The latest opus in the acclaimed STORM series is taking you on a colourful and breathtaking ride. Take advantage of the totally revamped battle system and prepare to dive into the most epic fights you’ve ever seen in the NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM series!Prepare for the most awaited STORM game ever created!
- Extract
- Burn or mount the .iso
- Run setup.exe and install
- Copy crack from CODEX dir to installdir
- Play
Hello , please how can play the game in french ? When i change the language english to french in the steam_api it doesn’t work the game crashed, Thank !
i tried work in high setting 1920 x 1080. 30 fps lock. My rig pc dekstop : core i5 2500K, 8GB RAM, AMD radeon R9 270, 15.12 catalyst. Many peope said in main menu often drops to 10 fps but i have tried still always get 30 fps
Resolving Slow Motion problem :
Go to the game folder and open the config file with Notepad . In the Vsync line change the value ” 1 ” to ” 0 ” and ready . The game continues to run at 30fps but the slow motion does not happen anymore .
Resolvendo o problema de Slow Motion:
Vá até a pasta do game e abra o arquivo config com o bloco de notas. Na linha Vsync altere o valor “1” para “0” e pronto. O game continua rodando a 30fps mas o slow motion não acontece mais.
——————————-dx11 device creation fail: 0x80010010—————————
Try thats
Go to the game folder and open the config file with Notepad . In the Vsync line change the value ” 1 ” to ” 0 ” and ready
“Sorry, you can’t view or download this file at this time.”
Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can’t access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator.
I am experiencing problems with my controller, would you guys have a solution for that? the game won’t detect my gamepad at all, I have tried x360ce emulators but it still won’t work, any help is welcome and thanks in advance.
Hi , considers that the link torrent file is not complete missing three shares part07 part08 and the part number 09 thank you
i have d DX11 and i have 8Gb RAM and i have a 4Gb memory Card Graphics and he doenst work
dx11 device creation fail: 0x80010010
i dont know what ?
maybe because the crack
When i try to run the game, directly give me 0xc000007b error. I’ve tried tons of internet solutions, clearing all the registeries when i uninstalled the game. Also i reinstaled all Visual C++ properly and ins’t still working. Someone have any clue?
Thanks for your attention :D
PD: Sorry for my bad english.
Ya he descargado el juego de distintos sitios y reinstalado el juego varias veces (limpiando los registros para que no queden restos), he reinstalado los Visual C++ (todos) y aún así cuando ejecuto el exe me sale el típico error de 0xc000007b (impidiéndome siquiera iniciar el juego) he probado varias soluciones a este error de internet y nada. ¿Alguien tiene alguna idea?
Anyone having unarc.dll error code 12?
Any idea how to fix it? I tried various internet solutions and nothing is working maybe file is just bad? I downloaded torrent version.
first of all the game works ^^
but there are 2 things i hate. 1st one is the sound or more the music… because there is no music.
2nd one are the language. i set it to german but it dont work. and all videos have no sound…
how can i fix this???
1.You need to install the game (CODEX version if possible, also dont apply any ******).
2.Download the Steamworks fix.
3.Extract the Steamworks fix and copy the files from it.
4.Place them into the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 folder.
5.Open Steam and login into your account.
6.Open Tunngle and join the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 room.
7.Start the game and have fun playing online.
When I install this game, it freezes at 31.8%. Now is it actually just freezing or does it take a while because it is 34GB? If someone could help that would be very appreciated.
PLEASE the game has a problem of slow motion: when in notepad at vsynch write ‘0’ the game go in slow motion and if you write ‘1’ there is a problem of device creation fail:0X80010010
please can we help me
I have a problem when i install the game appeared a windows where writing “An error occured while unpacking:Does not match checksum ! Unarc.dll returned an error code:-12
Error: file C:\program files(x86)\NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Ultimate Ninja STORM 4\data\disc\movie2.cpk failed crc check”
I have a problem when i install the game appeared a windows where writing “An error occured while unpacking:Does not match checksum ! Unarc.dll returned an error code:-12
Error: file C:\program files(x86)\NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Ultimate Ninja STORM 4\data\disc\movie2.cpk failed CRC check”
I have a problem when installing. There is error ISDone.dll on the title bar, but the inside of window is blank (black). I’ve tried it using dll fixer, but still can’t fix it. Is there any solution?
Hi everyone i know how to fix the 360ce error.
1. Download x360ce on google or somethings (this game need 64bit ver)
2. Extract download in game folder
3. Open file x360ce_x64.exe
4. Setting for your gamepad and press save
5. File xinput1_3.dll will appear
6. Rename it to xinput9_1_0.dll
7. Open x360ce_x64 again and press save
8. Open your game and enjoy!
problem when installing. There is error ISDone.dll on the title bar, but the inside of window is blank (black). I’ve tried it using dll fixer, but still can’t fix it. Is there any solution?
PLEASE!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!! i deleted the iso without extracting the CRACK.DIR!!! to the download.dir!!!!! Can someone send me Crack files PLEASE!!!!!!!
hi..i tried to play ths game but it always showing “dx11 creation fail”.i tried all the possible methods i got from net still the problem persists .please give a solution i want to play this game by any means….
I have a problem when installing. There is error ISDone.dll on the title bar, but the inside of window is blank (black). I’ve tried it using dll fixer, but still can’t fix it. Is there any solution?
I hold the game from this site, but there is a problem
Brought some parts with a capacity of 4.3 GB of 8 parts and Asubho 9 because what work …….. I hope REACT
There were eight parts and was now nine parts ????
can yo upload only the crack file? i already installed the game but forgot to put the crack and deleted de iso, and i cant download the iso all over again
Oxe, to meio por fora alguém me ajuda. Esse é o ultimo que saiu pra pc ? Que tem o boruto ? Estou perdido na ordem, revolution vem antes ou depois ? O_o
lol guys i seen lot of comment about games being protected but most of you 4get about other website like ocean of game they have to games and latest game that already have cracked. and ovagame aswell @ aiman MSVC120.DLL that file comes with netframe and direct x… b4 you install the game make sure all demanding files for games are installed
I have a problem when i install the game appeared a windows where writing “An error occured while unpacking:Does not match checksum ! Unarc.dll returned an error code:-12
Error: file C:\program files(x86)\NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Ultimate Ninja STORM 4\data\disc\movie2.cpk failed CRC check”
everything working fine, as always no problems, thanks AGin and again, btw if you guys install the latest patch the game will be in chinese, just change the language from Ali123 file in naruto’s directory
go to the crash in the setup on your drive you sent it to when you downloaded it then send that crack to the game file download like program files,nsun4 then just paste the crack there
YES!!! finally!!! :D
Can you choose the language? Does the Spanish ?
Anyway thanks for upload as fast = )
Please fast upload single link
fake af keylogger
why do you say its fake?
the first part of the google drive says “file not found”
Hot damn that was fast! Let’s seed this bitch! :D
Can you play online using this? Like in revolution you were able to play on unofficial servers.
multi language ??
Argh. no 32 bit system. But awesome :D
GOOGLE DRIVE 1,2,3 and 9 parts need to upload again. need those please
and thnx for the game
has it already been cracked…are we supposed to wait for it !?….or is it pre cracked??
will it work.. ?
is there DLC included ????
I’ve a same question haha
Is there with Deluxe Edition DLC?
Seems to work fine, just one question: How to enable controller?
Do this game is playabal on 32bit
Is this fake? How can it be 32 GB size?
Impossible to download
GDrive locked links for new downloads
Other links REALLY SUCKS
Amazon? New GDRIVE Links? Direct links with full connection?
can it work on this
Ram:8 GB
Processor: Intel Core I3-3210 3.20 Ghz
Nividia Geforce Gt 610 2 GB
Use the direct link with internet download manager for fast speed,
fix kumpulbagi T_T
como se pone el menú en el español alguien me puede ayudar
No se puede de momento, hay que esperar a que saquen los “language pack” o que suban otra versión completa con los idiomas incorporados.
Will this game have all the Pre-Order DLC’s later on in the coming month’s.
i install in win 10 the game run perfect but menu and actions sounds really bad
installed > and play it have error T_T
“window cannot access the specified device path or file
you may not have the appropriate permissions”
Hello , please how can play the game in french ? When i change the language english to french in the steam_api it doesn’t work the game crashed, Thank !
i tried work in high setting 1920 x 1080. 30 fps lock. My rig pc dekstop : core i5 2500K, 8GB RAM, AMD radeon R9 270, 15.12 catalyst. Many peope said in main menu often drops to 10 fps but i have tried still always get 30 fps
Chicos el juego está funcionando bien aquí, pero el sonido es terrible sibilancias. Ayuda.
Guys the game is running well here but the sound is terrible wheezing. Help.
Caras o game está rodando bem aqui mas o som está com chiado terrível. Ajuda.
will there be dlc?
I keep getting this error code -12 tf do I do to install this bish?
Game is JP how i change it? steam_api.ini dont work
Resolving Slow Motion problem :
Go to the game folder and open the config file with Notepad . In the Vsync line change the value ” 1 ” to ” 0 ” and ready . The game continues to run at 30fps but the slow motion does not happen anymore .
Resolvendo o problema de Slow Motion:
Vá até a pasta do game e abra o arquivo config com o bloco de notas. Na linha Vsync altere o valor “1” para “0” e pronto. O game continua rodando a 30fps mas o slow motion não acontece mais.
I can´t start the game if I start it I get an erro dx11 device creation fail: 0x80010010
i m ‘moderator1’ on steam add me please
why theres no voice during cutscene before fights? only the beginning have voice. will this be patched later?
torrent was removed.
Your Torrent is down lol – Can you please send me the download link or update it
Torrent isn’t working!
The torrent link is not working. It said that the File does not exist on this server. :(
dx11 device creation failed :0x80010010 I keep getting this message, any help would be much appreciated (:
Anyone who know please how to fix the drop fps? I use amd radeon
——————————-dx11 device creation fail: 0x80010010—————————
Try thats
Go to the game folder and open the config file with Notepad . In the Vsync line change the value ” 1 ” to ” 0 ” and ready
I have dx11 device creation fail: 0x80010010 too. And the change (“1” to “0”) don’t Works for me. Can anybody help?
no arabic ?
can i play it with gamepad?
Resolve the problem?
dx11 device creation fail: 0x80010010 what
multiplay is enable? online server
Can you reload the Torrent ?
abro el juego y se me cierra “naruto shuppuden ultimate ninja storm 4 ha dejado de funcionar”
I open the game and the game get a crash closed “naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm 4 has stopped working”
dx11 device creation fail: 0x80010010
Any idea?
lag , how to fix , plz…..
LAggg .. just fps 5 fix plz :'(
dx11 device creation fail: 0x80010010
same problem… dx11 device creation fail: 0x80010010
anyone experiencing audio sounding like 8-bit game?
is multiplayer enabled
is It have dlc ?
i can’t download part 3 from google drive it say
“Sorry, you can’t view or download this file at this time.”
Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can’t access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator.
alguna forma de ponerlo en español ?? me funciona bien
dx11 device creation fail: 0x80010010
how to fix thia ?
dx11 device creation fail admin plz help us!!!
I am experiencing problems with my controller, would you guys have a solution for that? the game won’t detect my gamepad at all, I have tried x360ce emulators but it still won’t work, any help is welcome and thanks in advance.
ISDone.dll when installing,
pls help
My screen goes black after I press (A) at the TItle Screen. Any suggestions?
Is boruto and sarada unlocked in this version?
naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm 4 for pc part crash
plz someone upload crack only plz
What’s the rar unlock password? thanks
so the game runs in slowmotion i tried every lagg fix way i saw on the internet nothing works this game is not worth the 3 days it took me to download
Hi , considers that the link torrent file is not complete missing three shares part07 part08 and the part number 09 thank you
this game don t work pff 3 day of dowlowad
Is the crack included?
I have dx11 device creation fail: 0x80010010 too. And the change (“1” to “0”) don’t Works for me. Can anybody help?
need to know how to use x360ce controller in that game. it does to work please help
i have d DX11 and i have 8Gb RAM and i have a 4Gb memory Card Graphics and he doenst work
dx11 device creation fail: 0x80010010
i dont know what ?
maybe because the crack
When i try to run the game, directly give me 0xc000007b error. I’ve tried tons of internet solutions, clearing all the registeries when i uninstalled the game. Also i reinstaled all Visual C++ properly and ins’t still working. Someone have any clue?
Thanks for your attention :D
PD: Sorry for my bad english.
Ya he descargado el juego de distintos sitios y reinstalado el juego varias veces (limpiando los registros para que no queden restos), he reinstalado los Visual C++ (todos) y aún así cuando ejecuto el exe me sale el típico error de 0xc000007b (impidiéndome siquiera iniciar el juego) he probado varias soluciones a este error de internet y nada. ¿Alguien tiene alguna idea?
Un saludo y gracias de antemano.
One STEAM user has a temporary fix an exe file look for it in community, it disables shadows (That cause the serious lagg) but its crashes sometime.
Also what the thing with Sarada? Someone know the DLC number of him?
can you upload the direct link again please
Anyone having unarc.dll error code 12?
Any idea how to fix it? I tried various internet solutions and nothing is working maybe file is just bad? I downloaded torrent version.
Links are not workibg and my download atopped what should i do now?
Links are not working, could you fix it
please update the single iso link as it is not available. i already download 29gb , only 3gb remaining.
Hope you can understand
GUYS!! please update it for GOD SAKE i really want it and its very very important hope you guys fix it please!!!!!!!!! :'(
do it hurry please!!!!!!!!!!!
mee too :/
first of all the game works ^^
but there are 2 things i hate. 1st one is the sound or more the music… because there is no music.
2nd one are the language. i set it to german but it dont work. and all videos have no sound…
how can i fix this???
SINGLE ISO LINK is broken! please fix to continue my download TT_TT
Direct Links is not working can you fix it please.
If you want to play online!
1.You need to install the game (CODEX version if possible, also dont apply any ******).
2.Download the Steamworks fix.
3.Extract the Steamworks fix and copy the files from it.
4.Place them into the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 folder.
5.Open Steam and login into your account.
6.Open Tunngle and join the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 room.
7.Start the game and have fun playing online.
P.S: Tunngle is optional.
y arent the fucking direct link working i just reached 29gb and it just stopped what the fuck is wrong with this site and direct links
Please upload 4 GB direct link again….
working perfectly with the fix :D thanks for that but any idea how to make a controller work now? even with the x360ce propgram not working
fuckin links I want to continue the game from the link iso what should I do now ?? @@@
fuckin links I want to continue the game from the link iso what shoul I do now ?@@
Please fix the links via Archive and Google Docs. Im already at part6 but now they wont show up.
all links are unavailable, fix it please
aaah this crack is working for me ;
adf. ly/1WK1Mf
(remove sapce ^^)
When I install this game, it freezes at 31.8%. Now is it actually just freezing or does it take a while because it is 34GB? If someone could help that would be very appreciated.
I can´t start the game if I start it I get an error dx11 device creation fail: 0x80010010
Help please.
PLEASE the game has a problem of slow motion: when in notepad at vsynch write ‘0’ the game go in slow motion and if you write ‘1’ there is a problem of device creation fail:0X80010010
please can we help me
try this :
adf .ly/1NOEKR
(remove sapce)
it s working for me ;
Why? Is it an another game?
Vídeo tutorial para baixar e instalar o jogo
I want to continue downloading the game links are not work why??????????????????????????????
the game is the best foooooor me eee fix single link
This game is in english language .
What RAR password ??
hi Naruto Shippuden Ultmait Ninja Storm 4 Error : dx11 device fail : 0x80010010
FIX ..! Drop Graphic
i can play it in a 32 bit systeme
Found a fix for the audio problem.
1. Right click on the speaker icon in the notification area.
2. Select Playback Devices.
3. Double click on your speakers.
4. Under the advanced tab, set speakers to 16 bit studio quality.
Hope this helps.
when i play story mode when i ‘m playing the shinobo jutsu (kuruma vs ten tails ) the game stopped working help please
where 32bit? sensei
Plz this in english language
I have a problem when i install the game appeared a windows where writing “An error occured while unpacking:Does not match checksum ! Unarc.dll returned an error code:-12
Error: file C:\program files(x86)\NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Ultimate Ninja STORM 4\data\disc\movie2.cpk failed crc check”
someone can help me, please ?
dx11 device creation fail: 0x80010010
Someone help me this problem plz!
for those who wanna fix error 0x80010010.
I hope this video helps you, it worked for me.
@Adam: Thank for your help, but i’m using the Intel series, i’ve changed 3D settings but the game wasn’t working :(
This game english dub yes or not plz tell me I want donlode this game
Thank a lot ItzAdam2002!!! I’m so happy! :) It Works!!
The part 4 in google drive have error when unrar it.
I have a problem when i install the game appeared a windows where writing “An error occured while unpacking:Does not match checksum ! Unarc.dll returned an error code:-12
Error: file C:\program files(x86)\NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Ultimate Ninja STORM 4\data\disc\movie2.cpk failed CRC check”
Someone can help me, please ?
codex link don’ t work
Why my naruto only blackscreen can open ?
download via parts not more avaible
torrent is TOO low
mi si blocca quando creo il salvataggio è capitato ad altri?
32gb @@
torrent too slow. please reload
anyway thanks for upload ^^
I have a problem when installing. There is error ISDone.dll on the title bar, but the inside of window is blank (black). I’ve tried it using dll fixer, but still can’t fix it. Is there any solution?
lag fix please
How to use 360 controller in this game. It’s not work for me ???
Hi everyone i know how to fix the 360ce error.
1. Download x360ce on google or somethings (this game need 64bit ver)
2. Extract download in game folder
3. Open file x360ce_x64.exe
4. Setting for your gamepad and press save
5. File xinput1_3.dll will appear
6. Rename it to xinput9_1_0.dll
7. Open x360ce_x64 again and press save
8. Open your game and enjoy!
i have the same problem any solution ?
problem when installing. There is error ISDone.dll on the title bar, but the inside of window is blank (black). I’ve tried it using dll fixer, but still can’t fix it. Is there any solution?
guz pls tell me what to do after downloading all the parts of naruto
PLEASE!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!! i deleted the iso without extracting the CRACK.DIR!!! to the download.dir!!!!! Can someone send me Crack files PLEASE!!!!!!!
hey,bro GOOGLE DRIVE PART 4 is corrupted and not working please help! :-(
Can you re upload the torrent
I need some way to change the language from Japanese to english. I can’t bloody get past the menu. Plus, how do I get it to recognize my controller?
Guys please fix the error of missing links, my connection is really slow and torrents would not work. So direct links only work for me. Thank you.
Nice man
The controller fix works @ kenbj11315
Controller still not Working man :(
Please SEED! i am a torrent user… please seed!
how to change the language
hi..i tried to play ths game but it always showing “dx11 creation fail”.i tried all the possible methods i got from net still the problem persists .please give a solution i want to play this game by any means….
I have a problem when installing. There is error ISDone.dll on the title bar, but the inside of window is blank (black). I’ve tried it using dll fixer, but still can’t fix it. Is there any solution?
Same, ISDone.dll on title bar , then installation fail.
Error Isdone.dll. Missing unarc.dll but i downloaded it and continous the same :/
ISDone.dll black message error! How to bypass?
i have installed the game via codex and when i want to started the game, they open my steam and thats it.
i dont know what to do
Hi. how i can change the language? if i change english to italian the not star! does anyone know how to fix?
Hi, I would be very grateful for your reply ,
The question recurs but nowhere ‘ve noticed answers
how to change language to Polish ?
very please help
pliz seed torrent
Hello i have a problem i download a torrent
I followed the steps but when I run my games spear steam I need help thank you !
I hold the game from this site, but there is a problem
Brought some parts with a capacity of 4.3 GB of 8 parts and Asubho 9 because what work …….. I hope REACT
There were eight parts and was now nine parts ????
can yo upload only the crack file? i already installed the game but forgot to put the crack and deleted de iso, and i cant download the iso all over again
plees i need crake onl[ne
i get white screen when i open the game :/
installed it and selected english, but the game is in russian, how do i fix this?
V1.06 version pleassseeeeee
pls someone send it to my gmail account plz im begging u
Cadê os seeders dessa caralha?
Oxe, to meio por fora alguém me ajuda. Esse é o ultimo que saiu pra pc ? Que tem o boruto ? Estou perdido na ordem, revolution vem antes ou depois ? O_o
Links down. Can you reupload it? I need the torrent
my game couldnt start because MSVCP120.dll is missing.helpppP!!!
lol guys i seen lot of comment about games being protected but most of you 4get about other website like ocean of game they have to games and latest game that already have cracked. and ovagame aswell @ aiman MSVC120.DLL that file comes with netframe and direct x… b4 you install the game make sure all demanding files for games are installed
Direct link for download?
Fix links please
Links down please fix it
Everytime I run the launcher it either says error 0xc000007b or opens the steam app.
What should I do?
Why all of the download links can’t be used?I hope this may be fixed… :(
i have a super lag and is stressfull. can you helpme?
I have a problem when i install the game appeared a windows where writing “An error occured while unpacking:Does not match checksum ! Unarc.dll returned an error code:-12
Error: file C:\program files(x86)\NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Ultimate Ninja STORM 4\data\disc\movie2.cpk failed CRC check”
Someone can help me, please ?
Someone please help me…..S.O.S
my language stuck in Japanese,how can I fix it?
im trying to ionstall de updates, with some problems
who can help me?
o jogo e muito legal
o jogo foi muito legal e divertido
white screen :c :c
download from torrent fix please
after i open the game it only shows white screen while the game seem to be working because i can press various buttons and hear sound.
there was no problem with the installation and i also copied crack.
how to solve that white screen problem?
everything working fine, as always no problems, thanks AGin and again, btw if you guys install the latest patch the game will be in chinese, just change the language from Ali123 file in naruto’s directory
i want to play real.
What’s the password to open the RARs file? Help me please
fuck yah
All links are not working all of them !
please someone help :(
Why it only shows white screen? The game’s sound works fine but i cant play without seeing the screen. Can anybody help?
plz help me: “The program cant start because MSVCP120.dll is missing from your computer.Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.”
seed plz
I Need seed and the Black Box torrent aren’t available to download =/
I can’t find the file.iso. can help where i can find it? And my game crash
i mean i can’t run it. Please help
can you just upload the crack file i already deleted the file ISO and when I opened it, Steam will automatically open and won’t open the game.
piz help me to download game
guys i started the game but when the game appear he bug
he cant run
seed please
please update the direct link. pretty please! thanks
thank you
no sirve el torrent, lo pueden re subir? amo tu pagina
Does this include the Road to Boruto DLC?
If it doesn´t are you guys going to uploadt it? and when?
sir, can you reupload for googledrive?
anyone knows how to fix the invisible jutsus ? i just used the lag fix the i saw in youtube
Most of the links are not working anymore
Do I need to download all updates?
There is no 3DMGAME file…
wanna copy save data, but how?
@Anthony Boy, this took 1 day fucker.
Links broken ;/
how to conect?
opsss how to instal. kkkk
Hii i am very thankfull for uploading the game
but when i launch it automatically steam opens and game does not run
Most if not all links are dead
I install the game i put the crack But There are some problems with DLL Can you help me
Can’t download, File not Found please Fix Google Drive download
i installed it and put the crack but when i clock to launch it tells mee unable to find MSVCP120.dll
help mee please
maybe you need to download microsoft visual c++ 2013
here is the link
i’ve intalled it. when i click the shortcut icon it opens steam. can someone help me :'(
go to the crash in the setup on your drive you sent it to when you downloaded it then send that crack to the game file download like program files,nsun4 then just paste the crack there
i can now open the file but when i open it, it only shows white screen. :'( but the music is playing. does that mean my laptop can’t support it?
go to file location and enter the config.ini.
and copy this and replace the 1 inside the ini file
Cant Play Story Mode.
It Crashes when i try to play the next chapter after hashirama and Madara.
Can Anyone help me?
same here problem arise when they summon it suddenally stop working
just press start n skip video
why it says initialize steam help me. plssss
It is super laggy when i play it help D: