RAID World War II The Countdown Raid-CODEX

Posted 08 Feb 2018 in PC Games

RAID World War II The Countdown Raid-CODEX


The Nazis will never rest, they will never give up and they’re aim is to dominate. But the same goes for the RAID gang.


The Nazis will never rest, they will never give up and their aim is to dominate. But the same goes for the RAID gang. As a certain Nazi Scientist called Herr Bachman is turned, Control and Mrs. White gets their hands on a piece of information that might really put the Nazi rampage to a halt – at least for a while. But as all missions, this one will not be a walk in the park.

The RAID gang are in an all-out action-packed mission to infiltrate and cause maximum destruction on an early prototype missile bunker which holds a V2 rocket. Every nook and cranny is filled with enemies and you need to stay close to the cart so it doesn’t stop moving as well as make sure that all resistance is dealt with. Every playthrough will differ as certain segments are randomised – providing every game session with something new. So if you want to make sure that the cart reaches is destination so you can blow up the V2 Rocket – you better stay sharp.


This free update comes with some new stopping power for you to unleash upon those pesky Nazis.

A classic World War II rifle where its precise accuracy will make sure you’ll never miss your mark.

Perfect for close-quarter-combat, as it’s easily wielded and will seriously damage anything you hit.

A must for every battle, cause as enemies starts to swarm all you have to do is pull the pin and let em’ fly.

A rugged and tough jacket that will at least make sure that it’s not the cold that kills you.

RAID: World War II – The Countdown Raid

Title: RAID: World War II – The Countdown Raid
Genre: Violent, Gore, Action, Adventure, RPG
Developer: “Lion game Lion”
Publisher: “Starbreeze Publishing AB”
Release Date: 8 Feb, 2018

Release Name : RAID World War II The Countdown Raid-CODEX
Size : 15 GB





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Posted by SKIDROW

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