le finanze ok (sono arrivato al primo agosto, ho salvato e sono uscito, adesso attendo di ricaricare la partita salvata per la certezza).
Ok guys, maybe it works.
After clean installation of the game i charged first V7 and then new file on MKDEV’s site; the game starts with real names, no OP players and finances is ok (i saved game on 1st august and then i quitted, now i’ll load saved game to be sure).
i pray that it works Christian ..
I’ve load the game and it still works!!!
Maybe we can finally play FM16!!! ??
Scusa Christian come si fa l’istallazione pulita? Io ho scaricato fm già estratto, la versione che non necessita istallazione. Dovrebbe funzionare lo stesso?
Same thing, on 1. Jan fake names again, finances to :(
I have download and install I played my work problem really only two -dimensional camera aja
isn’t work december fake names & bad finance coming
still Fake name
Ma a voi il problema delle caratteristiche dei giocatori che si vedono anche senza spuntare la casella “Disabilita il mascheramento degli attributi” non si presenta?
Still fake names
cosa sarebbe il nuovo file MKDEV RVT FIX UPDATE? cosa fa?
It’s pretty crazy how many people don’t speak english here, or speak such a bad english that you don’t understand a single fuck
Just saying no one can answer if no one can understand your question ;)
What is the meaning of RVT?
– Grey Fixed 100%.
– Names change from 19 December 2015.
– Crashes Fixed 100%.
– Finance Fixed. 100%.
wtf u talking about man
cmon guys , fix the names pls :C
Brilliant..Name fixed after MKDEV RVT FIX UPDATE
Maybe finances still buggy
Finances still buggy, according to game my club spends 65mil euros per month for salaries :D
Mine spends 15 million euros in 2 weeks ?
Nope after some day name is still buggy
Names are not fixed after january ( it’s a time bug i think )
Finances not fixed
MKDEV release when you are ready and test more than one season pls!! ( set game on vacation )
names is bad !!! save and load game, names is fake
Guy i cant enable player attribute masking? Why, it is bug? I do not see everything. It is not realistic….
same problem
shit… Find someone who make save with masking (original FM) and make a load (our FM)… IMHO,
this will be a sollution
cmon guys , fix the names quickly pls :C
Same thing as always… Managed to finish 1 season with no fake names and no OP players (with V7), untill 1st of June 2016, when fake names rolled back… Looks like a “time bomb”! Oh, and finances… I was 170k in red, with Leicester, right…
when is online out?
my finances in 6 days
still bad
theres a new file on mkdev, anyone have tested? v77
has anuone tested the new file in mkdev v77?
i load v7 created game tested and finances still bad..
i will create a save with that files now.
ok give some feedback after
v77 still the same shit for me
V77? Any news?
anyone know mkdev v77 password? mkdev isnt work
password mk in eu
i will try now:) ty
mk in eu
i load save game but stil buggy guys
pass : mk in eu
who did try v77? someone let us know please
V8 please
they earned money by ads.. nice goals..
what changed with v77 ? I don’t wanna try 3413543 times. I am bored and tired of try
I think mkdev has kidding us….
Nothing changed, finances still broken
The Pass : mk in eu isn’t working !!!!
MK DEV IS Fail 1 , 2 , 3 ,…. 6 , 7
… 13 …. 14 …
44. …. 45
V7 + RVT fix works fine untill december, then names change.
names bug for every a week in my game.
If you don’t want to be teased, just buy the game.
U don’t spend nothing to wait. If u don’t want to wait buy the game, is simple.
94823019 we are waiting, we can just wait, but we don t want be fuked by mkdev every and every and every time!!
v77 fix the finances till 1st jan 2016 after this date again bugged
They do not work :((((((( FAKE NAMES —->>> december 20 and junee
how v7 + Rvtfixmk ?
7.7 player name distorted
You could correct names
v 7.7 not work correctly, fake names not fixed :(
Now I get d feeling that mkdev is fucking with u guyz,
ı testing now no have any problem for 6 month
MKDEV is playing with us … ADCLICKS –> Money
I’m going to investigate this and send all info to EUROPOL this is pure scam
Does v77 fix something, like finances or player names?
MKDEV im thankfull for all your work, but its obvious you are not up to the task , u fix one thing 3 others break,dont u think its time to admit u cant do it and let someone smarter finish the task;D just saying
3DM will finish the task
@lorenzo a te il gioco funziona correttamente
it doesn’t work…last update, in november same problem with fake name
v77 works perfectly for now
go on gamecopyworld you will find ads and fix i hope
so why dont you do a better job and stop complaining for smth thats free… if you cant wait buy the game…. wanker !
its your fault kiddos
MKDEV V7.7 works perfect for me grey players and fake names solved. Thanks :D
when fake names and finance bug Fixed???????
And works perfect with facepacks, logo packs etc.
@Xavi How about finance issue?
Which is the finance issue? I’m looking now with Real Sociedad and dont see anything
Guys, I tried this 7.7 version. I selecting team Galatasaray.. and Sometimes Alt+Tab… and after back game.. Locked Screen.. but Still working hotkeys.. (F8)
@Xavi Please check at your finance and see whether is your player salary is paid ‘correctly’…
Now i go back at 20:30h I check
Xavi , set on vacation till January… Then fake names returns…
Guys; if you seach here, u can see i was one the first to press mkdev, but now it’s really working, i can give u screenshots if u want, everything is good, middle of 2016 starts in 2015, brazilian club, playing in “Libertadores’ no more grey players, names fix, finances OK !!
mastro ye you can fix the game i hope gl
share pass to crakc v77,..?
mkdev is a kid???
i never seen this before..
klkk ..sad
nEo : That’s not possible my friend! Fake names returns after a while….
mkdev : not working yet, fake names returns ;)
Please NEO, can you post screenshots especially for the finances? and the current month you are on. I will greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
again january its fake names back
delete old data
use steam
all files used 7.7v
any tested orginal fm.exe with that steam_api ?
@mkdev What had you mentioned was done but the finance is not fixed…
and after you accuse me ty pep
With the V7 the fake names appear but if u reload the game the names are good again with V7.7 I don’t try it, and yes the finnacial not fixed
im testing all fixed version,will upload soon not shure will take some time…
cmon mkdev , just fix the names and the finances PLS PLS PLS
v16.1.2 patch plz
jubeca im testing this exactly and i think i have solution but need time,upload soon :)
and pls test 1 year season, just put on hollidays and check if it 1 season passed all are not coming back thnx
dear mkdev i delete all game files and and fm16.rar unpack again and i use your v77 files inside
am i right ? allways fix?
does 7.7 work after a fresh installation?
i tested new s too hard to fix all.wait for 3dm to release proper all fix soon,they know better..
just w8 for the next patch mkdev will post soon he said, today we hope
u dont get u’r new file to us? or you talking to “mkdev77?”
no date for release mkdev ?
mkdev not here just some spam in my name , pls wait
and this is last pose here
im giving up..too hard
I just know it wasn’t the real mkv. Good one though. Lol
mkdev own site he post up works but which one work? how work? combinated or just mkdev77 nothing explain just works useless.
jabba don t use any of them wait for 3dm proper fix soon my files was just for testing,all crap
I’m the real mkdev, what “mkdev” says is only bullshit. Wait on my site.
Put all the files .rar to dir game and thats it
V7.7 still doesnt work, fake names appear again when the season is over
Nope.. This MKDEV V7.7 TEST VER also not resolving name issue
SI realesed new patch 16.2.0…
i’m back bitchez
no im the real mkdev,fake”mkdev” is saying bullshit.Don t wait on my site there are only my testing crap don t download it wait for 3dm proper fix i give up..sorry for 7 versions not working i tried everything
whoever the real mkdev is, we are grateful for you for trying.
Just tell me how i can show u a screenshot ?
April 2016, starts from 2015 season, with CORTHIANS (Br club) playing “paulistao” (regional cup) and Libertadores. Before i had grey players, and i losted by 5×0 ++ now it’s ok, i win, i loose, but it’s a normal game, names 100% ok for all the players here. and finances, also good, maybe i can explain exactly what’s happining in your financial stuf becuse here i don’t see any problem;
in the season end”, maybe the fake names reaper, but just restart the game. It’s working here
ok i upload new file on my page should fix all bugs.wait will be upload here also soon.REAL mkdev
DAMN! They launched now the update to 16.0.2, could we be expected the game without bugs now?
i’m not sure if u really are the mkdev guy, but i’s really working man, Just thank u
Weezy where I can download the update 16.0.2?
Whoever says anything bad about mdev go and F*** yourself. You don’t like their effort then go and buy this game, who’s holding you? Oh maybe because you’re 15 YO loser and your mom doesn’t give you enough lunch money??
Does V7.7 fix the finance bug?
Final version all fixed avaliable now.Test it but everything sholud work fine..
where ?
my site..soon here also
v77 is a final version mkdev?
@mkdev: the new file is not present in your site
he is kidding you guys, wake up isn’t working.
is the website ( working for you or it’s just me ?
greys are ok..names still become fake in 3-4 days….
AAA=> go fuck yourself, thanks.
@naaaab: wht do u mean
Why y’all mf don’t buy the mf game?
i doubt whether u are mkdev or otherwise
@AAA there is nothing on you’re just lying and it’s pretty annoying
Now here there are trolls everywhere -_- it’s so funny to take the name of mkdev and say fuck you all lol lol
AAA is not lying
Look how there is a motherfucker who is trying to be funny; i take your name and say shit… I’m out , too much for me this sort of retard
what file?
MKDEV SAYS ( MKDEV.INFO LOOK AT THIS ); no updates till new 16.2 ver if any got it pm or mail us ty
guys mkdev, nosteam, razor and so on have been payed
open your eyes!!
reloaded and 3dm too
they are kidding us
This new file V7.7 just came with a lot of files, which ones I should put in the FM folder?
guys v77 works!!! I’m in February and there are no fake names, OP players or other bugs!!!
Thank uuuuuuu :D
how wtf….was it from the start ok?
@Manuele of courese.but that has a finance bug………
im fucking with new files naive losers hahha
are you real mkdev?
if your’e real mkdev,then can i ask to you?
should i buy on steam or should i wait for you,which is better?
LUKE OPEN YOUR EYES!!! mkdev doesn’t exist here!!!
Damn luke and other guys open your eyes!!!
Ci stanno prendendo per il culo!!
wait 16.2 update will be up in few days,by Christmas for shure so it s your choice if you have no patience buy it!
We certainly expect Easter ….
He shuts up fake mkdev.
How long have you loser who come here to say shit guy? live a real life
just kidding im not the real one
hello to everybody.. I think I found one good solution. Install the game from the begening and than the first and only thing to do is to install the patch v8 nos team. is working with the original fm.exe. steam open .Good luck|
Before I did this I had every game day fake names. Finances seams good, too. Op players, too
only finance Problems at wage you can see it
Is Working this trick with the patch v8 because is using the original exe from valve corp, so steam recognize it like the activated original game. WORKING FINALLY!
Can you post link of patch v8 nosteam?
there is no patch v8 nosteam
where is that nosteam patch v8 ???
daceball where can i get patch v8 nos team?? cant find it
mkdev site : no updates till new 16.2 ver if any got it pm or mail us ty
And the 16.2 ver is already released
Okey I put again V7 and I dont see anything error for me, with my save of real sociedad and Im playing at 24 or 25 matches without problems closing fm and opening with finances good I think becouse I used the fmrte Editor for put 10M to all clubs and 0.5M for salary
where is v8 nostream patch?! It isn’t on nosteam site………. Another joke of stupid idiots.
be patient tomorrow all fixed file
v77 has fake names at march in my game,,and i think the finance has a problem,but its good tha the roster goes until march has the real name,you can do it mkdev..
guy stop using my name and lie to them.
im mkdev and you are fake and lying.the all fixed file will be up tomorrow on my site but need ome time to do it.
Thank you very much, mkdev. You can do it!
Ahahahaha mkdev (a stupid guy) ahahahaha STOP KIDDING US, and live the real life that is outside this internet site!!!
Where do I put the “KnightSquad_Data” folder?
then why do not you put it on this site to warn all “real” mkdve?
because the comments of a site no one believes
thanks andrew,ppl don t listen to him he is telling lies new file will be ready when i finish it MAYBE yes tomorrow but not shure unlikely need some time
fake mkdev. We don’t trust anything here, just on mkdev website.
FAKE NAMES V77 :((((((
guys this year won sega.
Sega has definitely paid skidrow, razor, NoSteam, mkdev, reloaded and 3dm.
It is definitely
Fake names v77 :/ Fix crack pls !!
I’m Rick James, bitch
come on guys give us something real not test stuff but i give credit to u though nice to see u making progress to fix it
test version is also doesn’t work
please give us 100% version
C’mon, 16.2 is out. Which is your excuse now?
7.7 seems to work for me (loading a saved game i’ve still not get fakes names back, greys are not op, but i’ve not prove the finance yet). anyone try it?
aaaaa it didn’t work after few months
new file on my site soon next days.possibly all fixed.
possibilty to fuck you’re family, son of bitch
buy the game or wait, you choose, stop talking crap about my team
aaaaa test your finance: if you spend too much on players’s wages it don’t work
fuck you @mkdev … do your job..dont talk bitch
Anyone know when Mkdev will release new crack?
Anyone know when Mkdev will release a new crack?
Thank you @mkdev, we appreciate your efforts and hard work to give us Football Manager
To all those who bitch, if you can’t wait, buy the game!
these mkdev posting here are FAKE . So ffs, stop answer to these trolls
I think if we manage a national team, the financial bug isn’t come, right?
Friends all the bugs are fixed.
follow the following –
1. delete or uninstall fm 16
2. then install FM 16
3. after installing paste the ‘MKDEV V7.7 TEST VER’
4. and open fmv77 and load saved game.
Anyway mkdev has kidding us so guys we havn t to go his site anymore
FRIENDS are u use to footballmanager2016.rar files?
and i can try to go holiday but december 20 finance & fake names come
how u play normally?
friends see this link :
isn’t work dont trolling us “FRIENDS”
see these images there is ten days gap between first and second image.
everything goes finance.
link 1:
link 2:
@jabba: it is working for me see the links i have posted
sorry everything goes *fine
@FRIENDS make a screenshot and post it here using
@FRIENDS yes name bug its fixed to exit and load game but finance still buggy?
@jabba: i did not got u . clearly explain.
@Andrew: i have posted it but it is telling ‘ your comment is awaiting moderation’
@FRIENDS it doesn’t work lol
@jubeca: is it, really it does’t work?
@FRIENDS ofc not !
@FRIEND can u use hizliresim .com for screenshot
i explain i use mkdev77 i play the game when i come december 1 finance bug is happening
december 20 fake name coming but i save game and load again name bug fixing but finance still bug
finance not fixed
guys give time to the team mkdev , crack a game is not easy
have you got a serial number for the installation?
@jabba: this the link
@jabba: i have posted a link
@FRIENDS can u give me is your screenshot direkt link partial hizliresim .com”jLa80D”
Where is the 16.2 version, nobody cares about 16.1.1 links
Maybe what friends say is not a lie, my finance seems to be ok
Names are fake again
can’t even get shortlists working!!!
I play england championship,and when scouting players from lower europe countries,names back to fake,my english is not perfect,sorry
mkdev cracks isnt work yet i think he cant do this.. sorry.
but 3dm is working on it, maybe christmas coming maybe early idk
buy & wait we choise .)
3dm working on it mkdev cracks isnt work sorry guys be patient
Playing the crack v7.7 cut. The game is illiquid. Is this wine a crack or a computer?
On previous versions crack there were no problems.
The camera in the game is also not working. I can not change
i nomi al 19 dicembre 2015 mi sono tornati falsi
I’m in the begin of the 2nd season a the fake names apear every time i contunue the game, with the crack v7.7, the finance still a problem, i have a 3 million buget in wages but every moth i pay 19 millions!!!
I will wait for better news…
I have exactly the same problem.. =(
Kardesim neler dedin ben anlamadım türkçe yazsana
Same problem as Phill. january 2016 : 4millions buget in wages but i pay 12 millions. Fake names appearead around the 20 december. No OP grey players.
3dm yarrakları bi bok yapamaz amın feryatlarıııı.piçözler istediği oyunu kırıyolar
v16.2.0 its up get her
on this site look at the beginning of the page
version artmış bide aq bunun crackını de artık bi 2 ay bekleriz o da yarım yampalak cıkar heralde
Yes, there is a 16.2, but there is no crack yet
Mkdev bullshitt Crack V8
Thanks for nothing
when is online coming out?
ElMago thanks,im glad my crack helped you :)
mkdev , for when the final crack 100% fix ???
with V7 all works fine finally I finishing without problems 1 year with Real Sociedad better than V7.7
jubeca not shure in few days,by Christmas possible be done
You know what? Fuck’yall. Y’all mf must wait for the final crack, mkdev n me are tired of you guys.
We won’t released anything until the update 16.0.2
I like big butts, and I cannot lie.
Imma bout to beat it up yo asses
eat my butt
Because I’m the type of nigga that is built to last, if you fuck with me, I’ll put a foot in your ass.
i have aids…
im gon fuk u so hard
New update 16.0.2
Christmas time ~!
Saddos get a grip
Mkdev comen guysssss pleaseaa v888
there will no be new crack by me.i did everything i could it is hard to proper crack.wait for other crackers to do it or BUY the game like i going to play now finally coz im tired of cracking game for you losers for free.bye
MKDEV hacker is a loser.
It fails in countless times.
It’s not complex, an update skilful +
He has tried multiple times and errors are the same. That is, the basics that fails to address one by one the protections. If solves one will activate other.
It’s as simple as getting an original and analyze executable code sources in order to appreciate the difference of lines with the false. But that’s for good hackers.
There are other lesser known but more efficient Hackers.
Buy the Game is the best option in this case or waiting period before purchase expose the crack.
Fuck you mkdev.
The Truth thank god someone have guts to say this.thank you!i am loser coz i can t do a proper crack and you plp are losers for waiting proper crack like idiots instead to buy a legit game.
MKDEV do not be sad u pro dont listen this idiots with v7 and v7.7 I can play this game free, no fully fixed but i can play! FOR 0 € what more the people want? Probably they dont know anything of crackers.
I bought the game when it released i just like comming here to see these poor fuckers moan and cry , honestly if i was Mkdev i would never release a proper crack just for the fun of it, cause reading these comments is just to priceless
tomorrow working crack
So close to buying the game
Crack, crack, crack!!! Do it!! Idiots!!!!
Crack, crack, crack!!! Do it!! Idiots!!
Idiots!! Idiots!!!
Anyone know when to get off the crack ?
Finallll crackkkkkkkkkkkk proper all fixed %100???
was literally going to buy the game from amazon… but they increased the price, so in protest, I will wait for the crack
come final crack i vary boring….. 1 month no good crack
Guys stop complaining. If you want to play now buy the game. If not wait for the crack and stop with the negative coments. Play with your dick’s if you are boring and tired of waitting
Zozo could you buy me a game?Pleaseeee im tired of waiting and i want to play it so bad!Buy me please,give me number of your card.
please mkdev make it possibleeeeeeeee u caaaaan, the best christmas present for us hahahaha
“Wait or buy the game…”
After more than a month, and because i’m on holidays, i choose : i buy the game tonight…
The last time was for fm2010… My money (33€) will help for fm 2017…
I hope for you the game will be cracked… Good luck and goodbye !
DAMS can you buy the game for me also?I ll give you my steam username and pass and just add it to cart.Pleasee it s Christmas time and that would be your present for me.I know you have a money i dont.Pleaseeeee!!!
zozo faking cancer
If you don’t have Money to buy the game, wait for the crack. I not saying that i have the Money or not, but i’m not comenting here every single day, calling names to the guys that are having the effort to save you guys and myself a couple of bucks. So as i said wait or buy the game
zozo pleaseee!It s Christmas time,time of giving presents.Please zozo buy me a game and i will do for you something what you want!
get a summer job like i got and then you will not need me to get the game
When you have the game.. what are you doing here… please shut up and talk no shit
zozo summer has passed a months ago now is winter,please do a good thing and buy me the game as a Christmas present.
İ want to final crack today.
when coming a version for MAC please a need this information
i learnt how to fix the fake name files:
1st you enter football manager 2016 in your program files (x86)
Then you enter a file named “db”
there are two files there 1600 & 1601, enter both folders and delete a file named “all”
then enter “edt” and also “dbc” inside you will see a file named permanent, delete any file with fake on it and you are good to go
@ Lima
Dude, the fake is there for a reason and no, it doesnt solve the fake issue, triggers within the games code cause it, hence wht its always the same dates that the names appear, so stop talking crap…
im amazed some of you retards remember to breathe ave a good day :) n niiiice1 mkdev
passo86 would you be nice and buy me FM16 for Christmas?Pleaseee i wanna play it so bad im tired of waiting!
of course bro its already en route to youuu so u keep waitin for itt ok :)
FOOOW, are you sucking PASSO86`s cock, coz if you are you should know he has hiv the dirty faggot, only balls he plays with are other mens, F_A_G_G_O_T
passo86 stop making fun of me.I ll give you my steam username and pass and you just go and click on add to cart FM16 and activate it with cd after you bought it then log out and let me know when you are finished.I would very appreciate that.Please i can t wait to play :D
Sad fucker
And I, will always love youuu mkdev!
Theres a lot of Arse Bandit talk on here today Wayne….
Hurry up with this crack MKDEV, i cant afford to buy the fkn thing with my shitty wages, Wayne have you got a copy yet, I think all these arse bandits on here play for Arsenal, fkn puffs.
Wyanes busy Hazza, he`s balls deep in Sister just now, but knowing Wayne i expect he will be done in a pump a squeeze and a grunt.
Fkn idiots
@Harry Kane ! shitty wages ? cause you play too much Football manager ! If you really like that, go outthere and try to be a real manager !
Hello I’m José Mourinho;
Since I’ve been sacked ! I’m waiting for the Crack ! so please hurry up !
mkdev working on 16.2 ? lol , they can’t do anything
Crack please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Real scene group will do the trick !! Just be patient guys
fucking idiots!
16.2 is not working for me, i have a problem crash after one min… but crack v7 is vary good and better than v77
haha homo has a hard on for fooow
You better play Football Manager now José! Me, Cesc and Eden will start to play properly now you’re sacked!!
ciao dopo aver aspettato fin troppo questa crack ho deciso di acquistare la chiave del gioco. Non sono interessato a giocare on line quindi volevo condividere la chiave con qualcuno che come me si è stancato di aspettare. Mi sapete spiegare bene come funziona la cosa? Con quante persone al massimo posso condividere? Qualcuno è interessato?
Diego Costa you seem to be so bored in your life that you have pretend to be “Diego Costa” and write stupid comments here.Find your own life!Idiot!
Anche io sarei interessato alla chiave condivisa ma purtroppo non so bene come funziona
@Diego Costa
You are one useless cunt, suprised you aint been sacked along with Jose, you pudding, you couldnt score in a brothel.
If Diego Costa fell into a bucket of tits hed come out sucking his thumb…..
it will never be
it will never be!
it will never be !!!
it will never be be!!!!
it will never be !
it will never be ..
it will never be……….
it will never be .
it will never be !!
it will never be… .
it will never be . . .
it will never be .
it will never be .!
ciao riki da come ho capito la chiave può essere condivisa in massimo 5 persone a patto che nessuno giochi online..poi quando ci saranno aggiornamenti ci si mette d’accordo e gli scarichiamo uno alla ci sono altri interessati scrivete così ci mettiamo d’accordo!!!
Anche io sare interessato alla chiave da condividere, non ho mai giocato online e non ne ho intenzione…
Ok grazie mille…anche io non voglio giocare online…conatemi pure se c’è da prendere la chiave condivisa grazie!
finally its work to final crack to mkdev site v7 + v77mkdEV+ crack….
riki e Mr Ian al momento siamo noi 3 per la chiave condivisa. Su instant gaming il gioco è a 33,5 euro quindi 11 a testa, se confermate io procedo all’acquisto. Come possiamo fare contattarci via mail?
hello Jabba . what is the password ? mk in eu dosen’t work …
Florin 1988 the password is mkdev
Can people confirm if there are no bugs after 1 year on holiday?
riki e Mr Ian al momento non sono sicuro si possa fare questa cosa della chiave condivisa! Ho letto della condivisione familiare su steam ma questo non permette di giocare simultaneamente con più account.
Se qualcuno sa come si può fare può spiegarmelo??
I have bugs after first year.
Ragazzi, anche io sarei interessato per il discorso della chiave da condividere, anche perché online non ci ho mai giocato e mai ci giocherò. quindi nessun problema da quel punto di vista. Fatemi sapere, grazie :)
what bugs do you have after 1 year?
Da quello che ho capito: bisogna creare un account Steam e, con un codice, possiamo scaricare il gioco utilizzando però sempre lo stesso account. Ovviamente non si può giocare online contemporaneamente ma, come detto, a me non interessa giocare online :)
what is the last crack’s password?
Password rar v77+??
I still get fake names after 5-6 months
gioco comprato, basta perdere tempo aspettando una crack che non arriverà mai!!!
only ran holiday for 3months and I get finance bug already
Thomas, facciamo un gruppo e ci mettiamo d’accordo?
after the first season, the fake names back day after day…
Io per la condivisione ci sono sempre…come ci contattiamo? Via email?
yeah sorry guys its crap again 1 years later :( we should waiting v2.0 or other cracks
Riki, possiamo anche creare un gruppo su WhatsApp! Vediamo cosa dice Thomas
how about “v77+mkdev here”??
the password is mkdev !
Ragazzi ci siamo anche io e un mio amico per il gioco condiviso
Con le email ci possiamo poi scambiare i numeri di telefono…se a thomas va bene gli paghiamo le chiavi a lui se invece magari vuole tenrselo per lui siamo anche abbastanza per prenderne un altro tra di noi che non lo abbiamo ancora
what’s the difference between MKDEV V7.7 TEST VER and MKDEV V7.7?
Ragazzi voglio pure una chiave però al tempo stesso non voglio cacciare una lira….
le due cose sono compatibili tra loro? ;)
Renzo, direi proprio di no, però puoi sempre aspettare la crack!
Riki, scrivimi a w-e-l-l-i-n-g-t-o-n-p-h-o-e-n-i-x-@-l-i-v-e-.-i-t, ci scambiamo i numeri, creiamo un gruppo e poi, chi vuole, si unisce
Con anche le stanghette in mezzo?
No no, senza trattini, l’ho scritto così altrimenti non lo fa visualizzare
bought from the steam. ez.
There are fakes names at 01/01/2016
Thank you Mkdev for your job
Ci sono i nomi falsi in data 01/01/2016
Grazie Mkdev per il tuo lavoro
Se volete aggiungervi a noi, stiamo comprando la chiave in gruppo per risparmiare un sacco, siete ancora in tempo per aggiungervi!
If u want to buy fm key in society, we are buying it now, hurry up!
Jabba can you buy me legit FM16 game,this craps of crack versions are full of bugs and i think mkdev can t fix it.Please Jaaba be nice and buy me the game as a Christmas present,im tired of waiting proper crack and i have no money!Pleaseeee!!!
io voglio condividere il prezzo
2016 summer, getting fake names. Keep up the good work anw. Thank you.
anche io voglio acquistare la chiave in condivisione!
new update in mkdev site
The crack of patch 16.2.0 works? There are bugs?
What’s the password?
new patch 16.2.0 same problem with the names
Still don’t understand people who’s waiting for the crack from mkdev. It’s been over a month without reaching a good progress, don’t waste your time here guys.
Crack will be out in the first week of January. You heard it here first.
New Crack 16.2.0 doesn’t Open ?!!!!!!
hahahaha cracks with mkdev it’s over, Hallelujah ( check the site )
crashdump after andvance the first day in the game….
Mkdev is a big joke !
Bu aq oyunundakı cracklar neden bi işe yaramıyor..siz de son durum nedır Türk gençler..bu italyan dölleri sayfayı ful italyanca ile doldurdular… bı sık anlaşılmıyor..
No more crack’s for FM16 from mkdev team (check their site)!
Why the name of the player was changed ?
please help bro
hi peps i see you already know but i ll tell you once again that im done with cracking fm16.I did everything i can to fix all bugs but it seems SI make it too hard.The last version of the my crack is avaliable here and on my site so you could download it if you want but it has fake names and messy finances still.I hope other crackers will fix it all soon.Thanks for your support to me,i really appreciate it.Cheers :)
I will buy the game. I knew that these poor russians can’t do anything. Russia is in stone age.
I am tired of waiting..and hungry :D
Ya sikicem mkdev kızmış birilerine no more fm 16 yazmış fix gelmicek heralde
MKDEV is a waste of time and a terrible cracker. Kept us waiting for over a month just to crack a game that’s usually cracked within a week or so!
I’ve found the solution but i will not publish crack because all of you don’t deserve it. Too many bad words on my job.
fuck you bıcth mkdev
I admit I m terrible cracker thank you very much :) I wish you luck with new crack but i recommend you to buy the game coz there is no reason for someone give you the game(crack) for free and even when someone give you are ungrateful bastards.Fuck you losers!!
Keep it MKDEV, I’d rather not play it than use your awful crack that will no doubt fail when the fake names appear after a few months!
@mkdev bu nicki kullanan türk değilse bende bı sey bilmiyprum …nerde bir troll var kesın türk çıkıyor
@mkdev Why the fuck u care what they say, all of them are 12 years old dont know what to do all day and just say shit to u, bcs they dont have nothing to do in there lifes.Man please i am waiting since u put this game here and never sayed shit to u and much people are waiting for this don’t give up on this please.Finish what u start now. AND don’t look the bad comments only, they are fucking cunts man only looking how to offend somebody and try to say u shit bcs u didn’t make the crack immediately.FM its hard to cracked since 2014 i think and i understand u, just don’t put the test version anymore make the 100% working one and posted even if we wait 2 month , this other cunts who are offending a guy who is losing his time to give u free game and dont appreciate him CUNTS go buy a game then fucking idiots.
Hi i’m a fake and i’m talking with the name of mkdev and everyone will trust me because i have the name mkdev lol it’s so funny
@mkdev is troll bitch…dont cheat guys
Hi, i am God.
Just here to say FM 2016 proper crack is not coming. I am the one coming !
That Mkdev dude is the same Jimmy dude n the lil bitch have no life …..been trolling for like a month now….we all know you aint mkdev you just want to believe that we believe you…growup you lil bitch ass loser
Memo, you release a crack ? NO then shut up
Yes Memo shut up!
dont have any choice… better to play the sims :(((((((((((((((
The Real MKDEV is a Bitch,
I know this
As i said before, mkdev just wanted to make money, now no one wants to try his shitty cracks so he says you’re saying shit about me blabla, lol just saying the truth because now he “gives up” because he has no more clicks on his shits
Gonna buy this game now :)
@Mkdev is shit congrats,you got me!That s exactly what i was doing, now i get much money which i needed to buy legit game so i don t need to do other versions of crack.I can t believe how are you guys so stupid and you thought i will give you proper crack hahhhhahhha!Morons!I am going to play FM16 now which i BOUGHT via Steam and also that i recommend you guys do the same instead of waiting for proper crack like idiots as you are.Thanks for your donations,cheers :)
Im a Bitch
Funny how on the forums MKDEV writes in English that is very hard to make sense of seeing as he is not fluent. Yet here somebody claiming to be MKDEV uses very good English which looks nothing like the basic English the real MKDEV uses on other sites. I smell a rat, a dirty, stinking, filthy, wannabe rat. Call pest control and eliminate Jimmy the rat.
Amuğa goyum amuğa
selamun aleyküm kardeşler köydeydim net yoktu yarına bi crack çıkarırız inşallah (ben gerçek mkdevim müslüman olup trabzona yerleştim ..inanmayan oç :D )
he amk :) dur bi de adını feriha koyim tam olsun :) dallamaya bak yaa
Im playing second season,no sign of any bugs.That s why i bought the game.Keep waiting for proper crack(you ll wait loooong time) cheap losers!
mkdev is a fuckin fun group
You are all stupid and ungrateful .
Thanks to mkdev for trying.
Guys, José Mourinho again, I think that I am going to take the Man U job !
If I get a great deal, I’ll buy to everyone here the game.
The special one
Que porqueria!!!! cada ves peor, lo instale de nuevo actualize, lo parche, y a la hora de guardadr tira error y sale del juego……….PUAJJJJJJJJJJ
cant save the game!
Lança patch 16.1.2 e nao lança crack decente.
crack pliss, presente de natal pra galera.
Muslins are a disgrace! They want to kill cristianity.
Please, send us a decent crack file!
Sorry José, but Man.United want me as their coach.
And if Ed Woodward decides to hire you, he’ll have to pay me quite a lot of money.
So, ok, you can be Man.United coach.
Shut up Jose and Louis!
I will be the Man.United new manager, and bring United to number 4!
Jose and Louis, you can bitch at each other all you like, because when I join Man City it will be game over for both you losers. The king is coming for you so watch your backs…
Shut up!
I’m the best manager in the world!
Chelsea will win treble this season
I will kick your fuckıng ass bitches… Shut up guus , pep , Wenger ,Louis Van Gaal ,
Don’t say cat if you don’t have it in the sack.
Raga siete ancora disponibili per l’acquisto online del gioco in comune? per favore non lo sto sopportando più, prima ancora ancora si poteva giocare ma ora non mi fa andare più avanti
juventinovero vedi che non funziona quel metodo. Io l’ho acquistato su instant-gaming per una cifra inorno ai 30€ e così non ho più problemi
@angiasca Mentre vedo gente a cui funziona sai? cmq mi fido di quello che dici xd ora passo da li e che 30 euro per ora non so se posso spenderli :D
This new crack ….Football Manager 2016 v16.2.0 AND CRACK V1……works perfectly
played over the 6 months NO FAKE NAMES, correct grey players NO CRASHES in my 8.1 windows
no mysterious results in friendly games everything is going well
DON”T FORGET to run the steam program first without connect to their servers
A GREAT THANK YOU GUYS to avoid us buy the game Keep up the great work.
Don’t listen all those people, and complains and bad words.
Io ci sono sempre, per ora fino a 15 euri li posso spendere…
mia you are a huge stupid. What do you know about Islam?
arkadaşlar bu v2′ yi deneyen var mı çalışıyor mu ?
V2 yok daha çıkmadı…
Ich habe fertig.
RAZOR fix the problems,you can do it
The last crack of mkdev works?
For some crack game comes much slower. I can not change the camera in the game, and the game cuts. In addition crack is often shuts down with an error.
HELP !!!
What’s the password for last mkdev crack?
For those of you whining like babies about fake names appearing again after a while… re-apply the crack…
Steve for me doesn’t work, and I followed all instructions. How does you work it?
Ananızı Sikeyim Olmuyor Orospu Cocukları
Is Mkdev still working on FM16 crack ?
For some crack game comes much slower. I can not change the camera in the game, and the game cuts. In addition crack is often shuts down with an error.
HELP !!!
JuventinoVero io vorrei prenderla perché non se ne può più
Dondy: No… Still same problems :/
A crack means you can play a FULL game. It does not mean you have to perform 12 different steps before you can play a game. It does not mean 7 different versions, ALL of them UNFINISHED!!!
This game is not fucking cracked so don’t release a FAILED CRACK (seven fucking times!!!).
What a load of shit. The cracking scene died a long time ago if wankers like this are all that’s left.
Hey, this is Carlo here, hurry up please !
Since it’s official with Munich, I’ll need the crack so I can test the team to be ready for next year.
Carlo, 5 times champions league winner !
no more crack by my page,wait other crackers peps.
What do you mean no more crack? You’re soo close! The only major problem left is the financial status of the clubs in the game!
Since no other team is as close as Mkdev was , we r in for a long and crappy new year .
Thanks NKDEV for trying
no more coz i bought game for myself and im playing legit game no bugs.i won t try to crack it anymore for you coz im doing it for free all alone and you are just sitting and waiting for me to finish it.if you want me to continue cracking you must donate at least 1 USD on my site.when i collect more then 50 USD,i will continue coz im close to fix it all.
PLEASE what’s the password for last mkdev file?
Come on, no crack from mkdev? Now I don’t have Irina to bang, I need something to do… Hurry up.
steamde yılbası indirimleri basladı kısın sigara paranızdan alın oyunu aq korsan korsan hep madem cok seviyosunuz alın parası neyse verip azcık saygınız olsun yapanlara
@ynwa Sigara içmiyorum ben ne yapacam..önce sigaraya mı başlayıp sonra bırakıp para biriktirip oyunu mu alacam sikko
nomi fake pure con quest’ultima, ma come si deve fare??
Last crack is working!! The one that’s released today i test it for one season still no fake names … Will test second season now!! don’t know finance is fixed but rest is still ok!!
I’m in season 2018 still working!! No fake names ( only finance bug have to test )
Only problem: After 2 seasons some top players like Vincent Kompany and Lucas Biglia are retired from player and are trainer on a age of 32…
which is the last update ?
@Juventinovero Scaricati la daniel fix e spariscono, in più entra nella cartella fm2016 e nella barra di ricerca scrivi “fake”, cancella tutti i file che trovi e il gioco è perfetto. Ci sto giocando da un po e non mi da nessun problema.
Finances are still broken it’s the only problem that I have found though.
Guys works?
Gio dove trovo la daniel fix?
@Gio Ma serve il gioco scaricato da Steam?
I want to apologize you for the comment above !
I have a crash dump error..what should I do me please
@Alex apologise NOT accepted.First you are assulting me,now you are apologizing.Fuck you moron!
What about editor&
s u c k my d i c k . you like it :D
It is working?
No,fake names after 2 weeks…:((((
he he so still fake names?buy the game cheap losers!
People here thinking it’s the true mkdev are really 10 years old or retarded as fuck
i think the only problema left is the finances but i’m not sure to confirm. in terms of grey op players and fake names, i haven’t found any problem related
we all are mkdev
where is the link for download mkdev?
mkdev bitch, suck dick
Im getting moist whislt thinking abt wat i’ll do when the proper crack is released
this is official mkdev. do not trust other mkdevs .(im not 10 bitch)
the last crack do not open the game
it does start the game. maybe you had your antivírus on when tried to start the game
not shure peps.everything should work fine
can i load save game from version 16.1.1? or i must start new game?
The crack does not allow me to open the game, an error comes up.
Does anyone know how to install the game? I have part 1 and 2 and I do not know what to do with them? Would be grateful if someone could help me out here
bigs it seems you are stupid and not really intelligent..
grey fake names back after half an season for me on newest crack
when the fake names come back you need to save the game and restart it.
Hey zozo you are back!Did you bought me a game or activation key yet?Pleaseeee i want to play original game without stupid bugs!!Pleaseeee it s Christmas!If you have activation key,I ll give you my mail and you can send it to me.
fake names come back in july 2016. Why?
they come back because your mom gives blow jobs to guys with fake names
what’s the pass of latest file in mkdev website please?
why single positions in save game with real name other saves fake name start 30.07.2015
dupmcrash when click continue 02.07.2015
I downloaded the new crack but when I start the game, it closes immediatly. Can somebody help me? Thank you
Ho scaricato la nuova crack, ma quando faccio partire il gioco, questo si chiude immediatamente, qualcuno può aiutarmi? Grazie
im a bitch guys !
fck you mkdev… I’m the real mkedev
Fck bouth of you… Im the real mkdev and i have 10 years old
I am Spartacus… :-D
Fck you spartacus
All I want for Christmaas, is CRAAAACKKK!
Okay folks, you all have FM16 now, I think I haven’t forgotten anyone. Now I need one for me, can someone crack the fucking game?
There is no need to be upset :)
CS.RIN.RU – website
This is the forum most active in trying to find a solution, or so they say, im just issuing a warning to all those who may be interested, AVOID this forum, i know 100% that they are being sponsored by SEGA to make sure nobody ever gets the solution required to sort the fake names, indeed the wage problem only occured when certain members of the forum got close to a 100% crack. was recently DDossed and attacked, certain information was retrieved at that time, undoubtedly proving their affiliation with SIgames………..
This information was retrieved and recoreded by F.A.S.C.I.S.T, A group climbing in reputation better known for its press releases regarding the truth behind Isis and their afilliated groups online and are currently wageing a cyberwar against such groups, resposible for information leaks linking other well Known groups A……….S to the creation of accounts for and in support and in direct violation of a free world….
All info will be posted on all free websites and torrent sites around the web within the next 48 hours.
Donut70 don’t worry, it’s just Jimmy the well known attention seeker with his mentally unstable fantasies. Nothing to get concerned about. You see, Jimmy lives with his grandmother and rarely leaves the house. The only company he keeps is his grandmothers friend who is 84 years old. This “friend” has been in a sexual relationship with Jimmy for a number of years. Therefore, Jimmy has a lot of issues. Creating various online personas and pretending to be a hacker is one of these issues.
Poor Jimmy.
Graeme G is Jimmy. The very same Jimmy currently in a sexual relationship with an octogenarian.
The G in “Graeme G” stands for GLITTER, as in Gary Glitter, his true father and mentor. Like father, like son.
so, I want to ask if there is a way to play the game without paying!?
i dont play since FM2012 but suddenly I have this anxiety desire to play it.. it s like heroin.. you never quit!
so i am a bit out of what is going on about the game..
but there is no crack? bugs? what a hell?!
@ ahaa
You dirty fkn freak, weird bastard, got a good imagination, we all know the kind of things that you think about now…….
so it works?
Allora funziona?
no final crack yet?
wtf man, what is the meaning of my program”???????
Donut70, you really are a donut. Get Jimmy/Graeme to pour some sugar all over you and have them lick it off. You would love it, especially when their tongue reaches your pea-sized testicles.
is there a fixed crack or not?are there still bugs?
when realese fm16 for MAC?????
Anybody tested the nosteam patch or can tell me sg about mkv rebuild9? (fake names/financial)
@ AHAA – dirty fkn butt muching ass licking faggot, id love to know who you are and where u are and smash your teeth so far down ya throat youd have to stick a toothbrush up ya arse to clean them – faggot.
Give ya that many upper cuts youd be hovering forever – fag, fag, fag, fag, fag
fag, fag, fag, fag, fag
fag, fag, fag, fag, fag
fag, fag, fag, fag, fag
i’m no genious with all this but now we’re on about crack v #35 is it ok to keep putting these cracks over the top of the previous ones or does it require a full re install of the game each time to make it work
i’ll test rebuild now and let u all know whether its good
finances and names still bugged
funziona o no questa crack?
Amın evlatları hala bi crack ı beceremedıler..bu oyunu oynamak ıcın bekleyen herkes annenızı sıksın götoğlanları… edecek küfür bulamıyorum… Fuck the Mkdev ….
For when will we have the MAC OSX version of the game? Any help?
same thing as previous versions of crack
Can you tell us if is there a version for mac osx? maybe in the future? please answer-
ci potete dire se esiste la versione per mac osx? esiste la possibilità in futuro di avere una versione per mac? grazie
So the new V9 version for v16.2 is working or not? Did they fixed the finances?
I want big juicy balls in my mouth. Please give them to me, I have no friends to do so.
You already have big juicy balls in your mouth; they belong to your grandfather; he’s been planting those balls in your mouth ever since you were little.
Carry on the family tradition by giving your children some sweaty balls to suck on.
oyunun full 16.0.2 halini full 0 sorun şuan mega co upload ediyorum özlemle bekleyenlere müjdeler olsun paylaşacağım şu an %8 de ve dünyada ılk sorunsuz alıntı değıl kendı emeğımdır
upload mega %16
Go on mkdev, you’re on the right side ;)
upload %39
How long you suc….ker?????
upload %90
great work guys but havent been able to finish a season yet with the names changing but keep up the good work wait for the full fix
and the Editor?
It is expected to leave the final patch?
Sorry for the english I am Brazilian and I’m using google translator
is it the final crack without fake names ?
guys in patch with right names??
Here is deal. Bring two cheap male hookers to my hotel room and I will crack game for you. OK?
Football Manager 2016 for MAC ??
Anyone pls.
How can i use the base data editor ?
Comon guys, anyone can tell about MAC version? everyone is looking for it, how come it doesn’t exist yet?!!
I haven’t seen a MAC version, it looks like the windows version will be able first….
Oh please, you have money for a fuckin’ MAC and you don’t want to buy FM ? Shut up!
Dont worry friends , is actually very simple , I ‘ve been trying for two seasons in this way and all you guys are complaining about here is not happen at all
Hoe to 1 :
1 ) download fm 2016 v16.1.1 – install
2 ) and then download fm 16 crack V77 – install
3 ) copy and paste fm 16 fm crack V77 to 2016 v16.11 folder and play with 16 fm crack V77 – have fun
Or if there is still a fake names
How to 2 :
to do the second step of this , surely succeed
Still with fm 16 v16.1.1 and crack V77
2) Load Another Save Game , DON’T CLICK CONTINUE BUTTON
3) Load Another Save Game , DON’T CLICK CONTINUE BUTTON
4)Load Original Game and Have fun
Indonesian friend, you will see that your club will pay x4 times more wages. It will become unplayable. You can check in finances.
@AHAA Im gonna fuck ya mum right up the arse while you watch you fkn nonce..
@ Donut70
Please can i watch, can i suck your balls while you fuck my mum, please…
@ Ahaa you really are a sicko mate, no wonder he gives ya grief, you weirdo
Gerald (ahaa), get to bed this instant and stop messing with ya little sister.
ahaa you sick puppy, dirty, schemeing, faggot assed, nonce, bacon eating, slimey piece of shit, your mum was so easy last night, no wonder her names flora, she spreads so easily, gee, had to tie a plank across my arse so i didnt fall in, fkn fanny like a bucket, but youd know all about that wouldnt ya you fkn ginger tosser.
Pare che ce l’abbiano fatta.
aiuto help crush dump
Mkdev given up?
Has anyone tested this final crack and found out if it is working or not?
Im given uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup, im sofucated…
i think mkdev has agreed with sports interactive to do this steps. So, they can make us buy the game.
Çalışıyor mu beyler test eden var mı ? Finans ta sorun problem oluşuyor mu bilgisi olan varsa yazsın ?
SPORTS INTERACTIVE HAVE PAID MKDEV. Their patches are the worst patches in the story.
hi made a test season and simes everything is fine no bad finances and no bad names at leat
bu crack çalışmıyor oyuncu ismi sorunu devam ediyor boşuna indirmeyin
watch a youtube video tutorial of how to use fix =>
que mierda de video es ese?
Hey, is the ALI213 crack working ?
@Donut70 We saw you in your car, parked outside the school. Looking for a new boyfriend were you? Those poor kids.
Step by step please ???
Anybody can explain ???
Ne crack miş amk da vinci nin şifresini kırıyolar sanki
This is a fucking JOKE. Releasing shit everyday and calling them CRACKS!!
Version 9.7 is the latest. WTF… MKDEV has taken cracking to new lows.
Once upon a time REAL crackers cracked games ONCE and released it when it was finished. This clown releases dozens of “cracks” NONE of them fucking work. You complete NOOB. Disappear you cunt, you have no cracking skills whatsoever… Leave it to the experts little boy.
This cunt releases the latest of his shit. It doesn’t work of course. Unless you take 126 different steps, and even then it still won’t work.
Once upon a time a crack was one file that WORKED.
By the time this joker “cracks” the game it will be September and FM17 will nearly be released. So we might as well give up on this stupid fuckwit and just buy the game.
Go and crack it by yourself. IDIOT
Kendi bulduğum bir yöntem. Oyuna her girdiğinizde
– Yeni bir kariyer başlatın.
– Birkaç gün ilerletin
– “Kayıtlı Oyun Aç” a tıklayıp asıl kariyenize geçin.
Ben isim sorununu böyle hallettim.
@ahaa No mate i was looking for you, so i can feed ya to ma Rotti for lunch, no more ahaa, yer, faggot, bet ur well into a-ha and that was the inspiration for ya name, wanking over them, fkn puff.
info about MAC VERSION please??
donut70 has a dog and hates homosexuals. Sounds like a proper chav. A closet homosexual chav.
Bend over boy and let this dog give you his bone.
@antiMKDEV you really know nothing about computers, coding, security nor games. back then, games only required the game cd inserted into the drive, and it was easier to crack them. now there are several layers of physical and/or virtual (code) barriers to get around to successfully crack something. shut up.
@MetalGod Then crack it brainless
MetalGod you dumbass. You can’t read. My point was that MKDEV is useless at cracking. He has had 9.7 attempts and failed with every single one of them.
Does your ass have several layers of protection too, if so how many times has MKDEV cracked it?
does 16.2.0 work without bugs and errors?
everything from mkdev has lots of bugs and errors, the guy is a fucking joke
What is the pass of final crack?
you could say anything you can think of.. and you think of my ass… haha dude
dopo una stagione e mezzo sono tornati i nomi falsi…che palle
After a season and a half fake names returned…fuck
How to install in Mac
Does the last patch work?
This update and crack work ?!
Hey. Does someon can cracked this game?
Hey. Does someon can cracked this game?
please I just dowloaded the FM 2016 from your site, pls I need installation instructions.
Is there a version available for mac?
for mac please
i download the link but the game dont running
fm 2016 torrent H.S