Slayers! Go forth and eradicate the Oni menace! Experience the latest hunting action game featuring a dynamic targeted destruction system! The latest installment in the hunting action series “Toukiden”.
Slayers! Go forth and eradicate the Oni menace! Experience the latest hunting action game featuring a dynamic targeted destruction system!
The latest installment in the hunting action series “Toukiden”. From the battlefield to the village that serves as your base of operations, the game takes place in a vast “open world”. Explore the vast world for yourself, and enjoy hunting action from an entirely new perspective.
Title: Toukiden 2
Genre: Action
Release Date: 21 Mar, 2017
anyone got fix on this one… it wont start up it says “Toukiden 2 has stopped working” – i already tried running admin and compatability w7… nothings works
If the game is not launching, its not a skidrow issue. Just google it ffs. A lot of people are having the same issue and all of them have windows 7. Maybe they will make a patch for it.
Any chances Skid can make this game work? I was really looking forward to this game and apparently it won’t launch at all..
If anyone on here or even Skid can offer us a guide on how to fix this issue, I’d gladly appreciate it on behalf of all the fans who have waited for this game.
PS: I’ve already read the ReadMe note and have followed every step yet the issue still persists to exist.
@Chris, does it work when you use another screen resolution? Also, if you find any solution as to why the program won’t run, please let us know immediately.
Ok, I believe everything is fine when I run the game with the application : “Toukiden2_EN.exe”, in which I can play in 1080p graphic without crashing when I load the save.
The previous problem was running the game from the Toukiden2launcher, where the game will not start if i checkbox full screen, or select 1080p option. However, it does launch the game if window mode is selected. While i can still turn full screen back on from in game graphic setting, but setting the resolution to 1080p from there crashes the game upon loading the save data.
I am running with Windows 10.
“Mounted” the ISO and installed the game. Then just copy the necessary files from the folder “CODEX” and paste it to where you saved the game. My steam and windows defender wasn’t running by the way. I launched “Toukiden2_EN” from there and it worked perfectly fine.
Multiplayer usually never works with crack games unless it provides its own server, so if you want that then you do need to actually buy the game. Its trade off to play for free
I’ve already copied the crack folder and have attempted to open the Toukiden_EN Folder and still nothing. I have also tried setting the resolution below 1920×1080, changed it to windows mode, made sure the exe is W7 compatible and have set every settings to low and off.
Disable movie playback in launcher…. possible codec issue but I doubt it because file format is wmv so should all be good.
Make sure to install items from _CommonRedist folder …even if you KNOW you have already.
Make sure you have steam installed, not running just installed!
Try obvious things, turn off Afterburner, FRAPS, AV etc to troubleshoot.
Instant “Toukiden has stopped working” error.
I downloaded a 3 part file. Highlighted them all. Extracted them. Mounted iso. Installed (both with automatically copying CODEX and not). Pasted new steam api’s and launchers.
100% CTD when trying to use the Synthesizing Materials machine at the professes house. Every time I try and synth an item it crashes. Does it need an update? Anyone else having this issue?
This is interesting… Just downloaded the fitgirl repack to see if I could transfer the DLC across to this release.
Anyway…. first time I ran the fitgirl release ….The game took about 7 minutes to launch!!!
And during this time the window said (Not responding).
When game launched, closed it down and now it loads after 3 seconds, every time.
Maybe this will help someone.
For those of you having the crash problem in windows 7 install this Windows update KB2670838.
It fixed the problem for me. Hope it works for you guys as well
Here is a AMD card. Well I didn have much problem. But the first thing you need to do its use the LAUNCHER to match you config. After that just run that .EXE that matches your language(ex.toukiden_EN.exe) and thats it. I notice that this game have some problems with resolutions.. Im running on windows because of that. So pay attention to it. Now if it have any problems about nvidia drivers dont know waht can be. Good Luck.
UPDATE: try what @FIX advised , I already have these win updates BEFORE.
Cheers from Brazil.
HI Everyone, it’s my imagination or the game it has a lot of lag i’ve tried to play it on the lowest resolution and is still has lag, I’ve played games like RE7 in ultra without problems so this game should work smooth, is this an issue with the game itself or with the crack?
Unplayable? I’ve just completed last mission and made some sick lv6(max in toukiden 2) weapon and armor
Have You ever played Toukiden Kiwami? Toukiden 2 is much more playable
Guys, I’m having a problem. I can’t update the game to V1.0.1, it keeps showing error of extracting, “There was an error of unpacking in the module isxdeltaextract!”
Tnx… great work
verry good thanbk ad
Awesome! Toukiden Kiwami was a great game, can’t wait to play the sequel!
NiCe JoB
props CODEX
This will help pass some time :~}
Gonna seed this one for 2-3 days from now on. Hopefully it’ll help ya.
Well, until one of the big, big hitters comes along I’m naming this one game of the month :D
anyone got fix on this one… it wont start up it says “Toukiden 2 has stopped working” – i already tried running admin and compatability w7… nothings works
Try putting the crack in the game folder like every single PC game on this site instructs us to do to play the game
@logical Guy
-already did that in the 1st place… this is the 1st time i encountered problem from skidrow
Is this game fun? Alot of weapons and armor? How the replay value?
It wont start up :(
Will there be a tunngle you think?
Try creating exception in Anti-Virus for game folder, then re-install.
Toukiden2Launcher Doesn’t work you have to open folder location and make a shortcut with the Toukiden2_EN instead and it should work
even launching Toukiden2_EN from folder… it doesnt work… still stopped working
fifa 17 plzzzz
It’s not launching!! Do we have to unpack all of the _Common Redlist??
Made a shortcut, and still doesn’t work. >_>
I need cd key serial numbers where
If the game is not launching, its not a skidrow issue. Just google it ffs. A lot of people are having the same issue and all of them have windows 7. Maybe they will make a patch for it.
the game does not support th mouse you only play with kyboard!!!!!! oh my god is there is any solution
Any chances Skid can make this game work? I was really looking forward to this game and apparently it won’t launch at all..
If anyone on here or even Skid can offer us a guide on how to fix this issue, I’d gladly appreciate it on behalf of all the fans who have waited for this game.
PS: I’ve already read the ReadMe note and have followed every step yet the issue still persists to exist.
This isnt the new senran kagura game…
Does multiplayer work with this version?
The game crashes if i set my graphics to 1920 x 1080 full screen. Does this happen to anyone else?
@Chris, does it work when you use another screen resolution? Also, if you find any solution as to why the program won’t run, please let us know immediately.
Yes please let us know, I really wanna play this beautiful game!
Ok, I believe everything is fine when I run the game with the application : “Toukiden2_EN.exe”, in which I can play in 1080p graphic without crashing when I load the save.
The previous problem was running the game from the Toukiden2launcher, where the game will not start if i checkbox full screen, or select 1080p option. However, it does launch the game if window mode is selected. While i can still turn full screen back on from in game graphic setting, but setting the resolution to 1080p from there crashes the game upon loading the save data.
Wow i didn’t even know this games was out already…
How’d you even get the game to launch?
I am running with Windows 10.
“Mounted” the ISO and installed the game. Then just copy the necessary files from the folder “CODEX” and paste it to where you saved the game. My steam and windows defender wasn’t running by the way. I launched “Toukiden2_EN” from there and it worked perfectly fine.
Oh, man. I’m such a fuckin’ stooge. Thanks, Kelvin.
Does multiplayer work on this version?
Has anyone tried if we can use tunngle or hamachi to make lan party works?
Multiplayer usually never works with crack games unless it provides its own server, so if you want that then you do need to actually buy the game. Its trade off to play for free
I’m not asking what’s usual. I’m asking if multiplayer works with this version.
I’ve already copied the crack folder and have attempted to open the Toukiden_EN Folder and still nothing. I have also tried setting the resolution below 1920×1080, changed it to windows mode, made sure the exe is W7 compatible and have set every settings to low and off.
I’m playing on win 7 and its running flawless;
People with problems…. Nvidia or AMD??
this game have the best installer i love this song The Prodigy nice \m/
Disable movie playback in launcher…. possible codec issue but I doubt it because file format is wmv so should all be good.
Make sure to install items from _CommonRedist folder …even if you KNOW you have already.
Make sure you have steam installed, not running just installed!
Try obvious things, turn off Afterburner, FRAPS, AV etc to troubleshoot.
Instant “Toukiden has stopped working” error.
I downloaded a 3 part file. Highlighted them all. Extracted them. Mounted iso. Installed (both with automatically copying CODEX and not). Pasted new steam api’s and launchers.
can i play it with core I3 ?
@Thiaggus How did you make it work? I’m using W7 and can’t seem to make the game work.
@Jelly76 I’m using NVIDIA.
@NA then the simple answer is “NO”
or you can try the game to confirm it being usual or not
100% CTD when trying to use the Synthesizing Materials machine at the professes house. Every time I try and synth an item it crashes. Does it need an update? Anyone else having this issue?
I do have this exact same problem monty, have not found a fix yet.
the rest runs smooth.
This is interesting… Just downloaded the fitgirl repack to see if I could transfer the DLC across to this release.
Anyway…. first time I ran the fitgirl release ….The game took about 7 minutes to launch!!!
And during this time the window said (Not responding).
When game launched, closed it down and now it loads after 3 seconds, every time.
Maybe this will help someone.
The synthesis glitch is for everyone, even the steam version. The devs released an 1.01 version to fix it,
>■Update Details
The following issue has been fixed.
After setting the language to English, attempting to synthesize materials at the laboratory caused the game to stop.
Can’t change the game to jap either as it doesn’t carry over saves. We need the 1.01 update or have to avoid synthesis.
Ill be playing this one then Fitgirl Toukiden 2 v1.0.1 + All DLCs
For those of you having the crash problem in windows 7 install this Windows update KB2670838.
It fixed the problem for me. Hope it works for you guys as well
@FIX this solved the issue … proven and tested… tnx a lot …
for those who cant launch the game just try windows update KB2670838 it can be found on the Optional less important part … :) kudos
Here is a AMD card. Well I didn have much problem. But the first thing you need to do its use the LAUNCHER to match you config. After that just run that .EXE that matches your language(ex.toukiden_EN.exe) and thats it. I notice that this game have some problems with resolutions.. Im running on windows because of that. So pay attention to it. Now if it have any problems about nvidia drivers dont know waht can be. Good Luck.
UPDATE: try what @FIX advised , I already have these win updates BEFORE.
Cheers from Brazil.
Why is EVERSPACE not on this site? people missing out on a cracking little space game!
HI Everyone, it’s my imagination or the game it has a lot of lag i’ve tried to play it on the lowest resolution and is still has lag, I’ve played games like RE7 in ultra without problems so this game should work smooth, is this an issue with the game itself or with the crack?
Thanks for the help in advance
Anyone know if the most recent patch is available anywhere at all?
wwaiting for teh update 1.01 :)
Fitgirl Toukiden 2 v1.0.1 + All DLCs
Every time i launch it tries to start up Steam
as long as there’s no update this game unplayable
Unplayable? I’ve just completed last mission and made some sick lv6(max in toukiden 2) weapon and armor
Have You ever played Toukiden Kiwami? Toukiden 2 is much more playable
the game does not have sound, why?
is the only one who have this pronlem
Guys, I’m having a problem. I can’t update the game to V1.0.1, it keeps showing error of extracting, “There was an error of unpacking in the module isxdeltaextract!”
Is there a way to fix this?
torrent are not working!!!