After uncovering an ancient mystery, Lara must explore the most treacherous and remote regions of Siberia to find the secret of immortality before a ruthless organization known as Trinity. Lara must use her wits and survival skills, form new alliances, and ultimately embrace her destiny as the Tomb Raider. Experience high-octane action moments, conquer beautifully hostile environments, engage in brutal guerilla combat, and explore awe-inspiring deadly tombs in the evolution of survival action. In “Rise of the Tomb Raider,” Lara becomes more than a survivor as she embarks on her first Tomb Raiding expedition.
Rise of the Tomb Raider Steam Preload
1. Extract.
2. Wait for preload unlocker and crack.
3. Play!
Note : Preload unlocker and crack will be avaliable after the game release.
Será que realmente vai sair o Crack para esse grande Jogo e o Just Cause 3? Sinceramente eu espero que eles não desistam tão fácil assim de crackear esses Jogos com essa maldita proteção Denuvo, pois o que eles querem é que desistam fácil, e isso não podemos permitir. Espero que tenham persistência e esperança de um Dia crackear esse Jogo. Abraço a todos.
Will you really go out Crack for that big game and Just Cause 3? I sincerely hope they do not give up that easy to crack these games with that damn Denuvo protection because what they want is to give up easy, and it can not afford. I hope you have persistence and hope one day crack this game. Hug to everyone.
leandroultradownloads , não pense que eles não queiram mas simplesmente eles não conseguiram mais crackear futuros games com a proteção Denuvo, tanto que o 3DM (o cara dos cracks) fez esta previsão para o futuro…
Eu sei andrews, quando eu disse que no comentário acima que “Esperava que eles não desistissem” é porque já teve jogo lançado com uma versão mais antiga dessa mesma proteção Denuvo, que nesse caso trata-se do jogo chamado “Lords Of The Fallen”, ele também teve essa proteção, mesmo que com uma versão antiga diga-se de passagem. Para você ter uma ideia Eles demoraram nada mais nada menos do que 7 Meses para conseguirem Crackear Lords Of The Fallen. É por isso que eu disse para eles não desistirem entende, pois mesmo que as dificuldades pareçam muito fortes no momento do lançamento do jogo, com o tempo nada é inquebrável, ou seja, pode demorar o tempo que for, mais se um dia eles conseguirem Crackear esses jogos atuais com a proteção Denuvo será muito bem recebido por muitos jogadores.
I know andrews, when I said in the comment above that “I was hoping they do not give up” is because I had game released with an older version of the same Denuvo protection, in which case it is the game called “Lords Of The Fallen” he also had this protection, even with an old version tell by the way. To give you an idea they took no less than seven months to get cracking Lords Of The Fallen. That’s why I told them they desist not understand, because even if the difficulties seem very strong at the time of release of the game, in time nothing is unbreakable, ie, it can take as long as it, more if one day they get crack these current games with Denuvo protection will be warmly welcomed by many players.
denuvo might cause this to take months to crack, but maybe take it from another side. How about cracking steam and make a local version of steam running on the background while running this game, synced on, i personaly think it whould have no need to crack denuvo at all, once steam is a local server and controled by the user. just an idea
why should i be kidding, it’s a licence tool that runs on the background over ruling steam localy why is that so far-fetched.
Did it a number of times with windows/other companie products so why would it not work with steam, it’s only a reroute to local
have a look your self, i’m not a programmer or hacker, i just tell what i have seen in the past and used before, so in lame terms if you think you know so mutch about it and know for sure it wont work,then tell us why it could not work, instead beeing a complete sefcentered ass, and act like you know it all.
I just give a sugestion and if it wont work then say so why not instead leaving more questionmarks.
F. This world. Stop posting complete games without a crack. There is no crack, no play. F. Denuvo, F. ISIL, F. Obamma, F. all companies of Videogames. I hope the world be destroyed completed in to peaces very soon! I hate this world now!
My pirate-brothers here, since Just cause 3 is already cracked by 3DM, Tamper protection is not only DRM. We were working all clock around almost 24 hours a day. We will present the Anti-Tamper protection is a hole in the sky, and that hole is gonna get filled with bits and bytes. The sky will come down and we gonna play every game protection that they come with..
Just serial for this game and i will get some crack!!!
Siete grandi purtroppo con questa merda di denuvo e’ inutile scaricare il gioco senza un crack,confidiamo in voi per poter continuare a giocare,grazie mile comunque ragazzi siete miticiiiii!!!!!.
I like the ignorant kids that post first, second and third. Thanks for setting this generation back a little more……..
There is no need to download this and wait. Look at Just Cause 3. We are still waiting for a crack to be posted. This game will be no different from the other.
I see nothing wrong with trying out a game or movie in a tight. Then once you get some money grab it and support the dev or director. But you spongers need to grow up and get a job and move out from your mom’s basement, sorry your Command Center!
Hi my friends, some says “Steam games are cheap”, yes i’m agree, but they cheap IN ANY OTHER COUNTRY, we leave in Brazil, we pay twice or three times original price of the game here.
The only young kid here is you. Sorry, but I must react!
Many people there are probably much older than you and are much more interested at IT, programming etc. . If someone is interested in gaming or somebody post first or second reply is not necessary the child. Not only kids are stealing games or programs. Get to it and don’t bother anybody with your passion to humiliate and berate the others. Waste your energy to do something useful. Thank you.
Cassi you seem to be ignorant. Perhaps special ed from the way you try to sound. Only stupid people make pointless comments and give no thanks or appreciation. But again you seem like you don’t understand simple things.
You also do realize you can be grown and act like a child also? Being a certain age doesn’t account for anything at this point and life. Then you tell me to waste my energy on something useful./ I would hate to see them try to program when the only thing they can actually post is first, second or third. I’m sure they excel in their class and learning.
But perhaps like them you made your way to school on the little short bus. Hanging your head out the window screaming, “I’m going to school!” Or licking all the windows as you went by them to sit down.
You act like stealing is a great thing from your post. In some countries they chop off your hands when you are caught stealing. Maybe that needs to happen with software also, Then we will not have to see your stupid comment along with the retarded first, second and third ones.
Perhaps if you had a job and was working instead of commenting on a malware site. You could actually buy it and not steal it. As you seem to be a not working and expect everyone to give you free stuff or steal it. Ignorant people like you are just sad. Hopefully your helmet on your head never falls off…….
Cracked are important for people who will test the game ! But the kiddies can’t understand that, they have the money from parents and have no money problems or something… Not everybody have a lot of money for every game in the coming months of game releases…
I hope the 3DM Team can unlock the door of this copyrights in games like Far Cry Primal or Tomb Raider :) When the game will be good and have a nice story ect., I buy the game otherwise I remove the game from my hdd !
The Witcher Triology is on my hdd and I have bought this game as a special edition… I support the developers ect. but only for a good game :)
@@@@@@ Denovo is nothing.. fifa 16 and just couse 3 <— not important @@@@@@
@@@@@ No one cares about these two games get your sh1t @@@@@@@@@@@
this is preload version and we have lock file your method work with unlocked version you mean i should copy this 2 folder SteamApps and Depotcache to newfolder like gametitle and this not work
Se comprar nao pago conta de luz,se pagar a conta de luz ainda vai faltar conta de agua,telefone e da mercearia do seu joão.Crack pode demorar meses pra sair.Takipariu morrendo de vontade de jogar disposto a pagar e nenhum tostão furado no bolso.Ser pobre e uma merda.
crack is not ready yet i guess….
but what the heck with just cause 3 … 90% crack completion…?
srsly…. i bought just cause 3 some weeks ago..i already finished it,explored all the map,conquered all enemy territories ….good game…
if yu have money …don’t wait..go buy just cause 3’s awesome …it worths it ….
dontdownloadwithoutcrack (29 Jan 2016, 18:32)
i think i just will be patient and wait for the crack… last time i downloaded Just Cuase 3 (almost 40gb) and no crack release… GOD! :(
You fuckinn morons….i was downloading from google drive …and after two hours at 3.6Gb it stops and it says ”Failed-Network error” ….
yu know what …. fuckkkkkkkkk yuuuuuuuuuuu…..
i will go buy it …soon….
When will be accessible full crack?
A lot of of times it was the spoken on the page 3DM writes that in the next week
but nowhere I found this information.
go to steam with an indian ip and make new account buy tomb raider for 15 dollars… u have to use a wallet card (global) then buuy the gme family share it to ur account and then play the game while offline from steam… much easier than wait for 10 fuckig months
This game is only USD 15 (INR 999). I bought it from Amazon for Windows and the game rocks!!! I just completed the Syria act and it is mindblowing. I would suggest you all to use any Indian IP and buy the game from a new Indian Steam account. Or else check for some good deal. If you want I can also send you the game for USD 15.
indian motherfucker noobs always idiots, the USD is International currency which used all around the globally equal rates like 59$ game in some asian country otherwise in euro same like euro = 59$, and it would be in your shit country is also like a 59$=5k+. FUCKING NOOB shit face Indians
ndian motherfucker noobs always idiots, the USD is International currency which used all around the globally equal rates like 59$ game in some asian country otherwise in euro same like euro = 59$, and it would be in your shit country is also like a 59$=5k+. FUCKING NOOB
THE FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The second! Great! I just hope you will broke Denuvo. It’s shitty DRM. Don’t give up and thumbs up!
Será que realmente vai sair o Crack para esse grande Jogo e o Just Cause 3? Sinceramente eu espero que eles não desistam tão fácil assim de crackear esses Jogos com essa maldita proteção Denuvo, pois o que eles querem é que desistam fácil, e isso não podemos permitir. Espero que tenham persistência e esperança de um Dia crackear esse Jogo. Abraço a todos.
Will you really go out Crack for that big game and Just Cause 3? I sincerely hope they do not give up that easy to crack these games with that damn Denuvo protection because what they want is to give up easy, and it can not afford. I hope you have persistence and hope one day crack this game. Hug to everyone.
leandroultradownloads , não pense que eles não queiram mas simplesmente eles não conseguiram mais crackear futuros games com a proteção Denuvo, tanto que o 3DM (o cara dos cracks) fez esta previsão para o futuro…
Eu sei andrews, quando eu disse que no comentário acima que “Esperava que eles não desistissem” é porque já teve jogo lançado com uma versão mais antiga dessa mesma proteção Denuvo, que nesse caso trata-se do jogo chamado “Lords Of The Fallen”, ele também teve essa proteção, mesmo que com uma versão antiga diga-se de passagem. Para você ter uma ideia Eles demoraram nada mais nada menos do que 7 Meses para conseguirem Crackear Lords Of The Fallen. É por isso que eu disse para eles não desistirem entende, pois mesmo que as dificuldades pareçam muito fortes no momento do lançamento do jogo, com o tempo nada é inquebrável, ou seja, pode demorar o tempo que for, mais se um dia eles conseguirem Crackear esses jogos atuais com a proteção Denuvo será muito bem recebido por muitos jogadores.
Abraço amigo.
I know andrews, when I said in the comment above that “I was hoping they do not give up” is because I had game released with an older version of the same Denuvo protection, in which case it is the game called “Lords Of The Fallen” he also had this protection, even with an old version tell by the way. To give you an idea they took no less than seven months to get cracking Lords Of The Fallen. That’s why I told them they desist not understand, because even if the difficulties seem very strong at the time of release of the game, in time nothing is unbreakable, ie, it can take as long as it, more if one day they get crack these current games with Denuvo protection will be warmly welcomed by many players.
denuvo might cause this to take months to crack, but maybe take it from another side. How about cracking steam and make a local version of steam running on the background while running this game, synced on, i personaly think it whould have no need to crack denuvo at all, once steam is a local server and controled by the user. just an idea
@maybe idea Really Bro Are you kidding me, :o
why should i be kidding, it’s a licence tool that runs on the background over ruling steam localy why is that so far-fetched.
Did it a number of times with windows/other companie products so why would it not work with steam, it’s only a reroute to local
@ maybe idea If you have done so before, why don’t you create it yourself and show us. :3
have a look your self, i’m not a programmer or hacker, i just tell what i have seen in the past and used before, so in lame terms if you think you know so mutch about it and know for sure it wont work,then tell us why it could not work, instead beeing a complete sefcentered ass, and act like you know it all.
I just give a sugestion and if it wont work then say so why not instead leaving more questionmarks.
Pirate VS Denuvo
Round 1
muny99. Round 1 Started with Just cause 3 Denuvo wins. this is Round 2 lets see who will win
F. This world. Stop posting complete games without a crack. There is no crack, no play. F. Denuvo, F. ISIL, F. Obamma, F. all companies of Videogames. I hope the world be destroyed completed in to peaces very soon! I hate this world now!
My pirate-brothers here, since Just cause 3 is already cracked by 3DM, Tamper protection is not only DRM. We were working all clock around almost 24 hours a day. We will present the Anti-Tamper protection is a hole in the sky, and that hole is gonna get filled with bits and bytes. The sky will come down and we gonna play every game protection that they come with..
Just serial for this game and i will get some crack!!!
Say something brothers here just put the w w w
Just cause 3 for u my brothers
I really do hope that you guys can crack this game and just cause 3 and most of all all of the upcoming games. I hate denuvo period fuck them.
that crack its fake as f**k, don`t waste time in that
Siete grandi purtroppo con questa merda di denuvo e’ inutile scaricare il gioco senza un crack,confidiamo in voi per poter continuare a giocare,grazie mile comunque ragazzi siete miticiiiii!!!!!.
1. Extract.
2. Wait FOREVER for crack.
3. Play!
Steam games are so cheap, i hope they can’t crack nothing more
stupid leandro ultra downloads go fuck yourself
your mother is mine
mine too
Maybe They will crack that denyvi shit in a week like mgs v tpp and mad max , :p
Its your dream that u can play it free,,Its protected bt Denuvo DRM and Cracking of Denuvo is a nightmare for pirates,,
I like the ignorant kids that post first, second and third. Thanks for setting this generation back a little more……..
There is no need to download this and wait. Look at Just Cause 3. We are still waiting for a crack to be posted. This game will be no different from the other.
I see nothing wrong with trying out a game or movie in a tight. Then once you get some money grab it and support the dev or director. But you spongers need to grow up and get a job and move out from your mom’s basement, sorry your Command Center!
Bchimaton Aydan
I’m the Fourth… Cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool thnks for upload
Whether tomorrow will be crack?
File does not exist on this server
problem download with torrent ?
fuck ME :(
Thank you very much =)
crack out yet??
Hi my friends, some says “Steam games are cheap”, yes i’m agree, but they cheap IN ANY OTHER COUNTRY, we leave in Brazil, we pay twice or three times original price of the game here.
Will be the crack today?
Hello is crack out ? thx for info
how do i install this game in my windows pc??
The only young kid here is you. Sorry, but I must react!
Many people there are probably much older than you and are much more interested at IT, programming etc. . If someone is interested in gaming or somebody post first or second reply is not necessary the child. Not only kids are stealing games or programs. Get to it and don’t bother anybody with your passion to humiliate and berate the others. Waste your energy to do something useful. Thank you.
Cassi you seem to be ignorant. Perhaps special ed from the way you try to sound. Only stupid people make pointless comments and give no thanks or appreciation. But again you seem like you don’t understand simple things.
You also do realize you can be grown and act like a child also? Being a certain age doesn’t account for anything at this point and life. Then you tell me to waste my energy on something useful./ I would hate to see them try to program when the only thing they can actually post is first, second or third. I’m sure they excel in their class and learning.
But perhaps like them you made your way to school on the little short bus. Hanging your head out the window screaming, “I’m going to school!” Or licking all the windows as you went by them to sit down.
You act like stealing is a great thing from your post. In some countries they chop off your hands when you are caught stealing. Maybe that needs to happen with software also, Then we will not have to see your stupid comment along with the retarded first, second and third ones.
Perhaps if you had a job and was working instead of commenting on a malware site. You could actually buy it and not steal it. As you seem to be a not working and expect everyone to give you free stuff or steal it. Ignorant people like you are just sad. Hopefully your helmet on your head never falls off…….
I am from Brazil and the steam games are really cheap
Just work and buy it
Cracked are important for people who will test the game ! But the kiddies can’t understand that, they have the money from parents and have no money problems or something… Not everybody have a lot of money for every game in the coming months of game releases…
I hope the 3DM Team can unlock the door of this copyrights in games like Far Cry Primal or Tomb Raider :) When the game will be good and have a nice story ect., I buy the game otherwise I remove the game from my hdd !
The Witcher Triology is on my hdd and I have bought this game as a special edition… I support the developers ect. but only for a good game :)
Cracks is out next week! Check 3dm site says its 40% complete and just cause is 90% we are craaaaakers…release the kraken(movie)
see butt can you share the news link…..waiting ur erply
see butt Where i can find 3dm site in english, because i only found it in Chineese
Cracks is out next week! Check 3dm site says its 40% complete and just cause is 90% we are craaaaakers…release the kraken(movie)
when crack
link?? source??
preload unlocker plz
@@@@@@ Denovo is nothing.. fifa 16 and just couse 3 <— not important @@@@@@
@@@@@ No one cares about these two games get your sh1t @@@@@@@@@@@
this game version is in spanish ?
@ asd: Yes the game will be available in spanish :)
@ All: Yeah a guy write Crack is on the way and will be released soon … No way,
for us there is no protection to ensure ! ;)
I have the preload game, now the unlock game is out, I have to download the game again?
we need unlocker plz
how can i use this in steam?
any one can help? witch folder should i copy on where? some tut?
Setup steam,and go to steamapps and create a folder with name”common”and create a folder with game title and copy data in this folder.
createing crack
this is preload version and we have lock file your method work with unlocked version you mean i should copy this 2 folder SteamApps and Depotcache to newfolder like gametitle and this not work
Se comprar nao pago conta de luz,se pagar a conta de luz ainda vai faltar conta de agua,telefone e da mercearia do seu joão.Crack pode demorar meses pra sair.Takipariu morrendo de vontade de jogar disposto a pagar e nenhum tostão furado no bolso.Ser pobre e uma merda.
ótimo, muito Obrigado hehehe
Torrent’ s link doesn’t work!!
crack is not ready yet i guess….
but what the heck with just cause 3 … 90% crack completion…?
srsly…. i bought just cause 3 some weeks ago..i already finished it,explored all the map,conquered all enemy territories ….good game…
if yu have money …don’t wait..go buy just cause 3’s awesome …it worths it ….
i think i just will be patient and wait for the crack… last time i downloaded Just Cuase 3 (almost 40gb) and no crack release… GOD! :(
Give me da krak,krak krak…
You fuckinn morons….i was downloading from google drive …and after two hours at 3.6Gb it stops and it says ”Failed-Network error” ….
yu know what …. fuckkkkkkkkk yuuuuuuuuuuu…..
i will go buy it …soon….
will i be able to play it or not using steam offline
Why does the unlocker keep extracting the same file again and again? I think it happened to fallout 4 or a other game too… =\
any news about crack
anybody started playing………
Hello, when does crack will be available aprox. time? I want to test the game on my rig before buying it…
So why is everyone adding names?
Is there a way for this pirated game to be played online together? If there is, please tell me how!
crack .. soon and soon
how to extract the files?
When will be accessible full crack?
A lot of of times it was the spoken on the page 3DM writes that in the next week
but nowhere I found this information.
i have the original version on steam?i’ve downloaded the dlc..can i put it in the directory or i’ve got to download the steam preload unlocker first??
Add to steam crack I’d try the Family Sharing my id is ivan18salamanca Thanks.
puede alguin explicar que diablos es esos archivos por favor
go to steam with an indian ip and make new account buy tomb raider for 15 dollars… u have to use a wallet card (global) then buuy the gme family share it to ur account and then play the game while offline from steam… much easier than wait for 10 fuckig months
any news on crack
This game is only USD 15 (INR 999). I bought it from Amazon for Windows and the game rocks!!! I just completed the Syria act and it is mindblowing. I would suggest you all to use any Indian IP and buy the game from a new Indian Steam account. Or else check for some good deal. If you want I can also send you the game for USD 15.
indian motherfucker noobs always idiots, the USD is International currency which used all around the globally equal rates like 59$ game in some asian country otherwise in euro same like euro = 59$, and it would be in your shit country is also like a 59$=5k+. FUCKING NOOB shit face Indians
Please help.
How do you unpack the .tiger files?
In India the same Game rates are very less compare to USA or UK rates, 60 – 80% less rates.
ndian motherfucker noobs always idiots, the USD is International currency which used all around the globally equal rates like 59$ game in some asian country otherwise in euro same like euro = 59$, and it would be in your shit country is also like a 59$=5k+. FUCKING NOOB
all link death
They don’t have a crack for this cuz too busy sucking shit at your skid row fags!!!
Crack link doesn’t work.
Torrent File Not Exists… pls update
The steam preload unlocker file links are expired. Please update them