METAL GEAR SOLID V Experience with the latest chapter, METAL GEAR SOLID V The Phantom Pain. Ushering in a new era for the franchise with cutting-edge technology.
The METAL GEAR SOLID team continues to ambitiously explore mature themes such as the psychology of warfare and the atrocities that result from those that engage in its vicious cycle. One of the most anticipated games of the year with its open-world design, photorealistic visual fidelity and feature-rich game design, MGSV: The Phantom Pain will leave its mark as one of the hallmarks in the gaming industry for its cinematic storytelling, heavy themes, and immersive tactical gameplay.
Features RePack:
• Do not cut | Do not recoded
• Game archives rebuilt
• Game Version – v1.0.0.5
• Installation time ~ 35 minutes (depending on the PC)
• RePack by SEYTER
Genre: Action, Adventure
Developer: Konami Digital Entertainment
Publisher: Konami Digital Entertainment
Release Date: 1 Sep, 2015
Release Name : METAL GEAR SOLID V The Phantom Pain-REPACK
Size : 11 GB
Install Instructions:
1. Download
2. extract/Mount/install
3. Play!
If you like this game, please support the developers and BUY IT!
Why is there not a torrent for the iso, I’d rather have that than a bunch of .bins. The repack just won’t install due to several different unfixable errors.
hey guys…i downloaded the torrent version..rechecked the files twice…and started installation…installation took 2 hrs to complete and stuck on “time remaining=0 secs”..and its not progressing anywhr…plz help..thx in advance
I’ve completely downloaded the game via torrent. so here is the problem when I start the setup.exe to install the game nothing happens !!! I can see the setup in task manager but than nothing happens ! no crash massage ! nothing ! could anyone tell me how to fix this ?
+ Vlc
We need to download crack v1 and crack v2 , and apply them in the same order and since the game is already updated to thats not a problem, but the problem is i cannot find the crack v1 anywhere, if you guys do find the link pls share, im dying to play this game *sob* sob*
There’s 1.10 present at this moment and all you can find on the internet is 1.05. What’s the deal with that, can somebody tell me? Have they upgraded the protection since 1.05 and now it’s uncrackable or something?
1 question, is this part of repack that the game doesn’t have PROLOGUE like what i saw on YouTube ?
or i missed something ?
anyway, thanks for sharing a great game (y)
my question is to those who have downloaded the game properly:
Is this repack proper, I mean is the game after installation fully working?
And also is there any virus in this game?
I have to download it so please tell me whether i should download it from here or download the 21GB game ??????
Thanks in ADVANCE!!!!!!
WORKS (17/10/16) ! all u do is download the game, install the game, (use short root c//mgsvtpp) as install directory straight under ur C drive. else it wont work
download the update and crack rar,
now u unpack all to a folder (on desktop for example)
move the files from “update folder” to your install game directory.
download the crack
move the folders from the crack into your game installation directory, (always overwrite all files when asked)
set time zone to beijing +8hours. and happy gaming !
(MICROSOFT ESSENTIALS WILL REMOVE FILES SO TURN IT OFF TO PLAY THIS GAME OR ADD THE FILES AS SAFE) this is not a bad hack its a hack to make the game run. 100% tested and 100% working with save.
(PS i downloaded the other game on this website from phantom pain (not the repack but i suppose this one works the same way to)
Great Repack… Too bad it is a trojan … Dam skid the trojan is this, just scanned it a little bit ago after going like 50% through install
Jim, it’s called a crack, not a trojan you fuckwit. Don’t talk about shit you don”t know.
where’s the link???
Torrent link is dead
The torrent link is not working.
does it contain 3DM crack.
Links are all dead.
please upload google drive links
pls update to, thx u :)
can someone please upload a new torrent link? PLEASE!!! Or just send me one on dying to play this game please please please :v
all links are DOWN………….
Torrent link expired!!
torrent is bullshit
Hi ski !!
the torrent has been deleted…please could you uploaded it??
The game version is 1.0.1 :3
this game is working or not plz tell me i have too download
almost all links are down pls re upload! ty
The torrent link is not Dead, but there isn’t a setup.exe file in it, just the redist and the .bin files.
Game crashes right after the hospital cutscene. Loading orb stops spinning and the game becomes unresponsive. Ideas, solutions?
Why is there not a torrent for the iso, I’d rather have that than a bunch of .bins. The repack just won’t install due to several different unfixable errors.
what language is it in and how do I change it to english?
I got an error…
Is missing the 3dmgame.dll
How do i fix it?
hey guys…i downloaded the torrent version..rechecked the files twice…and started installation…installation took 2 hrs to complete and stuck on “time remaining=0 secs”..and its not progressing anywhr…plz help..thx in advance
update directx and graphic driver
freeze in 37 minutes time remaing… :(
the game is not opening
is it safe because avast is killing the setup
syam did your antivirus kill the setup
The game is not opening, pls help
hi,i love this website
1 question can you fix this Problem MGS 5 TPP Mission 46 Freeze (Infinite loading loop) tell me please…
what error on your pc?
links are all dead
I’ve completely downloaded the game via torrent. so here is the problem when I start the setup.exe to install the game nothing happens !!! I can see the setup in task manager but than nothing happens ! no crash massage ! nothing ! could anyone tell me how to fix this ?
+ Vlc
We need to download crack v1 and crack v2 , and apply them in the same order and since the game is already updated to thats not a problem, but the problem is i cannot find the crack v1 anywhere, if you guys do find the link pls share, im dying to play this game *sob* sob*
dead links
all links dead, refresh please :)
thank you
There’s 1.10 present at this moment and all you can find on the internet is 1.05. What’s the deal with that, can somebody tell me? Have they upgraded the protection since 1.05 and now it’s uncrackable or something?
metal gear solid 5
thank you
virus system offline , run game ,, virus system online then delete 3dmgame.dll file
ani habb ninstalihe
with the zip version…after unzipping….I can’t install the the game….how can I deal with that ? mgapp.exe doesn’t start
pls reply
this games crash in epesode 46 please uploade me savedata or another crack
Stupid question is this the full game cause 11gb sounds to good to be true
Files are no longer available! :(
malware from setup.exe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wasted 4 days to download this and find out that the setup.exe contains fucking Win32:Malware-gen . Fuck.
ROHAN, its common for a crack to be detected as malware.
whitelist it and install before you waste the 4 days by deleteing the game, fuckin noob
1 question, is this part of repack that the game doesn’t have PROLOGUE like what i saw on YouTube ?
or i missed something ?
anyway, thanks for sharing a great game (y)
my question is to those who have downloaded the game properly:
Is this repack proper, I mean is the game after installation fully working?
And also is there any virus in this game?
I have to download it so please tell me whether i should download it from here or download the 21GB game ??????
Thanks in ADVANCE!!!!!!
WORKS (17/10/16) ! all u do is download the game, install the game, (use short root c//mgsvtpp) as install directory straight under ur C drive. else it wont work
download the update and crack rar,
now u unpack all to a folder (on desktop for example)
move the files from “update folder” to your install game directory.
download the crack
move the folders from the crack into your game installation directory, (always overwrite all files when asked)
set time zone to beijing +8hours. and happy gaming !
(MICROSOFT ESSENTIALS WILL REMOVE FILES SO TURN IT OFF TO PLAY THIS GAME OR ADD THE FILES AS SAFE) this is not a bad hack its a hack to make the game run. 100% tested and 100% working with save.
(PS i downloaded the other game on this website from phantom pain (not the repack but i suppose this one works the same way to)
help me whenever i start the setup i got weird message in unknown language and it dosent start anything please help me
For some reason i dont know, its not installing on my PC. please any help if there is a special way to install.
thanks in advance
wheres the crack?