Plague Inc: Evolved is a unique mix of high strategy and terrifyingly realistic simulation. Your pathogen has just infected ‘Patient Zero’ – now you must bring about the end of human history by evolving a deadly, global Plague whilst adapting against everything humanity can do to defend itself.
hello. there is one problem with the game. if i win with the bakteria on normal or brutal, the game says i get a new disease typ (virus) but if i start a new game nothing new is unlocked. why? that´s not cool :(
Sorry for my English I use google . if the game have started , opens in a game , a window which is not is to close with me . as a hack put in play ” Do not show again ” ALT +4 to quit then restart play and already is no longer the window and you can continue
hello; thanks for the game ; but it’s normal that the game are in Japanese language?? Is that possible to change the language ingame (option?)? How?
Thanks a lot for all the others game, and that one too.
hello. there is one problem with the game. if i win with the bakteria on normal or brutal, the game says i get a new disease typ (virus) but if i start a new game nothing new is unlocked. why? that´s not cool :(
please help me, thank you
The same problem hawk has. I beat the game on brutal with bacteria, and nothing unlocks.
language change in CONFIG.ini
Language=schinese <–
Language=English ore German
Sorry for my English I use google . if the game have started , opens in a game , a window which is not is to close with me . as a hack put in play ” Do not show again ” ALT +4 to quit then restart play and already is no longer the window and you can continue