Football Manager 2018 is the latest release in the best-selling, smash-hit series. Putting you in the hot seat of any football club in more than 50 countries across the world, Football Manager 2018 is the closest thing to doing the job for real.
They say football is a game of opinions and everyone has theirs, but it’s only yours that counts around here.
You make the decisions now, from who you sign and who you sell, to how you manage your budget. Will you build tactics around the players at your disposal or train them in your vision of how the game should be played? Who you pick and who you bench will affect squad harmony, and it’s up to you to manage it. Every decision comes back to you.
Get it right and you’ll be the star of the show, grabbing the newspaper headlines and dominating trends on social media. They’ll write your name in footballing folklore…if you succeed, of course.
With unparalleled choices both on and off the pitch, all within the immersive footballing world, it’s time to decide what kind of manager do you want to be?
All purchases of Football Manager 2018 also include a free copy of Football Manager Touch 2018 for PC/Mac and Linux.
New for this season!
Dynamics – A harmonious squad produces better results on the pitch. By building partnerships amongst your players – both on and off the pitch – and maintaining a good dressing room atmosphere you’ll get the best performances out of your squad.
Matchday Live – A brand new graphics engine produces the best lighting, stadiums and player models in the series’ history, alongside a sleeker match interface and modernised presentation that bring your fixtures to life.
Real World Scouting System – A true-to-life representation of the techniques used by the world’s biggest clubs including more detailed data analysis that, combined with a wider range of scouting options, give you a better overview of any potential signing.
Sports Science – The new Medical Centre gives you a more complete overview of your squad’s injury situation, with your medical team providing advice on feedback on individual players’ injury risks and how to avoid injuries occurring during training.
Tactics – A redesigned tactics screen puts analysis at its heart, giving you a clear view of whether your tactic is working. The new pre-match briefing allows you to be better prepared for your upcoming fixtures, while new player roles give you more ways to exploit your players’ abilities.
Fantasy Draft – Redesigned with a new interface that is perfect for streaming and with several new setup options that help tailor the Fantasy Draft experience to you, including a bigger squad budget and a Quick Start option.
Football Intelligence – A realistic transfer market that reflects the inflated transfer fees and contract values, more clauses to help finalise that blockbuster deal and the more intelligent transfer and board AI that take into account more contextual information from the game world.
NOTE: Wait For Crack!
Title: Football Manager 2018
Genre: Simulation, Sports
Developer: “Sports Interactive”
Publisher: “SEGA”
Release Date: 9 Nov, 2017
Release Name : Football Manager 2018-ALI213
Size : 2.5 GB
Support the developers. buy this game if you like it. BUY IT!
nfs crack?
Need For Speed Payback Crack Pls
When will the crack be released? Also, thanks for the hard work!
The crack is gonna release when i bomb syria!!
This site is fake news
go to reloaded-cpy com if you want full game plus crack mate
fake…the crach dont work….you have to have a activation key..that your get by doing a impossible survey…Game dont work without a crack
when it will come out crack?
how long until crack
I think we need the crack i say crack is the way
can it runs without crack bruh?
Can human live without heart? Bruh
Do you think Gays could live without dick bruh?
Your fake NEWS.
Hahaha ???
Do you think Gays could live without dick bruh?
Your fake NEWS…
oh Diogo! i wish your trolling was funnier
Oh SR i wish you´ll right.
Your fake news. Sad.
Thanks for proving my point! great grammar by the way
– SkidrowGames
Fuck you motherfucker!
You have to be a “Lagrtixo”!
Wait till i bomb “Alvalixo”!
So sad.
the games protected by denuvo , so wait the crack or your mom will crack the games
You’re fake news. Ao menos escreve em condições.
I will bomb portugal too.
So sad.
Fuck me daddy
This game don´t have crack, this is fake news.
@Skidrow Your fake news. So sad.
hi daddy
Hello my son.
Pathetic that a president who’s supposed to speak english fluently, can’t tell the difference between your and you’re.
I didn´t know son. Forget that and help me bombing syria!
Well you first need to purify your country by destroying the evil before attacking one :)
What is purify? Kill the blacks?
I will bomb USA too if you want. So sad.
WTF Trump?
What you have against black people??
So sad
No. Shut up @disqus_fcnCJxAbLA:disqus
You know i´m better than you!
And i will bomb your house!
Daddy we need make brazilian team great again.
So sad.
Yes my son.
But you know that brazil sucks!
USA is better!
We draw with Portugal, They are European Champions!
I´m proud.
Fast crack!
Yes my son we need crack!
So sad.
i will bomb you …this is great
so great
What do you want my son?
Truppp turp I will bomb the american for a few days if the crack does not come!!!!!!
-The Ottoman Empire
You are all right my son! I will bomb american too!
And Skidrow!
We waited so long Trup guess where this crack.Ne time left ?
What man?
i will kill you and bomb america this is great …so great my son niyahahahah
whats wrong with u?
Fuck you russian spy!
go to reloaded-cpy com if you want full game plus crack mate.
fake news!!
fake ass so sad!!!!
How we can install this i dont understand nothing the setup.exe’s language is Chinese.
crack wait pff pour un call of duty ou ou jeu a gros bujet il y a pas de crack wait hein a quand un putain de crack j’espere pas dans 6 mois
Si tu es si impatient de savoir ben tu n’as qu’à aller voir combien de temps ils ont mis pour sortir le crack de fm17.
oui je dis juste que compare a un call of duty la il y a aps d’atente direct il est founi avec le crack mais pour ce jeu comme dhab six mois d’attente
Tu t’es jamais demandé pourquoi avec tout le fric qu’ils se font, le jeu n’evolue quasi jamais ? Ben le fric ils s’en servent 1. pour les scouts 2. pour aroser les team de hack.
Call of ils preferent mettre le budjet dans le moteur graphique.
call of met du fric dans le moteur graphique?
got this to show up in steam using green luna but game lauched and some chinease writing and closed
how many time this ussualy needs to the crack be released?
C’è qualcuno disposto a comprarlo in comune? Siamo già in 3, ci serve un quarto per condividere le spese. Ovviamente questo solo per chi gioca sempre offline. Per chi è interessato, mi scriva in privato a:
When the crack will be released?
We need crack skidrow!
So sad.
Brothers where are crack???
CPY have the crack
can you link it?
Which is password?
what is the password?
i need too :/
you already tested @sa@samsolio:disqus ?
i cant, need a pasword
yeah i cant get the password either
same :/
what is the pasword?
Shut up you Russian Idiot!
You are a SPY.
You´re fake news!
So sad.
I´m gonna bomb your country!
Hope this isnt like last year where we don’t get a proper working crack for a whole year
Yeah son.
I will bomb skidrow if they don´t release the crack!
So sad.
how did this dumb ass donald trump got in here ??
You are a dumbass too!
So sad.
Editor link pls
do you have crack??????
nfs crack?
Does it have the editor?
editor link?
Fuk, me need the crak bois
Guys, the crack is obviously still in the works, but how do you even install it the game? When you download the file, steam opens. I am lost. I am clearly missing something. Can someone help with this?
Hi guys! Good news! Our team are work hard to release the crack till next week.
Thanks, Mkdev Team.
I’m sure to you are a member of mkdev team absouletly
When release the crack put the link here
Fake account. One comment and Joined Nov 12, 2017. Nice try.
Fuck you man!
You´re fake news!
So sad.
I will bomb your country now!
How many time to crack?
What time is it?
Its muffing time!
So sad.
I will bomb Portugal!
I’ll make the crack for everyone. Please vote for me !!
Make all games free, and you have my vote.
Don´t vote to him!
He is black, He is dumb!
I will vote for you @Obama!
You know you need me!
You´re fake news!
So sad.
work on mac?
ragazzi qualcuno è disposto a comprare fm 18 in società? cerco 3 persone con cui dividerlo su istant gaming che è 33 euro.. fatemi sapere.
IO!!!!! scrivimi qui. troviamo gli altri 2 ;)
o c’è ancora qualcosa?
If they don´t release the crack, I will build a wall betwen USA and Skidrow!
Hello, does anyone know where to find the pre editor of football manager 2017?
When should I wait?
Crack please????
Is there any official predictions for the crack release date ? Thanks for the good work over the years
crack for CPU
For the crack: google “Rimdar” and check the livejournal.
Not fake, it’s like the fm17 ver, every cpu needs his crack, the cpu list is daily updated as long as people join the discord channel and follow the guide. (Ancora grazie che ve l’ho spiegato)
una volta scaricato il file come si installa correttamente? cliccando sopra non fa nulla
Solitamente basta copiare la crack compatibile col tuo processore ed incollarla nella cartella di Football Manager 2018 sostituendo se necessario i files vecchi. Dopo basta avviarlo come admin. L’anno scorso funzionava così, se non parte forse hanno una versione di FM linkata sul loro discord dove trovi anche Rimdar e Mkdev e qualcuno generalmente risponde.
scusa datcpu quale torrent bisogna scaricare da questa pagina di skidrow? ne vedo tanti!
Per torrent va bene uno degli ultimi tre (sono uguali). Comunque sto leggendo brutte notizie sul canale discord di mkdev e rimdar (quelli che fanno le crack).. c’è un messaggio che dice che quest’anno non funziona mettere la crack per il proprio processore come l’anno scorso ma bisogna fare tutti la “fila” da loro per averne una personale.. addirittura dicono che dopo averla fatta non devi aggiornare windows.. cioè se è così è infattibile almeno per me. Continuo a non capire perchè continuino ad aggiornare la pagina delle crack tuttavia.. boh
ho provato, scaricato crack per la mia cpu (i5 3210m) ma non mi parte..mi dà errore su versione a 32-64 bit..ho windows 7 a 32bit
You are FAKE NEWS!
fm17 didnt need a crack for every cpu i just got it off here and it worked fine
That page is just too confuse!!
sura4230 Rimdar? It’s just a list of CPU, sorted by version and date. U scroll to 18.1.1 and if there is your cpu you are lucky, if not, you can wait next updates of the page or join their discord channel and plan a cpu dump with mkdev and co.
when is crack realese?
I can´t wait anymore! I will bomb skidrow and ALI213 and 3DM too!
So sad.
You are really stupid child!!!!!
will come out in February I see it
February 2020 more likely >.<
hello i can play this gme or just with crack
just with crack
And when is uploaded
nobody know check it for processor crack
Any news about crack?
Mkdev is working on it, you can find a list of all the cracks available at now, google “Rimdar” and look at sura4230 livejournal, search for your cpu in the list, if it is not listed you can wait next updates or join their discord channel.
Totally fake cause some of the dates added is for back in march and the game and beta was not even available back then lol
Mark, you have to read better, you need to check starting from 18.1.1 ver , not from the beta versions.. and don’t look down at 17 versions that are obviously from the last year (FM17). Thats not fake and it’s important for who still need a crack for his cpu.
I already try do that but the says error “07000005b” (i think is something like this)
0xc000007b ? Mhm maybe you need to install Microsoft Visual C++ but I don’t know.. check that error online.
Edit: Wait, looks like that the cpu crack method will not work anymore. I’ve just read a message in the discord channel that says that every pc needs a personal crack; this is insane..
if I find the reference of my pc it is work §§!!!
and if my cpu is not listed?
does anyone even have a cpu on that list? theyre all pretty random ones
FYI to anyone who is doing what that DatCpu says about googling “Rimdar” don’t be fooled the dates for the football manager 2018 crack are back in march when the game wasnt even out. flag and mark them as spam and for the love of god DO NOT try his BS
Mark, you have to read better, you need to check starting from 18.1.1 ver. and don’t look down at 17.x versions that are obviously from the last year (FM17).
Edit: looks like that the cpu crack method will not work anymore. I’ve just read a message in their discord channel that says that every pc needs a personal crack and windows can’t be updated after that; this is insane.. I’ll pass, Denuvo won I guess.
Yo bro where are crack?
Guys it does not matter if you find your cpu crack version on mkdev site ,this year you need personal crack,there is no universal crack.One cpu=one crack.
I’ve just seen the same message on their discord channel, I confirm, they also wrote that after you obtain your personal crack you can’t update windows or the game stop working.. looks like Denuvo won, at least for me. I still don’t understand why they keep updating the crack list.
However the message says: “this year it does not matter what kind of CPU you have. A personal crack is needed for each PC” and “after got a personal crack, do not update your windows”.
I think there will be crack,but we must wait for couple of months.
The i5-6500 crack from your site worked for my FM2017. The FM2018 doesn’t work though. Is there any specific place (version of game) I need to download the game from?
novità datcpu??
is the beta available?
13 jours aprés publication, le crack n est toujours pas disponible, c est vraimen nul
Denuvo Victory!!
No crack. So sad.
the crack is up your bum
can you link up?
football manager 2018 steampunk version fast please!
Football manager 2018 steampunks version please
Why is it so dificult to crack denuvo protected gameS?
because your fake my son so sad i will bomb your ass
which version is this?
where is the crack?
in thy ass. :)
the crack will never come, just like FM 2017
I have pirate 2017 and i played it for 6 months…better research it sherlock..:P
Crack Please !!! ^^
This works for MacOS?
how to install the game?
does this include the crack or no
upload steampunk version
How long gonna take to release this crack!? :D:D:D:D
where the fuck is the crack? what a fucking scam
Hi again guys! A proper crack for all CPU almost done. We’ve been discussing if we release the crack for every CPU or one crack for all, and now we finally reached a conclusion.
Probably you’ll all can spend Christmas playing FM 2018 ;)
Hugs, Mkdev Team.
Uh, “MkDev Team” profile without any follower, created on November, and only two comments?! Smells like fake.
Can someone please help me to install this game!
Its been over 8 years since I’ve done this sort of thing!
I’ve managed to convert the folders into an ISO and mounted them onto a virtual drive, but I can’t get no further!
There used to be an autorun in my day?
No need to install just Extract the zip files and wait for crack
did nt work with me. They said this version is 64 bit and i need 32 bit. Anyone else got this issue?
I don’t understand why some people here accuse me of being a fake. I’m not Mkdev, I’m a member of his team, and I come here kindly to bring some news about the progress of the crack and I’m received in that rude way.
Nobody here is joking, we are working hard because this is a new technology from Denuvo, even harder than the 2017 version. All this effort for some trolls come here and mock our team. Sincerely, works stopped for now. Let’s see if these trolls will find it funny right now.
do not listen to them
triggered much
grow the fuck up, kiddo.
Don’t pay attention to this idiots. Thanks for your work !!
Most stupid comment ever, you are going to face trolls in internet always, deal with it. If you don’t want trolls to answer you, then don’t make a post where people can post answers or don’t connect to Internet at all.
I have the crack file, which is an exe. What do I have to do?
crack for fm 2018?
Crack SOON guys, finally!!
Why should we believe u ?
when the fuck will be the crack realease?
crack please
Does anyone know if it’s true that Mkdev Team is almost finishing the crack?
Yes man, but Mkdev is annoyed because of the trolls. He told me that he’s been reading people ridiculing our team, thinking we’re not being able to crack the game.
He even thought about closing the project.
Ok, you, a “true Mkdev Team member”, is commenting and replying people on Skidrow Games, but not on Mkdev’s own portal?! Try again.
Because there, only our moderator answers on behalf of our team. Furthermore, there is nothing to be answered. They are just people flooding their CPUs.
I already said, I come here kindly to bring some news about the progress of the crack to fans who are waiting eagerly. I’m not going to waste my time arguing with trolls who insist I’m fake. Since you don’t wanna any more news, then okay, I’m leaving.
As I said, the only one who seems to be trolling here is you.
And also, if you’re not a fake, then why on Earth you’d be mad about people calling you fake?! Sorry, but It doesn’t make any sense.
I don’t mind if you’re fake or real, I’m here just for the cracked game.
Nope not true the dumb guy on here pretending to be mkdev creates these fake accounts every year and says the same BS. the crack for 2017 was only really just released before this years game came out
Sad. I saw some people talking about Mkdev Team saying they were almost done with the crack. Guess I’ll have to buy it. A shame it’s not being sold where I live.
how is going with the crack?
People, this crack, we are almost next to Christmas, the game was released on the 10th of next month, that is, 1 month has passed.
No crack yet ?
Fast crack!!!!!!!!
Doesn’t work in 32 bit
WRONG CRACK ??!!! why crack is too NFS PAYBACK ???
help pls
There’s no crack for FM2018 yet.
Crack avalaible?
Can download the crack in this page.
Can we already donwload the file? Or it isnt the crack?
Is not the crack! Fake
Why is a fake crack in skydrow site?
Idk, but this crack is not crack of FM2018
You can download the game and extract it, but you’ll have to wait until the crack is released.
Pleas Mkdev team, Intel i3 4005U 64bit ,Win7 Thanks You
Guys I think they gave up on FM
I guess sports interactive paid a lot of $$$